HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.s. Street Width and Design Standards Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance AmendmentsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: August 17, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: CASE 04 -48 -TA Street Width and .Design Standards Zoning and AGENDA SECTION: Subdivision Ordinance Amendments by Consent' the City. PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGE -a 6. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Subdivision Ordinance Amendment, Draft Zoning Ordinance APPROVED BY Amendment, Excerpt July 27, 2004 PC minutes, Street PrdfileS RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to adopt ordinance amending the subdivision ordinance Section 5. 2. Motion to adopt ordinance amending the zoning ordinance Section 4.18, relating to public streets, right-of-way width, and private streets. ACTION: ISSUE Staff has noted an increase in developers requesting modifications to the ordinance standards relating to public street widths, right-of-way dedication, and private streets. The ordinance amendments clarify what the city's standards will be under certain conditions. This will assist staff during the planning review process, and will aid developers by clarifying the city's expectations. SUMMARY The greatest amount of change occurs in the Subdivision ordinance. This is the location where platting standards are set forth. Staff has separated the collector road category into major and minor and set standards for both. The table for street design standards has been modified to show paved street widths and right -of -way needs for roads with and without trails or sidewalks. In certain cases, such as arterial streets or major collector streets, the city would not allow those functional classification streets without a sidewalk or trail. Language has also been added to state the expectation by the city for developers to provide collector streets within generalized half -mile spacing. Also, the required widths for right -of -way dedication have been generally increased to provide additional width for the establishment of boulevard trees along collector streets. The zoning ordinance has a section dealing with private roads for attached single family units. This section has been expanded to explain that turn - arounds are needed. City practice has been to deferential between private streets and private drives. Private streets typically Z 'sNlennepls pue slleJl 10 uoijelleIsul pue saaaj paenalnoq jo 6ullueld se yons Aenn }o -jy61j ollgnd ulyllnn 6uijjn000 uaaq aney }eyl s96uego uoljeaaplsuoo o}ui soNel pue aoijoeid Ised g }Inn jualslsuoo sl uollewojul ayj 'Alleul j •suoijejoedxe s,Allo ayl luoaldn nnouN Ilp Aeql se sjadolanap 01 leioilaueq aq osle Ipm uollewaojui slyl •sylpinn Aennpeoi 6uwpie6aa sailsep s,AIIo aqj 6uiAenuo3 Alaleinooe uI gels }slsse lllnrt sa6ueyo ayl NOIsniONOO •se6ueyo q.eip ayj #o lenoidde papuawwooai Alsnowiueun uolsslwwoo eql •6uljeaq ollgnd ayj 6ulanp a�ods oilgnd ayj woaj euo ou pue sa6ueyo ay} 6uipie6aa uoisslwwoo 6uluueld ayj Aq uolssnoslp ou senn aaagl uolssiwu 03 Buluueld '199JIs alenljd a snsaan Aennanup al~enlad a salnlllsuoo leynn Inoge juawn6ae ssel sI aaagj pue Al!o aq} jo spuey ayj ul sI piepuels e woaj 6uiAjen jol uoliajoslp ayj aeuuew sIq} ul •eoueulpio 6uluoz ayj g6noayl ssaooid agj ezllewaoj o; juenn IOU saop `aanannoy uol ea slulwpe jeqj anulIuoo of sl�oadxe }}ejS •ss000id afld eye y6nayl ylpinn Aennanlap uw uoipnpaa a pannolle sey }gels pue uoljelnom aol ssal si uoiJounj saniap 941 seouelsul asoq} ul 'sbulpllnq Allwel -IIInw onq uaan4eq Aennsseooe ayj paaaplsuoo Allensn We sanlap alenli •pjepue }s ylpinn ua:4Iann ayj of play eq pinonn pue s6ulpllnq leJanas anaas ORINANCE NO. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO.° AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE XVII.4 THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Street Design Standards THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Ordinance XVIA, revised July 9, 1997, entitled "City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance," is hereby amended. Section 2 . Ordinance XVIA, Section 5.1.I, relating to Street Design standards is amended to read as follows: STREET DEIGN Classifications Right of Way fRO (ft.) without Trail and/or Sidewalks Right of Way (ft.) with Trails and/or Sidewalks Street Widths (ft.) (1) Principal or minor arterial As required by state or county As required by state or coup As required by state or coyp Major Collector N/A 100 44 -52 Minor Collector 80 188 — /A 80 -90 3642-44 Local 60 66 320 (1) Measured face of curb to face of curb. (2) Local street widths may be reduced to 28 feet face of curb to face of curb under the following conditions: 1. Parking allowed on one side of street only. 2. Sidewalk or trail located on both sides of the street ROW dedi tionrr , ex eiading tufa ar-etmd area may be r -e "eed ffem 60 to 50 feet, and A. For the planting of boulevard trees, the minimum required boulevard width as measured from back of curb to trail/sidewalk or right -of -way shall be eight 8 feet. ORINANCE NO. B. The construction of half streets shall be prohibited, but half of the required right -of -way shall be platted within such tract where streets are appropriate as determined by the City. C. Cul -de -sac dead end streets, designed to be so permanently, not serve more than fifteen (15) single- family dwelling units or twenty -five (25) multiple dwelling units and shall not be longer than seven hundred (700) feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turn around having roadway diameter of at least ninety (90) feet (measured face of curb to face of curb) and street property line diameter of at least one hundred twenty (120) feet. D. Cul-de-sacs shall only be developed where justified by irregular topography or where adjacent to limited access streets. E. Street grades, wherever feasible, shall not exceed the following, with vertical curves design each meeting Mn -DOT approved standards: Street type Percent grade Arterial 5 Collector 7 Local 8 F. No street grade in new subdivisions shall be less than one (1.0). At intersections, the street grade shall not exceed two and zero- tenths (2.0) percent for the first one - hundred (100) feet approaching said intersection. G. Collector streets are required to be constructed at approximately %2 mile spacing with the exact location dependent upon subdivision design, the in- place street system, and surrounding land uses. The final collector street location and function will be determined by the City Engineer. ORINANCE NO. Section 3 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of August, 2004. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Design of Streets and Parking Areas THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended. Section 2 . Ordinance B, Section 4.18.I.2, relating to design of streets and parking areas is amendment to read as follows: 2. All intemal private r-eadways streets shall be a minimum twenty -eight (28) feet wide face to face. Private streets shall be designed to provide circulation and connectivity. Dead -end private streets shall include a cul- de-sac or City approved turn- around when greater than 150 feet. Section 2 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTESTS: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of August, 2004. Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting 07 -27 -04 5F. CASE 0448 -TA Street Width and Design Standards -Text Amendment. Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director noted this application is prompted due to developers requesting modifications to the ordinance standards relating to public street widths, right -of -way dedication, and private streets. The ordinance amendments clarify what the city's standards will be under certain conditions. This will assist staff during the planning review process, and will aid developers by clarifying the city's expectations. The greatest amount of change occurred in the Subdivision ordinance, the location where platting standards are set forth. She reviewed the changes made in the draft ordinance. Language had also been added to state the expectation by the city for developers to provide collector streets within generalized half -mile spacing. Also, the required widths for right -of -way dedication had generally been increased to provide additional width for the establishment of boulevard trees along collector streets. The zoning ordinance included a section dealing with private roads for attached single family units. This section had been expanded to explain that turn- arounds are needed. City practice had been to differentiate between private streets and private drives. Staff expects to continue that differentiation however, does not want to formalize the process through the zoning ordinance The changes will assist staff in accurately conveying the city's desires regarding roadway widths. This information will also be beneficial to developers as they will know upfront the city's expectations. Finally, the draft language is consistent with past practice and takes into consideration changes that have been occurring within public right -of -way such as planting of boulevard trees and installation of trails and sidewalks. Chair Messner opened the public hearing. No one responded, therefore, Chair Messner motioned to close the public hearing which was seconded by Commissioner Schultz. All ayes to close the public hearing. MOTION by Messner second by Schultz to recommend the City Council approve amending the subdivision ordinance Section 5, and amending the zoning ordinance Section 4.18, relating to public streets, right -of -way width and private streets. . Ayes: Schultz, Zum, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. 4 f i i MINOR COLLECTOR - 4150 Olson Memial Highway STREET WIDTH Minneapolis. MNi5542222 ORDINANCE AMMENDMENT wSB && A. F,X79�;;_, � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ; MA ROromwM1TP"L_SECTIONSIMINOR.dwg. Let WH. 7127=09 9:10.39 AM i i RIGHT i OF WAY i 80' TO 90' i 5° g' 8' 3'' =42' =ACE TO F ACE MIN. MIN. MIN. MiN. o LD a > > —I i I j RIGHT i OF WAY 100'MIN. 4 I 5�8 , 8 , 44 -52 FAC TO FAQ,_ � 8 MIN: { MIN. MIN. MIN. J Q 0 __j Q > > e m o ry pna MAJOR COLLECTOR 4150Cison Memorial Highway STREET WIDTH • Sui 5 e 422 Minneapolis, ss4az ORDINANCE AMMENDMENT FAx 763 ; M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA as • M1Ro .emwnnrrrlCAL_SECnoMSwwOFLdwg. Lmymdl. lmrmo+ "IMAM