HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.r. Brockway Area PUD AgreementCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: August 17, 2004 AGEND S ISSUE The PUD. Agreement for the Brockway area is attached. The agreement effectively adopts the latest set of plans for the Brockway development as the zoning standards for the development. Therefore, any changes that are requested will result in either a minor or major amendment to the PUD and the agreement. BACKGROUND Applicant & Property Owner(s): Contractor Property Developers Company and Rottlund Homes. Location: South of 132 Street (County Road 38), East of Highway 3, North of Connemara Trail. Area in Acres: 113 Number of Lots & Density: 624 @ 5.49 units per acre (gross) Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Urban Residential, High Density Residential, Parks & Open Space, Current Zoning: R -1, Low Density Residential PUD, R -2, Moderate Density Residential PUD, R -3, Medium Density PUD, Public/ Institutional (Ordinance B -140, July 6, 2004) City Council Action: Approved Preliminary Plat Resolution 2004 —85 (July 6, 2004). SUMMARY The PUD Agreement consolidates all of the City approvals and conditions of the development. It attaches the various resolutions of the preliminary plat, shoreland permit and AGENDA ITEM: Brockway Area PUD Agreement A ECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGE ;. 1.. ATTACHMENTS: Draft PUD Agreement with exhibits, Council and Planning Commission APPROVED BY: Meeting Minutes RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize execution of the Brockway PUD Agreement, subject to recommendations by the City Attorney. ACTION: Y wetland permits. The plans and the conditional approval become the zoning for the property. However, the plan does not completely pre -empt zoning, building, fire or engineering standards. The plan has been revised many times, and has evolved to a point that is supported by staff, reflecting many previously recommended issues. There may be cases In which the plan does not provide detail, or staff has identified instances where current zoning takes precedence over the plan. In those cases, interpretation of the zoning defaults to the zoning ordinance. The sign ordinance and visibility at intersections is an example. The PUD can be amended upon request and Council approval. Significant amendments require public hearings and Planning Commission review. Comparatively minor amendments are called administrative, and are forwarded directly to Council for action. Amendment Procedure (excerpted from the ordinance) Requested changes in the [PUD] Development Plan after approval has been granted will require submission of an amended plan document, a revised plat (if applicable), an amended development agreement, and a review process incorporating the public hearing requirements, unless the changes are minor, as defined below: a. Change in housing mix less than or equal to two (2) percent of the total units in the development with no increase in housing density. b. Change in building locations that do not materially impact the approved plan or that affect approved setbacks. C. Change in street or parking configurations in order to address minor requirements to improve circulation. d. Other minor modifications as determined by the City. The Meadows of Bloomfield PUD has been amended with the administrative procedure, with the adoption of the revised row townhouse design. That change was considered minor, with no additional changes to standards occurring, but id did change the PUD Agreement with new exhibits reflecting the new townhouse design. RECOMMENDATION The Plan as revised reflects the City approvals as recommended. It should be noted that several aspects of the plan are qualified in the attached resolutions. For example, Blocks 14, 15 and Outlot P, Block 20 are required to go through the amendment process, because of the lack of design resolution or other concerns. 2 y BROCKWAY AREA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this day of , 2004, by Mr. Homer Tompkins, President, Contractor Property Developers Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant"); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit 1, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property "); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ( "City ") in connection with the approval of an application for a planned unit development for a [residential, commercial, mixed use] development on the Subject Property, and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the planned unit development would not have been approved; and WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the "Declaration "); and CLL-2508290 1 RS215 -4 WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No.2004 -83, Exhibit 2 b. City Resolution No. 2004 -84, Exhibit 3 C. City Resolution No. 2004 -85, Exhibit 4 b. Preliminary Plat, Exhibit 5 A -Q: Existing Conditions / Survey, sheet 1 of 14* Exhibit 5A Development Plan / Preliminary Plat, sheet 2 of 14* Exhibit 5B Phasing Plan, sheet 2A of 14* Exhibit 5C Preliminary Plat North Half, sheet 3 of 14* Exhibit 5D Preliminary Plat — South Half, sheet 4 of 14* Exhibit 5E Preliminary Site Plan - North Half, sheet 5 of 14* Exhibit 5F Preliminary Site Plan- South Half, sheet 6 of 14* Exhibit 5G Preliminary Grading Plan North Side, sheet 7 of 14* Exhibit 5H Preliminary Grading Plan South Side, sheet S of 14* Exhibit 5I Preliminary Utility Plan North Side, sheet 9 of 14* Exhibit 5J Preliminary Utility Plan South Side, sheet 10 of 14* Exhibit 5K Preliminary Landscape Plan, sheet 11 of 14* Exhibit 5L CLL-250829v1 2 RS215 4 Preliminary Landscape Plan, sheet 12 of 14* Exhibit 5M Centerline Profiles, sheet 13 of 14* Exhibit 5N Centerline Profiles & Details, sheet 14 of 14* Exhibit 50 Trail and Sidewalk Responsibility Key (North half) Exhibit 5P Trail and Sidewalk Responsibility Key (South half) Exhibit 5Q * All attachments revised 05 /14/04, received by City May 14, 2004 C. Elevations & Foundation Planting Plans, Exhibits 6A -W Urban Villa Townhome 114 unit building Al Exhibit 6A Urban Villa Townhouse Foundation Planting Plan L-3 Exhibit 6B The Gables 1110 unit building Al Exhibit 6C The Gables II Foundation Planting Plan L -4 Exhibit 6D The Villa 1110 unit building Al Exhibit 6E The Villa II Foundation Planting Plan L-2 Exhibit 6F Garden Homes. III 4 unit Condominiums Exhibit 6G Garden Townhouse Foundation Planting Plan L -1 Exhibit 6H Lexington Lodge `O' front Al Exhibit 6I Lexington Lodge `M' front Al Exhibit 6J Addison Lodge `B' front Al Exhibit 6K Bennington Lodge `A' front Al Exhibit 6L Brookstone Lodge `B' front Al Exhibit 6M Kincaid Lodge `B' front Al Exhibit 6N Kincaid Lodge `D' front Al Exhibit 60 Anthem Traditions `B' front Al Exhibit 6P CLL- 2508290 3 RS215 -4 Anthem Traditions `C' front Al Exhibit 6Q Revere `B' front Al Exhibit 6R Revere `C' front Al Exhibit 6S Hamilton `A' front Al Exhibit 6T Hamilton `C' front Al Exhibit 6U Woodward Lodge `A' front Al Exhibit 6V Woodward Lodge "N" front Al Exhibit 6W all of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: " a. Single- Family detached housing shall have the following minimums • Front yard setbacks from street right -of -way shall be 25 feet for living space • Front yard setbacks of 30 feet for garages. • No driveways or garages may be oriented towards street 1, the north -south connecting street. • Corner lots shall only permit housing types with recessed garages. b. Townhouses shall have the following minimums • Setbacks to Streets 1 and 6, the primary north - south street shall be 25 feet from the right-of-way line including covered entrances. • Setbacks to all other streets shall be 20 feet. C. Apartments and Senior Condominiums shall be setback 25 feet from street right -of -way and 20 feet from interior propertylines. CLL-250829v1 4 RS215-4 • Apartments and senior condominiums are required to be process with PUD amendments for architecture and site plan conformance with the approved concept. • All landscaping in setback areas, boulevards, medians and screening areas shall be the responsibility of the homeowners association(s) for maintenance and replacement. All replacement landscaping intended for public right-of- way shall be approved by the City Engineering department. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of these Declarations, unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4. In connection with the approval of developers of the Subject Property, the following variances from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 6.5.F. R -1, Low Density Residential Minimum lot area, lot width, maximum lot coverage and setbacks. b. Section 6.7.F. R -2, Moderate Density Residential Minimum lot area, lot width, lot setbacks. c. Section 6.8.F. R -3, Medium Density Residential Minimum lot area, lot width, lot setbacks, d. Section 4.18.G single family attached dwelling garage requirements for Gables II and Villa II housing blocks 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the City Code of Ordinances. CLL-250829v1 5 RS215 4 5. That part of the Subject Property platted as outlots may not be improved without first securing from the City of Rosemount approval of a replatting of such outlots, an amendment to the planned unit development of the Subject Property and an amendment to this Declaration of Covenants, unless said outlot development is consistent with the planned unit development. 6. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT By > Its By Its (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2004, by the and the for and on behalf of a by on behalf of said CLL- 2508290 6 RS215 -4 Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered (CLL) 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337 -9300 CLL- 250829v1. 7 RS215 -4 saJOV 9V4011 :oaJy •6ugDU1UJjaj aJay; puD auiJ ifDM }o y6 X1-JajsaM pros 01 )aaJ 9Z'005 `JS03 spuooas 9l , alnulcu f k saaJ6ap B9 y.}JON aouay} 49aj LB'Lg£' `IsaM spuoaas Sl sa�nuluJ go saaJ6ap el WJON aouGgI `pagposap aq oI auy ayI jo 6uluui6aq jo jg1od 9y4 oI Saar L - k'OLZ `aq// q�noS ` p!DS 6uo /D 5u.uoaq pauinssD `�saM spuooas 91 sa ;nulcu fJ, saaJ6ap 69 q�noS aouayj `PDOJI!D D!JPDd puD Jn 7S `aa>JnDml!n `06o0!4j }o at#1 lDM jo ly6rJ .fJJalsaM prDS puD �/l Iso3 q�noS 1 ,7/1 WJON p!ns Jo aulJ gInoS aqI jo uorIDasJa�gl atil I0 6ul0uauJuJOq :aul paquosap 5u.1 O110J GqI Jo IsaM puD y;JON 5W / PuD ` pDOJJIDy o /J!DD pU JnDd • ;S `aa >1nDm#N ro600ryj jo aulJ .fDM do 4y6rr 1f1jgIsaM ayJ !o jsaM 6qi// '£' "o 'H1 S pros Jo aulJ JaIuaD ay; JO �903 6LlVl 00' uor�oaS pros jo r, /l IsD3 ylnoS ayI jo ,7 /I gPON ay4 jo I od IDQ .OZ u011095 pros `Z 07 IuacuuJaAOD JO HV =(91Z 'oN '141 S IfJJauJJO}) f 'ON 'H1'S jo aulJ Jaluao aqI jo IsD3 bgiA'l `D�osauu %)unoo 010>JDO `�SGM 61 a6UDV `y�JON gll d�ysuMO-L `OZ uo!1oaS' `P /l ISO3 gPON ay.J o t� /l ISaM ylnos aye }o }�Dd jDyl uoT4dwzsaa -saZ L. I!q!gx3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Exhibit 2 DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - 83 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE SHORELAND OVERLAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR THE BROCKWAY AREA PRELIMINARY PLAT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Contractor Property Development Company for approval of a planned unit development and preliminary plat lot for the property located south of Co. Road 38, east of South Robert Trail and North of Connemara Trail in Rosemount, MN, legally described as follows: That part of the South West '/4 of the North East 1 /4, Section 20, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying East of the center line of S.T.H. No. 3 (formerly S.T.H. No. 218); All of Government Lot 2, said Section 20; that part of the North % of the South East %4 of Said Section 20 lying East of the centerline of said S.T.H. No. 3, lying West of the Westerly right of way line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, and lying North and West of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the South line of said North %, South East 1 /4 and said Westerly right of way line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad; thence South 89 degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds West, assumed bearing along said South line, 270.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 12 degrees 05 minutes 15 seconds West, 357.87 feet; thence North 89 degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds East, 500.28 feet to said Westerly right of way line and there terminating. WHEREAS, on April 27, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing the preliminary plat for compliance with the Shoreland Overlay Regulations as a planned unit development; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the preliminary plat and permit for compliance with the shoreland overlay regulations with conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby * approves the issuance of a permit in compliance with Shoreland Overlay Regulations subject to Restrictive covenants shall be recorded for preservation of open space and landscaping on Blocks 2 3, 4, 5 and 6 in conformance with the reqsuirments of the Shoreland Overlay District. The covenants shall prohibit accessory structures over 120 square feet, and parking of vehicles within backyards of these Blocks. ADOPTED this 6` day of July, 2004, by the City Council of the City of Ros o t. William H. Droste, Mayor RESOLUTION 2004 - 83 ATTEST: Linda Jenti ity Clerk Motion by: Stra ton Secondedby: DeBettignies Voted in favor: Strayt DeBettignies, Shoe - C o r rigan, Dro Voted against: None Member absent: Riley 2 ` Exhibit 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 8 4 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE WETLANDS CONSERVATION ACT PERMIT AND ACCEPT THE WETLANDS MITIGATION PLAN AND WETLANDS EXEMPTION FOR THE BROCKWAY DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Contractor Property Developers Co. requesting approval of the Wetlands Conservation Act permit and accept the wetlands mitigation plan and wetlands exemption for the Brockway Development. The property is legally described as: That part of the South West' /. of the North East %4, Section 20, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying East of the center line of S.T.H. No. 3 (formerly S.T.H. No. 218); All of Govemment Lot 2, said Section 20; that part of the North '' /z of the South East ' /< of Said Section 20 lying East of the centerline of said S.T.H. No. 3, lying West of the Westerly right of way line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, and lying North and West of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the South line of said North '/2, South East ' /< and said Westerly right of way line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad; thence South 89 degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds West, assumed bearing along said South line, 270.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 12 degrees 05 minutes 15 seconds West, 357.87 feet; thence North 89 degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds East, 500.28 feet to said Westerly right of way line and there terminating. WHEREAS, on May 25, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Wetlands Conservation Act study in relation to the Brockway proposed development; and WHEREAS, on May 25, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the wetlands mitigation plan and eligibility for wetlands exemption in relation to the Brockway proposed development; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount found the Preliminary Plat for the Brockway development consistent with the Wetlands Conservation Act; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Wetlands Conservation Act Permit and accept the wetlands mitigation plan and wetlands exemption for the Brockway development, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on July 6, 2004, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation and the wetlands mitigation plan for the Brockway development; and RESOLUTION 2004 -8 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Wetlands Conservation Act permit and accepts the wetlands mitigation plan and wetlands exemption for the Brockway development, subject to: 1. Receipt of WCA permit and conformance with the permit conditions in accordance with the Wetland Conservation Act. 2. ` Development of a temporary west pond and infiltration basin west of Street 2 until such time that off -site regional ponding is available. 3. Conservation easements shall be provided for the stormwater ponds and infiltration basins and wetlands to the High Water Level or buffer setback, whichever is greater, per the City's Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan. The buffer areas need to be preserved and posted for public notification. ADOPTED this 6 day of July, 2004 by the City Council of the City of R mo t. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, C lerk Motion by: Strayton Second by: DeBettignies Votedinfavor: DeBettignies, Shoe- Corrigan, Droste, DeBettignies Voted against: None Member absent: Riley 2 Exhibit 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 8 5 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE BROCKWAY DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Contractor Property Developers Co. requesting Preliminary Plat approval to redevelop the Brockway property to a PUD -mixed residential use and future neighborhood commercial site. The property is legally described as: That part of the South West '/e of the North East '/4, Section 20, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying East of the center line of S.T.H. No. 3 (formerly S.T.H. No. 218); All of Government Lot 2, said Section 20; that part of the North '/Z of the South East'' /, of Said Section 20 lying East of the centerline of said S.T.H. No. 3, lying West of the Westerly right of way line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, and lying North and West of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the South line of said North V2, South East ' /+ and said Westerly right of way line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad; thence South 89 degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds West, assumed bearing along said South line, 270.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 12 degrees 05 minutes 15 seconds West, 357.87 feet; thence North 89 degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds East, 500.28 feet to said Westerly right of way line and there terminating. WHEREAS, on March 23, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Preliminary Plat to redevelop the Brockway property to a PUD -mixed residential use and future neighborhood commercial site; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed revisions and updates guided by staff for the Preliminary Plat to redevelop the Brockway property to a PUD -mixed residential use and future neighborhood commercial site; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing the preliminary plat for compliance with the Shoreland Overlay Regulations as a Planned Unit Development; and, WHEREAS, on May 25, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed further revisions and updates guided by staff for the Preliminary Plat to redevelop the Brockway property to a PUD -mixed residential use and future neighborhood commercial site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount found the Preliminary Plat consistent with city standards for approval of a PUD and consistent with zoning regulations and guidelines including the Shoreland Overlay Regulations with recommended conditions; and RESOLUTION 2004 - 8 5 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for the Brockway development subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on July 6, 2004, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation and the Preliminary Plat for the Brockway development; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for the Brockway development, subject to: 1. Execution of a PUD Agreement. 2. Approval of other applicable agencies including, but not limited to, Dakota County Plat Commission and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 3 The Developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with street and utility improvements serving the development, including the construction of a right turn lane on eastbound County Road 38 into the development. These costs shall include all costs associated with the construction of a storm sewer outlet from the project to Basin #1589 located on the south side of Connemara Trail. 4. A cash payment of $100.00 per front -foot along County Road 38 shall be deposited with the City for costs associated with County Road 38 improvements. 5. The first final plat completed for the development shall include the dedication of all right -of -way for Street 1, Street 5, Street 6 and County Road 38. 6. All through private streets, outlots F, P and S, shall be a minimum of 28 feet wide face to face. Connecting portions of Outlots H and J shall be a minimum of 28 feet wide face to face, or as approved by City Staff. Parking shall be allowed on one side only, 7. No parking will be allowed on Streets 1, 4, 5 and 6. For all other public streets, parking shall be allowed on one side only. On Street 2 & 3 parking shall be on the inside edge. 8. Lot 2, Block 5 shall include a driveway turn- around to provide an alternative to backing into the street 5. As no on- street parking is recommended, the turn around shall also provide guest parking. Lots 1 & 2 Block 5 shall be designed with lot fronts and driveways oriented either to Street 2 or Street 3. 9. The existing driveway access to State Highway 3 shall be closed with the first phase of grading. Construction access shall be restricted primarily to Connemara Trail and secondarily to County Road 3 8. 2 RESOLUTION 2004 -8 5 10. Seven additional common parking spaces are required for Blocks 21 and 22. 11 The Developer will make reasonable attempts to accommodate plan revisions for garages in Gables II and Villa II housing to be in compliance with minimum size requirements. In the event such revisions are impractical, or would result in further inconsistencies with PUD or zoning standards, the Developer will be permitted to construct garages of less than 440 sq. ft. provided Developer meets all of the following requirements: i. No garages shall be smaller than 380 square feet; ii. The total number of units with garages less than 440 square feet cannot exceed 52 units; and iii. Developer shall construct 60 units (not including the apartments or senior housing units) whose base price meets the Metropolitan Council affordable housing criteria. 12. Repair and maintenance of all private trails and sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowners association(s). Snow removal from all public and private trails and sidewalks shall be the responsibility of the homeowners association(s) or the adjacent private property owners. The trail exhibit outlines public and private responsibilities. 13. Outlots A and B shall be owned and maintained by the homeowners association or the outlots shall be eliminated by extending the lot lines from Blocks 2 and 3 to the outer edge of the plat and dedicating drainage and utility easements for storm water and infiltration ponding. 14. Single family housing in Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 shall have minimum garage setbacks of 30 feet and principal structure front yard setbacks of 25 feet. The architectural conditions of Resolution 2004 -6 may be waived on interior lots as long as a majority of the lots including all corner lots shall have traditional housing styles. Those interior lots with building fronts behind or even with garages shall be subject to the 30 -foot garage setback. 15. Extensive landscaping is required for screening along State Highway 3. Optimum landscape screening includes earthen berms in combination with varieties of trees and shrubs to simulate a natural environment. In cases where berms are not feasible, screening shall be accomplished with landscaping equivalent to a double row of staggered eight foot high coniferous Spruce (or equal), or over -story deciduous boulevard trees augmented by shrub planting beds to facilitate full- spectrum screening subject to Staff approval. All landscaping along Highway 3 berms will be installed by the developer in conjunction with building construction. 16. All landscaping with public rights -of -way, outlots and the round -about shall be 3 RESOLUTION 2004 - 8 5 maintained and replaced as necessary by resident homeowners association(s). Landscaping is subject to sight - triangle criteria for preservation of visibility at intersections, subject to City Engineer approval. 17. Entry monuments shall be subject to sign permits and normal zoning standards. Appropriate sight distances must be maintained. The north entrance monument shall be located in Outlot B dedicated to the City. If Outlot B is absorbed by adjacent single- family lots, an easement shall be dedicated to the homeowners association for monument maintenance. 18. PUD Amendments are required for the 120 apartments and 60 senior units in Blocks 14 and 15. Site Plan, architectural elevations, landscaping and all associated site amenities shall be reviewed in conformance with the approved concept plan and Resolution 2004 -6. 19. The neighborhood commercial on Outlot R, Block 20 is subject to Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning, and separate PUD approval. 20. The revised clubhouse shall require Planning Commission and City Council site plan approval for conformance with the PUD and applicable standards. 21. No privacy, chain -link, or generally opaque fences will be permitted along any public street right -of -way except as noted below. Split rail or equivalent may be permissible, subject to city approval. Any fencing installed on Lots 7 -20 Block 1, of the Preliminary Plat, must be located interior to the project, allowing all screening and landscaping to be fully visible from Highway 3. Fencing is not permitted along Highway 3 adjacent to any multi- family buildings. 22. Incorporation of other agency comments resulting from the Environmental Assessment Worksheet process including implementation of the Dakota County and MPCA approval of a response action plan (RAP) and a construction contingency plan (CCP) prior to City issuance of a grading or demolition permit for the property. 23. Incorporation of recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding Park Dedication and facility design & construction. • Parks dedication credit should not be given for any pipeline easements, unnecessary ponding in the park, or other items that negatively impact the park site or are deemed unusable. • The playground area needs to be enlarged tout least 60' x 95'. • The infiltration basin in Outlot M has not been removed. • The park plan needs to have approval from the owners of the pipeline easement. • The need for parking has not been adequately addressed for the disc golf course. 26 4 RESOLUTION 2004 - 8 5 parking spaces in the park located in Outlot M and on- street parking will not be enough parking for the public park areas. • As outlined in the City's Subdivision Ordinance, all park dedication in the form of - land and monetary compensation will occur with the first final plat approval prior to recording. Staff would recommend that we continue with this practice unless other arrangements can be made to have the park installed in a timeframe that satisfies the Parks and Recreation Commission. • The lot line for the senior apartment area should be adjusted for the trail to remain in the park. • The park plan also needs to include other on -site amenities such as an irrigation structure, drinking fountains, etc. 24. Incorporation of recommendations of the City Engineer relative to drainage, grading, street design, easements and utilities. 25. The cul -de -sac Street 8 shall have all mailboxes clustered in one location as approved by the Postmaster. In addition, driveways may be shared with cross- access easements and relief from side -yard parking and driveway setbacks. Only three driveways will be allowed within the cul -de -sac bubble. Mailbox stations within the project will be design to complement the proposed development. 26, The following outlots shall be dedicated to the City at the time of final plat: T & M for Park Dedication, Outlots D, E, I shall be dedicated to the Homeowner's Association with a public trail easement. 27. Plan revisions are required for the round -about on outlot K and related open spaces in Outlots G,1, and O for the purpose of articulating open space amenities and cohesion with the sidewalks and trail system. In the event that conflicts between the round - about vehicular function and the pedestrian system cannot be resolved, then an alternative design for a pedestrian system is required as an important feature of the development and it's linkages to the city -wide system, and in light of the consideration that a trail along State Highway 3 has been shown to be impractical. ADOPTED this 6t' day of July, 2004 by the City Council of the City o osemount. William H. Droste, Mayor 5 RESOLUTION 2004 - 8 5 ATTEST: Linda Jentink, erk Motion by: DeBettignies Second by: Droste Votedinfavor: Shoe- Corrigan, Droste, Strayton, DeBettignies Voted against: None Member absent: Riley 6 s s c s F 0, DL wae...a vr.e.warw sa.rem 3. r 1 t — 1 V e Ao N Dearanme Lof x .ea saenw Da 'i raef vi+ er a. awro fn er faa swro rwf f/ er sea sees.. m �D rmr N ae vents /ae eI eoie S 1.K NL ; r1ar0 WeN N da aYMMy Np1e s/ .sy R,r a RdaDe. W.avMm. S'L aw ..e v.erm awr.ea we baD rr.fn we Nf.f N rm rorexp emnRn ca Gvnman[ap oe fM alawttM ar Yw $pl(A' A+r el tell Rena 1� SwM [mf 1 /I. mI we RLIrrY Mal e! my Me e( tTkeD4 IaRwFM SI. Fain we PseMe RNroed Menm Sw61 aD eaeraaa u rMefw fa aawnm auf. maumM WeND aaeD ma SwM Dni DYD.Ie M1af ro 1M pMe e! aD N tai Ma ro fv eaxmat Menw FMn fD eep.m os mMwev !S � — � ` � a.earNa Wse, .aY 4ik manes FxM aD ea9rin N fniwfr fa a.aarm CmS Sanra ke �I ro aRa 1Walarly Mti! er .»'M ans mre famMroLLn} A.aa rr;ea Anee 1 LEGEND t � a a,eaR w w .e wm r»r.fa +ctr'c r GOPHER STATE ONE CALL w.. ra er.a i- Dao- s+x-nw KEEGAN LAKE TAO D-- ipHD11 last yf e1 1M Swro —1 f% N Ma NerN Lwf f /1. SNbn IQ twwM1C 1r5 NaFI Fmgr iD —L D . Ce x --M O-V Emt N er eaMM RM N S .k fH J frern STM.. - Ile, v 1 s \ 7 li �1�ffi /� I /�'dliAs��Qrnt4..:�i��'.��_ �- �1�2�G�������� 01 IM NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION . latest R-id- Date 95M/N tars Cl/DfD1 oas: I a 34 Brockway , Contractor Property Developers Company Glass / sWVe see➢ o.u. rwr vN. saw Dww16a. .ar For. RaaAemf. 34bmsatl M x X fTti D 01 IM NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION . latest R-id- Date 95M/N tars Cl/DfD1 oas: I a 34 Brockway , Contractor Property Developers Company Glass / sWVe see➢ o.u. rwr vN. saw Dww16a. .ar For. RaaAemf. 34bmsatl i Call I6 Mwm bal.rt a97"F Pm"aN PmnKNna s;-- FL - 12W4 I I III I I I coPNER STALE ONE CALL I) ` I I I I I GnIM IrrM N -A BviMw Prk t R RftR s— nn TM [m 1 -100- 733 -11q . Z R�Z. St a M1 O �-- - - - - -- I - -iac .� Aa sx. Ares fls3a Aw 7R/Ir•ay7 RAK Lu Aw• �.. Rsve a/ RLK. Aaw I. RaK - AN [snrnrs. 15W 6N Aw T7PI� � �46�! P —LmiF id Ke6VNr (.F) t.71 ArK MC fM. Yse SMfwrL RQK (rNrml) /LA Awe ta' R[M. Y Ra "AM I I \ SLr. a RMn pMR Sb Aa wn11 FJLA0,3 /6a' Aw Fwmn1 I Mal. Cam AmC Ata3taucutao �� i9'�j so[ vAao s[raACw — _, ` •� , LOi RIAmw I _ r -�-,.. i �` rw• aRaa«ew a7a Aav I �. II ari n.y =N— • .iLatew 1 I \ caws sM R _j \ J ,a � nl's 6/P .a Y6a' henl [m.m 1 t3' FMr riM S.gop (( Rwrp) 1 I ,j \ � - lAMe aR�F 1 rN SInM jLr.M) _ J i .\ Mw Ap•MKb (nR 11) S7P Awe Mw awlr rfs,aD (w la) to, ArK r ' i3a113' HRHIII:DONN , f L ( L � i k.. � ' l b• w te" � � T•Wd � Siwde Fm�kv 1st r , r -- ( 1 . `� Rr cra tr. c rr t3' IKAR rARO s[KACT w• R.r laaawf - AW-1 1y AKasnm aL1 "xro I I cawn Ic sR. r -- _ 1 1 @ _ ._.I SL °9M aLalrr Inutire w LMro a• sw[e,w..r I aN wn ( I -------- -L _ - --�_ J .� Y _ , 6ss A.almrrrKl OapRa Sp uWAMw 1 J 4= I _ — y L ` (--' "' \ \ ♦ '- / IATSTANDARDS ask I-&, tN MiM !t Aarr tYa U6.0 W t 7a'Yb. _J lC flare E e 7d'r1»r tba sNeodr (Nav na'Esl°°° fw•w•) .nom aY sr. LN A..s arle N •fr t I , / A aa' S " LN Ar.e Aa77 K. r �1IkI1I11(1I!) lllik(1if1/ A L �'�ay ` r • r KLrrKn 7C SF. L.1 Ar.a X L e Aw A' Sf. LW -w 11.m .l T r I "" : .i /r.n/ rod Afesnt 23• ww. / Sa Ow (. aenal 23• Ran. / 3a' ft. (ihmL ft-W Typkw MWU Pcmkr LW �: "• 74 a �• / .. ve Ar iC 1 / ).4 I / i J i / See 9lbrA:- 7 7Mtl A4r >ra sNmK n• f i ✓ f ; 1 r t Q � -r "� r / / ssro.ae ro. Lxwrr AbN 3a Ic' r I I � / r • ' ® °2PIR ` } ! . , / // , I.OT STANDARDS Mdtl PKdI• L R • a Rcanarr OnrwK ero..r a.twD. sO• _ _ _ % " i / q wan.. vrt.•r. aa. Ken m' Or W-4 mftr '> _ ,•py J i rtsvn ONaR) r..nnw.. RNne. SA.w nrrRn vawrn O.r«p. ....,;.,t"�:.....,.....3 aia Kmr [e.rn.a e.r I n" ..esL / r r � / FtKrne to.raw. � tyhaf atrwT t/ x .nrra;. naAnn AAwd ♦ NRfArW - rlmf _� wr psHip I. bf— INM Slrwf 2W � � hM1VI. - / /' I a rea /Pwk1q Ir ah (s.. M. pNn) Aroes ro Pvanrry D L. `✓ V I - = MAY 14 2004 x' cr I/ p ..� • _ By - a . + + . III n .�a N wnf V. N n. Rwn [m Ilr seta 7a r«n..� rrs xan Rw/e f/ IML ONNO Capra wa.M14 IX'H FaN eI tln .err tM a/ S I.K LU J cyl V• I / _ ; / p� I 1 I (6—, ir.R Rn tMk � _ �y mer pa'r I M pan 1/1 s/ Me Swn f r% N .aI AeRm to ! E 1 0l IM mrrr / ��• a / I 1 I PoW we RaNac RN akL a.I ILAp NaM aM MM el M FWn+M IsebM IMr 7 Q 1 / — / I �. i I i f:evn NIA. nIrKNNn N fM awM M. N Mart 1/t Swn [ w r 1 /1 sae ,.a K°"� NirrF�inyl La 7 1W E 1 / /. I I I I la KKL .nw.0 arorA/ aM9 1 Sovn aaR 1Xd�] Mr r. n. aNrf N ♦.yan� N n. na n r wa.3m: nmm pan rt wn... Os nanlo a ReN. 353 7 M! IRme. nrn M wove sonm Mt NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION / / 1 I mar. u mimlm Ie tetann .rt [ ro.rs KMay np+r N. wyaw w nr. ra.aallna [.AYH57 RSMCN DATE 05/14/N / / ' I / II Oa. e3rorot a"w 3 u Brockway r. I ��. Westwood Rfxtiorel5erviar, I aaa. n1 +a I a „ ! �� I Pnprd Ir Contractor Property Developers Company Glass Development Plkn � I . tw wen PrdtDdn.Ty pint ..... :.� , -.--..- - - -- - L_-------- L ---------- �- -_ - - -- _ -yy ig 1 L— S i Yak t. I r _ �__J L...J _. — ' •• 1�"� a I t r. i Ms • p 1 O b � � Q N Y R 9 A Y if i> e � R•k?..l 11. R tp�$ a �0,1 -- I In �i �r �V I n d A� YiIt�M M N Y �Y n� • o• • o _e . • •. •. e� . i 1 I I I I , g } N F 8 R a: �,� �_� :��i rid ii��♦ BS I MrIL �;, �r,�►� ®0;0,x® 4� - O , N �- �� �► �� I I �� •i � 1� fkid wa ig il l I n�i �in na{�ii P 1! ° � Q iw =CC� 1� „ ®� Be ll � �� • � �'�.% � �. � `,, i �� _�_ C�� - -= •vt —�� _��{ I 7 is � e�! Y M i '-lC`� ` iu w W + Ad • i • ,.•�I�, Contractor Property Developers Company Glass North Half �"� - sir- �'�° �--� ,, aR �•'"' r �I� _ .. a as � � ..,.., y �.__•1 MOMM . • I � w . .. .... GOPHER SUTE ONE CALL J E_ WtA _ _J `\ r. iW rr.. t- eoo -aai -n - —_ - -- _ IIPP�7E LOU11W OF I � ig d . _ f t � f - M, P O Il s -1 1 — Irk r a Nor& Side Con Broc ay - •. D e. .. I,I _ .VIII ., ►-,�.' ./ N MI e n►y+. ,,.,. 1' first', E . eaaoa nw...1 rr,Ia.Iaa s.ac... ne. . COPMffR SiA7E ONE CALL r _ _ T,4i CITY Nw Nil —M` —OOMl _� - IMF TM Free 1— 1pF3u —HN t1 L � ' 14 MAY I Ti j STREET 1 STREET 3 - -1 T TF1 T1 I 1 117, fV 1 STREET 2 i f 33 X - F c y it Z il a STREET 2 STREET 8 .. & NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a" L s m X 1 4 Brockway I ��. WestwoodRdSavker I .. ^ I I er .� r"P"'' y Contractor Property Developers Company Glass Centerline Frofiles I ! •zaa wwl.wa R:e,®Iwa s.:.h.A 5c _ _ C�� . ' J DSS {6 xw�a s<,oR ass _ _ - ... ... p " GOPHER STATE ONE C ALL U ,`fJ T.I^ CNY Nw 651- 15h0W3 i N M t 7 i r too• MD• sar _ STREET 4 STREET 5 `. 6ARA CDR I r r _ _ ... STREET 6 CAX�(I n IMlE N S3 .� �' T65 Q1111A SMFR0111 m— fAN.M I ( ON1SJ]wK 1]Dlftl. L — — — T]K R YNC ]IE9, _ ♦y / x0 m sreaR]aE ERaRECRm su � NoTC mss - Am ,x1E urns 6.ON1E 1 03' RIPn9R / R PEWRED (1wJ 6m]W Q tAbSO 6 N10.x 1 = a6r % o.r tatsQL 1 ' — ]v tNNQ, As rt 6ttEL oA �61� 6 R,RU wsm]]n Aa RASEMENi 0011 w00D toff e.M nUT.tRE KARM6 SQL (TYP.) / � SAT Sfl10E 4AW W J+' -- O.r i0R500. parr uAr K AeSm m ro -r uAx mAO,x wtw l.0 m ]]6gADE /_y �� �CAQ16 MR,oVI I,Q.O OO,NI MUM 0.5' ALL TQ,R SEAQ 14 hIPt6,T YE]ILE 6ELON tuu ,q ELEVAl10R Rena ]xu] xAx M twula r uAz hlcr smAwrt HICK 6,RTAELE BEARIRC SDx ITw.I / CRY T KG,6T ' mphS SINGLE FAMILY WALK —OUT (WO) ,'.,C HdtlzCRTAI r.5' SFRDCK )��1 i W W ]1w SK OY�iOE]. NDDD a unu mAl¢ 1Xd pD t06 _,plx wHar tr u6wIR, LW tr Rx Raw. rrm � - __A ` ,rwL MWFAM u ) nA6URx ]wAm 1�Ni Ni1fT�AL v� A L MSRECT AND RpNR FERCE AF1h, [AIX SiORR LwRt .w w,o.x KoRlorr wIQ, . I C R I NCIE xEgssARx I M LOOK OUT SO m— w I MIX C5R61RDCT011 o,wARDE SXOIIID K x III A, A A THAT NA s0 M A OARAGF AAn URL[SS l A .wIM1N IIEIhI] V .D' AM _ St1MwMT � Wn,ER,ast uoxn.. L — — — — —` .•-. -- •� uAUUw ]]K AWrLS f or .:,. Raac � Ar rsT]¢ RQwAROnLY sr�]uA®� an' TOtSQL / ENaRSEwD EAL � SEQtlWi F,L1ER - 8aT FQICF x[ ro stlnwAOx a sAT rxucx sR to tLAfm ox as IE anx' T/ 6 Kou6m (rn.) DDI„WURS m Uwa RCRK10 o,QY:]1c. fA' ro "=AK Y4 SQTAJU K R66 w6 (T]w.) - m, T FLODR Qe wr+�a10'w. wiu . Dmuw+E hw I DOwN Yx16NEp CRAK -W smAQ.E 6EAla,e saa (Tm.) IM D M Lo nEVATlorl .xK n°' t xQ._ .r.uR uA,e1 ]]b AIX aAT. u.5m x6] A�fi1 64.x4 Y fmtu] ]IODR.ANC Wu6[ SINGLE FAMILY Look—OUT (LO) s '°° " "°° ,r]o]D,a,..A,• ""°" ..4nuuaNRRD,.:Q,a6 �°�, rno• RamzoxTU z aen au...R u ' 1.5 vERMAI CRwCR }S[..0 tm w�Q q ! � STREET OR PARKING AREA sm. /rtvta BIIT7MINOUSIRAII. ffiCUMSTOLIS SHCfION M n ww 8 (vARRS� ]•• t , • 7YAE'•T. MUM MICUr R,.c as M1M6 0.5 TOPi01L 1 1 bi 1 V 1 .� ]�araRSll a SwA ewes � artL a]a • - w� a� ..., w 1R1D Cow K bm ma:nAA:I a � ��.��•— ••.•�- --- -�-- -� 4c9 ro ./ r ,P]Rl M/]L R 4]4tn NRCO sr ro ]hnatAO[ ERDR]EEAED ru. PWA73 DRNRWAYS ARTA]RE KARRR sob (rx.> . os TOtmR r REQAKO (M) awR4a scLRDA 16p '" 14 A° K] y CONCRHIB WALTCYVAY . sQTA6a'a APoRe m (TW.) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION W.9 Rt+W- Mi. OSA4M6 SINGLE FAMILY RAMBLER (R) TrFTO•T MRWW aw „n ] UnRELS I m W. oxroro� , . u _ u ckw We6twoodRde�iSriioz4hc " _ Bro ay wh I " Contractor Property Developers Company Glass �vh p'°f`R I I I t6/wet TSYtS n o Ooh. 7SW n.].{, 6Wh w RwnYs, 6tH an6 nwm.Dr. 6mlemh 1 N 1' zeta" utCE I -� j['�'�l1 r tirr.�l r f -P 11 1 � - �`.. � -J - ^ �� Y ♦`�♦ � � vVri� � ' f - J_I J v: 4 t - Jam.-• /! ♦ 4� .u. // 1> r( �-'1 t k. 1 - _ - -� ' i - - - `_- �...•, .a \',.�C 8 - i 1 ''�"� 1 .w - %" j i. i i ° � r e - i 1 ' ` � � , � - ;..�.�' 1 s �- " , ;lt a,,� • I , - i . J -�9 P r ' Trail and Sidewalk Responsibility Kev d � 1 � 2pp4 �..' f • ! a �* s • • City R.O.W. - H.O.A. Maintained 04 +"■' "m 0 - on Public Trail Easement - Private Outlot - H.O.A. Maintained BY City Owned and Maintained All sidewalks to be maintained by the H.O.A. i Brockwa 1 �,xs�s w,.•, .«n�d!'rdrarv+ �-M 1,. 1 _....__..._...,._..._ I � �..=. ...... i ^�'"" . Y . 2 ter^ 1. _� , 1 1 i . r + �. � �.. = `,�,:• __---: = � i � � 'hoirl 70' �>< Ia' tl.ry G A ,OMMK •i •• • 1 'i' - - - 19 0 75 YARD i , L 1 ��" '. `.i'� �+ r ! -1 Ti . {� L \,K , / - 1 µ _ 1¢C R.s E I N �- _ _- 1 __� ^ t -� Y -_� \ _ OT •Y - _� - I i T t n UlWHIM ' _„ ♦V ```� laa� re�«..a/ -lY t t - � \ \` � r f`SZ /( -�^. h - ✓ o P 1 1 �� t f - -� i / YS' AUR YA 1 fi r. 1.� 20 / I' S ( /:. .p. i ® OVROTY f 1 t _ f • J' ( 9 II l 11 1 1 / ��hryJra��. �+ �. \`♦ I 15 - - �E%i1COiN� ,J yOh / L�- - - - -J !Cf t Coaammf - - - Ermi Y. / Mdtl F"y I S / OIJ ~H8S * 57 47E 5W26 / 4� / i i •, a.w.y..w war co...m A _ I V I Trail and Sidewalk Responsibility Key 1 I I aY L • a • • 1 0 • City R.O.W. — N.O.A. Maintained I , 1 0* Public Trail Easement — Private Outiot — H.O.A. Maintained " NOT FOR L City Owned and Maintained tATFSr Rat � — _ 01/17 , Brockwa �V/ r n oiAn<Ara14rS M hn Yr,aintain�?d by the H.O.A. •. 'V9 N E ; X v b9 4!q!gx3 a; .e D z n'; -- . _ oZ BROCKWAY SITE ] � � C. mF ROSEMOUNT, MN "� �aS 0 .4.gg:.. W i f i f �LE[e�O�o R`i'3 %Epp �FSc ii' Y i j i d i 4 9t 1 4-1 b'°i6 i S i aAs« A°g�w�i 0 qg. tt 4,' I $ ^ D i'l - o ' ^�I ^ 40 i m ■ i i � I w, ! -- i� i rs�n Y 'V9 N E ; X v b9 4!q!gx3 a; .e D z n'; -- . _ oZ BROCKWAY SITE ] � � C. mF ROSEMOUNT, MN "� �aS 0 .4.gg:.. W i f i f �LE[e�O�o R`i'3 %Epp �FSc - d i 4 9t 1 4-1 b'°i6 i S i aAs« A°g�w�i 0 qg. tt 4,' I $ ^ D i'l - o ' ^�I ^ 40 i m I�1� rs�n Y Y g 12 Mp i 'V9 N E ; X v b9 4!q!gx3 a; .e D z n'; -- . _ oZ BROCKWAY SITE ] � � C. mF ROSEMOUNT, MN "� �aS 0 0 m m m I $ ^ D i'l - o ' ^�I ^ $ a m rs�n Y Y 12 b9 4!q!gx3 a; .e D z n'; -- . _ oZ BROCKWAY SITE ] � � C. mF ROSEMOUNT, MN "� p>S ANNA N� p 0 � w • ' g r OPP . c a n Y • • _ a; I �,� a •a GNU i" uB 1 z 8 a • tI ii it �i t! t { � t ` � � n t � r � •� i 5 tf :. � alij s3 � t r m z i< ti�sl ���� i l l i "i�' � •� 1 "ii j��l.� 1 t � 0 o' to m zz ra t�� • A... uT,w I I § i t 'l l 99 I!q!4x r _ { 'NW '1Nnowas0?1 N d� a Is �,'dm3o�� �m g _, `" "�. cri• ° Z C °r 70 �� C VtNrn 0 2 p C� Ul C'Z O + F F A F F Z 7t 7 a I SL rIx H IV m 11 1 i r w <6 � qq 1 6_ F _ - o> {l 9 m �! CD } �rl m �► I a9 }!q!ux 1 5 L.....� ICCCC °i� °ICEC,16''IC °IIi1CCCC'CI CCCIHIwrCI iCCCC`CI ICCCI�IC ICCCI' 'iCu1= I51rCrle {Lrrr1��11 °� Ct €I ne n■ •u m ■ • u is ■ti ' n•u u• ■ ■ — o• —d u■ ow ■• . 1 ■,1 = tim1 lu IJ� SEE ul lu•1 ! 1•• ••I t 1 =1■ i =1■ 1 C I U1 IF 91 Ir, 1! - y ®1 l.� Armrr: ■m ■a�rr!rrr iInglis E!` r L urtiu •' _ _ _�. =riilr �lir➢!Y�i, '11E Es19i'It�lrtlgs r7l � t i= uuue.�l l�l rlYirlr rTribtr € �aY �iY.irlEE ltiEi��, �'1'S nt u=`Yli l E EIE Ot EYE tE !� ! B I EEE EEt �' err ',tEE EEt- irlrir Ylr�rlbY lu Ell Eutn. — v!r,rlrrrirr�n.uEe�llrnrrrr!dr .Er�eE il l', � t uECtEG,p r ��'!�Irirrrrrrr.Il'�� „I� 1 H .ali i.i i t I I s • tCCC�CCI E r!_ICiCsiil - 1 ° E 1'CCCC i�l 'c. IiC�iiCi Iiii.�CCI� [� -- n•uR E E u • • ■ E 1 n•u■ { ■u■ ■■u Imwul Inuu ( wu• 1 -- 4uun1 1•i (wm I Enml ' _EEM Em m • EeEtE■ Mi n o FL► 0 ® �;■ �:� '.u'S.�,�rr�iTs , EEtEE� EEEE� ■ +i i+ SAW i 9 • 9 • L EM Tow 7v� Jt�YSL�TIl}��/�llyyi��L�{�tV��pE��+�+7 JLY M 1t71�\LllV111Ca�„. ay 4l�xwne.YdcggLa Y r ( LJ_.1 1 U z a= w En THE VILLA II 10 UNIT BLDG EXTERIOR tIEVAT"S WOW CODE NPORMATXIN Al S m0'20 `T nor nr. 092 9n wso�9 C { i S = 3 V •a� 30 =Djaa i o2� ooa vva vovn. .. � C �a i s I �n 1 9 CD rA 9 I!q!ux n+ N e0 lux i mo BROCKWAY SITE o x rn 03 _� ROSEMOUNT. MN r C r 1 fu �i L} p£ F A BI Y F H ,Ji ll T pp t� x O g I n 8 P r , i as a -� u k � I lu a � j H9 I!q!gx3 3� O O z z = � tl- F f it � u 9 � a � � � � � - � � � • oy e 9 2 A ( rFE? e ;K � 3 � i w e � 2000 MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES (21FRONT ELEVATION ASIDE ELEVATION m AI SCALE, 1/8' -I' -0' AI SCALE, 1/0' -1' -0' X '0' FRONT WALKOUT - LEXINGTON LODGE TYP. FRONT ELEV. TRIM _ SHEET N O: SCALES 1/1' -1' -0' �� A••:.:a .� L .N,. R e no+n 1�1J[riJ<57 A I • RAINS ARE N ACCORDANCE RLLES, CHAPTER 7l4 T •AIR SEALING REDUREINMTF. PR • TO PROTECTION AGAINST EXCESBIYSNNQA7ION, XCESIN E MP DEPRF PROSCRIPTIVE CRIPTI VE �ATN 1 RL B! POLLOI[-0: HOUSE WRAP BILL BE NSTALLED ON RUM HUUNE -OVERLAPPED I% • A CONTINUOUSLY SEALED VAPOR /Apt BARRIER BILL EE INSTALLED. W. • ALL SEAMS BE OVERLAPPED C AND TAPED. • AND TYPE Of.EONR•IIENT • EOUPIIENi CONTROLS: • EXTERIOR ENVELOPE COMPONENT MATERIALS: SEE PAGES k 11V-3. N - St 17 TAPED SEAMS AND BINDOW RANGES. • NSNATION, POLY (SEALED TO SUS-FLOOR) AND DRTNALL RILL BE • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT BILL EE USED AT TOP AND BOTTOM PLATES, • FURNACE. + TER NE EATEN NE NEATER, • A PUNMACE PAR CYCLER YC R C • U- YAl1Ef OF MNDOUS, DOORS. AND iKTNTF W REV SCHEDULES DULEO PAGER AL AS APPLIED BEHIND TUB DECKS AND SHOVERS STALLS ON OUTSDE VALLS. POLY ACOUSTCAI SEALANT BILL EE USED AT E%iER10R tlALL INTERSECTIONS. • VAPOR BARRIER W. BE TAPED TO LESCO BOX FLANGES. + E • CLOTNER ORTER - FU R FOR HOUSE • PAN. 0111 BE LOCATED BY H • R- VALUES VALUES OF INSULATION INSULATION MATERIALS SEE PAGES 6 ". F; , K S] ,S N{ AND ORB BILL BE APPLIED BE AND At TOP OF ROfMf THAT INTERSECT BITM UNHEATED 6PACE8 /EXTERIOR BALLS. ALL • ALL HOODING AND ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS, INCLUDING NSME LESCO RANGE HOOD NOTE T UONCA A TpIG A R bb PURPOSE • E N HARRIER VAPOR RETARDER, AND BRIO BABA • RO =1 1111 BE SEALED. (ALL BE SEALED. • • R E HOUSE PAN: DARRE BARRRUE fED PA DES S H IN-2. L •. CA0.KNG BILL BE APPLIED BEHIND LTNDOW PLANGEL ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS RILL BE SEALED. • BATH PA • PAS OPG. OVCT: (21FRONT ELEVATION ASIDE ELEVATION m AI SCALE, 1/8' -I' -0' AI SCALE, 1/0' -1' -0' X '0' FRONT WALKOUT - LEXINGTON LODGE TYP. FRONT ELEV. TRIM _ SHEET N O: SCALES 1/1' -1' -0' �� A••:.:a .� L .N,. R e no+n 1�1J[riJ<57 A I rl - - - - -- n r tTt m< 2 0 NO i v _ I ' .._. cp D— r 0 m x i • m r `- ° - � i z p �• r a� c i m A m f z �v y C r m r' Rl IT X o oD IT yb<tw< q �_ 3� NO ' C� C N x p ffi ° 1 WIN Hi ll a� w -.I_ I "$ _ z i m A A. 4A m � o m figs Zzli9i "x ay ° � ��em 0 r F � e � -4 z 1 7 9 e n > sQr o m gt >�'�'' �'.. . � z s f Az z" o,°, Tm� ON O N 8 A g m e NKAr 3 m oop�e Mrcmnir t g a m 1 ��.�� O � ffznTO zz T a� i rmmno°m s? m w a r $$ i r - m e c P n O YmZ •• • • •• • • ~ a s m a ® >8 n p c -c r O m t 0 fa f1� ;c O C- z U by +!4!4x ,I fit•" - -•••- _ Agar o gq >� 7 f w� s 9� aP CC s n cu ODSD�' k - zmzm ZD 7p0< K m F r. i o -- Dim•` [� mC Dm �m y z "'I i m W �oortp m A so z ...� n z, z� z �Amom A nn ono O m c. m cum m m I Om� m m r A mm i f r g a�R n EZ 00 Z� AL�l -,Z N ,; r m O p i �gi y _ m Im O A N N �� ��$ m & l NE C yr N m w D � rju 70 U Z _ m 0 z M Z '" = o � � m m a O 19 Ilq!uX=ql a p D ly m M M -1 A � � a � 6 6 - === D_ — — N - - I D 7 71 F- :2 p o v I F � p x 9; � n �° Tz r� °. z m m P E Im S e88SZ m x$T r F gig . l es� p D D m a n 70 D r o C) m Z D F D m —4 Z m X7 3 Z �- _ - I i � o T 'mica <i °F gm o s .9„ o >vaom ai prtr A _ noA m� c a °> o � m i n O S 0 0 a ° I m N9 I!q!gx3 0 R RZ ° = v g lx N x q F r o g m m iv � ° n 0 � m 0 €x rzz 0 g cc 4 ,TH2 ts w j MUM! 4 I!. m 70 4 sa n 70 ! r o ° m Z N D.° rn F�k lig I � ' 3 x .n o f' y &m °s, a ■ o° a Ila 3: m z Z , n i+ V T Q ' I C) J ¢g } --------- ----- i — N N N �m M ❑ m r r o p' -1 ❑ LJ ri a I D > m E'v m r8 1�;L m z I ai - I o ❑ o m O i. :x y IJ 0 d9 NNX u� F ea a M —1 i €a 3 X En <� a O ` I `------- » - - --- - I a q.0 3 11 z ,1 m =FlV� m2 -Ov QD oax_Dy m oA m in N C , , t r- Z m i - T1 ---- -- ---- -- Z Am iD AG Dm oAmUZ A No Ax m OAO OA =n N36 Gi. � Am < Ap O DNNAr - p �' r mOOm E m 1 EA U O a' E Ap 00 r1z O O 9 ----------------- R A a t . _ ------- --- - - - - -- f�- ca cn FF O F i 3 X r_ a O ` I `------- » - - --- - I a q.0 3 iln o tIM �i MUM Yrn7 ; >� 'H e � � r'� A Y •i_ o r � y D y F oR Y r «4 �i. 0 0 $ � z •M � H p z m A F Y ` iii: Ir m ogg p aos'.. m r r ' 7000 MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES • THESE MANS ARE N ACCORDANCE ETN MINNESOTA R%n. CHAPTER VIL • AIR SEALING REGUREMEN76: -. • A CONTINUOUSLY SEALED VAPOR /AIR BARRIER ELL BE INSTALLED. • SIDE AND TYPE OF SUMMERY • EOUNRIENT CONTROLi: • TO PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST EXCESSIVE DEPRESSMATIOM. PRESCRIPTIVE PATH 1 WILL BE FOLLOWED.' • HOUSE WRAP WILL BE INSTALLED ON ENTIRE HOUSE-OVERLAPPED V. TAPED SEAMS AND SWOON FLANGES. • ALL SEAMS WILL BE OVERLAPPED C AND TAPED. •. ACOUSTICAL SEALANT MLL BE USED AT TOP AND BOTTOM PLATES. • FURNACE • EATER HEATER: : • CE PAN CYCLER, CYC FOR R CYC • FURNACE NOOSE " • EXTERIOR ENVELOPE COMPONENT MATERIALS: SEE PAGES N{ M-1 51-3. SL. 5T • • INSULATION, POLY ISEALED TO SUB- FLOORL AND DRYWALL ELL BE • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT RRl BE USED AT EXTERIOR WALL INTERSECTIONS . • FIREPLACE: FAN WILL BE M OLE BY U - VALES OF SINDOWS. DOORS. AND SKYLIGHTS: SEE ENDOW SCHEDULES ON PAGES AT. AS. AS APPLIED DEMO TUB DECKS AND SHOVERS STALLS ON OUTSIDE WALLS. • POLY AND 056 MLL AE APMED BEHIND AND AT TOP OF SOPFI76 THAT •VAPOR SARRWR WI BE TAPED TO LESCO BOX FLANGES. • ALL PLUMBING, AND ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS, NCLUDIIG INSIDE LESCO • CLOTHES DRYER: • RANGE HOOD: THERMOSTAT MTN A NOTE MODATMG IT'S PURPOSE • R- VALUES OF INSULATION MATERIALS: SEE PAGES 3K 51-3. 51-3, SL U • LOCATIONS OF INTERIOR AM BANNER. VAPOR RETARDER, AND WINO WASH INTERSECT MTN UNHEATED SPACES /EXTERIOR WALLS, • RMI JOIST BILL BE SEALED. BOXES MLL BE SEALED. • ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS SELL BE SEALED. • WHOLE HOUSE FAN: • BATH FANS: I S ' BARRIER: SEE PAGES SIR V-1 61-3 - • CAULKING BULL BE APPLIED BEHIND ENDOW FLANGES, - ALL VINYL SHAKES AND STONE VENEER I L y • PASSIVE OPG. 00". 3 Q \/ Q CHIMNEYS. ROOF VALLEYS, CHANGE OF SIDING. T \ Y ' ` MATERIALS. OR WHERE SIDING MEETS A TRIM - - BOARD AT BOTTOM OF A WALL r•F _ TYP. FRONT (a)ELE TRIM bTB W I,I.L. u 13 0 AI SCALE: 1/9' =1' —O' •u - MeeRm C SHEET N O: W«. vwn .IWIG wrtnu D 0 �p ui •SIC _ _ ____ ({R-� oa o Y DQU ®® MAIr I I . j _ ___ __________ FRONT ELEVATION ---------- __________�___ ______ ____________- Ai SCALE: 1/8' =1' -0' ASIDE ELEVATION Ai SCALE: 1/8" -1' -0• GENERAL NOTES F ALL TRIM ON FRONT ELEVATION TO BE —1 CEDAR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED PROVIDE DRIP CAP OVER WINDOWS 1 DOORS AND TRIM C ;I 3INSTALL 1/7' O.S.B. SHEATHING BEHIND I S M ALL VINYL SHAKES AND STONE VENEER I L y 'B' FRONT FULL L FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED UNDER PLYWOOD Or 3 Q \/ Q CHIMNEYS. ROOF VALLEYS, CHANGE OF SIDING. T \ Y ' ` MATERIALS. OR WHERE SIDING MEETS A TRIM - - BOARD AT BOTTOM OF A WALL r•F TYP. FRONT (a)ELE TRIM bTB W I,I.L. « 0 AI SCALE: 1/9' =1' —O' MeeRm C SHEET N O: W«. E=4 ®0 -- 1 at -- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- ; - -- ' (2:)FRONT ELEVATION AI SCALE: 1 /8" =1' -O" ASIDE ELEVATION A,"n"e.m°eNeTtl" —^I Al SCALE: 1 /0' =1' -O" GENERAL NOTES Tw �••• nR•• o.N _ _ A ALL TRIM ON FRONT ELEVATION TO BE �-t; �nxe•m eo.. CEDAR UNLESS OT14ERUMSE NOTED I ur e: uno i,`.: CN : Ton PROVIDE DRIP CAP OVER WINDOWS I INDOORS AND TRIM i N 3 � u uwE,eNA axM o" 71 ax. E 1 ` A INSTALL 1 /2' O.S.B. SHEATHING BEHIND ALL VINYL SHAKES AND STONE VENEER In yr .x• M I jj una v.. IC' FRONT FULL . FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED UNDER PLYWOOD L ^ � � ` CHIMNEYS. ROOF V LL ROOF AND WALLS, ,4r \ A L CHIMNEYS. ROOF VALLEYS, CHANGE OF SIDING �IN w °iiaNN',a•�w axa N.oex .. ...... "SIN_ MATERIALS, OR WHERE SIDING MEETS A TRIM "` ` �1RAIL DETAIL a RAIL ELEV. BOARD AT BOTTOM OF A HALL TYP. FRONT, •eeme AI' SCALE: 1/4' -I' -0 Ar BcalE, yr -r -o s E LEV . T RIM_ 9 o+Xea.I w Y SHEET N O: AI SCALE: 1/1' =1' -0' i ELEV. /SECT c.Ta_ a�� ME AI ECALEe IM' .r -O• — �"' i T wl. . '"•A e Lo iC�pfpi�If d _ �C. "`•:. :'L"u+}.. Wmrw. IfNe B35iLaV'JL.D.i•]T� /'"1I 7000 MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES - • THESE FLANS ARE M ACCORDANCE MIN MINNESOTA MM. CHAPTER'Un • AR SEALING REQUREMENTS: • A CONTNUOUSLY SEALED VAPOR /AM BARRIER WILL 82 INSTALLED. • SIZE AND TYPE OF EQUIPMENT • TO PROVIDE PROIECipN AGAINST EXCESSIVE DEPRESSURMATIOL • HOUSE WRAP WILL BE INSTALLED ON BRINE NOOSE -0VERIAPPED C, • ALL SEAMS WILL BE OVERLAPPED V AND TAPED. • FURNACE •.EQUIPMENT CONTROLS, PRESCRIPTIVE PATH I MLL BE FOLLOWED. TAPED SEA" AND OWN FLANGES. • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT WILL BE USED AT TOP AND BOTTOM PLATES. • MATER NEATER, FURNA FURNACE IAN CYCLER: • EXTERIOR ENVELOPE COMPONENT MATERIALS. SEE PAGES W1 N-E. 5FS. SL 57 • WYALIIES OF • MSIEATIOX, FOLY ISEALED TO NO- FLOOR), AND DRYWALL ILL BE • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT WILL BE USED AT EXTERIOR SALL INTERSECTIONS. • FIREPLACE: FOR WHOLE HOUSE FAN WILL BE LOCATED By ' UNOOWM. DOORS. AND SKYUONTS, SEE 'DOW SCHEMES ON PAGES AS, AN, AS APPLIED pEIND TUB 0=5 AND SHOWERS STALLS ON OUISDE WALLS. • POLY AND OSE WILL BE APPLIED BENNO AND AT 7OF OF SOPMTS THAT • VAPOR BARRIER WILL BE TAPED TO LESCO BOX FLAMES • ALL PLNIOMG AND ELECTRICAL FENETRATIONS. MCILDMG INSIDE LESCO • CLOTHES DRYEE • RANGE X000: THERMOSTAT MTN A NOTE NOCATIM UPS PURPOSE • R -VALUES OF SIMULATION MATERIALS SEE PAGES SIA SI-T. 10-7. SL 52 'INTERSECT MTN UNHEATED SPACES/EXTESIOR WALLA BONES WILL BE SEALED. • MIOLE NOOSE PAN- LOCATIONS OF MTERIOR AM BARRIER, VAPOR RETARDER. AND "D WASH • RM JOIST WLL BE SEALED. • ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS SOL BE SEALED. • RATN FANS: BARRIER: SEE PAGES SIR SM. I" • CAULKMG ELL BE APPLIED BEHIND MOM FLAMES Y • PASSIVE OPG. DUCiI a u p� uP ww c Hen, =Zl M sAr :mlp -�{ E=4 ®0 -- 1 at -- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- ; - -- ' (2:)FRONT ELEVATION AI SCALE: 1 /8" =1' -O" ASIDE ELEVATION A,"n"e.m°eNeTtl" —^I Al SCALE: 1 /0' =1' -O" GENERAL NOTES Tw �••• nR•• o.N _ _ A ALL TRIM ON FRONT ELEVATION TO BE �-t; �nxe•m eo.. CEDAR UNLESS OT14ERUMSE NOTED I ur e: uno i,`.: CN : Ton PROVIDE DRIP CAP OVER WINDOWS I INDOORS AND TRIM i N 3 � u uwE,eNA axM o" 71 ax. E 1 ` A INSTALL 1 /2' O.S.B. SHEATHING BEHIND ALL VINYL SHAKES AND STONE VENEER In yr .x• M I jj una v.. IC' FRONT FULL . FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED UNDER PLYWOOD L ^ � � ` CHIMNEYS. ROOF V LL ROOF AND WALLS, ,4r \ A L CHIMNEYS. ROOF VALLEYS, CHANGE OF SIDING �IN w °iiaNN',a•�w axa N.oex .. ...... "SIN_ MATERIALS, OR WHERE SIDING MEETS A TRIM "` ` �1RAIL DETAIL a RAIL ELEV. BOARD AT BOTTOM OF A HALL TYP. FRONT, •eeme AI' SCALE: 1/4' -I' -0 Ar BcalE, yr -r -o s E LEV . T RIM_ 9 o+Xea.I w Y SHEET N O: AI SCALE: 1/1' =1' -0' i ELEV. /SECT c.Ta_ a�� ME AI ECALEe IM' .r -O• — �"' i T wl. . '"•A e Lo iC�pfpi�If d _ �C. "`•:. :'L"u+}.. Wmrw. IfNe B35iLaV'JL.D.i•]T� /'"1I 3000 MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES • THESE PLANS ARE IN ACCORDANCE MIN MINNESOTA RIM. CHAPTER YTL • AM SEALING REQUIREMENTS: • A CONTINUOUSLY SEALED VAPOR /AIR BARRIER WILL BE INSTALLED. • SIZE AND TYPE OF EOMPMENT • EDUPMEXT CONTROLS: • TO PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST EXCESSIVE DEPRESSURIZATION. PRESCRIPTIVE PATH • HOUSE MAP BILL BE INSTALLED ON ENTIRE HOW NE-OVERLAPPED V. • ALL SEAMS WILL BE OVERLAPPED l'. AND TAPED. • FURNACE •FURNACE FAN N CTC LFJt CTC I MILL BE FOLLOWED. • EXTERIOR ENVELOPE COMPONENT MATERIALS, SEE PAGES SIR 51-2. SI-R. 57 TAPED SEAMS AND WINOM FLANGES. •' • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT MIL BE 05E0 At TOP AND BOTTOM PLATES, • EATER HEATER: • FOR HOUSE R 51. • II-VALUES, OF WINDOWS. DOORS, AND SKYLIGHTS: INSULATION. POLY (SEALED TO SUB- FLOOR), AND DRYWALL WILL BE APPLIED BEHIND TUB DECKS AND 540MENS STALLS ON OUTSIDE WALLS. • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT BILL L BE USED AT EXTERIOR WALL INTERSECTIONS. • VAPOR FARRIER BILL BE TAPED TO LESCO BOX FLANGES. • FIREPLACE. • CLOTHES DRYER: - FAN WILL LOCATED SE. THERMOST AT WITH A NOTE IRE 04009 SCHEDULES ON PAGES AS, AL AS • R- VALUES OF INSULATION MATERIALS: SEE PAGES BI{ WI -]. 11-3. WI RL • POLY AND 055 BILL BE APPLIED BENND AND AT TOP OF SOFFITS THAT INTERSECT BITH SPACES/EXTERIOR SPACES /EERIOR WALLS. •ALL PLUIBMG AND ELECTRCAL PENETRATIONS. MCIUDNG INSOE LESCO BOXES WILL BE SEALED. •RANGE HOOD: • WHOLE HOUSE FAN: IN E RMOST IT'S PURPOSE • LOCATIONS OF INTERIOR AM BARREN, VAPOR RETARDER AND MIND EARN • RIM JOST WILL BE SEALED. • ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS WILL BE SEALED. • BATH FANS: BAREEIL SEE PAGES SH SI-1. SM • CORKING WILL BE APPLIED BEHIND WINDOW FLANGES. • PASSIVE OPG. DUCT: r F N w:m 12 mIm ElElEl 1:10 0 M.=00—M. p00� . ; F4: tCO�Fx Cduw MWC.v rmm 1 _ 1 FRONT ELEVA TION � - - -- AI SCALE: 1/8^ -1'-0^ -= a i/ r - -- ------------------------ _ ____ ___ -_ -__ _____ q' SIDE ELEVATION - -- (a) w •m A) SCALE: 1/8" -1' -0- GENERAL NOTES F ALL TRIM ON FRONT ELEVATION TO BE I CEDAR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I F E�F�5 it T PROVIDE DRIP CAP OVER WINDOWS: X DOORS AND TRIM �t L INSTALL I /2' O.S.B. SHEATHING BEHIND 11 ALL VINYL SHAKES AND STONE VENEER c • It r 'A FRONT FULL F FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED UNDER PLYWOOD C rwn 10".num A T ` ' PANELS, JUNCTIONS OF ROOF AND WALLS, CHIMNE YS, ROOF VALLEYS. CHANGE OF SIDING .'m'� (1 L I ' - I O MATERIALS, OR WHERE SIDING MEETS A TRIM BOAR AT BOTTOM OF A WALL TYP. FRONT r TRIM AI SCALE: 1/1" -I'-0" w e IH n. W_ o ATL_ om v ry mmr O-In. o-FI n iDYM1 T keU p m•e ffiF EET N O: !t\AL.�Y�D n Ii7N.L1 0/10/2003 Dw � A s m x . m . m it < D u t o _ N Uti o m M M M 5 S? a N' m < M OM; ]� r � o z a'o666SS O r ® =nor sz ❑ o � nD m ODD'" rm A mr i - AmimM r D , p D r f11 oAm�,= zrr- N0. AA A - D m 0 �N N O A DO r S N Z �AOOm nmN sn 00 ZO O . <MR w D -I2 m N '; rmmOY iom <. A� EFAD 8 r3DDZ I O ms y Dr�K R° m ih m -1NN@ _= o n9 #!q!ux n a s= �Y ` `MN of ,'A- �. m Y B r • A 1pia'gPM c. ._Rre. O m .9F "figd o m ° ;R5" I I y N : F'r" G �Fi��g x *gyps r m A>ee$� $ f 0 G . ~TT'g N m --I fl r � m - n J TO r x �' E z O 6 n tm' N Dm n Z Z m O 1 0 v 5 � n s D r m r Q K • z:. Dw � A s m x . m . m it < D u t o _ N Uti o m M M M 5 S? a N' m < M OM; ]� r � o z a'o666SS O r ® =nor sz ❑ o � nD m ODD'" rm A mr i - AmimM r D , p D r f11 oAm�,= zrr- N0. AA A - D m 0 �N N O A DO r S N Z �AOOm nmN sn 00 ZO O . <MR w D -I2 m N '; rmmOY iom <. A� EFAD 8 r3DDZ I O ms y Dr�K R° m ih m -1NN@ _= o n9 #!q!ux n a s= �Y ` `MN of ,'A- �. m Y B r • A 1pia'gPM c. ._Rre. O m .9F "figd o m ° ;R5" I I y N : F'r" G �Fi��g x *gyps r m A>ee$� $ f 0 G . ~TT'g 7000 MINNESOTA ENERGT CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES • THESE PLANS ARE CE FAN CYCLER: S. C ACCORDANCE XCE SIV E6OTA RLL SYRUATNIK ROVER MAP RILL ES. C'HAI'T!R 111L - • AR SEALING REQUIREMENTS: • A CONTMUOYSLT SEALED VAPOR /AIR BARRIER NRL BE INSTALLED. • SITE AND TYPE Of EQUIPMENT • DUPMlNT CONiROIOLf. • TO PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST E%CESSNE OEPRE6 • BE INSTALLED ON ENTIRE HOUSE- OVE 6' RLAPPED , • ALL SEAMS WILL BE OVERLAPPED V AND TAPED. • FURNACE E • PRESCRIPTIVE PATH TILL BE fOLLOW60. TAPED SEAMS AND UNDOW FLANGES. • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT BILL BE USED AT TOP AND BOTTOM PLATES. • WATER HEATER: • FURNACE FOR MOLE • EXTERIOR ENVELOPE C MATERIALS: SEE PAGES Wt W-1 Y-!. SL 52 • INSULATION. POLT SEALED TO SUB- fLOOR1, AND DRYWALL WILL BE • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT WILL BE USED AT EXTERIOR WALL INTERSECTIONS. • HOUSE ST • Y- VALUES OF 11NDO, DOORS. AND SKYLIGHTS: APPLIED BEMND 195 DECKS AND SHOVERS 6TAltb ON OUTSIDE BALLS. • VAPOR BARRIER BILL BE TAPED TO LESCO BO% FLANGES. • FIREPLACE FAX WILL R LOC LE CLOT14E6 D THERMOS NTH A NOTE MG IT SEE WINDOW SCNEIDRES ON PAGES Al. Al. AS • POLT AND 058 TILL BE APPLIED BEMND AND AT TOP Of SOFFITS THAT • ALL PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS, *CUEING INSIDE LESCO • RANGE WOE: *DIG ' • R- VALUES OF INSULATION MATERIAL& SEE PAGES SI-L W2. W-!, SL 61 INTERSECT ffN UNHEATED SPACE6/EXTERIOR WALLS. BOXES WILL BE SEALED. RRIMER NOLE NSE FAIL S PURPOSE • LOCATIONS OF INTERIOR A* BARRIER, VAPOR RETARDER. AND RED SAM • *IN JOIST BBL BE SEALED. - • ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATION! OIL BE SEALED. PASSIVE OP,G. DIICTt BARRIER: SEE PAGES IR SI-S. WE • CAULKING SOL BE APPLIED BER ND BINDOM FLARGEL • BATS fANS: M Y- T vNn LORE . I T :�• j ®� _i �- -- - ------------ - - ' r i i --------- ---------------- - I -__ --------------------- - L----- ----- ---- --- - -' 3 FRONT ELEVATION ASIDE ELEVATION X „.� ".� e• AI SCALE: 1/8` = AI SCALE: I /8" -1'-O" ' .DM .ro ° GENERAL NOTES GT 11 L PROVIDE DRIP CAP OVER WINDOWS. 1 11 DOORS AND TRIM. L INSTALL 1/1' 0.515. SHEATNO BEMND A ✓J ALL .SHAKES AND STONE VENEER 1 CHIMNEY � • I.LA5HIN0 TO AI FRONT PULL PANELS. AINCiIONS OE Of *STALLED ROOf AND WALLS. PLYWOOD L I fA�, I , D S. OOP R O M C OF 5, HAIDING O O D / l R D LOD ,. 11 S v. MATERIALS. OR INHERE SIDING MENGE Of S ETS A TRIM BOARD AT BOTTOM OF A MALL DB. O-Wi. trbM U a FRONT ELEV. TRIM DN.MRB NI.,ALB_';o,DT,D TW R.e SCALE: I /8" _ nvw o-T.M w Q AI '<I' -O" �"'• yk DATL� nVGI D -]RLI LD �R�L.l�BJL JLALJICI�� y SHEET N CN Y /,NOON 2000 MINNESOTA ENERGT CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES • THESE PLANS ARE N ACCORDANCE MTN MINNESOTA RLLtf. CRAFTER Tin • AN SEALING REOURENENTF. • A CONTINUOUSLY SEALED VAPOR/AIR BARRIER NU BE INSTALLED. E HOUSE REAP 1 BE • 6Q! AND TTPE OF EQUIPMENT N E • EDIIRMENT CONTROLS, • TO PROVIDE PROTECTOR AGAINST EXCESSIVE DEPRESNIE2ATNM, MULL BE INSTALLED ON ENTRE NOUSE -OVERLAPPED t', • ALL SEAMS OVERLAPPED S' AND'TAPED. • FURNA •FURNACE FAN CYCLER, IT WPTWNV LOP O M N T E TAPED SEAMS AND MATERIALS: • BINDOO RANGES, • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT Ill BE USED AT TOP AND BOTTOM ELATES • WAT[R IEATEI4 • SWITCH FOR NDL! ER, • ENTERMM ENV COMPONENT MATERILLk WE PAGES 61{ N-7, N-y, N R] • INSULATION. fSEALEO TO SIB -PLOM. AND DRTRA4 BILL BE • ACOUSTICAL SEALANT BILL BE USED AT EXTIRM WALL IN PLAT C1NNIE R HE MN BULL BE LOCATED 5T • S SMO OF WINDONS DOORS. AND ll. At APPLIED BEHIND TIN DECKS AND SHOWERS STALLS ON OUTSDE MALLL • VAPOR BARRIER WILL BE TAPED TO LESCO BON FLARGES. • rAE DRTEb FA N BU BE T NTH A NOTE HOUSE REV LMES F INSULATION ON PAGES AS. AL AT ' • ALL PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS. INCLUDING INSIDE LUCO • RANG! {DOD: - NDICATMG R'S PURPOSE • R -VALID OF MN ERIOR AIR BAR IE: bES PAGES AR 11-2. N N b7 POLY AND CBS WILL BE APPLIED BEHIND AND AT TOP OF SOFFITS THAT NTERSEM NTM UNHEATED SPACE[ /IXTERIOR NMLS $ONES BILL BE SEALED. • R ANGE HOUSE PAN; • DAREE Mt OF A INTERIOR 51 AE BARRIER VAPOR RETARDER AND BIND MAIN RN KIST MRS. Of SEALED. • ALL MCIRRIOR PENETRATIONS BILL BE SEALED.. • BATH FANS: TARRIES, SEE PAGES N-L W& 61-3 • CAILI NG BULL BE APPLIED BEHIND OWN FLANGES. • PASSIVE OPG. DUCTS SAM n DID - wn run• u�r•r � vnt mans. ---- _--------- � 1 aw. ar .M .J L _____ i t I 1 ___ —_ —_ , I m 1 FRONT ELEVATION t ELEVATION x 3 r AI SCALE: 1/8' -1'-0" AI SCALE: 1/8" -1' -0' = a CE ,^+ T - GENERAL NOTES ,. - 0) • PROVIDE DRIP CAP OVER WINDOWS, DOORS AND TRTRIM •. 'N' FRONT FULL +r • INSTALL LL V1 0 EEMXD O O D D L ALL SNAS AND STONE VENEER TYF• FRON1 • PLASMMG PANELS JUNC TO DE T10Nb METAOF RO LLED F AND WA U DER A T OLLS C CMMNETS. ROOF VALLEYS: CHANGE OF SNYMG i0] L ELE TRIM MATERIALS, OR THERE SRNNG MEETS A TRIM BOARD AT BOTTOM OF A tlAtl D -]•15 eur WRa MrTIAtR,�- T , r • / AI SCALES 1/4' -I' —O' 0] DAr _ 'O) o -uu Rg ffTUJND sNEET F+ a �a•• Wny4 O] ALBRRTVLIE ,41 Excerpt from City Council Meeting Minutes 07/06/04 Brockway Area Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan, Shoreland Overlay District Permit and Wetland Conservation. Act Permit and Outlots of Brockway Final Plat, WCA Permit and Mitigation Plan Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed some changes to conditions of the preliminary plat. The overall unit density of 5.34 units per acre to 7.06 units' density was agreed to. The developer is Contractor's Property Development Developers Company (CPDC) which has had a good rapport with the City during Evermoor's development. Dave Hempel was very responsive to city staff. City Engineer Brotzler said he had confidence that this will also be a successful project. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan reported living near Evermoor and that shejhad experienced building debris problems. She hoped staff would be considerate of this problem during Brockway's development. Mike Waldo, from CPDC, presented a list of 35 contractors who may be doing the building. Staff had no objections to any contractors on the list. Council discussed details of the landscaping. Council held CPDC responsible for the completion of the berms. City Engineer Brotzler explained the traffic concept and the impact plans. Traffic signals will be placed on Highway 3 at CR 38/ McAndrews Road and Connemara Trail. Brotzler also discussed the drainage issues with Rorkes' property and Arlyn Evenson Pond area. City Attorney LeFevere presented some language changes to the conditions of the preliminary plat which were accepted by City Council. MOTION by Strayton to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT IN CONFORMANCE WITH` THE SHORELAND OVELAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR THE BROCKWAY AREA PRELIMINARY PLAT. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Strayton, DeBettignies, Shoe- Corrigan, Droste. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Strayton to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT PERMIT AND ACCEPT THE WETLANDS - MITIGATION PLAN AND WETLANDS EXEMPTION FOR THE BROCKWAY DEVELOPMENT. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: ; DeBettignies, Shoe- Corrigan, Droste, Strayton. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by DeBettignies to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE BROCKWAY DEVELOPMENT subject to the changes on conditions 11, 15, 21, and 25. Second by Droste. Ayes: Shoe - Corrigan, Droste, Strayton, DeBettignies. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by DeBettignies to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR OUTLOTS OF BROCKWAY. Second by Strayton. Ayes: Droste, Strayton, DeBettignies, Shoe- Corrigan. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Shoe- Corrigan to adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE BROCKWAY AREA DEVELOPMENT. Second by DeBettignies. Ayes: Strayton, DeBettignies, Shoe- Corrigan, Droste. Nays: None. Motion carried. Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of May 25, 2004 6B. CASE 04 -16 -PP Brockway Development (CPDC) — Shoreland Ordinance Permit/PUD (Preliminary Plat) & Outlots of Brockway Final Plat City Planner Rick Pearson presented this application. Staff is recommending three separate motions relating to approval of the Preliminary Plat with conditions, approval of the Wetlands Conservation Act permit, and approval of the Outlots of Brockway Final Plat. Andie Moffatt, Wetlands Specialist from WSB, presented the wetlands portion of the report. She explained the Wetlands Conservation Act (WCA) and the process this application is required to go through. She then explained the wetland impact of the Brockway site. There is a 30 day comment period for applicable agencies to provide input. It is her recommendation that the application does meet the Wetland Conservation Act. City Planner Rick Pearson explained some of the more significant revisions submitted with the latest preliminary plat and plans. He also discussed and clarified some of the conditions of approval. Homer Tompkins, Tim Whitten, Mike Waldo, and Dave Hempel were present to represent the applicant and to answer questions. Commissioner Zurn asked about the timeline of events. Dave Hempel of CPDC explained that July 7, they are expecting to apply for a demolition permit. There is some environmental cleanup that will be involved with demolition. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Bonnie Rohr, 2813 132 St. W. She lives at the intersection of Highway 3 and 132"d St. There is a culvert that runs into the wetland on her property..She wanted to know how the holding pond that will be constructed will affect her property. MOTION by Powell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schultz. Ayes: Powell, Schultz, Zurn, Messner, and Humphrey. Nays: None. Motion carried. City Engineer Andy Brotzler explained that there will be an outlet constructed to Keegan Lake. The basin on the north side of County Road 38 will drain into the new infiltration basin which will be constructed. The north side and south side areas will operate independently of each other. It will not have an affect on the basin on the other side of the road. Commissioner discussion followed regarding further clarification of some of the conditions. Page 2 1VIOTION by Powell to recommend that the City Council approve the Brockway site Preliminary Plat, PUD Final Development Plan, and Shoreland Overlay District Permit subject to the thirty one conditions outlined in the staff report. Second by Schultz. Ayes Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Messner to recommend that the City Council approve the Wetlands Conservation Act permit and accept the wetlands mitigation plan and wetlands exemption. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, Powell, and Schultz. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Zurn to recommend that the City Council approve the Outlots of Brockway Final Plat subject to: 1. Consistency with the Brockway Site Preliminary Plat as approved. 2. Approval of the Dakota County Plat Commission. 3. Approval of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Second by Humphrey. Ayes: Humphrey, Powell, Schultz, Zum, and Messner. Nays: None. Motion carried. This item will proceed to City Council June 15 for initial presentation. It will proceed for final action at the July 6, 2004 City Council meeting, after the 30 day comment period for WCA is complete.