HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of June 23, 2004 City Council Work Sessionr t l i e rn IV � (�, � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 23, 2004 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the City Council Work Session was held on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 at 6:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste and Council Members Riley, and Shoe - Corrigan were present. Council Members Strayton and DeBettignies were absent. Also in attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Fire Chief Aker, City Engineer Brotzler, and Communications Coordinator Cox. DISCUSSIONS MCES Empire Outfall/Stormwater Agreement City Administrator Verbrugge recapped the proposed agreement for the Met Council's Empire Outfall project for the cohabitation of the waste water systems. The largest area of concern is the term for use which is currently written as an 80 year term with a provision for a 5 year notice if Met Council wants to eliminate our use of the system. Staff asked for direction on how to address the length of term for the use of the facility. City Engineer Brotzler indicated that if we move forward with this agreement there would be additional investments for the creation of larger holding pond areas. The holding ponds would be designed to maintain stormwater until the ponds were drawn down at a later date. Disadvantages for not participating with the Met Council were that it would take a longer time to construct our own system and the cost would be in excess of thirty million dollars. Advantages were that we would get an outlet now and the cost sharing would reduce the City's outlay to approximately five million dollars. Staff expressed concern regarding the length of term of the agreement. 'Pete Willenbrig, from WSB Engineering, was present to answer questions and discuss options regarding the MCES Empire Outfall Agreement. Mr. Willenbrig considered this a long -term agreement and expressed concern with the five -year notice for termination of use. Discussion continued regarding the ownership of easements, the need to plan for future development, the life of the system, and the five year notice for termination of use. Council directed staff to submit an amendment to the draft agreement to have perpetual use of system or, use for an 80 year period and eliminate the five year notice for termination of use. If these amendments were not acceptable, the proposal would be for a flat fee for dumping storm water into their system. Public Facilities Improvements City Administrator Verbrugge asked Council Members to identify any questions or issues they have regarding proposed improvements for public facilities. Facilities identified were a second Fire Station located north of Connemara Trail and west of the Centex Minea development, expansion of City Hall over the existing Police garage, and expansion of the Public Works facility on Brazil Avenue. Fire Chief Aker indicated that a second Fire Station to be located north of Connemara Trail and west of the Centex Minea Development had been in the CIP budget for over ten years. Mr. Aker feels it is now necessary to put the second station on line based upon the number of people 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 23, 2004 residing in the area, the number of calls from the area, the streets and infrastructure are in place, and the number of firefighters living in that area. Mr. Aker indicated a six person committee was formed to see what was needed for a new station. The committee came up with two options. Option one was for a stand - alone fire station. It would service a specific area and would take more fire fighters for staffing. Equipment needed would be the same as Station #1. The second option would be a satellite station. The station closer to the incident would take the lead and be backed up by the other station. It would take less equipment and less staffing. Council Members expressed a preference for option number two. The next step would be to talk with the construction manager and get some cost estimates for construction. City Administrator Verbrugge reviewed the renovation of City Hall which occurred in 2001/2002. At the time of renovation, Staff had recommended finishing the space over the Police garage for future expansion. The City Council decided not to finish the space due for financial reasons. Mr. Verbrugge indicated that some advance planning, low interest rates, and cramped working conditions have prompted consideration of a new renovation project for this area. If renovation were approved by City Council, an update for this project would be brought before City Council in August, public meetings would be scheduled for September /October, the bid would be awarded in February and construction would start in April. Mr. Verbrugge identified the priorities for construction as the second Fire Station being number one, the expansion of the Public Works Facility number two and the expansion of City Hall as number three. The attendees went on a tour of the Public Works Facility. UPDATES Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan City Engineer Brotzler informed the Council that a work plan goal was to update the Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan (CWMP). Staff is proposing to form a committee to determine the City's objectives and priorities and to develop a policy and plan to meet these objectives. A final plan ' is anticipated to be ready for City Council approval by November/December. There will be a joint meeting for the City Council and the Planning Commission on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. An application for an Applebee's restaurant was received. The regular City Council Work Session was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 23, 2004 Respectfully submitted, Maryann Stoffel Recording Secretary The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2004 -24. 3