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Connemara Crossing PUD Final Development Plan by Basic Builders, 04-63-PUD6uluueld ayj Aq panojdde seen pue loefoid awoyulnnl pun Ot, a se ue6eq uolleoildde ayl _aNnOmomovs 'Apadoid awes ayl: uo shun awoqunnoi 99 joi and ldeouoo sno!naad a jo uo!s!naa a sl uolleuildde siyl 'I!ea1 eaewauuOO pue anuany auAeos!8 10 aauaoo lsannylnos ayl w Alaadoid jueoen ayl aol s6u awoyumol 8 pue awoyulnna 0 L ul shun lelluappai �(l!wel al6uls payoelle t t ao s enoidd8 8 tieu!w! as luawdolanao leuld Id (and) luawdolana l!u i } I d pue veld o n pauueld slsanbaa saapl!n8 o!seg #ued!IddB ayl lelluap!sa�l Apsuaa a}eaapolN `Z lelluaplsad uegan Jed s1!un L �'£ s6wp�!nq awoyunnol g pub awoyu!nn10 L u! shun l!e�l 8aewauuoo pue anuany auAeos!g jo aauaoa isannylnog siappe o!seg :6uluoz wanna 6!s9a u8ld ap!n0 •dwoa :Al!suaa V slo jo aagwnN :saaoy ur 8aay :uolleool :(s)aaunnp A:pedOJd V lueoyddy lkaewwns :NO113b suoil!puoo of Joe ns `l!eal eaewauuo:D pue anuany auAeos!8 }o aauaou lsannylnos ayl u! paleool Apadoid lueoen ayl uo s6ulpl!nq ewoyunnol 8 pue awoyulh4 0 L ui sl!un la!luepisai Alpel 916uls payoelle 1 COI leld tieuiwilGJd pue ue luawdolanaa leU1d (and) uauadolanaa i!un pauueld ayl 6ulnoidde u0i10losai a ldope of uo1 ;oW :N011od a3aN3WW03321 suo!l�na13 u!pl!n8 `hags sl1elaa `Ueld adeospue `ueld suoll!puoa 6uils!x3 `ueld uo!lenaasaJd aaal `ueld laluoa uoisoa3 `veld 6ulpea0 `ueld Apmn `and /leld tieu!wllaad `deVV uo app `OO L-tooz uo!lnlosa� `salnu!W 17*0 3d W `salnu t O - L ad `salnullN t7O -L L - 8 00 :AS a3AOUddV salnu!W 170 ad 4eJa `uo!lnlos9H :lead :S1N3WHOdlld aauueld Apo luels!ssy A 'O 'd'a'I'y `luepuil uoser :As a3llbd3ad out `s '5plln8 3!se8 sawoyunnol 8 pue sawoyum m u! sl!un t sseulsng nnaN Ueld luawdolanaa leu!� and :N01103S baN30V ( eu�teosl8 Ailewiod) s6u!ssoao aaewauuoa and eseo :W311 vaN30V f700Z `6 L jagolo4 :9jeCig ullaalN l!ounoa 1!0 N0113V 210= Amvwwns 3AI1na3X3 1NnOW3S021 z lO Jlli3 r k. z pagoelle agI w slenoidde leld itaeu!w!laad weld luawdolanaa leul j to suol3!puoo se pau!llrio pue nnolaq slsAleue aql ui passnoslp aie swel! asegl •spiepuels aouewaolaad Bulaaaui6ue pue 6UIUOZ s,Al!o aqI pue lenoidde to suo!3!puoo leul6uo aqI gl!nn eoueildwoo llnl olul eps agl 6u!aq of paa!nbaa We suoislnaa aou!w leJanas `JanannoH •s6u!pl!nq awoqunnol g pue awoqu!n q 0 L ul sl!un lellueplsai Allwel al6u!s pagoe:4e t t, bu!uieluoo s6ulssoao eiewauuoo aol lead tieuiw!laJd pue ueld Iuawdolanad leul j 941 10 lenoidde spuawwooaa gels `ajolaaagl •uo!ss!wwo0 6u!uueld aqI Aq aol palleo lenoidde to suoil!puoo agl to lsow pue u6!sep veld Idaouoo leul6!ao gl!nn aouelldwoo u! 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PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW The Planning Commission reviewed this item and held a Public Hearing during their September 28, 2004 meeting. While there was no.public comment the Commission had several questions related to easements, trail design, and the landscape islands in both cul- de -sacs. The Commission wanted to ensure the necessary easements would be in place for both public access to the trails and City access to maintain the on -site storm water pond. Staff indicated that a drainage and utility easement covers all of Lot 38 which represents the common area of the development and a condition of approval requires the applicant to dedicate access easements for both internal trails. The Commission was also concerned with access for disabled people to the site trails. Staff determined that the trail from Street B did not meet the slope requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a result, the Commission added a condition of approval requiring all trails and sidewalks meet the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The applicant's plans illustrate landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs. These islands were added to the site at the direction of the Planning Department. The planning staff feels these islands add green space to mitigate the large driveways, reduce traffic speeds, and create a higher quality development called for under the PUD ordinance. The engineering staff had recommended against the landscape islands due to the longer time it takes to remove snow in a cul -de -sac when an island is present. It is recognized that the addition of an island may affect the timing for snow removal minimally. However, the issue is that the addition of an island in each new cul -de -sac within the community will ultimately affect the timing for snow removal and therefore negatively affect service delivery. The Council needs to determine whether the aesthetic benefit of the landscape islands is worth the impact to service delivery. If the Council finds that they support landscape islands, planning staff will be including them in more projects and engineering staff will develop an island design that facilitates snow removal to the greatest extent possible. At the Planning Commission meeting staff asked for comments and direction regarding installation of landscape islands. The commission had a discussion with two members having no opinion, one preferring landscaping at the edge of the development for screening and another supporting the landscape islands. In conclusion, the Commission voted to approve the project with landscape islands and eliminate the Engineering recommended condition calling for their, removal. ISSUE ANALYSIS Landscaping, Tree Preservation, and Screening. In exchange for the PUD designation for this development, the applicant offers enhanced landscaping through much of the site. The landscaping plan illustrates a significant number of plantings throughout the development that provides enhanced screening from Connemara Trail, Biscayne Avenue and the adjacent railroad. In addition to this landscaping, the applicant will provide a berm along the west side 3 of the site to further screen and buffer the railroad. However two gaps in the landscaping still existed in the revised plans brought to the Planning Commission. At the request of the Commission, the applicant has added landscaping along the western property Fine to close these gaps and form a continuous landscaped line adjacent to the railroad line. In addition, the plan illustrates several plantings proposed over the storm sewer system outfall to the pond, over the outlet from the pond, and at the existing storm sewer structure north of Connemara Trail. The location of the plantings should not be placed over the storm sewer system. It also appears that the plantings are proposed over the sanitary sewer and watermain between Lot 28 -29, Block 1. The Landscaping Plan should be modified so plantings are not proposed on top of utilities. Utilities and Easements. The applicant will dedicate a drainage and utility easement over all of Lot 38, Block 1 (the common area). In addition, staff recommends the applicant dedicate a trail and access easement over both internal trails. Trails. The applicant's original plan illustrates three sidewalks and one bituminous trail. The current plans replace a 4 -foot concrete sidewalk from the southwestern cul -de -sac to the gazebo on the south end of the pond with an 8 -foot bituminous pathway with a slope of approximately seven (7) percent. There is also an eight -foot bituminous trail from the northern cul -de -sac with an approximate five and a half (5'/) percent slope. While these trails will allow City vehicles to access and maintain the pond, they fail to meet the ADA's maximum five (5) percent slope standard. In addition, at the request of the Commission, the applicant has added a 5 -foot concrete sidewalk on the south side of street C to connect the sidewalks along Biscayne Avenue and Street A. Homeowners' Association. The applicant shall establish a homeowners' association for the maintenance of all common areas including the landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs. Copies of the homeowners' association documents shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Attorney. Park Dedication. Staff is recommending park dedication should be cash dedication in lieu of land. The parks dedication fees for 44 units calculated using the City's current fee schedule would be $105,600 (44 x $ 2,400). The parks dedication fee is based on the fee at the time of final plat approval. Architectural Features. The applicant's plans include elevations for both the twinhome and townhome units. These elevations are attached for the Council's reference. They illustrate one -story units with basements and the ability to add a four season porch with a deck. Staff originally reported that these units would be 100 percent brick. The applicant has noted with staff that the front facades of the units will be approximately 95 percent brick with the areas between the top of the garage doors and the bottom edge of the roof line and around the man -doors having maintenance free siding. This is acceptable to staff and within the PUD and zoning ordinance standards. Engineering Comments. After reviewing the revised plans for Connemara Crossings, the 0 Engineering Department offers the following comments: 1. Due to the wide driveway openings in the cul -de -sacs that minimize snow storage, cluster mailboxes shall be installed for the cul -de -sacs. 2. The Landscaping Plan should depict that plantings are not proposed on top of proposed utilities. 3. Plan revisions to illustrate all trails and sidewalks shall not exceed a five percent slope as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENATION Staff recommends approval of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for 44 attached single family units in 10 twinhome and 8 townhome buildings on the vacant property at the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. This recommendation is based on the plans and information provided by the applicant and the findings made in this report. This recommendation is also subject to the conditions list on the attached resolution. 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR CONNEMARA CROSSINGS WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Basic Builders, Inc., requesting a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Development Plan for the Rosemount Crossing, legally described as: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying southeasterly of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company 100 foot right of way and lying 50.00 feet southerly of and parallel with the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20; thence on an assumed bearing of North 0 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds West, along the east line thereof, a distance of 1006.13 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described: thence North 68 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 343.51 feet to said easterly railroad right of way line and said liner there terminating. WHEREAS, on August 24, 2004 the applicant submitted a PUD Final Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for the project Connemara Crossings; and. WHEREAS, on September 28, 2004, the Planning Commission reviewed the PUD Final Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Connemara Crossings and received comments at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the PUD Final Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Connemara Crossings, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, October 19, 2004, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation for the Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Connemara Crossings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Connemara Crossings, subject to: 1. Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement between the applicant and the City. 2. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated including the both landscape islands in the cul -de -sacs. 3. Submission of a trail and access easements over both internal trails in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Said easements shall be recorded against the plat by the developer. 4. Establishment of a homeowners' association (HOA) for the maintenance of all common areas including the landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs. Copies of the homeowners' association documents shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Attorney. 5. Payment of parks dedication fees for 44 units calculated using our current fee schedule equal to $105,600 (44 x $ 2,400). The parks dedication fee shall be based on the fee at the time of final plat approval. 6. The front facades of all units shall be approximately 95 percent brick with only the areas between the top of the garage doors and the bottom edge of the roof line and around the man-doors having maintenance free siding. 7. Plan revisions to illustrate all trails and sidewalks shall not exceed a five percent slope as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. 8. Due to the wide driveway openings in the cul -de -sacs that minimize snow storage, cluster mailboxes shall be installed for the cul -de -sacs. 9. The landscape plan shall be revised to depict plantings not located on the top of proposed utilities. ADOPTED this 19'' day of October, 2004 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City` Clerk Motion by: Second by:` Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2. Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of September 28, 2004 Public Hearing: 5C. CASE 04 -63 -PUD Connemara Crossing (Basic Builders) PUD Final Development Plan and Preliminary Plat Approval. Assistant City Planner Lindahl reviewed the Staff Report. Basic Builders requests Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Development Plan approval for 44 attached single family residential units in 10 twinhome and 8 townhome buildings for the vacant property in the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. The application is a revision of the previous concept PUD for 56 townhome units on the same property. Staff recommends the approval of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Development Plan for 44attached single family homes and 10 twinhomes and 8 townhome buildings on the vacant property. This recommendation is also subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. Chairperson Messner asked for questions for Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Powell had two questions for staff. The first related to easements. Mr. Lindahl stated that there will be a draining and utility easement site that will permit City access to maintain the pond area. Mr. Lindahl went on to say the developer still needs to dedicate trail access easements for both of the internal trails and this is a condition of approval. Commissioner Powell's second question was whether the trails met the American with Disabilities Act requirements. Project Engineer Aderhold commented that all trails are required to meet the ADA standards and if the standards are not met the trail will not put in place. Community Development Director Lindquist clarified the sloping requirements in regards to the 10 to 1 standards in relation to the ADA and as currently shown the trails do not meet the ADA requirements because of the grades particularly in the south. Mr. Pearson suggested that the Commission could include a recommendation the trails would need to meet the ADA standards before going to City Council. Chairperson Messner asked about the center islands and if there are any located in the City of Rosemount and how the engineering department felt about those. Mr. Pearson responded that the first islands where in the northern portion of Evermoor and they have always been controversial between engineering and planning due to maintenance reasons. Community Development Director Lindquist added that engineering is concerned about the level of service and timing of clean-up for snow removal. Project Engineer Aderhold added the issue of sanitary manholes being buried under landscaping for maintenance reasons may create a problem. Commissioner Zurn and Commissioner Schultz had no opinions either way regarding landscape islands in the cul -de -sac. Chairperson Messner would rather see the landscaping along the edge of developments to add screening instead of in a cul -de -sac. Mr. Powell indicated he supports islands in the cul -de -sac. Mr. Powell suggested that in regards to the ADA that a motion be added to include the ADA standards in the conditions. Chairperson Messner asked for comments from the Applicant. The Applicant, Ed McMenomy of Basic Builders Inc. came forward and informed the Commissioners that the trail can be worked out to come in from the north and south end and do an eight foot trail for the residents as well as the public works needing access to trail. Mr. McMenomy questioned if public works moves the snow out of the cul -de -sac islands and if they store it in the middle or out on the outside area. Ms. Lindquist said it is stored in the outside areas. There were no questions for the Applicant. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Chairperson Messner asked for public comments. There were no public comments. MOTION by Powell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Powell. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. Chairperson Messner asked for follow -up questions from the Commissioners. There were no comments. MOTION by Powell to recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Development Plan for 44 attached single family residential units in 10 twinhome and 8 townhome buildings on the vacant property located in the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, subject to the following conditions: Planning g onditions I. Revisions to the Landscape plan dated August 23, 2004 adding landscaping along the western property line to form a continuous landscaped line adjacent to the railroad and relocation of any plantings proposed on top of utilities. 2. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated including the both landscape islands in the cul -de -sacs. 3. Dedication of a trail and access easement over both internal trails. 4. The proposed 4 -foot concrete sidewalk from the southwestern cul -de -sac to the gazebo on the south end of the Pond should be changed to an 8 -foot bituminous pathway with a maximum 10:1 slope to allow vehicles to access and maintain the pond. 5. Installation of a 5 -foot concrete sidewalk on the south side of street C connecting the sidewalks along Biscayne Avenue and Street A. 6. Establishment of a homeowners' association (HOA) for the maintenance of all common areas including the landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs. Copies of the homeowners' association documents shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Attorney. 7. Payment of parks dedication fees for 44 units calculated using our current fee schedule equal to $105,600 (44 x $ 2,400). The parks dedication fee shall be based on the fee at the time of final plat approval. 8. The front facades of all units shall be approximately 95 percent brick with only the areas between the top of the garage doors and the bottom edge of the roof line and around the man-doors having maintenance free siding. 9. All trails and sidewalks shall meet the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Engineering Conditions 1. The applicant shall dedicate half of the right -of -way for Biscayne Avenue and all necessary right -of -way for streets A, B, and C. 2. The watermain connection shall be moved to the far south end of the site for a full watermain loop. 3. Due to the wide driveway openings in the cul -de -sacs that minimize snow storage, cluster mailboxes shall be installed for the cul -de -sacs. 4. The preliminary erosion control plan needs to depict a rock construction entrance off of Biscayne Avenue. 5. The land use curve numbers appear to be reasonable based on the model input for the site. The plan for the site was proposed to include approximately 200 feet of the site from the south to be routed north. It is recommended that this drainage area be accommodated in the drainage design. Also, part of Street A and the southwest corner of the site are currently shown as flowing off -site and these areas should be accounted for in the design 6. The assumption that the pond will be dry at the beginning of a storm event may not be realistic. The analysis used the dead pool storage (1.42 AF) from the bottom of the pond elevation of 861.0 to the outlet elevation of 864.0 as being retained prior to discharge. This assumption may not occur if rainfall events are relatively close together and the infiltration of the dead pool volume has not returned the basin to the pond bottom. It is requested that the model be executed with the starting elevation of the pond set at the outlet elevation of 864.0 to evaluate the discharge rate and pond bounce if the pond is at the outlet elevation at the beginning of the storm event. The storm water model should be updated and forwarded for _this condition to be evaluated. The simulation would also have a bearing on meeting the allowable rate discharge from the site and if a pond fee is necessary. 7. The 1/12 AF /AC /day infiltration rate requirements are not being met for the site assuming that Type "A" soil infiltration rates are used. It could be assumed that the dead pool volume would infiltrate on site in a longer period of time and, meet the volume requirement. The infiltration requirements for the site have been included in pond 1687 located north of Connemara Trail 8. The drainage map has minor discrepancies based on the swales between Lots 13 to 29, Block 1 for the areas flowing to Street A or offsite to the north. This does not appear to affect the drainage area to the dry pond with the exception of the areas flowing north. The mapping should be revised to correspond to the areas flowing to the pond for Subcatchment 8 and 9. 9. The delineation of the drainage area to the south, which is proposed to flow into the site, should be shown on the mapping. 10. The grading plan should include a swale between Lot 28 -29, Block 1 to direct the runoff to the existing structure on the south side of Connemara Trail to intercept runoff prior to entering the street. 11. The grading plan should be revised in the vicinity of the bituminous trail between Lot 25 -26, Block 1 to direct runoff to the storm sewer and not flow off site. 12. The grading plan on the southwest corner of the site should be revised to direct the storm water to the pond rather than flow offsite on the railroad property. 13. The storm sewer system outfall to the pond from Street A should be placed between Lots 20 -21, Block 1 to limit the short- circuiting prior to discharge downstream. This would require moving the sanitary sewer manhole in Street A to approximately station 5 +80. This modification will require modification of the easement width over the storm sewer system. 14. It is recommended that an additional catch basin be placed in the cul -de- sac of Street B between Lot 6 -7 due to the additional runoff entering the site from the south. The hydrant in the vicinity would require location modification to provide the required separation. 15 The outfalls to the and should have ri ra to the b o tt f t+ d t p p p om o e pun o limit erosion. 16. A catch basin shall be installed on the west side of the Bituminous Trail (Lot 26) to improve the interception of runoff in this area and limit the overland flow to the railroad property. 17. The storm sewer manhole location in the Street B system appears to be in the proposed sidewalk. It is recommended that the structure be located outside of the walking surface. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. Excerpt from the Regular City Council Meeting of August 17, 2004 Connemara Crossings PUD Plan Review for Basic Builders Community Development, Director Lindquist reviewed the application for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) by Basic Builders for a mix of 44 twin home and town home units for the property on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. The walking trail was discussed with the amenity of a fountain. Staff noted that the infiltration pond may not allow for continued standing water, so a fountain is not advisable. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan suggested a gazebo as .a destination point by the south trail. The trail connection to the sidewalk on Connemara was recommended. Condition one regarding rezoning was removed since it will be rezoned with the PUD. Condition six regarding elevations was reworded to, "Construction of revised elevations illustrating the front facades dated 7/12/04." This removes the 100% brick requirement. Condition nine was changed to read "Addition of a recreational amenity and walking trail from the southern cul -de -sac to the pond." Screening was addressed along the railroad and for buffering the lights at Erickson Park. Ed McMenomy, 14450 South Robert Trail, agreed to a gazebo type structure. He stated that homeowners appreciate the amenities and good landscaping. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR CONNEMARA CROSSINGS (formally Biscayne Acres) for 44 twin home and town home units on the vacant property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, subject to revisions to conditions six and nine. Second by Riley. A friendly amendment was made by the second Riley to remove condition one.'Motioner DeBettignies agreed to the amendment. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR CONNEMARA CROSSINGS (formally Biscayne Acres) for 44 twin home and town home units on the vacant property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, subject to revisions to conditions six and nine, and the removal of condition one. Second by Riley. Ayes: Droste, Riley, Strayton, DeBettignies, Shoe- Corrigan. Nays: None. Motion carried. Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting 07 -27 -04 5A. CASE 04 -35 -PUD & CASE 04 -51 -ZA Connemara Crossing (Basic Builders) — Concept Plan Approval and Rezoning (formerly Biscayne Acres) Called to order by Chair Messner. Assistant City Planner Jason Lindahl reintroduced the Planned Unit Development Concept Plan for 44 twinhome and townhouse units on the vacant property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, continued from the May 25, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting. The purpose of a planned unit development is to allow flexibility with traditional development controls in return for a higher quality development. The latest version of the plan provided a mix of 10 twinhome and 8 townhome buildings totaling 44 units adding 4 units to the site and increasing the density from 2.88 Units /Acre to 117 Units/Acre. 'The revised plan reduced the access points to Biscayne Avenue from two to one, and created an on -site storm water pond. In some areas this site design caused building pads to overlap each other or to encroach the required setbacks. Even with these issues, all units met the required setback. However, this illustrated the closeness of the site especially in the cul -de -sacs. Staff s review of this revision found the plan generally met the City's land use, zoning, and PUD standards. Lindahl recommended the Planning Commission approve a rezoning from R -2, Moderate Density Residential to R -2 PUD as well. The property is currently guided for UR, Urban Residential rise. Similarly, the subject property is zoned R -2, Moderate Density Residential.. The plan was consistent with the density and building performance standards for these designations. It was recommended that this property be rezoned to R- 2 PUD, in conformance with the amended PUD procedure. Further, Lindahl pointed out a few important areas of the concept plan to the Planning Commission. The concept plan illustrated one access to Biscayne Avenue from a public street. This public street would have two cul -de -sacs and would provide access to the individual units. It would also have a stub on the south end should development occur on this adjacent parcel. The public street met the minimum standard for public streets outlined in the subdivision ordinance. As part of the PUD, staff recommended the applicant create landscape islands in both .cul -de -sacs to provide additional green space during the spring and summer and additional snow storage in the winter. In relation to park dedication and trails, two points were highlighted by Lindahl. First, the developer should install a 5'wide sidewalk on the west side of Biscayne Avenue. Second, the City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department staff recommended that a natural buffer be installed in the southwest corner of the site to help shield the proposed homes from the lights on the ball fields at Erickson Park. The applicant's plans include elevations for both the twin home and town home units. They illustrated one -story units with basements. While not shown on these elevations, the applicant has assured staff the front elevation of all units will be 100 percent brick. Lindahl concluded by recommending approval of the rezoning from R -2, Moderate Density Residential to R -2 PUD and the Concept Plan for a mixture of 44 twin home and town home units on the vacant property at the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, subject to the following conditions:. Concept PUD approval does not guarantee site design or number of units. Redesign of the site to address the closeness of units and overlap of building pads. Creation of landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs to provide additional green space and snow storage. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer including, but not limited to, dedication of right -of -way for both Biscayne Avenue and all local streets and dedication of a minimum 30 foot easement for sanitary sewer at the northern end of Street A and an access easement to the stormwater pond. Submission of revised elevations as part of the final development plan illustrating the front facades of all units will be 100 percent brick. Conformance with all the requirements of the Park and Recreation Director including, but not limited to, installation of a 5' foot sidewalk along the west side of Biscayne Avenue and the west side of Street A from Street C to the southern edge of the development, payment of $105,600 in Park Dedication fees ($2,400 X 44 Units) at final plat, and installation of a natural buffer to screen this site from the lights at Erickson Park. Submission of a tree preservation plan for review and approval by City staff. Addition of a recreational amenity and walking trail around the stormwater retention pond Chair Messner opened the floor for questions. Commissioner Powell required further clarification on the 40 foot sanitary easement. The question was deferred to Anthony Aderhold, City of Rosemount Engineer, who clarified the easement was a 30 foot width at a minimum. In attendance for Basic Builders was Ed McMenomy. He opened with his concerns regarding the issue of privacy of the property. Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director, suggested a walkway trail around the property to add recreational purpose and esthetic value to the property and for city maintenance. The applicant objected to the idea of the walkway trail expressing that he preferred privacy for his marketing to "empty nesters Chair Messner inquired as to which plans were correct for the twin home plans. Mr. McMenomy responding that the plans on the monitor were correct and the ones in the Planning Commission packet were not accurate. Chair Messner opened the public hearing. No one responded, therefore, Commissioner Humphrey motioned to close the public hearing which was seconded by Commissioner Zurn. All ayes to close the public hearing. Motion by Powell and seconded by Shultz to recommend the City Council approve a rezoning from R -2, Moderate Density Residential to R -2 PUD for vacant property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. Ayes: Schultz, Zum, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion was carried. Motion by Powell and seconded by Shultz to recommend the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Concept Plan for 44 twinhome and townhome units on the vacant property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, subject to: I . Concept PUD approval does not guarantee site design or number of units. 2. Redesign of the site to address the closeness of units and overlap of building pads. 3. Creation of landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs to provide additional green space and snow storage. 4. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer including, but not limited to, dedication of right -of -way for both Biscayne Avenue and all local streets and dedication of a minimum 30 foot easement for sanitary sewer at the northern end of Street A and an easement to allow City access to the stormwaer pond. 5. Submission of revised elevations as part of the final development plan illustrating the front facades of all units will be 100 percent brick. 6. Conformance with all the requirements of the Park and Recreation Director including, but not limited to, installation of a 5' foot sidewalk along the west side of Biscayne Avenue and the west side of Street A from Street C to the southern edge of the development, payment of $105,600 in Park Dedication fees ($2,400 X 44 Units) at final plat, and installation of a natural buffer to screen this site from the lights at Erickson Park. 7. Submission of a tree preservation plan for review and approval by City staff. 8. Addition of a recreational amenity and walking trail around the stormwater retefition pond. f Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion was carried. Jason Lindahl closed in stating this item would move forward to the City Council August 17, 2004. Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of May 25, 2004 6C. CASE 04 -35 -PUD Basic Builders Biscayne Acres— PUD Concept Plan Approval Assistant City Planner Jason Lindahl presented the application for construction of 56 townhome units on the property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. This application is a revision of a previous concept PUD for 40 twin home units (20 buildings) on the same property. The original twin home concept was approved by the Planning Commission on January 28, 2003 and the City Council on February 6, 2003. There are several issues associated with present plan, road alignment, number of units, provision of usable open space and appropriate berming and landscaping. When staff first discussed changing the plan from the approved twin home plan, additional information was requested. The idea being that an approval for site development has occurred. It is up to the developer to provide rationale that a new, denser plan is an acceptable alternative. At this time, based upon the information provided, staff does not believe the applicant has shown that there is a compelling reason to approve the current submittal. Mr. Lindahl summarized the review of the current proposal by noting that it adds 16 units to the site, reduces the access points to Biscayne Avenue from two to one, and creates an on -site storm water pond. Staff s review of this revision found the plan generally met the density standards for both the Comprehensive Guide Plan of UR — Urban Residential and PR -2, Moderate Density Residential zoning regulations. However, it fails to meet,at least two of the four criteria for granting PUD concept approval. In addition, the current plan presents several site design concerns including overall street design, adequate guest parking, and driveway access. Given these findings, Mr. Lindahl stated that staff recommends continuance of this item to allow the applicant to revise their plans based on direction from the Planning Commission and City staff. Mr. Lindahl then went on to remind the Commissioners that under the PUD, the City may offer flexibility from the original approval and the site design standards if the applicant demonstrates that the new plan offers a superior living environment than is possible under either the basic zoning standards or the existing approved plan. Mr. Lindahl then asked the Planning Commission for their thoughts regarding the change from twin homes to townhouses and the other site design issues. After some discussion, the Commission reemphasized the need for berming and landscaping to screen the site from the adjacent railroad tracks and the need for on -site recreational amenities. Staff is recommending continuance of the item so that the applicant can produce additional information. Ed McMenomy with Basic Builders was present to answer questions. He stated that he is in agreement with staff that revisions and more information will be forthcoming. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. MOTION by Humphrey to continue the Basic Builders Biscayne Acres Concept Approval Public Hearing to June 22, 2004. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Humphrey, Powell, Schultz, Zurn and Messner. Nays: None. Motion carried. CITY OF ROSEMOUN . DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 -100 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR CONNEMARA CROSSINGS (FORMALLY BISCAYNE ACRES) WHEREAS, The Planning Department received an application for concept approval of a residential planned unit development to known as Connemara Crossings containing 44 twinhome and townhome units on the property legally described as: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying southeasterly of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company 100 foot right of way and lying 50.00 feet woutherly of and parallel with the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20; thence on an assumed bearing of North 0 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds West, along the east line thereof, a distance of 1006.13 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described: thence North 68 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 343.51 feet to said easterly railroad right of way line and said liner there terminating. WHEREAS, The Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance for the purpose of receiving public comment regarding the proposed residential planned unit development on July 27, 2004; and, WHEREAS, The Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the concept planned unit development on July 27, 2004 with conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the a residential planned unit development known as Connemara Crossings containing 44 twinhome and townhome units subject to the following conditions: 1. Concept PUD approval does not guarantee site design or number of units. 2. Redesign of the site to address the closeness of units and driveways. 3. Creation of landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs to provide additional green space and snow storage. 4. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer including, but not limited to, dedication of right -of -way for both Biscayne Avenue and all local streets and dedication of a minimum 30 foot easement for sanitary sewer at the northern end of Street A. 5. Construction of revised elevations illustrating the front facades dated 7/12/04. 6. Conformance with all the requirements of the Park and Recreation Director including, but not limited to, installation of a 5' foot sidewalk along the west side RESOLUTION 2004 -100 of Biscayne Avenue and the west side of Street A from Street C to the southern edge of the development and payment of $105,600 in Park Dedication fees ($2,400 X 44 Units) at final plat. 7. Installation of additional landscaping along the west side of the site to completely screen it from the railroad tracks and lights at Erickson Park. 8. Addition of a recreational amenity and walking trail from the southern cul -de -sac to the pond. ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 2004 by the City ouncil of the City of emount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: GS72E� Linda Jentink, C jy Motion by: DeBettignies Second By: Riley Voted in favor: Droste, Riley, Strayton, DeBettignies, Shoe- Corrigan`. Voted against: None . Members absent: None. 2 l 0 U+� It. J S� �G 5-� u Y r ` i 11M MD aDM BeB9 ED B B B mm i, JTE: Dimensions rounded to nearest foot. r Dpyright 2004, Dakota County - ris drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. f its drawing is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, and ate offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes ly. Dakota County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepancies are ind, please contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department. ip Date: July 23, 2004 parcels Updated: 6/24/2004 Aerial Photography: ! R I R ow r1 �� rte' � ' .■ f► `sir./ ' _- �7 -...� 1.,.. "'� .J r� If OBE CONSULTING ENCA ERS, 11 t PEANNERS -d IAN0 SURVEYORS a ENGINEERING COMPRNY, INC, IOOp EAST 145M STREET, SURNSY U. MINNESOTA 55777 PH ( -7000 } OCT 112004 U By • . .. _ _ - RFNSi0n5 PREP RED fOR: BASIC BUILDERS � �; P Preliminary Title Sheet W w f 10 1. [ [D P[R [In p[h[R O 1.450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL RDSEMOUNT. MN 55D58 C OWN R CONNEMARA CROSSING a a= - ---- - - - - - -a -- VICINITY MAP . i •.` ISRE i \. �` SEC110N 20 k 29 TWP 115, RGE 19 I FB NORTH 60 0 fi0 120 tw 5fD1l: !" 60' INDEX F I PRELIMINARY TITLE PLAN 2 2 PRELIMINARYPLAT 3 PRELIMINARY UTILITYPLAN 4 PRELIMINARYGRADlNGPLAN € 5 PRELIMINARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN 6 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN D 7 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 4 8 PREUMINARYLANDSCAPEPLAN 9 PRELIMINARY DETAIL. PLAN � �I N00'03'34 w — 1 \ 006.13 " _ _ B52 3 N00'02'34'TT �_i / Q _ PERUNlENL EtSEMCNI i STREE1, UNIRY, Arq 0--E PURPOSES - - -- BISAYNE °L — — -- - - - — - - � AVENUE - - - - DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS 64 OVER ALL OF LOT 8 BLOCK 2 8 Q 30 29 s - s 32 «33 ' 34. w35 36 37 1_ .. 2 3_ "4 25 as 0. O 23 fie °" ea es tz� 5 I 4 611 }} 34 4 a0 \ r 25 " 224 023 15 ez 'Wg \ u4 731 — X 38 4 seh E . Mr a 12 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ° xP..a. ma w"a• .eA. EASEMENTS OVER ALL 11 OF LOT 3B BLOCK 1 PgOPO5E0 PROPOSED PROPOSED uNm 6 If uNn UNIT B g • $ GARAGE "_ _ � ,,� (JI�'����A�k.M�/ Vi • 0 9 Bs fl ARAGE aAPAO` m R. R 9 4 DETAIL '3 UNIT BUILDING , Scale: 1" - 30' rm PROPO5C0 PROPOS[D 4 i UNIT UNIT p � '"CARAOC CARAOE R ;, {� DETAIL: 2 UNIT BUILDING Scats: 1" = 30' Nw7jB _ 43 t/4 of C. 30 VICINITY MAP xo SWE1 � i. 1 y[y 11 �t ? IN 1,M 71 NORTH ITT a TO 1. tad Scale: 1" 60' ' BIlILO1NG SETBACKS FRONT 30 FEET SIDE 10 FEET SIDE STREET— 30 FEET REAR 30 FEET RMLROAO 60 FEET CONNEMARA BISCAYNE AVENUE — 40 FEET S ITE DATA FEE OWNER/ BASIC BUILDERS DEVELOPER: 14450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MN. 55068 CONSULTANT: PROBE ENGINEERING CO., INC. 1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240 BURNSVILLE, MN. 55337 TOTAL AREA = 13.88 Acres TOWN HOMES 44 UNITS TOWN HOME DENSITY = 3.17 UNITS PER ACRES PROPERTY DESCRIPTION That pan Of the SwNteast Ouener at the Sdwheasl Quarter of Section 20. TawnaNp 115, Range 19. Dakota County, Mianaeold tying SOUgeasleny or the CNcago, Milwaukee. SI. Paul and Pacific Raiaaad Company 100 Tool 49M al way and lyln9 SD.OD feM soudmaty Of sMd pwetiel with the bll —bnq deaedbed lne: Commencklg el the —h—1 corms at saM SONheaM Ouaner of qe 5wtheasl 0uaner d Section 20. IAance an an assumed bearlt q Of Nardi 0 degrees 02 R Mules 34 aecanda Weal. ." Rte INOO line Rlerwl, a distance 011006.13 Mel To Rte poke of beginning W a!e Me to be de=ibsd: theme NOM 68 degrees 56 minules 19 secands Weal a distance of 343.51 feel M laid —Unly raW d tight of way 5. and..Id Onur Ihere i—tr ime. . R p y} . !17 OWN 15 ez 'Wg \ u4 731 — X 38 4 seh E . Mr a 12 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ° xP..a. ma w"a• .eA. EASEMENTS OVER ALL 11 OF LOT 3B BLOCK 1 PgOPO5E0 PROPOSED PROPOSED uNm 6 If uNn UNIT B g • $ GARAGE "_ _ � ,,� (JI�'����A�k.M�/ Vi • 0 9 Bs fl ARAGE aAPAO` m R. R 9 4 DETAIL '3 UNIT BUILDING , Scale: 1" - 30' rm PROPO5C0 PROPOS[D 4 i UNIT UNIT p � '"CARAOC CARAOE R ;, {� DETAIL: 2 UNIT BUILDING Scats: 1" = 30' Nw7jB _ 43 t/4 of C. 30 VICINITY MAP xo SWE1 � i. 1 y[y 11 �t ? IN 1,M 71 NORTH ITT a TO 1. tad Scale: 1" 60' ' BIlILO1NG SETBACKS FRONT 30 FEET SIDE 10 FEET SIDE STREET— 30 FEET REAR 30 FEET RMLROAO 60 FEET CONNEMARA BISCAYNE AVENUE — 40 FEET S ITE DATA FEE OWNER/ BASIC BUILDERS DEVELOPER: 14450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MN. 55068 CONSULTANT: PROBE ENGINEERING CO., INC. 1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240 BURNSVILLE, MN. 55337 TOTAL AREA = 13.88 Acres TOWN HOMES 44 UNITS TOWN HOME DENSITY = 3.17 UNITS PER ACRES PROPERTY DESCRIPTION That pan Of the SwNteast Ouener at the Sdwheasl Quarter of Section 20. TawnaNp 115, Range 19. Dakota County, Mianaeold tying SOUgeasleny or the CNcago, Milwaukee. SI. Paul and Pacific Raiaaad Company 100 Tool 49M al way and lyln9 SD.OD feM soudmaty Of sMd pwetiel with the bll —bnq deaedbed lne: Commencklg el the —h—1 corms at saM SONheaM Ouaner of qe 5wtheasl 0uaner d Section 20. IAance an an assumed bearlt q Of Nardi 0 degrees 02 R Mules 34 aecanda Weal. ." Rte INOO line Rlerwl, a distance 011006.13 Mel To Rte poke of beginning W a!e Me to be de=ibsd: theme NOM 68 degrees 56 minules 19 secands Weal a distance of 343.51 feel M laid —Unly raW d tight of way 5. and..Id Onur Ihere i—tr ime. REVISIO I] O19E CONSULTING ENGINEERS, w[ umor r. r BASIC BUILDERS E P P1ANNFRS and LAND SURVEYORS »a " ' RELIMINARY PLAT /P. U.D. NGINEERING - COMPRNY INC. • w 11OUTN ROBERT ROS ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 68 CONNEMARA CROSSING IM EAST 1461h STREET, 6UNNSVaIE, Ne NE50TA 55337 !r /o n Acwh ' ROSEMOUNT NNE50TA . n 9 . R p y} . ROBE CONSUITNG ENGINEERS, w , • ENGINEERING a m m ROBE PLANNERS M LANG SURVCfpR\(§U)432-3Wo COMP it, 1000 EAST 1461n STREET. BUIt —'U.E. MINNE50)A 55]]) Pm ^ ROn40N5 PREPNtEO c eAS�c eu��.oGRS 1"50 5O TN R°�"' ROSEMOUNT. MN. 55068 Preliminar Plan ry y CONNEMARA CROSSING ROSEMOUNt - MINNESOTA ' Z m I, t / VICINITY MAP nv' _ h _ 7, } �* i.17 CM rl�1 ,fly b r }r •, T �►''` �l��yEiy Qh g ■ . � . iL ■ ' � r1 11 Fwa I MON �rurrra 1 N I ES a Scale: i' . 60' O / ) f\ S Sp Spa s6 f F l9 E �8 F 17 'fG9 9q -$t 9.•N„ VR I� 1 9ZEf0 \ 0 O ne.� ^ I • T f LEGEND \ \ \ - — - _ � q .y _ _ Z _ o ; 1 g (�' ^ I I LL e J PROPOSED STORM SEWER IX SOHO STORM SEWER � POND � _ '4J .` j � t y9B E EEN 'T — — EMISfINO IH RIiERN IE EON CONTWR q60 Mn.. wDEx CONtt1UP • \ \ BOtTOR.0 1 "O \ e� I PROMS THTERMUIE CONTOUR 9� W _ ^ P OENOTES U EmxnaNS Y�9i0 965 .0 1 m. y60' �a E"'S"HG SPOT ILLUSTRATION KEY ExISPNG LOT UNE— / / / CONT(91R PROPOSED A nJ GROUND ELEV. LOMdR M `�\ _` \ • fir S1�i �PP��� � ; xyn.� _ — to — — _ f \� \ BLOCK NOMDFA LOT NUMBER 2 0 \ HWSE TYPE tr LOS (LOON FlEV. HOUSE PAD GARAGE BOOR ELEV. \ cfaAEeA­ dT V RKA1i OT MAT SCTBACK UHE ..' can. rMA M R SIONS - p PiTEPARW EOR: II OBE CON ILAHNE O ENGINEERS, A . ENGINEERING IAND SURVEYOiS „ TML „ BASIC BUILDERS Preliminary Grading Plan ELff . INC. ROSEMOV 1!150 SOUTH R 55 TRAIL CONNEMARA CROSSING �-- C �IVIr�NT m ETA Ni, MN BERT 1000 EAST I46IH STREEt, BURNSNLLE. MINNESOTA 55}37 PH (952)432 ]000 ROSEMOUNt NNESOTA J: i r ry 4' ( 1 =e»A \ =ms \ \ \ VICINITY MAP uo se" SIFFE SECTION 20 k 29. TWP 115_ RGE IR NORTH ED D M) 1zD Ieo Scole: 1' . 60' LEGEND --fA —a PROPOSED STORM SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER •••••• 5%, 9TNCE O—W INTERNEDMTE CONTOUR CMSTI. MOEX CONTOUR 959 PROPOSED INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR 96 PROPOSED INDEX CONTOUR t fpee DIXRES EXISTING SPOT EIEW4TION5 ILLUSTRATION KEY 1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES �' "w! �\ \ t6 sE EXISTw I f \ I sR lena Nrdl N pktn n are.n «r I�rb dtrr eN a kws�m, « «nl.a IM mprc« pA da M M pb,e pnv ro p1 cpmis 1 / abn. SM Ierc." � M N \ \ \ � � \ SE 9 m S 1 k $ ' \ fM N mNRN! Mx ,MNe M v gwew carer Mf NaF,Mp M fAI kme NMI be m e per knv IeN Niv p da ode Rw «Raa�un, rernpM IAN Alae d,p,d NNrea d IN hnlan N M [ \ ' w ;y� AR, \ `'�DSL. \ • 9rn ,F�Ipea wvn wnb ,wn m Iemperara pwMiy, Aef Felb^i de. mq N nfrN e«nM Y IM \ 9eA a q{n . y' y d� wml b CYp al Ra,emauM, mH Nre CWnplw Nrae MNa pvnWel pen memwn wtdeMa N pe palkp. { " -^q\ \y i0 \ \ NOOSE PAD x. p«FpNe NM N ,NNpuO IAN pM«1N man fedmM vgpry memure, lu \ ,s i9ay '^ \ . l \ Po011 OE WAY v ba erfN W ron. IM,e anon Na N :rcHeMa N M gadq tDDt'; \\- y \]\ � 3. M fwNNUl4n aNe tvuvn se bpa vrp Nae AA,' « ' 1. Ine CeNraa« is M1 iaNact Wpn sloe One C a ese- e np«bA pOD} prbr k aq e. N pNN vem NaX N Mehu N % f n001 N16 mi.lure S 500 n terdMCe .�@ xnppt 2513 @ epppca:n Me d » 6 type I maq tqc andvel, a IM rae a x Nns pn p«e Seetmq, mWCbpg \\ 5 peen ro IM 4M pM Iw cool Mr a !mere qp. bpul IAN 41 na Necf eumbnf. pea sNwr nq fM «wr rAln le noun a fnN qq Goy. [AMexlw NNA mdMin MN'rN eN nefpAMq nlA apKNatlprY hrl eNNMnmenl. ` \ 6 iM Ne mpa N Feq v a •eX d 0 eNAm a a Mop. iM [wd «Im ,r N rp�emkk Iw I m emporwy MNn, pery nwvN N own Pap 9 N ebY pee ar gnc�ma <rwN +ANTI In ryM -pl -•q I et mnvep nte21 bMpN ww, .doge pAna F w be�b� E A. p� � : pamlrmMn. lo• punk w raahap mM N «erMN .Ae a A msi nnnr Y e kmd a nmuN n bw4wre wm,. a. Nmb ebtu An .wFxy Iwws enel pe phnN al IM mD M emn 10 uppr Y d nand ne« pwS dnM da N p «IN 4 M Wi Mp R «Ier pvMly. - ' w� !N, p duMn eMnrce M1 NN foe mal N prarMe! IAN awme N IM Irakr -10 nAd 1 M ^ M upper )' b, wmp«IH M wi 4n IM .1 95x Ae prMw h•aa ( 1 =e»A \ =ms \ \ \ VICINITY MAP uo se" SIFFE SECTION 20 k 29. TWP 115_ RGE IR NORTH ED D M) 1zD Ieo Scole: 1' . 60' LEGEND --fA —a PROPOSED STORM SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER •••••• 5%, 9TNCE O—W INTERNEDMTE CONTOUR CMSTI. MOEX CONTOUR 959 PROPOSED INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR 96 PROPOSED INDEX CONTOUR t fpee DIXRES EXISTING SPOT EIEW4TION5 r Rma r�ae •M RMSIOx PRFPMEO pW: r fl Of)G CX)NSULTMG ENGINEERS. m wf r pnm EN P1ANNE1i5 wnN UND SURVEYORS m : < BASIC BUILDERS Preliminary Erosion Control Plan C u 450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL flta /e• m = ' OMPRNY, IN ""°'"" 15 ROSEMOUNT. MN 55068 CONNEMARA CROSSING 1000 EAST 146M STREET. BURN E MNNESOTA 55J3T PH (952)!]2 -5000 R05EMOUNT MINNESOTA ILLUSTRATION KEY EXISTw t0T IRIE I / J I CONTOUR // \ PROPOSFy ORWNO [3EV. ��" 0.005 NUMBER LOT NUMOER 2 \ NOOSE TYPE yx O � LOw ROdi EIL, CARACE ROOR [lEV. i0 \ \ NOOSE PAD ORREWAY \ Po011 OE WAY SETBACK UNE r Rma r�ae •M RMSIOx PRFPMEO pW: r fl Of)G CX)NSULTMG ENGINEERS. m wf r pnm EN P1ANNE1i5 wnN UND SURVEYORS m : < BASIC BUILDERS Preliminary Erosion Control Plan C u 450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL flta /e• m = ' OMPRNY, IN ""°'"" 15 ROSEMOUNT. MN 55068 CONNEMARA CROSSING 1000 EAST 146M STREET. BURN E MNNESOTA 55J3T PH (952)!]2 -5000 R05EMOUNT MINNESOTA °h I r 3 Il / VICINITY MAP - - - m z - ______ —__— xne] i sr.. ; xnaa BASIC BUILDERS 14450 SOUTH ROBEAT TRNL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55066 NORTH Tree Preservafion Plan CONNE �� (f ���� � CROSSING � YitiRA ROSEMOUa1T MINNESOTA 60 0 6O 120 160 x...e LEGEND �Ta N PROPOSED STORM S— O E%ISIIND STORM SEWER SILT RnCE I E]ISRNO ROERMEDMTE COMWR SRO -- EBSBHG INDEX CONTOUR g56 PROPOSED INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR A g 60"— PROPOSED MDEY COIROUR x MO OENOTES DRSTINO SPOT ELEVAMNS. ` o iS I ILLUSTRATION T.ee d d A deN T.w "'] auvF/RMOVE ' ^,1;(\ \ . M \ �. e \ EucE -� X.— I \ KEY ExrsTmc e em[1EN 120 ] Rerw • xN �\ 1 \( — — LOT / CONTOUR ONE lP B�m.b. As ) �- � c \ \ I 1) •e)d.e // P CONTUIR D ] a w 10o a a]sR. A �L� \ .S aly�Gr \ \ eM.S — — P — —. — K= NUMBER LOT NUIIRER ] a.Z \ ] E]. nA—A •e . . / LY O. Taw aaa E EL S `EV. R. GARAGE RDgt E 1. \ -AA mEEd.l] 1NEEE 6AVE0.. fyd,\ \ ' lAL 111EEa REUOVF.. ,.` lO]K TREES OTS dRE..II �� �\ fiGHT OE NAY SE1RA[N LR]E PLANNERS d LANO SLIWEYORS ENGIMpnmyG \(952) pp ]]�d CONSULTO EN I]OI]E R GINEERS. -1 , W ) COMPRNY, INC. . NNaoa 1000 EAST 146N STREET. BURNSVILLE. MINNESOTA Sg]]T PH BASIC BUILDERS 14450 SOUTH ROBEAT TRNL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55066 Tree Preservafion Plan CONNE �� (f ���� � CROSSING � YitiRA ROSEMOUa1T MINNESOTA :6 O I / 1 r F; VICINITY MAP UE — _ =� mnn _ N+. o RENSIONS If if . ROBE `°N 5 0LTMT ` EPEERS W "•" P EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN Tw1NERS °"° `�"° SURVEYORS BASIC BUILDERS ENGINEERING m x. ,.< a» 14450 SOUTH ROBERT MR a / I COMPRNY, INC. " """" ROSEMOUNT. MN 55068 CONNEMARA CROSSING 1000 PAST 1.611. STREET. BMRN E. MINNESOTA 55331 PN (652)•32 -]000 °^R —"R ^°— ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 1 a nwn NORTH \ 0 BO 12o IBO aana Smle: 1' s 60' LEGEND n l b � oExores Ensxw svoT Eltvnnoxs "MM IIRERMEMTE CONTOUR 660 E115TR16 &opt CMxiOMR . \ mnn _ N+. o RENSIONS If if . ROBE `°N 5 0LTMT ` EPEERS W "•" P EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN Tw1NERS °"° `�"° SURVEYORS BASIC BUILDERS ENGINEERING m x. ,.< a» 14450 SOUTH ROBERT MR a / I COMPRNY, INC. " """" ROSEMOUNT. MN 55068 CONNEMARA CROSSING 1000 PAST 1.611. STREET. BMRN E. MINNESOTA 55331 PN (652)•32 -]000 °^R —"R ^°— ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA So X " 1 9 -11,11 -we 11111111no A =A %dwW_ CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING MAIL DECI;;�; Z I=. DETAIL S..,;; PL=. Z - I IOW EAST 14691 STREET, BURNSVILLE. ­NESMA 55337 PH (952)432-3000 ILLUSTRATION VICINITY MAP KEY ­71NG IL u - - - - - - - LOT LAZE '! I ­ , -POSED F ) - - - - - - - ON_.o VILE, GO-- KOCK NLWEm IT LOT NLAAam fe e. HOUSE w D LOW ft P. GARAGE ROOR OXX 1. • xe RIGHT OF WAY SETBACK LINE SECTION L PLANT LIST: BOMEVARO PLANTINGS NORTH ­AA L)sf �P SO a so 120 180 •.A­ 1' 60• PLAHT LIST: SITE PLANTINGS YA A— I.- FRONT — 30 FEET SIDE— 10 FEET A- SIDE STREET 30 FEET REAR — 30 FE 1 IN. MLROAD— So FEET 1. A- 1Y W r m n w r.n A REQUiREDLANDSCAPiNG A, A -A -.1 • 1 sY MM AA_ I W� ­ IT Z, us F­ A­ 6r 1 =1 1 .. =72 V-7 ­ — — . .. - —A PLANTING NOTES: ��)� � . .. . . . BRODSHO CONSULTING 698 NORTHBRIDGE COURT EAGAN. MN 55123 PHONE: 651-688-8023 71 FAX; 65t-456-5748 Al­­ REG. No. 23849 DATE- rti we... 4\+. �s> raMw • \o�wwm\wwe.r\F•rar° \CdL°[ +• wazvxc \ °wr.rr sw�WZrrey 4 9 a 7 \ r r w I 7 2 i$$ seas �a 4 tf3 p w I 7 2 i$$ seas �a `38 .. ....... ... I 7 2 i$$ seas �a aRe r� O � l � �i ❑aoo i- oaa B H, 4% S a w �F 1 o e e Y El � 0000 8 1 000 l lil 01 __..._f o 8 Z m b e e - RESIDENCE FOR: VISTA GLEN BLDcs. V � � pGKs, ,�" B-451C BUILDERS = " ='°'"' ■r z -d - 4-q 2 = ■ ■ ■ M M. 002E 1 arm -1't rtu trua,c : c inn: C7:7 �-,.- qtr 25 2002 8:54AM HP LASERJET'3200 s� .a z� I� T P -•2 a 1 . 1 '1 �•ya Sr T 1- -�'JJ. I'..1 1 1 T gac 1 '1 f_ 1 /1sNr'I � Tr3 1 t I Y 1- M — d t( t 1 - 11 J lk MM 4 1 1 _-- ` ^_-- _- -_ - - -_ - � �I 11 1 I I i x I _ tltl 1 1 3 �%) 1 - -- ------------ � n 0 O n E c s a u H I 1 j1 4 1 i I to if ,v Pt n 0 O n E c s a u JC e-UUe :J:55 HP LHSERJET 3200 4� 0 'v z IL Ir = LL � O 0 v t ' S of 0 111 1'y O M J C qtr �5 �00z 9:55RM HP LRSERJET 3200 I 1 1 - - -. I I � I . i j I 1 1 I 1 , , , I 1 7 1 1 I i 1 I 1 1 , 4 s 7 Q .1 IL IL Q. Ix Ii l O N C a P. 8 0 s 0 � 9 3� �iq i Ut - y s•d OOZE 13C83SHI dH WHSR:S Pnn7 cp Inc g a N � a Pit oii� �� P A p L� D L� t k ' q S E F i S a I it 1 1 L --- - - - - -- F n¢ P _ e • r Fa, v / a s 1 p • Y j 0 � 9 3� �iq i Ut - y s•d OOZE 13C83SHI dH WHSR:S Pnn7 cp Inc SI =P 25 2002 9:55RM HP LASERJET 3200 �1 >n v v P Z O G tn to 0 rc u p I S y � O 3 AI a i � CL (ul R Q 7 a r N O O. N 8 �{ ■ e B R 002E 13CN3SH - 1 dH WkiSS = 6 2002 SZ d? $ �r Q � Q v A p b � $ a �4 a ° 8 �{ ■ e B R 002E 13CN3SH - 1 dH WkiSS = 6 2002 SZ d? Tol ww W W W CD [D mm - m m m m m r lEll PRE.". 10 • REVISE }I REAR ELEVATION 1/8 . t-O m m Ell VERIFT ALL OD rT GRADE LINEB LEFT ELEVATION VB . 1-O RIG14T ELEVATION - V CIOB. GRIDS • FRONT ONLY �" �(1 . ESNDSOR VINYL VINYL 81046 3 MEB � V. . BRICK . FRONT U q .4 -1 �.L�� 17 t.LT.�.�,�+ � ✓I' q 11 El ❑ 00 0°0°0°000 0 ° °°°°° ] 000000 �0 U m Q� 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 a0 000000 000000 16.1 �YOOOOOO OOOOO� U UNIT UNIT Z Kxl c..M+w.u..e...,.......se.Fw.. h.lY.•.w..eaae..�. »F».q.eMa e:w.e »sxN bwSwgwreae s. I.�o7 e o. FT. FT 4 S M7 SO: .. SEASON PORCH tam Ea. Fr. S M7 4 FT. • 4 SEASON PORCH UNIT 3 IAA SO. FT. ' 10 <n .e..e.-Flws w.w.JnM 1Fr.Iw xwe...wa1..w.aaF.�a.wa» »TF•.a »»oia... +.w.se. •A LL DOOR I VOCCRU MEAD E7i0 To BE G.P.F. h OR 9Ert9e Mi 60. FT.. 4 8Ed8oN PORCH _W LU .y��.WMW..1.4.Mlwdhpls M.M " e1 •Novae To BE BuE.T To FRONT ELEVATION 1/4 . I -O • ©Plancolnc.2004 LRO suNDAI®S E * 04 -4413 cal "04 -448 — � BASEMENT PLAN 1/4 " GO - W-O" POURED Pianco Inc. 2004 rr, A I g I i E3 s 1 � I• a.c A i � I � o" „- r a �•q �g 3 I q 1 j I 1 I I Y• qZ • 4 I I 2 S a i$ QT / >nr � e 1 tl F I A C loe+: p 74.{2-7. ]owA 6 Ir•S Id rrr A 0 Y -r Z44M N O g? C z M a I s os P Y I { 1 Y •' 9 p S € � � F 4 _— — \ -- a 3 1 3Banaanas f' i I •.d. r.�• TAUSero I N: o � h �n L 0 is q . A � O i � i q ` •'4 tea. I I � I 0 I I I o A I � 1. 1 I A • � � ' h I ` I y D Ll 1 al I 3�I f ••e'ra. p a O d 3 z Y .FBI~ � la A °•� .. - 3= a3a3a33 I ]AUe.n ; - pmpp1 was Y A I g I i E3 s 1 � I• a.c A i � I � o" „- r a �•q �g 3 I q 1 j I 1 I I Y• qZ • 4 I I 2 S a i$ QT / >nr � e 1 tl F I A C loe+: p 74.{2-7. ]owA 6 Ir•S Id v v c o ' 3 n ------------- -------- N O I I I 1 1 t 1 I A l I I 1 1 - ------------ ------- - - - --- -�_ - -_ .------------- - - - - -J 1 1 I 1 1 I tll 1 I I i. 1 I c 1 I I 1 I r.r 1 I -- ---------------------------- 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I O z � 14 I N I u 1 i i I 1 1 1 1 1 I , i i I 1 I I I 1 G i I I I 1 1 � I 1 - - - - - -- � I 1 t 1 I A l I I 1 1 - ------------ ------- - - - --- -�_ - -_ .------------- - - - - -J V pF �eR,.. efpp..TR� b! ROOF bR .OTIT O - \TRW>n.ff OK !I bNn •1r nqV a navm ar rMNF ! yr euewe� TRUSSES a DINETTE 3/8' . P-o" STAIR NOTES. bRN }>Kd lTRMeq sae TReo. M. N.fRf wne $ . #•rna wRr wnw•pn MMt.RM Irf T.e ROOR .. •llpb,.. Rr OK r J r r J rJ i 4R.R i �o�op lio• a,rc fw -M•eK J a _ rJ ' � iw eEe 1 w�a.°sa�e. -� ��maca . n• e.e r J a eppf t tr V.TW \ aem.r Mnq M . r J wc. -f euc rJ a #MVf_.v. a - Ip.I as I TI— r J R.ep M#ie -/ f N' COIL. 1LOOR � aRmq 61 I Ry PeMm PReeFMe I' Rao MILL, CROSS SECTION • LIVING N F07ER ! /S' . -O' ' i gai . yr eRewer �' RA NRL •i. IRa. M' OK I 1 N.LL.. RIl. L . a BOOR I 1 Nlei4. C.aRt 1 - • ! Vf ILL P1IR IR}R'OK IM -a'O Raft rx.- .•e�R. Plano Inc. 2004 IeN.lm v.LL PROOFW Rao wu_ A ReeYMm lOk1 PQ COO bM ....Ry ev R #M.L.N f N' CONG BOOR CROSS SECTION . 11VING, DINING KITCNEl1 . DINETTE 3/e' . i'4" 5 '04 -448 cmi wool vein . vbOw .mc bX wOOf. bR bPM . 1 VY lXOROT .!¢ LIDO! R-.. ILV1. Pa %Y ] V]' fiRROT .[8 bwR xX- 4' O.0 - RXe! s.u,w.X] ]OXb yr erP. w. GARAGE ]H' RP[ •lf OTP. l0. . Hr —Arm N.L PLAn •Dl lell W/ R ®eR Y.nw w -X N YI. i VR . ] h' wrC ROOT POUXlO w•„ If w M lef {OURm ' CROSS SECTION - GARAGE UNIT 3 3/8 w I -O Plano Inc. 2004 6 *04 -448 cu a L _,O e Y /E 9335f tl l3T)ywy.A tilun lly - r w - rwm LINVj O_I • ,h /E BaNyo . Jinja 77y Ilyr - fb 4l'!Ot Yq O�iu� You•alwl aaYnw �'O FM . fanon J.l f wln T. ®l•lY1 rNy •ww llOOb pl .rK� IfGfl ,fl-wY • MN d •a vie .x. au .wf �OV TA10 iW KAi � 1X iaK bri nv }K TfN FY n. i�4 .N{ .L4 Try 1014. b'A • YD ,rlY44i TqN FY .� µY •Ot'Yl0 X NL ,fK boot •3ul ODUDId C e4vt r TMi FY IOTA Yt• . O ,rF404e R 1Tr4 Y1• YO,H -f4LLe rY Trt .4YI.1 ro i4f b•! Iln N OIaOTI• fwpl•Ytitid OM .fK ipl•t 'Ot L1B .R Ylll v � � M .4 wn0 .t • vaw d Yl ro f i N. � YO ,rl • eifNWl fe11Yl ro fldf MIOV aieglY( � . {ff1Yl p�yl