HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Interim Use Permit, Flint Hills Resources LP, 04-67-IUPCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION C't Council Meetin Datea October 19 2004 "ISSUE Flint Hills Resources LP (FHR) has applied for an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to construct two temporary "sprung steel' buildings for a construction project anticipated to be complete by September 1, 2006. FHR will also bring in five construction office trailers in support of the project. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING On September 28, 2004, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required. No one from the audience provided any comments. The Commissioners had no concerns and subsequently moved the recommended action. BACKGROUND The IUP is intended to permit the buildings (and trailers) with exemption for certain zoning standards associated with permanent buildings such as required materials, parking and landscaping. The IUP guarantees that the structures will be removed upon completion of the project. The IUP process has been used in other situations when the use is accepted to be temporary, and the duration is either identified, or it is clear that improvements are of a temporary nature that will not adversely effect or inhibit future re -use of the site. Applicant & Property Owner(s): Don Kern of Flint Hills Resources (FHR). Location: Approximately 800 feet west of US 52, % mile south of the junction with TH 55. Comp. Guide Plan Desig: General Industrial Current Zoning: General Industrial Proposed Buildings: Warehouse —9,000 sq. ft. (60 ft. x 150 ft.) AGENDA ITEM: Interim Use Permit, Flint Hills Resources LP AGENDA SECTION: Case 04 -67 -IUP. Consent PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner �► ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, Draft PC 9 -28 -04 Minutes, Site Plan / location map, "Sprung Steep' APPROVED BY building details, correspondence. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving an Interim Use Permit for two temporary steel sprung buildings located at the northeast corner and up to 10 construction trailers near the southwest corner of Tenth Street and "A" Street for Flint Hills Resources subject to conditions. ACTION: "ISSUE Flint Hills Resources LP (FHR) has applied for an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to construct two temporary "sprung steel' buildings for a construction project anticipated to be complete by September 1, 2006. FHR will also bring in five construction office trailers in support of the project. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING On September 28, 2004, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required. No one from the audience provided any comments. The Commissioners had no concerns and subsequently moved the recommended action. BACKGROUND The IUP is intended to permit the buildings (and trailers) with exemption for certain zoning standards associated with permanent buildings such as required materials, parking and landscaping. The IUP guarantees that the structures will be removed upon completion of the project. The IUP process has been used in other situations when the use is accepted to be temporary, and the duration is either identified, or it is clear that improvements are of a temporary nature that will not adversely effect or inhibit future re -use of the site. Applicant & Property Owner(s): Don Kern of Flint Hills Resources (FHR). Location: Approximately 800 feet west of US 52, % mile south of the junction with TH 55. Comp. Guide Plan Desig: General Industrial Current Zoning: General Industrial Proposed Buildings: Warehouse —9,000 sq. ft. (60 ft. x 150 ft.) 1 Break Facility- 6,000 sq. ft. (60 ft. x 100 ft.) Five 14 ft. x 70 ft. contractor trailers SUMMARY The two buildings consist of "sprung steel', a rigid metal frame supporting a white fabric membrane shell. The structure resembles an oblong dome with a peaked roof. Visibility of the structures from the US 52 right -of -way will be very limited. Overall structure height is expected to be 26 feet, 1 inch. The specifications for the buildings have been reviewed by the Building Official for compliance with code criteria relative to snow and wind load standards. He is satisfied that with appropriate maintenance, the buildings will conform to building code performance standards. These buildings will ber required to conform to applicable building and fire codes, even if they may be exempted from some of the zoning standards. Use of the structures is intended for contractors dedicated to the construction of the hydrocracker apparatus. Access is controlled through secured entrances associated with the contractor parking. The warehouse will enclose materials for construction. The break facility will be an assembly area for safety orientation as well as shelter for breaks. The contractor trailers will house construction supervisors and construction planning functions. The applicant would like the flexibility to have up to 10 trailers on the site related to the hydrocracker project. They have delineated the location of the trailers and there is ample room to accommodate the trailers without any changes to the proposed site improvements. Any of the trailers, either the initial five or any future trailer, would be subject to the conditions of the approved IUP. Findings for Interim Use Permits (Section 12.8): 1. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be substantially in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The site is designated for General Industrial use in the 2020 Rosemount Comprehensive Plan. Construction of the hydrocracker apparatus supports the refining of petroleum, a permitted use in the General Industrial zoning district. 2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. Finding The access to the site is from the existing frontage road system that serves the refinery complex. Gates 7, 8 and 9 provide vehicular access to the contractor parking area. Access to the /UP buildings occurs through a security check -point located at Gate 9. 3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. Finding The refinery complex with its exposed equipment, storage tanks and pipe racks 2 E agl Bu!sn saoloealuoo ao} .6u!)ljed aoj seaae paeu6/sap sey ueo!Idde a yl - sluawajlnb9Zj 6u!deospue £'g uolloeS pue spiepuels uollonilsuoo pue u6ls90 6u!NJed 1 - -401' 6'8 uolloeS 6uldeospuel pue 6u!peol `6u!Iaed 1 I! :17 , qnS uollonilsuoo pue ads i 6u!ppq H'Z'L uolloaS suolle!n6a�j tieluewa!ddns I :Al!b aul to uollaaos!p ay} le aoueulpio 6uluoz a4l to spiepuels 6uimo!io} aul ql!m eouewaoluoo uwojl ldwaxe aq Aew s6u!pl!nq Ajeaodwal - o 'spaepuels asogl y ;!M juals!suoo s! lesodad ayl - g - Zt uo! /oes ui punol spiepuels dnl leaaueB aul lsuieBe lesodord agl palenlena seq.elS :Burpulf . aoueu!pio s!yllo g•Z� uolloeS ui pagpeds suoil!puoo pue s6u!pu `spJepuels I!waad asn w!aalui aqi of loefgns aie s6u!p!inq Ajejodwa 1 'q - esn jo adAl slgl l!waad of luawpuawe gal s e pale! ;!u! aneq Aeq-L "dnl eqj jo lenoidde aol paydde Allewaoj se q lueo!ldde eql :B ipu d - (s)6u!pl!nq tieaodwal eqj to !enowaa pue dill agl to uo!lealdxa aql 6u!Aj.!oads luawaaj6y }!waad asn w!.iam ue to uo lnoax3 - e :ol 1591qnsioa!oia uo!lonilsuoo p;aAOJdCle ue of ossaooe s u!p!!nq eao wal '£ dfll aul Bulluea6 jol spiepuels eql Isuiebe !esodoid speo!!dde aql sessesse 6uimo!!ol aql - s6ulp!!nq uo!ldnilsuoo Ajejodwal aol aoueu!pio dni ue to :4eJp a sr epu96e uoiss!wwOO 6u!uue!d ayl uo Wa4nnas13 •paypeds alep eqj le panowei eq lym `asn tierodwal e se pue `salypel Bulplaed Bulls►xa Bulz!lgn `s)loegles Bu/pnlouqi cdnl eqj Aq pan!em lou spiepuels laulslo leulsnpul leaauaO a/geo!ldde ql!m luals►suoo si asn eqL :Bulpuid - peleool sl l! goigm ul louls!p eqj to suo!le!nBei eigeoi!dde eqj of waoluoo `slgadsai aaglo lie u! `!!eqs asn aul .5 ' ulsra le Isnpul leaaueg eqj uqi asn pep!Luied a se xaldwoo AGauljer agl to luawdoleAep aagpnj s! dnl agl of palelei loaloid uo!lonilsuoo aql :Bulpul 'lo!alslp a4l ui pepwied sesn aol Apedoid 6ulpunoaans aul to Juawanojdwi pue luawdo!anap A!Japao pue !ewiou aul apadwi lou !!!m asn ayl ..v *feel 008 Alalewixo.rdde jo )laegles a ql!M AeM io - m u Z5 sn eqj woal peueejos Allensm Bulaq dnl eqj pue sopoo wy `6u!pl!nq glen aoueuuoJuoo ipm pemes aae eiejlem lejeueB y Alejes `ylleeq oggnd •glnos eqj of eeie puued uo!loealxe leaau!w BaagloS -eLp pue Zg Sn jo lsee ueBoal!N leluaulluoa Bu!pnloui sash leulsnpu! aaglo Aq pepunoaans si Apedoid aql aaloeaeyo leylsnpur Aneaq e seq temporary buildings. Given the location and duration of the buildings proposed, staff is not proposing any supplemental screening or additional parking. d. Temporary buildings shall conform to all other General Industrial District standards specified within this ordinance, and be setback 500 feet from adjoining public right -of -way or visually screened from public right -of -way, public /institutional or residential districts or uses. If the building is not appropriately screened, the City may require additional landscaping or enhanced treatment of the temporary structure. Finding: The proposed buildings will be set back more than 500' from the adjoining public right -of -way. No additional screening is requested. e. Temporary buildings are subject to Building code permits and requirements. Finding: A building permit will be required as prior to installation of the buildings. f. Temporary buildings are subject to Fire code permits and requirements. Finding: The Fire Marshall is aware of the proposal and will be reviewing the buildings through the building permit review process. g. The site must accommodate adequate parking for the intended use, as proposed by the property owner. Finding: The site has ample parking for the proposed temporary buildings. h. Site grading and drainage must comply with City ordinances and Engineering Guidelines. The City may, at it's discretion waive some of the requirements if alternative solutions are acceptable. Finding: The applicant has proposed installation of a culvert to address drainage on the site. A formal grading permit will be required for site grading and any drainage work. PARKING DETAILS FHR has several parking areas available for contractors between the IUP area and the US 52 right -of -way, and at two remote locations. Parking demand • 250 - 500 "base contractors" are onsite at any given time. • 200 -300 contractors are anticipated for smaller turn - arounds planned for May and September of next year. • 105 contractors working in the "Hydrogen Plant." • 650 contractors expected for the Hydrocracker construction project at peak times. • 1,205 ranging up to 1,555 total contractors during two -week peak times for the scheduled turn- arounds. 0 Available parking spaces Location 875 spaces Contractor parking ,215 Overflow spaces Contractor parking 400 spaces Former Wayne Transport site @ 117 Street 300 spaces West Tank farm 1,790 total available spaces Approximately 1,100 parking spaces are provided in the immediate vicinity, enough for much of the typical demand with more parking available elsewhere on FHR property. It is expected that overflow parking will first utilize the Former Wayne Transport site. Brief turn- around periods will utilize the County Road 71 site. CONCLUSION Approval of the Interim Use Permit is dependant on Council action approving the related zoning text amendment. Staff is satisfied that an IUP agreement can be executed specifying the removal date of the structures, and any other conditions that are deemed necessary in granting the IUP. RECOMMENDATION Motion to recommend that the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit for two temporary steel sprung buildings located at the northeast corner and up to 10 construction trailers on at the southwest corner of Tenth Street and "A" Street for Flint Hills Resources subject to the follow_ ing: 1. The date of expiration of the IUP shall be September 1, 2006. 2. Each building and trailer requires a building permit and shall conform to all applicable building and fire codes. 3. The applicant obtain a grading permit prior to grading or installation of the temporary buildings. 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERIM USE PERMIT (IUP) FOR FLINT HILLS RESOURCES LP WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Flint Hills Resources, LP, requesting an Interim Use Permit (IUP) for property located on Flint Hills Refinery Land, legally described as: Section 13 and 24, Township 115, Range 1.9, west of U.S. Highway 52. WHEREAS, on September 28, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Interim Use Permit application for land located approximately 800 feet west of U.S. Highway 52, i / 4 mile south of the Junction with TH 55; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Interim Use Permit for Flint Hills Resources LP, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on October 19, 2004, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation for the Interim Use Permit and agreed with the Planning Commission's findings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Interim Use Permit for Flint Hills Resources LP, subject to: 1. The date of expiration of the IUP shall be September 1, 2006. 2. Each building and trailer requires a building permit and shall conform to all applicable building and fire codes. 3. The applicant obtain a grading permit prior to grading or installation of the temporary buildings. ADOPTED this nineteenth day of October, 2004 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk RESOLUTION 2004 - Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of September 28, 2004 Public Hearing: 5E. CASE 04 -67 -IUP Flint Hills Resources Interim Use Permit. City Planner Pearson reviewed the Staff Report. Flint Hills Resources submitted an application for an Interim Use Permit to construct two temporary "sprung steel" buildings for a construction project anticipated to be complete by September 6, 2006. Flint Hill Resources will also bring in five construction office trailers in support of the project. Mr. Pearson indicated that staff is satisfied that an IUP agreement can be executed specifying the removal date of the structures and other conditions that are deemed necessary in granting the IUP. Chairperson Messner asked for questions for Mr. Pearson. The Commissioners had no questions. Chairperson Messner asked for comments from the Applicant. There was no comment from the Applicant. There were no questions for the Applicant. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Chairperson Messner asked for public comments. There,were no public comments. MOTION by Messner to close the Public Hearing. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. Chairperson Messner asked for any follow -up questions. There were no questions: MOTION by Powell to recommend that the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit for two temporary steel sprung buildings located at the northeast corner and up to 10 construction trailers on at the southwest corner of Tenth Street and "A" Street for Flint Hills Resources subject to the following: 1. The date of expiration of the IUP shall be September 1, 2006. 2. Each building and trailer requires a building permit and shall conform to all applicable building and fire codes. 3. The applicant obtain a grading permit prior to grading or installation of the temporary buildings. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mr. Pearson indicated this item is on the agenda for the October 19, 2004 City Council Meeting. . z x i I I I � I I i I I i i . _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._-_.._.._.._.._.._.._._.._.._..._.......... .- I I G41 �1 Fli oC x� f�1 F1 a � i _ 6.I m ' J 0- -.. _.._.._. �. �0 m az n Q i 3a 4i83Nen t DD x�= ID i z v � M � 0 m c N f.J O C13 j 1 z S ill ar 1 d ! o I u1Y e a0 O j P $ D D 0 IICd C) I I 1 O D � � 1 I - r 6i jiff �1 ; y � a m z D 1 ; 55 Ii > 0 I � I 6 _133oY II 00 I 1 �1 Fli oC x� f�1 F1 a � i _ 6.I m ' J 0- -.. _.._.._. �. �0 m az n Q C. 0 Or� 3a 4i83Nen t DD x�= ID i z v � M � 0 m c N f.J O C13 j 1 z S ill ar z ., d ! o I u1Y e �1 Fli oC x� f�1 F1 a � i _ 6.I m ' J 0- -.. _.._.._. �0 m az n Q C. 0 Or� m 6. j AC DD x�= ID VZ z v � M � 0 m c N f.J O I I A a Cl) m m A as v III 5 _ a U� � S � i _ 6.I m ' J 0- -.. _.._.._. �0 m az g m 6. j �a a a z r rn N ! ! ID I Z� �Z Mtn C13 as v III 5 _ a U� � S _ 6.I m ' J 0- -.. _.._.._. �0 m az g m 6. j I o ID I Z� �Z Mtn C13 j 1 z t8s z ., d o I u1Y e a0 O j P $ D D 0 C) m O D � � 1 I - r 6i jiff �1 y � a m z D j s ; as v III 5 _ a U� � S � C Z� �Z m m v m aN z ., ao o as v III 5 _ a U� � S / I ® n ❑ m �6 0 go ❑~ ❑ Og 4W � u 1 o rn i V 4 �i i v S c 1 n u g i c 0i D cn 1 1r 1�a�Aq [ u ❑. V FE L n 8 O GAP - M7 SYJ a i i' , 'jl 1 ate. - m el � � ��} li, k 11 1� LZ sw 7� -0- '77 IL f red , L. AS REQUIRED 29' -3 9' -10 1/8" O.C. ELECTRIC VENTILATOR C/W DAMPER TURBINE VENTILATOR —r-- ROLLIl IG DOOR ' O' ED SKYLIGHT DOUBLE �— PERSONNEL SIDE SLIDING DOOR DOOR PLAN VIEW 60' -0" STRUCTURE 1"=20'—O" R io 54' - N o — c v in Of 2' -0" 7 SECTION 60' -0" STRUCTURE 60.0' WIDE STRUCTURE ' SPRUN6 INSTANT SIIX UILi" DATE 09/12/200 SCA LE AS NOTED TOLL FREE: 1. 800320.1009 DRAWING OR(403)245.3371 www.WwV.com S -60 THE FOLLOWING DOORS ARE AVAILABLE AT EXTRA CHARGE: SINGLE PERSONNEL DOOR 3' -O "w x 6' -8 "h (C /W 9' -5" HOOD) - DOUBLE PERSONNEL DOOR 6' -0 "w x 6' -8h (C /W 9' -5" HOOD) -SIDE SLIDING DOOR 9' -6 "w x 14' -O "h -END SLIDING DOOR TOP 10' -0 "w, BASE 12' -8 "w x 14' -0 "h - DOUBLE PANEL ROLLING DOOR TOP 6' -0 "w, BASE 25' -1 "w, 22' -0 "h SINGLE PERSONNEL DOOR ag END SLIDING DOOR END ELEVATION 1"=20'—O" " 4 "x6 ALUM. 26 — — 1 BEAM ELEVATION 1"=20'-O" y THE FOLLOWING DOORS ARE AVAILABLE AT EXTRA CHARGE: SINGLE PERSONNEL DOOR 3' -O "w x 6' -8 "h (C /W 9' -5" HOOD) - DOUBLE PERSONNEL DOOR 6' -0 "w x 6' -8h (C /W 9' -5" HOOD) -SIDE SLIDING DOOR 9' -6 "w x 14' -O "h -END SLIDING DOOR TOP 10' -0 "w, BASE 12' -8 "w x 14' -0 "h - DOUBLE PANEL ROLLING DOOR TOP 6' -0 "w, BASE 25' -1 "w, 22' -0 "h SINGLE PERSONNEL DOOR ag END SLIDING DOOR END ELEVATION 1"=20'—O" " 4 "x6 ALUM. 26 — — 1 BEAM ELEVATION 1"=20'-O" Page 1 of 2 rd Strand,Alan From: Derek Penn [derek.penn @sprung.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 10:33 AM To: Strand,Alan Cc: ed.mckenna @jacobs.com; JTAllosso @aol.com; Peter.Bos @sprung.com Subject: Sprung Instant Structures for Rosemont, MN Dear Mr. Strand, I was given your name by Ed McKenna at Jacobs Engineering here in Houston and we hope to provide you with enough information and data to assist you in making the decision on the Sprung buildings to be used there in Rosemount. Please find below some information Mr. McKenna asked me to address with you. There are also a few document attachments for your review as well. 1) Snow Loading - By design, these structures will shed snow from the structure. Due to the 26 degree slope of the structure and - the smoothness of the membrane, snow slides right off. In times of high snow, we do ask the client to keep the perimeter of the structure clear to allow for the snow shedding to take place. We can provide detailed information on the snow loads /shedding which typically comes as part of our engineering package that we will provide to the client at the time of the sale. This package will also include assembly drawings, base reactions, engineered stamped drawings, concrete column base layouts, etc. 2) Wind loading Sprung Structures are designed and engineered to withstand extremely high wind loads and recently had several structures survive Hurricane Charley in Florida. They lost their HVAC units but the structure handled themselves remarkably. I have attached a wind load chart for your review. The structures we are looking at are 50' wide Classic series structures where you will see they will handle 90 mph sustained wind loads and it is at 95 mph where any modifications would be needed and at 120 mph would be the limit of what it could handle. 3) Heating the structures - The 50' structure will have a 6" fiberglass insulation package complete with tensioned interior liner. This insulation package will be 6" throughout every part of the structure - side walls, roof, etc. Our client can elect to either heat the structure via some sort of an HVAC system, or they could use a radiant heater system (photos attached of each). 4) Seismic loads - I took the liberty to also attach a letter form our engineer which shows how seismic loads affect the Sprung structure. 5) Membrane - I have attached a specification sheet on the membrane for your review. We are typically considered as a Type 5 non rated structure which can achieve a 1 -hour rating with a sprinkler system or 30 feet of clear space around the structure. I have also contacted my head office about obtaining a flame spread report for your review. I will be available today for the conference call Mr. McKenna wants to have and I`will also touch base with our engineering liaison Peter Bos in Calgary and see if he can be available to talk with you if he is needed. Best Regards. 8/25/2004