HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Zoning Text Amendment for Temporary Buildings in the General Industrial District, 04-61-TACITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION uty uouncn meeiing Uate. V(:LVUCI 1 Z7, GVv-r AGENDA ITEM: Zoning Text Amendment for Temporary AGENDA SECTION: Buildings in the General Industrial District, Case Consent 04 -61 -TA PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner lTfW" K ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance, Draft PC 9 -28 -04 Minutes, APPROVED BY: current Ordinance Section 12.8. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt amendments to the zoning ordinance creating an Interim Use Permit for temporary buildings in the General Industrial District. ACTION: ISSUE Flint Hills Resources LP (FHR) has approached the city for approvals necessary for several temporary structures that will be in support of a construction project expected to last approximately 18 months. The zoning ordinance currently allows for typical construction trailers, but otherwise prohibits temporary structures. Given the length of time for the proposed structures, they would typically be considered permanent and would need to meet all the ordinance criteria for structures in the IG District. Other temporary building related amendments have been approved, intended for residential development sales trailers (attached). The current zoning requirements are structured for permanent buildings with requirements for building materials, parking lot improvements and landscaping. In response to the request, staff is proposing an Interim Use Permit (IUP) process that would give the Council the ability to waive some of the permanent structure performance standards as part of the process of granting an IUP. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING On September 28, 2004, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing as required. No one from the audience other than the applicant provided comments. The applicant supported the staff recommendation. The Commissioners had no concerns or comments, and subsequently recommended approval of the necessary ordinance amendments action. BACKGROUND Flint Hills Resources (FHR) often has extensive construction projects of long duration. At any given time, a large proportion of the employees at the site are contractors. In the past, city staff has suggested a master plan with phases and implementation strategies. FHR officials indicate that the construction is often a reaction to whims of the market or in response to regulatory mandates. f z - panienn aq lgbiw spiepuels aa:4n612 gano pue Juawaned 'uoijajosip s,Al!o eqj le JI uana `pajepoWw000e aq Isnw sioloealuoo ay} Aq pejeaauab peau buiNied ayj 'aldwexe and - 119m se Aldde Aew spiepuels buiuoz jayjo - panienn aq jou llinn pue sbuiplinq tiejodwel eqj ql!m pa}eposse sonssi a(jajes/gjleay pue `Aouedn000 `asn eqj of pajejaa aae spiepuels esoyi •Aldde ligs llinn spiepuels apoo aag pue apoo 6uippq aayjo py - s6uiplinq }uauewied of elgeoildde spiepuels 6 UIUOZ anienn of Aluo si ssaooad e ql to luelui ayi - papaau ji wsiueyoaw lennauaa pue `91ep lenowaa a qj!M paanjoruls aq ll!m Iiwaad asn wiaajul pasodoad ayl - spiepuels 6uiuoz woaj paldwaxe Alsnoinaad uaaq aney yoigm `sjel!ej} joluealuoo aol Aoueloedxe - ej!l jewiou eqj poiepisuoo uaaq sey piepuels apoo 6uiplinq Aep Og l, ayi •uoileinp aa6uol }o sloafoad aol pored eqj puajxa of apnjijej awos sey {eioigo 6uippq ayi - sAep ogl, jo poiaad e.aol s6uiplinq iJeaodwaj snnolle apoo 6uiplinq eql `Alluai ino •sJe9A Jo syjuow jeJanas 10 ueds -opi a aney pinonn 1eyj ssaooad ayj jo uoi}eoildde ue si s6uiplinq pejejaa uoijonilsuoo job. dni pasodoad a ui - sjol 6uiljed jalueo 1ielaa ui slepejew adeospuel 6uillas uegm paiinbei aq pinonn yoiynn saes Aje.aodwal aol ssaooad dni ayj le buiNool Alluauno si jjejS - ja:poys yonw aq pinoo ao sapeoep jo ueds -ej!l a aney ueo seldwexa dni esayi •asn asualui aaoua `a9y6iy a 01 pa:aanuoo eq pinonn A:padoad ayj 1eyj wiel - buoy ay} ui pejoadxe eq pfnonn J! `JanannoH •6upes pedoianapun AIanijelai `leinjeu e uodn spuadep 1eyj oilgnd lej9u96 eqj of elgeliene asn leuoijeaaoei leioaawwoo a jo oldwexe ue si llegjuwed - sasn leuoijeajoei aoopIno leiojawwoo si oldwexe .iayjouy - 91is 941 jo asn aanlnj pue juaamo jol suoilipuoo eqj s }as pue `asn Ajeaodwal a aol ainjonils ayj sapinoid dni ayi *Aplpej eqj jo 6uiddeo pue uoijonilsuoo u6isep ayj 6uiuilep jpjad ayi qi `asn wiaam ue se pa:4!waad si 1p -puel 13NS ayi •6uiuoz w suoileoildde .iayjo aney sIiwJad asn wiaa}ul ANdwwns - s}oefoid uoijonilsuoo wiel -buoy to :poddns ui s6uiplinq tieaodwal Iiwaad of aoueuipio 6uiuoz puauay iepjsnpu{ jejauao lepjsnpul ieaauao sleeilS to ot , 6 pue 199ajS 41 0Z 6 uaen qeq z5 sh jo isom 'seoanosa�j sIHH lupd 10 ways uoa :Isenbei jo ainIeN :6uiuoZ }uaaano :6isaa ueld apino - dwoo :uoileoo :(s)aaunno Apadoad V jueoilddy •a.anjonajs aqj 10 Ienowaa aol algejawil a qj!m joefoid eqj aol Alleoi�ioads u;gp!jnn aq ueo I!waad asn wiaajuj uy - sesn jayjo :poddns A leilua od pinoo pue `tiell!oue aae sainjoruls ayi - uoijonilsuoo lenjoe eqj 6uijallays jo leibelui jou aae }nq 'joefoid egl:poddns sainjonals pasodoad ay} Inq eN!l ayj pue 6uiplogeos `sialpil uoijonilsuoo aol mope pinonn spiepuels 6uiuoZ - seeie Neaaq pue Algwasse aa�.aonn }oealuoo pue sued 6wsnogejenn ao} pasn aq pinonn saanjonils ayi - joefoid eqj jo :poddns ui papaau aae sainjona }s Aaejodwel Jeaanas pue `uoileinp ui 11ey a pue aeaA a aq llp ssaooad uoijonilsuoo ayi - ease Aieuilaa ay} jo uoi:aod uaaylnos ayj ui snjejedde aalloejooapAq alelpsip nnau a 6uilonalsuoo sanIonui joefoid ayl - spiepuels lanj aauealo COI Juauawanoo Jeaapa eqj Aq palepuew joefoid uoi}onalsuoo waal -buoy a jo jonpoad ayj si uoijeoildde juaiano ayi t A S CONCLUSION The proposed IUP process is intended only for the General Industrial District. The attached draft ordinance language establishes the IUP process in relevant sections of the zoning ordinance. w i City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE B THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended. Section 2 . Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 4.11 is hereby amended by adding the following: C. Temporary buildings - allowed by Interim Use Permit in Section 6.16 General Industrial (IG) District. Section 3 . Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 6.16 is hereby amended by adding the following: 3. Temporary buildings accessory to an approved construction project subiect to: a. Execution of an Interim Use Permit Agreement specifying the expiration of the IUP and removal of the temporary building(s). b. Temporary buildings are subject to the Interim Use Permit standards, findings and conditions specified in Section 12.8 of this ordinance. c. Temporary buildings may be exempt from conformance with the following standards of the zoning ordinance at the discretion of the City i. Supplementary Regulations Section 7.2.A Building Type and Construction Sub. 4: H. Off- Street Parking, Loading and Landscaping Section 8.11 Off- Street Parking Design and Construction Standards and Section 8.3 Landscaping Requirements. d. Temporary buildings shall conform to all other General Industrial District standards specified within this ordinance, and be setback 500 feet from adioining public right -of -way or visually screened from public right -of -way, public /institutional or residential districts or uses. If the building is not appropriately screened, the City may require additional landscaping or enhanced treatment of the temporary structure. e. Temporary buildings are subiect to Building code permits and requirements. f. Temporary buildings are subject to Fire code permits and requirements. g. The site must accommodate adequate parking for the intended use, as proposed by the property owner. h. Site grading and drainage must comply with City ordinances and Engineering Guidelines. The City may, at it's discretion waive some of the requirements if alternative solutions are acceptable. nnel o} 6u!pa000e uo lleollgnd pue a6ess s aa74e pu e woad joa}}a pue aoaol Ilnj u! aq Ileys eoueu!pio s!y1 •31do 3/V1o3JJ3- • uo!109S - j5pjs!Q Ieuisnpul leaauao eqj u! s u!pl!nq AJBJOclw JoI do I!waad ash w!jajul ue jo aouenssi uocin l!ounoo Apo aye Aq pan!snn aq Aew souiluela paa!n aj ay1 :uoW aox3 - Z6 : 941 6u!ppe Aq papuawe Agaaay s! £ uolloag `q aoueulpio bu!uoZ junowasoU •g uo!joaS - p!jls!Q Ie!alsnpul leaauao ayJ u! s u!pl!nq 70eiodwal jo} dill I!waad ash wuawl ue jo aouenssi uo an I!ounoo }!o aye Aq pan!enn aq ABW spiepuels uo!lonalsuoo pue u !sea pue u!Ved }aaaIS -}}o 57q1 :uo10 aoxT 6 - :6u!n aqj 6u!ppe Aq popuaws Agaaay s! - 1• I, g uo!joaS `S eoueu!pio 6uluoZ junowasoU g uol}oaS (86 - 17 `E5 -q •pio) •yslug jueuewied palldde- kojoel a aney lleys 6u!pl!nq eqj aol pasn lejew jo!aalxa Auy •sluawaalnbai (an) juawdolanaa i!un pauueld japun panna!naa aq lleys eaae joogjo 1991 aaenbs (000`006) puesnoyj paapuny auo aano sbulpl!n8 •15p}s!a Iep1snpul leaauao ayj ul s u!pl!nq MWO= Jo} dni I!waad esa wpajul ue jo aouenssi uo n I!ounoo j o aye Aq pan!enn eq Aew spiepuejs paoua l919J anoge ay} u! pag!oa s sleua}ew u!pl!nq pawn as eq1 :uo!} 93x3 •pasodxe u!ewaa o} Tenn ssel6jagg jo Iejaw eqj jo ( %gL) jueoaad 9n!}- A4uan9s 10 wnw!xew a molle Aew sheen 6u!ulewaa eqj uo juawlewl eoe}jns Ilene pai!nbaa a41 •seaie ollgnd jo sasn le!luep!sai `Aenn- jo -jy6!a - ollgnd a 6ui:4nge seoe}ans Ilene uo slaued ajamoo Iseo -aid ao `aoeld u! Iseo ajaaouoo lein}oapgoae `auois `poonn `Moolg anlJeaooap `Mo!aq gl!nn peoel ( %05) }uaoaad Al}!} aq of pai!nbaa eq lleys ssel6aagg ao `wnuiwnle `leak paysluq jo slaued Ilene u!e:pno jo yslug ao!aalxa qpm pajonjisuoo az!s Ul eaae cool} 10 1991 aaenbs (000`006) puesnoyj paapuny auo o} (09 6) A:qU paapuny auo jo sbu!pl!nq Ile jopjs!a Ie!alsnpul leaauao ay} ul - slopis!p aagjo ui ueyj sasn aniSUa:lxa aaow pue aa6ael jsa66ns joujs!a le!alsnpul leaauao eqj ui pal. pied sasn eqj 1eyj pa6palnnouNoe s! }I :(oI) joujs!a le!ajsnpul leaauao • - -t, 1 2 :uoljonilsuoo pue 9dA16u!pl!n8 • :6uin ayj 6ulppe Aq papuawe Agajay s! Z uolloaS `q aoueulpio 6uiuoZ junowasou • f, uoiloaS -g ootmulp -lo f Ordinance B- ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 19th day of October, 2004. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of 92004. 1 Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of September 28, 2004 Public Hearing: 51). CASE 04 -61 -TA Flint Hills Resources Zoning Text Amendment. City Planner Pearson reviewed the Staff Report. Flint Hills Resources submitted an application for approvals necessary for several temporary structures that will be in support of a construction project expected to last approximately 8 months. The zoning ordinance allows for typical construction trailers, but otherwise prohibits temporary structures. Given the length of time for these structures, they would typically be considered permanent and would need to meet all the ordinance criteria for structure in the IG District. In response to this request staff is proposing an Interim Use Permit (IUP) process that would give the Council the ability to waive the requirements as part of the process of granting an IUP. The proposed Interim Use Permit will be structured with a removal date, and renewal mechanism if needed. The intent of the process is only to waive zoning standards applicable to permanent buildings. Chairperson Messner asked for questions for Mr. Pearson. The Commissioners had no questions. Chairperson Messner asked for comments from the Applicant. The Applicant, Don Kern, thanked the staff for their cooperation with this matter and the proposed solution. There were no questions for the Applicant. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Chairperson Messner asked for public comments. There were no public comments. MOTION by Powell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schultz. Ayes: Schultz, Zurri, Messner and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. Chairperson Messner asked for any follow -up questions. There were no questions. MOTION by Zurn to recommend that the City Council adopt amendments to the zoning ordinance creating an Interim Use Permit for temporary buildings in the General Industrial District. Second by Powell. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried: Mr. Pearson indicated this item is on the agenda for the October 19, 2004 City Council Meeting. 12.8: INTERIM USE PERMITS (IUP): A. Application, Public Hearing, Notice and Procedure: The application, public hearing, public notice and procedure requirements for interim use permits shall be the same as those for amendments as provided in Section 16 of this Ordinance, except that the permit shall be issued on the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Council. Specific submissions required to complete an application for an interim use permit shall be specified for each type of interim use allowed. B. Termination: An IUP shall terminate on the happening of any of the following events, whichever first occurs: 1. The date stated in the permit. 2. Upon violation of the condition under which the permit was issued. 3. Upon change in the City's zoning regulation which renders the use nonconforming. C. Standards: 1. The interim use must be allowed in the zoning district where the property is located. 2. The interim use must meet or exceed the performance standards set forth in this Ordinance and other applicable City ordinances. 3. The interim use must comply with the specific standards for he use identified in this Ordinance, and must comply with all conditions of approval which shall be included in an IUP agreement. D. Conditions: The City may attach condition to approval of a permit to mitigate anticipated adverse impacts associated with the use, to ensure compliance with the standards of approval, to protect the value of other property, and to achieve the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. E. Findings for Interim Use Permits: 1. The extent, location, and intensity of the use will be substantial compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. 3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, and general welfare. 4. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. 5. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. F. Modification of Standards or Conditions: The Council, after public hearing, may modify standards or conditions required for the NP, when strict application of such standards or conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such standards or conditions and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. (Ord. B -32, 9- 21 -93)