HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing, 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project 376CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 20, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing — AGENDA 2004 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #376 SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer �( A. Aderhold, Project Engineer N O Anthony ATTACHMENTS: Location Map, Feasibility Report, Resolution APPROVED BY: LOCATION: This project is located on Dahomey Avenue West, Dallara Avenue West, Damask Avenue West, Danbury Avenue West, Upper 145t Street West and 147" Street West between Dodd Boulevard and 145 Street. Attached please find a project location map and copy of the feasibility report for the 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #376. This report addresses the reconstruction of streets, storm sewer improvements, sanitary sewer repairs and watermain replacements within the proposed project area, along with the estimated costs and proposed funding. At this time, Staff is requesting that Council receive the feasibility report and schedule a public hearing for February 17, 2004. I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2004 STREET AND UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #376 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit: City Project #376, 2004 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said utility and street improvements, City Project #376 is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the City Engineer's report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on January 20, 2004; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #376 and places it on file. NOW THEREFORE IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #376, 2004 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements to be held on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. ADOPTED this 20th day of January, 2004. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Seconded by: I January 20, 2004 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project Prepared for: City Project Number: 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Prepared by: A WS B 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 (763) 541 -4800 & Associates, Inc. FEASIBILITY REPORT 2004 STREET AND UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 376 January 20, 2004 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 (763) 541 -4800 (763) 541 -1700 (Fax) City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 January 20, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 —145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 RE: Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith for your review is a feasibility report which addresses the street and utility improvements of the following streets: • Dahomey Avenue West • Dallara Avenue West • Damask Avenue West • Danbury Avenue West Upper 145 Street West • 147 Street West We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please don't hesitate to contact me at (763) 287 -7195 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, WSB & Associate Inc. David E. Hutton, P.E. Vice President Attachment sb CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date: January 20, 2004 Lic. No. 19133 Quality Control Review Completed By: A�% d &'-� Mark Erichson, P.E. Date: January 20, 2004 Lic. No. 40886 City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................... ..............................1 2 . INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... ..............................2 2.1. AUTHORIZATION ..................... ............................... .............................. ..............................2 2.2. SCOPE .................................................................................................... ..............................2 2.3. DATA AVAILABLE ................................................................................. ..............................2 3 . GENERAL BACKGROUD ...................................................................... ..............................3 3.1. PROJECT LOCATION ..................................................:............................ ..............................3 ' 3.2. PROJECT ZONING ........ ............................... ............................................ ..............................3 3.3. PROJECT HISTORY ................................................................................. ..............................3 3.4. EXISTING CONDTIONS ............................................................................ ..............................4 3.4.1. STREETS ............................................................................. ..............................4 3.4.2. SANITARY SEWER ............................................................... ..............................4 ' 3.4.3. WATER MAIN ...................................................................... .............................. 3.4.4. STORM SEWER ................................................................... ............................... ' 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................. ..............................6 4.1. ROADWAY ........................................................................... ......................... . . . . .. ........... . . . . . ' 4.2. SANITARY SEWER ............................ ............................... 4.3. WATER MAIN ........................................................................................ ............................... 4.4. STORM SEWER ....................................................................................... ..............................7 ' 4.5. RIGHT -OF -WAY / EASMENTS ................................................................. ..............................7 4.6. PERMITS / APPROVALS .......................................................................... ..............................8 4.7. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ....................................................................... ..............................8 ' 5. FINANCING .............................................................................................. ..............................9 5 .1. OPINION OF COST .................................................................................. ..............................9 ' 5.2. FUNDING ............................................................................................... .............................10 6 . PROJECT SCEHDULE ........................................................................... .............................11 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMENDATION ........................................... .............................12 n 0 City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project ' City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) ' APPENDIX A PROJECT LOCATION MAPS ' APPENDIX B PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL APPENDIX C PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT DESIGN. APPENDIX D OPINION OF COST ' APPENDIX E GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 0 u r G City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project ' City Project No. 3 76 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' City Project No. 376 provides for the street reconstruction of Dahomey Avenue West, Dallara Avenue West, Damask Avenue West, Danbury Avenue West, Upper 145 Street West, and 147 Street West, between Dodd Avenue and 145 Street West. The project includes the reconstruction of approximately 4380 feet of 28 -foot urban section streets and 620 feet of 30 -foot urban section streets complete with bituminous paving, B -618 curb and gutter, and storm sewer. The project will also include sanitary sewer and watermain improvements in several necessary locations throughout the project. The total estimated project cost is $1,661,200, which includes a 5% contingency and 30% g y indirect costs. Funding for the project will consist of special assessments, 2004 Capital ' Improvement Plan (CIP) funds, and utility funds as necessary. The assessment hearing will be held in the fall of 2004 The proposed assessment rate is $2400 per lot in accordance with the City's policy and current fee schedule. This will generate approximately $247,200 or 15% of the total project costs. ' It is proposed that construction would take place in 2004. The project reconstruction will be completed, including all restoration items in 2004. ' This project is feasible, necessary, and cost effective from an engineering standpoint and should be constructed as proposed herein. L City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 1 2. INTRODUCTION ' 2.1 Authorization ' On September 16, 2003, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an engineering Feasibility Report for the 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project. This project has been designated as City Project No. 376. 2.2 Scope This project primarily provides for the reconstruction of existing Dahomey Avenue West, Dallara Avenue West, Damask Avenue West, Danbury Avenue West, Upper 145 Street West, and 147 Street West. The aforementioned streets will be completely reconstructed, with the installation of new concrete curb and gutter and bituminous pavement. Storm sewer improvements are proposed to collect stormwater runoff necessary to facilitate improvements outlined in ' the Rosemount Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. The existing 4 -inch watermain in the Danbury Avenue Cul -de -sac will be upgraded to a 6 -inch line. Sanitary sewer repairs will be performed in the spot locations shown in figure 4, these locations ' were determined by televising the sanitary sewer lines. 2.3 Data Available ' Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: City of Rosemount Utility Plans City of Rosemount Record Plans • City of Rosemount Topography Maps ' City of Rosemount Pavement Management Program Field Rating Field Observations of the Area • Rosemount Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Field Survey Sanitary Sewer Televising Soil Borings C' City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project ' City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 2 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND 1 3.1 Project Location The project is located in the southwest portion of the City of Rosemount and includes the following streets: ' Dahomey Avenue West Dallara Avenue. West • Damask Avenue West ' Danbury Avenue West Upper 145 Street West • 147 Street West The project area is identified on Figure 1 in Appendix A of this report. n City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 3 3.2 Project Zoning Generally, the project area is zoned residential. 3.3 Project History This project was initiated through the recognition of continually deteriorating street conditions and the need for storm sewer facilities in the project area. The streets proposed for reconstruction are typically 25 -30 years old. The average life expectancy of a street in Minnesota is 25 years. City staff has also implemented a pavement management program. The pavement management program consists of field rating streets by determining the percentage of area to longitudinal cracks, alligator cracks, heaving, etc. When all the data is collected, the information is combined to give a street rating of 0 -100, with 100 being a newly paved street. The streets m the area of the proposed 2004 Street Reconstruction Project were last rated in 1997 and 2002. The rating in 1997 ranged from 41 -57 and in 2002, the rating ranged from 35 -40. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) located in the Pavement Management Program states the following: ' 0 -39 Total Reconstruct • 40 -60 Overlay 61 -90 Seal Coat 91 -100 Do Nothing An individual break down of each streets rating, construction year, and seal coating year is as follows: ' Street Year Constructed Seal Coat 1997 Rating 2002 Rating Dahomey Ave 1968 79 & 86 41 38 Dallara Ave 1968 78 & 86 55 37 ' Damask Ave 1968 79 & 86 52 40 Danbury Ave 1968 79 & 86 57 38 U. 145" St 1968 79 & 86 42 35 1 147 St 1968 79 & 86 52 39 n City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 3 Based on the Pavement Condition Index and the large amount of utility work, namely storm sewer construction, it is recommended that a total reconstruction be performed. The proposed storm sewer construction will require that the existing roadway and curb be removed throughout a large majority of the project, making a total reconstruction necessary. Additionally, the current watermain system within the project limits has substandard "sizing" in some areas. The upgrade in size of the water system will provide the area with increased water pressure, system reliability, and increased fire flow volume. ' Generally, record drawings for street, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and watenmain are available. 3.4 Existing Conditions 3.4.1 Streets Dahomey Avenue West, Damask Avenue West, Danbury Avenue West, Upper 145 Street West, and 147 Street West are 28 -foot wide streets, with concrete curb and gutter. Dallara Avenue West is a 30 -foot wide street, with concrete curb and gutter. The Danbury Avenue Cul -de -sac is 100 feet in diameter also with concrete curb and gutter. Borings taken throughout the proposed project area indicate approximately 4- inches of bituminous over mostly fine to medium grained sandy gravel, with three of the borings indicating clay as a base. There are 104 residential driveways within the project area. All driveways will be reconstructed to meet the City of Rosemount standards up to the right -of -way line or as needed to match the new street grades. 3.4.2 Sanitary Sewer The majority of existing sanitary sewers within the project area consist of an fl- inch sanitary sewer line. The existing sanitary sewer within Dallara Avenue West consists of an 18 -inch RCP sewer line from Dodd Boulevard to 147 Street West, which then flows to the west within 147 Street West to Danbury Avenue West. 3.4.3 Watermain The existing watermain network consists of a 6 -inch cast iron watermain line with the exception of an 8 -inch line within Dallara Avenue West and a 4 -inch line within the Danbury Avenue Cul -de -sac. City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 4 3.4.4 Storm Sewer The proposed project is located in the Watcher Lake Drainage District (WA) and the Hawkins Pond Drainage District (HP) as noted in the Rosemount Comprehensive Stormwater Plan. The existing storm sewer system for the project area is limited to collection at the following locations: A concrete Swale leading to a holding pond located at the northeast corner of Upper 145 Street West and Dahomey Avenue West. • A 15 -inch storm sewer system located at the southwest corner of 147 Street West and Danbury Avenue West, which flows to Twin Puddles Park. • A concrete Swale leading to a 30 -inch storm sewer system located at the end of the Danbury Avenue Cul -de -sac. Currently, all local runoff within the project area is collected in the roadway's curb and gutters. The curb and gutters then flow to one of the aforementioned locations. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 5 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ' 4.1 Roadway ' The reconstruction of the existing streets is intended to improve the design strength of the pavement system and provide a street surface with an extended life for the City of Rosemount. The existing street widths will be maintained to minimize the impacts on the existing driveways, boulevards, and landscaping. The reconstruction will consist of removing the street surface, existing curb, and poor sub grade soils. The proposed street sections will consist of new B -618 concrete curb, 6- inches of Class 5 aggregate base, 3.5- ' inches of bituminous pavement, and select granular material as needed. This was based on an R -value of 60 and a typical street section used by the City of Rosemount. u The proposed roadway improvements are shown on Figure 2 in Appendix A. 4.2 Sanitary Sewer The existing sanitary sewer systems within the project have been televised to determine their condition. The televising videos indicate that the sanitary sewers within the project area are generally in good condition with the exception of some minor deficiencies such as a damaged pipe gasket and sags at spot locations within the main lines. These deficiencies will be corrected by replacing the sanitary sewer in the locations where the problems exist. Approximately 109 lineal feet if 8 -inch sewer pipe will be replaced. The proposed sanitary sewer improvements are shown on Figure 4 in Appendix A. 4.3 Watermain n 0 The existing watermain within the project limits range from 4- inches to 8- inches in diameter. The pipe is mostly cast iron material, with the exception of some newer pipes being ductile iron material. The proposed watermain improvements consist of replacing approximately 178 lineal feet of the existing 4 -inch main, located within the Danbury Avenue Cul -de -sac, with new 6 -inch ductile iron pipe mains. The services on Danbury Avenue Cul -de -sac will also need to be replaced up to the curb stop; a temporary water bypass may be necessary for the residents living along the Cul -de -sac. These improvements will enhance the delivery of potable water and fire flow volume at reasonable pressure and head loss. Additionally, all of the fire hydrants within the project area, which are outdated, will be replaced with new current fire hydrants per city standards. It will be necessary to relocate three of the fire hydrants do to conflicts with the proposed storm sewer improvements. The proposed watermain improvements are shown on Figure 4 in Appendix A. 0 City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 6 4.4 Storm Sewer Currently there are very few storm sewers in the project area; this contributes to the deterioration of streets because water gets into the sub base and the freeze /thaw affect impacts the pavement life. One of the major benefits of this project is the proposed storm sewer improvement, which includes the construction of a storm sewer system to serve the project area in accordance with the City of Rosemount standards. The storm sewer system will be designed to carry the storm water runoff from a 10 -year rainfall event, which is the industry standard design. The proposed storm water collection facilities can generally be separated into the three drainage areas as follows: East Area — The eastern portion of the project area will generally drain into a proposed storm sewer system that discharges into the storm water detention pond ' located at the northeast corner of Upper 145 th Street West and Dahomey Avenue. Additional grading of the existing detention pond is necessary to allow for added stormwater treatment and storage. An overflow structure will be constructed in the detention pond that will connect to an existing 30 -inch storm sewer system located on Shannon Parkway. The existing 30 -inch storm sewer system eventually discharges into Hawkins pond. Northwest Area — The northwest portion of the project area will generally drain into a proposed storm sewer system, which will connect, to an existing 30 -inch ' storm sewer system on 145 th Street West located to the northwest of the Danbury Avenue Cul -de -sac. The existing 30 -inch storm sewer eventually discharges into Hawkins pond. ' Southwest Area — The southwest portion of the ro'ect area will generally drain p J g Y into a proposed storm sewer system, which will connect to an existing 15 -inch 1 storm sewer system located at Danbury Avenue and 10 Street West. The existing 15 -inch storm sewer eventually discharges into the Twin Puddles_ Park pond. The ro osed storm sewer improvements are shown on Figure 3 in Appendix A. p p p g PP 4.5 Right -of -Way / Easements The acquisition of temporary easements will be required for construction of the proposed storm sewer line, which exits the Danbury Avenue Cul -de -sac between house number 14527 and house number 14539. According to the title work, a permanent 10 -foot ' drainage easement exists between the two homes aforementioned. Since the existing easement is written as a drainage easement, a utility easement must be acquired in place of the drainage easement. An additional 10 -foot temporary easement on each side of the permanent easement will also need to be acquired for construction purposes. City staff will work with the property owners to acquire the easement. ' The proposed temporary easements are shown on Figure S in Appendix A. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project ' City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 7 4.6 Permits / Approvals The following permits will be necessary as part of this project. • Minnesota Department of Health permit for the watermain construction • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for the sanitary sewer construction. • MPCA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. 4.7 Construction Traffic This project will require significant excavation and disposal of unacceptable material from the existing street area and a supply of significant volumes of granular base, aggregate base, and bituminous pavement materials. This effort will increase loaded truck traffic on the streets adjacent to the construction area. All residents will have access during construction, however some inconvenience is expected. Construction will be phased to minimize inconveniences to the residents. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 8 5. FINANCING 5.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions incorporate estimated 2004 construction costs and include a 5% contingency factor and all related administrative costs. The administrative costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, engineering, financing, and other administrative items. The cost does not include any easement acquisition costs. A summary of the project costs is a follows 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Summary of Costs SEGMENT /DESCRIPTION TOTAL 1. Street Construction $1,269,200 2. Sanitary $ 33,600 3. Watermain $ 94,800 4. Storm Sewer $ 263,600 TOTAL $ 1,661,200 City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 9 5.2 Funding Funding for the project will consist of a combination of Special Assessments, Street CIP funds, Storm Sewer funds, and Sanitary Sewer /Water Core funds. ' A breakdown of the funding for the project is a follows: ' The proposed 2004 Reconstruction Project is located within a residential area. Most existing homes have driveways off the streets proposed for reconstruction. Therefore, city policy states that the benefiting property owners be assessed $2400 per lot, as identified in the City of Rosemount's Assessment Policy. Based on this rate and the fact that there are 103 parcels to be assessed, the total estimated assessments are $247,200 or 15% of the project cost. The City's Street Capital development fund is proposed to fund all remaining costs of the project, with the exception of contributions from the utility funds. The City's Storm Sewer Core Fund and Utility Fund is available to fund any major storm sewer improvements. It is proposed that all storm sewer improvements associated with the 2004 Reconstruction Project be funded by the City's Storm Sewer Core Fund and ' Utility Fund. The City's Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund is available to fund any sanitary sewer ' improvements. It is proposed that all sanitary sewer improvements associated with the 2004 Reconstruction Project be funded by the City's Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund. The City's Water Utility Fund is available to fund any watermain improvements. It is proposed that all watermain improvements associated with the 2004 Reconstruction Project be funded by the City's Water Utility Fund. A summary of the proposed funding for this project is in the following table: Proposed Project Funding Cost % of project Special Assessments $ 247,200 15% Street CIP $ 780,700 47% Storm Sewer Core and Utility Fund $425,800 26% Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund $54,300 3% Water Utility Fund $153,200 9% Total $1,661,200 100% tsaseu on a/,4vu per im, per [ne %,ny of icvsemoum s current t,uu4 rate scneatue. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 10 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for these improvements is as follows: Authorized Preparation of Feasibility Report .................... ............................... September 16, 2003 Public Information Meeting ..................... ............................... ............................... January 8, 2004 Receive Feasibility Report & Order Public Hearing .............. ............................... January 20, 2004 Public Hearing / Authorize Preparation of Plans & Specs ... ............................... February 17, 2004 Receive Plans & Specs / Authorize Ad for Bid ........................ ............................... March 16, 2004 Receive Bids / Award Contract ................................................... ............................... April 20, 2004 Begin Construction ...................................................................... ............................... May 15, 2004 Assessment Hearing ........................................................................... ............................... Fall, 2004 City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 11 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION The project costs are estimated at $1,661,200. This cost includes utility improvements and the total reconstruction of Dahomey Avenue West, Dallara Avenue West, Damask Avenue West, Danbury Avenue West, Upper 145 Street West, and 147 Street West. Due to the deteriorating condition of the existing streets and utilities and a need for improving the local drainage system, this project is both feasible and necessary from an engineering standpoint. We recommend the reconstruction of the streets and utility improvements as outlined in this report. City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 Page 12 I L APPENDIX A ' Project Location Maps n City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 i x a z 0 14511-1 STREET NI M Z V S Q N C.S.A.H. N0.42 PROJECT LOCATION X 0 1000 2000 AL sulks Obw MNngIW� mknmvwR w FAcTSSarnoo a as . - 2004 S t and � j� Reconstruct on IP'u°®ject Cly Repot No ol6eoao o.� d..,.y. 20. 2004 Cdr N06 976 Figure Number Rosemomt, esot LL I a �0 F2 �� �1� � (� [ 1 o ❑ ❑ o o , ❑ ❑ O a DANBURY A� UE Ll 0 � n \ L� I ❑ O i \i O � I o n� 0 AMA I AVENU T m ® 0 0 ❑ 0 z� O El El j - m ❑ ij 4 c ; � O ❑ �f tl I_ - - - , ® - ❑ 0 a I 0 0 � P ARKWAY I� '�F p 7A A 71 � f A A D I' WO m 7 O (Arn NN D AO O J .� q G^FC T T o ° z u,zf 0111 N Q N m � qq A -- � T C T Y•1 n.- I�InN� N C N D , mmm ~ 5 - u O AK N W < J N N O O g W m cn < Cf) "A mo AA c G) D C ° o s m C Z C/ z aQ p Q m "' Co - oz O m O A O m � A 'p .A ."1C1 A z P � > P Am A ® Z X z0 F FZ z F O o0 oz ° - v ° z rn m � m D .O O Z °0 0 NIVA�M`dM CIN`d 213MIS �, I]ViINdS � *ON 3UMI—A 0 s NVA, ly V1.1 �a Go V 1083 N I VII I omso ICJ 133PO2id NO11WHlSNO33b Alnu ®NIM 133HIS VOOZ WVA 3iV9 „9 GNd iNV�10J,H M3N HlIM 013b 39 Ol S1NV�10J,H ONIlSIX3 Tld :3ION �13M]S J,�]ViINVS IIO`d 1N`d J(D,H 3iV30TRJ • NI`dW?MVM 13b d3M3S J,�]VlIN`dS ONIISIXI NIV N�13iVM ONUSIX I OOZ oo t 0 0ma-mia WA - OOfNPWL mm Nw'+pap-M 009 qm Awaft PPDW@n W810 09W WVA 3iV9 „9 GNd iNV�10J,H M3N HlIM 013b 39 Ol S1NV�10J,H ONIlSIX3 Tld :3ION �13M]S J,�]ViINVS IIO`d 1N`d J(D,H 3iV30TRJ • NI`dW?MVM 13b d3M3S J,�]VlIN`dS ONIISIXI NIV N�13iVM ONUSIX I OOZ oo t 0 x ^y aaquanN aan61j L `iunowasoN ZZ NW'sllodeauul t �aafoid uoi�anz�suoaa� Simla Puy laazlS b00Z 6emgBI Seuowaw uosIO OSLO 9L£'ON )oafwd AII� b00Z'OZ'tienuef :ele0 00 'aNl�Ioid 8SM ' == m �O Y 9 1 0 1 1N3W3Sb3 ),2MJ0 W31,0 L \ \\ 1N3W3SV3 Qdb OdN31,0 L NI 101 \� 1N3W3Sd3 30VNidd(l 1N3N W�J3d ONIISIX3 ?J3n0 a3?JInOb 9 Ol 1N3W3SV3 )\iniln N3N NH3d - bLL6S2 h' *000 2J3d 1N3W3S`d3 3OVNIV J(l ,S OMIISIX3 - iN3W3Sd3 3OVNld�la iN3N` VI213d ONIISIX3 �13no a3?JInOd 38 Ol 1N3W3Sb3 )dniln N3NMJ3d 9Z-Z-692 # •000 �13d 1N3W3Sd3 30VNI`d J(l 9 ONIISIX3 1 0 1 C-> M 133N1S H1Sbl r APPENDIX B Opinion of Cost City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project ' City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 2004 STREET AND UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO. 376 January 20, 2004 CALCULATED BY: JGM CHECKED BY: JH OPINION OF PROBABLE COST SCHEDULE A - STREET CONSTRUCTION LINE NO. MN/DOT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL QUANTITY TOTAL COST 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $23,800.00 1 $23,800.00 2 2101.502 CLEARING TREE $250.00 13 $3,250.00 3 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE $250.00 13 $3,250.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT $5.00 12205 $61,025.00 5 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK SQ FT $5.00 276 $1,380.00 6 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD $3.50 19600 $68,600.00 7 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD $7.50 $19,650.00 8 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT $4.50 $6,408.00 9 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT $3.50 $826.00 9 2104.521 SALVAGE WOOD FENCE LIN FT $3.00 h1424 $90.00 10 2104.521 SALVAGE CHAIN LINK FENCE LIN FT $3.00 $90.00 I 1 2104.521 SALVAGE AND REPLACE LANDSCAPE BLOCK LIN FT $25.00 $3,625.00 12 2104.521 SALVAGE SPRINKLER SYSTEM LIN FT $3.00 100 $300.00 13 2104.521 SALVAGE AND REPLACE GRANITE SIDEWALK SQ FT $5.00 30 $150.00 14 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD $12.00 7150 $85,800.00 15 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CUYD $12.00 1555 $18,660.00 16 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) CU YD $15.00 3959 $59,385.00 17 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (100% CRUSHED) TON $11.50 8358 $96,117.00 18 2350.501 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON $34.00 1782 $60,588.00 19 2350.502 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON $33.00 2376 $78,408.00 20 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $2.00 975 $1,950.00 21 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT $6.00 276 $1,656.00 22 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT $8.00 12205 $97,640.00 23 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD $50.00 2620 $131,000.00 24 2540.602 PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW MAILBOX EACH $200.00 103 $20,600.00 25 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $6,500.00 1 $6,500.00 26 - -- TEMPORARY MAILBOX LUMP SUM $3,000.00 1 $3,000.00 27 2564.531 FURNISH AND INSTALL SIGN PANELS EACH $260.00 21 $5,460.00 28 2571.501 CONIFEROUS TREE 6' HT B &B TREE $450.00 3 $1,350.00 29 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 2.5" CAL B &B TREE $500.00 10 $5,000.00 30 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN FT $5.00 500 $2,500.00 31 2573.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (W /4" TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) SQ YD $3.00 20342 $61,038.00 32 2575.501 SEEDING (W /4" TOPSOIL, FERTILIZER & MULCH) ACRE $1,200.00 0.3 $360.00 33 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 25B LB $32.00 9 $288.00 SUBTOTAL OF STREET CONSTRUCTION $929,750.00 5% CONTINGENCIES $46,490.00 SUBTOTAL $976,240.00 30% ADMINISTRATIVE FEES $292,880.00 TOTAL OF STREET CONSTRUCTION $1,269,200.00 Page 1 of 3 114:101560- 001ExcellOpinion of Probable Cost,Cost Worksheet 2004 STREET AND UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO. 376 UNTT I UNIT COST ULE B - SANITARY SEWER LINE NO. MN/DOT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL QUANTITY TOTAL COST 34 2104.501 REMOVE SANITAR S EWER PIPE LIN FT $7.00 109 $763.00 35 2503.523 SALVAGE CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $100.00 28 $2,800.00 36 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXIST SANITARY SEWER EACH $1,100.00 8 $8,800.00 37 2503.602 RECONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE EACH $150.00 1 3 $450.00 38 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH $325.00 28 $9,100.00 39 2621.511 4" PVC SEWER PIPE - SDR 26 LIN FT $10.50 30 $315.00 40 2621.511 8" PVC SEWER PIPE - SDR 35 LIN FT $20.00 109 $2,180.00 41 2621.602 8" x 4" PVC WYE EACH $65.00 3 $195.00 SUBTOTAL OF STREET CONSTRUCTION $24,600.00 5% CONTINGENCIES 51,230.00 SUBTOTAL $25,830.00 30% ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 57,750.00 TOTAL OF STREET CONSTRUCTION 533,600.00 Si2. LINE NO. I MN/DOT ITEM NO. I DESCRIPTION 42 2104.501 REMOVE WATER MAIN 43 2104.501 REMOVE WATER SERVICE AND CURB BOX 44 2104.509 REMOVE HYDRA 45 2104.509 REMOVE GATE VALVE 46 2504.601 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE 47 2504.602 RECONNECT WATE SERVICE 48 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE AND BOX 49 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX 50 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX 51 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN 52 2504.602 1" CORPORATION STOP 53 2504.602 1" CURB STOP AND BOX 54 2504.602 FURNISH & INSTALL HYDRANT 55 2504.602 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS 56 2504.603 6" WATER MAIN - DUCT IRON CL 52 57 2504.603 8" WATER MAI - DUCT IRON CL 52 58 2504.603 1" TYPE K COPPER PIPE 59 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION LIN FT $15.00 EACH $100.00 EACH $350.00 EACH $150.00 LUMP SUM $5,000.00 EACH $300.00 EACH $125.00 EACH $550.00 EACH $750.00 EACH $1,000.00 EACH $60.00 EACH $150.00 EACH $1,750.00 LB $2.00 LIN FT $17.50 LIN FT $20.00 LIN FT $14.00 SQ YD $10.00 15 $150.00 SUBTOTAL OF STREET Cc January 20, 2004 TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL UANTITY TOTAL COST 268 $4,020.00 6 $600.00 10 $3,500.00 1 $150.00 1 $5,000.00 6 $1,800.00 14 $1,750.00 10 $5,500.00 1 $750.00 12 $12,000.00 6 $360.00 6 $900.00 10 $17,500.00 2190 $4,380.00 398 $6,965.00 20 $400.00 265 $3,710.00 15 $150.00 SUBTOTAL 30% ADMINISTRATIVE FEES TOTAL OF STREET CONSTRUCTION $69,440.00 S3,480.00 572,920.00 $21,880.00 $94,800.00 Page 2 of 3 M.101560- 001Exce/IOpinion of Probable Cost, Cost Worksheet ' 2004 STREET AND UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT January 20, 2004 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO. 376 L k r_ OPINION OF PROBABLE COST SCHEDULE D - STORM SEWER LINE NO. MN/DOT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL QUANTITY TOTAL COST 59 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE FLUME LIN FT $15.00 30 $450.00 60 2104.501 R EMOVE STORM M ANHOLE EACH $400.00 1 $400.00 61 2104.501 REMOVE STORM SEWER PIPE LIN FT $7.00 48 $336.00 62 2104.523 SALVAGE CASTING EACH $100.00 4 $400.00 63 2501.515 12" RC PIPE APRON W/ TRASH GUARD EACH $600.00 1 $600.00 64 2501.515 27" RC PIPE APRON W/ TRASH GUARD EACH $1,100.00 1 $1,100.00 65 2501.602 SKIMMER EACH $3,000.00 1 $3,000.00 66 2503.521 36" SPAN RC PIPE - ARCH SEWER CLIIA IN FT $73.00 78 $5,694.00 67 2503.541 12" RC PIPE DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN FT $22.00 600 $13,200.00 68 2503.541 15" RC PIPE DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN FT $23.50 1079 $25,357.00 69 2503.541 18" RC PIPE DES 3006 CL I II LIN FT $26.00 863 $22,438.00 70 2503.541 21" RC PIPE DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN FT $31.00 692 $21,452.00 71 2503.541 24" RC PIPE DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN FT $32.00 615 $19,680.00 72 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXI STING STORM MANHOLE EACH $550.00 6 $3,300.00 73 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH $500.00 0 $0.00 74 2506.501 COST. DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES. 48 -4020 LIN FT $175.00 164.18 $28,732.00 75 2506.501 COST. DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES. 604020 LIN FT $225.00 4.11 $925.00 76 ' 2506.501 COST. DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES. 664020 LIN FT $275.00 4.02 $1,106.00 77 2506.501 COST. DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES. SPEC. 1 (2'x 3' CB) EACH $1,100.00 17 $18,700.00 78 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCH BASIN) EACH $450.00 48 $21,600.00 79 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACH $375.00 11 $4,125.00 80 2511.501 RANDOM RIP RAP CLASS III CU YD $65.00 6.9 $449.00 81 2511.515 GEOTEXTILE FABRI TYPE IV SQ YD $3.50 15 $53.00 SUBTOTAL OF STREET CONSTRUCTION $ 193,100.00 .5% CONTINGENCIES 59,660.00 SUBTOTAL $202,760.00 30'0 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES $60,830.00 TOTAL OF STREET CONSTRUCTION $263,600.00 SUBTOTAL $1,216,890.00 5% CONTINGENCIES $60,860.00 SUBTOTAL $1,277,750.00 30% ADMINISTRATIVE FEES $383 340.00 $1,661 Page 3 of 3 114:101560- 00kExce/10pinion of Probable Cost, Cost Worksheet 0 n APPENDIX C Preliminary Assessment Roll City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 0 u n 0 0 I I fl n 0 L n 0 Preliminary Assessments WSB Project: 2004 Street Reconstruction Project Date: January 20, 2004 Project Location: Rosemount, MN WSB Project No: 1560 -00 PID Fee Owner Fee Owner Address City /State Zip Code Proposed Assessment 341520001002 DANIEL P TUTEW 14680 DALLA AVE S ROS EMOUNT MN 55068 $ 2,400 34152000 MARK A & KATHY A ANNIS 14678 DAHOME AVE W ROSEMOU MN 55068 -4161 $ 2 ,400 341520001004 DOU GLAS W JR FA RONE 4168 147 ST W ROSE MN 55068 -4521 $ 2,400 341520002002 WESLEY F HASBR 14685 DAHOM AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55 068 $ 2,400 341520002003 JEANNE M BA 14 DAHO MEY ST RO SEMOUNT MN 55068 $ 2,400 3415 20002004 GENE T & REBE D A 4146 147TH S W ROS EMOUNT MN 550 -4521 $ 2,40 341520003002 RON ALD J & DAR V LEE 14699 DAHOMEY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4160 $ 2,400 341520003003 JUDIT A DYS 14692 DAHOM AVE R OSEMO U NT MN 55068 -416 $ 2, 400 341520003 JERRY L & SANDRA K HEIDMAN 14755 DAL AVE ROSEM MN 55 068 -4556 $ 2,400 341520004003 RO NALD L & D K OTTERDAHL 146 DAHOM AVE W R OSEMOU NT MN 55068 -4 $ 2,400 341 520004004 MICHAEL J & JULIE A KING 14 767 DALL AVE W ROSEMO MN 55068 -4556 $ 2,400 341520 005003 CALVIN G & CONST DRAKE 14698 D AHOMEY A VE W ROSE- MOUNT MN 55068 -4 161 $ 2,400 34152 0005004 JOHN P TSTE BRO BACK 14378 EM BREY CT APPLE VALLEY MN 5512 -6988 $ 2,400 341520006003 ROSE M & ELAINE R ATZLAFF 4076 147TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55 -4 536 $ 2,400 341520006004 TIEN V AN & THU NGOC HUYNH 14789 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4556 $ 2,40 341520007003 DA WN L MEYER 4098 147TH ST W ROSEM MN 55068 -4536 $ 2,400 3 4152000 7004 GARY W & PAM J MILLER 14795 DALLA A VE W ROSEMOU MN 55068 -4556 $ 2,400 34 1520008003 STAN & MARIAN LITTLEFIELD 4124 147TH ST W R OSEMOUN T MN 55068 -4522 $ 2,4 34152 0009003 B RYAN W SCHL 14770 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4 502 $ 2,400 341520010003 WILLIAM C SMITH 14782 D AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 550 -4502 $ 2,400 341520011103 B RADLE Y W BARLA 14 790 DALLARA AVE W R OSEMOUNT M 55068 -45 $ 2,400 3 4152010 1001 STEVEN R & TRACI L CHA MBERLIN 4185 UPPER 145T ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4138 $ 2,4 00 341520101002 CYNTHIA A STEG 4126 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4121 $ 2,400 3415201010 JOHN L & PATRICIA L DOUGHERTY 4184 UPPER 14 ST R OSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4139 $ 2,400 341520101004 KAR NELSON 14560 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOUN MN 5506 -4131 $ 2,400 341520102001 ROLAND & PATRI BENOIT 4169 UPPER 145TH S W ROSE MN 550 -41 38 $ 2,400 34 152010200 3 MICHAE E PINARD 4168 UPPER 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55 -4 139 $ 2,400 341520102 SUSAN M JOH 145 D AV W RO SEMOUNT MN 55068 -4 131 $ 2,400 341520102005 BR ADLEY D & SHEL J MCCLELLAN 1457 DA HOMEY A VE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4101 $ 2,400 341 5201030 01 BERNICE E O NEILL 4145 UPPER 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4138 $ 2,400 341520103002 C ARROLL T & HEL M HOVE 4097 UPPER 145T ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4135 $ 2,400 341520103003 BRIAN P & REBECCA L JO HNSO N 4146 UPPER 145TH ST W RO SEMOUNT MN 55068 -4139 $ 2,400 341 520103004 J OHN F & LI H BYRNE 145 DALLAR AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4131 $ 2,400 3415 20103005 RONALD JAC 14584 DOHOMEY AVE E ROSEMOUN MN 55068 $ 2 341520104002 LA RRY W & BARBARA HELLAND 4125 14 5TH ST W ROSEMOUNT M 55068 -4107 $ 2,400 341520104003 ROG F & MARY ANN R EESE 14557 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4129 $ 2,400 341520 104004 WESLE M & HELEN JOS EPHSON 14590 DALL A VE W ROSE MOUNT MN 55068 -4131 $ 2,400 341520104005 3 4152010 5003 LAURA & JESSE STYGAR RIC HARD & SANDR EM ERSON 14598 DAHOMEY AVE W 14569 DALLARA AVE W ROSEMOU M N 55 -4101 $ 2,400 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -41 $ 2,400 34 1520105004 JA MES D & KRISTINE M JACOBSO 14620 DALLARA AV W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4158 $ 2,400 3415 20105005 CHRIST J SCHOTTLE 14620 DAHOMEY AVE W R OSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4161 $ 2, 400 341520106003 JACK W & KATHLEEN E ALT 1457 DALLARA AVE W ROS EMOUNT MN 55068 -4129 $ 2,400 Page 1 of Page 3 M:1 1560 - 001 &cellPreliminary Assessment Role C n 0 n C n fl 0 fl u fl Preliminary Assessments WSB Project: 2004 Street Reconstruction Project Date: January 20, 2004 Project Location: Rosemount, MN WSB Project No: 1560 -00 PID Fee Owner Fee Owner Address City/State Zip Code Proposed Assessment 341520106004 MARY L CLARK 14640 DA AVE W RO SEMOUNT M 55068 -4158 $ 2,400 341520106005 JAMES C JR & S ALLY OMAN 14646 DA HOMEY AVE W ROS EMOUNT M 550 -4161 $ 2,400 341520107003 L OUIS C & EVEL G ANDERSON 14589 DALLARA R OSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4129 $ 2,400 341520107004 DA A & G M LUNDGREN 14660 DALLARA AVE W ROSEM MN 55068 -4158 $ 2,400 3415201070 MICHELLE L BU RGER KISTNER 14660 DAH AVE W ROS MN 55068 -4 161 $ 2,400 341520108003 ALA W J 146 DAL AVE W ROSEMO MN 55 -4 157 $ 2,400 341520108004 JAM E & LYNETTE J PATWELL 14675 DAH A VE W ROS EMOUNT MN 55068 -4160 $ 2,400 341520109003 STEVEN & JACQUELINE SWIFT 14639 DA AVE W RO MN 55 068 -4157 $ 2,400 341520109004 RUTH E W ENZE L 1 4655 DAHOMEY AVE ROSEMO MN 55 068 -416 $ 2,400 341520110004 CURTIS A & JOAN WA 14625 DAH A VE W ROSE MN 55068 -4160 $ 2,400 341520111004 GERALD R & CA RRIE HELGESON 14589 DAHOME AVE W RO MN 55 068 -4162 $ 2,400 341520112004 MICHA J TREN 145 D AVE W ROSEM MN 55068 -4162 $ 2,40 341520113004 BARBARA JEAN DAY 14569 D AHOM E Y AV W ROSEMOUN MN 550 -4162 $ 2,4 341520114004 P ATRIC K D & ANNA M D OMEIER 14557 D AVE W ROSEM MN 55068 -4 162 $ 2, 400 341520201001 JUD ANN JOHN 4199 U PPER 145 TH ST W ROS EMOUNT MN 55068 -4138 $ 2,400 3415202010 EUGENE M & S ANDRA L PITTMAN 14629 DANBURN AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4152 $ 2,400 341520201003 JENNIFER L CAROTHERS 1454 DANBU AVE WE ROS MN 55 068 -4108 $ 2,400 34152020 BRIA S & DORIS L ODELL 14560 DA MASK A VE W R OSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4105 $ 2,400 3 41520202001 MICHAEL F & CYNTHIA HES 1 4505 DANBURY A W ROSEMOUNT M 5 5068 -4 154 $ 2,400 341520202002 DAVID T BAUER 146 DANBURY AVE W RO SEMOUN T MN 55068 -4152 $ 2,400 34152 0202003 ANTHONY J & T HERESA KULLA 14550 DA NBURY W ROSE MN 55068 -4108 $ 2,400 341 520202004 WILL IAM & ROCHELLE HAGE 14570 DAMASK A W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4105 $ 2,4 00 3415 20203001 MARK A HOSTUTLER 14515 D ANBURY AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4154 $ 2,400 341520203002 JEAN WESTLIE DUDLEY 14669 DANBURY AVE W ROSEMOUNT M 55068 -4 $ 2,400 3 415202030 03 RICHARD J & EMMY L GILLES 14560 DANBU AVE W ROSEMOU MN 5 5068 -410 $ 2,400 341520203004 BRUCE A & JULIE A Y ATES 14580 DA MASK AVE ROSE 40UNT MN 55 -4 105 $ 2,400 341520204001 JE FFREY E & THERESA FOLEY 14521 DANBURY AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4154 $ 2,400 341520204002 TOD D ANDERSON 4290 147TH S W ROS EMOUNT MN 55068 -4518 $ 2,400 34152020 ROBERT T & M A B ARFKNE CHT 14570 DAN R OSEMOU NT MN 55068 -4108 $ 2,400 341520204004 DAV M K EILEN 14590 DAMASK AVE W ROSE MOUNT MN 550 -4105 $ 2,400 341520205001 VICTOR H & MAR GARET DERICHS 14 DAN BURY AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -41 $ 2,400 341520205002 JO T G UILLEMETTE 4278 14 ST W R OSEMOUN T MN 55068 -451 $ 2,400 3415 20205003 RUSSELL L & JOAN M LOCKHART 14580 DA NBURY AV E W ROSEMOUNT MN 550 -4108 $ 2,400 341520205004 RONALD J VIELLIEUX 14 D AMASK AVE W ROSEMOU MN 55068 -4156 $ 2,400 341520206001 MARK & ARLEEN L INKERT 14539 DANBURY AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4154 $ 2,400 3 415202060 02 ALVIN M & B ARBAR A A SPRUTE 4256 147TH ST W ROSEMOUN MN 55068 -4518 $ '2,400 3 4152020 6003 D EAN E DOT 14590 D ANBURY AVE W ROSEMOU M N 55068 -4108 $ 2 34 MICHAEL D & BRIAN J HAEG 14640 D AMAS K AV RO MN 55068 -4156 $ 2 ,400 3415202070 MATTHEW ROGE 14549 DA NBURY A VE W ROS MN 55 068 -41 $ 2,400 341520207002 TODD J & MAUREEN R TANGEN 4248 147 ST W RO MN 55068 -4518 $ 2,400 34152 0207003 DALE S & TERESA A JOH NSON 14620 DA NBURY AVE W ROSEM M N 550 -4153 $ 2,400 341520208001 THOMA C & JEANETT P RIN CE 14557 D ANBURY AV W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4154 $ 2,400 Page 2 of Page 3 M. 11560- 001&cellPreliminary Assessment Role u I I G n 1 Preliminary Assessments WSB Project: 2004 Street Reconstruction Project Date: January 20, 2004 Project Location: Rosemount, MN WSB Project No: 1560 -00 PID Fee Owner Fee Owner Address City /State Zip Code Proposed Assessment 3415202 DENNIS B & CH ERYLE COUGHLIN 4230 147TH S W ROSEMOU MN 550 -4518 $ 2,400 341520208003 WILLARD & MARC HUDYMA 14640 D AVE W R OSEMOUN T MN 55068 -4153 $ 2 341520209001 ANDREW A SHEFC 14569 DANBURY AVE W ROSEMO MN 55068 -4154 $ 2,400 341520209002 JULIE K KER 4 212 147TH ST W ROSEMOUN MN 55068 -4518 $ 2,400 341520209003 JEFFREY G & JANET WACHTER 14660 DANBU AVE W RO SEMOUN T MN 5506 -4153 $ 2,400 341520210001 WIL LIAM E & JOAN R SCHWOCH 1 4575 DANBURY AVE W ROSEMOUN M N 55068 -4154 $ 2,400 341520210002 MAEWIN E HAEGE 4198 147TH ST W RO SEMOUNT MN 55 068 -4521 $ 2,400 3 41520210003 SE KAR HANSON 4249 1 47TH ST W ROSEMOUN MN 55 -4 517 $ 2,400 341520211001 DENNIS L & MARLENE HEINZEN _ 14587 DANBURY AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4154 $ 2,400 341520211002 KEVIN M K 4184 147TH S W ROSEMOUNT MN 55 068 -4521 $ 2,400 341520211003 DO NALD S BRENDALEN 14695 DAMASK AVE W RO SEMOUN T MN 55068 -4155 $ 2,400 341520212003 RANDOLPH A & KATHRYN ENGEL 14675 DAMASK AVE ROSEMO MN 5506 -4155 $ 2,400 341520213003 SANDRA M SPAETH 1465 DAMA AVE W ROSEMOUN MN 5 5068 -4 155 $ 2,400 341520214003 JA CK H & ANN M BR ACKETT 1462 DAMASK AV W ROSEMOUNT MN 5506 -4155 $ 2,400 341520215003 JOHN D & R A FOWLER 14589 D AVE RO SEMOUNT MN 550 -4106 $ 2,400 341520216003 THOMAS E & KATH RA SCHKE 14573 DAMASK AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4106 $ 2,400 341520217003 ROBERT F JONES 14569 DAMASK AVE ROSEMOUN MN 550 -410 $ 2,400 342490002001 DENNIS J & IRENE REBISCHKE 4027 UPPER 145TH ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -41 $ 2,400 342490003001 DUANE FISH 4065 UPPER 145TH ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4135 $ 2,400 TOTAL $ 247,200 Page 3 of Page 3 M: 11560- 001ExceAPreliminary Assessment Role APPENDIX D Preliminary Pavement Design ' City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project ' City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 1 CUMULATIVE ESALS WORKSHEET --------------- - - - - -- AADT SEGMENT A COUNT: 0 2004 SP #: 0 1090 ' 2024 FORECAST: 1090 ' DESIGN LANE FACTOR: ' ROUTE: 0 LOCATION: # LANES: 2004 Rosemount Reconstruction 2 DATE: 12/23/03 2AX -6TIRE SU VCL SITE #: 0 2.4% 3AX+ SU 1.6% 1.6% 3AX TST 0.0% 0.0% YEAR AADT INIT CALC HCADT CONSTRN HCADT INIT CALC 5AX TST 0.5% VEH.CLASS YR.: 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% - -- TR TR, BUSES YEAR: 2004 1090 60 0.0% 5 ' BASE FORECAST YEAR: 2024 1090 60 5 1 BASE YEAR PROPORTIONS ' 2AX -6TIRE SU 3AX+ SU 3AX TST ' 4AX TST 5AX+ TST (5AX+ TST MAX) ' (5AX+ TST OTH) TR TR, BUSES TWIN TRAILERS 1 0.1% 1 1 1.0% 1 -------------------- - - - - -- SUM MARI ES: -------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- AADT 0 COUNT: 0 2004 FORECAST: 1090 ' 2024 FORECAST: 1090 ' DESIGN LANE FACTOR: 0.5 ADDITIONAL OUTPUTS: 1 5 BASE % FORECAST % 2AX -6TIRE SU 2.4% 2.4% 3AX+ SU 1.6% 1.6% 3AX TST 0.0% 0.0% ' 4AX TST 0.1% 0.1% 5AX+ TST 0.5% 0.5% (5AX+ TST MAX) 0.0% 0.0% ' (5AX+ TST OTH) 0.0% 0.0% TR TR, BUSES 0.9% 0.9% TWIN TRAILERS 0.0% 0.0% Notes: 60 CONSTRAIN 5AX TST BASE YR. VOLUME % TREND FUTURE % FUTURE VOL. 26 1 2.6% 26 17 1 1.7% 17 0 1 0.0% 0 1 1 0.1% 1 5 1 0.5% 5 0 1 0.0% 0 0 1 0.0% 0 10 1 1.0% 10 0 -----------------• 1 ------------ 0.0% 0 HCADT - - - - -• HCADT % ------------ - - - - -• ---------------------------- 20 YR DESIGN 0 #DIV /0! LANE CUMULATIVE ESAL 60 5.5% 60 5.5% * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** FLEXIBLE RIGID 124,000 167,000 ESAL FACTORS FLEXIBLE RIGID 0.25 0.24 0.58 0.85 0.39 0.37 0.51 0.53 1.13 1.89 2.40 4.07 0.87 1.44 0.57 0.74 2.40 2.33 Z ■ M ra. M. ■. ra... ra.. ra.... ■.... ra.... ra.... ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ /SEES■■ /SEES■■ /■ /SEES■■ /� ■ ■ ■ ■■ 111111111111111111111111111111 � 1111 � .-..... M.. W.. .ra.WW...A.rari.rar.ra.rj..r 1111111 /11111 � . /1 /111 ■■■■ loss 1111 11111 1:: ENO; . l o w ■■■■■■■■■N ■■ ■E■■■■EI 1111111111 T i �iiiliiiiif."):�..■1' /! / ■■1 !-■ I1 / %�i��;l�i�7: /��i� /i�1 •111 ����II /,�II�II .clllll . /1111 71 .�11 /�11�11 ►.�IF111��1111�11111 ■..-.►i..�......- ..... ■- /.II.I.�t.. ■. IL ■w■■. ■.■.■ I■ ■II■/%■■■■■Fi ■L■■■■■ ■■■■■ / ■I. ■ ■I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■�� ■L ■ ■ ■ ■■ SEMEN It %��i��1��� ���E�1��■ milli I/II/�11111/1111�11111 11111 1 ■■ SEES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■�' ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■ 1 ■M ■ ■ ■N ■M ■ ■M ■ ■r ■ ■MM■ ■E■■■ 11slisiIloollill III milli 11111111111111111111 ; a - 11111 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DESIGN STREET: Dallara Date: 23- Dec -03 PROJECT: LOCATION City of Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction WSB Project No.: 1560 -00 SP No.: ESAL = 124,000 R =60 Granular Equivalent Required: 10.00 Granular Equivalence Calculation G.E. Granular Inches Material Factor Equivalence 1.5 2350/2360 Bituminous Wear 2.25 3.38 2 23 50/23 60 Bituminous Non -Wear 2.00 4.00 6 Cl. 5, Cl. 6 Aggregate Base 1.00 6.00 0 Select Granular Material 0.50 0.00 Total G.E.: 13.38 The Total G.E. Meets or Exceeds The Required G.E. t City of Rosemount — Feasibility Report 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Project City Project No. 376 WSB Project No. 1560 -00 APPENDIX E Geotechnical Report GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ROSEMOUNT 2004 RECONSTRUCTION ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA MBI #N4145/N3559 NOVEMBER 2003 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ROSEMO UNT 2004 RECONSTR UCTION ROSEMO UNT, MINNESOTA Prepared For: WSB & Associates Mr. Anthony Aderhold 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 Prepared by: McGhie & Betts, Inc. 1604 Riverview Lane Northfield, MN 55057 (507) 645 -0964 MBI #N4145/N3559 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Name: Mark W. Osborn Signature. Date: License #: 41362 November 18, 2003 Mr. Anthony Aderhold o r t h f i e 1 d WSB & Associates, Inc. i n n e S o t a 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 Re: Geotechnical Report Land Surveying Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project Rosemount, Minnesota Civil Engineering MBI #N4145/N3559 Geotechnical Engineering onstruction Material Testing Dear Mr. Aderhold; Environmental Services In accordance with your authorization, McGhie & Betts, Inc. has conducted a geotechnical subsurface exploration program for the referenced project. We are sending two copies of the report to you as requested. If you have any questions concerning this report or our recommendations, or if you need construction materials testing for this project, please call us at 507- 645 -0964. Very truly rY Y yours, McGHIE & BETTS, INC. Mark W. Osborn, P.E. MWO /mo ' e-mail. mlc @mbi- nf.com i Established 1995 1604 Riverview Lane Northfield, MN 55057 ' T Tel. 507.645.0964 Fax. 507.645.2842 e-mail. mlc @mbi- nf.com i Established 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... ..............................1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................. ..............................1 SCOPE SERVICES ............................................................................................ ............................... I SITECONDITIONS ..................................................................................... ..............................2 SURFACECONDITIONS ........................................................................................ ..............................2 SUBSURFACECONDmoNS ................................................................................. ..............................3 GROUNDWATER................................................................................................... ..............................4 PROJECT INFORMATION .................................................................... ..............................5 ENGINEERING REVIEW ........................................................................ ..............................5 DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................... ..............................5 SOILPROPERTIES ..................................................................................... ..............................6 FROST SUSCEPTIBILITY ....................................................................................... ..............................6 DRAINAGEPROPERTIES ....................................................................................... ..............................6 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS ................................. ..............................7 EARTHWORK ............................... ............................... ...... ............................... 8 CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................... ..............................9 SITE OBSERVATIONS ........................................................................................... ..............................9 TESTING .............................................................................................................. .............................10 PLANREVIEW ..................................................................................................... .............................10 EXPLORATION LIMITATIONS .................................................... .............................11 APPENDIX .................................................................................................... .............................12 LOGS OF PENETRATION TEST BORINGS ................................................ .............................12 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ROSEMOUNT 2004 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA MBI #N4145/N3559 INTRODUCTION Purnose It is McGhie & Betts' understanding that this report is to be used in connection with the reconstruction of Danbury Avenue, Damask Avenue, Dallara Avenue, and Dahomey Avenue from Upper 145 Street to 147 Street, and the reconstruction of Upper 145 Street and 147 Street from Danbury Avenue to Dahomey Avenue in Rosemount, Minnesota. This stated purpose was a significant factor in determining the scope and level of service provided. Should the report's purpose change the report immediately ceases to be valid and use of it without McGhie & Betts' prior review and written authorization shall be at the user's sole risk. The observations and conclusions described in this report are based solely on the scope of service described in this report. McGhie & Betts has not performed any observations, investigations, studies or testing that is not specifically listed in the scope of service. McGhie & Betts shall not be liable for failing to discover any condition whose discovery required the performance of services not authorized by the Agreement. Scope of Services In accordance with the authorization of Mr. Anthony Aderhold of WSB & Associates, we have completed a subsurface exploration and prepared a N4145/N3559 Page 2 geotechnical report for the referenced site. Our authorized scope of work has been limited to: 1. Putting down thirteen (13) flight auger borings to a 6 -foot depth. 2. Review of available project information. 2. Providing a data report containing a review of the subsurface conditions including preparation of our conclusions and opinions regarding: A. Site Soil Properties B. Pavement Design C. Earthwork Our work program for accomplishment of the above objectives included putting down thirteen (13) test borings, reviewing the project information, and observing the recovered soil samples. This report will describe our field observations, present the results of the field tests, and provide you with our engineering recommendations. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions Our exploration was completed along the existing roads of Danbury Avenue, Damask Avenue, Dallara Avenue, and Dahomey Avenue from Upper 145' Street to 147''' Street, and the reconstruction of Upper 145' Street and 147 Street from Danbury Avenue to Dahomey Avenue in Rosemount, Minnesota. At the time borings were conducted, surface elevations had not been ascertained. It is our understanding that WSB & Associates will elevate and locate the borings. N4145/N3559 Page 3 At the time the borings were put down, the site consisted of existing bituminous pavement roadways in a residential district. Subsurface Conditions The subsurface conditions encountered by the test borings are illustrated on the attached boring logs. The depths and thickness of the subsurface strata indicated on the boring logs were generalized from the drilling results. The transition between materials is approximate and is usually far more gradual than shown. Information on actual subsurface conditions exists only at the specific locations indicated and is relevant only to the time exploration was performed. Subsurface conditions and groundwater levels at other locations may differ from conditions found at the indicated locations. Note, too, that these conditions may change over time. These stratification lines were used for our analytical purposes and, unless specifically stated otherwise, should not be used as a basis of design or construction cost estimates. Results of the test borings put down at this site indicate a general subsurface profile of bituminous asphalt pavement overlying sands with gravel. In certain areas we encountered lean clay fills beneath the pavement, these fills were underlain by the native sands with gravel. The bituminous asphalt pavement ranged from 3V2" to 7%2" in thickness. No aggregate base was encountered beneath the bituminous pavement. The sands with gravel encountered were generally brown in color. The borings were terminated within the sands at depths of 7 or 8 feet below grade. The boring logs and related information included in this report are indicators of the N4145/N3559 Page 4_ subsurface conditions only at the specific locations and times noted. The subsurface conditions, including groundwater levels, at other locations on the site may differ significantly from conditions that, in the opinion of McGhie & Betts, exist at the sampling locations. The test borings were put down by McGhie & Betts solely to obtain indications of subsurface conditions as part of a geotechnical exploration program. No services were performed to evaluate subsurface environmental conditions. Groundwater McGhie & Betts took groundwater level readings in the exploratory borings, reviewed the data obtained, and discussed its interpretation of the data in the text of the report. Note that groundwater levels may fluctuate due to seasonal variations, i.e. precipitation, snowmelt and rainfall, and/or other factors not evident at the time of measurement. As noted on the logs, no subsurface water was encountered in the borings during the drilling operation. The elevation of the groundwater table can be a major factor in design and construction at this site. If more accurate subsurface water levels are needed, we recommend piezometers be installed to properly determine the groundwater level. Monitoring of the groundwater table elevation could occur throughout the winter and spring months up to the time of construction. This work was outside our scope of services. N4145/N3559 Page 5 PROJECT INFORMATION McGhie & Betts has developed preliminary recommendations for this project in consideration of the proposed layout as understood at this time. McGhie & Betts must be made aware of the revised or additional information in order to evaluate the preliminary recommendations for continued applicability. We understand the proposed work at this site consists of reconstruction of Danbury Avenue, Damask Avenue, Dallara Avenue, and Dahomey Avenue from Upper 145' Street to 147'' Street, and the reconstruction of Upper 145' Street and 147 Street from Danbury Avenue to Dahomey Avenue in Rosemount, Minnesota. The existing roadways are comprised of a bituminous asphalt pavement overlying sands with gravel or clay fills. The bituminous asphalt thickness ranges from 3 /z" to 7%Z" in thickness. No aggregate base was encountered in the existing roadways. It is our understanding that no infrastructure improvements will be made to the utilities at this time. It is also our understanding that this roadway is to be designed for light residential traffic use. ENGINEERING REVIEW Discussion The following sections of this report include comments related to issues such as excavation, de- watering, lateral support, foundation construction, earthwork, and related geotechnical aspects of the proposed construction. The recommendations contained herein are not intended to dictate construction methods or sequences. N4145/N3559 Page 6 Instead, they are furnished solely to help designers identify potential problems related to foundation and earthwork construction plans and specifications, based upon findings derived from sampling. The results of our subsurface exploration indicate the presence of bituminous asphalt overlying sand with gravel or lean clay fills underlain by sands with gravel. The recommended pavement sections are based upon placing the new pavement materials over the existing subgrade. Removal and reuse of the bituminous asphalt in recycled class 5 would be acceptable at this site. An estimated R -value was used to determine the recommended pavement thicknesses. SOIL PROPERTIES Frost Susceptibility The lean clay fills encountered at this site have moderate frost susceptibility. If these soils become saturated, then moderate to large amounts of frost heaving may occur. The sands with gravel encountered at most of the borings would have low frost susceptibility. Pavement sections should be designed accordingly. Drainage Properties The lean clays encountered at this site would generally be considered to have poor drainage properties. These soil types tend to collect and retain surface water. N4145/N3559 Page 7 The sands with gravel encountered at most of the soil borings would be considered to have good to excellent drainage properties. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Pavement Recommendations The results of our subsurface explorations at this site indicate the presence of frost susceptible clayey fills within a few of the borings at the normal pavement subgrade level. Complete replacement of these frost susceptible soils to reduce pavement distress is often cost prohibitive. Our recommendations are provided with the understanding that periodic maintenance will be required to maintain pavement serviceability and that frost action within the underlying soils will cause pavement movement. One option to reduce this risk requires excavating all of the existing clayey soils and replacing with a granular fill material. We are available to provide recommendations for this procedure should you wish to pursue this option, however it is normally cost prohibitive. It is our recommendation that the existing bituminous asphalt be milled and used as a base fill beneath the new pavement. Where sands with gravel are encountered beneath the roadways, we would estimate the "R- value" to be approximately 60. Where clayey fills were encountered, placement of a select granular fill is recommended. Removal of the clayey fill and replacement with a granular fill would allow for a subgrade R -value of 60. It is our understanding that the roadway is to be a 9 -ton design with a minimum of a 20 -year design life, and that the expected traffic will be typical for a light residential neighborhood. Based upon this information, the following recommended minimum pavement sections are presented: N4145/N3559 Pa eg_8 Pavement Section Thickness G.E. Factor Granular Equivalent Bituminous Wear Course, Mn/DOT 2350 LV 1' /2" 2.0 3 Bituminous Base Course, Mn/DOT 2350 LV 2 2.0 4 Aggregate Base, Mn/DOT Class 5 4" 1.0 4 Select Granular Material (clayey soils only) 12" 0.5 6 (clays) Total Granular Equivalent 11(sands)/ 17 (clays) * Less than 40% passing the #40 sieve & less than 5% passing the #200 sieve. Soil proof - rolling tests of the subgrade are recommended to determine any soft or loose regions that will need to be excavated and replaced with a granular fill or recompacted. We also recommend a qualified soils engineer or technician be available on -site to observe the roll- tests. We recommend that the Class 5 Aggregate Base be compacted to a minimum of 100% of ASTM D698, the Standard Proctor. All materials used in the pavement construction should meet current Minnesota Department of Transportation requirements. Placement of the materials should also be as outlined in the Mn/DOT specifications. Earthwork The owner and the contractor should make themselves aware of and become familiar with applicable local, state and federal safety regulations, including current OSHA excavation and trench safety standards. Construction site safety generally is the sole responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall also be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and operations of construction operations. McGhie & Betts is providing the following information N4145/N3559 Paee 9 solely as a service to our Client. Under no circumstance should McGhie & Betts' provision of the following information be construed to mean that McGhie & Betts is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not implied or should not be inferred. Many geologic materials deteriorate rapidly upon exposure to air or water after excavation. Unless otherwise specifically indicated in this report, walls and floors of excavations must be protected from rain, water, and freezing temperatures throughout the course of construction. Where compaction is critical, such as under the roadway, careful selection of the backfill material will also be required. In most cases, the option would be to use a free draining granular soil. We suggest backfill materials comply with current Mn/DOT granular backfill standards. If any fill is placed below the normal water level or on saturated soils, we recommend that a clean free - draining sand with less than 40% passing the #40 sieve and 5% passing the 4200 sieve should be used for fill. We also suggest the initial lift of fill be of sufficient depth to minimiz disturbance of the natural soils during compaction. CONSTRUCTION Site Observations The soil conditions illustrated on the attached boring logs are indicative of the conditions only at the boring locations: For this reason, we recommend that all completed excavations at this site be observed by a soils engineer prior to fill placement or construction of any foundation elements. These observations would N4145/N3559 Page 10 be necessary to judge if all unsuitable materials have been removed from within the planned construction area. We recommend that the owner, architect, engineer, and contractor be notified immediately if the subsurface conditions encountered during construction differ from those logged in the geotechnical report. We are available to review our recommendations or complete further testing should a changed condition be encountered. We request we be notified of any suspected changed conditions. Testing We also suggest a representative number of field density tests be taken in all engineered fill placed to aid in judging its suitability. We suggest that at least one density test be performed for every 2,500 square feet of engineered fill placed, for every 2 feet of fill depth. Any proposed fill material should be submitted to the laboratory for testing to verify compliance with our recommendations and project specifications. Performance of the engineered fill and backfill at this site is dependent upon all unsuitable soils being removed prior to fill placement and that adequate compaction is maintained as the fill is placed. We suggest that a qualified soil engineer or technician observe all excavations prior to fill placement and that density testing be performed within the fill material. Plan Review We recommend the owner retain McGhie & Betts to perform a review of final design drawings and specifications to help assure that the geotechnical engineering N4145/N3559 Page 11 report has not been misinterpreted. EXPLORATION LIMITATIONS All reports, logs, field data, notes, laboratory test data, calculations, estimates and other documents prepared by McGhie & Betts are instruments of service and as such shall remain the property of McGhie & Betts. McGhie & Betts has endeavored to conduct the services identified herein in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality and under similar conditions as this project. No other representation, express or implied, is included or intended in this document. N4145/N3559 Paee 12 APPENDIX I LOGS OF PENETRATION TEST BORINGS 2004 Reconstruction Project "IX % w 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Miles Streets : Danbury Avenue Damask Avenue Dallara Avenue Dahomey Avenue Upper 145th Street 147th Street � i r. 1- • I l a Vil Ir8 a r . -�rT�� • kf /- po a r Mal mu Vil Ir8 a r . -�rT�� • kf r I LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENTYMBI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB-I DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Q,/RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 3 0 3 1/2" Bituminous Pavement Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Aggregate Brown, Moist —2 —3 —4 —5 —6 7 END OF BORING —8 —9 —10 11 —12 —13 —14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11114/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTHI 11/14/03 8:30 am 7' None 8" Flight Auger R. Smith T McGhie rr- Betts, Inc. r1l r 7 7 1 LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/MBI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -2 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC o SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN CR 0 4" Bituminous Pavement Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium Brown, Moist 1 2 3 4 5 6 END OF BORING 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 8:50 am T - - None - 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie Betts, Inc. - ' LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/MBI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount, NIN BORING NUMBER: PB-3 DEPTH (FEET) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ACE ELEVATION: USCS GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N or CR SAI�QLE LABORATORY ESTS I No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD 0 7 1/2" Bituminous Pavement Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium Brown, Moist Sand with a Little Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, Light Brown 7 END OF BORING WATER LEVEL MEASUREIvENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 11/14/03 9:10 am 7' None 8 " Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie r �� Betts, Inc. H 1 1 I 1 F LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/NMI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount, MN BORING NUMBER: P134 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAI, GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS N o. TYPE M C DD LL PL Qu/RQ D (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 0 4" Bituminous Pavement Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium Brown, Moist —2 3 —4 —5 Sand with a Little Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, Light Brown, Moist —6 —7 END OF BORING —8 —9 —10 —11 —12 —13 —14 I L J WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END. 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 9:30 am T None 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie E Betts, Inc. n 1 r LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/MBI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: P13-5 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N a SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Q./RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS 'ORIGIN C R 3 0 3 1/2" Bituminous Pavement t Sand with a Little Gravel, Fine to Medium SP Coarse Alluvium Grained, Light Brown, Moist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 END OF BORING 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD" CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 9:50 am 7 - - None - 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie �2 Betts, Inc. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/IvMI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount. MN BORING NUMBER: PB -6 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N a SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN CR 3 No. TYRE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD 0 3 1/2" Bituminou Pavement Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium Brown, Moist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 END OF BORING 9 10 11 12 13 14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 10:10 am 8' - - None - 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie Betts, Inc. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENTNMI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -7 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN CR 3 No. TYPE Mc DD LL PL Qu/RQD 0 4" Bituminous Pavement Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium Brown, Moist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 END OF BORING 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 10:30 am T - - None - 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie ® Betts, Inc. I I i I LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/MBI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount, MN BORING NUMBER: P13-8 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 0 W - 3" Bituminous Pavement — Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium Brown, Moist —2 —3 —4 —5 6 —7 8 END OF BORING —9 —10 —11 —12 —13 —14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 10:50 am 8' None 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie rr Betts, Inc. C-11 LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/MBI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount_ MN BORING NUMBER: PB -9 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC o a SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS i`o. TYPE Mc DD LL PL Qu/RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: - USCS ORIGIN CR 3 0 11W3 1/2" Bituminous Pavement Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium Brown, Moist 1 2 3 4 5 6 END OF BORING 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 11:10 am 7' - - None - 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie � Betts, Inc. I i I 1 LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/NMI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemoun MN BORING NUMBER: PB-10 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N .4 SAMPLE LABORATORY T ESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL QufRQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR > 0 4" Bituminous Pavement Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium Brown, Moist —2 .......... 3 —4 5 —6 —7 .... .... END OF BORING —8 —9 —10 —11 —12 —13 —14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE-IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 11:30 am 7 None 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie 77_ Betts, Inc. Ul LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/MBI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB- I I DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N .a SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN- C R 3 0 4" Bituminous Pavement Fill, Mostly Lean Clay with a Little Sand, Green Fill Fill 1 2 '. Sand with a Little Silt and a Little Gravel, Fine to SP Coarse Allu�ium -' Medium Grained, Brown 3 4 5 Sand with a Little Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, Brown, Moist 6 7 END OF BORING 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 11:50 am 7' - - None - 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie � Betts, Inc. n n LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENTANMI #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORINGNUMBER: PB -12 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC - DD LL PL Qu/RQD (FEET) SURF ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 3 0 4" Bi tuminous Pavement Fill, Mostly Lean Clay with Sand and Sand with Fill Fill Gravel, Dark Brown to Green i 2 3 4 Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium - Brown, Moist 5 6 7 END OF BORING 8 —9 40 11 12 13 14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 11/14/03 12:20 pm 7' - - None - 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie � Betts, Inc. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount 2004 Reconstruction Project CLIENT/I #: N4145/N3559 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -13 DEPTH (FEET) SURFACE DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ELEVATION: USCS GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N CR 3 SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD 0 4" Bituminous Pavement Fill, Mostly Lean Clay, Brown Fill Fill Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, SP Coarse Alluvium 1 :• Brown, Moist 2 3 4 s 6 7 END OF BORING 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 11/14/03 END: 11/14/03 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 11/14/03 12:50 pm 7' - - None - 8" Flight Auger R. Smith McGhie a Betts, Inc. NOTICE TO REPORT USERS BORING LOG INFORMATION Subsurface Profiles The subsurface stratification lines on the graphic representation of the test borings shows an approximate boundary between soil types or rock. The transition between materials is approximate and is usually far more gradual than shown. Estimating excavation depths, soil volumes and other computations relying on the subsurface strata may not be possible to any degree of accuracy. Water Level McOhie & Betts took groundwater level readings in the exploratory borings, reviewed the data obtained, and discussed its interpretation of the data in the text of this report. The groundwater level may fluctuate due to seasonal variations caused by precipitation, snowmelt, rainfalls, construction or remediation activities, and/or other factors not evident at the time of measurement. The actual determination of the subsurface water level is an interpretative process. Subsurface water level may not be accurately depicted by the levels indicated on the boring logs. I\iormally, a subsurface exploration obtains general information regarding subsurface features for design purposes. An accurate determination of subsurface water levels in not possible with a typical scope of work. The use of the subsurface water level information provided for estimating purposes or other site review can present a moderate to high risk of error. The following information is obtained in the field and noted under "Water Level Measurements" at the bottom of the log. Sampled Depth - The lowest depth of soil sampling at the time a water level measurement is taken. Casing Depth - The depth to the bottom of the casing or hollow -stem auger at the time of water level measurement. Cave -In Depth - The depth at which the measuring tape slopes in the bore hole. Water Level - The point in the bore hole at which free - standing water is encountered by a measuring tape dropped from the surface inside the casing. Drilling Fluid Level - Similar to the water level, except the liquid in the bore hole is a drilling fluid. Obstruction Depths Obstructions and/or obstruction depths may be noted on the boring logs. Obstruction indicates the sampling equipment encountered resistance to penetration. It must be realized that continuation of drilling, the use of other drilling equipment, or further exploration may provide information other than that depicted on the logs. The correlation of obstruction depths on the log with construction features such as rock excavation, foundation depths, or buried debris cannot normally be determined with any degree of accuracy. For example, penetration of weathered rock by soil sampling equipment may not correlate with removal by certain types of construction equipment. Using this information for estimating purposes often results in a high degree of misinterpretation. Accurately identifying the obstruction or estimating depths where hard rock is present over the site requires a scope of service beyond the normal geotechnical exploration- program. The risk of using the information noted on the boring logs for estimating purposes must be understood. . SYMBOLS AND TERMINOLOGOY ON TEST BORING LOG SYMBOLS Particle Sizes Drilling and Sampling Soil layering and Moisture Laboratory Testin Symbol Description Symbol Descrintion HSA 3 -1/4" LD. Hollow stem auger W Water content, % (ASTM ** D2216) 3" —12" 4 ", 6" or 10" diameter flight auger D Dry density, pcf _FA HA 2 ", 4 ", or 6" hand auger LL Liquid limit (ASTM D4318) Lenses 2 -1/2 ", 4 ", 5 ", or 6" steel drive casing PL Plastic limit (ASTM D4318) _DC Size A, B or N rotary, casing Medium sand # 10440 sieve Layer _RC PD Pipe drill or cleanout tube #404200 sieve - Inserts in last column (Qu or RQD)- CS Continuous split barrel sampling 100 passing #200 sieve and > 0.005mm Moist DM Drilling mud Qu Unconfined compressive strength, psf(ASTM D2166) JW Jetting water Pq Penetrometer reading, tsf (ASTM D1558) SB 2" O.D. split barrel sampling Ts Torvane reading, tsf Resistance 2 -1R" or 3 -1/2" O.D. SB liner sampler G Specific gravity (ASTM D854) _L 2" or 3" thin walled tube sample SL Shrinkage limits (ASTM D427) _T 3TP 3" thin walled tube using pitcher sampler OC Organic content - combustion method (ASTM D2974) TO 2" or 3" thin walled tube using Osterberg SP Swell pressure, tsf (ASTM D4546) 0 -4 Very soft sampler PS Percent swell under pressure (ASTM D4546) W Wash sample FS Free swell, % (ASTM D4546) B Bag sample SS Shrink swell, % (ASTM D4546) P Test pit sample pH Hydrogen ion content -Meter Method (ASTM D4972) _Q BQ, NQ, or PQ wire line system SC Sulfate content, parts/million or mg/i AX, BY, or NX double tube barrel CC Chloride content, parts/million or mg/( _X N Standard penetration test, blows per foot C* One dimensional consolidation (ASTM D2435) CR Core recovery, percent Qc* Triaxial compression (ASSTM D2850 and D4767) WL Water level D.S.* Direct Shear (ASTM D3080) Water level K* Coefficient of permeability, cm/sec (ASTM D2434) NMR No measurement recorded, primarily due P* Pinhole test (ASTM D4647) to presence of drilling or coring fluid DH* Double hydrometer (ASTM D4221) MA* Particle size analysis (ASTM D422) R Laboratory electrical resistivity, ohm -cm (ASTM G57) E* Pressuremeter deformation modulus, tsf (ASTM D4719) PM* Pressuremeter test (ASTM D4719) VS* Field vane shear (ASTM D2573) IR* Infiltrometer test (ASTM D3385) RQD Rock quality designation, percent *Results shown on attached data sheet or graph * *ASTM designates American Society for Testing and Materials TERMINOLOGY Particle Sizes Soil layering and Moisture Type Size Ranee Term Visual Observation Boulders > 12" Lamination Up to 1/4" thick stratum Cobbles 3" —12" Varved Altering laminations of any combination of Coarse gravel 3/4" — T' clay, silt, fine sand, or colors Fine gravel #4 sieve — 3/4" Lenses Small pockets of different soils in a soil mass Coarse sand #4 - #10 sieve Stratified Altering layers of varying materials or colors Medium sand # 10440 sieve Layer 1/4" to 12" thick stratum Fine sand #404200 sieve Dry Powdery no noticeable water Silt 100 passing #200 sieve and > 0.005mm Moist Damp, below saturation Clay 100 passing #200 sieve and < 0.005mm Waterbearing Pervious soil below water Wet Saturated, above liquid limit Gravel Content Standard Penetration Resistance Coarse - Grained Soils Fine - Grained Soils Cohesionless Soils Cohesive Soils %Gravel Desc ription % Gravel Description N -Value Relative Density N -Value Consistency 2 -15 A little gravel <5 Trace of gravel 0-4 Very loose 0 -4 Very soft 16 -49 With gravel 5 -15 A little gravel 5 -10 Loose 5 -8 Soft 16 -30 With gravel 11 -30 Medium dense 9 -15 Firm 31-49 Gravelly 31 -50 Dense 16 -30 Hard >50 Very dense >30 Very hard