HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. Heritage Development Carrousel Office Plaza PUD Final Development Plan4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: May 18, 2004 AGENDA ITEM. Heritage Development, LLC Planned Unit AGENDA SECTION: Development (PUD) South east corner of Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Wa y /SUSIN5S PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. Assistant City Planner At APPROVED BY: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Draft P.C. Minutes 4- 27 -04, Site Location Map, Revised Site Plan, Revised Landscape Plan, Building Elevations, Floor Plans, Revised Lighting Plan, Utility Plan, Grading Plan, Area Plat, Sign Pla RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Development Plan for Heritage Development to construct the two -story 25,400 square foot Carrousel Plaza Office Building with shared access, parking and signage on the property located in the southeast corner of Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way, subject to conditions. ACTION: ISSUE - The applicant, Heritage Development of Minnesota, LLC, requests Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Development approval to allow the construction of a two -story 25,400 square foot office building with shared parking. and signage for the property located on the southeast corner of Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way. Should the City approve the proposal, the multi- tenant Carrousel Plaza office building would share a ground monument sign, access and parking with the movie theater property directly to the east. PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission held a pubic hearing on this item during their April 27, 2004 meeting. After reviewing the proposal and hearing from staff, the applicant and two neighbors, the commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve this proposal subject to conditions. In addition to the conditions outlined by staff, the commission added that the applicant provide a shared access easement to ensure full access from 153� Street because it is a private street. Page 2 The two neighbors at the meeting were concerned with screening and landscaping and follow through on the conditions of approval. Staff assured them that landscaping and berming were added to the southern and western boundary to provide additional screening from the adjacent residential uses. In addition, staff explained that these conditions of approval would also be reviewed during the building permit and building inspection process. The remainder of the discussion during the meeting focused on the issues outlined below and are addressed in both the attached resolution and revised plans. 1. Submission of shared, sign, parking and access agreements for review and approval by the City Attorney. 2. Redesign of the parking area to provide landscaping and sidewalks around the building. 3. Relocate the trash enclosure from along Carousel Way to behind the building in the eastern row of parking. 4. Increase screening of off - street parking from the adjacent residential uses by adding landscaping and berming along the western and southern boundaries. 5. Placing limitations on the size and location of any future monument sign on the movie theater property. 6. Providing pedestrian connection from the building to the trail along Chippendale Avenue and the shared parking on the movie theater site. 7. Limitations on exterior lighting. The applicant agreed with all of staff's conditions and has revised the plans accordingly. Copies of these plans are attached for your reference. The applicant must still provide copies of shared signage, access and parking agreements. A detailed review of these issues is provided below. BACKGROUND Applicant & Property Owner(s): Heritage Development of Minnesota, LLC Location: South east corner of Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way Area in Acres: 2.05 Comp. Guide Plan Desig: BP - Business Park Current Zoning: BP - 3, Business Park 3 SUMMARY Planned Unit Development The purpose of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) is to allow flexibility from typical zoning performance standards to encourage higher quality development. This process involves an exchange in which the City eases certain performance standards in return for an enhanced development. In this case, the City is waiving the off - premise sign prohibition and allowing shared parking in exchange for shared driveways, improved site design, and enhanced landscaping and berming. The specifics of these enhancements are detailed in the site plan review below. Page 3 Site Plan Land Use & Zoning. The proposed multi- tenant office building is consistent with the current land use and zoning designations for the subject property. The 2020 Land Use Plan guides the property as BP — Business Park; while the Zoning Map designates the site as BP -3, Business Park 3. Multi- tenant office buildings are permitted uses under both classifications. The following table compares the required building performance standards with those proposed by this development. 1— Setback from Chippendale Avenue 2- Setbacks for both Carrousel Way and 953 Street. Access & Parking. The parking area will have a bituminous surface surrounded by concrete_ curb and cutter. The parking area will be accessed from two curb cuts. The northeast curb cut is located along Carrousel Way and will be shared with the movie theater, while the southeast curb cut is located along 153`d Street which is a private street. Staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant to submit a joint access easement for both accesses for review and approval by the City Attorney. Section 8.1.H outlines the off- street parking standards for office buildings and requires five stalls for every one thousand (5/1,000) square feet of building area. In this case, the 25,400 square foot building requires 127 stalls. The original site plan showed 128 total stalls or one more than required by ordinance. However, as part of the PUD, staff required additional landscaping and pedestrian walkways within the parking area that eliminated seven stalls. These stalls shall be replaced through a joint parking agreement with the adjacent movie theater site as outlined in Section 8.1.1 of the zoning ordinance. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to submit a shared parking agreement with the movie theater for 7 stalls. These stalls shall be aligned with the east entrance and connected to that entrance by a sidewalk and striping of a pedestrian walkway in the parking lot. Staff is comfortable that the two uses have off -peak parking usage and, therefore, the sharing of 7 stalls will not cause a hardship on either of the two business uses, as currently proposed. The original parking lot design called for 9' by 20' parking stalls and 24' drive lanes. However, staff recommended minor design changes to add a sidewalk around the perimeter of the building. The applicant revised their plans to include a sidewalk. While the drive lanes remain at 24 feet, some of the parking stalls were reduced to 18 feet in length. This is an acceptable Buildin g Performance Standards for the BP -3 District Standard Requirement Proposal Status Front Yard 40 ft. 98.25 ft. Conformin Side Yard 30 ft. 93.75 & 79.25 ft. Conformin Rear Yard 30 ft. 84.75 ft. Conformin Building Height 40 ft. 29 ft. Conformin Maximum Lot Coverage 75% 68 % Conforming Page 4 compromise to staff because the curbing around the parking area will provide a two foot bumper overhang area. This design will separate pedestrian and automobile traffic by adding a sidewalk around the building while still allowing room for parking and landscaping. Loading. The access and parking areas appear adequate to accommodate the site's off- street loading needs. Exterior Building Materials. Staff finds the proposed building meets the exterior materials standards for properties in the BP -3 District outlined in Section 7.2.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The ordinance requires 50 percent of all exterior walls to be faced with one or a combination of the following materials: brick, decorative block, glass, stucco, stone, or architectural concrete panels. This standard increases to 100% for all surfaces facing public rights -of -way or residential uses or districts. As proposed, the exterior materials of this building will consist of a 3' culture stone veneer base with two colors of stucco walls and a standing seam metal roof. Building accents include a covered west side entrance, cultured stone veneer chimneys, and glass and steel windows. Trash Enclosure. Staff finds the proposed trash enclosure consistent with the performance standards for waste container enclosures. The enclosure will be constructed of masonry block painted_ to match the principal building with a concrete slab and a Cedar gate. While the enclosure met the construction standards, staff recommended relocating it to a less visible location behind the building. Originally, the trash enclosure was located in the site's northeast corner just south of Carrousel Way. Staff recommended relocating the enclosure and accent landscaping to the first stall in the eastern row of parking. The applicant agreed to this condition and the new trash enclosure location is illustrated on the revised plans. Landscaping & Berming. The landscape plan meets the minimum landscape and plantings requirements for a permitted use within the BP District. However, this application is presented as a PUD, which allows the City to require higher standards. As a result, staff recommended minor changes to increase screening and the overall year -round appearance of the site. These recommendations, as well as an analysis of the landscape plan, are provided below. The landscape plan calls for a mixture of Spruce, Ash, Hackberry, Lilac, Oak, and Maple trees along with a variety of shrubs. The Zoning Ordinance also requires all areas not occupied by building or hardcover be landscaped with sod, rock, or mulch. These areas shall be irrigated. The performance standards for the BP District require landscaping within parking areas. To meet this standard, staff recommended a condition of approval which would require the applicant to eliminate four parking stalls and replace them with landscaped areas containing at least one deciduous tree and foundation plantings. These stalls were located at the four corners of the interior row of parking and will be replaced by the shared parking agreement. The applicant agreed to this condition and this change is illustrated on the revised plans. Section 8.2.C. requires a 90% opacity screen for parking areas adjacent to residential yoleo `osly •sapea6 jell yons ql!M paleposse aq ueo jegj 6u!puod pue speaads a6ie aziwiuiw 6 d I o� }ol uplae a ul pallePsu! aq Ilegs sulseq goleo leuo!l!ppy • •lenueVy suoileog!oadS piepuejS }unowaso�j jo �4!0 aye ui peq!oeds se l!elap eoual ll!s AInp -Aneay ayl yoleW pinogs l!e}ap aoual ll!s ayl paz!i!ge s Allnj ails aqj Jeuj aw!l yons pun sainlonals u!seq goleo Ile uo paalnbaa si uoijoaloid jalul o loaluoo uo!soia iol sluawaalnbaa s,junowasoH jo Apo pue sluawaa!nbaa II asegd S3QdN ul!M Aldwoo Isnw dddAAS 0 •joefoid ay} jo uoijemp aqj iol ioloealuoo eqj Aq peu!elu!ew pue uollonalsuoo of iolad palle}su! aq Isnw aoual jl!S o :sueld aqj of pappe aq Ilegs sajou loa;uoo uo!soia 6ulmollol ayl - sueld aqj ui papnloui aq llegs suo!}eoUpads s,Aj!o eqj saplew }eql eouealue uo!lonilsuoo Now y •sueld uo!JeJoJsaa pue Ioa}uoo uo!soaa ap!noad }!wJOd J9IeM waolS S3odN 1 uo!l!slnboe iol elq!suodsai eq Ilegs aoloeiluoo /jaunno nnainaa a01 pap!noid aq Ileys suo!Jenala wo:}oq pue do} 6u!Mogs Tenn 6u!u!elai aqj jo algoid d •a99u!6ua leinlonils pasuao!l a Aq u6lsap saarnbai jy6!aq u! 1991 -t7 aano Ilene 6uiu!elaa Auy :sJuawwoo 6u!Mollol ayj siago luawpedaa 6u1a9aui6u3 9qI '1 '£Z yoaeVV uo panlaoaa pue 170OZ 'Ll. uoJeW Palep sueld 91!s ezeld lasnoaaeo 96el!aaH ayj 10 M61naa uodn •6uiaaau►bug a ;!s eqj puoAeq jg6ll }seo IOU ll!M goigm }o Ile slu IleM OZ PUB eaae buiNied eqj ui sjg6ll alod jg6la sa}ealsnil! ueld ayl •Iou}sia d8 a4; J01 spaepue }s eouewjo,uad 6u!}y6!I aqj }aaw o; sieedde ueld 6u!ly6il aoi 9Ixe aq •6L� ;y6i x3 •Apedoid goee uo su6!s one} eqj iol pap.olle 96elool aaenbs u6!s Iejol< ay} paaoxa }ou pinoo su61s oAq aqj to uo!leu!gwoo ayj spioM iay }o uI L'L6 096 = oe X Z) laal aaenbs £•Z9 paaoxa }ou AeLU pue 9J!s aaleayl alnow 9yl10 ap!s Isee eqj 6uole pajeool aq Isnw j! `u6!s i9gIoue isenbai aaleagj a!now eqj pinogs `puooaS •91!s 6ulppq ao!}}o eqj uo u6!s punoa6 Aluo aqj aq llegs u6ls aqj `Isa!d •suoll!puoo one} uo pajeo!paid s! poddng •J9Je9yl 91AOW ayj pue 6ulpl!nq ao!lo aqj of Alrl q!sln spao}}e goigm u6rs paaeys ia6iel aql poddns ueo ge }S •J9Je9yj a!now }uaoefpe ayj qj!M paaeys aq Il!M u6!s s!yl •laa1 aaenbs L'L6 6u!lelol u6ls luawnuow «5 ,ZI Aq „L ,91, auo slsenbaa }ueoildde eqj 'and aqj t sy •1991 aaenbs pg ao Jy6 1ay u! 1 991 OZ paaoxa 01 I u juawnuow punoi6 auo of palpil We IOPISld d8 eqj u! salpadoid 'eoueu!pio A8 •aftuft •sa6ueyo asayl loagai sueld pas!naa ay} pue suo!J!puoo asay} of paai6e Jueoildde ayl •6uloeds 1001 t7l, yl!M snnoi paia66els u! p91ueld 91, 018 w 04 199JIS p,£5I. 6uole saaaj jo aagwnu aq} 6ulseaaoul papuawwooei gels `uo!l!ppe ul •jaaijS p , 89 1, pue anuany el 6uole swiaq;oo1 aaayj 6u!ppe popuauwwooaa gels `}uawaalnbai s!y} }aaw of •sjolajs!p 9 a6ed Page 6 basins shall be installed in the south entrance to minimize flow off -site. • The final catch basin structure before leaving the site shall have a 2 -foot sump.. • Earthwork calculations shall be provided for review. • Silt fence should be extended in the northwest corner to Carrousel Way. • There is an existing 8 -foot bituminous trail located along Chippendale Avenue; the site plan should reflect this. • As part of the development of this site the construction of a 5 -foot concrete walk shall be installed along Carrousel Way for the length of the subject property. The concrete walk detail shall depict a minimum 12 -inch select granular base. • A grading permit will be required with a bond at $3000 per acre. The City Fire Marshall shall review water connection for fire suppression standards.' • The light pole that is proposed on the south side of the lot shall be relocated to a location that is not directly on top of the sanitary sewer service line. • "Stop" should be reworded to "Stub" in the description for the services on page 2 and the word construct is misspelled in the detail for MH -1 on page 2. • Estimated fees for the site are as follows: o Trunk Sewer Area Charges = 2.1 AC x $1015/AC = $2,131.50 o Trunk Water Area Charge = 2.1 AC x $4010 /AC = $8,421.00 o Trunk Storm Area Charge = 2.1 AC -x $4575/AC = $9607.50 o Sewer Connection Fees — SAC units are calculated by MCES ■ MCES Fee= $1350 /SAC ■ City Fee = $1125/SAC o Water Connection (WAC), 2 -inch meter = $12,155.00 o Storm Connection (STAC) = 2.1 AC x $1,525/AC = $3202.50 o Ponding Fee = 2.1 AC x $6,098/AC = $12,805.80 o Trail Reimbursement Cost along Chippendale Avenue= $6,124.80 Pedestrian Circulation. In addition to the sidewalk along Carrousel Way, staff recommended the applicant provide pedestrian connections to the office building as part of the PUD. Specifically, the applicant shall provide a five -foot sidewalk from the trail along Chippendale Avenue to the parking area and stripe a crosswalk from the end of the sidewalk to the building's west entrance. The applicant shall also provide a stairway and sidewalk connection from the shared parking on the movie theater site to the office parking lot and a striped crosswalk from the edge of the parking lot to the building's east entrance. These Page 7 pedestrian connections will eliminate two parking stalls, which shall be replaced by the shared parking agreement. The applicant agreed to these conditions and these changes are illustrated on the revised plans. Park Dedication. Park dedication fees are typically paid as part of final plat approval. This property was final platted in March of 2001 and the Parks and Recreation Department can find no evidence that this fee was paid. Therefore, they recommend the developer now pay park dedication in the amount of $18,900 or demonstrate that this fee was paid at the time of final plat. CONCLUSION Overall staff is supportive of the current proposal. The building and site plan generally meet the ordinance requirements of the underlying BP zoning. Additionally, because of the PUD request, staff is asking for additional landscaping and some modifications to the site design to provide more pedestrian access and additional screening of the adjacent residential uses. The PUD also allows for a shared freestanding sign between the office and movie theater properties. This is acceptable to staff so long as the amount of signage between the two properties does not exceed what would be permitted for the sites independently. Shared access and parking are also necessary to successfully meet ordinance standards and achieve some of the staff recommendations for landscaping and the addition of a building perimeter sidewalk. The applicant has agreed to staff conditions, and plans reflecting these changes are attached for your reference. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT CARROUSEL PLAZA OFFICE BUILDING WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Heritage Development of Minnesota, LLC requesting approval of a Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan for construction of a two -story 25,400 square foot office building with shared parking and signage on the property located on the southeast corner of Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way, legally described as: Lot 1 Block 1, Carrousel Office Plaza. Center, Dakota County, Minnesota WHEREAS, on April 27, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the request for approval of a Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan for Heritage Development of Minnesota, LLC for construction of the Carrousel Plaza office building; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount found the site plan for Carrousel Plaza office building consistent with current land use and zoning designations for the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount found the site plan for Carrousel Plaza office building consistent with minimum standards for access & parking, building materials, trash enclosure, landscaping and berming, signage and lighting for the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the application for a Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan for Heritage Development of Minnesota, LLC for construction of the Carrousel Plaza office building subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on May 18, 2004, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation and the application for a Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan for Heritage Development of Minnesota, LLC for construction of the Carrousel Plaza office building ; and RESOLUTION 2004 - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan for Heritage Development of Minnesota, LLC for construction of the Carrousel Plaza office building, subject to the following conditions: 1. Issuance of a building permit. 2. Submission of a joint access easement between Heritage Development, LLC and the movie theater property for the northeast access from Carrousel Way. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. The applicant must also obtain a cross- access agreement to use 153 Street or demonstrate that legal access is already granted to the subject property. 3. Submission of a shared parking agreement between Heritage Development, LLC and the movie theater property for 7 parking stalls. These stalls shall be aligned with the east entrance and connected to that entrance by a sidewalk and striping of a pedestrian walkway in the parking lot. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. 4. Submission of a shared signage agreement between Heritage Development, LLC and the movie theater property. This agreement shall allow one ground monument sign on the northwest corner of the subject property. This sign shall be the only ground sign on the office building site. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. 5. The movie theater site may request one additional ground monument sign. This sign must be located along the east side of the movie theater site and may not exceed 62.3 square feet (2 X 80 = 160 — 97.7 = 62.3). 6. The developer, shall adequately address the City Engineer concerns as outlined in the staff report, including payment of all associated fees and charges. 7. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. 8. Payment of park dedication in the amount of $18,900 or demonstrate that this fee was paid at the time of final plat. 2 RESOLUTION 2004 - ADOPTED this 18'" day of May 2004 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 3 Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of April 27, 2004 6E. CASE 04 -28 -PUD Heritage Carrousel Plaza Office — PUD Jason Lindahl presented the application of Heritage Development of Minnesota, LLC, who requests site plan and Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval to allow the construction of a two -story 25,400 square foot office building with shared parking and signage for the property located on the southeast corner of Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way. The multi -tenant office building would share a ground monument sign and parking with the movie theater property directly to the east. The proposed multi- tenant office building is consistent with the current land use and zoning designations for the subject property. The parking area will have a bituminous surface surrounded by concrete curb and gutter. The parking area will be accessed from two curb cuts. The northeast curb cut is located along Carrousel Way and will be shared with the movie theater while the southeast curb cut is located along 153 Street. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to submit a joint access easement for the northeast access from Carrousel Way for review and approval by the City Attorney. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to submit a shared parking agreement with the movie theater for 7 stalls. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to redesign the parking area to accommodate all necessary truck turning dimensions. Overall staff is supportive of the current proposal. The building and site plan generally meet the ordinance requirements of the underlying BP zoning. Additionally, because of the PUD request, staff is asking for additional landscaping and some modifications to the site design to provide more pedestrian access. The PUD also allows for a shared freestanding sign between the office and movie theater properties. This is acceptable to staff so long as the amount of signage between the two properties does not exceed what would be permitted for the sites independently. Shared access and parking are also necessary to successfully meet ordinance standards and achieve some of the staff recommendations for landscaping and the addition of a building perimeter sidewalk. Discussion took place regarding tenancy, adequacy of parking, trash enclosure, and access at 153 St. Commissioner Powell recommended that a condition of approval be added that the need for an access agreement for the parking lot access off of 153 St. be reviewed. Chairperson Messner invited the applicant to comment. Page 2 Jack Welch with Heritage Development was present to comment. He stated that the development company was in complete agreement with staff about the revisions and additions discussed. He stated that the joint access easement with the theater will not be a problem; it does need to be drawn up in the form of an agreement. The developer has common use right with 153' St. Commissioner Powell stated that in regards to the 20 foot drainage and utility easement on the property, he would like to clarify what, if anything, needs to be done with that before this project goes to City Council. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Michelle Wilson, 15366 Chokecherry Ave. Resident that lives kitty- corner to the proposed property. Expressed concerns about follow through of this developer. This is the same developer that worked on the townhome project on 153 St. They were told that a fence would be put in and improvements made. Concerned about the follow through since improvements didn't happen and now it looks bad. Rosemount overall has done a good job of widening the streets, adding plantings, etc. Want to make sure this development looks nice. Jack Welch, in answer to Ms. Wilson stated that Heritage Development was the developer on the townhome project, but once it gets past the development point, the project is sold off to a builder, and from then on his company is not involved. John Wilson, 15366 Chokecherry Ave. Asked about the 30 foot easement. What is a typical easement? He is happy about the berms, foliage, but would like to see maintenance followed through. Jason Lindahl stated that the standard parking setback is 20 feet. The drawing is showing 30 feet, which more than meets the requirement. MOTION by Messner to close the public hearing. Second by Schultz. Ayes: Powell, Schultz, Zurn, Messner, and Humphrey. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Powell to recommend the City Council approve the site plan and Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow the construction of a two -story 25,400 square foot office building with shared parking and signage on the property located on the southeast corner of Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way, subject to the conditions outlined below. 1. Issuance of a building permit. 2. Submission of a joint access easement between Heritage Development, LLC and the movie theater property for the northeast access from Carrousel Way. This Page 3 agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. The applicant must also obtain a cross - access agreement to use 153 Street or demonstrate that legal access is already granted to the subject property. 3. Submission of a shared parking agreement between Heritage Development, LLC and the movie theater property for 7 parking stalls. These stalls shall be aligned with the east entrance and connected to that entrance by a sidewalk and striping of a pedestrian walkway in the parking lot. This agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. 4. Redesign the parking area to have a minimum 3.5' planting area adjacent to the building, a 19' interior row of parking, a 24' drive lane, and an 18' outer row of parking. 5. Relocate the trash enclosure to the first stall in the western row of parking. The landscaping planned for the original location should also be moved to the new location. 6. Replace four parking stalls with landscaped areas containing at least one deciduous tree and foundation plantings. The stalls to be replaced with landscaped areas are located at the four corners of the interior row of parking and shall be replaced by the shared parking agreement. 7. Create three foot berms along Chippendale Avenue and 153 Street and increase the number of trees along 153 Street from 8 to 19. All 19 trees shall be coniferous and shall be planted in staggered rows with 10 foot spacing. 8. Placement of a shared ground monument sign on the northwest corner of the subject property. This sign shall be the only ground sign on the office building site. 9. The movie theater site may request one additional ground monument sign. This sign must be located along the east side of the movie theater site and may not exceed 62.3 square feet (2 X 80 =160 - 97.7 = 62.3). 10. Submission of a revised lighting plan demonstrating all parking and building lighting will conform to the exterior lighting performance standards. 11. Submission of a revised site plan illustrating sidewalks and/or stairways from the trail along Chippendale Avenue to the parking area and from the shared parking on the movie theater site to the parking area. The applicant shall also stripe crosswalks from the end of the sidewalks to the building's entrances. These pedestrian connections will eliminate two parking stalls which shall be replaced by the shared parking agreement. Page 4 12. The developer shall adequately address the City Engineer concerns as outlined in the staff report, including payment of all associated fees and charges. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. This item will proceed to City Council for final action on May 18, 2004. 511E MAP PROPERTY ID NUMBER: 34. 16450- 011 -00 2000 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2001) 2000 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2001): FEE OWNER: CARLSON PROPERTIES OF ROSEMOUNT LAND: 288,000 LOT SIZE (EXCLUDES NO DATA AVAILABLE 15125 ROBERT TR S BUILDING ROAD EASEMENTS) ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -1745 TOTAL: 288,000 95,469 SO FT PAYABLE 2000 TAXES SCHOOL DISTRICT: 196 2.19 ACRES NET TAX: 0.00 LOCATION: SWt /4 NW1 /4 SECTION 32- 115-19 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: 0.00 TOTAL TAX $ SA: 0.00 PAYABLE 2001 HOMESTEAD STATUS: NON HOMESTEAD . PAYABLE 2001 ASMNT USAGE:COMMERCIAL- PREFERRED WATERSHED DISTRICT: VERMILLION RIVER LAST QUALIFIED SALE: DATE: AMOUNT: IUii1i�_l 1 NOTE: Dimensions rounded to nearest foot. PLAT NAME: CARROUSEL PLAZA SOUTH TAX DESCRIPTION: PT OF OUTLOT A LYING N OF Copyright 2001, Dakota County - W'LY EXT OF S LINE LOT 1 BLK 1 CARROUSEL PLAZA SOUTH This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nova survey and is not intended to be used as one. A This drawing is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, and state offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. Dakota County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepancies are found please contact Dakota County Surve and Land Information De rtment y pa Map Date: February 27, 2001 Parcels Updated: 1/5101 Aerial Photography: 1990 CARROUSEL WAY Q PROJECT z 4 PROJECT DATA - - - - - 0 u) SITE AREA 89,597 SO FT - J N LIGHT - � it FucruRE I ZONING BP -3 F � MONUMENT , . . a F SIGN. 53 B ,zc RB c n PROPOSED. BUILDING AREA 25,400 SO FT U z I � m IMPERVIOUS AREA 68% ui . w 0 . F 27 EE weFtLPA1H I GREEN AREA 32% O / 1 w p a BITUMINOUS PAVING `,J 0 z LF wI,EIAAT PARKING PROVIDED 128 CARS p INCLUDING 4 HC STALLS z OVFAHPNG i � w 52 ji O — 43 TRASCLH FI HT� l ( 4- 1<Th 6t }�, -... M&W f J (} SIDEWALK 121 ENOSURE R G<,. W 72 B IM h 61 W i 1119d',I Aw O V 4.75 G 1 i• � ) QEa I HERIT4A z za ' s 5 4.25 m � �� $—�- -- - �,m� w — G E w w DEVELOPMENT 8 I s ::5 24 13.5 I. y - _s'�L- la ,'-. - '�'f / > 18 I 17 1 4 2 i l I i I ^�� tcznu 6 =w 1 ° 0 - _�; {t :. U 422 EAST COUNTY ROAD D SIDE 17 IN . I I F a e w L_ I— t R $t Z ST. PAUL, MN 55117 W RY K I WNLW 6, 1�8 8 O TB 1nsw t �, - -- I Y I h f— - -� 4 PROJECT 1 — ARCHITECTURAL TH W a g m fl uR� + ''�i�� i aa� �� LOCATION � F• 2 ,t m I =�/I ITY r - - -\ z z T 2540 m , FT. i I a s « n ._ 1f' O W OFF - . , m a M 1 C I U FJRA) e4 (12,70 I a Charles J Radloff ENTRY II IIIIIII � , ELEGR PM 6 A SI W LK GL N fiSai�B :i Z 99 O FA %(953115 i I w 28 N BIDE WALK 104 i la`�'nioim FI B ,z uRe F Rd w9 SHEET DATA rco nnwoomre REVIS ONS 0S -2S -Z ISSUEDFORGVREVIEW J I ewe - 04-22- WUREwSEDFORCIWREVIEW 1 9R wnFFL9ATH BUS15TRAIGHTT ; WFEB9AT+ BRUMINCUSPAVINQ BBH2 CU I I OVERHWG I r nwnomau TRASH ENCLOSURE DETAIL SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN � SHEET NUMBER S ITE PLAN V 0 2D 40 60 BD 100 FT — . SCALE V = 20"-0" NoarN ®CHARLE6JflAOLOFFARCHRECT MARCH 2G04 Gs mael Sn Ed � a N N • r r d I - s ! o � • I = all a ? €, B 1 - - -- !h € y i w Ld a f i I O H h _ " - A 7 .� N I O O 3f1N3AV 3'1VGN3ddiHO U w l �now35od LU Z < N o z 3 AVM'35nOuHVID 8 3AV 2 3Cd;H,', ¢ c W c F- G �} `2 1 �31iX�tl♦ Z ` V JNlM in8 30i��o w o z v= dzd�d �3snoaudo W _ e W _ AINO '_ 3U IlonN.LSNO O119N 4 7 .c '_ _ .. •t y 1 lo wal ,LL 0 - rt s� y 3 Y' T a 0 �Ey H 0 _ 6 U y ' ®A F � .y 1 , �a as �— !FED gp t �:;.... Y n Sit Ci r • AP _ 0 _ 6 U y r "^q` u.0 w,ewxrw 1J31YYJNV iao,nvnrsnmwlJO f -� S -V FI3i wnl TT- m l yf1N. £ $ wo to .o - - .Olt 31yos NOI I VA313 HIHON SNOLLVA Y3 Ji 7Trrn��n r� _ 7 � aanu�d u3s u,r , 1,6 31813 r• —to bOIOJOJJnl$ , 9 3WMtlr MIlnF V . Yg1,Y Otwr tiINNS1A 711 -- • LLLI id vivo 73m I l eYOS r wwnlr ,r T r o noon lvlaw ' w '�IYr35 stxa+vlS — Z. a .r 1 x.' t l t r F �- r < t y 1 • ,I ' +� • , ; t t 1 d "-i1 '� r 9 , r:., � a: - r r Yn..at r ir:r r? 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'it .fa'I ,l >r .. •'. , It . ,,, r : . r_t Y .:L -• <a:i� ;� ,:. s+b s r �., t+r.y, 9` p an�- y^tt _ pye .e.n,.a,+. w:ira.. t, at. :r�, - 3,. a ,+.: r F, - Y + k .z•: i, k,a: ryF -( „S ! -.:" 1�..: g7, ...!' .9`::.) � '..eN. .F,Nw, , 471:9w�y:1 y q.... ... �{A: �$ fi fy :' '!}' f ' .fi'..r di a �. -t 11 .. >. it .t�; ;N.' f c e . , P 1 'i...., ,ri !:.F.v "�'`.� £ .115:. { q :sA, r I • . ' j �.ri'y. °,an - 5 'i W 11 : N.., �.F ,:' f :.. •kit^ro :9 -• �'. i:.Ydt t - 2SI �•' ��y wF` I GL., Z � "C $ Yi{�. .. �' .r.§ 11 �tn4:andtp ° "` [[I"s�Y?5 s<. -•* � � ?'�kc 1 � !'"i3�f �"r y r: sr.h",5a $„44' ,{, ..:'y°in "1V' 'ox �s ';Tr'> . yLM,,.F �8 J7 J wx;A � .1 -.� ^ � .Y. ��.� �.'•+ . f3 �S �l�,R:i:� 'S<�>h� ��'�,. ;� : yl D w . . "l i u `. 1 TM 160 GROUND FLOOR PLAN <-- NORTH SCALE 118* = 1'• 0 " 0 8 16 24 32 40 FT g . M P S �' s vo Z 0 3: Lu w tr r N (D < z U.J 0 Z ui U) co W w 0 1 > li 0 Zo W 0 LL- LL u Z LL L3- < 0 HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT 422 EAST COUNTY ROAD D ST PAUL. MN 55117 AEL .HIT ECTURAI Charles J. Radlorf ......... .. . 0>-Z3-0 SHEET DATA ---- --RKMS"� 0 2 1 1 * DFM Ci REVIEW SHEET TITL GROUND FLOOR PLAN A-2 0 Z O LL 0 Z oG ARLES J AADL F Ap TECT MAMN M, C) z 0 LL 0 Z oG ARLES J AADL F Ap TECT MAMN M, 37 -D. 43 '- 0 . Ti T 1 N A i —. ----- ._. _ A. i j .. 1 xn Z T i `-- ---- -- -- ---, OMEN j oo _ m ' ►n m _ o e MEN. � Q. cl r D Z O I N m S j a m J t . K w e I i 1 ! 77 G p 1 R n NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CITY REVIEW ONLY g ' w� s ' f =; I J N _ m rn CARROUSEL PLAZA Q O y.iLF* p�= j = 0 -00 m =n' n '` rr, _ m OFFICE BUILDING 4 W r m T ARCNITECT . AO m D ^ Z I\ J CHIPPENDALE AVE &CARROUSEL WAY g Z ROSEMOUNT. MN ~ NW'1NnoruSOH ¢ AVM 13SROHHVO'8 3AV 31VON3ddlH3 OOOIII WWW JNIa 30IJJo VZ ]d 13Snouuvo W Q c� f' � °w W u i ' W ti a w z } IZ-= a w w 173 aa s NN W a w Q 4'� Z W �U = po rn a V z J a (� LINO M31n3L1 AIIO NOuonHISNOO HOJ ION s s 4 9 a 5 38 a w L u W $ ce g 0 LL VN e. CL F - Stxa Sir (7 J - BZL nUH1 ZZL - Slltl1S - --------- _ _______ w R i 1 — 4 Q J w ry U N � N N 11M.MEs MA 3nN3AV 31VGN3d CL o �o ZN Z CL. Q $ S� x W x W J wwe wwL jU goo � W s I x a Z w uj oo� J ¢ J.2iR00 1'IIHO g " s+�J Ig ,, i F �c m of 03 MH3 J Ai a� S� — — — — ::ara�x3 g � a -- — - — "3RN3Ad 3IVQN3ddIH� �D t i l l ' - - -m_ F— - - -- -- — - -- a w w W w O (9 O =ZV J a _ W �I Sa is yyqq O m R £rn• r3 m ; N-Z Wee' "eoeo eeee.. w� p e a r, o $a q p m o r p C J �I Sa is yyqq O m R £rn• r3 m ; !IP2 r�J m $a q I f ✓ o4a N E i ntxol l i o ll yano co LO I 3 1 I �Y F anNSAV alVGN3ddIHO I ~ w U f p w 8 z~w F ie w yg W X 1=4 . J CARROUSEL PLAZA TOWNHOMES NWi /4 - s m s.m NEi /4 r N.m SWt /4 SEy4 e 4 A A A A 6 N. Eam lAN EAm IAN .xN V89 46'41 "W 263.00 ' ( I I } -• F - a; U I SO SO I I FOR THE PURPOSES Of THIS PLAT, THE NEST LNE OF OUTLOT A. . I I I !! CARROUSEL PLAZA SMITH, HAS AN I 1 C: %j �hx ASSUHEO BEAANG OF 50017'19 - W -' — —• ' I I OUTLOT A I j I c t' •DENOTES 1/2 NCH HDNuk"T roUHo 1 I I Q ALL 0H UTA AEOEO BY i. ti to L1Z .uUIIEHTS MINNESOTA STATUTE. Iwo NOT SNONN ON TTAS PLAT, mLL BE SET N1THIN ONE YEAR OF THE B I gl I'a•g RECORONG OATE Oi THIS PLAT, - I xl la ,'1Y AND SHALL BE E N*[NCEO BY A 1 1 I 1/2 INCH BY 14 NCI NON PPE HARKED BY RLS 17763. NWi /4 - s m s.m NEi /4 r N.m SWt /4 SEy4 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS HOAM ARE SHOWN AS THUS: STREET Jc.0 10_OO BEND 10 FTEI N R .. uLTSS OM RMsE —4m. ARD —o f I - ; • I SIRE [r 1MES AS RgHV OH IK PHI. B ; ; 1 ' RA'• ° _ GRAPHIC SCALE SEC. 31, iWP. TTS. RNG. 19 l,.1 1 " DANOTA COUNTY, LNNNESOTA }. � }� O IP; I• , _ ,� ; � 1I .4s 1 11 / A. L----- - - - -------------- - - - -JN •. / 1 , -•• .. / A6. n •'v,'0. �";� 664.92 1 usr a.m •i usr N.0 IJA[H1 US N.m i , . r 7 � EAST 47.0 � t sow•o•T am - -' I ' 3 s a It 4 1 a 4 g 4 g °� v 1 S 'y �S� "^' 9 7 l N.m « « � N.m �• "` LL N „:La EO``:t'� � sEm � � 4 A 3 a$ 1 a3 3 Ae 880.'' r .o ✓ g g. s `T %• Di >< � z .�, z � �3' �” Y �' . 8, h Z y � 1 N.m • g 2 g Q$ y A ie y ea + a € 2 eF ' ry;f 4 + t'• >< .1 1 - N.m x •'• N.m JE 4 v.m A �✓T' !�• L .sso.H y 1 A w ; • J • •' I r Jt 7 Pd� ___ - �_ 1. A - � I A � - j 8 ! � g N.m sam sAm s..m N. ��� 6r.uo` 1 ' • f I I If T.1 -.60 + � AS 6.m .. ✓ •AA', P h s 1 A y 3A 4! . 5 : � .E •a $ t :'�".u'" r'"."r`." OUTL& H 1 pF 4 • 2}p t • ' Usr 3U..3 �Q ...w5[ g .F •sn•s.• »[ rSl • ,ary 1 b `gEo,�•iFt 3 HN•RTSx 167.m •4 �, 09 1 so 50 I d 1 � HN RS N• s"�„ k N.N s m s.m xaN fAm N.m e 4 A A A A 6 N. Eam lAN EAm IAN .xN r g y.N um s..AO sAm a.m AsS G u ° lUn EulrRr 1 g y 8 9 4 5+ 8 1 \'•a �- ga.» 1•m I..m I +N .m ^_C'i �. N.N 4si 16}.m HN•ES'U'[ IS1.m ma ✓ •O rnVN -• b N L t ♦ M.11>LTE Ilk 1 N89'16 853.82 p METRO a:a ter- LH 6 \ LAND SURMING A PNGNEERWG MAR 2 3 2004 2'_q• 4' -0' �' -q• t' -4� i i sy a - _ a �rw , x L w N TENANT TENANT J TENANT TENANT TENANT TENANT Q TENANT TENANT N N W TENANT CABINET 12 -5• 1 MON UMENT SIGN 100 5Cn1_ 1/2• : I'-0 PROJECT FOR 10° SCtiR0E0ER rha,,. u ,, _ and HOLT Flax a ! o.>e.03 -12-oa GRCHtTECTS LTD. - E f Marcus Theatre Corporation S.eeT. 244 N. BROADWAY PUWAUKEE.WI 53202 5K -100