HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.n. Zoning Text Amendment: Screening for Off Street Parking, Section 8.1L.6`r 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: May 18, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Zoning Text Amendment: Section 81 L6. AGENDA SECTION: Screening for Off Street Parking Requirements. Consent PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director D ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance, Draft 4/27/04 Planning APPROVED BY: Commission Minutes RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt an ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance Section 8.11.6 relating to screening for off street parking. ACTION: ISSUE This zoning text amendment is staff initiated to clarify the screening requirements for parking lots on properties adjacent to residential properties. BACKGROUND There are two sections in the ordinance that deal with screening of parking lots of 6 spaces or greater. One section is in the off street parking standards and the other is in the landscaping section. The ordinance, as currently written in the off street parking section, requires that parking lot screening be achieved through installation of a fence or retaining wall. The landscaping section notes that if a wall or fence is not provided, landscaping with the same criteria, 90% opacity, is required. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION At the Planning Commission meeting, staff presented the report overview. One resident and business owner spoke about his particular situation. He was concerned that this change would impact how he could operate his business, as it was a non - conforming car sales business. Staff explained that this amendment clarifies the City's preference for landscaping over fencing or retaining walls for screening parking lots. It is not expected that the city will be retroactively enforcing the provisions of this amendment. No one else spoke to the item, and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended the amendment for approval by the City Council. SUMMARY Over the course of time, staff has felt that satisfactory screening can occur through installation of landscaping rather than a physically built structure such as a fence or wall. 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Ordinance B, Section 8.1.L6 relating to the parking lot screening requirements for properties adjacent to residential properties is amended to read as follows: 8.1L.6. Screening: When a required off - street parking lot for six (6) or more cars is located adjacent to an "R" District,. a epaeky net less than thfee and ene half fae4 (3 ; 1 2') nor- mer-e than six feet (6') in. height sM1 be er-eeted landscaping and berming to meet ninety percent (90 %) opacily year round must be provided along the "R" District property line. In certain situations, the City consider, but not necessarily approve, installation of a fence or screen wall not more than six feet (6') in height but not within the required front yard. Section 2 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 18 day of May, 2004. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 2004. N Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of April 27, 2004 6G. CASE 04 -33 -TA Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (Section 8.1L6 Screening for Off Street Parking Requirements) Director Kim Lindquist presented this zoning text amendment. It is staff initiated to clarify the screening requirements for parking lots on properties adjacent to residential properties. There are two sections in the ordinance that deal with screening of parking lots of 6 spaces or greater. One section is in the off - street parking standards and the other is in the landscaping section. The ordinance, as currently written in the off -street parking section, requires that parking lot screening be achieved through installation of a fence or retaining wall. The landscaping section notes that if a wall or fence is not provided, landscaping with the same criteria, 90 opacity, is required. Over the course of time, staff has felt that satisfactory screening can occur through installation of landscaping rather than a physically built structure such as a fence or wall In fact most communities' ordinances opt for landscape screening because of its more natural look and because it does not require maintenance and upkeep like a fence. Often, cities receive complaints about fence upkeep, which, from an administrative point of view, can be a difficult situation to resolve. The current ordinance within the off street parking section requires that a fence or wall be installed not less than 3 %Z' in height but no greater than 6'. While staff believes that this solution may be the preferred alternative in certain situations, as the ordinance is currently written, this is the only screening alternative acceptable. The amendment changes the tone and intent of the ordinance so that the preferred option is installation of landscaping. The amendment recognizes that certain circumstances may warrant installation of a wall or fence and the City can request that solution. The site plan review for the Lutheran Church of Our Savior is an example of the reason staff is bringing this item to the Commission for action. The church presently has a parking lot adjoining residential development with little screening in place. When they came forward for a building addition, staff requested additional screening along the eastern property line. Based upon the current ordinance, the church proposed installation of a fence. Given the existing site and the presence of some mature vegetation, staff's preference was to supplement the existing landscaping. However, this would be contrary to the ordinance requirement. Staff is requesting a modification to the existing ordinance to require landscaping, the preference over fencing or walls, for screening of parking lots adjacent to residential properties. In some cases the City may choose to require a fence or wall, which is still the prerogative of the City under the language change. 8.1 L.6. Screening: When a required off -street parking lot for six (6) or more cars is located adjacent to an "R" District, a e nee er Y ,,, "''� ety ent (90%) epaeity not less thm thfee and ene haN feet (3 Obtain sbE feet (6')-in height shall be er-eeted Vl YY fill 11CLY �� landscaping and berming to meet ninety percent (90 %) Page 2 opacily year round must be provided along the "R" District property line. In certain situations, the Cily may consider, but not necessarilygpprove, installation of a fence or screen wall not more than six feet (6' ) in height but not within the required front yard. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Todd Franz, owner South Metro Auto Brokers. Because his auto lot was re -zoned to residential, he would like to know how this new ordinance will affect his property. Director Lindquist explained that this ordinance change is being enacted to affect new applications for development in the city. When a new development project comes in, this will be the standard used for parking lot screening. The city has no plans at this time to go out and enforce the ordinance for properties already existing. MOTION by Powell to close the public hearing. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell, and Schultz. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Messner recommend that the City Council adopt an ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance Section 8.1.L.6 relating to screening for off street parking. Second by Humphrey. Ayes: Messner, Humphrey, Powell, Schultz, and Zum. Nays: None. Motion carried. This item will proceed to City Council for final action on May 18, 2004.