HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of April 14, 2004 Work Sessionr + t ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS C CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 14, 2004 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the City Council Work Session was held on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste and Council Members Shoe - Corrigan, and Strayton were present. Council Members DeBettignies and Riley were absent. Also in attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant Administrator Weitzel, Community Development Director Lindquist, City Engineer Brotzler, Parks & Recreation Director Schultz, Communications Coordinator Cox, Police Chief Kalstabakken, and Finance Director May. DISCUSSIONS Key Financial Strategies City Administrator Verbrugge introduced Jim Prosser and Rebecca Kurtz from Ehlers & Associates, to present the third part of the Key Financial Strategies (KFS) for the City of Rosemount. Mr. Prosser stated the purpose of this meeting was to identify questions, concerns and suggestions for the draft report for KFS. The KFS Plan was identified as a tool that will provide guiding principles to manage the community financially year to year. The Plan will be updated annually to reflect the City's financial projections and the Council's goals. Rebecca Kurtz reviewed the financial spreadsheet as part of the KFS. The purpose of the spreadsheet is to help the City project revenues and expenses over the next five years, identify where the challenges will occur, and use as a tool during the budget process. The City Administrator presented a calendar of issues that will be reviewed using KFS during the remainder of 2004. Mr. Prosser briefly explained the structure of the Plan. Major categories of the Plan were identified as community goals /initiatives, local tax base considerations, financial position, City infrastructure, competitiveness, credit position and enterprise. Other issues discussed were economic and community development, City infrastructure, the enhancement and protection of City environment, managing growth, and support for new City facilities. Given the complexity and volume of information included in the draft KFS, the Council decided to devote additional time in work sessions that would immediately follow the regular City Council meetings for the review of this document. The June 9 th regular work session will be dedicated to working through final details of the KFS. SKB Trust Fund Amendments City Administrator Verbrugge reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the SKB Trust Fund. Mr. Verbrugge stated that the Interim Use Permit (lUP) as it pertains to the Trust Fund has been amended so that it would not be visited again for the next fifteen years. Mr. Verbrugge also stated that the Board of Trustees had made a motion to approve the donation of $500,000 to the City for the acquisition of a library, and a 50% allocation of annual revenues to the Trust Fund from SKB will be redirected to the City to be applied towards the City's Capital Improvement Plan. k. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 14, 2004 Discussion ensued regarding the restoration of the mound, the execution of the MOU, and the fifteen year cap for the IUP. Don Chapdaline, representing SKB, indicated the Trust Board had passed a motion agreeing to the items in the MOU. City Council expressed concern with the potential for not being able to amend the IUP for a period of fifteen years. Staff was directed to have the City Attorney review the agreement, and explain possible ramifications relative to this fifteen year cap. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study City Engineer Brotzler recapped the findings from the draft report for the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. The most significant item found during the study was there is not an imminent issue of failed septic systems in the study area. The next public meeting will be held April 29, 2004. The results of this meeting will be incorporated into a final report. The final report will be sent to Council in May or June of 2004 for adoption. Staff requested direction from City Council to see if they wanted to hold a public hearing to accept this document. Mr. Brotzler indicated there is no legal requirement to hold a public hearing. Mr. Dave Hutton from WSB, Project Manager for the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study, was present to answer questions. Mr. Brortler stated that there were no major issues that would force the City to move forward to extend sewer service, and new sewer service would require owner petition. Mr. Hutton indicated that according to Minnesota law, you would need 35% of voters to sign a petition to extend sewer service before acting. The City of Rosemount's policy calls for 51 % of voters to sign a petition to extend services. Based on this study, staff recommended the development of a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Eagan for the over sizing and extension of sanitary sewer service from Eagan into the northern part of Rosemount for future connections. The costs for this project would be funded from core funds that would be paid back at a later date. Items identified to be addressed at the next public informational meeting include: 1) there are no major issues that would force the city to move forward to extend sewer service at this time; 2) property owners of failed systems would be required to upgrade systems at time of sale of property; 3) future expansion of sewer services in the study area would require a petition from property owners; and 4) the City of Rosemount is considering entering a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Eagan for the over sizing of a sewer line in anticipation of future development. It was the consensus of the Council that a public hearing would not be necessary to accept the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. 2 r ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ' CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 14, 2004 Recreational Fires Chief of Police Kalstabakken reviewed the policy for the issuance of recreational fire permits. Staff recommended that if we continue to issue recreational fire permits, the current ordinance should be amended. Discussion ensued regarding the number /nature of complaints, commercial fire pits, the hours for recreational fires, and noise. City Council directed staff to eliminate the requirement for recreational fire permits, let the Fire Code be the regulatory body, and educate the residents regarding recreational fires. Finance Personnel Finance Director May recapped the request fora payroll clerk position for the Finance Department. The anticipated start date will be July 1, 2004. Funding for this position will come from the following funds: 50% - General Fund; 20% - Water Utility Fund; 20% - Sewer Utility Fund; 5 % - Storm Water Utility Fund; and 5 % - Arena Fund. The maximum total salary and benefit package would be $55,731. Staff was directed to present this item at the next regular City Council meeting for approval. Police Personnel Police Chief Kalstabakken reviewed the changes that have occurred within the department in the last few years and suggested a re- organization of staff to better handle the responsibilities. The reorganization includes one full time receptionist, one full time secretary, one part time secretary, and one Police Records Supervisor. The salary range for the Police Records Supervisor is $40,726 - $49,920. Chief Kalstabakken indicated the reason for the evening part time secretary was to process reports for arrests that occurred during the evening and weekend hours. City Council concurred with this proposed reorganization. CDA Project Concept Plan Community Development Director Lindquist presented a preliminary concept plan for the property located at the northwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and County Road 42. The Community Development Agency (CDA) is proposing a 31 -unit townhome project and requested feedback from the Council regarding this project before proceeding with a formal application. Requested feedback included support for the project and types of informational neighborhood meetings. Carri Nelson, CDA, and Tim Rutland, architect for the project, were present to hear comments and answer questions regarding the affordable housing program and project. Discussion continued regarding the size of this project, intended use for the surrounding parcels, the concept plan to be presented to the public, access to the site, and garage size requirements for affordable housing. City Council extended their support for this project. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 14, 2004 Trunk Highway 3 City Engineer Brotzler presented an overview of safety concerns that have been raised by the property owners along Trunk Highway 3 (TH3) between 132 Street and McAndrews Road. The primary issue is the access to and from TH3. Staff proposed having a neighborhood meeting to review issues, explain MNDOT standards and expectations, look at improvements that could be made to improve safety, and reiterate that MNDOT has to approve changes. If a consensus is reached with the property owners, staff suggested putting together a cooperative agreement for submittal to MNDOT for possible funding for the year 2006. City Council directed staff to hold public meetings to discuss the safety issues related to TH3. It should be specified that these meetings have nothing to do with the Brockway Development and there is no guarantee of funding from MNDOT. UPDATES Administrator Update Volunteers (10 groups, 15 -25 individuals) will be recognized at the next City Council meeting April 20, 2004 for National Volunteer Week. A Commission recognition dinner will be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2004. Employee recognition luncheon on will be held on Thursday, April 22, 2004. The regular City Council Work Session was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Stoffel Recording Secretary The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2004 -14. 4