HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Dakota County Park Resolution of Supportk + r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: May 18, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Dakota County Park Resolution of AGENDA SECTION: Support Department Head Report PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGE 5 A� ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and Map of Proposed APPROVED BY: Regional Park Site RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve a resolution supporting Dakota County's efforts to develop a regional park in Empire, MN. ACTION: ISSUE: Dakota County is anticipating that 45% of their population growth between 2000 and 2020 will be in the Lakeville, Farmington and Rosemount area. The Metropolitan Council's Parks and Open Space Policy Plan and the Dakota County Parks System Plan identified the Lakeville, Farmington and Rosemount areas as being under served by the existing regional park system. BACKGROUND: The 2002 Dakota County Park Siting Study evaluated seven sites in the southwestern portion of Dakota County and found only two areas that had high quality resource areas suitable for a regional park. The area that will be discussed this evening is preferred because it is within the park service area for Lakeville, Farmington and Rosemount; it has high quality natural resources; it provides partnership opportunities regarding management, restoration, provision of recreational service and shared funding; and has high acquisition feasibility because there are willing sellers, agricultural land prices and few land owners. SUMMARY Staff from the Dakota County Planning Office will be in attendance at the meeting to give a presentation regarding the possibility of a new regional park in Dakota County. The Parks and Recreation Commission has discussed this item and made a recommendation to the City Council that they support the pursuit of a regional park in Empire. 0L CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004- A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PLANING OF A REGIONAL PARK IN EMPIRE, MINNESOTA William Droste, Mayor WHEREAS, The City of Rosemount participated in a discussions regarding the need for a regional park to serve our residents and, WHEREAS, there has been an identified shortage of a regional park in the Rosemount area and, WHEREAS, the regional park would be a valuable asset to our community's quality of life and, WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount supports the development of a future regional park for its enhancement of our community's outdoor recreational opportunities and, WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount supports the development of a future regional park for its positive impact on our community's natural resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount adopts a resolution to support efforts of Dakota County to develop a regional park in Empire Township. ADOPTED this 18 day of May, 2004. ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: Empire Wetlands Area Regional. Park an Natural Area Partnership Why Do We Need a New Southwest Park? ✓ Dakota County has the second lowest regional park acreage per 1000 people (12.7 acres/ 1000 people) of the seven metro area counties. Carver County has the fewest park acres ✓ The Metro regional average is 18.9 acres per 1000 people Why Do We Need a New Sou thwest Park? ✓ Dakota County will grow by 100,000 people over the next 20 years. ✓ 45% of County growth expected in Lakeville and Farmington from 2000 to 2020. ✓ Metro Council and Dakota County Park Plans found Lakeville, Farmington and Rosemount underserved by regional parks. 2002 Regional Park Sites Chub Lake Empire Wetlands Fairgrounds Area Hampton Woods North Creek NE Lakeville Vermillion River 2 Regional Park Study Conclusions ✓ Empire wetlands area preferred because it: - fills the geographic regional park gap - has high quality natural resources - offers partnership opportunities - is likely to have good acquisition feasibility 3 2002 Regional Park Siting S tudy Conclusions Qualitative Review of Potential Regional Park Sites W Raerationat �peAY Numberot Houses Coaperatiw Cost Site Q w Available Landowners Opportunities Pro M t�111itQ Wetls� • • • • • • • Chub Lake 0 0 0 0 Northeast 0 0 0 • • 0 • • Lakeville 0 0 • • • Hampton • Woods Fair Grounds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 South Vermillion 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 River Nom 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 • • - Wry blood 0 - hood 0 - &atwmida* 0 - Poor • - Wry Poor Regional Park Study Conclusions ✓ Empire wetlands area preferred because it: - fills the geographic regional park gap - has high quality natural resources - offers partnership opportunities - is likely to have good acquisition feasibility 3 County Board Direction December 23, 2003: • Staff directed to develop a master plan for Empire Wetlands Regional Park and natural area partnership M Vermillion River at Biscayne Ave 190th Street between Butler/Miles Large aspen woods on Butler property (County Biologic Survey) Potential wetland restoration on Butler and Miles property Miles property grass knoll 6 Vermillion River tributary at Annette Ave Butler Lake through trees and lake outlet Butler Lake G!� Butler Lake Butler views to the west 10 r Views of Vermillion River and Butler property from UMORE White Pine forest at UMORE Lone Rock at UMORE 12 Empire Wetlands Natural Area - Management Concept 1 e •q,..mann 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 4 1 _ 1 1 !a 1 WktliY• Manaq.+r�ma •r•a t/spo ncrnl _ _ __.. $PWMC wwnr,v? 1 1 + P <+MI •an.m.nl Cq,,, ap,c lRallp.,n.M ♦IN +tar9 riv,1 nrmrt ll.hMgP � — 1 1 �� X Empro tM (twrer ' osm 1 c..a.aoo� I .orw- nm ., ..ez,wau.ewn 12 Rationale for Park/Natural Area Partnership ✓ It serves many interests: recreation, resource and wildlife area preservation, education, hunting and fishing. ✓ An inter - agency partnership approach is more economically feasible. Rationale for Park/Natural Area Partnership ✓ Empire, Lakeville, Farmington, and Rosemount staff support this concept to protect the area and provide recreation near their communities. ✓ Staff from DNR, Metro Council, and UMORE expressed a desire to protect these resources and provide recreational opportunities for citizens. 13 Next Steps • Meetings with area cities and Empire Township • Develop an acquisition master plan • If directed by Board, meet with the core property owner • Continue working in partnership with local government, DNR, UMORE, Metro Council • Prepare funding strategy options 14 Y ASO 0 -te m v n m o ac � N fD O ° w 0 d m g 3 ' - _v m 1 N 1 1 .. m I „- - Biscayne Ave --I iv O y 3 _ rn (p ;BCD ` . D 'Ilk 0 m N 0 a m &M m W D. _ it D a` m - p W N 0 a s O rn rn � a k m s 1 0 CD Q. 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