HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of March 16, 2004 Regular City Council-r ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ITEM REGULAR MEETING MARCH 16, 2004 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 7 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Strayton, Riley, and Shoe- Corrigan present. Council Member DeBettignies was absent. Also present were City Administrator Verbrugge, City Attorney LeFevere, City Engineer Brotzler, Community Development Director Lindquist, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Communications Coordinator Cox, Fire Chief Aker, and Police Lieutenant Kuhns. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. City Administrator Verbrugge presented two add -ons to the Consent Agenda, also two items for Department Heads Report, and one for New Business: Item 5.a. Recognition of Police Officer and Fire Fighter of the Year by American Legion, Post 65; Item 5.b. Introduction of Communications Coordinator Alan Cox; Item 6.o. Receive Donations Leprechaun Days Committee; Item 6.p. Arena Chiller Replacement; and Item 8.a. Commissioner Appointments. Verbrugge also requested a Closed Executive Session for labor relations. Mayor Droste moved to accept the agenda as amended. Second by Riley. Ayes: Four. Nays: None. The agenda was adopted. Department Heads Reports Recognition of Police Officer and Firefighter of the Year by American Legion Post 65 Commander Jeff Kaczmarek, Post 65 of the Rosemount American Legion, acknowledged awards to the Firefighter of the Year, Tim Buyck and Police Officer of the Year, Mark Robideau. Mark Robideau retired from the Police Department last fall after 25 years of service as D.A.R.E. instructor, investigator and patrol officer. Mark was present at the Legion's celebration on March 13 and received his award there. Fire Chief Scott Aker commended the Legion for recognizing the accomplishments of police and firefighters yearly since 1993. Aker noted that the Rosemount Fire Department selected the firefighter to be honored. Firefighter Tim Buyck has been with the Fire Department for six years and has participated in the SCBA program and fire prevention activities. Mayor Droste thanked Commander Kaczmarek and recognized that it is the 85 Anniversary of the American Legion. Droste also thanked the American Legion for donating the American flags used along Highway 3 for celebrations. Introduction of Communications Coordinator Alan Cox City Administrator Verbrugge introduced Alan Cox who started with the City on March 15. There were seventy applicants for this position. The express purpose of the Communications Coordinator is to improve communication with the community. Mr. Cox had been a - reporter for WCCO television for 20 years. He noted that his parents had lived in Rosemount, moving from Kentucky, when the Gopher Ordnance existed in the 1940's. Mr. Cox thanked Council for this opportunity and staff and City Council welcomed him. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 16, 2004 Consent Agenda Council Member Strayton requested that Items 6.n. be pulled for discussion. Additional information was presented for 6.m., approval in resolution format; and the recommendations from the Fire Department for 6.n. MOTION by Riley to approve the Consent Agenda with the removal of Items 6.n. for discussion. Second by Shoe - Corrigan. Ayes: Droste, Riley, Strayton, Shoe - Corrigan. Nays: None. Motion carried. a. Minutes of March 1, 2004 Regular City Council b. Bills Listing c. Change Order #1 - Chippendale Tower Improvements, CP #374 d. Receive Feasibility Report/Order Project/Authorize Plans and Specifications- Biscayne Pointe North Street and Utility Improvements, CP #370 e. Receive Plans and Specifications /Authorize Advertisement for Bid 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Improvements, CP #376 f. Receive Plans and Specifications /Authorize Advertisement for Bid - Bloomfield 7' Street and Utility Improvements, CP #384 g. Solid Waste Hauler License h. Final Plat - Biscayne Pointe North (Abbott Property) Giles Properties, Inc. i. Lot Recombination - Thomas and Mindy Wychor j. LELS Sergeants Labor Agreement 2004 -2005 k. Appoint Alan Strand as Chief Building Official - 1. Fund Balance Transfer/Encumbrance m. Application for DNR Remediation Grant— Wiklund Property n. ulled for discussion o. Add -On Receive Donations - Leprechaun Days Committee p. Add -On Arena Chiller Replacement Award Fire Department Bids for New Breathing Apparatus and Air Compressor Fire Chief Scott Aker presented the recommendation of the task force for the self- contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) which help firefighters enter buildings that have toxic gases due to fire. There were three competitive bids for the SCBA and the task force recommends the vendor Continental Safety at $88,524.31. There were four bids for the compressor system necessary to refill the SCBA systems and the task force recommends Clarey's Safety Equipment at $24,795. The task force chair was Firefighter Captain Kevin Tucker with a group of four additional firefighters and Assistant Fire Chief Mike Haeg. City Administrator Verbrugge took this opportunity to congratulate Fire Chief Aker for another appointed term as chief which will make sixteen years for Scott as fire chief. There are 44 volunteer firefighters in the fire department at this time. MOTION by Strayton to award the low bid to Continental Safety for the Self - Contained Breathing Apparatus and to Clarey's Safety Equipment for the 6000 PSI Air Compressor/Fill 2 r 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 16, 2004 Station/Storage System for the Rosemount Fire Department. Second by Shoe - Corrigan. Ayes: Riley, Strayton, Shoe- Corrigan, Droste. Nays: None. Motion carried. Commissioner Appointments City Administrator Verbrugge reported that eight candidates were interviewed for the seven open commission seats on March 13, 2004, by City Council and himself Planning and Parks and Recreation Commissions had received early resignations from David Anderson, Planning and Steve Wilson, Parks & Recreation due a move out of Rosemount. The following recommendations were made: Planning Commission - Laurie Humphrey, three year term, Valerie Schultz, three year term, and John Powell, one year term; Parks and Recreation Commission - Michael Eliason, three year reappointment, Phillip Sterner, three year reappointment, Leslie DeFries, two year term; and Utilities Commission - Joan Schneider, three year term. MOTION by Shoe - Corrigan to appoint commissioners to the City of Rosemount's commissions beginning April 1, 2004 as follows: Planning Commission - Laurie Humphrey, Valerie Schultz, and John Powell; Parks and Recreation Commission - Mike Eliason, Phillip Sterner, and Leslie Defries; and Utilities Commission - Joan Schneider. Second by Riley. Ayes: Strayton, Shoe- Corrigan, Droste, Riley. Nays: None. Motion carried. Legislative/Intergovernmental Update City Administrator Verbrugge gave a summary of his and Mayor Droste's trip to Washington D.C. for the four -day National League of Cities Conference. They were members of a committee to review adoptive legislative policies. Two issues were of major concern: 1) consideration of taxing internet sales and 2) the Transportation Bill which guided funding for jobs and infrastructure of communities. The taxing of internet sales may lower the cable franchise fees the City collects. There is $2.3 million available from the Transportation Bill for funding security at the proposed air cargo facility. Beneficial meetings were held with Congressman Kline, Senator Dayton and Senator Coleman. Announcements Community Development Director Lindquist noted that Dakota County will present an open house on Thursday, March 18, 5 to 7 p.m. for the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for County Road 42 and Highway 52. Mayor Droste reviewed the upcoming meetings and pointed out a special meeting to be held March 31 for Council goal setting. City Administrator Verbrugge noted a Key Financial Strategy meeting will be held April 14, starting at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Droste moved the meeting to a Closed Executive Session for labor relations at 8:02 p.m. The meeting was to be adjourned following the Closed Executive Session since no further public items will be addressed. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 16, 2004 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2004 -11. 4