HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Amend Fund Balance Policy (F--7)CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 17, 2004 Based on the advice of our auditors, we have made small Language changes in the Fund Balance Policy that was originally approved on December 16, 2003. Rather than setting up a separate fund to account for compensated absences, the General Fund will specially designate a portion of its fund balance to account for its share of the compensated absences on an annual basis. These changes will, in no way, change the spirit of the policy that was approved in December. This policy will allow the City to maintain a healthy fund balance and to designate excess funds for items that are longer- term goals of the City. The General Fund will maintain a 55% "Designated for Working Capital" year- end fund balance in relation to the following year's budget. This is a number that will allow us to maintain our day to day operations and meet the cash flow needs that we have in dealing with our bi- annual tax payments in July and December of each year. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the amended Fund Balance Policy (F -7) COUNCIL ACTION: 'AIlenuue }as s}abpnq aqj qj!m uo!jounfuoo ui saoueleq Aauow asoq} jo Aoenbape eulwaalap pue Aj!O aq} 10 spunk bu!leaado aagjo Ile ui lej!deo bu!�aom pue `sanaasaa `saoueleq punj aagjo lie }o alnpagos aqj alepdn pue nna!naa osle ll!M Al!O aql - P 'ain }n} aqj ui buluaddeq woa; slgJ juanaad of ambit aa6aei a of abelueoaad eoueleq punj aqj aslea of uo!}oe I!ounoO Aq pa}snfpe aq Ilegs Ao!lod aqj `s!qj op of peau Aew 40 ag11eq} }uaaedde sawooaq j! 11 - sesuedxa buileaado aanoo 01 buimoaaoq uoiled!oilue xel asn jou Begs Aj!O aqj suoijeaado juaaano ao; elgel!ene spun] jo junowe aqj aonpaa pinom 1egj sa6aego asuadxa Isaaajui pone of • 0 %99 aqj jo ssaoxe ul spun] asogj aoj apew uo!}eubisap Imads a qj!m eoeld a�ej pinom uo!jez!aogjne J@jsuea} lewiou aqj 1egj aw!l awes eqj le Albu!pa000e ua� ej aq II!m uoljoe `asodand aaq}oue aoj spun; asagl asn 01 Aj!ssaoau eqj slam. I!ounoO aqj 11 - (o }a `}uawd!nbe aiij `saeo penbs `sloefoid uoi}el!l!gegaa jaaa }s `s}uawanoidwi bulpi!nq) spaau lej!deo oipoads ao} spun} paiialsuea} asaq} anaasaa pinogs i!ounoO aql `uoijoe s!ql jo lied se `elq!ssod Ile je jI •uo!joe lewjoj Aq I!ouno0 Aj!O aq} jo u0119aos!p eqj le (d1O juawdlnb3 Jo dIO 1 `dlO 6u!pl!ng) spun] (dl0) wea6oad Juawanoidwl Iej!deO aaagj aq1 jo auo o} pajjejsueal aq Il!m `I!pne s,ae@A snolnaad eql jo uo!laldwoo aql jo se ` %gg bulpaaoxe snldans Auy q - asodand oil!oads e aol pajeubsep aae Aaql se %99 aqj jo uollelnoleo aqj woal papnloxe aq ll!M saouesge palesuedwoo aol pamasa.i pue seoueagwnoua jol pamasaa aae 1egj saoueleq punj - spaau buileaado Al!ep sj! jaaw o} Aj!O eqj algeua II!m 1egj spun] aq} aq ll!M pue „ Iej!deO bui�joM aol pajeu6lsaa„ paaap!suoo aq II!m amasaa %99 s!ql •Iabpnq buReaado s,ae@A Ixau ag110 %99 Iseal le jo amasaa punj leaauaO pajeubisapun ue uie}ulew of Idwalle ii!m Aj!O aql A01 •6ui1ea }!paao s,Al!O aqj anoadwi pue u!elulew of pue `aeaA aqj inogbnojgl spaau s,Aj!O aqj jaaw o} moll gseo jua!ogns afnsua o} Iej!deo builiom JOI ap!noid o} `sllepogs anuanaa pajoadxaun Isu!e6e uoigsno e ap!noid of A }!O aqj molle il!m Aollod s!ql - spun] 6uileaado jagjo Ile `Aljoaj!pui pue 'punj leaauaO aqj jo saoueleq punj qj!m 6u!leep aoj sainp000id pue soullep!nb do jas of s! Aollod s!q} jo asodand aql 3SO&jnci (VOOZ `L � A ienagad papuawy) £OOZ `9 � aagwaoaa 30NVNI:J L £OOZ 1 9� aagwaoaa A0110d 30NVIVO aNn=i :glONnoo A8 (19AO2JddV 31VG :A8 Q3SOdO2Icl :2:138Wf1N A0110d :31VCI EIAUO3=133 :31lll ).,01gOd 1NnOW3SO J 30 AlIO