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MarketingsoaAoldwa Aq papuape uaaq aneq sfiui199w 9911iwwo0 •speay juawpedap woaj uol }oailp pue senbealioo ql!m suoissnosip uo paseq `}uawpedep jaq jo siq aol ueld tie}ueweldwoo e ajeaao of sl jagwew goe3 •96aei le Apnwwoo aqj aol pue ju9wua4no6 Apo aol y}oq `junowaso�l aol ueld 6uilaNiew Iieaano ue 6uiJeaao qj!M Pa6aego si aa:}iwwoo aql 'goeoidde 6ui}a�jew pe!j!un a aol spaau s,Al!o eql aleaullap of aa}}iwwoo leuialui ue uo anaas of saaAoldwa >Ioid of speay juawpedep paNse aojeajsiuiwpy fi4i0 luelsissy eql `6uiads sigl 0041luawoo Bul ;a )laeua ayl •Iuawuaano6 Aj!o aol ueld suoijeolunwwoo a moilol pue aleajo 01 sl :Po..a 6uija�aew eqj of }uaimosgns Inq pa}elaa Alasolo si 1egj leo6 liounoo aagjoub slei.iajew suoileoiunwwoo Ile of waisfs Ajijuapi ue 6uiAlddy wajsxs A4iluepi lensin anisuagaadwoo a 6uidol9n9Q ueld 6uilaNiew 6uissedwooue -lie ue 6uileaao suoilisod pue sa6essaw jo jas pewaojui ue 6uidol9n9p :sapnloui juewnoop leo6 eqj ui palsil ss000id eql •6ui}aNjew }e :poj.a papeouoo a g6noaq} sesseuisnq pue s}uapisai Mau 01 ssauanijoeajje pue a6ewi s,Al!o eqj 6uiouequa jo 5o -tooZ joj leo6 a jas seq liounoo aql uoisin s,liounoo eqj Ino �jjeo of leiogaueq aq stew esi:padxe apislno yoigm le juiod a pequeaj seq ubiedweo 6uileMiew pajeuipa000 a g6noagl abeam sjunowesoH eoueque of :po}ja ayl 3f1SSl :NOIlaVr Q :N01133S tlaN30V I alepdn 6ulmieW :W311 WIN39V tbooZ `l, I, jsn6ny :91ea 6uileevy liounoo Rio NOIlaV 210= A21vWWf1S 3AIin33X3 1N(l0W3S0m ziO Ally V, :A8 a3AOUddV auoN :S1N3WH3V11V W"aN3E)V aoleuipa000 suoijeoiunwwoo `xoo uely :A9 a3UVd321d :N01133S tlaN30V I alepdn 6ulmieW :W311 WIN39V tbooZ `l, I, jsn6ny :91ea 6uileevy liounoo Rio NOIlaV 210= A21vWWf1S 3AIin33X3 1N(l0W3S0m ziO Ally V, and, when their schedules have allowed, by department heads. The Assistant City Administrator prepared a workbook on marketing issues based on her experience with similar efforts at the municipal level and in the private sector. The workbook was distributed to committee members before the first meeting, with ongoing assignments to cover specific material and tasks as the process moves along. Meetings have taken place in the Council chambers, typically for 90 minutes per session. The format of the meetings has been a brainstorming session supervised by the Assistant City Administrator. The collaborative findings and opinions have been written up and distributed among the group after each meeting. Committee members have also begun circulating draft plans for their departments in hopes of keeping the process synchronized. The outline for action laid out in the committee's workbook consists of a three -stage process: analysis of the City's marketing needs and existing efforts; discussions of strategies to improve the City's marketing; and planning of tactics to achieve the strategies. The analysis phase was the topic for the committee's first and second meetings, on April 26 and May 17. Strategies were discussed at the meeting of June 28. The tactics discussion is slated for a meeting September 8. The committee hopes to finish work on the marketing plan in early October, for formal presentation to the Council in November. Because much of the committee's joint work has consisted of brainstorming sessions, the discussions have been wide - ranging. But some key areas of investigation have emerged. One is to identify all of the potential targets for the City's marketing efforts — a listing that is an elaboration on the Council's stated goals for the subject. The committee has identified categories like existing and potential business owners, other levels of government, and perhaps most important, Rosemount residents of today and the future. The clear challenge that has emerged is to speak to current and prospective residents who in some cases seek a traditional small -town feel, and who in other cases want a contemporary, high - service suburb. This challenge is also reflected in another key area of work for the committee: to identify the community vision and thus express what Rosemount wants to be. The opening discussion on this point was lengthy, and has spread across most meetings of the group. To keep the task manageable and the result meaningful, the committee has tried to winnow its list to four points, currently expressed as: • small -town feel /exceptional quality of life • community pride in positive image • exceptional service • a place that offers opportunities to pursue dreams (In a discussion last week, the committee differed on the connotations of "small- town." Some members believe it accurately reflects a prime selling point for the residents who choose to live here. Other members expressed concern that the phrase may carry negative associations for some target audiences, and should be expressed in terms of neighborhood variety, strength, and safety.) 2 E -(abed 6uinnoliol) wjij 6ui}a�aew eqj pue }4els ueeNeq jogel jo uoisinip eqj aol ouillno g6noa a pasodoid seq gejs `�aonn pajeoildnp woaj asuedxe leuoi}ippe jo Asia aq} eziwiuiw of •saoneapua s,AJ!o aqj jo lie ssoaoe wajsAs lensin nnau 9416uiJuawaldwi uo aoinpe aa_.o osle pinonn aoloealuoo eqj_ •ue6ols nnau a jo Aigissod pue '�obol palepdn ue 10 uoileaao epnloui pinonn �aonn pajoeiluoo eqj 1egj pool aaann s ioloea}uoo leguapd gjo8 •sdnoa6 apislno }o SM9IA 941 Jsuiebe JJonn s,99:4iwwoo aqj }saI 01 pope ue ajew osle pinonn aoloea}uoo eqj •�4!juapi 6uilaliew a jol seil!l!gissod ojui 3! ajelsue i} pue 3! nnainaJ of pealsui Inq `pajeaao Apeaale seq 99:4iwwoo eqj jegj Aaom eqj ajeoildnp of peAoidwe eq jou pinonn aoloealuoo aq 1 •6uipueaq jol suoildo asodoid of s}si:pe oigdei6 gjinn }oealuoogns jo Aoldwo swag eqj •joefoid aqj jo:ped uo eloi tiosinpe lepajod a ssnosip o} swig. 6upNiew epis }no on4 10 sanijejuasaidai gjinn jaw iojeuipaoo0 suoijeoiunwwoo pue `aolealsiuiwpy Akio }uejsissy `aojeajsiuiwpy )�!o eql `uoissnosip siq} aaola8 •so6ol eqj jo a6esn pue eoueaeadde eqj ui fxoualsisuoo jo �oel punojoid a si aaayj `jlnsaa a sy aagjoue auo woad. tien Jegj suoisaan paidoo ui Aluo Inq `waol leuibijo sji ui Isixe jou soop Alluaiedde obol juaaano eqj `6uijds sigj 6uipw uoijezilejinaa unno}unnop aqj 10 awi} aqj le popuiwai seen }}els sy •s:po_.a 6uija�aew s,Al!o eqj aol pajeaao 6uiaq uoisin 941 Aanuoo aa:}aq jg6iw jegj logwAs a gjinn I! gouda. of io `sasn ssoaoe lualsisuoo pue Ajeaodwaluoo j! aNew of oboe asoi - pue- Nooawegs SA!o eqj alepdn of aagjia paau a aniaoaad sia}lels fi4!0 awoS -Apnwwoo 941 pue Iuawua9no6 Ajio aol — „6uipueaq„ se unnouN Apeindod aaow — wajsAs Alpepi lensin e jol suoijeaapisuoo eqj 6uissnosip ue6aq eopwwoo eqj `(E Isn6ny) Neem }sel }o Aepsonl uo sisAleue ;uepuedepui ue fupleas — Buipuei8 •soijoel jo uoissnosip 01 sanow ssaooid eqj jo asegd �xau aqj se ueld uoi}oe ue 01 pa:panuoo aq llinn }sib gsinn aql •sjuawanoadwi aoj Isis gsinn a 10 sbuiuui6aq eqj pad019nap seq pue `junoweso�j alowoad 01 }u9wua9no6 A110 Aq spoMa }uaiirp 10 nnainaJ a of awil ski jo ped p91on9p osle seq aa}}iwwoo agl r 1. Develop visions /key messages /initial qualities of City's identity 3. Review logo proposals, possibly with public input 5. Create draft marketing plan 2. Presentation to City staff on approaches to plan image in a way that will later help implement marketing plan. Consult key stakeholders along with information from staff to propose new or refreshed logos, taglines 4. Create final logo, advise on how to implement 6. Review and comment on marketing plan Advise on collateral material. Preparation of much of the collateral material involved in the branding work would take place in 2005. SUMMARY As indicated in the narrative above, staff expects to present to the Council a draft marketing plan in November. To keep the committee on track with the Council's goals and to perfect the budgeting for this effort, staff now invites the Council's guidance on the value of an independent analysis and recommendation. 2