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Glendalough PUD•eoueleq eqj uo uolldo ue sey pue `gbnolepue1O jo jley Isann ay} posegojnd saayla8 u9j6pun j `Al;uenbesgnS waweeibe and ayi ul palrgigxe selAis buisnoy leuol peal ay} of papwwoo pue `gbnolepualE) aol eaje eqj peunno 1ps Auedwoo saadolanaa A:pedoad aoIoealuoO `9w11 IeLlI IV •OOOZ jo aunt ul panoadde seen and aoowaan3 ayl aNnomemove •spiepums (Ind eqj 4}lM }ualslsuoo aae saldwexa leanjoajlyoae nnau eqj 1eyj eouaimouoo Maas of IlounoO eqj ol wail sluj bul6ulaq sl }}ejS -and ay} yjlnn panoadde spiepuel<s joegjas eqj o} palsonbaa aje sa6ueyo ou `aaojaaayl •suawpuawe jnoyjlnn `ivawaaa6e (]nd 6ullslxe ayl uiyl.Inn >laonn of sluenn saayloa8 uejbpun-1 `sa6ueyo u6lsap lemjoa;lyoae aqj 6uipaeba�j •ssaooad 6ulaeay ollgnd lewaoj a }dwoad jou pinonn pue joulw eq pinonn sa6ueyo jeld asayj 1eyj pajedloljue si 11 •unnouNun sl pajeulwlle eq IIIM 1eyj sjol }o jagwnu ayl `}uesaad IV •u6lsap jaails eqj o} spew aq lllnn sa6ueyo ou Inq `sjol aannaj qj!m sleld leug 6ul:4lwgns aq ll!m Aayj IegI paimpul sey saayloa8 u9a6pun-1 •6ulJannauew aoj ylpinn jol aaow paau sa6eae6 bulpeol apls pasodoid eqj asneoaq aae sjol aabael ayl •jeld Aieulwllaid eqj jo uoi:pod gbnolepualO ayj y}lnn panoadde aaann ueyj sjol aa6ael aalnbaa saldwexa bulsnoy nnau ayj jo ewoS *and eqj ql!m jualslsuoo aie ainjoappie pue suoll:enala 6ulpilnq eqj ley} aansua of..els qpm builionn ueaq sey pue su6lsep jo sepes nnau a pedolanap sey loalMoie sa9yjoa8 uaa6pun-1 ayl •saldwexa Ion poid pepwll pey sey saay}ojl3 u9a6pun-1 `nnou pun pue `and aoowa9n3 eqj jo:ped juepodwl ue sl ainloappie ol6lelsou ayl •sa6eae6 pezlseydwe -op pue sayoaod l<uoa} seinjeej 1eyj pooyaogy6lau bulsnoy leuolllpeaj aqj sl 46nolepua1O •aoowa9n310 pooyaogy6lau gbnolepua1O eqj ul sjapilnq anlsnloxe 941 aie saayloag u9i6pun-1 3nSSl jbooZ ` I.6 jsnbny :a }ea uolssaqaoM llounoO AjlO NO113V 210 Auvwwns 3 ino3n 1Nnow3som :iO Am NO113V polsenbaa sl uo113e ON :NO113H (IMN31A111YOOM •� aaoxa :As a3AOUddV gbnolepualO and `seldwes suol}en913 6ulsnoH u9a6pun-j `dew uol}eoo-1 :S1N3WH3VllV laN3OV aauueld AIlO `uosaead )1012 :A8 a3MVd3Ud •uolssnosla Eno a ua aoowaan ul bulsno y I p IJ 3 H �W311 t/aN3OV� :NO1133S V GN3OV� jbooZ ` I.6 jsnbny :a }ea uolssaqaoM llounoO AjlO NO113V 210 Auvwwns 3 ino3n 1Nnow3som :iO Am Glendalough Data Location: East of Evermoor Parkway, north of Connemara Trail. Number of Lots: 257 total, 65 platted or approved final plats. PUD standards: Front Side Rear Setbacks Lot Width Lot Depth Area (avg.) 15 ft.* 5 ft. 10 ft. 75 ft. 120 -168 ft. 12,000 sq. ft. *measured to right -of -way, 25 ft. to curb of private street. SUMMARY The architect submitted six house models, each having 8 elevation variations. The result would be a potential 48 new building options for the Glendalough neighborhood. However, after staff review, 14 were viewed as not being consistent with the PUD. In each case, the elevation was rejected because the porch was reduced to little more than a covered entrance. All of the relevant PUD exhibits (attached) depict a porch that extends at least half of the length of the front building elevation, providing enough space for people to sit. The architect is currently in the process of making revisions. Their objective is to of have at least six elevation variations of each of the six different models consistent with the PUD. Two elevations of each model have been attached as examples. Please note that some of the examples show elevations that have not been accepted by staff. CONCLUSION Staff is providing this item for information only. It is our intent that the new building elevations will be consistent with the in -place PUD agreement and no formal amendments will be needed. K :AgdeJ6010Ud leuay gooZ/ZZ// :palepdn slaved b00Z 't' lsnBny :ale(] der 'luawueda(] uo!l —o ;ul puel pue AsAmg,quno(] eloMe(3 loeluoo aseald'puno aie salauedabslp g •pouleluoo ulajaq saloeinooeul Aue jo; alglsuodsai lou sl punoo elo)le(] Alu( sasodind eouaia;ai jo; pasn aq of sl pue 'umoys ease aq) Bugoage 'Suainos iaglo pue saolyo al", pue I/qunoo'Alp snouen ul peleool elep pue uolleuuo ;ul'spiom ;o uo!lel!dwoo a sl 6ulmeip slq; •auo se pasn eq of popualu! lou s! pue Aemns a jou dew papiooai Alle6al a ragl!au sl 6ulmeip sly,l - Iqunoo elo)leo '400Z lgBu4do, -loo; lsajeou of popuna suolsuawl(] :310 dVN 31lS d--?J-C� )-ON .O -d•.sn 109 «m -a• «ai cos O J-c �?-V 110., NOUVA212 d 31-.X ~V Z� P U-;Pac� j o/v . 0-,I -.9n 'mss iib5o IlVA N1150TV94 0 R E O-Nlc* 1- 0/Y �. D. I lVA N 1 I b H .m-d•.Iwl X09 ,,b'ii NOUVABIB NOIIIWVH "J-Otlov 'CIO isDit NOlVVA OH LMVH ltvil I VA H 'v`H I // 0-J ".8 /1 '7s O—IIVA Wb` v V*TAP,-;? U'9ir -p .m -,i•s� Boa ,v, Noilvn Nos wrr -a 9 *-od 2 E \IE 7= f-foor. t u C) AGftw.MEAr " 6%ec Si alks and Trails This ne borhoo e atively self - contained and, as such, the trails shall remain private. Sidewalk Connemara Trail and Street A will be constructed in the right -of -way and bec e city sidew 'Glendalough (Traditional Neighborhood) This neighborhood is intended to recapture early 20th century housing and neighborhood character. Houses will be custom built with porches oriented 'to the streets and an intimate setback in the front yard. Garages will be de- emphasized with rear or side yard placement and doors oriented at a perpendicular to the street wherever possible. Housing styles shall be consistent with drawings labeled "Traditional Homes of Evermoor" attached hereto as Exhibits 41, 42, 43 and 44 and made a part hereof. Garages will be recessed a minimum of four feet from the front elevation of the principal structure, or set at a perpendicular to the street. Total Lots Front, Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width, Depth & Area (avg.) 257 15', 25'* 5' (T0' total) 10' 75' 120' -168' . 12.,000 sq. ft. * Measured from back of curb on private street Parks & Open Space All of the open space associated with Glendalough shall be privately owned and maintained by the homeowner association because it functions primarily as buffer for the neighborhood. Outlots JJ, KK, LL and NN are "vest pocket parks" which serve as the collective front yards for the neighborhoods. These shall also be private. While there are no protected wetlands in this neighborhood, easements for the storm water ponding areas shall be deeded to the City. Sidewalks and Trails The trail which traverses Outlot 00 and ultimately connects Street A to Dodd Blvd. shall be located in a 12' ft. wide trail easement. Ro dstone (Coach Townhomes) This toINhouse neighborhood will have the highest density o development excluding the future senfNbousing. Thirteen buildings will be row ,soy , and five buildings will be double loaded. Housin tyles shall be consistent Evermoor" attache eto as Exhibit 4 to driveways or common king es. labeled "Coach Townhomes of made a part hereof. All parking shall.be restricted Total Units nt Yard cks Average Lot/Unit Area 118 18' (21' from curb) 3,340 sq. ft. Parks en Space of the open space associated with this neighborhood wi treated like a typical townhouse Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 8 3 TRADITIONAL HOMES nF FVFR tx/tnnn REAR ELEVATION U4' a t.,,n. .wputtt�npbr, rtndtrin6r, and product dtai6na art mnceptuil only and ire not rtlatiet to buildtnelmion or aprdic beme atykccatnclar Pmptny DtrAoptra Company ""Is thr right to mike nfintmenu. EXHIBIT 43 4" m