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Zoning Text Amendment Recreational Vehicle Storage and Parking Surfaceayj 10 96eJoIs 91is 30J 6u16ueaJe }noyllnn A�j alayj ul 6UI19ALJI ellgnn luaplsaa a Jisln of Isen6 unnol jo Ino ue aol nnolle }ou seop aoueulpao juenno ayl 'eaae 96eaols ayl :poddns of sjjenn 6uiuielei jo uoilonalsuoo ay} 6uile}issaoau sapea6 6uilsixe jo asneoaq aAisuedxe si ao `sseooe ewosiegwno `seoejjns 6unlaed jol s}uawaalnbei �pegjas jo asneoaq elgellene }ou sl 96eao }s paeA aeei pue apls o; ssaooe `ua}}O '6ulpeolun ao 6ulpeol jo} 96eaols Aaejodwal inoy inol AlueN aol }deoxe `aoueulpao lueseid aylaapun pannolle sl seWe AeMGAlap ul 96eJOIs M ou uoijenps siyl ul 'aouaplsaa ayj 10 eaae paeA Juoaj 941 ul AennaAlap aqj yj1M s96web pa40e}4e 10 aouaIenaad aqj paennol Alleollseip pa6ueyo seq }unowaso�j ui ubisep bulsnoy ui puaal ayl 'aoueulpao luaj.mo eqj japun `buioejans pue Noegjas aadoid yl1M spjeA jeei ao apls ui jo `einjonals ledloupd eqj jo auil luoal eqj puigeq `ease Aennanlip ayl ul pannolle sl M ezls �ue }o e6eaois alolyaA leuoileaioa�j - A:pedoad eql jo paeAaeaj ayl ul e6eie6 a y }inn 6uisnoy alAis aalgwei jo Ideouoo ayl ulpeseq sl aoueulpio juaaano eqj jo Aydosollgd ayl - fqio eqi jo suezillo eqj of uaaouoo jo anssl buiobuo ue uaaq seq Rpedoid lel}ueplsai uo abeJols M aNnomomove - 96eaols eplslno jo joedwl ay} uaoaj siaunno Apedoid lueoefpe 6ulloaload 111 }s allynn `96eJoIs M JPJ sluapisaa 1 spaau eqj emas ja:4 ll!M leyl aoueulpao 96eJoIs alolyaA uol}ea.ioaa nnau a aleaao o} apoO Apo pue aoueulpao 6uluoZ eqj puawe of sl uoljeolidde ayl 3f1SSl :N011aV 'aoueulpao 6 UIUOZ 9y I10 0:6'x, u01139s buileadaa eoueuipio ue _ }dope of uol;oW pue 'a6eJOIS alolyaA leuoWaaoa�l 016ullel9J 9'9 pue `9'9 `9'g `t'9 `£'9`Z'9 `�'9 `Z'£ su01139s aoueulpao 6uluoz ag} 6ulpuawe eoueuipao u 1dope of uoi;o :N011aV a3aN3WW033N 1,0-ZZ -9 salnup Od ` (apoO Apo) juawpuau.wy eoejjnS 6uNe pue �A9 a3A021ddb� Juawpuawy 96eJOIS MJ `sIuauapuawy aoueulpao 6uluoZ `eoueulpJO }}eJp :S1.N3WHad111f 6 39b� lelol}}O Iuauaaoao�.u3 apoO ueijg,o ellaey0 :AS a3NVd3Nd sluawajln ail eoejanS bUNJed sseuwsn8 pue abeJOIS alolyaA leuolIeaaoa�l nnaN �NOIla3S HaN3Jb� of bullelai juawpu' qwv �xal 6uluoz :W311 vaN30V i3O0Z `OZ AInf N011a`d NOJ AuvwwnS 3AIin33X3 lNnOW3SON :10 Alla :91eQ 6wlaalN llounoo AllO r z uol}eaaoa�l }o 96eaols pue buiM ied paleaao Almau eqj Aq peoeldaa eq of aoueulpao 6uluoZ 9 q}1 0 0:6•t uol}oas `aoueulpao 96eaols A2j juaiino eqj jo leadoi eqj spuawwooaa Mels - apoo Alp eqj jo g aaldego ui paleool Ile aae se6uego Aaoleln6aa anl}uelsgns aql `aoueulpao :}eap ay} uo aneq Aew uoisslwwo0 aqj s}uawwoo Aue awoolem pinom }}els alight •Iuaaano apoo aqj 6uuq o} aoueulpao 6uluoz aqj w papeau aae suoljeoljIpow `s9131g9n uoljeaaoaa saouaaajaa aoueulpao 6uluoz eqj esneoeq `aanannoH •aoueulpao 6uluoZ eqj aol }daoxe `apoo Allo ay} aol Aiglsuodsaa aney IOU saop uoisslwwo0 6 luueld aql 'apoo Allo aqj ulgl!m pajeool aq II!M aoueulpao eqj of sebuego ulew eql •Ajlo aqj ul aouaplsaa a 6ulIlsln aae OLIM s,n�J azlsaano 10 96eaoIs ease Aennanljp aol sipied Aaeaodwal aol Smolly g •sanoq 1019-401 a01 s,n�I Ile a01 seaae Aennanlap Ul 6u1peoi pue 96eJoIs Aaeaodwal smolly •�, •salolgan uoljeaaoaa azisaano 10 abeaols Aq pasneo joedwl iensln eqj oonpaa of 6uluaaaos saalnbei pue seaae ulepao 01 salolgan uoljewoaa azisaano 10 obeaoIs aqj 6ulllwll Aq serpecload lueoefpe of joedwl eqj saonpa�j g - ueq 6uhlaed- laaals Ieuoseas aqj 01 pa )Iull `salolgan uolleaaoaa jo esn pue a6eaols elgeuoseaa snnolIv •Z apoo Arlo pue aoueulpao 6uluoz eqj ueemlaq sjolljuoo ao sanssl 6uldeeWsnoq ssaappy • l, :sjuawpuawe pasodoad aql •A4lunwwoo eql jo spaau pue `alA}salll 6ul6uego `u6lsep 6ulsnoq 6ulnlona Aq paleaao saipboul 6uiwees aqj ssaappe of sluewpuewe pasodoad palldwoo pue suollolpslanf aagjo woaj saoueulpao snolaen payoaeasaa gels sluawpuawe aaedaad of ge }s palowip pue sseooad nnalnaJ aoueulpao Iewaou eqj jo lied se aoueulpao slgl 10 nnalnaa e palsonbaa Ilounoo Suazll!o woaJ panlaoaa ueaq seg 96eaols A2J 6ulpae6aa Indul panulluoo Abdwwns •sa6uego aoueulpao egjto:aoddns ul uollow I,-t a pa }dope saauoisslwwoo aql. `}Insaa a sy •abeaols Aennanlap peseaaoul aol eouemolle mou eqj of uolloefgo ue }o asneoeq Allaewlad `:aoddns ul IOU seen aauolsslwwoo auo `aanannoH •apoo A110 01 6uluoz woad. Mqs eql poolsaapun saauolsslwwoo eql • aoueulpao 6uluoz aqj of sa6uego aoueulpao eqj jo _ s}oa _4a 941 nnalnaa of 6ulaeaq oilgnd a palonpuoo uolsslwwoo 6uluueld aqj `tppZ `ZZ eunp uo JNIMV3H onend NOISSIwwOO JNINNVId A�aadoad Ieanllnola6e pue `lellueplsaa lean `lelluaplsaa aol spaepue }s luaaa}}lp sazlu6o3aa :}eap eql •96ejols alolgaA uolleaaoaa Aq paleaao saipecload lueoefpe ol. joedwi pue saouelswnoalo 6u1Aaen eqj aoj Aem Aue ul a}eiluaaag p IOU saop aoueulpao juaaano eql `uolllppe ul - Alp ano ul saipadoad jo Allaoulw 941 `Aennanlip apls 6ulwaoluoo a ql!m A:padoad a uo seplsaa oqm juepisaa a 6uJlsln aae Aegl ssolun 'n�j E - pegoe:.e osle aie aoueuipio 6uiuoz pue epoo Alp eqj uaanqaq 6uidaeNesnoq lej9ue6 aol aoueuipio 6uiuoZ eqj of sluewpuawe Aiesseoeu a41 :9 uoil0as p9jeaa0 Almou eqj of waojuoo of pepuawe aq osle Isnw (1) : Z -Z -9 uoilaag - 6uiNied pue 96eaols n�j of alelaa A9qj se Alunu.wwoo eqj pue suezilp jo spaau eqj anus {inn :g -Z -g uoi}oas paleaao Almou eqi - apoo Alp eqj jo g all!.L ui paJanoo se s9101y9n 10 6uiNied pue 96eaols ay} se awes ay} anssi 96eaols a Inq anssi asn puel a jou si 96eaols nb jeyj Agdosol!gd eqj uo peseq aie sluewpuawe pasodoid ayl Woo 40 ui :S - - u01109s `aoueuipap saIoiyan CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE STORAGE AND PARKING OF RECREATION VEHICLES WITHIN THE CITY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 4:9:C of the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is repealed in its entirety. Section 2. Section 8 -2 -1 of the Rosemount City Code is amended as follows: RECREATION VEHICLE: An_y vehicle which; meets the criteria for "recreation" class registration and license plate, DNR registration, or trailer registration used for conveyance of recreation vehicles as established by the Minnesota department of public safety, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, or this ordinance, including but not limited to: travel trailers stock car trailers, campers, motor homes, tent trailers, vehicles converted to motor homes boat trailers, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailers, boats personal watercraft all - terrain vehicles and all terrain vehicle trailers OVERSIZED RECREATION VEHICLE: A recreation vehicle twenty -three feet (23) or more in length or 6,500 pounds or more in empty weight Section 3. The Rosemount City Code is amended by adding the following new Section 8 -2 -5: 8 -2 -5 PARKING AND STORAGE OF RECREATION VEHICLES A. Permitted Districts: Outdoor storage of recreation vehicles is permitted in the RL, R -1, R -lA, R -2, and R -3 Residential Districts, Agricultural, Agricultural Preserve, and Rural Residential Zoning Districts, subject to the requirements of this Section. B. Conditions on Permitted Storage and Parking: The following conditions apply in all districts in which outdoor storage of recreation vehicles is permitted. 1. Only recreation vehicles owned by an individual residing at the premises may be stored outdoors on the premises. 2. Recreation vehicles must be parked in compliance with applicable setbacks as defined in the City of Rosemount Zoning Regulations. 1 - 3. Recreation vehicles must be parked in compliance with the intersection sight triangle visibility requirements under Section 7:2 :C (5) of the City of Rosemount Zoning Regulations. 4. Recreation vehicles must be parked on a parking surface in compliance with Section 8 -2 -2 (1). C. Prohibitions on Storage and Parking: The following prohibitions apply to all districts in which outdoor storage of recreation vehicles is permitted. 1. Recreation vehicles may not be stored or parked: a. On public property, including the public right -of -way and boulevard; b. On any portion of a front yard, except as follows: i. Boats, personal watercraft, all - terrain vehicles, and the trailers used to convey them, campers, and other recreation vehicles less then twenty -three (23) feet in length and less than 6,500 pounds (empty weight) may be stored from April 1 to November 1 in a front -yard driveway; ii. Snowmobiles and the trailers used to convey them may be stored from November 1 to April 1 in a front -yard driveway; iii. in a front -yard driveway for temporary loading, not to exceed forty -eight (48 hours); or iv. as allowed by a temporary storage permit. C. In such a manner as to block public sidewalks or paths; 2. ' Recreation vehicles may not be used as a temporary residence, shop, or office, except as follows: a. recreation vehicles may be used by police, fire, EMS, public works or other similar agencies requested by the city to provide emergency assistance; b. recreation vehicles may be used on a construction job site, or used as temporary offices for development, real estate, or sales shops as authorized by the building and planning departments; and C. recreation vehicles may be used for services such as a bloodmobile, bookmobile, or clinic, lab, or other public services as authorized by the community development department. _vOe 2 D. Conditions for Storage on Residential Property: 1. The following conditions apply to outdoor storage of recreation vehicles in the RL, R -1, R-1 A, R -2, and R -3 Residential Districts: a. Two (2) recreation vehicles may be stored at any time, only one of which may be an oversized recreation vehicle. b. One (1) additional oversized guest recreation vehicle may be stored in compliance with a temporary storage permit issued under Section 8 -2 -5 (F): C. Recreation vehicles parked in a front -yard driveway must be parked at least fifteen (15) feet from the curb line. 2. In addition to the requirements in paragraph (1) above, the requirements in Section 6.8 (D)(5) of the City of Rosemount Zoning Regulations apply to storage of recreation vehicles in R -3 Residential Districts. E. Conditions for Storage on Rural Residential and Agricultural Property: The following conditions apply to storage of recreation vehicles in Rural Residential and the Agricultural and Agricultural Preserve Districts. 1. Three (3) recreation vehicles may be stored outdoors at any time, only one of which may be an oversized recreation vehicle. 2. Boats, personal watercraft, all- terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, and the trailers used to convey them, campers, and other recreation vehicles may be stored in a front -yard driveway and are not subject to the time limitations in Section 8- 2- 5(C)(1)(b) (i)-(ii). 3. Oversized recreation vehicles may be stored in a front -yard driveway for temporary loading, not to exceed forty -eight (48) hours. F. Permits for Temporary Storage of Oversized Recreation Vehicles: Storage of oversized recreation vehicles in a front -yard driveway area in the RL, R -1, R -1A, R -2, and R -3 Residential Districts is permitted only pursuant to a temporary storage permit issued by the City. The following criteria apply to temporary storage permits: 1. An applicant must meet all of the permit requirements and pay the required fee. 2. The permit will allow the temporary storage of one (1) oversized recreation vehicle for a period of ten (10) days. 3 No more than four (4) permits will be issued for any property in one calendar year. 4. At least fourteen (14) days must elapse after the expiration date of a permit before another permit will be issued. -voe 3 5. The permit must be displayed on the vehicle at all times and must be visible from the street. 6. A permit is not required for temporary storage of oversized recreation vehicles in the Agricultural, Agricultural Preserve and Rural Residential Districts. 7. A permit is not required for outdoor storage of oversized recreation vehicles in side or rear yards. G. Screening Requirements: 1. Side and rear -yard outdoor storage of oversized recreation vehicles in the RL, R -1, R -IA, and R-2 Residential Districts is subject to the following screening requirements. a. An oversized recreational vehicle must be screened from view of any immediately adjacent neighbor, street, common green space, ponding area, and public park using plant materials. b. Plant materials used to screen the vehicle must be eighty- five percent (85 %) of the height of the vehicle at the time of planting and must completely screen the vehicle from view when they reach maturity; C. A fence with a gate may be used only to provide ingress and egress to the storage area, not as a means of providing screening of the vehicle. The gate must be at least six (6) feet in height; must provide eighty -five percent (85 %) opacity; and must be constructed in compliance with all applicable zoning and building code requirements; d. Plant materials and gates must be maintained as follows: i. Plantings that die must be immediately replaced and must comply with the requirements for original plantings; ii. Original plantings that fail to completely screen the vehicle within three years must be replaced; and iii. A gate must be maintained at the 85% opacity level and in compliance with all applicable zoning and building codes requirements. -vOe 4 2. Oversized recreation vehicles stored outdoors in Agricultural, Agricultural Preserve or Rural Residential Districts must meet the screening requirements in Section 8- 2- 5(G)(1) if the storage area is within 300 feet of another residence, road, or any lake, pond, or river with authorized public access. , 3. The screening requirements in Section 6.8 (D)(5) must be met for storage of recreation vehicles in R -3 Residential Districts. 4.. The planning, building, and engineering departments of the City must review and approve all site plans for oversize recreation vehicle storage areas. Section 4. Section 8- 2 -2(I) of the Rosemount City Code is amended as follows: 1. Parking Surface: All parking in RL Rl RlA R2 R3 Cl C2 C3 C4 IG, PUD and BP districts in areas served by sanitary sewer or where a planned unit development agreement requires approved surfaces must be on one of the following surfaces: a. Concrete; b. Bituminous; or C. Brick pavers, 2. In addition to the parking surfaces in paragraph 1 (a) (c) above, recreation vehicles may be parked on a decorative rock surface meeting the following requirements: — Exeeptien. TerF-V par4dag eal, - side yafds- where CYlJCrI�+'TVe CVLLell r e b e met; a. is The D decorative rock material is minimum class V (5), and is to a minimum depth of four (4 ") inches with a commercial grade weed preventative mesh underlayment; b. ii}: Edging must be installed to prevent the rock from spreading from the designated parking area; c. iv-. The parking area must be at least equal in size to the R-V recreation vehicle being stored er-ia4; and d. y: The D decorative rock and the required weed preventative mesh underlayment allewed or — F- NIs must be continuously maintained to prevent weed growth and deterioration. 3. All properties with existing rock class five) parking surfaces not in compliance with the requirements of subsection 8 -2 -2: (I), (1 ) and (2 ) must be brought into compliance within one (1) year of the effective date of this ordinance -vOe 5 Section 5. Penalties: Any persons) who shall violate the terms or provisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction; a violation shall be punishable by a fine or imprisonment, or both, as stipulated by Minnesota State Statutes Section 6. Conflict of Chanter: In any case where a provision of this Chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of any other ordinance or code of the City existing on the effective date of this Chapter which establishes a lower standard than the provisions of this Chapter, then the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed to prevail. The determination of the applicability of this Chapter, in light of the above rules of interpretation, shall be made by the City and its determination shall be final Section 7. This ordinance will become effective from and after its date of publication. Adopted this day of , 2004. William Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published this day of , 2004 in the Rosemount Town Pages. Adopted this day of 9 2004. William Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published this day of , 2004 in the Rosemount Town Pages. e -voe 7 c CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE PARKING AND STORAGE OF RECREATION VEHICLES WITHIN THE CITY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following definition in Section 3.2 of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations is amended as follows: RECREATION VEHICLE: Anny vehicle which; meets the criteria for "recreation" class registration and .license plate, DNR registration, or trailer registration used for conveyance of recreation vehicles as established by the Minnesota department of public safety, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, or this ordinance, including but not limited to: travel trailers, stock car trailers, campers, motor homes, tent trailers, vehicles converted to motor homes boat trailers snowmobiles snowmobile trailers boats personal watercraft, all - terrain vehicles, and all terrain vehicle trailers. Section 2. The following definition is added to Section 3.2 of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations: OVERSIZED RECREATION VEHICLE: A recreation vehicle twenty -three feet (23) or more in length or 6,500 pounds or more in empty weight Section 3. Section 6.1 (C)(6) of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations is amended as follows: 6. Recreational Vehicle Storage, subject to Section 4.9 o f this Or-di anee 8 -2 -5 of the Rosemount City Code. Section 4. Section 6.2 (C)(6) of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations is amended as follows: 6. Recreational Vehicle Storage, subject to Section 4.9 e f this OF-din ne 8 -2 -5 of the Rosemount City Code. Section 5. Section 6.3 (C)(5) of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations is amended as follows: 5. Recreational Vehicle Storage, subject to Section ^ . n of t his O . nee. 8 -2 -5 of the Rosemount City Code. Section 6. Section 6.4 (C)(5) of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations is amended as follows: 5. Recreational Vehicle Storage, subject to Section 4.9 ^fthis ^rai 8 -2 -5 of the Rosemount Cily Code. Section 7. Section 6.5 (C) (6) of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations is amended as follows: 6. Recreational Vehicle Storage, subject to Section 4 e f th s Ofdi 8 -2 -5 of the Rosemount City Code. Section 8. Section 6.6 (C) (5) of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations is amended as follows: 5. Recreational Vehicle Storage, subject to Section 4.9 of this 0fdi .Mee. 8 -2 -5 of the Rosemount Cites Section 9. Section 6.8 (D) (5) of the Rosemount Zoning Regulations is amended as follows: 5. Recreational Vehicle Storage accessory to the multiple - family development, provided all storage shall be within a building or a central storage area, or be subject to the following requirements: a. Outdoor storage shall not be within a required yard; b. If not stored within a building, the storage area shall be screened from view &em all publie stfeets and 'W' Distfiets by a six (6) feet high wall, all seaseas ef the . as required by Section 8 -2 -5 (G) - (1) of the Rosemount City Code. C. Temporar serge of oversize recreation vehicles is allowed pursuant to a permit under Section 8 -2 -5 (F) of the Rosemount City Code. 2 Section 10. This ordinance will become effective from and after its date of publication. Adopted this day of , 2004. William Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk 3 Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of June 22, 2004 6C. CASE 04 -42 -TA RV Ordinance Text Amendment City Planner Pearson apprised the Commission regarding the regulation of recreational vehicles which are currently regulated in the Zoning Ordinance. The current ordinance requires a hard surface of crushed rock and a five foot side yard setback. The current ordinance does not allow the parking of RV's in the front yards or driveways and there no specificity as to the number or size of RV's. The proposed change in the ordinance would shift the focus of enforcement out of the Zoning Ordinance and into the City Code. This Ordinance would clean up the language, allow for parking of RV's in driveways, make provisions for visitor parking with RV's, provide for clearer regulations and police " enforcement. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. MOTION by Powell to close the Public Hearing. Second by Humphrey. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Messner to recommend approval of the text amendment by the repealing section 4.9:C of the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Text Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance sections 3.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, and 6.8 relating to Recreational Vehicle Storage. Second by Humphrey. Ayes: Messner, Humphrey, Powell, and Schultz. Nays: Zurn. Motion carried.