HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Employee Assistance ProgramCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: September 7, 2004 ISSUE In an effort to expand upon employee wellness activities, the Human Resources Division would like to utilize the employee assistance services of T.E.A.M., Inc. (Total Employee Assistance Management) to develop a program to meet a full range of employee needs. BACKGROUND When it comes to employee wellness, the City of Rosemount is shifting toward an approach that is much more preventative and proactive. We have taken the position that life is a lot more manageable if the problems within it are identified and dealt with at an early stage. It is established that when employees are happy and healthy, their performance and productivity improve. With this in mind, the Human Resources Division is .developing an employee wellness program that is all encompassing. Employee Wellness Aspect One Providing proactive support to get and keep the City's employees healthy. • Human Resources newsletter, Work @Rosemount • BluePrint for Health by Blue Cross Blue Shield (Disease Intervention), High Risk Intervention • Health Assessments • Health Clinics (i.e. flu shot, hearing /vision, bone density) • Consumer Education and Self Care • Employee Assistance Program Employee Wellness Aspect Two Adding emotional and caregiving support to help keep our employees productive. AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Employee Assistance Program Consent PREPARED BY: Dawn Weitzel AGENP vi 6 Assistant City Administrator ATTACHMENTS: Request for Proposal, Employee APPROVED BY: Assistance Services, T.E.A.M. J*A� RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve the City's Use of a Consultant for Employee Assistance Program Needs. ACTION: ISSUE In an effort to expand upon employee wellness activities, the Human Resources Division would like to utilize the employee assistance services of T.E.A.M., Inc. (Total Employee Assistance Management) to develop a program to meet a full range of employee needs. BACKGROUND When it comes to employee wellness, the City of Rosemount is shifting toward an approach that is much more preventative and proactive. We have taken the position that life is a lot more manageable if the problems within it are identified and dealt with at an early stage. It is established that when employees are happy and healthy, their performance and productivity improve. With this in mind, the Human Resources Division is .developing an employee wellness program that is all encompassing. Employee Wellness Aspect One Providing proactive support to get and keep the City's employees healthy. • Human Resources newsletter, Work @Rosemount • BluePrint for Health by Blue Cross Blue Shield (Disease Intervention), High Risk Intervention • Health Assessments • Health Clinics (i.e. flu shot, hearing /vision, bone density) • Consumer Education and Self Care • Employee Assistance Program Employee Wellness Aspect Two Adding emotional and caregiving support to help keep our employees productive. Employees are supported, encouraged and given the right tools to proactively meet the challenges of child and elder care, adoption, college, and other day to day living concerns. • DARTS Program(s) • Employee Assistance Program Employee Wellness Aspect Three Providing specialized, personal care combined with on -site training and workshops to strengthen employees, the City of Rosemount and ultimately the community. • In -house Training Opportunities • Employee Assistance Program When left unresolved, personal problems can have significant consequences for both employees and employers. Sometimes, people can handle their problems on their own. However, in many instances, people need outside assistance. That is where an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is most helpful. An effective Employee Assistance Program can serve the interest of both the employee and employee. By providing a compassionate, professional resource for assessment, referral and brief counseling, the EAP creates a healthy difference in people's lives and will help us to operate departments at peak efficiency. Keeping these aspects in mind, requests for proposal were solicited from various EAP providers. We received information from Blue Cross Blue Shield, Ceridian, Midwest and T.E.A.M. In addition, a survey was completed of surrounding cities and the providers that they utilize. After careful analysis, it has been determined that T.E.A.M., Inc. most closely matches the needs of our employee population. T.E.A.M. offers (highlighted items are not available with most other programs): 1 -3 face to face Emotional /mental Dedicated Confidential Cost: $1,800 sessions per health, supervisory representatives utilization person per coaching, chemical reports (Charges issue dependency available ranged from evaluation, drug - `k regularly $1,000- Unlimited free workplace $3,134) telephonic training, referrals — sessions child care and No ISM eldercare, Website legal and financial, education, translation services. Although funding for an EAP was not listed as a budgeted expense for 2004, Council indicated at a meeting earlier this year that they would be willing to consider additional employee training expenses. Staff is requesting that Council approve these consultant expenditures so that the City may further expand employee training opportunities (including workshops specific to supervisors) and the wellness program as a whole. SUMMARY Staff would like Council's approval to hire T.E.A.M., Inca to develop an Employee Assistance Program for the City of Rosemount. REO UEST FOR PROPOSAL EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SER VICES CHILD /ELDER CARE REFERRAL SERVICES Submitted to THE CITY OF R OSEMO UNT Presented by: Dr. Steven Gordon, Ed.D., R.N., L.A.D.C., Executive Director Marna S. Reed, M.A., L.P., Director of Marketing (651) 642 -0182 For T.E.A.M., Inca Total Employee Assistance Management "Delivering EAP Solutions" 1 INDEX TO PROPOSAL LETTER OF INTRODUCTION PAGE 3 CORPORATE SERVICES OFFERED PAGE 4 SCOPE OF SERVICES OFFERED PAGES 5 -16 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PAGE 5 SPECIFIC ASSISTANCE PAGES 6 -7 COURSE OF ASSISTANCE PAGE 7 COORDINATION OF BENEFITS PAGE 7 -8 FOLLOW UP PAGE 8 REPORTS PAGE 8 PROMOTIONAL MATERIELS PAGE 8 DIRECT SERVICING OF EMPLOYEES PAGE 8 TRAINING SESSIONS/WORKSHOPS PAGE 9 -10 MEDIATION PAGE 10 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PAGE 10 MONTHLY ARTICLES PAGE 11 ANNUAL PLANNING AND REVIEW PAGE 11 POLICY CONSULTATION PAGE 11 SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PAGE 11 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY PAGE 11 PROCESSING & REPLYING TO EMPLOYEE EINQUIRIES PAGES 11 -13 LOCATONS AND HOURS OF SERVICE PAGE 13 -14 FEES & TERMS OF PROPOSED CONTRACT PAGE 14 PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES PAGES 15 0 The purpose of this letter is to give you a brief overview of Total Employee Assistance Management, Inc. (T.E.A.M., Inc.) Our primary address is: 700 Transfer Road St. Paul, MN 55114 (651) 642 -0182 (phone) (651) 642 -1809 (fax) www.team- mn.com The individual coordinating services for the City of Rosemount is Marna Reed, MA., LP, Director of Marketing for T.E.A.M., Inc. She is available to answer any questions you might have, either of a technical nature or related to pricing or specific services included in this proposal. She and Dr. Steven Gordon, Vice President of T.E.A.M., Inc. are both available to you to address any issue that might arise at the above indicated telephone number. Additionally, Marisa's email address is: mama _,team - mn.com Total Employee Assistance Management, Inc. (T.E.A.M., Inc.) was incorporated in 1987 and has been offering a wide variety of services since that time. John Sanchelli, President and Dr. Steve Gordon, Executive Vice President, act as primary officers of the company. In the past 16 years, T.E.A.M., Inc. has grown from one account to over 100, now providing services for a wide range of cities, police departments, companies, organizations, and unions. The focus of our organization has been to provide face -to -face, individualized services to union members, organizational employees and their families. Currently, T.E.A.M., Inc. provides services to approximately 211,000 members, employees and their dependents. We also provide Utilization Review and managed care services for several of our accounts. T.E.A.M., Inc. has made no acquisitions nor entered into any mergers since its inception, and has no intention of doing so at this time. We have 4 satellite offices in Maplewood, Brooklyn Park, Hastings and Duluth to better serve our clients. Additionally, we have developed a network of subcontractors in the seven county metropolitan area and nationally. These subcontractors, while not employees of T.E.A.M., Inc., act on our behalf, utilize our systems, and are supervised in EAP services by our Director. The individuals who will be in direct service to the City of Rosemount will be Ms. Marna Reed, Licensed Psychologist and director of Marketing for T.E.A.M., Inc., Dr. Steven Gordon, Executive Vice President, and Mr. Charles Felling, MA, who will coordinate all orientations and future trainings. Additional officers of T.E.A.M., Inc. include Mr. Christian Anderson, PsyD pending, Clinical Director, and Mr. John Sanchelli, owner, and President of T.E.A.M., Inc. All resumes, including all remaining clinical staff, follow. Services Offered by TEAM, Inc. ♦ Initial needs analysis and tailored program ♦ Face -to -face solution- focused counseling available for all clinical issues. Number of sessions guaranteed at 1 -3 sessions per issue, not per year. 24 hour, toll -free access to crisis counselors; all at the least, Masters Level Therapists ♦ In -depth knowledge and experience with a wide variety of providers, as well as an established relationship with local HMOs to best coordinate benefits to our clients ♦ Clinical case management available ♦ Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, as needed ♦ Access to multicultural, multilingual counselors, as needed Employee orientation, including all shifts, to EAP services ♦ Specialized supervisory orientation and ongoing consultation, as needed ♦ Conflict resolution consultation, as needed ♦ Communication support material, i.e. posters, newsletter, magnets, articles for your newsletters as desired ♦ Multiple accessible office sites ♦ "24 hour" wallet cards ♦ Chemical dependency evaluations and recommendations ♦ Reports on EAP activity and utilization ♦ Refresher training and orientation as needed ♦ Working with labor- related issues ♦ Drug free workplace training and policy development ♦ Childcare services for all accounts, including sick day care ♦ Eldercare for all accounts ♦ Legal and financial referrals ♦ Availability to promote EAP for Benefit Fairs ♦ Additional workshops as requested ♦ Ongoing follow -up and support 4 SCOPE OF REQUIRED SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: The first thing we would like to do as we work with the City is to meet with your Human Resources Department in order to develop the policies and procedures relating to the operation of your EAR We suggest that within the initial month (or even the month prior to the start date of our contract) orientation meetings be scheduled to familiarize all staff and their families with their EAP, and to encourage the use of this service. Issues addressed at these orientation meetings generally include the following: examples of concerns that might initiate an EAP call, stressing the effectiveness of early intervention, confidentiality, some history of T.E.A.M., Inc. and why it has been selected to serve The City of Rosemount, who is eligible for this service, the cost of using this service ($0), how possible referral situations outside of T.E.A.M., Inc. will work, what specific services are offered, the locations and business hours of our locations, how after -hours and emergent services are coordinated, the national availability of services, and access to hearing impaired, translated and disabled services. A crucial part of an EAP program is to enlist support from management and the supervisory staff. Without this support, your EAP is not usually as optimally effective. Therefore, T.E.A.M., Inc. would like to meet with your supervisory staff to provide the support, training and assistance needed to fully understand your EAR It is our intention to meet with these individuals during the initial month of your contract to provide training and to assess the supervisory /management needs of The City of Rosemount. A description of a typical supervisory orientation follows. Supervisory Training: The formal supervisory training typically lasts l % hour. Management referral protocol reviewed: ♦ How to use your EAP as a management tool ♦ Explanation of formal vs. informal referrals ♦ The role of the supervisor ♦ How to identify a troubled employee; recognizing performance issues and drug symptom identification ♦ The importance of defining performance expectations and documenting performance issues ♦ Giving constructive feedback- positive and negative ♦ Intervening in the workplace in a helpful and effective manner ♦ Referral of employees to T.E.A.M., Inc. while in the presence of a manager ♦ T.E.A.M., Inc. contact with supervisor regarding follow - through of employee with services ♦ Gaining informed consent from the employee, and routine contact with supervisor regarding ongoing issues ♦ If specific harassment issue is determined, work with Human Resources to identify and resolve the problem Information regarding ongoing management coaching as needed SUPERVISORY COAHING IS AVAILABLE 24 HOURS/DAY 5 SPECIFIC ASSISTANCE EAP services are offered to all employees and their immediate families always in a manner that preserves their privacy, in accordance with all new and more stringent HIPAA regulations. As such, all communication remains confidential, except as specifically waived in writing by the individual employee. The role of the counselor is to help identify, prioritize, and cope with the problems the individual is experiencing, and to help them become aware of options and resources available to begin working toward a solution. Issues customarily addressed in EAP settings include, but are not limited to: Emotional/Mental Health - depression, anger, suicide, grief/loss, anxiety, stress, ADHD, physical /sexual/emotional abuse, self - esteem, sexuality issues, crisis intervention, post- trauma debriefing. Marital/Family/Relationships- couple and family conflicts, divorce/separation, communication, parenting, domestic abuse, living with a chemical dependent person, adult children of alcoholics. Addictions - alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, other drugs, eating, smoking, gambling, sex, spending, people, work, computers. Current Job- communication, relationships, job performance, attitude, stress, dissatisfaction. Legal- T.E.A.M., Inc. can help the client connect with an attorney and resources that help identify legal rights, assess whether legal services are needed, and answer legal questions. Financial- T.E.A.M., Inc. can assist the client to connect with resources with provide assistance with budgeting and/or credit concerns. Career/Education- T.E.A.M., Inc. can help identify concerns and provide resources_ for career /educational counseling. Child Care- T.E.A.M., Inc. can connect clients with assistance for child care, including sick child care services. These services are licensed through the State of Minnesota. Office hours for the child/elder care referral services are from 8am -6pm. After hours emergency support is also available through our after -hours counselors. All providers are licensed and in good standing in the county where they live, and information on providers is updated weekly. Support services for children include: Thorough listing of licensed homes Nanny information School age programs G Camps Sitter services Care for ill children Centers Preschools Guidance and information topics Some issues addressed: available openings, smoke -free environments, pets, learning programs, subsidized payments, accreditation, and special needs training or experience. Elder Care- T.E.A.M., Inc. can help individuals connect with resources that provide assistance with finding care for aging relatives. The Adult/Elder Care service provides you with nation -wide information, options, and resources. This database exceeds 100,000 service providers that promote independence and well being of adults. Each service is prescreened for profile information and updated annually. Services include: Adult day programs Personal care & nutrition services Chore & transportation services Community services Companion services Senior housing options Nursing homes & special care Support groups & respite care Home health care providers COURSE OF ASSISTANCE We have found at T.E.A.M., Inc. that nearly %z of the situations that present themselves are resolved within the EAP construct. For those individuals who do require additional services, we work closely with them to facilitate a smooth transition to providers within the parameters of their major medical benefits or to other community services. To serve merely as a clearinghouse for outside services is counter to the very mission of T.E.A.M., Inc. COORDINATION OF BENEFITS When referrals to external services are made, they are made based on the parameters of the City's major medical plan, access to services, specialty, proximity, and availability. The client is given at least two to three recommendations to contact. Once the client has confirmed an initial session with a clinician, a formal referral is made. In the case of a mental health referral, the counselor at T.E.A.M., Inc. contacts either the clinical director or office manager to VA determine an appropriate match on a specialty /needs basis. As with all external providers, an evaluation of services will be requested from the client. Information concerning referral resources is collected on the basis of specialties, credentials, proximity, and access to the City's major medical plan. Re- credentialing is done every two years, and includes the above information and any changes, as well as examination of the evaluation/satisfaction surveys completed by each client. These evaluations are completed both on the client's experiences of the external providers and of their experience each step of the way with T.E.A.M., Inc. FOLLOW UP All external referrals are followed up with evaluation of services from the employee, and all mandatory referrals are followed up (after obtaining a formal release of information) with regular reporting to appropriate management regarding compliance to recommended treatment. This is done to ensure that the client receives the help that they need, and to assist the City in making informed decisions regarding each employee. In accordance with confidentiality guidelines, no specific information regarding the employee is ever revealed. REPORTS T.E.A.M., Inc. will provide the City of Rosemount with regular utilization reports. The information contained in these reports includes no identifying information, but rather a summary of the issues presented, and the number of cases opened. PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS Samples of some of our promotional materials explaining the benefits of and encouraging the use of EAP are included. These materials are available to you on an ongoing basis, as requested. DIRECT SERVICING OF EMPLOYEES T.E.A.M., Inc. offers the City of Rosemount face -to -face solution- focused counseling available for all clinical issues. The number of sessions will be guaranteed for the 1 -3 sessions referred to in your RFP. It should be noted here that this means 1 -3 sessions per issue for each client, not per year. Thus, if a client has a second issue later in the year, this will become a new set of sessions for that client. 24 -hour coverage, provided by Masters Level therapists, is included in your contract. N TRAINING SESSIONS AND WORKSHOPS T.E.A.M., Inc. has a wide variety of specialized trainings and workshops available to the City of Rosemount. As previously indicated, we have a strong commitment to the orientation, education and coaching of your supervisory staff as a significant factor in the success of your EA program. Additionally we offer new employee orientations (all shifts and locations) on an ongoing basis, as needed. Current Seminars and Trainings Offered by T.E.A.M., Inc. T.E.A.M., Inc. offers a wide array of workshops and seminars at NO ADDITIONAL COST for in- person models, and a nominal fee for telephonic model. (Travel expenses are the responsibility of the employer.) The intention is two -fold: one to further educate employees; and two, to further remind everyone of our services. The following is a current listing of suggested topics. The seminars tend to be more work/life related, and typically last about an hour. The Trainings are geared more toward supervisory staff, and generally last about 1 % -2 hours. If you find the use for any different topic, please let us know, and we will do whatever we can to develop one for you. Seminars 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Dealing with Difficult People Enhancing Self - esteem Caring for an Aging Family Member Communication Skills Stress Management Parenting Skills/Parenting Teens Money Management/Budgeting Coping with Grief Blended Families Raising Drug -Free Children Addictions Depression and Anxiety Stages of Adolescent Development Later Life Planning Career and Life Planning Coping with Change 2 Trainings 1. Reasonable Suspicion 2. Violence in the Workplace 3. Defusing Anger before it Explodes 4. Respect and Diversity in the Workplace 5. Team Building 6. Conflict Resolution 7. Being an Effective Manager 8. Boundaries in the Workplace 9. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 10. Supervisory Training 11. Effective Communication Skills 12. T.E.A.M., Inc. Orientation CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS DEBRIEFING (CISD): CISD is a procedure that uses techniques to effectively manage stress resulting from traumatic events or critical incidents. Critical incidents can include natural disasters, the death of colleagues or clients, witnessing death or serious injury or risking serious injury to one's self. Techniques are utilized that target toward mitigating or resolving the psychological distress associated with a critical incident or traumatic event. This process also will assist survivors /witnesses in reducing the negative effects of the incident while people who are experiencing stress reactions to abnormal events. A T.E.A.M., Inc. professional can visit at your work site and assist your employees during these difficult times at your arrangement. Due to the extensive nature of CISD, there is a $100/hour fee for these services. Additionally, T.E.A.M., Inc. makes use of our website for ongoing information about access to services, and includes current articles pertaining to everyday stressors /issues. This site is updated and revised on a regular basis. MEDIATION T.E.A.M., Inc. offers mediation services between employees and their supervisor(s) whenever necessary or appropriate. ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT T.E.A.M., Inc. offers the City of Rosemount organizational development, assessment and planning as requested. [till MONTHLY ARTICLES T.E.A.M., Inc. offers articles pertaining to a wide variety of life issues that we can offer to the City of Rosemount on a monthly basis. These articles may pertain to identifying depression in yourself or a loved one, dealing with your teen, stress management, how to know when you have too much debt, and much, much more. ANNUAL PLANNING AND REVIEW T.E.A.M., Inc. is available for any and all meetings that the City of Rosemount requests, including annual planning and review any benefit fairs, or any other meeting requested by the City Administrator or their designee. POLICY CONSULTATION Policy consultation and development, of procedures and policies is included in our EAP package. SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROFESSIONAL T.E.A.M., Inc. coordinates SAP services with our EA program, and will work in conjunction with your drug testing program to ensure continuity of care for each client. COMMUNICATON STRATEGY At T.E.A.M., Inc., we prefer to educate employees about their EAP by providing in- person orientations. We will coordinate these training sessions with HR in order to most effectively meet with everyone with the least disturbance to your staffing. As previously indicated, there are two main types of orientations; managerial and non - managerial. During these orientations, magnets, wallet cards and brochures are given to everyone. Additionally we will provide you with posters for your lunchrooms, which serve to remind people about their EAP as well as various circumstances that might lead them to use this free service. T.E.A.M., Inc. also has a variety of mailers that we can offer up periodically, again to remind people about their EAP and encourage utilization. We are also available to chat with new employees on an ongoing basis, as requested. 11 PROCESSING AND REPLYING TO EMPLOYEE INQUIRIES Clients normally flow through T.E.A.M., Inc. in the following manner: During office hours, a receptionist first responds to a call. If the employee /member or family member wishes to make an appointment, the receptionist makes such an appointment. If, on the other hand, the individual desires to speak immediately with a clinician, or is calling from out -of -state and is requesting services, one of our "on- call" counselors responds to the call and attempts to assist the individual immediately. If the call is an emergency, an immediate appointment is made with the on -call counselor or another counselor on staff. T.E.A.M., Inc. currently staffs 8 full time and 3 part time clinicians. There are 2 on -call therapists available at all times, and a minimum of 9 clinicians on duty during regular business hours. Executive. Director, Dr. Steven Gordon supervises the staff. Dr. Gordon comes to us with a Doctorate of Education in Counseling, a license as an Alcohol and Drug Counselor, a Registered Nursing Degree, 24 years of experience as a clinician and administrator, and previous mental health managerial experience for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. After hours calls are taken by a staff of Masters Level Social Workers or Psychologists. When the client calls, even the initial contact is always made with a Masters Level clinician. All reports of contacts are directly faxed to T.E.A.M., Inc. and followed through the next business day. The average amount of time between the initial call and the first appointment is 24 -72 hours in non - emergent situations, and immediately in critical situations. Subsequent appointments are made based on the needs of the client; sometimes the same week, the next week or spaced with several weeks in between visits. Calls are taken immediately, 24 hours /day. Emergent clients will be seen within 24 -36 hours. The assessment process begins with a thorough intake interview. T.E.A.M., Inc. has developed its own assessment tools. Additionally, a policy and procedure manual addresses the issue of assessment and referral. T.E.A.M., Inc. utilizes criteria and protocols developed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan in our Managed Care role. Provisional diagnoses are made utilizing the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM -IV). Though no formal diagnosis is made, distinct clinical impressions are discussed with the client with the goal of discussing the presenting symptoms, treatment modalities available, and, if appropriate, referrals to external services. In extreme situations, and if warranted, the client will be personally escorted to hospital services. When referrals to external services are made, they are made based on the parameters of the City's major medical plan, access to services, specialty, proximity, and availability. The client is given at least two to three recommendations to contact. Once the client has confirmed an initial session with a clinician, a formal referral is made. In the case of a mental health referral, the counselor at T.E.A.M., Inc. contacts either the clinical director or office manager to 12 determine an appropriate match on a specialty /needs basis. As with all external providers, an evaluation of services will be requested from the client. Information concerning referral resources is collected on the basis of specialties, credentials, proximity, and access to the City's major medical plan. Re- credentialing is done every two years, and includes the above information and any changes, as well as examination of the evaluation/satisfaction surveys completed by each client. These evaluations are completed both on the client's experiences of the external providers and of their experience each step of the way with T.E.A.M., Inc. All external referrals are followed up with evaluation of services from the employee, and all mandatory referrals are followed up (after obtaining a formal release of information) with regular reporting to appropriate management regarding compliance to recommended treatment. This is done to ensure that the client receives the help that they need, and to assist the City in making informed decisions regarding each employee. In accordance with confidentiality guidelines, no specific information regarding the employee is ever revealed. T.E.A.M., Inc. will provide local services to The City of Rosemount with providers located in areas within 30 minutes or 30 miles of your facility. We always work directly with each client to ensure that the services provided are done so with clinicians in their local area with whom they are most comfortable developing a working relationship. Locations and Hours of Service Clinical & business Hours for the Main Office: St. Paul (651) 642 -0182 Duluth 700 Transfer Road St. Paul, MN 55114 Fax (651) 642 -1809 Monday 8:30am -5pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30am -9pm Friday 8:30am -4pm Clinical & Business Hours for Satellite Offices: Brooklyn Park (763) 493 -5418 Hastings 7601 Kentucky Avenue North #208 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am -5pm 13 k Maplewood (651) 779 -7096 2785 White Bear Avenue #102 Maplewood, MN 55109 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:30am -5pm 2pm -9pm 1pm -9pm Emergent calls are always taken immediately, 24 hours /day, Emergent clients will be seen on a same -day basis, during normal business hours. If an emergent call is taken after hours, the counselor will suggest that the client go to the Emergency Room at the nearest hospital, or if the client is unable to assist him or herself, the counselor will contact 911 and wait on the telephone until the police or ambulance arrives. In all cases, a report is faxed immediately to T.E.A.M., Inc. and we will follow up the following business morning. Therapists are also available nationwide for all accounts, in order to provide regular services to local offices or emergent services for traveling employees. FEES & TERM OF PROPOSED CONTRACT 1800 Fees for all services indicated will be $2 for all employees and their families for a 1 -3 in- person model, and $1000 /year for telephonic services. In the event that you decide to choose telephonic services, we offer you in- person services for $65/hour, with prior HR approval. We will guarantee this price to for a period of 2 or 3 years, which ever best suites the City of Rosemount. 14 PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES Jack Montague City of Brooklyn Park 5200 85 Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 (763) 493 -8012 Brenda Wendlandt Human Resources Coordinator City of Farmington 325 Oak Street Farmington, MN 55024 (651) 463 -1806 Laurie Elliot Personnel Department City of Shoreview 4600 North Victoria Street Shoreview, MN 55126 (651) 490 -4615 Mr. Tom Shroyer Lawyers Concerned For Lawyers 450 North Syndicate Street #117 St. Paul, MN 55104 Ms. Sue Mattson Assistant Superintendent, Instruction & Curriculum Grand Rapids School District #318 Grand Rapids, MN 218- 327 -5706 Mr. Matt Winkel Wilson McShane 2850 Metro Drive #404 Bloomington, MN 55425 (952) 854 -0795 Jeff Karlson Assistant City Manager City of Coon Rapids 11155 Robinson Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (763) 755 -2880 Walter Wysopal City Manager City of North St. Paul 2526 7' Avenue (651) 770 -4450 Mark Sather City of White Bear Lake 4701 Highway 61 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (651) 429 -8526 Captain Jan Pitman White Bear Lake Police Department (651) 429 -8552 Mr. Larry O'Brien Personnel Director Grand Rapids School District #218 Grand Rapids, MN (218) 327 -5708 Ms. Peggy Groebe Director of Administration Mesaba Aviation, Inc. 750126 Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55450 (612) 726 -5151 x121 15