HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Irish Sports Dome Conditional Use Permit# / I �i �p 11. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. 12. The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year for compliance, and annually thereafter unless modified by the Council, with the standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council. The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions, or revocation. Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section 12.7.E of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance. 13. The conditional use permit approval is conditioned upon approval of the lease agreement by the School District and the City SUMMARY Applicant: Eric Heflin of Irish Sports Dome, L. L. C. Location: West of the Community Center on I.S.D. 196 property Area in Acres: Approximately 4.5 acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Public & Institutional Current Zoning: Public Planning Comm. Action: Recommendation of Approval (5 -0) PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS During the course of the extended public hearing process, there were comparatively few comments received by the Commission and staff. The first hearing on October 14, 2003 was attended by an adjacent property owner who lives on 143` Street West who had questions about traffic, noise, hours of operation, lighting, and storm water runoff. The main concerns were about traffic and congestion. This person was not against the proposal, but was requesting additional information. All subsequent comments at any of the public hearings were made either by Mr. Manning of I.S.D. 196, or the applicants. This application has been delayed on several occasions for additional detail, revisions, and preparation of a traffic impact study. The result of the traffic study is that there are no immediate improvements required as a direct result of the addition of this use on the site. However, future improvements or strategies may be warranted around the year 2010 given the projected overall increase in traffic on Highway 3. The Traffic Impact Study has been attached. It would be expected that this project, as well as other development in the area, would assist in future financing for roadway improvements that may be needed. In addition, there remains the issue of the storm water pond on the National Guard Armory site and other issues or plan refinements to be resolved. BACKGROUND The application for a Conditional Use Permit request for the 450 ft. x 225 ft. dome on I.S.D. 196 property was made possible by a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment approved last summer. A private company, Irish Dome L.L.C., will construct the Dome. However; the company will give the school district access to the facility during the school year. The dome will be available for commercial use during evening hours and weekends. The school district also takes ownership of the dome in twenty years. SITE PLAN REVISION The site development plan includes parking lots along the east and north sides of the dome, with vehicular access both to the north (park) and east (Community Center). A grading plan also has been prepared which creates ponding on both the Schwarz Pond Park and the National Guard property, adjoining the Community Center building. 4 ACCESS & CIRCULATION The present proposal now has two vehicular access points. One access is in the southwest corner of the Community Center parking lot where it aligns with the southerly driveway to South Robert Trail The second is a connection to the parking lot in Schwarz Pond Park. Both driveways are wide enough for two -way traffic circulation; however, it is the city staff's understanding that the northern access is an exit only. Modifications need to be made to the northern access so it functions like a one -way street only. Site traffic has access to Dodd Road and ultimately, Connemara Trail through the park and South Robert Trail through the Community Center south lot. The Traffic Impact Study suggests three access alternatives: 1. Full access at STH 3, exit only at Dodd Road. 2. Full access at Dodd Road, no access at TH 3. 3. Full access at TH 3, no access at Dodd Road. A condition of approval requires access consistent with the first alternative of full access at TH 3, exit only at Dodd Road. This recommendation is consistent with the traffic study, which indicates that this option provides the best overall Level of Service now and in the future. PARKING The revised plan indicates 146 parking stalls adjacent to the dome in two lots. 100 spaces are shown east of the dome in two rows, and forty- six stalls are shown north of the dome in two rows. Previously, these parking areas had been labeled as "Proof of Parking ", meaning that they would not be immediately constructed. However, the current expectation is that they will be completed with the construction of the dome. The drawing also shows a parking lot striping plan for the Schwarz Pond Park lot. Four spaces will be given up for the entrance road connecting to the Sports Dome, but with the striping plan, 91total spaces in the lot are provided. While initially there had been some thought that overflow parking from the Dome could occur at the Park, the City's Parks and Recreation Commission does not support any Dome parking at the Park. The Commission recommends, and staff agrees, that the Dome should stand on its own and that enough parking should be provided on site for the expected use of the facility. Given that there are 146 spaces that will be created for the Dome, and due to the staggered start times of different programmed activities, staff believes there should be enough parking available for Dome patrons, without spilling into the Park or Community Center lots. Should additional parking be needed due to unanticipated use of the facilities, the applicant will be required to install more parking. This review would occur at the annual review of the conditional use permit listed as a recommended condition of approval. A condition of approval requires entering into a cross - access easement and maintenance agreement between the City and the Dome owner due to the access connection and construction that will occur from Schwartz Pond Park and through the Community Center. TRAFFIC & TRIP GENERATION The traffic study based its findings on events being staggered with start times separated by 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration. Under the operational plan, no fields can start or end at the same time. The resulting trip generation would be approximately 20 vehicles arriving every 45 minutes during the September to May schedule. In the summer, traffic volumes would be increased 5 -10 vehicles per hour because of the use of batting cages and other lessons. The assumed "worst- case" scenario would be 30 vehicles entering and 30 vehicles exiting at the same time. Compliance with the operational plan, including staggering start times is a condition of approval. 3 GRADING ISSUES The revised grading plan provides facilities to manage storm water run -off from the dome and the hard surface areas. However, the stormwater ponds are located either partially in the Park or on the National Guard portion of the Community Center property. The National Guard will have to grant permission or an easement for the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) pond to accept the increased storm water. The infiltration pond proposed is mostly in Schwarz Pond Park, which appears to be acceptable to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The City Engineer has made additional comments regarding the impact on the drainage pattern to the west and the existing catch basins that are west of the dome. Similar to other situations where private development wants to use public land to fulfill drainage requirements, a payment to the city for offsite regional ponding is required. DOME AND LIGHTING A color guide for the dome will be available for the Council at the meeting. There are 14 options with "Shell White" being the most popular. The Vendor suggests that "Desert Sand" is the most neutral and that the finish is flat, thus minimizing reflection of lighting glare. The material is also essentially opaque, in response to the anticipated "glow effect ". Site lighting information has been presented with fixtures shown on the perimeter of the parking lots and the east side of the driveways. Light sources will be required to be enclosed by a "shoe -box" to ensure that no direct light source is visible on surrounding property. The nearest residential use is the Bards Crossing Senior Condos, approximately 700 feet to the north. STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS The Commission shall recommend a CUP and the Council may issue such CUP if it finds that such use at the proposed location: 1. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. A grading plan has been prepared to address the stormwater runoff issues. The City Engineer has made recommendations relative to design refinements that if incorporated, would not negatively impact surrounding public and private property. 2. Will be harmonious with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and city Code provisions. The use is a public use during the designated I. S. D. 196 athletic department periods and adherence to the standards and conditions of the conditional use permit will mitigate the potential conflicts resulting from the commercial use. 3. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. a. The dome is surrounded by public uses on three sides. Views from the north side will be 0 mitigated by the row of landscaping along the southern edge of the Schwarz Pond parking lot. The Planning Commission may recommend additional materials in this location. b. Alighting plan has been provided that is still being reviewed. The Lighting intensity appears to be consistent with standards prohibiting light source glare from impacting surrounding properties or streets. However, the poles are expected to be 30 feet high. 4. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. a. The traffic impact study indicates that existing streets will adequately serve the use, if the access is managed per the recommendations of the City Engineer. However, anticipated future traffic increases projected by the year 2010 will create a need for highway improvements, and this use should contribute toward the necessary improvement costs. b. Conformance with building and fire codes address police and fire protection, and recommended grading plan revisions will resolve the drainage structure concern. 5. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. a. The staggering of events / start /finish times will serve to manage the traffic generation to acceptable levels. b. The lighting plan appears to verify conformance to ordinance lighting standards. There are 400 -watt fixtures that shine down on the dome, which might reflect to the Bards Crossing Senior Condominiums under construction. 6. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property that does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer will mitigate the potential traffic congestion. 7. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state and federal environmental quality standards. Grading plan revisions and documented permission from the National Guard (in the form of an easement for stormwater storage) will satisfy this condition. CONCLUSION With the provision of the Traffic Impact Study, there has been progress towards resolving outstanding issues. While there continue to be some outstanding issues, primarily successful resolution of the pond locations with the National Guard, Staff is prepared to recommend approval of the CUP request. Should the developer be unable to secure permission from the National Guard for ponding on their property, the 5 site plan would need to be altered. We would expect that significant changes from the plan currently before the City would result in additional review by the Planning Commission and City Council. RECOMMENDATION Approve the draft resolution. 0 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 -- A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR IRISH SPORTS DOME, L.L.C. WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount has received an application for a conditional use permit from Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. originally on August 20, 2003 for the property legally described as follows: That part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter Commencing at the Southwest corner North on a Westerly line 24.75 feet East on a parallel Southerly line 1,027.13 feet to the Beginning, Thence, North 1 Degree, 45 Minutes 42 Seconds West 775.50 feet 50 feet East to a Parallel Southerly line 850 feet South 1 Degree, 45 Minutes 42 Seconds East 775.50 feet West to a Parallel Southerly line 850 feet to the Beginning, Section 20, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the City required additional information in order to process the request, Additional information was received on September 23, 2003 in order for a public hearing that was conducted on October 14, 2003 by the Planning Commission to provide information regarding the proposed conditional use; and, WHEREAS, the public hearing identified concerns regarding site access, vehicle trip generation, lighting, hours of operation, parking, storm water management; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted a traffic impact study and a grading plan with storm water management strategy as requested by the City; and. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion after closing the public hearing on February 10, 2004 to recommend approval of the conditional use subject to conditions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the conditional use permit for Irish Dome, L.L.C. subject to: 1. Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer to limit Dodd Road use to exit only and participation of Irish Sports Dome in funding for their share of future street and highway improvements to manage increased traffic in the vicinity. 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission relative to the impact on Schwarz Pond Park and execution of a cross - access and maintenance agreement for the driveway connection into the park and community center. 3. Granting of an easement for the NURP Pond by the National Guard in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 4. Grading plan revisions in response to City Engineer comments identified in the attached memo dated February 3, 2004. 5. The entire 146 parking stalls will be installed with construction of the dome facility in conformance with City Standards including striping and curb & gutter. RESOLUTION 2004- 6. The Dome operations must be consistent with the operational plan submitted to the City and contained within the February 10, 2004 Planning Commission packet. Operations for the Dome must be consistent with commercial activities of the Irish Sports Dome based on staggered start times of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration. No fields will start or end at the same time. Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. has represented to the City that no more than 30 vehicles would enter and 30 vehicles would exit at the same time. 7. Modifications of the lighting and photometric plan to eliminate the effects of glare on the adjacent residential use (Bards Crossing) in conformance with City Standards. 8. Landscaping enhancements to reduce the visual impact of the dome from the residential uses to the north. 9. Provision of an exterior trash enclosure or demonstrate that all trash can be stored within the dome. 10. Payment of all development fees to include the following: a. Water Trunk Area Charge in the amount of $9,664.10 b. Water Access Charge for 6 -inch meter in the amount of $24,315.00 c. Storm Sewer Access Charge in the amount of $14,701.00 d. Ponding fee for off -site ponding to be determined upon final drainage plan. 11. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. 12. The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year for compliance, and annually thereafter, unless modified by the Council, with the standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council. The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions, or revocation. Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section12.7.E of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance. 13. The conditional use permit is conditioned upon approval of the lease agreement between Irish Dome LLC and the School District 196 and the City of Rosemount. ADOPTED this 1 st day of March, 2004, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: SITE MAP PROPERTY ID NUMBER: 34-03700-040-06 FEE OWNER: IND SCHOOL DIST 196 COMMON NAME: ROSEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL 14445 DIAMOND PATH ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4199 PAYABLE 2003 TAXES NETTAX: WNW SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS:= TOTAL TAX & SA: PAYABLE 2004 ASMNT USAGE:EXEMPT 2003 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2004) LAND: 4 910MM LOT SIZE (EXCLUDES BUILDING: ROAD EASEMENTS) TOTAL: um 3,112,846 SQ FT SCHOOL DISTRICT: 196 71.46 ACRES LOCATION: NW1 /4 NW1 /4 SECTION 29- 115 -19 PAYABLE 2004 HOMESTEAD STATUS: NON HOMESTEAD WATERSHED DISTRICT: VERMILLION RIVER LAST QUALIFIED SALE: DATE: AMOUNT: 2003 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2004): NO DATA AVAILABLE C3Az.L- FI ELDS -r 14!6414 54- i FT i Aq NOTE: Dimensions rounded to nearest foot. PLAT NAME: AUDITORS SUBDIVISION NO 1 N TAX DESCRIPTION: PT OF LOT 6 COM NW CDR S Copyright 2003, Dakota County - 1321.93 FT E 165 FT S 231.40 FT E 872.28 FT S 7.5 This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. FT E 130 FT S 375 FT E This drawing is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, and 160.4 FT N 668 FT E 812.32 state offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes FT N 160 FT E 44.4 FT TO W only. Dakota County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepancies are LINE TH #3 N ON HGWY TO N found, please contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department. LINE W 2396.56 FT TO BEG 007290 6 Map Date: October 3, 2003 Parcels Updated: 9/1812003 Aerial Photography: 1990 CITY OF ROSEMOU NT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning Commission Rick Pearson, City Planner February 3, 2004 CITY HALL 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired: 651 -423 -6219 Fax: 651- 423 -5203 Irish Dome, L.L.C. Conditional Use Permit Request and revised site plan. BACKGROUND This item has been continued on multiple occasions because of a number of unresolved issues, primarily site grading and storm water management, parking, trip generation and traffic management. Progress has been made toward resolving these issues, and staff is presenting a recommendation of approval for Planning Commission action. Eric Heflin of Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. last spoke to the Planning Commission on October 14, 2003 regarding the Conditional Use Permit request for the 450 ft. x 225 ft. dome on I.S.D. 196 property. SITE PLAN REVISION The site now includes parking lots along the east and north sides of the dome, with vehicular access both to the north (park) and east (Community Center). A grading plan also has been prepared which creates ponding on both the Schwarz Pond Park and the National Guard property, adjoining the Community Center building. ACCESS & CIRCULATION The sports dome now has two vehicular access points. One access is in the southwest corner of the Community Center parking lot where it aligns with the southerly driveway to South Robert Trail, and the second is a connection to the parking lot in Schwarz Pond Park. Both driveways are wide enough for two -way traffic circulation. However, it was the city's understanding that the northern access was an exit only. As a result, traffic has access to Dodd Road and ultimately Connemara Trail through the park and South Robert Trail through the Community Center south lot. The Traffic Impact Study suggests three access alternatives: 1. Full access at STH 3, exit only at Dodd Road. 2. Full access at Dodd Road, no access at TH 3. 3. Full access at TH 3, no access at Dodd Road. A condition of approval requires access consistent with the first alternative of full access at TH 3, exit only at Dodd Road. This recommendation is consistent with the traffic study which indicates that this option provides the best overall Level of Service now and in the future. PARKING The revised plan indicates 146 parking stalls adjacent to the dome in two lots. 100 spaces are shown east of the dome in two rows, and forty- six stalls are shown north of the dome in two rows. Previously, these parking areas had been labeled as "Proof of Parking ", meaning that they would not necessarily be immediately constructed. However, the current expectation is that they will be constructed with the construction of the dome. The drawing also shows a parking lot striping plan for the Schwarz Pond Park lot. Four spaces will be given up for the entrance road connecting to the Sports Dome, but with the striping plan, 91 total spaces are provided. Overall, the parking stall increase in the area totals 237 spaces. Given the maximum occupancy of the Dome, this should be enough for both the dome, and park uses. The Parks and Recreation Commission does not support Dome over -flow parking in Schwarz Pond Park. A condition of approval requires entering into a cross - access easement and maintenance agreement between the City and the Dome due to the access connection and construction that will occur impacting the park land. TRAFFIC & TRIP GENERATION The traffic study based its findings on events being staggered with start times separated by 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration. Under the operational plan no fields can start or end at the same time. The resulting trip generation would be approximately 20 vehicles arriving every 45 minutes during the September to May schedule. In the summer, traffic volumes would be increased 5 -10 vehicles per hour because of the use of batting cages and other lessons. The assumed "worst case" scenario would be 30 vehicles entering and 30 vehicles exiting at the same time. GRADING ISSUES The revised grading plan provides facilities to manage storm water run -off from the dome and the parking & driveways. However, the facilities are located either partially in the park or on the National Guard portion of the Community Center. The National Guard will have to grant permission or an easement for the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) pond to accept the increased storm water. The infiltration pond proposed is mostly in the Schwarz Pond Park area, which appears to be tentatively acceptable to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The City Engineer has made additional comments regarding the impact on the drainage pattern to the west and the existing catch - basins that are west of the dome. In other situations where private development wants to use public land to fulfill drainage requirements, a payment is made to the city to defray costs of the regional system. DOME AND LIGHTING A color guide for the dome will be available for the Commission at the meeting. There are 14 options with "Shell White" being the most popular. The Vendor suggests that "Desert Sand" is the most neutral and that the finish is flat, thus minimizing reflection of 2 lighting glare. The material is also essentially opaque, in response to the anticipated "glow effect ". Site Lighting information has been presented with fixtures shown on the perimeter of the parking lots and the east side of the driveways. Light sources will be required to be enclosed by a "shoe -box" to ensure that no direct light source is visible on surrounding property. The nearest residential use is the Bards Crossing Senior Condos, approximately 700 feet to the north. STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS The Commission shall recommend a CUP and the Council may issue such CUP if it finds that such use at the proposed location: 1. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. A grading plan has been prepared to address the stormwater runoff issues. The City Engineer has made recommendations relative to design refinements that if incorporated, would not negatively impact surrounding public and private property. 2. Will be harmonious with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and city Code provisions. The use is a public use during the designated I. S. D. 196 athletic department periods and adherence to the standards and conditions of the conditional use permit will mitigate the potential conflicts resulting from the commercial use. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. a. The dome is surrounded by public uses on three sides. Views from the north side are intended to be mitigated by the row of landscaping along the southern edge of the Schwarz Pond parking lot. The Planning Commission may recommend additional materials in this location. b. A lighting plan has been provided that is still being reviewed. The Lighting intensity appears to be consistent with standards prohibiting light source glare from impacting surrounding properties or streets. However, the poles are expected to be 30 feet high. 4. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. a. The traffic impact study indicates that the use will be adequately served by existing streets, if the access is managed per the recommendations of the City Engineer. However, anticipated future traffic increases projected by the year 2010 will create a need for highway improvements, and this use should contribute toward the necessary improvement costs.. b. Conformance with building and fire codes address police and fire protection, and recommended grading plan revisions will resolve the drainage structure concern. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. a. The staggering of events /start /finish times will serve to manage the traffic generation to acceptable levels. b. The lighting plan appears to verify conformance to ordinance lighting standards. There are 400 watt fixtures that shine down on the dome, which might reflect to the Bards Crossing Senior Condominiums under construction. 6. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer will mitigate the potential traffic congestion. 7. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state and federal environmental quality standards. Grading plan revisions and documented permission from the National Guard (in the form of an easement for stormwater storage) will satisfy this condition. CONCLUSION With the provision of the Traffic Impact Study, there has been progress towards resolving outstanding issues. While concerns still remain, Staff is prepared to recommend the CUP request be forwarded to the City Council with the following conditions of approval. 1. Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer to limit Dodd Road use to exit only, and participation of Irish Sports Dome in funding for their share of future street and highway improvements to manage increased traffic in the vicinity. 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission relative to the impact on Schwarz Pond Park, and execution of a 0 cross - access and maintenance agreement for the driveway connection into the park. 3. Granting of an easement for the NURP Pond by the National Guard in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 4. Grading plan revisions in response to City Engineer comments identified in the attached memo dated February 3, 2004. 5. The entire 146 parking stalls will be installed with construction of the dome facility in conformance with City Standards including striping and curb & gutter. 6. The Dome operations must be consistent with the operational plan submitted to the City and contained within the February 10, 2004 Planning Commission packet. Operations for the Dome must be consistent with commercial activities of the Irish Sports Dome will be based on staggered start times of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration. No fields will start or end at the same time. Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. has represented to the City that no more than 30 vehicles would enter and 30 vehicles would exit at the same time. 7. Modifications of the lighting and photometric plan to eliminate the effects of glare on the adjacent residential use (Bards Crossing) in conformance with City Standards. 8. Landscaping enhancements to reduce the visual impact of the dome from the residential uses to the north. 9. Provision of an exterior trash enclosure, or demonstrate that all trash can be stored within the dome. 10. Payment of all development fees at the time of building permit issuance. 11. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. MEMORANDUM TO: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director CC: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Rick Pearsons, City Planner Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director FROM: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer DATE: February 3, 2004 RE: Irish Sports Dome Plan Review Comments The following items have been reviewed for the above - referenced project: a. Site Plan for Irish Sports Dome dated November 18, 2003 prepared by Rehder & Associates, Inc. b. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control & Utility Plan for Irish Sports Dome dated November 18, 2003 prepared by Rehder & Associates, Inc. c. Drainage Calculations for Irish Sports Dome dated November 18, 2003 prepared by Rehder & Associates, Inc. d. Traffic Impact Study for Irish Sports Dome dated January 27, 2004 prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. Upon review of the above items, the following comments are noted: The stormwater drainage plan identifies 1.6 acres of site area that is proposed to drain to the south and west of the site. This area should be incorporated into the stormwater drainage plan to demonstrate how treatment, rate control and infiltration requirements will be met. There is an existing storm sewer system located along the west side of the proposed site. Additional information shall be provided regarding the capacity and outlet for this system. The proposed swale at the southwest corner of the site should be eliminated and if feasible, surface runoff should be directed to the existing storm sewer system. 2. The proposed curb cuts in the parking lot area should be eliminated. Catch basins and storm sewer should be utilized in these areas to accommodate drainage. 3. The proposed grades for the NURP pond should be modified to better fit the proposed outlet control structure. Also, as the proposed NURP pond is not located on property under the control of the project proposer, a drainage and utility easement shall be CADocuments and Settings\rwp\Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK2\ 020304 .irishsportsdome.review.doc provided. The form of the drainage and utility easement shall meet the requirements of the City Attorney. 4. A riprap overflow is proposed to be constructed for the infiltration basin. Due to the maintenance and safety issues associated with riprap in this location, it is recommended that the proposed riprap overflow be eliminated and replaced with a storm sewer overflow. According to the submitted drainage calculations the maximum peak stormwater discharge rate, 0.05 cfs /acre per the City's Stormwater Development Standards, is not being met. The drainage calculations should be updated to include the total tributary area from the Army National Guard site to establish the HWL and discharge rate. If the drainage calculations demonstrate that the rate control cannot be provided on -site, a ponding fee will be charged for downstream rate control in a regional ponding basin. 6. The attached traffic impact study reviewed three alternatives for accessing the site which are as follows: a. Alternative 1 — Full Access at TH 3, exit only at Dodd Road b. Alternative 2 — Full Access at Dodd Road, no access at TH 3 c. Alternative 3 — Full Access at TH 3, no access at Dodd Road Based on the results of the traffic impact study, it is recommended that Alternative 1— Full Access at TH 3, exit only at Dodd Road be developed for the project. It should also be noted that future traffic may necessitate the following improvements: a. Additional left turn lanes on Connemara Trail at Dodd Road b. Addition of left turn lane on Dodd Road at Connemara Trail c. Extension of median on Connemara Trail past Dodd Road d. Future signalization of TH 3 at the Community Center driveway Should this project move forward, it is recommended that approvals be granted with conditions acknowledging that the City will not be liable to the developer for future reductions in site access as a result of any of the above noted improvements. Should you have questions regarding these comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. CADocuments and Settings\rwp \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK2\ 020304 .irishsportsdome.review.doc itiI.I# # € €iii iL W IN L l 11 �1 • tIL t t i it t €# ; t• L�ii`s�ltt °f #gip t #' i } �i LP; Ali} r , t }€ i o$000f��•'... �a u E x — - - -- — - - - — — — — — t i I y m 0 � I 1 ^a i �I w� H I 0 3 m a@ Rj c �a u E x z m AT it — - - -- — - - - — — — — — t i I z m AT it F m y m 0 � I 1 ^a �I w� H I 0 3 m F 0 c C o A U ELEVATION P2 PRIMARY REINFORCING CABLES OVER TYP.(10) HCAP EXIT — — — — — — GRADE BEAM ELEVATION P2 F I P OW II NW to � O O a rn u L w u V z L y ++ rc N a U - �L � o z L y COPVRIGNT: vEMON 'A811C STRUCTURES ETO ?HIS N �� S S A l , ADON F ES C TNE R ITRU�UREI IT RERROOUC_ OR UBE RE O TwE RE MATERIL iNr O [ltO S BrtEO iT— CO NSCNT O euES F TO 1. E O EDCS G EO — —CT ONIV. NGS 5 OCT BE S CALED C�L DOME o p � N z Juj `Sompossy 7s) 9SA4 v Sq pa.ivdaid 008b - ltg (£9L) ZZtSg XW `siloduauuiw 00£ alms `Xumgl iH leilowoN uoslo 0gIt I atuo(I sjiodS qsiil � �fE :aoj pajudaaa yr atuo(I sjiodS qsiil TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME FOR: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875145 TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 January 27, 2004 Prepared by: WSB & Associates, Inc. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT, MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles T. Rickart, P.E., P.T.O.E. Date: January 27, 2004 Lic. No. 26082 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 TABLE OF CONTENTS I . INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ ..............................1 II. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS .............................................. ..............................2 III. SITE TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS ............................................ ..............................3 IV. ACCESS ALTERNATIVES ............................................................... ..............................4 V. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ....................................................... ..............................5 VI. CONCLUSIONS /RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... ..............................7 APPENDICES TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 I. INTRODUCTION First Capital Management plans to construct a covered sports dome in the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. The site of the proposed sports dome is located south of Connemara Trail, adjacent to the Community Center and Schwarz Park, west of Trunk Highway (TH) 3. Access to the site will be from Dodd Road and /or through the Community Center parking lot to TH 3. The access alternatives are discussed further in Section IV of this report. Figure 1 in the Appendix shows the proposed site plan. The City of Rosemount requested that a Traffic Impact Study be prepared to determine what impacts the proposed development might have on traffic operations and what site access improvements may be necessary to safely and efficiently accommodate both site and non -site traffic. The following sections of this report outline the results of the traffic analysis, resulting in a roadway and site access system capable of accommodating the expected future traffic volumes. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 Page 1 11. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS As stated previously, the site is located west of Trunk Highway (TH) 3 and south of Connemara Trail. The site location is illustrated in Figure 2 found in the Appendix. The primary roadways expected to serve this site are discussed below. Connemara Trail is an east /west arterial City street which extends from the Apple Valley border on the west and currently ends at Biscayne Avenue. Connemara Trail is currently under construction to cross the existing railroad tracks and ultimately connect to Blaine Avenue (CSAH 71) on the east. Currently, Connemara Trail is striped to accommodate a two -lane cross section west of TH 3 to match the two -lane cross section east of TH 3. However, the width of Connemara Trail has been constructed to accommodate a four -lane section. Ultimately, Connemara Trail will be a four -lane roadway with right and left turn lanes at major intersections. Currently, at the intersection of TH 3, a left and right turn lane are provided for both eastbound and westbound. At Dodd Road, no turn lanes are currently provided. A 35 mph speed limit is posted on Connemara Trail in the vicinity of the site. The current average daily traffic on Connemara Trail is approximately 1,350 vehicles per day west of TH 3. Trunk Highway (TH) 3 is a north/south B minor arterial roadway which extends from the St. Paul southerly through Rosemount into southern Minnesota. In the vicinity of the site, TH 3 provides a two -lane cross section with one lane in each direction. At the intersection of the community center entrance, a northbound left turn lane and southbound right turn lane is provided. At the intersection of Connemara Trail, a left - and right -turn lane is provided both northbound and southbound. The posted speed limit on TH 3 transitions from 45 MPH to 55 MPH north of Connemara Trail. The existing average daily traffic on TH 3 in this area is approximately 12,000 vehicles per day. Dodd Road is a north/south two -lane city street that dead ends south of Connemara Trail. There is no access from Dodd Road to TH 3. This roadway provides access into the existing Schwarz Park and to a cemetery. Existing Traffic Volumes Peak hour turning movement counts were conducted by WSB & Associates, Inc. on December 16 and 17, 2003. These counts were conducted from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The existing A.M. peak hour and P.M. peak hour turning movement counts (Figure 3) are included in the Appendix. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 Page 2 III. SITE TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS Site Generated Traffic The proposed Irish Sports Dome will operate based on the following schedule: September — May (when school is in session) 5:30 p.m. —11:00 p.m. June — August and weekends (when school is out) 7:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. The rental of the Sports Dome will be based on staggered start times of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the field configuration. No fields will start or end at the same time. Based on the number of participants, it is estimated that approximately 20 vehicles would be arriving every 45 minutes during the September -May schedule. During the summer months and weekends, the same 20 vehicles per 45 minutes would be arriving every 45 minutes. In addition, an additional 5 -10 vehicles per hour would be arriving using the batting cages and other lessons. In order to evaluate a "worst case" scenario, it was assumed that 30 vehicles would enter and 30 vehicles would exit at the same time. Site Traffic Distribution Site traffic distribution was assumed to be consistent with the existing traffic patterns. The existing A.M. and P.M. traffic counts were used to determine this distribution. Figure 4 in the Appendix illustrates the overall traffic distribution for the proposed Sports Dome site. Proiected Traffic The estimated first year of full development for the proposed site is 2004; therefore, the Traffic Analysis was conducted for this year. In addition, traffic volumes were estimated for a 10 -year time frame (2010). The background street traffic was estimated by increasing the existing peak hour counts by a growth factor of 2.7% per year on TH 3 and 6.5% per year on Connemara Trail. The higher growth rate is the result of anticipated additional traffic from new developments adjacent to Connemara Trail. The 2010 total traffic volumes were then developed by adding the proposed site traffic together with the adjacent development traffic. The projected 2010 A.M. and P.M. peak hour traffic volumes with the proposed site traffic is included in the Appendix as Figures 5 -8. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 Page 3 IV. ACCESS ALTERNATIVES Three site access alternatives will be evaluated as part of the proposed site plan. Each is discussed below. Development Proposal: This access alternative would include full movement (two -way) access through the community center parking lot and a one -way out only access through the Schwarz Park parking lot to Dodd Road. 2. Dodd Road Access This alternative would provide all access through the Schwarz Park parking lot to Dodd Road. No access would be provided through the community center parking lot. 3. TH 3 Access All community access would be provided through the community center parking lot, with no access through the Schwarz Park parking lot to Dodd Road. Each of these access alternatives was evaluated to determine their impact on the existing and projected traffic conditions. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 Page 4 V. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Using the traffic volume derived in previous sections, capacity analyses were performed for key intersections within the study area. The analyses of signalized and unsignalized intersections were performed using the Synchro Computer Model which simulates capacity analysis techniques as described in the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Highway Capacity Manual. The ability of a highway system to accommodate expected traffic volumes is expressed in terms of Level of Service (LOS). The LOS of an intersection is based on approach delay and the amount of time the driver must wait at an intersection before proceeding. The intersections are graded A through F, with A representing the least delay and F representing the greatest delay. In urbanized areas such as Rosemount, an LOS D is typically acceptable during the P.M. peak hour, although LOS C is desirable. A brief description of LOS is provided in Table 1. The LOS measures are standards set forth by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in the Highway Capacity Manual. The results of the Capacity Analysis are shown in Table 2. The following is a brief discussion of the analysis results for each analysis year. Existing 2003 Analysis The existing capacity and LOS Analysis indicated that all intersections are currently operating at satisfactory levels of service with the current lane configurations. All movements can be accommodated with the existing geometrics and traffic controls. Existing 2004 Analysis With Site Traffic Three site access alternatives were analyzed for the 2004 conditions with the site fully operational. Based on the traffic analysis, it was found that all three site access alternatives would operate similar. In each case, the P.M. peak hour at Connemara Trail and Dodd Road would be operating at LOS B, with the left turn out movement at an LOS C. The intersection of TH 3 at the Community Center driveway would be operating at an LOS D, with the left turn out movement at an LOS E. Year 2010 Analysis With Site Traffic The year 2010 was found to be the time frame at which the intersections begin to break down with each access alternative. It was found that the A.M. peak hour would operate satisfactorily (LOS C or better) in any access alternative. The P.M. peak hour for each access alternative is discussed below. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 Page 5 1. Access Alternative I — With this alternative, the intersection of Connemara Trail at Dodd Road would be operating at LOS E, with the left turn in movement at LOS E and the left turn out at LOS F. The intersection of TH 3 at the Community Center driveway would also be operating at an LOS E, with the left turn out at an LOS F. 2. Access Alternative 2 — The intersection of Connemara Trail at Dodd Road with this alternative would be operating at LOS F, with the left turn in and left turn out also at LOS F. The intersection of TH 3 at the Community Center driveway would be operating at an overall LOS D, with the left turn out at LOS E. 3. Access Alternative 3 — With this alternative, the intersection of Connemara Trail at Dodd Road would be operating at an LOS C, with the left turn out movement at LOS E. The TH 3 at Community Center driveway intersection would be operating at an LOS F, with the left turn out at LOS F. Future Year Mitigation In the future (year 2010 or beyond), in order to bring the intersections to an acceptable levels of service, several mitigation measures could be implemented to improve the intersection's operations. These mitigation measures include: Additional left turn lanes on Connemara Trail at Dodd Road. 2. Addition of left turn out lane on Dodd Road to Connemara Trail. 3. Closing the median on Connemara Trial at Dodd Road. 4. Future signalization of TH 3 at the Community Center driveway. These mitigation measures, depending on the access alternative implemented, would improve the overall intersection Levels of Service to satisfactory levels in the future. Although these mitigation improvements are not required at this time, the City and developer should be aware that as traffic continues to increase on these roadways, these improvements will need to be considered. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 Page 6 VI. CONCLUSIONS /RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of the traffic analysis, the following conclusions can be made: The intersection of Connemara Trail at Dodd Road and TH 3 at the Community Center driveway are currently operating at satisfactory Levels of Service (C or better). • The proposed site as a worst case scenario will generate approximately 30 trips in and out during the A.M. and P.M. peak hours. • Three access alternatives were evaluated, including: Alternative 1 — Full access TH 3, out only Dodd Road. Alternative 2 — Full access Dodd Road, no access TH 3. Alternative 3 — Full access TH 3, no access Dodd Road. In 2004, with the proposed site traffic, the overall intersection Level of Service during the P.M. peak hour would decrease to an LOS B at Connemara Trail and Dodd Road, and LOS D for TH 3 at the Community Center driveway for each access alternative. The year 2010 was determined to be the critical year where the intersections would begin to break down with the proposed site traffic and future background traffic growth on the adjacent roadways. It was found that in each access alternative, the overall LOS would be E or worse, depending on the access alternative. • Future roadway improvement (mitigation measures) can be implemented to improve the overall intersection Levels of Service. Based on the analysis found in the Study and the conclusions discussed above, the following recommendations are made: Provide Alternative Access 1 — Full access at TH 3, out only at Dodd Road which has the best overall LOS now and in the future. 2. Monitor the traffic conditions on Connemara Trail and TH 3 to determine when the proposed future mitigation measures would be required. These mitigation measures should be implemented based on the following criteria: Traffic volumes on Connemara Trail at the intersection of Dodd Road reach a point where the overall intersection LOS is E or worse (500 veh/hr in two lanes or 1000 veh/hr in four lanes). TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 Page 7 • The delays to traffic exiting from Dodd Road to Connemara Trail are at LOS F or worse (50 seconds or more). Two or more crashes in a year that can be correctable with the addition of the turn lanes. • At City's discretion, if safety or operations are compromised. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY IRISH SPORTS DOME ROSEMOUNT,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1556 -02 Page 8 b \01556 - 02\ figurel.dgn _ r r I J r5 d I -a' ni 1 5 , .. ! i•: 1. s f � I s !. I C... r. iN ix I it f tir t •� `` (. I f x _ .. _ t t s 7 it 3 II � t T P - r . j�•f F igu re 1 4150 Olson Memorial Highway � Suite Site Plan Minneapolis, MN 55422 422 - 763- 541.4800 I rish S p o its Dome a_ r o, Mc. FAX 763 -54 ; -'1700 k \ 01556 - 02 \ Figure 2. dgn a pPGK 0 R• S PROJECT SITE i 4' /Q CON NEMARA TR. Trailer Court 142nd ST. W. ti Q w m I w a a ST. a W. a Ed w s r. W. W a w r W W O a s a 146th a ST. a W. m U � J LOWER m i _ 147th ST. ] u ST. W. d J � UPPER 147th ST. O oa w > �' 148th ST, z a a Q U Z 5. 6 . 149th ST. ° � \J 1 149th S T. LOWER a� U// 150th ST. U 150th ST. W. tr Q TI I 5 R19W U a 17 16 w m I �� / 20 2 1 Y aI [�Xh x� ST. SISGP�� � 17. BI TT CIR. P s // il T Figure 2 Project Location Irish Sports Dome 4150 Olson Memorial Highway / SB Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 763- 5414600 &.lsrociares, Mc. FAX 763 541 - 1700 t: \01556-02 \figure 3. dgn M NCB(-c 2 Q o co k- 2 2 ~ ,1 I 4-- 80 76 ♦ r 3 1 CONNEMARA TRAIL 5 3.a I r 83 140--+ 4 5' o�- Q O n o Ln D O D M M in 00 N I- .- M l9 COMMUNITY CENTER ENTRANCE 21 2.a 27 1 Ln r-- 0 m o W �Ln XX - AM XX - PM x l� Figure 3 � SB `/vJQ 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 `° Existing (2003) - 763 - 541 -0800 1 r i s h S p o its Dome - ssan lnc. FAX 763- 541 -1700 b \01556- 02 \hq-u Cdp t: \01556 -02 \figure 5. dgn t7 \01556- 02 \figur e5.dgn N O � N O cD NOS 2 2 2 _ ,1 E— 76 76 82 ,- 1 25 1 CONNEMARA TRAIL 5 5 5 ♦ 89 83 89 —► I 4 10 4 M01-0 O mom Cr N C� rOOL O O rn rn Ln CID rn Q0 O rn M tf) c COMMUNITY CENTER ENTRANCE 38 21 21 -o$ T 37 24 37 -� M (D N �- Ln O m N rs'} N XX - ALT 1 XX - ALT 2 XX - ALT 3 \� Figure 6 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 422 � SB Minneapolis, MN 55422 ��/ Q Projected (2004) PM Peak 763 - 5414600 Irish Sports Dome h- FAX 763 - 541 -1700 'raiur�oisyry awoa s:podS ysul 00!L XVj '�J dead VVV (O WZ) pa13afo ! �, ZZK9 M'sgodeauuin 9SM 00£ nS L 7 L as n G i Al s t e� 1 6 w 6eMy61H leyoayy uo510 OSIb v I� 1 fib` — XX Z 1 v — x �---j 1�d - x ww N 00 O 0 N �N w w ►� 8 L Z 8 l y L �' 2 b Z 30NVdiN3 831N33 Jll I Nnmoo 1 �► � LT, W N Ol co W Cn -.I O N 0')0 O O Cn p wO cn o k-OL lZ 0� A� l %Sk 4— SLZ �9Z SLZ r9 9 9 � I dbl VHVN3NN09 9 LS 9 -0 Z9L OSL OSL- -> = b b b cn 0co w cn0co cn O co u6p !ajn6y \ZO- 9SS10 \:1 t;\01556- 02 \ f igur e B. dgn I v 0� r 000 `-`-� A kA ►� 4 4 4 <-- 143 143 154 r 2 47 2 \ In i ,- CONNEMARA TRAIL 10 10 10..$ 167 156 167 —► 1 8 19 8� o moo O r` O Ln Q X000 o 0 0 CD N M M O �- O CO N M OY O �l COMMUNITY CENTER ENTRANCE 49 27 27 t 47 31 47 6 , �- N � LO M LO LO N LO XX - ALT 1 XX - ALT 2 XX - ALT 3 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 \,I Figure 8 �/� / o S Q Minneapolis, MN 55422 Projected (2010) PM Peak 763m541 -4800 cYr Al ..i ies, 1— FAX 763- 541 -1700 Irish Sports Dome Table 1 Level of Service Descriptions Irish Sports Dome City of Rosemount LEVEL OF Stop Sign SERVICE DESCRIPTION Delay Signal Delay A FREE FLOW: speed controlled by driver's desires, speed limits, 10 Sec 10 Sec or physical roadway conditions. B STABLE FLOW: operating speeds beginning to be restricted, 10 - 15 Sec 10 - 20 Sec little or no restriction on maneuverability from other vehicles. C STABLE FLOW: speeds and maneuverability more restricted. 15 - 25 Sec 20 - 35 Sec D APPROACHING UNSTABLE FLOW: tolerable speeds can be 25 - 35 Sec 35 - 55 Sec maintained but temporary restrictions to flow cause substantial drops in speed, little freedom to maneuver, comfort and convenience are low. E UNSTABLE FLOW: volumes near capacity, speed typically in 35 - 50 Sec 55 - 80 Sec neighborhood of 30 MPH, stoppages of momentary duration, ability to maneuver severely limited. F FORCED FLOW: low- operating speeds, volume below capacity, + 50 Sec + 80 Sec queues formed. Table 2 Traffic Analysis Irish Sports Dome City of Rosemount Alternative Access 1 Intersection Existing 2003 With out Site 2004 With Site 2010 With Site Future Mitigation AM PM AM PM AM PM AM I PM Connemara Tr at Dodd Rd Unsignalized Mitigation 1 and 2 or 3 A A A B B E A C/A TH 3 at Community Center Unsignalized Mitigation 4 A C A D B E A B Alternative Access 2 Intersection Existing 2003 With out Site 2004 With Site 2010 With Site Future Mitigation AM PM AM PM AM PM AM I PM Connemara Tr at Dodd Rd Unsignalized Mitigation 3 A A A B B F A A TH 3 at Community Center Unsignalized None A C A D B D A D Alternative Access 3 Intersection Existing 2003 With out Site 2004 With Site 2010 With Site Future Mitigation AM PM AM PM AM PM AM I PM Connemara Tr at Dodd Rd Unsignalized None A A A B B C A C TH 3 at Community Center Unsignalized Mitigation 4 A C A D B F A B Alternative 1 - Full Access TH 3, Out only Dodd Rd Alternative 2 - Full Access Dodd Rd, No Access TH 3 Alternative 3 - Full Access TH 3, No Access Dodd Rd Mitigation T- Addition of Left Turn Lane on Connemara Tr 2 - Addition of Left Turn Lane on Dodd Rd 3 - Close Median on Connemara Tr at Dodd Rd 4 - Installation of a Traffic Signal at TH 3 and Comm Ctr Irish Sports Dome The intent is for the Irish Sports Dome to be available for public rental from 5:30 pm to 11:00pm Monday through Friday while school is in session. When school is not in session, the week day h;purs would change to 7 :00 am- 12:00pm. Weekend hours would run from 7:00am until 12:00pm. The available rentals include: 1 full sized soccer field 2 half size fields 4 quarter size fields 2 full size softball fields 8 batting cages Rental space will be reserved on the web site where the public can view the available times and fields. A rentals or league games will be uoiloalloo uo ino pallor pue �oolJle aloigan aqj apisul paaols aq Ipm saauieluoo es;6gl - 6uiloAoaa apoq oilseld asnog Minn aauieluoo aeliwis jaglouy - siteq Ajl aann a uo do pay oid pue Auedwoo lenowaa aIsenn eqj Aq pailddns aauieluoo uoile6 06 a ui pajoalloo aq IIIM abegaeO - aoueajua sigj 16 JuoaJ ui AIIoaaip papinoid si 6uiMaed deoipueH wa�s�s coop �polale oilioads deoipueq a seq goignn Ailue luoal eqj gbnojgl elgisseooe deoipueq si awop eql 'DNOZ ONIGVM pa�aew aq Minn }i pue palui8d aq jou llinn slle }s aaagm epfs Isee aqj uo eaae 6uilied q:pou aqj gbnoagl algeliene si SSaoob 'awop aqj Jo aawoo jsea q}Jou eqj uo �oolaie �onaj eqj g6noagl ua�e} aq ll!nn a }is aqj o} saiaanilap II`d saloigan Aoua6aawe aol Ideoxa `Aluo Ino Aeon also a si aniap q:pou eqj Inq `suolloaaip q}oq si peoa aalueo Al!unwwoo glnos eqj woaJ aniap ssaooe aql - wnwiuiw alnuiw 5 � Aq pajeaedes aae 6uine9i asogj pue Aeld of 6ulwoo aldoed jegj os ogeal peoa oilghd pue }ol burled a6euew dlaq Ilion sigl 'awil awes eqj le pua ao }Jel§ llinn splaiJ ON - sjuedioi�jed jo jagwnu pue uoilein6poo plan uo 6uipuadep salnuiw pC of sainuiw 9 � ,}o sawn liels paaa66els - jadeams plait ay} pue sleo6 pue 6uillau egxe apnioui pinom asn ui IOU uagm seaae asegj ui paao }s aq Aew legl juawdinbe eql 'Moolaie eqj of sseooe 910igan qj!M a19Pa}ui IOU 01 se os �0011[e 913149n aq} pue saippoel jo} ;no dwnq eqj ui coeds egxa eqj of pauieluoo ag fpm juawdinbe plai} jo 96eaols eql - 6ulpuan wojj sall4oq �uiap jo 6uiloAoaa oilseed ui eg fpm uoijoalloo aqj Jo Isow . Jeuaiuiva act pfnogs pajejaua6 96egaeb jo junowe eqj os sauigoew 6uipu9n uegj aagjo suoissaouoo Aue aneq IOU lliM auaop aq I -Aep C� October 22, 2003 Irish Sports Mr. Eric Heflin 12506 Dan Bury Way Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Heflin: This letter is being sent to you to confirm our recent conversation about light transmission through the dome. YEADON® Fabric Domes, Inc. 1567 East County Road E St. Paul, MN 55110 Toll Free: 800- 4- YEADON Fax: 651 - 633 -2019 The dome you are getting has an opaque outer membrane. This opaque layer does not allow any light transmission from the dome. All the interior lights in the dome reflect off the membrane and back into the dome. No light escapes the dome. The only area you can notice that the lights are on in the dome is the viewing window panels in the doors. These panels are only 6" X 8" and can be shaded if required. Please let me know if you need any further information. Thank you, Steve Fl agars President Yeadon Fabric Domes, Inc. In Canada Guelph, Ontario, Canada NIH 61­19 Telephone: 888-493-2366 Fax: 519-821-9010 Capt. Howe, My name is Eric Heflin and I am building a domed sports complex on the soccer fields directly behind the Community Center. The City has requested that we provide dome specific parking on the site which will require and drainage pond. We would like to know if we could create this ponding area in the low spot directly north east of the north boundary of the fields. This property is owned by the Guard and we would like to request an easement to utilize this area until the Guard might need it, at which time we would restore it to its original condition and move the ponding to another area of our site. We are trying to minimize impact on the site by using the natural drainage patterns to the area on your property. I have dropped off a site plan showing the proposed location. Thank you, Eric Heflin 651 -338 -9262 Quasar Series CSB & FT 70W Thru 40OW Metal Halide 70W Thru 40OW High Pressure Sodium Series SB 1000W Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium Applications Engineered to provide a rugged, high performance luminaire that is both attractive and affordable. Acculite" Quasar" luminaires provide the light control demanded by the specifier, while offering the end user reliability and long term economy. • Quasar' luminaires are designed with a modern architectural soft edge styling. These luminaires are ideally suited to complexes where an attractive daytime appearance is desirable. O With lamps available from 70 to 1000 wafts, Acculite'" Quasar' luminaires are an excellent choice for parking and area lighting. Ideal for installation in a wide variety of facilities ranging from large shopping malls to small plazas; business parks, commercial complexes and office buildings; college and university campuses; and high or low rise apartment buildings. • When sports fields encroach on residential areas, Acculite' Quasar' luminaires provide effective, non - intrusive lighting. Features Architectural Styling 0 Designed with the modem architect in mind, 'CSB & FT' Series luminaires feature an attractive soft edge profile, one which unobtrusively blends with the environment created by the architect and landscape designer. Engineered Optics 0 Quasar'" Luminaires feature high quality optics carefully designed for effective light distribution and optimum performance. 0 All Acculite"" photometric tests are conducted by an independent laboratory, ensuring luminaire performance. Construction 'CSB' & 'FT' Series luminaires feature one piece heavy wall die cast housing and cast lens frame assembly. Cast into the housing is a heat barrier separating the lamp from the electrical components for cooler operation and longer fixture life. O 'SB' Series luminaires are fabricated from heavy duty steel with full seam welds for weather protection. i The gasketed cover assemblies, hinged for easy relamping, are secured with four cover screws to ensure weather proof integrity. • The degree marked Quasar'" yoke simplifies vertical aiming. Furnished with dual locking screws the luminaire maintains aiming. For horizontal aiming, a cross arm protractor is available. • Furnished with a gasketed wire pulling chamber, the cast aluminum slipfitter is also degree scaled. • The heavy duty brackets for bracket mounted luminaires are furnished in standard lengths: CSB & FT — 7 ", SB — 8 ". Electrical Components • internal electrical components are mounted on the housing to provide easy access during installation. • Specification grade lampholders are standard. Finish • The Acculite" paint process is designed to resist environmental deterioration of the luminaire finish. A multi-stage zinc phosphate and deionized water pretreatment is followed by an electrostatically applied polyester powder paint which is cured at ASTM temperature requirements for hardness, humidity impact and salt spray resistance. • The standard finish is an attractive bronze colour. Optional colours are available. Specification • Luminaire: Down Lighting Luminaire shall be Acculite' Quasar" Series CSB, NEMA Type (11, III or Iv Catalogue number CSB Acculite'" Quasar" Series SS, NEMA Type III Catalogue number SB Forward Throw Luminaire shall be Acculite' Quasar' Series FT Catalogue number FT • Mounting: Series CSB and FT luminaires shall be (bracket, slipfifter or yoke) mounted. Series SB luminaires shall be (slipfifter or yoke) mounted. • Lamp: The luminaire shall operate a watt, (MH: standard metal halide, MH: pulse start metal halide or HP: high pressure sodium) lamp. • Ballast: The luminaire shall be furnished with a volt (CWA, SuperCWA or Magnetic Regulator). ballast. • Construction: The luminaire shall consist of a heavy duty die cast aluminum housing with a cast hinged cover /lens assembly. The lens shall be shock resistant tempered glass, mechanically secured to the lens frame. The cover assembly shall be gasketed with an extruded silicone rubber gasket seated in locating channel. * Photocontrol: The luminaire shall be provided with photocontrol. • Finish: The luminaire shall have a bronze electrostatically applied polyester powder coat finish. • Performance Data: Layouts and luminaire performance specifications provided shall be based on photometric tests provided by an independent testing laboratory. • Certification: The luminaire shall be CSA and NRTLIC certified. Photos: Cover - Retail Plaza 1000W Quasar" luminaires offer comfort and security to retailers that customers demand. Above - Office facility 40OW Quasar" with designer colours enhances ■ • Stainless steel cover screws are provided. the streetscape of most modem office facilities. A cc � � e Acculite - Division of Juno Lighting Ltd., 219 Shoemaker St., Kitchener, ON WE 3B3 Phone 519.893.1500 800.265.7844 Visit us at www.accuiitelig_com Peed coo 02001 �. ug,lm im. R� ioim Fax 519.893.7101 800.594.5175 Parking Lot, Roadway and Area Lighting Shoe -Box Luminaires Quasar Parking Lot, Roadway and Area Lighting Shoe -Box Luminaires Lamp Wafts Lamp Type NEMA Volts■ Type ♦ Bracket Mount Slipfitter Mount Yoke Mount Down Lighting HPS 120 Ill CSB3 -70HP -120 CSB3- 70HP -120SF 70 MH 120 111 CSB3 -70MH -120 CS83- 70MH- 120-SF CSB3 -70MH- 120 -TR 100 MH 120 111 CSB3 -10OMH -120 CSB3- 10OMH- 120-SF CSB3- 100MH- 120 -TR 150 MH 120 III CSB3 -15OMH -120 CSB3- 15OMH- 120-SF CSB3- 15OMH- 120 -TR 175 MH 120 111 CSB3 -175MH -120 CSB3- 175MH- 120-SF CS83- 175MH- 120 -TR 250 MH 120 111 CSB3 -25OMH -120 CSB3- 25OMH -120SF CSB3- 25OMH- 120 -TR A400 MH 120 111 CSB3- 40OMH -120A CSB3 -00OMH - 120 -SFA CSB3- 400MH- 120 -TRA 10 00 MH 1 20 III SBI -120V SBIOOOMH -120SF — 70 HPS 120 Ill CSB3 -70HP -120 CSB3- 70HP -120SF CSB3 -70HP- 120 -TR 100 HPS 120 III CSB3 -100HP -120 CSB3- 100HP -120SF CSB3- 100HP- 120 -TR 150 HPS 120 111 CS83 -150HP -120 CSB3- 150HP- 120-SF CSB3- 150HP- 120 -TR 250 HPS 120 111 CSB3 -250HP -120 CSB3- 250HP -120SF CSB3- 250HP- 120 -TR 400 HP 120 111 CSB -400HP -1 C S B 3- 400HP- 120-SF CSB3400H 120 -TR 1000 HPS 120 III SBIOOOHP -120V SBIOOOHP- 120 -SF -_ Forward Throw 70 MH 120 - FT -70MH -120 FT- 70MH -120SF FT -70MH- 120 -TR 100 MH 120 - FT -10OMH -120 FT- 10OMH -120SF FT- 10OMH- 120 -TR 150 MH 120 - FT -150MH -120 FT- 15OMH- 120 -SF FT- 150MH- 120 -TR 175 MH 120 - FT -175MH -120 FT- 175MH- 120-SF FT- 175MH- 120 -TR 250 MH 120 - FT -250MH -120 FT- 25OMH- 120 -SF FT- 25OMH- 120 -TR A400 MH 120 - FT- 40OMH -120A FT- 40OMH- 120SFA FT- 40OMH- 120 -TRA 70 HPS 120 - FT -70HP -120 FT -70HP- 120 -SF FT- 70HP- 120 -TR 100 HPS 120 - FT -100 HP -120 FT- 100HP -120SF FT- 100HP- 120 -TR 150 HPS 120 - FT -150HP -120 FT- 150HP- 120-SF FT- 150HP- 120 -TR 250 HPS 120 - FT -250HP -120 FT- 250HP -120SF FT- 250HP- 120 -TR 400 HPS 120 - FT -400HP -120 FT- 400HP -120SF FT- 400HP- 120 -TR ■ Alternate voltages — see "Ballasts" below ♦ To order CSB with alternate beam distributions — see "IES Distributions" below T SB Series: Mounting arm (SB- AM-&BZ) is ordered separately — See "Accessories" below. A 40OW Metal halide: use ED28 tamp IIES Distribution "CSB3" catalogue numbers indicate an IES Type III beam spread. For altemate distribution replace "3- 'with the desired designation. Beam Spread Luminaire Substitute NEMA 11 Series CSB 2- NEMA III Series CSB & SB See Above NEMA IV Series CSB 4- Prismatic Flat prismatic glass Series CSB Series CSB P G- Ballasts Alternate voltages: substitute for ` -120' in the catalogue number. Not all voltages are available for Metal Halide luminaires. Single Voltage Ballasts Substitute CWA 120V, 277V and 347V -277,-347 CWI 208V, 240V 2081S, -2401S Multi - Voltage Ballasts Dual Tap120V / 240V -DT4S Tri-Tap 120V / 277V / 347V -TT Accessories Field i nstalled, or separately. Cat. No. Mounting Arm For bracket mounted fixtures Series CSB & FT: 7" extension: supplied with luminaire Series SB: ballast in the event of a lamp failure. -Pl 8" extension: Bronze. SB- AM -8 -BZ Optional Colours SB -AM -8-❖ Vandal Shield Lexan, with offset mounting kit Series CSB CSB -LS f Series FT FT -LS Series SB SB -LS Wall Mounting Bracket Acculite For siipfitter mounted fixtures 2" IPS (2' /s "OD) Bronze WB -1 -BZ Optional Colours WB -1 - -:- Pulse Start Metal Halide High performance metal halide Add suffix to Ballast voltage -PSI Options add suffix Lamp Fixture complete with lamp. -L Photocontrol -PC Protected Ignitor Prevents cycling and protects HPS ballast in the event of a lamp failure. -Pl Fuse Holder Single pole, with fuse -F1 Colour To specify luminaire with colour Bronze Standard Designer Colours add suffix 1- .. indicate colour: Black add suffix -BL White Add suffix -WH Other Consult Factory Acculite ■ Acculite — Division of Juno Lighting Ltd., 219 Shoemaker St., Kitchener, ON N2E 3B3 Phone 519.893.1500 800.265.7844 Visit us at wwwacculitelig.com Pared m e, .. @2001 i , Lom g LW. Re 10/01 Fax 519.893.7101 800.594.5175 MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Scott Aker, Fire Chief From: George A. Lundy, Fire Marshal Date: December 9, 2003 Subject: Proposed Sports Dome Kim: This memo is to clarify the occupancy load limit allowed for this purposed facility. The 2000 Minnesota State Building Code classifies this facility as a mixed occupancy use, with the viewing area as an A -4 and the playing area as a A -3. The 2000 Minnesota State Fire Code Requires that a A -4 or A -3 with an occupant load of 300 or more be required to have a fully automatic fire protection system installed. When I met with this group, I explained that they could use either the A -4 or the A -3 to determine their occupant load. However they could not use both. This is how I came up with the maximum occupant load of 299 spectators and participants. Also, they stated to me that this dome was to be used for instructional training and that they would not use this facility for large gatherings. If they would insist on having more than 299 occupants at one time, we will require that they provide an approved automatic fire protection system. If you would have any questions, or if I can be of further assistance please let me know. November 24, 2003 Parks Commission Minutes —Irish Dome Irish Dome CUP— Schultz received an updated plan last week. There was a request for an extension of the hours of use. They now would have the dome available for public rentals from 5:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session, and when school isn't in session, it would be available from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Weekend hours would be 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Schultz felt that they might want to use it during school hours too, and before 7:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Schultz reviewed the updated plan for the dome that included the changes requested by the Commission regarding parking and access roads. They've added parking on the east and north sides of the dome and shifted the dome to the west, so it's closer to the property line. They identify an area coming into the dome entrance from the Community Center parking lot, and they also show a one -way exit leaving the dome through the Community Center parking lot to the driveway on Dodd and also Connemara Parkway. Drainage for the property will be to the north of the dome to an infiltration pond, approximately one -third of which is on school property and two - thirds of which is on City (park) property, and a NURP pond located on National Guard property. Use of the National Guard property would have to be approved by the MN State Armory Commission. Any recommendations made by the Commission regarding ponds and drainage would have to be approved by our City Engineering Department. There was discussion on ponding, drainage and run -off, hours, parking, access roads to the dome, maintenance of the access roads and parking lot, and the dome's impact on Schwarz Pond Park. Schultz felt that the plan at this point would have minimal impact on the users of the public park unless the infiltration area turns into a problem. The Commission still had many concerns about construction of the dome at this location. Schultz suggested that the Commission make a recommendation on the extended hours of use of the park and also on any impacts on City parkland, which would include driveway access and ponding areas. The Commission could recommend that the City Council recommend granting an easement across our property from Schwarz Pond Park towards their parking lot, another easement on the other end, and a ponding easement. Schultz suggested the Commission could table the issue and schedule another meeting prior to the Dec. 22 meeting to discuss this further. Johnson felt that the Commission should move forward with this issue based on the fact that the dome personnel have made the changes recommended by the Commission at the last meeting, i.e. parking, and now the Commission has an issue with ponding. Johnson felt that the Commission should either make a recommendation to move forward with the dome or let the dome personnel know that the Commission will not approve building the dome at this location. Eliason felt that we were giving away property for the road or trail and the ponding area and this is something we haven't done before. Schultz stated that what we would actually be doing is granting easements for a road and for drainage and that we wouldn't be giving them the land, we would still own the land. MOTION by Jacobs to grant easement to the north and south sides of the facility for vehicle access and pending approval of the City Engineer allow an easement on the designated area on the north side of the parking lot for drainage. SECOND by Sterner. Schultz will bring back the easements and language to the next meeting. Ayes: 4 Nays: 1 (Johnson) Motion passed. Schultz suggested that the hours of operation be from 7:00 a.m. to midnight subject to change if necessary. MOTION by Sterner to change the hours of operation for the Irish Dome CUP to 7:00 a.m. to midnight every day. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. MEMORANDUM TO: City of Rosemount Planning Commission Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Rick Pearson, City Planner FROM: Jason Lindahl, A.LC.P., Assistant City Planner DATE: October 9, 2003 RE: Site Plan & Conditional Use Permit for Irish Sports Dome BACKGROUND The applicant, Irish Dome, LLC, requests site plan and conditional use permit approvals to allow the construction of a 225' by 450' domed air supported structure on the Rosemount High School north athletic fields directly west of the City's Community Center. The sports dome will be a privately owned and operated business on leased School District 196 land. The facility will be available for school use from 5:30 to 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. during the school year. In return, the dome will be available to fee - paying customers during the evenings and weekends. After the 20 -year lease expires, the dome will be donated to the Rosemount High School. ISSUE ANALSIS Conditional Use Permit. The purpose of conditional use permits (CUP) is to allow for those uses which are not generally suitable within the zoning district, but which under some circumstances may be suitable. The applicant for a CUP shall have the burden of proof that the use is suitable and that it conforms with the standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission shall recommend and the Council may issue the CUP should they make the findings outlined below. 1. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. 2. Will be harmonious with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and city code provisions. 3. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 4. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. 5. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. 6. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. 7. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quality standards. 8. These standards apply in addition to specific conditions as may be applied throughout the City Code. In reviewing applications for a CUP, the Commission and the Council may attach whatever reasonable conditions they deem necessary to mitigate anticipated adverse impacts associated with these uses, to protect the value of other property within the district, and to achieve the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and City Code. These conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Controlling the number, area, bulk, height, density, intensity, and location of such uses. 2. Regulating ingress and egress to the property and the proposed structures thereon with particular reference to vehicle and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or other catastrophe. 3. Regulating off - street parking and loading areas where required. 4. Specifying utilities with reference to location availability and compatibility. 5. Requiring berming, fencing, screening, landscaping or other facilities to protect nearby property. 6. Ensuring compatibility of appearance. Staff reviewed each of these issues and conditions and our findings are detailed below. Laud Use & Zoning. The subject property is guided and zoned PI, Public /Institutional. In June 2003, the City amended the PI, Public /Institutional District to allow commercial recreational facilities which are sponsored and jointly used by a governmental property owner. Therefore, the proposed commercial recreational use is consistent with the PI, Public /Institutional land use and zoning classifications. The dimensional standards for properties in the PI, Public /Institutional District are illustrated in the table below. The applicant site plan fails to illustrate the property boundaries or the adjacent buildings. Therefore, staff is unable to determine whether the proposed dome meets these standards. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to submit a revised site plan demonstrating the dome will be in conformance with the dimensional standards for the PI, Public /Institutional District. This site plan must illustrate the boundaries of the subject property, all adjacent buildings, and the distances from these items to the proposed dome. Dimensional Performance Standards for the PI, Public /Institutional District Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Building Height Lot Coverage 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 75% Parking. The zoning ordinance does not address a specific parking standard for commercial dome recreational facilities. However, the conditional use permit grants the City the power to dictate additional parking standards for this use. Similar standards within the ordinance include: Athletic and Weight Reduction Facilities at 1/200 square feet which would require 506 stalls or Outdoor Recreation at 1/4 patrons which would require 75 stalls. Staff finds that this represents a range of possible parking standards. Section 8 of the Zoning Ordinance allows for both joint use of parking and proof of parking. Based on the proposed site plan, the applicant plans to use the existing parking lot for Schwarz Pond Park. Currently, that lot has a bituminous surface with no curb and cutter and is striped for 65 stalls. The site plan illustrates that this parking lot could be re- striped to accommodate 95. In addition, the site plan illustrates another 82 stalls as proof of parking in future parking lot on the south side of the dome site. The applicant must demonstrate that this parking lot is buildable as designed and that 177 stalls could meet the parking demand for the sports dome and Schwarz Pond Park. Access & Traffic. According to the applicant, the primary access to the site will come through the park road off of Connemara Trail with an alternative route through the Community Center access and parking area. However, the alternate route and driveway is not clearly articulated to a level of detail for staff to make an assessment of the impact. Given that this alternative parking lot may be crucial in terms of required parking, staff will recommend a solution connecting the parking lot to Schwarz Pond Park. While the applicant states that they will not encourage the alternative access, staff does not support an access plan which allows an accessory use to infringe on the parking and access area for a principal use (Rosemount Community Center). This access plan fails to address the traffic impact from the proposed dome. Given the above mentioned parking and access design, the City Engineer recommends that the applicant prepare and submit a traffic study analyzing the impact of this use and identifying improvements that may be necessary to the intersection of Dodd and Connemara Trail. Loading. The applicant's plans do not illustrate a loading area for either commercial deliveries or dropping off of patrons. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to demonstrate how the site can accommodate both commercial and patron deliveries and drop -offs. Grading, Drainage, & Utilities. Grading, drainage and utility issues are addressed in the City Engineer's memo dated October 6, 2003 (see attached). The applicant will be required to comply with all standards and conditions outlined by the City Engineer. Trash Enclosure. According to the Park Department, Schwarz Pond Park currently has several small trash cans. With the addition of this commercial use into the park, staff recommends that the applicant meet the trash enclosure standard for other commercial uses within the City. This would require the applicant to provide a trash enclosure or demonstrate that all trash can be store within the dome. It should be noted that storage of trash within the dome may be an issue for the Fire Marshal. Landscaping. The applicant site plan illustrates six 6 -foot spruce trees directly south of the existing parking lot. While there are no specific landscaping standards for the PI, Public /Institutional District, the conditional use permit grants the City the authority to require additional landscaping to mitigate the effects of this use. Of specific concern to staff will be screening of the dome from adjacent residential uses and public rights -of- way. Therefore, staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to submit a detailed landscape plan demonstrating conformance with the city's screening requirements. Signage. No sign plan was included with the applicant's plans. Should the applicant wish to have on site signage, they will be required to submit a detailed comprehensive sign plan in conformance with the sign standards outlined in Section 10 of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. While the applicant's plans include a lighting detail, they do not include a lighting or photometric plan. Currently, Schwarz Pond Park has no exterior lighting. While the Zoning Ordinance does not dictate specific lighting standards for the PI, Public /Institutional District, the conditional use permit grants the City the authority to require additional lighting. Staff finds that with the increased use of the area from the dome and its hours of operation spanning from 5:30 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., some exterior lighting will be necessary. In addition, staff anticipates some light dispersion from the dome itself. Therefore, the applicant will be required to submit a lighting and photometric plan illustrating the location and dispersion pattern for all exterior lighting as well as the dome itself. The plan shall meet the requirements of City staff. Pedestrian Circulation. The applicant's plans illustrate a 10 -foot access drive from the northern parking lot to the dome's main entrance. This access drive shall have a bituminous surface and concrete curb and cutter. In addition, that applicant states that there will be a 10 foot Class 5 access apron surrounding the dome. Together, they will facilitate pedestrian access to and around the dome. Should the City require construction of the southern proof of parking lot, the applicant will be required to construct an additional 12 -foot access drive from this parking lot to the dome's entrance. Finally, the City Fire Marshal requires that the above mentioned areas be maintained and kept free of snow to facilitate emergency egress from the dome. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Given the number of issues outlined in this staff report, the City Engineer's memo dated October 6, 2003 and the Parks Director's memo dated October 6, 2003, staff has concerns that significant plan revisions and refinements are warranted. Should the Planning Commission choose to recommend approval of this item, staff has assembled a set of conditions that (some of which) could be addressed in preparation for Council review and action. Option 1: Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional use permit for Irish Dome, L.L.C. subject to: 1. Submission of a revised site plan demonstrating the dome will be in conformance with the dimensional standards for the PI, Public /Institutional District. This site plan must illustrate the boundaries of the subject property, all adjacent buildings, and the distances from these items to the proposed dome. 2. Demonstrate that proof of parking lot is buildable, as designed, and that 177 stalls will meet the parking demand for the sports dome and Schwarz Pond Park. 3. Elimination of the alternative access route to the dome site through the Community Center access and parking area. 4. Prepare and submit a traffic study analyzing the impact of the dome use and identify all improvements necessary to the intersection of Dodd and Connemara Trail 5. Demonstrate that the site can accommodate both commercial and patron deliveries and drop -offs. 6. Provide a trash enclosure or demonstrate that all trash can be store within the dome. It should be noted that storage of trash within the dome may be an issue for the Fire Marshal. 7. Submission of a detailed landscape plan demonstrating conformance with the city's screening requirements from all adjacent residential uses and rights -of -way. 8. Submission of a comprehensive sign plan in conformance with the sign standards outlined in Section 10 of the Zoning Ordinance. 9. Submission of a lighting and photometric plan illustrating the location and dispersion pattern for all exterior lighting as well as the dome itself in conformance with the requirements of City staff. 10. Should the City require construction of the southern proof of parking lot, the applicant will be required to construct an additional 12 -foot access drive from this parking lot to the dome's entrance 11. Approval of the plan by the Rosemount Park and Recreation Commission. 12. Conformance with all standards and conditions outlined by the Parks Director including those specified in the attached memo dated October 8, 2003. 13. Conformance with all standards and conditions outlined by the City Engineer including those specified in the attached memo dated October 6, 2003. 14. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes including a specific requirement from the City Fire Marshal that the access drive and building perimeter be maintained and kept free of snow to facilitate emergency egress from the dome. 15. Conformance with all standards and conditions as outlined by City staff. 16. Payment of all applicable development fees according to the rates prescribed in the current fee schedule. 17. Issuance of a building permit. Option 2: Given the staff reservations concerning the recommendation of approval at this time: Motion to continue this item to the October 14, 2003 Planning Commission meeting to allow the applicant to revise their plans to address the issues raised by staff. MEMO TO: Rick Pearson, City Planner FROM: Andrew J. Brotzler, City Engineer 1 Y g � / DATE: October 6, 2003 RE: Irish Sports Dome Site Plan & Grading Plan Review Upon review of the Site Plan, Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utility Plan for the Irish Sports Dome dated September 24, 2003, the following comments are offered: 1. All work shall be completed in accordance with the City of Rosemount Standard Specification. This requirement should be noted on the plans. 2. The existing property lines should be shown on the Site Plan and Grading Plan. Also, there is an existing City storm sewer forcemain located at the south edge of the proposed Sports Dome location. The status of an existing drainage and utility easement for this facility should be determined and if necessary an easement provided. 3. For the proposed watermain extension, the configuration of the existing watermain should be shown based on plans previously provided. Also, a 6" gate valve should be added to the proposed connection. 4. There does not appear to be a proposed sanitary sewer service for the facility. The need for a sanitary sewer service to meet applicable building codes should be reviewed. 5. The proposed 12 foot access drive should be constructed with concrete curb & gutter. 6. The proposed side slopes from the access drive of 3:1 should be revised to a maximum allowable slope of 4:1. 7. For the proposed drainage swales around the perimeter of the building, a minimum slope of 2% should be provided. irtsn oports Lome memo Page 2 8. Attached are copies of the City of Rosemount's requirements for stormwater treatment and rate control to be forwarded.to the applicant. Proposed stormwater facilities and storm drainage calculations should be provided to ensure that the development of the site meets the attached requirements. 9. Based on the proposed Site Plan, it appears that the existing Schwarz Park parking lot will be utilized as parking area for the proposed Sports Dome. It is recommended that the applicant prepare and submit a traffic study to review the impacts to the intersection of Dodd Boulevard and Connemara Trail and identify improvements that may be necessary to accommodate the increased traffic at this location generated by the proposed facility. 10. The Site Plan shows a proposed parking lot at the south end of the facility, noted as proof of parking. It is understood that the timing for the construction of this parking lot may be delayed; however it is recommended that the future construction of this parking lot be detailed to verify that the construction of the parking lot is feasible. 11. The following is an estimate of the City water and storm sewer charges that would be collected at the time of building permits. • Water Trunk Area Charge 2.41 acres X $3,820 /acre = $ 9,206.20 • WAC for 6" Meter $23,155.00 • STAC Charge 2.41 acres X $9,320 /acre= $22,461.20 Should you have questions regarding any of the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Dan Schultz, Park & Recreation Director City of Rosemount Storm Water Development Standards Developer's Guidelines Page 1 The City of Rosemount has developed a number of policies to address storm water management within the City. These policies replace those outlined in the 1998 Stormwater Management Plan. A. Water Quantitv For newly developing areas, the maximum peak stormwater discharge rate will be limited to 0.05 cfs /acre for a 100 -year, 24 -hour storm event. 2. In the event that the City will not be providing a regional system, storage of the runoff from the 100 -year, 24 -hour storm event is required on -site. The City prefers to provide rate control through the use of regional storm water retention systems versus site -by -site retention systems if regional systems are available. 4. Drainage calculations must be submitted to demonstrate adequate rate control, storage, and infiltration are provided as per'the requirements of the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. New storm sewer systems shall be designed to accommodate discharge rates from a 10 -year storm event. 6. Storm events or runoff events shall be defined as outlined below: a. The 2 -year storm event is defined as 2.8" of rainfall in 24- hours. b. The 10 -year storm event is defined 4.2" of rainfall over 24- hours. c. The 100 -year storm event is defined as 6.0" of rainfall over 24- hours. d. The 10 -day snowmelt is defined as 7.1" of runoff. Development will be required to providel /12 of an acre - foot /acre /day of infiltration for the entire site's acreage Pretreatment of stormwater is required prior to discharge to an infiltration basin. Options available for infiltration design are included in the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Infiltration rates of soils for design purposes are as follows: Hydrologic soil group A : 0.50 in/hour Hydrologic soil group B : 0.25 in/hour Hydrologic soil group C : 0.10 in/hour Hydrologic soil group D : 0.03 in/hour C:\Documents and Sett ings'jrl \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\OLK I E\041202DevHandOut.doc City of Rosemount Storm Water Development Standards Developer's Guidelines Page 2 Different infiltration rates will be considered by the City Engineer on a site -by -site basis based on percoiation tests or other pertinent information conducted by a professional soil scientist or Professional Engineer. The City prohibits activities within the 100 -year floodplain unless compensatory floodplain mitigation is provided at a 1:1 ratio by volume and it is demonstrated that the 100 -year floodplain will not be impacted. In addition, no filling within the designated floodway of a drainage channel shall be allowed. Suitable calculations must be.submitted and approved demonstrating that filling in the flood fringe will not impact the 100 -year flood profile. 10. The City shall restrict or prohibit uses within the floodplain that are dangerous to health, safety, or property in times of flood or which cause increase in flood elevations or velocities. 11. The City requires that for any new or redevelopment, at least 3 feet of freeboard between the anticipated high water elevation and the minimum building opening be maintained. If this 3 foot freeboard requirement is considered a hardship, standard could be lowered to 2 feet if approved by the City Engineer and the following can be demonstrated: a. That within the 2 -foot freeboard area, stormwater storage is available which is equal to or exceeds 50% of the stormwater storage currently available in the basin below the 100 -year high water elevation. b. That a 25% obstruction of the basin outlet over a 24 -hour period would not result in more than 1 foot of additional bounce in the basin. An adequate overflow route from the basin is available that will provide assurance that 1 foot of freeboard will be maintained for the proposed low building opening. 12. The City requires that minimum basement floor elevations be set to an elevation that meets the following criteria: a. The basement floor elevation will be 4 feet above the currently observed groundwater elevations in the area (FHA policy). b. The basement floor elevation will be 2 feet above the elevation of any known historic high groundwater elevations for the area. Information on historic high groundwater elevations can be derived from any CADocuments and Settings \jrl \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLKIE \041202DevHandOut.doc City of Rosemount Storm Water Development Standards Developer's Guidelines Page 3 reasonable sources including piezometer data, soil boring data, percolation testing, etc. The basement floor elevation will be 1 foot above the 100 -year high water elevation for the area unless it can be demonstrated that this standard creates a hardship. If a hardship is demonstrated, this requirement could be waived if a registered geotechnical engineer documents that the basement floor will be one foot above the highest anticipated groundwater elevation that could result from high surface water elevations raising the groundwater in the area during a 100 -year critical duration rainfall event. The impact of high surface water elevations on groundwater elevations in the vicinity of the structure can take into consideration the site's distance from the floodplain area, the soils, the normal water elevation of surface depressions in the areas, the static groundwater table and historic water elevations in the area. B. Water Qualitv In the design and construction of new, or modifications to the existing storm water conveyance systems, pretreatment of storm water runoff to Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) recommendations must be provided prior to discharge to wetlands and water bodies classified as Preserve and Manage I as outlined in the City's Wetland Management Plan and infiltration basins. The NURP design guidelines fdr the City are as follows: a. A permanent pool ( "dead storage ") volume below the principal spillway (normal outlet), which shall be greater than or equal to the runoff from a 2.5 inch storm over the entire contributing drainage area assumin full development. b. A permanent pool average depth (basin volume /basin area), which shall be >4 feet, with a maximum depth of <10 feet. An emergency overflow (emergency outlet) adequate to control the one percent frequency /critical duration rainfall event. d. Basin side slopes above the normal water level should be no steeper than 4:1, and preferably flatter. A basin shelf with a minimum width of 10 feet and one foot deep below the normal water level is recommended to enhance wildlife habitat, reduce C: \Documents and Settings`jrl \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK1E \041202DevHandOut.doc City of Rosemount Storm Water Development Standards Developer's Guidelines Page 4 potential safety hazards, and improve access for long -term maintenance. To prevent short- circuiting, the distance between major inlets and the normal outlet shall be maximized. f. A flood pool ( "live storage ") volume above the principal spillway shall be adequate so that the peak discharge rates from 99 %, 10 %, and I% chance critical duration storms are no greater than pre - development basin watershed conditions. Additional discharge restrictions may be required as outlined in the Stormwater Management Plan. g. Retardance of peak discharges for the more frequent storms can be achieved through a principal spillway design, which may include a perforated vertical riser, small orifice retention outlet, or compound weir. Additional discharge restrictions may be required as outlined in the Stormwater Management Plan. h. Aprotective buffer strip of vegetation surrounding the permanent pool at a minimum width of 15 feet. 2. Sediment and nutrient pretreatment shall be provided to the extent necessary as outlined in the City's Wetland Management Plan. New developments will be required to provide mitigative measures if the development results in an increase in the phosphorus concentration of downstream water bodies that are classified as Preserve or Manage I as outlined in the City's Wetland Management Plan. Appropriate documentation must be submitted to the City that indicates the pre- and post development phosphorus concentrations of Preserve or Management I water bodies. 4. Two foot sump catch basin inlets are required for all new or redevelopment within a street. A 3 -foot sump catch basin or manhole is required within the street just prior to discharge to a wetland, lake, or stream. Development plans must be in conformance with the shoreland management ordinance. The City will require skimmers in the construction of new pond outlets, and add skimmers to the existing system whenever feasible and practical. CADocuments and Settings \jrl \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\OLK I E\041202DevHandOut.doc City of Rosemount Storm Water Development Standards Developer's Guidelines Page 5 Skimmer design shall provide for skimmers that extend a minimum of 4 inches below the water surface and minimize the velocities of water passing under the skimmer to less than 0.5 feet per second for 1 -year rainfall events. A skimmer detail is shown on Appendix H. 7. For newly developing areas, buffers as outlined in the Wetland Management Plan will be required. These buffers include: Preserve Wetlands: 75 Ft. Manage I Wetlands 50 Ft. Manage II Wetlands 30 Ft. Utilize Wetland 15 Ft. in non - agricultural areas only. C. Wetlands 1. Prior to issuance of any city grading or building permits, all development and redevelopment activities must comply with the Wetland Conservation Act and Wetland Management Plan. A copy of the Wetland Conservation Act Rules and the Wetland Management Plan can be obtained at city Hall. 2. For new development, buffers around wetlands as outlined in the Wetland Management Plan will be required. These buffers include: Preserve Wetlands: 75 Ft. Manage I Wetlands 50 Ft. Manage II Wetlands 30 Ft. Utilize Wetland 15 Ft. in non - agricultural areas only. Developers shall be responsible for the installation of monuments marking the outer edge of the buffer. D. Erosion 1. The City will require erosion and sediment control on all construction sites to be in conformance with City ordinance and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Best Management Practices. CADocuments and Settings`jr] \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\OLK I E\041202DevHandOut.doc MEMORANDUM DATE: October 8, 2003 TO: Jason Lindahl, Assistant Planner Rick Pearson, City Planner Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andy Brotzler, City Engineer Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator FROM: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Sports Dome C.U.P. After reviewing the application for the Sports Dome Conditional Use Permit I have comments regarding several items. Please see the items listed below. 1. Letter to DNR - The City and ISD 196 recently submitted a letter to the DNR and NPS requesting permission to build the dome on LAWCON assisted land. We hope to have a response by mid to late November 2003. The permission from the DNR and NPS should be a condition of approval. 2. Access to the site is a concern. The applicant has indicated that they will use the park road off of Connemara Trail to access the proposed parking area at Schwarz Pond Park. The city engineer will address that issue. I have a concern with the proposed secondary access through the parking lot at the Rosemount Community Center. Staff does not support using a parking lot as an access road or driveway. I do not believe that the parking lot was designed or intended to be used as an access road to get to Schwarz Pond Park. It was connected for convenience and minimal traffic. 3. Parking - The applicant has proposed using the city parking lot at Schwarz Pond Park. The applicant needs to clearly identify what their parking needs will be. It is still unclear what type of events or capacity will be allowed within their facility. I would recommend against expanding the current parking lot at Schwarz Pond Park unless it would be to expand the lotto the south. Based on the development of housing to the north (Evermoor), the east (Brockway) and the improvements planned for the varsity baseball field at RHS, this park will continue to see an increase in use requiring public parking. If it were decided that the dome could use the city parking lot, an agreement between the city and owners of the dome must be reached. Building a parking lot to the south of the dome would provide an excellent opportunity for dome parking and safe and easy access off of Highway 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 1 t to due call and notice thereof, t06 Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was hel n Tuesday, February 10, 2004. airperson Jeff Weisensel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. . with Commissioners And son, Napper, Messner, and Zurn present. Also in attendance was City anner Rick Pearson. The meeting wa pened wit e Pledge of Allegiance. Additions to Agenda There were no addition the agenda. Audience Input: ne MOTION by M ssner to approve t January 27, 2004 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Seco d by Napper. Ayes: derson, Napper, Weisensel, Messner, and Zurn. Nays: None. Motio carried. MOTIO y Anderson to approve consent a e Pulte Homes — Residential Concept / Ayes: apper, Weisensel, Messner, Zurn, and da. Second by Zurn. Continue until March 23, 2004. ,�erson. Nays: None. Motion carried. rson Weisensel confirmed the recording secreta has placed on file with the City all its of Mailing and Postings of a Public Hearing No ce and Affidavits of Publication ing the public hearing on the agenda. Public Hearing: Irish Sports Dome City Planner Pearson reviewed the application from Eric Heflin of Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. This is a continuation of public hearings previously opened, for a Conditional Use Permit for a facility located on School District 196 land directly west of the community center with access via Highway 3 on the east side; Connemara Trail to the north side via Dodd Rd. There have been revisions made to the Site Plan, including parking lots on either side of the Dome on the east side and the north side. There will be 146 parking spots, and additional improvements to the parking lot, including restriping. This public hearing had been previously continued for the Applicant to have a traffic study prepared by the Cities' Engineering Consultant. The result of the study is that there are no immediate improvements required as a direct result of the establishment of the use for this facility. However, future improvements or strategies may be warranted at the year 2010, given the projected overall increase in traffic on Highway 3. There is a new grading plan included. An easement has been requested from the National Guard regarding the storm water pond on the National Guard Armory site. Lighting issues are also being addressed. Staff distributed an additional condition be added to the recommended action: 12. The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year for the compliance with the standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council. The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions, or revocation. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section 12.7.E. Mr. Heflin and Mr. Otto of Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. were present in the audience to answer questions regarding this application. There was discussion amongst the commissioners regarding issues having to do with the parking lot and other issues. Staff answered that it is not anticipated that the parking lot will be reconfigured, although there are plans to restripe the parking lot. The parking lot is currently paved, but not striped at this time. City Planner Rick Pearson noted that these improvements are addressed as conditions of approval. Chairperson Weisensel opened the public hearing. Chairperson Weisensel asked for public comments. There were no public comments. MOTION by Weisensel to close the public hearing. Second by Messner. Ayes: Weisensel, Messner, Zum, Anderson, and Napper. Nays: None. Motion carried. Additional discussion took place amongst the Commissioners. The issue of speed control in the parking lot was addressed. City Planner Rick Pearson explained that typical signage and markings would be present in the parking lot to address this issue. Other issues discussed were the longevity of the building and components, and the color recommended by the applicant. Eric Heflin of Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. came forward to answer questions from the Commissioners. He stated that the longevity of the building is at least 20 years, and after that components can be replaced as reasonable cost. He is recommending a neutral color that would blend with the water tower and the color of the high school. Chairperson Weisensel recommended that the additional condition that staff presented be added, along with "and annually" so the condition would read as follows: 12. The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year, and annually, for the compliance with the standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council. The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions, or revocation. Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section 12.7,E. MOTION by Messner to recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for the Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. with the following conditions of approval, as amended: 1. Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer to limit Dodd Road use to exit only, and participation of Irish Sports Dome in funding for their share of future street and highway improvements to manage increased traffic in the vicinity. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 3 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission relative to the impact on Schwarz Pond Park, and execution of a cross - access and maintenance agreement for the driveway connection in to the park.. 3. Granting of an easement for the NURP Pond by the National Guard in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 4. Grading plan revisions in response to City Engineer comments identified in the attached memo dated February 3, 2004. 5. The entire 146 parking stalls will be installed with construction of the dome facility in conformance with City Standards including striping, and curb and gutter. 6. The Dome operations must be consistent with the operational plan submitted to the City and contained within the February 10, 2004 Planning Commission packet. Operations for the Dome must be consistent with commercial activities of the Irish Sports Dome and will be based on staggered start times of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration. No fields will start or end at the same time. Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. has represented to the City that no more than 30 vehicles would enter and 30 vehicles would exit at the same time. 7. Modifications of the lighting and photometric plan to eliminate the effects of glare on the adjacent residential use (Bards Crossing) in conformance with City Standards. 8. Landscaping enhancements to reduce the visual impact of the dome from the residential uses to the north. 9. Provision of an exterior trash enclosure, or demonstrate that all trash can be stored within the dome. 10. Payment of all development fees at the time of building permit issuance. 11. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. 12. The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year, and annually, for the compliance with the standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council. The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions, or revocation. Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section 12.7.E. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Messner, Zurn, Anderson, Napper, and Weisensel. Nays: None. Motion carried. PuWHearing: Zoning OrdiViace Text Amendment: Lot Depth Definition This item is aff initiated. ity Planner Rick Pearson explained the need for a new lot depth definition. Lot th is easured along the Side Lot line, actually along the setback. This makes sense in the case o ically rectangular lot with street frontage on a straight street. Cul -de -sac lots set a differen atte and often have a concave shape as a result of contributing land to the turn- around. T e turn -arou area doubles the width of the straight street right -of -way. The result is oft a lot that has the quired depth along the side lot lines, but not in the middle where it ounts for the house/buil envelope. solution would be a definitio -that averages the lot depth. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2004 PAGE 1 Pursu nt to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on uesday, January 27, 2004. Chairperson Jeff Weisensel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ith Commissioners Nappe essner, and Zurn present. Commissioner Anderson was absent. lso in attendance we rX City Planner Rick Pearson, and Assistant Planner Jason Lindahl. The meeting was opened wA the Pledge of Allegiance. Additions to Agend City Planner Pears present a correction to the consent agenda. The recommendation was to continue the pub 'c hearings on e consent agenda to February 10, 2004. Audience Inbut: None MPTI by Zurn to approve the January - 13, 2004 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Mi21nn, s. Second by Napper. Ayes: Napper, Weisensel, Messner, and Zum. Nays: None. Mo carried. MOTION by Messner to approve consent agenda as amended. Second by Zum. a. Irish sports Dome — Continue until February 10, 2004 b. Pulte Homes — Residential Concept — Continue until February 10, 2004. Ayes: Weisensel, Messner, Zum, and Napper. Nays: None. Motion carried. Chairperson Weisensel confirmed the recording secretary has placed on file with the City all Affidavits of Mailing and Postings of a Public Hearing Notice and Affidavits of Publication concerning the public hearing on the agenda. blic Hearing: McMenomy Associates PI ned Unit Development Concept Plan — �Qnime Pond, Outlot D City Pla er Pearson reviewed the a ication from McMenomy Associates for the construction of four bu' dings consisting of twe e townoffices to be located at the northeast corner of Chippendale venue and 160 reet. The property is currently zoned AG and would require rezoing to BP r BP4. Acc s to the site would be along Chippendale Avenue. Mr. McMenomy w pr ent in the audience to answer questions regarding this proposal and stated the reason fort submittal of the concept plan is to confirm the Planning Commission's support for this typ of p ect. With the support of the Planning Commission, Mr. McMenomy will see if there i a market or this type of use. ChairpersonXeisensel opened the public hearing. John I nchem, 15779 Cicerone Path�uestioned the setback from 160 Street, the zoning south of 1 th Street, and the height of the pro \osed buildings. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 1 Pur ant to due call and notice th/Chaison ar Meeting of the Planning Commission was held Tuesday, January 13, 200Jeff Weisensel called the meeting to order at 6 :30 p. . with Commissioners A, and Zurn present. Commissioner Messner was absent. so in attendance were ck Pearson, Assistant Planner Jason Lindahl, and Project ngineer Anthony Ad The meeting w Additions to Audience Input :/None the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION Zurn to approve the ecember 9, 2003 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes second by Anderson. Aye • Anderson, Napper, Weisensel, and Zurn. Nays: None. Motiodcarried. MOTION by Weisensel to approve consent agenda as presented. Second by Zurn. a. Irish sports Dome — Continue until January 27, 2004 b. Pulte Homes — Residential Concept — Continue until January 27, 2004. Ayes: Napper, Weisensel, Zurn, and Anderson. Nays: None. Motion carried. -son Weisensel confirmed the recording secretary has placed on file with the City all is of Mailing and Postings of a Publi earing Notice and Affidavits of Publication nd . ng the public hearing on the age Public Hea)�ng: Villella Outlot B, Contry Hills Lot Split /Combination City Planner Pea on reviewed the placation from Ronald Villella to accomplish a series of lot splits and combina 'ons for Outlot in Country Hills Fifth Addition which Mr. Villella had purchased from U.S. omes. T proposal splits the outlot into five parcels and combines one parcel with Mr. Villella prop rty and the remaining four parcels with neighboring properties. Mr. Pearson stated that be e this property is undeveloped land, it is being treated similar to other developments with r ds to fees associated with typical lot splits /combinations. Mr. Villella was prese to answe questions regarding this lot split and made a formal request for abatement of cha les associate ith the development of Outlot B. Clarification was requested regardin the statement tha ad US Homes acquired the land the outlot would have been absorbed by/the new development. Mr. Pearson r ponded that if US Homes ha acquired the land west of Outlot B, they would have absorbe the outlot into the new develop ent and paid the charges typically associated with new devel ment. Weisensel opened the Public Hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 4 Public Hearing: Irish Sports Dome Conditional Use Permit — Cont'd from 11 -25 -03 City Planner Pearson apprised the commission of a meeting with the city officials and the applicant for Sports Dome to activate the process for a traffic study. It was the recommendation to continue this public hearing until January 13, 2004 in order for the traffic study to be completed. MOTION by Weisensel to continue this item to the January 13, 2004 Planning Commission meeting to allow the applicant to revise their plans to address the issues raised by staff. Second by Napper. Ayes: Weisensel, Messner, Zurn, Anderson, and Napper. Nays: None. Motion carried. -son Weisensel adjourned tV Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the Regu Planning Commission m ting. Old Busine None New Business: MOTION by Zurn r ommend a staff study for the street side yard setbacks and to be brought before the City Counc' for a work session. Second by Weisensel. Ayes: Messner, Zurn, Anderson, Napper, d eisensel. Nays: None. Motion carried. Directors Repo City Planner P arson invited \Plannin�g Commission to attend the City Council meeting on December 1 , 2003 at 5:30 p(Tax increment Financing) primer. The Boe er variance for sidks for garage was not granted on appeal to City Counci . City Council indicabe reviewing side yard setbacks for garages. re being no further business to come befo e this Commission, upon Motion by Weisensel, upon unanimous decision, the meeting was djourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Maryann. Stoffel Recording Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 1 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, November 25, 2003. Chairperson Jeff Weisensel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commissioners Myron Napper, Jason Messner, and Terry Zurn present. Also in attendance were Community Development Director Kim Lindquist, City Planner Rick Pearson, �kty Engineer Andy Brotzler, and Assistant Planner Jason Lindahl. The Meeting was opened with the Pledge of Additio s to Agenda Mr. Pears n indicated he had recei Property to ithdraw from the Pub reschedule th ublic hearing 7uml A correction was ade to the Audience Input: N ed request from the applicant representing the Pahl Hearing scheduled for November 25, 2003 and to December 23, 2003 or January 13, 2004 regular meeting. of the executive summary item 6D. MOTION by Messn t approve the October 28, 2003 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. Second b Nap r. Ayes: Napper, Weisensel, Messner, and Zum. Nays: None. Motion carried. Consent Age a Mr. Pearson xplained that items hat are expected to not have any discussion will be placed on a consent ag da for action. One m ion by the Planning Commission would approve all items on the conse t agenda. If a member w is to discuss any items on the agenda, they could pull the item fr consent and discussion wou occur. ION by Weisensel to cancel the De tuber 23, 2003 Regular Meeting and move those slated for that meeting to the January , 2004 Regular Meeting. Second by Messner. Weisensel, Messner, Zum, and Napper. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Messner to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Napper. Ayes: Messner, Zum, Napper, and Weisensel.. Nays: None. Motion carried. a. Irish Sports Dome Conditional Use Permit — continue to 12 -9 -03 b. Manley Land Developme of Split/Combo/Rezoning — continue to 12 -9 -03 C. Ron Villella Outlot B Vt Split — continue to 1 -13 -03 ha on Weisense onfirmed the recording secretary has placed on file with the City all A davits of Maili and Postings of a Public Hearing Notice and Affidavits of Publication conc ing the p lic hearings on the agenda. Public He 'ng: Brock Site Redevelopment — Cont'd from 10 -28 -03 This publ hea ' g was continued from October 28, 2003 to allow time for the applicant to submit refined co t plan for the Brockway site. The revised plan includes single family home , town homes, apa �the and senior condos, a 12 acres park on the southwestern corner and commercial area on uth -east corner of the property. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 28, 2003 PAGE 4 Chai o eisensel recessed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the Plann' Co ission. Public Hearing: Irish Sports Dome Conditional Use Permit The applicant is still in the process of revising the plans for this project. It is recommended that the public hearing be continued to the November 25, 2003 meeting. Chairperson Weisensel opened the public hearing. There were no comments. MOTION by Weisensel to continue this public hearing until November 25, 2003. Second by Messner. Ayes: Zurn, Anderson, Napper, Weisensel, Messner. Nays: .0. Motion carried. and Hearing: Scott and DeAnn Boecker arson Weisensel recessed the Planning Yard Variance and reconvened the Board of Appeals The applicanilkhave requested a five foot ide yard setback variance to construct a third stall onto their existing gar, ge. The proposed ad tion would be 12 x 20. Several letters in support of this variance were rece' ed from surroun 'ng neighbors. Staff feels the applicants do have reasonable use of the roperty wit out the variance and that they have not shown a hardship for the subject property. Th could design their addition to reduce or eliminate the variance request and still gain the a itio al storage space they want. Therefore, Staff is recommending denial of this variance reQUes . There is the opportunity for t ook into the RIA zoning district setbacks should the Planning Commission fee rt is neces ry. Staff, however, is not recommending changing the current standards. Scott and De Ann Bo ker, 3878 Upper 149 treet West, stated that granting the variance will not adversely affect he public health, welfare a safety of the neighborhood. That is supported by tlIl undin neighbors. This is the only loc on for them to put a third garage stall and if they ot al wed to it would adversely affect the They need more space and if this was not th would be forced to move out of a neigh orhood they really like. The house canno ed from where it currently sits. If they can ut in the third stall garage, they wouied the use of their property that many others i their neighborhood have. This addi11 not make the neighborhood less enjoyable others. Therome clarification between the drainage and utility ease ent and the side yard setback requts. The easement is five feet and the setback is 10 feet. T survey shows the current gara approximately 22 feet. Weisensel opened the public hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2003 PAGE 2 odd Hendry, 2605 132" Street West, commented on the p oposed options identified by Staff. wants to raise the grade of the land because all the wat currently flows into the garage and the down a pathway. He wants to fill that in to raiVit and then put in another g arage on the side. The foyer addition would be nice to give thefor shoes, coats, etc. It would be too costly shift everything back seven feet and reloceptic system. He has not looked into purchase g a section of the land to the southeast of erty. Vice- ChairpVrson Anderson opened the public hgaring. There were no comments.. MOTION by derson to close the public h ring. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Messner, Zurn, Napper, Anderso Nays: 0. Motion carne . There was some disc sion on the set s of the surrounding properties. These properties pre- existed the rural reside tial zoning dist ct. Since this property fronts on County Road 38, the County could increase th right -of -w MOTION by Zurn to deny 10 of front yard setback variance at 2605 132 Street West. Second by Napper. Ayes: Ae —-,.N-a pper, Anderson, Messner. Nays: 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Napper to yard setback variance at 2605 132 Street West. Motion died due to lack of secon MOTION by Messne to grant a side�ard setback variance at 2605 132" Street West. Motion died due to lack of s cond. Mr. Pearson stat that Staff would like so e direction from the Commission to prepare Findings of Fa to support the variance. T \a1tatives e brought back at the next meeting. There was f rther discussion on the various available. MOTIO by Anderson to con tinue the puor the Todd Hendry side yard variance until O ober 28, 2003. Second by Zurn. er, Zurn, Napper, Anderson. Nays: 0. Mote carried. Vi,Ee- Chairperson Anderson adjourned the Board of Appeals and Adjustments meeting and r convened the Planning Commission meeting. Public Hearing: Irish Sports Dome Conditional Use Permit This conditional use permit is to allow a sports dome on the north athletic fields of the high school. The dome is 450 feet long by 225 feet wide. The dome will be privately owned and operated and.will lease the land from the high school. The facility will be utilized by the school from 5:30 -7:30 a.m. and 1:30 -5:30 p.m. during the school year. Fee paying customers may use the dome during the evenings and weekends. The lease will run for 20 years after which point the dome will be donated to the high school. Parking has been a concern of Staff as the proposal has an undefined demand for parking. There may be 80 -200 stalls available but the zoning ordinance doesn't have specific standards for this type of sports dome. Staff based their PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2003 PAGE 3 calculation of parking on 82 stalls being provided south of the dome under a proof of parking arrangement and the available stalls in the park parking lot which is 92 -95 stalls. The proof of parking means the developer is willing to build a parking lot south of the dome for their exclusive use but they would prefer not to construct that parking. They want to see how the operation does for a year or two and then build the parking in the future. This could put a burden on the park parking lot. Design refinements are necessary to address drainage, grading, parking, and possible ponding requirements. Staff recommended either approval subject to 17 conditions or a continuance so that further revision could be made to address the outstanding issues. If the continuance was granted, revisions would need to be done by October 21, 2003. Jody Otto, Irish Sports Dome, stated there is an existing bike bath that runs on the south side of the dome to the parking lot at the community center. The issue would-be the location of the access to the dome. Students would use the path and walk up to the dome. Eric Heflin, Irish Sports Dome, stated that Rehder Engineering did the preliminary grading and site planning. They did do a study of the watershed and their grading is based on channeling into the existing catch basins that empty into Schwarz Pond Park. There was further discussion on the parking requirements and the access to the dome. Vice - Chairperson Anderson opened the public hearing. Diane McNearney, 3335 143 Street West, is concerned with the parking, hours of operation, entrances and exits, noise, lighting, and stormwater run -off. They back up to the high school parking lot and hear everything late into the night. At times it is hard to get off their street. During rain storms the water below them is sometimes waste deep. She is not against sports dome and feels kids should have organized recreation but does have some concerns. Mike Manning, 14287 Belle Court, feels this is a wonderful addition for the High School and the Community. Parking in the park parking lot is a good possibility. It would not be the school's desire to build a parking lot on the south end of the dome and they would like to have all alternatives exhausted first. This dome will be greatly used in the wintertime when there won't be as much traffic in the park. There will be more down time in the summer for the dome when the parks will be busier. High school athletes will use the dome for the majority of the month of August. MOTION by Zum to continue the public hearing until October 28, 2003. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Zurn, Napper, Anderson. Nays: Messner. Motion carried. Old sines None. New usines None.