HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Applebee's Site Plan Review (informational-no action required)L CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: August 2, 2004. ISSUE This Planning Commission approved site plan is being presented to the Council as a courtesy, providing an option for questions and comments. The project contributes towards the Council goal of increasing diversity in restaurant options. Applebee's International applied for site plan approval for a 5,000 sq. ft. restaurant located on the southwest corner of County Road 42 and Cimmaron Avenue, between Wendy's and Goodyear. On July 27, 2004, the Planning Commission unanimously approved the site plan subject to six recommended conditions. Site plans and variances are approved or denied by the Planning Commission and Board of Appeals & Adjustments. Their actions regarding site plans and variances can be appealed to the Council As of this writing, no appeal has been received by the Community Development Department BACKGROUND Applicant: Applebee's International, Inc. Property Owner(s): Chippendale 42 Partnership, Michael McNamara Consultant: Landform Engineering Co. Location: 15015 Cimmaron Avenue (Lot 3, Block 1, Rosemount Village Center) Site Area in Acres: 1.37 acres Proposed building size: 5,315 sq. ft. Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Commercial Current Zoning: C -4, General Commercial / PUD Chippendale / 42 Partnership SUMMARY On Tuesday, July 27, 2004, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the site AGENDA ITEM: CASE 04 -45 -SP Site Plan Approval, Applebee's AGENDA SECTION: Department Head Rosemount by Applebee's International. Re orts PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City-Planner A TW� ATTACHMENTS: Location map, Site Plan, Building Elevation reductions, Draft PC Minutes, 7- 27 -04, APPROVED BY: Correspondence RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action is requested. ACTION: plan as required. No one attended other than the applicant. The Commissioners had questions about the building entrances, driveways and parking. After the Commissioners' questions were answered, they adopted a unanimous motion approving the site plan subject to the following: 1. Payment of all applicable hook -up and storm water fees specified in the current fee schedule. 2. Payment of Park Dedication according to the current fee schedule by either the applicant or the current property owner (estimated at $12,330.00). 3. Incorporation of plan revisions recommended by the Project Engineer including the following: A. The grading, drainage, paving and erosion control plan (Sheet C3.1) shall be revised as follows: • Rock construction entrance per City specifications is required at all times during construction and is required to be continuously maintained by the contractor. • Add to note 13: 3 :1 slopes should be blanketed with erosion control blanketed with erosion control blanket MnDOT 3885. • Add to note 14: Contractor must adhere to the City of Rosemount erosion control requirements or outlined in the surface water management ordinance and the NPDES Phase 11 permits. B. The utility plan (Sheet C4.1) shall be revised as follows: • Use two 45 degree bends as opposed to one 90 degree bend for the water main where connecting to existing. • A concrete apron is not required for the entrance to Applebee's, but may be installed at the developer's discretion. • Three Acorn lights shall be installed along Cimmaron Avenue within the eight foot boulevard. Xcel Energy Outdoor Lighting Division will provide and install the fixtures. • The hydraulic calculations shall be updated to account for the entire 1.376 -acre site as opposed to the 0.67 acres in the provided calculations. Also, additional catch basins shall be extended north out of catch basins A and D to reduce sheet flow and assuming 50 % clogging of the inlet, catch basins A and D are nearing capacity. 4. Landscaping revisions in accordance with the revised plan dated July 26, 2004. 5. All site lighting shalt be consistent in color with the rest of the commercial development. 6. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. PROJECT BACKGROUND Landform Engineering has requested site plan approval on behalf of Applebee's for a 5,315 sq. ft. restaurant on the vacant lot between Wendy's and Goodyear. The restaurant is anticipated as part of the Chippendale / 42 Partnership Planned Unit Development and is consistent with the PUD standards. The site plan has been reviewed against the PUD to verify that no amendments are needed. The engineering consultant has been in contact with staff for several months to try and resolve various site plan concerns. As a result, the site plan has comparatively few issues. 2 CHIPPENDALE /42 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT The Chippendale 42 Partnership PUD was approved in 1997. The PUD assigned land uses to blocks and set standards for building architecture, materials, landscaping, setbacks and signage. The standards that apply the Applebee's site are highlighted below: Building Architecture & Materials PUD Compliant Buildings have towers incorporated into design to accentuate flat roofs. Yes Buildings must consist of 50% brick on non- glazed elevations. Yes Stucco and EIFS is acceptable for non -brick areas and sign bands. Yes Landscaping PUD Compliant 125% of normally required landscaping. Yes Irrigation is required Yes Landscaped islands along the major east -west private street is 12 feet wide Yes Landscaped islands in parking lots are a minimum of 8 feet wide. Yes Setbacks County Road 42 30 feet for buildings, 20 feet for parking. Yes Cimmaron Avenue 30 feet for buildings, 15 feet for parking. Yes Note: Parking may be 0 feet (to encourage shared parking). Signs Sign heights are limited to 12 feet and monuments are encouraged. Yes In cases where the PUD is silent on issues, the zoning ordinance prevails. ACCESS& CIRCULATION Access occurs at the southwest corner of the site, with a driveway shared with Wendy's. The driveway connects with the east -west private street that connects Claret and Cimmaron Avenues. The two -way traffic pattern circulates around the building with unrestricted movement. There is a bituminous trail along County Road 42, and a sidewalk along Chippendale Avenue. A sidewalk will be provided connecting the restaurant to the Cimmaron Avenue sidewalk across the northeast corner of the parking lot. Building entrances are located on the east and north side, oriented towards the double loaded parking areas. The north entrance is the primary entrance adjacent to the wait station. The easterly entrance is oriented closer to the kitchen for the curbside take -out orders. Other entrances for on the south and west sides are for the mechanical room and trash enclosure areas. BUILDING DESIGN The single -story building is constructed of 100% face brick with parapets adding roof -line detail The main entrance on the north side has a gabled tower extending another nine feet above the parapet, and windows facing County Road 42. Windows align with the seating areas on the northern half of the east, and west elevations. The balance of the east and west elevations have no windows as these portions of the building contain food preparation, 3 V mechanical, refrigeration and trash enclosure areas. Awnings cover three groupings of windows with alternating colors of green, sand and rust. PARKING The seventy -nine parking spaces are provided significantly exceeds the requirement. Double rows are located along the north and east sides near the entrance. Three "to go" spaces are signed with bollards near the eastern entrance. Four handicapped spaces are arranged about the main entrance on the north side. A single row of parking is provided on the west and south sides. LANDSCAPING The landscaping plan has been revised in response to staff concerns. The plan received on July 26, 2004 is consistent with all conditions of the PUD, as well as applicable ordinance standards. Shade trees are specified along the County Road 42 and Cimmaron Avenue perimeter at 30 feet spacing. The Plan includes: 30 shade and ornamental trees; 296 shrubs 18 perennial daylilys. SIGNS A monument sign is shown in the northeast corner of the site. A separate sign permit will be required at the time of installation. All other signage is located on the building. Wall signs including the Applebee's logo are located above the windows (with awnings) on roof parapets on the east and west elevations. Individual block letters add: "Neighborhood Grill & Bar" on either side of the logo. The northern elevation places the sign on the tower above the main entrance with "Neighborhood Grill & Bar" etched in the windows. LIGHTING Six free - standing 24 ft. light fixtures with "shoe- boxes" line the parking lot. Two fixtures each are located on the west, north and east sides. The light will be properly shielded from the outer edge of the site as required. The hue or color of the light will be required to match other site lighting on neighboring properties. The building has 24 wall - mounted fixtures that cast light downward onto the building or the window awnings. Acorn street lights are located on most of the streets surrounding the planned unit development, with the exception of 151 Street. In order to be consistent with Claret Avenue, three additional lights shall be located along the Cimmaron right -of -way. The previously recommended shifting of trees will eliminate any sitting conflicts. ENGINEERING COMMENTS The grading, drainage, paving and erosion control plan (Sheet C3.1) shall be revised as follows: • Rock construction entrance per City specifications is required at all times during construction and is required to be continuously maintained by the contractor. 4 • Add to note 13: 3:1 slopes should be blanketed with erosion control blanketed with erosion control blanket MnDOT 3885. • Add to note 14: Contractor must adhere to the City of Rosemount erosion control requirements or outlined in the surface water management ordinance and the NPDES Phase II permits. The utility plan (Sheet C4.1) shall be revised as follows: • Use two 45 degree bends as opposed to one 90 degree bend for the water main where connecting to existing. • A concrete apron is not required for the entrance to Applebee's, but may be installed at the developer's discretion. • Three Acorn lights shall be installed along Cimmaron Avenue within the eight -foot boulevard. Xcel Energy Outdoor Lighting Division will provide and install the fixtures. • The hydraulic calculations shall be updated to account for the entire 1.376 -acre site as opposed to the 0.67 acres in the provided calculations. Also, additional catch basins shall be extended north out of catch basins A and D to reduce sheet flow and assuming 50% clogging of the inlet, catch basins A and D are nearing capacity. HOURS OF OPERATION The PUD does not limit hours of operation for businesses east of Walgreen's. However, questions regarding hours of operation often come up at the site plan review. Typical hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. with weekend hours of 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 (midnight) with the possibility of extending hours till 1 :00 a.m. if desired. The number of employees per shift is 20 -25 with two shifts per day. CONCLUSION The Applebee's site plan is consistent with the PUD with the implementation of the recommended conditions of approval The outstanding issues are comparatively minor, and staff would expect the construction process to start immediately upon receiving site plan approval. However, staff understands that contracts have not yet been awarded. On July 27, 2004, the Planning Commission approved the site plan subject to the six recommended conditions. The Planning Commission's action approving the site plan review is final unless, appealed by the Council, applicant or an aggrieved property owner within ten working days. 5 . I SITE MAP PROPERTY ID NUMBER: 34- 64685-030 -01 2004 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2005) 2004 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2005): FEE OWNER: CHIPPENDALE 42 PARTNERSHIP LAND: lomm LOT SIZE (EXCLUDES NO DATA AVAILABLE COMMON NAME: VACANT LAND BUILDING: ROAD EASEMENTS) 15055 CHIPPENDALE AVE S TOTAL: jl� ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 59,958 SQ FT SCHOOL DISTRICT: 196 1.38 ACRES PAYABLE 2004 TAXES LOCATION: NE1 /4 NE1 /4 SECTION 31- 115-19 NET TAX: SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: 0.00 PAYABLE 2005 HOMESTEAD STATUS: NON HOMESTEAD TOTAL TAX & SA: Ab WATERSHED DISTRICT: VERMILLION RIVER PAYABLE 2005 ASMNT USAGE:COMMERCIAL- PREFERRED LAST QUALIFIED SALE: DATE: AMOUNT: \ I V DUE- e:... .. ..,;:_. ®GENERAL NOTES :.. ... G. S. Ee H: N0. 42 (150TH STREET) 'v.xe ..... ... w .aaaw n ux..wn •..•an m w n.. 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'. Lp , as cwcan d ” ®NPDES AREA SUMMARY cu .w � e.avnrn for nclga wr uw �� L kNDFORM - ♦ I NINN {APOL ISPMO {NIX +w a` � am P{ oJaN!lovU . GOPHER TATS PR0IFLTN6 AIDI(!/ ON CALL O umNC. DRAINAGE ralNl; . o_ =o 4,o wo E wswN coNt{a ruN CllLBEF ,�,N ( J . a «xa:PlaeYle.gaxep SCALE , IN }BST C3.1 . I f - ' LANDFORM MIMM[APOLI PN PRQIKT NS Mo w ENLARGED SITE PLAN OOPHEH ATE u ENLAKMP 011E CALL o io 0o ORADINO a sNE nw CAtI Y Do C6 ®GENERAL NOTES r. . 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'e. hr W .hr h, U t 10 to 5a b. 3, U h s JUNE 22. ZOOd ... } h� � W ).r 7a ke 1, t 1 h bx, -:.;ba b..' b. V W l ! 4.. ,.„�.. • bs ° 'b: bn :. • ,,,,,. `. ' aA ' ;h,. !, t L kv Yx U be be ba ha ba. bx: _.: hb., W ix U b.e b, 5 bn e•a u _ .. , gy m rn..w APPLEBEES 9 37.44w. wu wa* enso•w <.:< RESTAURANT ROS E M OUN'1', MN bo �b !x `tx b U bs ba ba h• u o, b, ba ea b� h• ba N90 a8 "E g �I mxa, eCC�� °58hE b, b., b. 5a ib38. be b, b., ba ba ba b b< bn ' I .crm l"' ° — , a o, w o IF vmN P R s dPma �� t rm f ° 4 PARKI G LOT LIGHT, POLE, AND BASE DETAIL LANDFORM APPLEBEE'S STANDARD II NO • JC/4LE.. 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Q�qo 00000000 oo ^o^d:: t:'o- o0 oi0000 0000ioo oo goo * ° � roe yg CnmaeRON AvBNUs f s g 00 OO O O O I lit .x g rk i - lit #� Y s a 7$ g i a y$A $ fi $ E� =���� s 9 g 3 g8 a �1;1ii� �t� q B ; a E � � E [ $ g f 3 } y^ fi Y 5 O M Ss m SO fA° g A VRNUR J i:j OE9SOVP&4 ®QDOO® 00000 �tl ►i �� i�tt�(� `"-•' � i q Via°® PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES L JULY 27, 2004��� PAGE 6 es: Schultz, Zurn, essnerX Powel Na • None. MOTIO essner to carrON Dean Johnson Homes Concept Plan Ap o T to the City Co2004. Second by Powell. A s: Schultz, Z Messner P ell. Nays: None. Motion carried. Lin uist stated that the issue wo b e Augus 7, 2004 City Council meeting. 5C. CASE 04 -45 -SP Applebee's Rosemount — Site Plan Approval. City Planner Rick Pearson began his presentation with a brief explanation of the Chippendale Development as a back drop for the proposed Applebee's restaurant at the southwest corner of County Road 42 and Cimmaron Avenue. Landform Engineering had requested a site plan approval on behalf of Applebee's for a 5,315 sq. ft. restaurant on the vacant lot between Wendy's and Goodyear. The restaurant is anticipated for one of the few remaining vacnt parcels in the Chippendale / 42 Partnership Planned Unit Development and is consistent with the PUD standards. Pearson highlighted some major points of the site plan. Access will occur at the southwest corner of the site, with a driveway shared with Wendy's. The driveway will connect with the east -west private street that connects Claret and Cimmaron Avenues. The two -way traffic pattern will circulate around the building with unrestricted movement. Building entrances will be located on the east and north side, oriented toward the double- loaded parking areas. The seventy -nine parking spaces significantly exceeded the requirement by the city. Double rows are located along the north and east sides near the entrance. The single -story building will be constructed of 100% face brick with parapets adding roof line detail. The main entrance on the north side will have a gabled tower extending another nine feet above the main entrance. Awnings will cover three groupings of windows with alternating colors of green, sand and rust. A revised landscaping plan had been distributed to the Planning Commission the night of the meeting. Pearson pointed out the typical hours of operation would be between 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. with weekend hours of 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 (midnight) with the possibility of extending hours until 1:00 a.m. if desired. The number of employees per shift will be 20 -25 with two shifts per day. Further, Pearson stated that the Applebee's site plan was consistent with the PUD when implemented in conjunction with the recommended conditions of approval. The outstanding issues are comparatively minor, and staff would expect that the construction process will start immediately upon receiving site plan approval. Pearson recommended the motion to approve the site plan review for Applebee's Restaurant subject to: 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 27, 2004 PAGE 7 Payment of all applicable hook -up and storm water fees specified in the current fee schedule. Payment of Park Dedication according to the current fee schedule by either the applicant or the current property owner (estimated at $12,330.00). Incorporation of plan revisions recommended by the Project Engineer including the following: A. The grading, drainage, paving and erosion control plan (Sheet C3.1) shall be revised as follows: Rock construction entrance per City specifications is required at all times during construction and is required to be continuously maintained by the contractor. Add to note 13: 3:1 slopes should be blanketed with erosion control blanketed with erosion control blanket MnDOT 3885. Add to note 14: Contractor must adhere to the City of Rosemount erosion control requirements or outlined in the surface water management ordinance and the NPDES Phase Il permits. B. The utility plan (Sheet C4.1) shall be revised as follows: Use two 45 degree bends as opposed to one 90 degree bend for the water main where connecting to existing, a concrete apron will not required for the entrance to Applebee's, but may be installed at the developer's discretion, three Acorn lights shall be installed along Cimmaron Avenue within the eight foot boulevard, Xcel Energy Outdoor Lighting Division will provide and install the fixtures, the hydraulic calculations shall be updated to account for the entire 1.376 -acre site as opposed to the 0.67 acres in the provided calculations, and additional catch basins shall be extended north out of catch basins A and D to reduce sheet flow and assuming 50% clogging of the inlet, catch basins A and D are nearing capacity. Landscaping in accordance with the Landscaping Plan dated July 26, 2004. All site lighting shall be consistent in color with the rest of the commercial development. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. Kristine Moss of Landform Engineering was present and representing Applebee's International. Questioning was opened. Whereby, Chair Messner, questioned whether there were six points or four points of condition for approval. Pearson clarified, six. Commissioner Humphrey requested clarification on there being one or two entrances. Pearson pointed out two on the plan. Powell expressed concern over too many parking spaces, not enough green space. Pearson explained that the plan contained the 25 percent green space required by the city. Commissioner Schultz asked for a size comparison, whereby Moss compared the site to the Cottage Grove Applebee's which has 166 seats. Commission Zurn concluded the questioning session with a question about the estimated project completion. Moss stated that is would take 90 —100 days, they hoped to have the restaurant open by the end of the year. Chair Messner opened the public hearing. No one responded, therefore, Chair Messner motioned to close the public hearing which was seconded by Commissioner Schultz. All ayes to close the public hearing. 7 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 27, 2004 PAGE 8 MOTION by Powell to approve CASE 04 -45 -SP Applebee's Rosemount Site Plan subject to the six conditions with a revision to number four per the revised landscape plan dated 07/26/04. Second by Humphrey. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. . CASE 04 -47 -TA Danner Zoning Ordinance — Te Amendment. Cit Tanner, Rick Pearson, introduced the Danner ning Ordinance Text Amendment which woul llow the permitting of asphalt plants in the gricultural district that in conjunction with mineral traction. Marlon D r requested an amendment to t zoning ordinance that would permit an asphalt plant on his pr erty. He has apermit for mineral extraction operation on a 75- acre site in the Agriculture zom district. The site is to ted approximately 1.2 miles east of the intersection of County Road 42 an U.S. 52, on the so side of County 42. According to Pearson, a halt plant are currently permitted only in the General Industrial District. The request was 'ntende or the relocation of Pine Bend Paving, Inc., currently located on Flint Hills Resources pr ert . The existing site has a mineral extraction permit operated by Solberg Aggregate Company t is being phased out. The current site is located on the west side of US. 52 between the new r ' ad overpass and the refinery. Mineral extraction is curre tly a pe itted use in the General Industrial District according to standards. It is also pe tted in a lim' ed portion of the Agriculture District — otherwise described as an "overla ' district. The anner, Furlong, Ped and Vesterra mineral extraction permits are all within e Agriculture dis t. The Planning Commission needs to be satisfied that asphalt plants c Id be acceptable in the griculture district in conjunction with a mineral extraction permit. There are land- se advantages to co- locating an as alt plant with a mineral extraction permit. According to a National Asphalt Pavement Associ 'on, 95% of the pavement mix by weight is aggregates, riginating in the mining area. The Danne roperty is designated as part of the Industrial ixed (IM) Use area in the 2020 Comprehen 've Plan. Staff prepared a draft ordinan permit that would allow the operation of asphalt ants under a conditional use permit (CUP) A key consideration was the CUP would only be pe 'tted as accessory to a mineral extr tion permit. The CUP process included findings that are sed upon mitigation of pot ntially undesirable effects. resent for this hearing, representing the Danner interest, was Marlo Danner of Danner, Inc. and Joel Jacoby from Pine Bend Paving. 8 AA Vz " LANDFORM MINNEAPOLIS -PHOENIX June 22, 2004 Rick Pearson City of Rosemount Planning Department 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 RE: Applebee's Rosemount, MN Site Plan Review Mr. Pearson, Landform is pleased to submit on behalf of Applebee's International, Inc., the enclosed architectural, civil, and landscape plans for Site Plan Approval of an Applebee's Restaurant. The proposed development conforms to all Zoning Ordinance requirements and the Rosemount Village Center Planned Unit Development for approval of a sit down restaurant. The following is a summary of the site and building descriptions as well as site issues as they relate to access, utilities, drainage, and erosion control. Site Description The proposed project consists of construction of an approximate 5,000 Sq.Ft. prototypical Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar on Lot 3, Block 1 within the Rosemount Village Center Development in Rosemount, MN. The site is located west of Cimmaron Avenue and south of County Road 42. All building and parking setbacks have been met and 79 on -site parking stalls has been provided to meet the ordinance and all applicable requirements. Operations Description The typical hours of operation during the weekdays are 11:00 a.m. -11 :00 p.m. with weekend hours 11:00 a.m. -12:00 (midnight) with the possibility of extending hours till 1:00 a.m. as needed. The number of employees per shift is 20 -25 with two shifts per day. 650 BUTLER NORTH BUILDING 510 FIRST AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 OFFICE: 612.252.9070 FAX: 612.252.9077 www.landform.net Mr. Rick Pearson Re: Applebee's Rosemount, MN Page 2 June 22, 2004 Building Description The building structure. consists of a wood truss system with brick veneer. The trash enclosure is completely enclosed with a brick veneer face matching the building color. Additional color is brought to the building with a green colored standing seam roof at the tower entry as well as color in the awnings, building signage, and the decorative lighting. The building height is typically around 21 feet. Signage Three building signs have been provided and one free standing monument sign will be provided along Highway 42 with a maximum height of 12 feet. All signage will comply with both the ordinance requirements and the approved Rosemount village Center Planned Unit Development Plans. Access Access to the site will be provided from the private drive to the south of the lot with the main access point to the development off of Cimmaron Avenue. Utilities Storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water service has been provided to the Lot 3 property line by the developer. Gas, electric, and telephone will be provided within the private drive and Cimmaron Avenue boulevard areas to adequately serve the Applebee's restaurant. Landscaping Landscaping and irrigation has been provided per the standards within the ordinance and per the approved Planned Unit Development plans for the Rosemount Village Center. Grading /Drainage /Storm Sewer The building has been set at an elevation of 923.25 for the front of the building and an elevation of 922.58 for the rear. The site will drain to the south through a proposed on- site storm sewer system which then outlets into the storm sewer system designed within Cimmaron Avenue. 650 BUTLER NORTH BUILDING 510 FIRST AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 OFFICE: 612.252.9070 FAX:612.252.9077 www.landform.net Mr. Rick Pearson Re: Applebee's Rosemount, MN Page 3 June 22, 2004 Erosion Control We have included a combined Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan. The attached plan provides a rock construction entrance, silt fence protection around the perimeter of the site where drainage runoff may occur, and sediment bales around all catch basins. Closing Applebee's will be submitting building plans for review at a later date and respectfully request approval of this application at the July 27, 2004 Planning Commission meeting and would appreciate your expeditious review of the project. We appreciate you and your staff's assistance in making this submittal possible. We look forward to working with you throughout the city process. Please contact me with any questions that may arise at 612 -638 -0240 or if additional information is requested. Sincerely, LANDFORM A-&aq M Christine Moss, /crm, COPY: Chris Allen, Applebee's International ENCL: Civil Documents, Architectural Elevations, Landscape Plan, Color Building Renderings, Application and Fee 'Landform Engineering Company doing business as Landform. 650 BUTLER NORTH BUILDING 510 FIRST AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 OFFICE: 612.252.9070 FAX: 612.252.9077 www.landform.net