HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.q. CDBG ApplicationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: December 7, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: CDBG Application AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGE ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, CDBG Application APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the application for the City of Rosemount for fiscal year 2005 Dakota County Community Development Block Grant financing. ACTION: DISCUSSION Attached is a copy of the City's CDBG application for fiscal year 2005. The proposed use of the funds is to assist in land acquisition for an affordable housing project that the CDA is looking to construct in Rosemount. At this time the CDA does not have a site chosen for a project, although staff has been talking to them about various sites in the community. Use of these funds is different than in previous years as the other applications have recommended acquisition for downtown redevelopment. I have found that because the future reuse of the site acquired most likely will not be for low /moderate income housing, the city will need to pay back some of the CDBG funds used. In other words, the acquisition of property must meet one of the programs national objectives "slum and - blight" but the future use of the acquired property must also meet one of the objectives. The national objectives are low /moderate income (area benefit, limited clientele, housing, employment), slum /blight, urgent need. Further, more communities in Dakota County are using their funds for slum and blight projects. This has prompted the CDA to require that at least 50% of the proposed funding must qualify as a low /mod benefit project. CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the resolution. The application will be forwarded to the CDA upon approval. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005 DAKOTA COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a participant in the Community Block Grant Fund (CDBG) Program, WHEREAS, an application has been drafted proposing to spend the City's 2005 allocation for acquisition of land relating to the new Dakota County Library; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the application and authorizes the City Administrator to submit the attached application to Dakota County for the CDBG Program fiscal year 2005. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Administrator are authorized to execute the application on behalf of the City of Rosemount. ADOPTED this 7`" day of December, 2004. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the December 7, 2004, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS Title: Low and Mod /Acquisition Title: Title Title Title: C DBG Request: 66,245 C DBG Request: CDBG Request: CDBG Request: CDBG Request: Total Request: PLEASE NOTE: AT LEAST 50% of the proposed funding must qualify as a LOW /MOD benefit and NO MORE THAN 45% of the proposed funding can be for PUBLIC SERVICES. I certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that it contains no misrepresentations, falsifications, intentional omissions, or concealment of material facts. I further certify that no contracts have been awarded, funds committed, or construction begun on the proposed project(s), and that none will be made prior to issuance of a Release of Funds Notice by the Program Administrator. Signature of Authorized Official Title of Authorized Official Date PLEASE ATTACH THE RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY SHOWING APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR CDBG FUNDS Application must be received by the Dakota County Community Development Agency NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 31, 2004 To evaluate the countywide PUBLIC SERVICE cap of 15 %, please submit draft PUBLIC SERVICE proposals NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 30, 2004 Please complete the following pages for EACH project/activity being proposed. For example, if 3 projects /activities are being proposed, there will be 3 sets of the following pages (sections IV through VII). Please describe the proposed project/activity. Include who or what will benefit from this project/activity, the location (address, specific area or neighborhood, or city wide), and the expected outcome: The Dakota County CDA is working to locate an affordable housing project in Rosemount. The City would use its CDBG allocation to assist in property acquisition for the project. Residents of the housing project would meet low and moderate income guidelines. For purposes of this application, the project is defined as land acquisition for the affordable housing project. Has this Project/Activity received CDBG funding before? ❑ Yes` No Check the activity for which the CDBG funds will be used: X❑ Acquisition /Disposition: Vacant or undeveloped property. Commercial property Residential property ❑ Public Facilities /Improvements: Buildings Infrastructure Assessment abatement ❑ Demolition /Clearance ❑ Economic Development ❑ Rehabilitation Owner occupied housing Rental housing Commercial ❑ General Administration ❑ Code Enforcement ❑ Public Services (i.e. child care, recreation programs) Reminder.' Draft PS proposals are due November 30, 2004 ❑ Planning ❑ Homeownership Assistance: Support services (i.e. pre or post purchase counseling) Downpayment assistance ❑ Relocation ❑ Other (please describe): Projects funded with CDBG (except Planning and Administration) must meet a National Objective. What National Objective will your proposed project meet? ❑ Low /Mod Area Benefit ❑ Low /Mod Limited Clientele Benefit EZ Low /Mod Housing Benefit ❑ Low /Mod Jobs Benefit ❑ Slum /Blight Area Benefit ❑ Slum /Blight Spot Benefit ❑ Urgent Need (extremely rare; used only for emergencies): If you checked the Low /Mod Area Benefit box, please answer the following: A. In what Census Tract(s) and Block Group(s) do beneficiaries of your Project/Activity live? (Please include maps) B. How many residents live in this area? C. What is the percentage of low and moderate - income beneficiaries? D. How was this documented? ❑ HUD Data ❑ Survey (See enclosed map) (Please include a copy of survey) If you checked the Low /Mod Housing or Low /Mod Limited Clientele Benefit box, please answer the following: How many Low /Mod People or Households will benefit? 30 People /Households (Please choose either people or households for each project.) How will income be verified? © Income Verification Request Forms ❑ Eligibility Status for other Governmental Assistance program ❑ Self Certification (must inform beneficiary that all sources of income and assets must be included when calculating annual income) ❑ Presumed benefit (HUD presumes the following to be principally low and moderate - income: abused children, battered spouses, elderly persons, severely disabled persons, homeless persons, persons living with AIDS, migrant farm workers) * For projects that directly benefit people or households, race and ethnic data must be collected as well as number of female - headed households. If you checked the Slum /Blight Area or Slum /Blight Spot Benefit box, please answer the following: What are the boundaries of the slum /blight area (i.e. census tracts, intersecting streets) or the address of the slum /blight spot? If Slum /Blight Area, what percent of buildings are deteriorated? What deficiency will be corrected? inspector noting deficiency and /or include a photo) What will the public improvement be? In what year did the slum /blight designation occur? (Please provide letter from city building If you checked the Low /Mod Jobs Benefit box, please answer the following: Will this project/activity create or retain FTEs? ❑ Create ❑ Retain To meet the requirements of the "Jobs" National Objective, the business being assisted must enter into an agreement showing commitment that at lease 51% of jobs created or retained will be available to low /mod income persons. The business must also be prepared to provide a list of all jobs, detailed information about the jobs being created or retained, the selection and hiring process, and demographic information about the employees. Will the job(s) created or retained require a special skill? ❑ Yes ❑ No What percent of permanent FTEs will be held by or available to low /mod income persons? % If you checked the Urgent Need Benefit box, please answer the following: Please describe the nature and degree of seriousness of the condition requiring assistance: What evidence is there that other financial resources were not available to alleviate the urgent need? When did the serious condition begin? Which Housing or Community Development Need does your Project address? High Priority Needs — Housing High Priority Needs — Community Development ❑ Parks /Recreation Facilities ❑ Renter, small related, 0 -50% of median income and other public o of median income ® Renter, large related, 0 -50 /o facilities not identified as medium or low priorities ❑ Street improvements o ❑ Renter, elderly, 0 -.,Olo of median income ❑ Public Services not identified as medium or low ❑ Renter, all other, 0 -30% of median income priorities Medium Priority Needs — Housing Medium Priority Needs — Community Development ❑ Renter, small related, 51 -80% of median income ❑ Non - Residential Historic Preservation ❑ Renter, all other, 31 -80% of median income ❑ Water /Sewer Improvements ❑ Owner, 0 -80% of median income ❑ Sidewalks ❑ Special Populations, 0 -80% of median income ❑ Storm Sewer improvements ❑ Handicapped Services Low Priority Needs — Community Development ❑ Transportation Services Neighborhood, Health & Parking Facilities ❑ Substance Abuse Services Solid Waste Disposal ❑ Anti -Crime Programs Asbestos Removal Facilities ❑ Youth &/or Senior Centers Employment Training ❑ Youth &/or Senior Services Health Services ❑ Child Care Services Child Care Centers ❑ . Other Youth & /or Senior Programs Micro- Enterprise Assistance ❑ Commercial /Industrial Building Rehab Economic Development Technical Assistance ❑ Commercial /Industrial Infrastructure ❑ ❑ Other Economic Development Activities Planning ** Needs identified as Low Priority in the Consolidated Plan should be funded with sources other than CDBG. Total Project Cost: 450,000 Total CDBG Funds: 66,245' CDBG Percent of Total Cost: 14.72% REMINDER: AT LEAST 50% of the proposed funding must qualify as a LOW /MOD benefit and NO MORE THAN 45% of the proposed funding can be for PUBLIC SERVICES. Source of Funds Amount Committed Pending CDA 383,755 ❑ CDBG 66,245 ❑ ❑ Expenses (Please itemize *) Total Costs CDBG Funds Requested Land Acquisition 450,000 66,245 Total 450,000 66, 245 * Please itemize project expenses using the following as applicable to your Project. • Acquisition & Improvement Costs - Including purchase price, closing costs, site improvements, clearance of contaminants, and other acquisition and improvement costs • Construction /Rehabilitation Costs - Including site improvements, construction (labor, materials, supplies), installation, permits and other construction /rehabilitation costs • Professional Fees and Personnel Costs Including architectural, engineering and code inspection fees, surveys, appraisals, legal fees, hazardous materials surveys, project management, and other professional /personnel fees • Other Development Costs - Including relocation, financing costs, environmental reviews, environmental studies, and other development costs • Eligible Costs for Planning Projects - Including professional services, project management costs, and other planning costs Estimated Project/Activity Schedule: Date for Award of Contract (cannot be before July 1, 2005): Proposed Start Date: July 1, 2005 Completion Date: June 30, 2006 Please review each section for completeness Each project or activity should have separate Sections IV through VIII,