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Glendalough Minor PUD Amendment•salldde lolalsl(] 6uluoZ Al!sue(] nno-1 � -a 941 JOI pJepuels 96eaan00 101 lueoiad oe eql `llnsai a sy 'u9nl6 sl spaepuels ollloeds ou uaynn AIdde spiepuels eoueulpio buluoz 6uiApepun ayl leyl selels Alleollloads luaweeibe ayl pue 96eaano0 aoejans snouuadwl of loedsaa yllM luaus sl luaweeibe (]nd aoowaan3 ayl `Alluaaan0 •loefoid gbnolepua1O ayl aol lueoiad ot, of OE waJ spaepuels 96ea9noo ooejjns snolnaadwl ayl aseajoul of Alleipi seen luawpuewe pasodoid alayl •luaweei6e ((]nd) luawdolana(] wn pauueld aoowa9n3 6ulislxe ayl of luawpuawe ue sisanbei `•oul `uollonilsuoO saayloa8 u9a6pun `lueoydde ayl 3f1SSl and aoowa9n3 pue lelluapls9�3 4sua(] nnoq ` :6uluoZ luaaano lelluaplsa�l uegan :61s9(] veld epinO •dwo0 E Aenny6lH 10 isann pue AemVed aoowa9n3 10 isea `heal eJew9uuo010 WON - y6nolepua1O aoowa9n3 :uoljeoo •oul `uollonalsuo0 saayloas uej6pun :(s)jeunnp A:pedad'8lueoliddy GNnouomovs :NOIlaV •a6eaanoo eoejjns snovuadwl aol seouelaen lue.a6 lou Minn Ai1O ay} leyl luawalels a apnloul Ileys aollou slyl - 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Isenbei s!yl loped jaylo ayl afld eqj of juawpuawe eqj 6u!puawwooaa mou s! }}ejs `ssaoojd and Joowaan3 le !u1 aye buijnp pajueJb Senn Jan!enn ou se `aanannoH aanlnj ayj ui aap!suoo pinonn Aj!O eqj 6ulylawos eq Aew s!yl - slol JalleWS panoidde aqj jo uoipbooai ui s}uawaalnbei ooe}jns pjey eqj panlenn aney s}oafoad (GNl) u61s9a pooyjogy6!aN leuo!I!peal,anoidde yolynn seil!unwwoo Jay }o 1eyl pelou sey aadolanap eq 1 - }uawaa!nbei %5E papuewwooei ayj pue ` %OE eqj yjoq nano ace padolanap Alluenno sleoied ayj 10 leaanas `10131 ul •eaie y6nolepua1O ay} u! 6ulaan000 Apeaale uo!lonjlsuoo eqj of jelpis Tool II!M %ge ay} `lu!odpuels o!laglsee ue woa j •walrsAs jelenn wjols peuueld pue aoeld -ui eqj jo 6u!z!s eqj 6u!loedw! Alasaanpe jnoyjlnn %ge poddns pinoo Aegl `lulodpue }s juawa6euew Jelenn w.iols a woa} jeyj peleo!pul sey Jlels buiaaaul6u3 •uo!l!puoo juanno 941 wool. uoljelnap o!jeweap a IOU si %5£ ayl - slol pepeld Apeupileid eqj jo A4uofew eqj uo paleool aq of su6lsep asnoy 6ullslxe ayl jo Isow nnolle ll!M styl •luewai!nbei aoepns snowadw! %g£ a 6u!plwied s! 6u!}sa66ns si gBIS }eqM •uoljeUen 17 queoaad 5E 01 paepue }s a6eJan00 eoejjns snouuedwi ayj eseaaoui of ivaweaa6e and JoowJanE] ayj 6uipuawe spuawwooaJ..ejs `uoijewaolui jol y6nolepuaFE ayj ql!m sauil jonpoid aanlnj pue juaaano saayloa8 uaa6pun -1 6uijedwoo pue `sai}iunwwoo iay }o PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDEMENT AGREEMENT FOR EVERMOOR GLENDALOUGH THIS AGREEMENT dated this 17 day of August, 2004, by and between the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, a Municipal corporation (hereinafter "City ") and Contractor Property Developers Corporation, Minnesota corporation, having the address of 7100 Northland Circle, Suite 108, Minneapolis, MN 55428, and Lundgren Brothers Construction, Inc. Minnesota corporations, having the address of 935 East Wayzata Boulevard, Wayzata, MN 55391 (the "Developers "). WHEREAS, the Developers are the owner of the real property legally described as Evermoor Glendalough, Dakota County, Minnesota Attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property "; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is being developed for residential use under a planned unit development pursuant to the ordinances of the City and, in connection therewith, has been made subject to an agreement entitled "Planned Unit Development Agreement" date June 20, 2000 by and between the City and the Developer (hereinafter the "PUD Agreement "); and, WHEREAS, an application has been made to the City for an amendment to the Planned Unit Development for the Subject Property for an increase in the impervious surface coverage standard from 30 to 35 percent for the Glendalough neighborhood; and, WHEREAS, the Developers desire to make certain revisions to the portions of the PUD as described herein, that will not have an adverse impact on public health, safety or welfare, without which assurances and agreements the amendment of the planned unit development would not be approve by thee City; and, WHEREAS, the City has approved the PUD Amendment on the basis of a determination by the City Council of the City that such PUD Amendment is acceptable only by reason of the details of the Developers' development proposal as described in the PUB Amendment Agreement and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject property; and but for such details of the Development proposal and unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the PUD Amendment would not have been approved. NOW, THEREFORE, on the basis of the PUD Agreement and mutual covenants and agreement hereinafter set forth it is agreed that the PUD Agreement as it relates to the Subject property is amended as follows: Glendalough (Traditional Neighborhood) This neighborhood is intended to recapture early 20�' century housing and neighborhood character. Houses will be custom build with porches oriented to the streets and an intimate setback in the front yard. Garages will be de- emphasized with rear or side yard placement and doors oriented at a perpendicular to the street wherever possible. Housing styles shall be consistent with drawings labeled "Traditional Homes of Evermoor" attached hereto as Exhibits 41,42,43 and 44 and made a part hereof. Garages will be recessed a minimum of four feet from the front elevation of the principal structure, or set at t perpendicular to the street. Total Lots Front Side & Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width, Depth & Area (avg.) 257 15', 25'* 5' (10' total) 10' 75' 120' -168' 12,000 sq. ft. * Measured from back of curb on private street Parks & Open Space All of the open space associated with Glendalough shall be privately owned and maintained by the homeowner association because it functions primarily as buffer for the neighborhood. Outlots JJ, KK, LL and NN are "vest pocket park" which serve as the collective front yards for the neighborhoods. These shall also be private. While there are no protected wetlands in this neighborhood, easements for the storm water ponding areas shall be deeded to the City: Sidewalks and Trails The trail which traverses Outlot 00 and ultimately connects Street A to Dodd Blvd. shall be located in a 12' wide trail easement. AMDINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS The administrative provisions of the Planned Unit Development Agreement for Evermoor dated June 20, 2000 remain in full force and effect relative to this amendment agreement. IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parities have hereunto set their hands to day year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: William H. Droste, Mayor By: Linda Jentink, City Clerk CONTRACTOR PROPETY DEVELOPERS COMPANY B Homer Tompkins III, President LUNDGREN BORTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. By: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS COUNTY OF DAKOTA j The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of Septembert, 2004 by William H. Droste, Mayor and Linda Jentink, City Clerk of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council Notary Public _ 10:20 FAX 9524737401 LUNDGREN BROS. Z002/003 9/16/04 To: City Council Planning Department City of Rosemount From: Jay Liberacki Lundgren Bros. Co Re: Glendalough PUD Impervious Coverage Following a meeting with staff yesterday, staff suggested a PUD amendment witch listed 35% as the base permitted impervious coverage within Glendalough. They request that we then make a list of lots where we would like more than 35%. This specific list would give Lundgren Bros additional flexibility on some of the smaller lots. Not all small lots have been identified in the list below. Staff suggested that where some of the smaller lots are adjacent to the less important open spaces, the staff would entertain some flexibility in the lot line locations to give these lots some extra size. Below I have listed. 33 of the smallest lots (13% of the 254 lots permitted). The increased impervious coverage would allow up to three floor plans on the smallest lots, and in a couple of areas where a group of lots only permitted three floor plans, the upgraded standard would allow five floor plans. Therefore Lundgren Bros requests: The Glendalough PUD shall be amended to note a permitted impervious coverage of 35 %, and on the lots listed below, the permitted coverage shall be increase to the % noted: Addition Block Lot % Permitted 1 1 3 40 1 1 8 ' 40 1 4 13 40 1 4 15 40 1 5 2 40 1 3 3 40 4 2 5 40 4 2 2 40 1 1 7 43 1 1 9 43 Prel 71 21 40 Prel 71 23 40 Prep 71 1 13 1 40 Prel 71 18 40 Page 1 of 2 UU /10 /ZUU4 lU:Zl VAA 'UOZ41314U1 LUINI)UKKIN BHUS. Prel 78 11 _40 Prel 78 12 40 Prel 78 13 40 Prel 78 14 40 Prel 78 18 40 Prel 78 20 40 Prel 78 22 40 Prel 79 3 40 Prel 79 9 40 Prel 79 12 40 Prel 71 10 40 Prel 71 11 40 Prel 71 12 40 Pre] 71 15 40 Pre( 71 16 40 Prel 71 17 1 40 Prel 72 20 40 Prel 72 21 40 Prel 79 4 40 Page 2 of 2 10003 /003 09/14/2004 15:40 FAX 9524737401 LUNDGREN BROS. U002/003 , 9/14/04 To. City Council Plarming Department City of Rosemount From - , Jay Liberacki Lundgren Bros. Const. Re: Glendalough PUD Amendment regarding impervious coverage This issue has two components: 1) does the Glendalough community have qualities which will allow the city to consider an impervious coverage standard different form standard single family development, and 2) several homes were sold, permitted and even occupied in excess of the city standard (prior to this issue being brought to our attention). Can the PUD Amendment or .a variance address these homes so that these residents will be permitted to construct a standard patio and roofed sunroom/porch addition. Their homes were purchased with this expectation. (Since this issue has been brought to our attention, roughly August 15t, prospective buyers have been notified of the city's impervious coverage restriction.) Glendalough has many amenities. In addition to the standard entry signs, Evermoor and Glendalough have a wooded trail buffer along the north property line. Within Glendalough., four neighborhood greens (which are called `collective front yards' in the PUD) are to be built (one includes a swimming facility) and several cul-de-sac garden and meeting areas. Lundgren has budgeted over one million dollars to improve these common areas. The land for these common areas came from the reduced lot sizes and setbacks permitted within Glendalough. Lundgren has previously presented calculations showing that if our largest home was placed on all 254 lots permitted within Glendalough the impervious coverage would not exceed the city's 30 % standard for a standard subdivision. The issue shows up only if one looks individually at the smallest lots created in the PUD (these small lots were created to consolidate land to create the common neighborhood greens and gardens, Glendalough's `collective front yards'). Most of the homes Lundgren Bros. has created will exceed the city's 30 % standard on these small lots. Three proposals 1) Lundgren's original request was to amend the PUD to allow 40 % impervious coverage on the individual lots. We felt this request was consistent with the clustering and common open space development within the Glendalough. neighborhood, as well. as a standard practice in the creation of TND's (Traditional Neighborhood Development) communities. This standard will permit three of our seven house plans to be built on the smallest lots and. a variance would only be required for one of the existing homes. That 09/14/2004 15:41 FAX 9524737401 LUNDGREN BROS. Q003/003 variance would need to be 43 %. This lot under construction, Lot 9 Block I Glendalough, backs up to a wooded open space, essentially it doesn't have a rear neighbor. 2) The prior staff report recommended that a maximum of 35% be allowed. At 35% only Lundgren.s smallest floor plan. will be permitted on the neighborhoods smallest lots. That plan has three different elevations, but because the small lots seem to be clustered in a couple of areas, it may be tricky to create an interesting streetscape in these limited areas. At 35 %e a variance will be required on seven homes to allow homes with prior purchase agreements to be able to have a normal patio and sunroom/porch addition. Lot 9 Block 1 Glendalough 43% Under Const Backs to open space /woods Lot 8 Block 1 Glendalough 38 % Under Const Backs to open space /woods Lot 7 Block I Glendalough 40% Occupied Backs partially to open space /woods and trail and a large flared cul lot Lot 3 Block 1. Glendalough 37% Occupied Backs to open space /trail Lot 2 Block I Glendalough 36% Occupied Backs to open space /trail Lot 15 Block 4 Glendalough 36% Purchase Ag Backs to large flared cul lot Lot: 13 Block 4 Glendalough 36% Permit Held Typical back yard 3) Upon further study, if a compromise of 36% coverage could be agreed to, Lundgren would be permitted to build our two smallest floor plans on the smallest lots. Since the small lots have generally been clustered this would help us in our streetscape. At 36 % only four variances would be required to allow all of the Glendalough homes to have a standard patio and sunroom /porch. Lot 9 Block 1 Glendalough 43% Under Const Backs to open space /woods Lot 8 Block 1 Glendalough 38% Under Const Backs to open space /woods Lot 7 Block I Glendalough 40% Occupied Backs partially to open space /woods and trail and a large flared cul. lot Lot 3 Block 1 Glendalough 37 % Occupied Backs to open space /trail Lundgren, our buyers and your future residents appreciate your consideration is this issue. SITE MAP N DOTE: Dimensions rounded to nearest foot. :opyright 2004, Dakota County - - his drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. his drawing is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, and .tale offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and Is to be used for reference purposes miy. Dakota County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepancies are ound, please contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department Aap Date: August 12, 2004 Parcels Updated: 8/5/2004 Aerial Photography: / 1 q � ' ..... .. GLE IMDAL U H U Wilt RSA -- _ r _ L &L U H i / AUG 10 7004 L A OPEN SPACE (OUTLOTS) E2alc 8/09/04 sn «!: 1 of 1 Evermoor 96376.235KPO2.DWG Services, Inc. °�� FML ° Prepared rDC Glendalou h Glendalough Westwood Professional Lundgren Bros. g Plat Areas Plan 7S99Magran,Do- D D!a Eden Pra MN - 5344 p1wn.: 951.92) -9150 Far: 952- 977 -5922 gam d � '� b 2d ! 935 East Wayzata Blvd. Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 Rosemount, Minnesota TOTAL GLENDALOUGH PLATTED & FUTURE AREAS: Total Area: 5,529,375.98 sf Less: Public ROW: - 849,858.40 sf Less: Private Road Outlots - 60,119.92 sf Less: Pool Lot ( Lot 1, Blk. 1 3rd Addition) - 40,160.42 sf Less: Open Space (Outlots): - 1,204,735.71 sf Net Total Development Area Available: 3,374,501.53 sf Total Proposed Lots: 243 Glendalough Series Lots 150 Classic Series Lots 93 Impervious Area of Largest Glendalough Series Homestyle: Series Homestyle: 3,855.00 sf Impervious Area of Largest Classic Series Homestyle: Series Homestyle: 3,792.00 sf Total Project Impervious Area 930,909.15 sf Total Project Percent Impervious of Net Total Development Area Available 27.59 % Our analysis of the preliminary plat of the future Glendalough area projects a similar open space percentage. C200 Westwood Professionol Services. Inc. Lj 3,073 S.F. 3,585 S.F. 65' 60' ALBANY BARLOW u 44' CLAIRMONT H j 3,855 S.F. 3,491 S.F 3,622 S.F. 3,273 S.F. 15' 40' 50 ' 62' 64' SHELDON WHITNEY WINSLOW RALEIGH Sheet 1 of 1 Scole: I"=50' Date: 08/06/04 Evermoor Glendalough 4th Glendalough Series Impervious Area of W Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Rosemount Minnesota Building, Deck, 7599 Anagram MN N 55 55 / Driveway Eden Prairie, 344 , Phone: 9521937.5150 Fax: 9521937 -5c22 & Sidewalks Rosemount, Minnesota 98376 35SKPOt.DWG 2 4 Westwood Professionol Services, Inc. 4 VrI X\ v� 3855 S.F,/9579.4 ,S, F. = 40.2% IMPERVIOUS f 1 1 Scole: I" =30' Sheet. OF Date. 08/06/04 Evermoor Glendalough 4th Largest House W Westwood Professional Services Inc. Rosemount Minnesota on Smallest Lot 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952/937 -5150 Fax: 957/937.5::22 - Rosemount, Minnesota 98376 35SKP01.DwG MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE /HARD SURFACE AREA COMMENTS ANDOVER not regulated APPLE VALLEY BLAINE 45% BROOKLYN CENTER not regulated no more than 50% of the front yard may be in a hard su rface BROOKLYN PARK 25% The max amount of impervious surface in front yards, as measured from the pubilic r -o -w to the front fagade of the principal bid may not exceed 40% BURNSVILLE CHAMPLIN 40% front yard area COTTAGE GROVE 30% CRYSTAL EAGAN 20% if in shoreland zone it is limited to 25% EDEN PRAIRIE not regulated garage or accessory structure coverage of .075 EDINA 25% FALCON HEIGHTS FRIDLEY GOLDEN VALLEY 30% 30% for parcels over 10,000 sq.ft., and 35% for parcels between 5,000 and 9,999 sq.ft., and 40% for parcels less than 5,000 sq. ft. HASTINGS not regulated no more than 35% of rear yard (from rear line of house to rear property line) INVER GROVE HEIGHTS 30% LAKEVILLE MAPLE GROVE 40% MAPLEWOOD MINNETONKA not regulated limited by setbacks and easements NEW BRIGHTON NEW HOPE NEWPORT 25% river residential -20 %; medium or high density-30% NORTH ST PAUL OAKDALE 24% 45% for R -2; 40% for. R -3 RICHFIELD 35% lots over 7,000 s .ft. the greater of 35% or 2500 sq.ft. ROSEVILLE ST LOUIS PARK 30% 30% only covers foot print of house & garages over 15' in height. Does not include pations, driveways, decks & garages less than 15' in height ST PAUL PARK SHOREVIEW 40% In the Shorland Overlay district, defined as extending 1000' from the OHW line of a lake or river, impervious surface coverage is limited toa maximum of 25 %, which may be increased to a maximum of 40% if no more than 50% of the surface water runoff is directed to the water body. SOUTH ST PAUL 30% or 35% (less than 5,000 sq.ft) - bid /hard surface maximum 75% STILLWATER 30 % WEST ST PAUL WHITE BEAR LKAE not regulated if within 1000 ft of high water elevation in shoreland district, a maximum of 30% lot coverage. Otherwise, regulated by setbacks WOODBURY