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Transportation Engineer WSB c& Associates, Ins Date: April 8, 2004 Re: Project Update TH 3 Cooperative Agreement Project Rosemount City Project No. 385 WSB Project No. 1558 -00 This memo will serve as an update on the status of the TH 3 Cooperative Agreement project between Connemara Trail and CSAH 38. The City Council authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for this project on January 20, 2004. WSB and City staff have met with Mn/DOT and have had conversations with Dakota County on this project. Currently we are in the process of completing the final design plans (60 %) for submission to Mn/DOT and the County for their initial review. The original schedule assumed approximately a one -month (review by Mn/DOT for the project; following conversations with Mn/DOT up to eight weeks will be required. Although the plan review will take approximately one month, it will take additional time to prepare the final cooperative agreement for signatures by the City and County. Therefore, the following updated schedule is anticipated. Task Dates Final Design Plans (first submittal) ApH130, 2004 MrVDOT /County Plan Review (begin cooperative May 3 -28, 2004 agreement) Final Design Plans (final submittal) June 4, 2004 Mn/DOT /County Completion of Cooperative June 7 — July 2, 2004 Agreement Accept Plan /Order Ad for Bids /Approve July 6, 2004 Cooperative Agreement Receive Bids July 30, 2004 Award Contract August 3, 2004 Construction August 9 — November 15, 2004 During the design of this project, the traffic signal equipment will be pre - ordered so that it will be available immediately upon startup or construction. This will help expedite the construction of the traffic signal systems, especially at Connemara Trail. It is anticipated that this signal F-1 WPW1M1558- 001040804- memo -ab.d" •: . .. APR -08 -2004 12:44 WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411'700 P.03 Andy Brotzler Project Update April 8, 2004 Page 2 system will be up and running prick to the start of school. The remaining construction will be completed as indicated prior to November 15, 2004. If you have any questions on the project status or schedule, please contact me at 763- 287 -7183. lh/js F. I WMIM1338- 001040804- memo -ab. doc TOTAL P.03 DRAFT REPORT NORTH CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER STUDY FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA April 14, 2004 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 (763) 541 -4800 (763) 541 -1700 (Fax) North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 April 14, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Re: North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: WSB & Associates, Inc. is pleased to present the enclosed report on the development of the trunk sanitary sewer plan for the north - central portion of the City of Rosemount. This report is intended to provide an update for the 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study that was prepared in March 1997. The enclosed report includes a discussion of the recommended sanitary sewer improvements along with estimated costs and potential funding. We respectfully request that the City Council accept the findings of the study and direct City Staff and WSB & Associates, Inc. to implement this program into the City's Comprehensive Plan We are available at your convenience to discuss the contents of this report. Please contact us at (763) 541 -4800 if you have any questions or concerns regarding the report. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you and your staff in the completion of this study. Sincerely, WSB & Associa Inc. David E. Hutton, P.E. Vice President Enclosure Minneapolis • St. Cloud • Equal Opportunity Employer CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date: April 14, 2004 Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E. Date: April 14, 2004 Lic. No. 19133 Lic. No. 25496 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS ' 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................ ..............................3 2 INTRODUCTION .....................:................................................................ ..............................4 ' 2.1 Authorization .................................................................................... ..............................4 2.2 Scope ................................................................................................ ..............................4 2.3 Data Available .................................................................................. ..............................4 ' 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND .................................................................... ..............................5 3.1 Project Location ............................................................................... ..............................5 ' 3.2 Existing Conditions .......................................................................... ..............................5 3.3 Existing Trunk System Analysis ...................................................... ..............................5 3.4 Municipal Urban Service Area (MUSA) and Individual Sewage Treatment Systems ' (ISTS) ............................................................................................... ..............................6 4. DRAINAGE DISTRICT ANALYSIS ....................................................... ..............................8 4.1 Density and Flow Assumptions ........................................................ ..............................8 4.2 Drainage Districts ............................................................................. ..............................9 4.3 Projected Flows ................................................................................ ..............................9 ' 5. SYSTEM DESIGN AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... .............................10 5.1 General Trunk Sewer Design .......................................................... .............................10 ' 5. 1.1 Lan-O -Ken Trunk .................................................................. .............................10 5.1.2 South Bacardi Trunk .............................................................. .............................10 5.1.3 North Bacardi Trunk .............................................................. .............................11 ' 5.1.4 Stonebridge Trunk ................................................................. .............................11 5.1.5 West Akron Trunk ................................................................. .............................11 5.2 Lift Stations and Force Mains ......................................................... .............................12 5.2.1 Area B Lift Station and Force Main ...................................... .............................12 5.2.2 Area E Lift Station and Force Main ....................................... .............................12 5.3 City of Eagan Sanitary Sewer System ............................................. .............................13 5.4 Northwest Area Service Considerations .......................................... .............................13 6. FUNDING ....... ............................... ' 6.1 Opinion Of Cost .............................................................................. .............................15 6.2 Funding Strategy and Rate Analysis ............................................... .............................15 7. SCHEDULE AND PHASING ................................................................... .............................19 8. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................ .............................20 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -13 TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix A Figures and Design Tables Appendix B Opinion of Probable Cost and Funding Appendix C Additional Information L n ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 L I 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City Council of Rosemount has authorized the preparation of a sanitary sewer study to establish a trunk sanitary sewer plan for the north central portion of the City. The following report presents the results of our review of the 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study that was prepared in March 1997. It also provides an updated plan and costs for improvements from what was provided in the original study. The North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area consists of approximately 2,330 acres within the north central portion of the City, and is bounded roughly by Dodd Road on the west, Connemara Trail on the south, Akron Avenue on the east, and the Cities of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights on the north. Existing trunk sanitary sewer infrastructure along the southern edge of the study area provides adequate capacity to service future development within the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. Five new trunk sanitary sewer lines and two trunk sanitary sewer lift stations are proposed for the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area as new development occurs. Sanitary sewage flow from the extreme northwest portion of the area is proposed to flow into the City of Eagan sanitary sewer system. It is recommended that a Joint Powers Agreement for sanitary sewage flows be prepared between the City of Eagan and the City of Rosemount to accommodate the future sanitary sewer flows from this portion of the study area. Total improvement costs for the five trunk sanitary sewer lines and two trunk sanitary sewer lift stations have been estimated at $5,236,380, based on estimated 2004 construction costs. Street improvements have also been proposed for Bonaire Path and Bacardi Avenue, where trunk sanitary sewer has been proposed within the existing street right -of -ways, at an estimated cost of $1,775,320. The total cost of both sanitary and associated street improvements is $7,011,700. Funding for the proposed trunk sanitary sewer improvements are proposed to be financed though the City's Sanitary Core Fund. As properties develop, trunk area assessments and individual connection charges will be collected and used to reimburse the Sanitary Core Fund. The total of these collected sanitary sewer fees, based on the current 2004 fees ($1,125 per developing acre and $1,350 per new service hookup), is estimated to be $6,018,445, which represents a 15% increase over the estimated trunk sanitary sewer improvement costs. A survey of existing residential properties with individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) determined that less than 3% of septic systems within the study area were considered to be failing systems. As such, the extension of trunk sanitary sewer to strictly service existing properties is not recommended. Rather, new development should be the driving force to provide for a progressive extension of trunk sanitary sewer into the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. This will help to minimize the costs of trunk sanitary sewer installation for the City, as that cost can be spread to new developments, rather than falling strictly on existing residential property owners. Current residents can petition to have sanitary sewer extended to service their properties if they are willing to pay for such service extensions. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 3 ' 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Authorization ' On July 15, 2003 the Rosemount City Council authorized the re aration of a sanitary p p sewer study to establish a trunk sanitary sewer plan for the north.central portion of the City. This new study would include the review and update of the 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study that was prepared in March 1997. ' 2.2 Scope The main purpose of the study is to explore methods of providing trunk sanitary sewer service to ' properties within the north central portion of the City. Many of these parcels, while currently undeveloped, may become developed in the future, and as such, would require access to City trunk sanitary sewer and water service. This study is intended to develop a plan outlining the ' progressive extension of trunk sanitary sewer service to parcels that have the potential to develop in the future. It will also present options to provide service to developed parcels in the event that ' existing septic systems begin to fail or existing residents petition the City for sanitary sewer service. This study will include cost estimates, potential funding, and staging plan to help guide in future design and construction of the proposed improvements. 2.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: • City of Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive Plan • Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) system drawings • City of Rosemount and Dakota County topographic maps • Dakota County Property Information System • Discussions with MCES Engineers and Staff • City of Rosemount Property Files and Septic System Records • Meetings with City of Eagan Engineering Staff • City Utility Record Drawings • 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study • Neighborhood Meetings • Estimated 2004 Construction Cost Estimates North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 4 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND 3.1 Project Location The North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area is roughly bounded by Dodd Road on the west, Connemara Trail on the south, Akron Avenue on the east, and the Cities of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights on the north. Approximately 2,330 gross acres are contained within the study area. A map showing the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area can be seen on Figure A -1 in Appendix A. ' 3.2 Existin g Conditions ' The North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area contains both undeveloped and developed areas. Current zoning outlined in the City of Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive Plan indicate that the northern portion of the study area, along the City boundaries with Eagan and Inver Grove Heights, and also west of TH 3, are zoned Rural Residential. Areas along Biscayne Avenue, extending west to TH 3 and east to Bacardi Avenue, are zoned Transitional Residential. The remaining areas, specifically along Connemara Trail and east of Bacardi Avenue, are zoned Urban Residential. A map showing the current land use and zoning in the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area can be seen on Figure A -2 in Appendix A. While there are some portions of the study area that contain individual lots, especially within areas zoned as Transitional Residential, the majority of the area is currently undeveloped. The topography of the northern portion of the study area is very rolling with numerous `pothole' wetlands and ponds. Much of the northern portions of the study area contain mature trees and dense deciduous forest, with some open areas. Conversely, the topography of the southern ' portion of the study area is generally flat, with gently rolling hills and shallow ponds. The majority of the southern portion of the study area is currently under agricultural use, and is mostly open fields, with limited tree cover. 3.3 Existing Trunk System Analysis ' The City of Rosemount has a sewer collection system that currently serves all developed areas of the City. Existing trunk sanitary sewer lines, primarily the Brockway Draw Trunk Sewer and the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Trunk Interceptor, are located within and along the southern boundaries of the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. Due to the proximity of these trunk sewers, new trunk sanitary sewers are proposed to connect to each of these existing sewer lines wherever it is feasible to do so. The Brockway Draw Sanitary Trunk Sewer is sized to provide sanitary service primarily for areas west of TH 3 and north of Connemara Trail. Additional capacity was included in the ' design to provide service to the areas outlined in the 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. The MCES Trunk Interceptor is sized to provide sanitary sewer capacity for much of the City of Rosemount, including the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. MCES engineers are recommending the diversion of all sanitary sewer flow from the existing MCES Trunk Interceptor near CSAH 42 and Akron Avenue, at the southeast edge of the study area, south to the newly expanded Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant. This diversion would eliminate the ' need for future MCES expansion of the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant. The proposed North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Paee S ' future interceptor will have an average wastewater flow capacity of 6 million gallons per day (MGD), which should meet the City's long -term sanitary needs beyond the year 2030, including areas within the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. When completed, the MCES will ' submit a draft to the City outlining the details of the proposed interceptor improvements. 3.4 Municipal Urban Service Area (MUSA) and Individual Sewage Treatment Systems (ISTS) The Municipal Urban Service Area (MUSA) is the sanitary sewer service area limits established by the MCES. Generally, the MUSA dictates the location and the time a city can extend sanitary sewer services. There are three established MUSA boundaries within the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area; the 2010 MUSA boundary, the 2020 MUSA boundary, and the Post -2020 MUSA boundary. These boundaries, highlighted on the land use map found in Figure A -2 in Appendix A, indicate the time and locations where urban development can occur. These areas also coincide with the areas zoned for Urban Residential development in the City of Rosemount ' Comprehensive Plan. While portions of the North Central Sanitary Sewer study area are outside the three established MUSA boundaries, this does not necessarily exclude these areas from receiving sanitary sewer service before or after the year 2020. The MCES has made exceptions for areas with sewer problems to receive sanitary service, particularly in areas where small lot sizes and the proximity of individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) to lakes and ponds pose an environmental contamination risk. In some portions of the area currently zoned Transition Residential, the potential for such conditions exist, and it is likely that the City of Rosemount could successfully petition the MCES to expand the MUSA boundary to include such areas. Aside from some recently developed parcels along Connemara Trail on the south edge of the study area, ISTS are utilized for most of the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. Figure A- 3 in Appendix A identifies the location and status of ISTS's in the study area. Table A -1 in Appendix A provides a detailed inventory of current ISTS's status within the study area. Table 1 on the following page summarizes the current status of known ISTS's within the study area. Currently, there is not a comprehensive and complete record of all ISTS's within the study area, or the City of Rosemount in general. At the time of this report, the statuses of 45 ISTS within the North Central Sanitary Sewer study area were unknown. While this represents less than 15% of the total number of ISTS within the area, it is still recommended that the City of Rosemount work proactively to account for the maintenance status of all ISTS within the North Central Sanitary Sewer study area and the remainder of the City. Table 1. Summary of ISTS Status ISTS Status Number of Occurrences Compliant Septic System 177 Altemative Compliant System 2 Failing System (Cesspool or Seepage Pit 6 Expired Pumping Permit Unknown 17 Unknown 45 No System 85 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 6 At the beginning of this study, comment cards were sent to residences within the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area, and an informational neighborhood meeting was held to gain an understanding of resident issues and gather their input regarding the outcome of this study. The topic of ISTS was of paramount concern to a number of residents, most of which lived in areas outside of the 2020 MUSA boundary. The vast majority of the residents felt that as long as their current ISTS's were in good working order, they should not have to pay for city sanitary sewer services. Conversely, those residents who are required to use holding tanks or have their ISTS labeled as `failing systems' would like to see the City of Rosemount extend sanitary sewer services into their areas, but are concerned that the cost may be too high and would transfer to individual property owners. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 7 4. DRAINAGE DISTRICT ANALYSIS 4.1 Density and Flow Assumptions The determination of densities for the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area was based on an analysis of previous development densities witnessed within the City of Rosemount, density estimates from the 1997 study, and estimates from the City of Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Table 2 outlines the current zoning densities: Table 2. Current City of Rosemount Zoning Densities Land Use Density (Units per Acre) Rural Residential <0.2 Transitional Residential 0.2 -2.0 Urban Residential 2.5 The 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study utilized two separate density estimates to determine sanitary sewer needs. The first density estimate involved those properties currently located within the areas zoned Transitional Residential, where the majority of parcels are smaller than 5 acres and consist of single - family homes. The total number of potential single - family homes was determined based on subdivision of individual properties. The remaining areas in the study consisted of larger parcels, and densities of 2.5 units per acre were determined on an area - wide basis, with the assumption that all undeveloped portions of land would become fully developed under an Urban Residential zoning designation. While the current City of Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive Plan does not indicate that land use or zoning is expected to change, it becomes necessary to use this conservative estimate when designing a sanitary trunk sewer system, to ensure that the system can handle additional future demands, regardless of current zoning. Following the model of the 1997 study, densities were determined using the same system of individual lot divisions in the areas zoned Transitional Residential, and utilizing an area -wide parcel subdivision with densities of 2.5 units per acre in the remaining study areas. Current residential sanitary sewer flow estimates assume an average of 3 persons per single - family residence, with an average daily flow of 274 gallons to 300 gallons per household. For this study, a conservative flow estimate of 100 gallons per person, or 300 gallons per single - family lot, was utilized. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 8 1 4.2 Drainage Districts The North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area has been subdivided into 7 service districts and a total of 21 sub - districts that were determined using existing topography. Upon determination of these service districts and sub - districts, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer lines were designed to serve each area with the least amount of disturbance to natural terrain. Where possible, sanitary ' trunk lines were designed to follow existing property lines and roads, where right -of -way and easements are either already obtained or easier to obtain. In addition, special attention was directed toward designing a trunk system that maximizes the use of gravity flow and minimizes f the need for additional lift stations. Figure A -4 in Appendix A illustrates these drainage districts and sub - districts. 4.3 Projected Flows The calculation of flows for the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area can be found in Table A -2 in Appendix A. This table includes both average and peak flow projections based on the estimated density assumptions. The peak flow represents the design flow for sanitary sewer pipes. The peak flow is the volume of water that should be anticipated during the highest use period in a 24 -hour cycle. The peak flow is calculated by applying a peaking factor to the anticipated average flow rate for each sanitary service sub - district. Peak flow values are determined based on average flow levels. Lower flow areas typically experience higher peaks in the flow rates over any given day. The flow variation factors used are noted in Table 3: Table 3. MCES Flow Variation Factors Flow Variation Factor Average Flow Limits (MGD) 4.0 0.00 -0.11 3.9 0.12 -0.18 3.8 0.19 -0.23 3.7 0.24 -0.29 3.6 0.30 -0.39 3.5 0.40 -0.49 3.4 0.50 -0.64 3.3 0.65 -0.79 3.3 0.80 -0.99 3.1 1.00 -1.19 3.0 1.20 -1.49 Not all of the property involved in the study area is considered to be developable. Features such ' as lakes and large ponds were removed from the gross area of each service sub - district. Smaller ponds and roads were not removed from the gross area of each service sub - district. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 9 r', C I 5. SYSTEM DESIGN AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 General Trunk Sewer Design The proposed trunk sanitary sewer system layout is shown on Figure 4 in Appendix A. This map shows the major district and sub - district boundaries, existing and proposed trunk sanitary sewers, lift stations, and force mains. The map also includes a conceptual layout of the lateral sanitary sewer system that contributes to the trunk sanitary sewer system, showing anticipated entry points of the lateral sanitary lines. Using the projected wastewater flows for each of the major districts and sub-districts, design flows were determined for each segment of trunk sewer to determine sizing and capacity requirements. The proposed trunk sanitary sewer system was divided into individual pipe lengths and point nodes were designated at key loading points at sub - district boundaries and points where flow from other sub - districts is added. Table A -3 in Appendix A provides details regarding the proposed trunk sanitary sewer design and pipe capacity information. To simplify design and cost analysis, the proposed trunk sanitary sewer improvements for the North Central Sanitary Sewer study area were divided into five (5) individual trunk sanitary sewer lines. A summary of the characteristics and special issues associated with each trunk line is provided below. 5.1.1 Lan -O -Ken Trunk The proposed Lan-O -Ken trunk sanitary sewer is intended to service drainage Districts B and C, which encompass a general area located south of McAndrews Road and west of the existing Canadian- Pacific Railway tracks which run parallel to TH 3. Additional capacity has been designed into the proposed Lan-O -Ken trunk sewer to allow the addition of sanitary flow from existing Rural Residential areas that exist along McAndrews Road (Dakota County Road 38) between TH 3 and the Apple Valley border. This area, labeled the Northwest Area, will be discussed in Section 5.4 of this report. The proposed Lan -O -Ken trunk sanitary sewer would flow from the intersection of TH 3 and Bonaire Path (Node C -l.1) east along Bonaire Path, past the Lan-O -Ken addition, and then south through the proposed Brockway Development to the existing Brockway Draw trunk sanitary sewer (Node C -2.2). The Lan-O -Ken trunk sanitary sewer is entirely contained within drainage District C, and would receive flows from District B (Node B -1.1 to Node C -1.1) via a 6 -inch (6 ") force main. 5.1.2 South Bacardi Trunk The proposed South Bacardi trunk sanitary sewer is intended to service drainage Districts F and G, which includes an area surrounding Bacardi Avenue south of 130' Street W, and also an area between Biscayne Avenue and Bacardi Avenue north of 130` Street W. The proposed South Bacardi trunk sanitary sewer would flow from the intersection of 130` Street W and Bacardi Avenue (Node F -1.1) south along Bacardi Avenue and connect to an existing sanitary trunk sewer that is being North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 10 1 G extended from the Brockway Draw trunk sanitary sewer north along the western edge of the proposed Minea Development (Node G -2.2). 5.1.3 North Bacardi Trunk The proposed North Bacardi trunk sanitary sewer is intended to service drainage Sub - Districts E -1, E -4, E -5, E -6, and E -7, which includes areas surrounding Bacardi Avenue from Gun Club Road south to 126' Street W. The proposed North Bacardi trunk sanitary sewer would flow from near the intersection of Bacardi Avenue and 126 Street W (Node E -6.1) east through the southern portions of drainage Sub - District E -4 into Sub - District E -1, where a lift station is located (Node E -1.2). This lift station, which is discussed in detail in Section 5.2.2 of this report, also accepts flow from the Stonebridge trunk sanitary sewer, and pumps the sewage into the West Akron trunk sanitary sewer to the south (Node H -1.1). 5.1.4 Stonebridge Trunk The proposed Stonebridge trunk sanitary sewer is intended to service drainage Sub - Districts E -1, E -2, and E -3, which includes areas west of Akron Avenue and from the border with Inver Grove Heights south approximately one mile. The proposed Stonebridge trunk sanitary sewer would run from the intersection of Akron Avenue and 124 Court W (Node E -2.1) southwest through the southern portions of drainage Sub - District E -1, where a lift station is located (Node E -1.2). This lift station, which is discussed in section 5.2.2 of this report, also accepts flow from the North Bacardi trunk sanitary sewer, and pumps the sewage into the West Akron trunk sanitary sewer to the south (Node H -1.1). 5.1.5 West Akron Trunk The proposed West Akron trunk sanitary sewer is intended to service drainage Districts E and H, which both exist along the western side of Akron Avenue. As previously mentioned, the West Akron trunk sanitary sewer is proposed to accept flow from drainage District E via a lift station and force main. The West Akron trunk sanitary sewer is proposed to flow from the mid - portion of drainage Sub - District H -1 (Node H -1.1) south and parallel to Akron Avenue to the existing MCES ' Trunk Interceptor (Node H -5.1), which flows to the east and is north of and parallel to CSAH 42, along the south edge of drainage District H. ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page I1 ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 12 5.2 Lift Stations and Force Mains In addition to the five (5) individual trunk lines, two (2) trunk lift stations are proposed in the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. Smaller local or neighborhood lift stations may also be required, but their locations and sizes will be dependent on the layouts and design of individual developments. 5.2.1 Area B Lift Station and Force Main The proposed Area B lift station and force main is intended to service drainage District B. The majority of District B is very low, with nearly thirty percent (30 %) of the gross area consisting of small and medium sized natural ponds and wetlands. As ' such, the most economically feasible way to remove sanitary sewage from the area is via a lift station. The proposed Area B lift station would be located near the intersection of Bolivia Avenue and 130 Street W. From this lift station (Node B- 1. 1), a six -inch (6 ") force main would run west 130 Street along W, and then south along TH 3 to the gravity flow Lan -O -Ken trunk sanitary sewer at the intersection of ' TH 3 and Bonaire Path (Node C -1.1). Similar to the Lan -O -Ken trunk sanitary sewer, additional capacity has been designed into the proposed Area B lift station and force main to allow the addition of sanitary ' flow from existing Rural Residential areas that exist along McAndrews Road (Dakota County Road 38) between TH 3 and the Apple Valley border. This area, labeled the Northwest Area, will be discussed in Section 5.4 of this report. 5.2.2 Area E Lift Station and Force Main The proposed Area E lift station and force main is intended to service drainage District E. The majority of District E consists of rolling terrain with many low -lying `pothole' ponds and wetlands. The North Bacardi and Stonebridge trunk sanitary sewer lines have been designed preliminarily to collect sanitary sewage via gravity flow from individual sub - districts within drainage District E, and combine the flows into the proposed Area E lift station, located in the southwestern portion of Sub - District E -1. From this lift station (Node E -1.2), an eight -inch (8 ") force main would run south into drainage Sub - District H -1 and into the gravity flow West Akron trunk sanitary sewer (Node H -1.1). The location of the Area E lift station and the proposed West Akron trunk sanitary sewer has eliminated the need for an additional trunk sanitary lift station in the same area that was proposed in the 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. In addition, by placing the Area E lift station in the northern section of the current study area there ' is no need for a lift station to be installed until development has reached the outer edges of the Post -2020 MUSA boundary. ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 12 5.3 City of Eagan Sanitary Sewer System The 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study identified approximately 150 acres in the north 1 end of the study area from which sewage could flow into the City of Eagan along TH 3 north approximately 2,600 feet to Red Pine Lane. The 1997 study identified the current drainage District A as the potential area to drain in to the City of Eagan. In the year 2000, the City of Eagan updated their Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan, and in doing so, removed the City of Rosemount from their drainage districts. However, our review of the City of Eagan Comprehensive Sewer Plan has found that the City of Eagan still has adequate capacity to accept ' up to 0.41 MGD of peak sanitary sewage flow from properties within the City of Rosemount. Similar to the 1997 study, drainage District A is proposed to flow north to the City of Eagan. ' District A consists of approximately 144 acres, contributing a peak daily flow of 0.39 MGD to the City of Eagan sanitary sewer system. Currently, the City of Eagan is considering development adjacent to the municipal boundary between Eagan and Rosemount. Sanitary ' sewer within this development can be designed to extend to and service drainage District A within the City of Rosemount. If the sanitary sewer were extended to the border, there would be a significant cost benefit to the City of Rosemount by utilizing this sanitary sewer, rather than extending and connecting to the existing trunk sanitary sewer at TH 3 and Red Pine Lane. The recommendation has been made to the City of Eagan and the City of Rosemount to enter into a ' Joint Powers Agreement for a combined sanitary sewer and to provide for cost sharing in the design and construction of such facilities. ' 5.4 Northwest Area Service Considerations The Northwest Area includes all property between the Apple Valley /Rosemount border east to TH 3 along McAndrews Road. This area is primarily zoned Rural Residential and is outside the limits of the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. Figure A -5 in Appendix A shows the location of the Northwest Area relative to the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. The Northwest Area encompasses approximately 520 gross acres, of which, approximately 400 acres are considered to be developable. Sewer flow projections were performed for the Northwest Area to determine the potential sanitary sewer flows that could contribute to the City's trunk ' sanitary system in the event that parcels within the area become fully developed with the need for City sanitary sewer service. Design and cost analysis for such improvements were beyond the scope of this study and were not performed. However, in order to ensure that downstream capacity existed for such improvements, a general analysis of projected flows was necessary. The results of the general analysis indicated that while there is some capacity that exists to the immediate south of the Northwest Area, the majority of flow from the Northwest Area should be directed east into the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. The Area B lift station, force main, and the Lan-O -Ken trunk sanitary sewer, which comprise of the westernmost network of trunk sanitary sewer in the current study area, were sized to accommodate all potential sanitary sewer flows from the Northwest Area. In order to accommodate such potential flows from the Northwest Area, Lift Station B would require the installation of higher capacity pumps. The six- inch (6 ") force main proposed as part of the trunk improvements to service Area B can provide additional service for up to 90% development within the Northwest Service Area. Should total development occur, or should development occur at densities above 2.5 units per acre, an ' additional force main would need to be installed parallel to the proposed six -inch (6 ") force North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 13 L I ' main. At the time of construction, the wet well structure within the Area B lift station can be sized to accommodate higher capacity pumps based on projected flows as described herein. Installing a larger wet well with the initial construction of the Area B lift station would increase the cost of the project, but would minimize future improvement costs to reconstruct the lift station to handle increased future flows, as well as provide for flexibility for potential development within the Northwest Service Area. The sizing and cost for the lift station structure including he wet well, ell, to handle additional Northwest Service Area flows were included in the estimated costs for this study. However, the ' cost of upgrading pumps to handle the increased capacity, as well as the cost to install a parallel force main should full development take place, were not included in the cost estimation. It is recommended that if development potential increases for the Northwest Area, as well as at the time of construction of the Area B lift station, a more detailed analysis of the trunk sanitary sewer extension into the Northwest Area should be performed, including a more detailed cost 1 analysis for connecting trunk sewer to the North Central Sanitary Sewer study area and providing a higher wet well capacity to the proposed Area B lift station. H- I ll ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 14 ' 6. FUNDING ' 6.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed Opinions of Cost has been developed for each sanitary sewer trunk line, lift station, and force main, and associated roadway upgrades. Cost breakdowns can be found in Appendix B. Summaries of the costs for each improvement are included in Table 4: I Table 4: Trunk Sanitary Sewer Improvement Cost Summary Improvement Grand Total Schedule 1 -A - Lan -O -Ken Trunk Sewer Construction (CR 38 Portion) $234,030.00 Schedule 1 -B - Lan -O -Ken Trunk Sewer Construction (Brockway Development Portion) $397,250.00 Schedule 2. - South Bacardi Trunk Sewer Construction $533,750.00 Schedule 3 - North Bacardi Trunk Sewer Construction $505,220.00 Schedule 4 - Stonebridge Trunk Sewer Construction $524,890.00 Schedule 5 - West Akron Trunk Sewer Construction $1,963,470.00 Schedule 6 - Area B Lift Station and Force Main Construction $342,280.00 Schedule 7 - Area E Lift Station and Force Main Construction $735,490.00 Schedule 8 - County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Street Reconstruction $758,160.00 Schedule 9 - Bacardi Avenue Street Reconstruction $1,017,160.00 TOTAL COSTS $7,011,700.00 The Opinions of Cost represent estimated 2004 construction costs and include a 10% t construction contingency. Indirect costs have been estimated at 30 %, which include legal, engineering, administrative, and financing fees. Land acquisition costs associated with the securing of permanent utility easements necessary to complete construction have not been ' included in this report. It is anticipated that roadway right of way and permanent utility easements would be dedicated as the trunk sewer is installed through and adjacent to new developments. Street reconstruction costs have been included for streets where trunk sanitary ' sewer is proposed for installation within that street right -of -way. Reconstruction of Bonaire Path is assumed to be from TH 3 east to Biscayne Avenue, and reconstruction of Bacardi Avenue is assumed to be between 130 Street and 135 Street. Each of these roadways is proposed in the ' City of Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive Plan for future improvement as collector streets, and have been programmed as such. ' 6.2 Funding Strategy and Rate Analysis Funding for the installation of new sanitary trunk sanitary sewer is generally obtained in the City ' of Rosemount through a combination of Trunk Area Assessments and connection charges, with up -front costs being funded through the City's Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 15 ' According to the City of Rosemount policy regarding Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Water Assessments, approved by the City Council on March 19, 2002, sanitary sewer assessments and fees are as summarized: For all new construction, on sites where there was no previous development, a Trunk Sanitary Sewer Assessment will be collected as part of the building permit or subdivision agreement. Trunk assessments apply to the entire parcel acreage (excluding dedicated parks) where construction is proposed. This assessment is collected with the final plat or subdivision agreement for new developments. Assessments are calculated on a per acre basis at an amount set forth as determined by the City Council. Current 2004 Trunk Area Assessments approved by the City Council are $1,015 per acre. In proposed construction areas where individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) currently exist, and when city services are extended into or through an area where landowners are serviced by private systems and choose not to connect to such services, assessments to such properties may be deferred by decision of the City Council. At such time in the future that building permits are requested for expansion of existing city services on such parcels, City staff will calculate the area of facility expansion, and Trunk Sanitary Sewer Assessments will be determined and collected on a per acre basis at an amount set forth as determined by the City Council for the expansion area. L I n I The Sanitary Core Fund is reimbursed over time through the combination of Trunk Area Assessments, and individual connection charges levied against any property, new or existing, that wishes to connect to City sanitary and water utilities. A sanitary Service Availability Charge (SAC), also known as a connection charge, is collected at the time a building permit is issued for new properties, or when an application is submitted to connect an existing property to City sanitary and water services. The current connection charge, approved by the Rosemount City Council, is $1,125 per SAC unit, which is equal to one single - family residence. The improvement costs related to street improvements and upgrades have been included in the total cost distribution for the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. Although funding for such street improvements can come from various sources, including property assessments, new developer agreements, Municipal State Aid Street funding, Dakota County roadway improvement funding, and the City of Rosemount Street Core Fund, there are many factors that determine how such costs are distributed. As such, an exact breakdown of street improvement funding sources was not developed. Rather, a general improvement cost was provided to aid in developing future funding strategies for the individual proposed street improvements. A detailed breakdown of the proposed funding and cost distribution for the improvements proposed herein can be found in Appendix B. Table 5 provides a summary of the cost distribution for the proposed sanitary and associated street improvements. It should be noted that the costs used for the basis of the improvement cost and assessment calculations are based on estimated 2004 construction costs and City Council approved assessment rates. Inflationary values of 3% should be added annually to the proposed assessment rates to accommodate the development schedule ultimately established for the study areas. ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 16 Table 5 — Sanitary Sewer Cost Distribution 1 Notes • All numbers in the table are considered to be estimates. • Cost for Schedules IA, 113, and 6 include necessary over sizing costs for potential sanitary service to the Northwest Area. (1) To be initially paid for through the City of Rosemount's Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. (2) District A connection charges would be contributed to the City of Eagan Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as part of the Joint Powers Agreement for sanitary flows between the City of Rosemount and the City of Eagan. (3) District D trunk fees and connection charges would be contributed to City of Rosemount Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as reimbursement for existing trunk sanitary sewer that services this area. (4) To be paid into the City of Rosemount's Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as reimbursement for sanitary trunk construction within the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Area. Fees should increase yearly as inflation occurs, generally around 3% per year. (5) To be paid through a variety of funding sources, including the City of Rosemount's Street Core Fund, MSAS funding, property assessments, and new development agreements. ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 17 PROPOSED SANITARY IMPROVMENT TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Schedule IA - Lan -O -Ken Trunk Sewer Construction CR 38 Portion $234,030.00 Schedule 113 - Lan -O -Ken Trunk Sewer Construction ( Brockway Development Portion $397,250.00 Schedule 2 - South Bacardi Trunk Sewer Construction $533,750.00 Schedule 3 - North Bacardi Trunk Sewer Construction $505,220.00 Schedule 4 - Stonebridge Trunk Sewer Construction 0 Schedule 5 - West Akron Trunk Sewer Construction 0 Schedule 6 - Area B Lift Station and Force Main Construction 0 Schedule 7 - Area E Lift Station and Force MainConstruction 0 M$5,236,380.00 TOTAL SANITARY COSY) 0 Estimated Sanitary Trunk Area Charges ,,. Estimated Single Unit Connection Fees (City SAC Charge) $4,785,966.00 SUBTOTAL COLLECTED SANITARY FEES $6,454,610.00 Estimated Single Unit Connection Fees (District A: To City of Eagan) (2) $343,602.00 Estimated Trunk and Single Unit Connection Fees District D: Reimbursement for existing Trunk Sewer (3) $92,563.00 TOTAL COLLECTED SANITARY FEES(4) $6,018,445.00 PROPOSED STREET IMPROVMENT TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Schedule 8 - Bonaire Path Street Reconstruction Schedule 9 - Bacardi Avenue Street Reconstruction TOTAL STREET COST (5) $758,160.00 $1,017,160.00 $1,775,320.00 Notes • All numbers in the table are considered to be estimates. • Cost for Schedules IA, 113, and 6 include necessary over sizing costs for potential sanitary service to the Northwest Area. (1) To be initially paid for through the City of Rosemount's Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. (2) District A connection charges would be contributed to the City of Eagan Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as part of the Joint Powers Agreement for sanitary flows between the City of Rosemount and the City of Eagan. (3) District D trunk fees and connection charges would be contributed to City of Rosemount Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as reimbursement for existing trunk sanitary sewer that services this area. (4) To be paid into the City of Rosemount's Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as reimbursement for sanitary trunk construction within the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Area. Fees should increase yearly as inflation occurs, generally around 3% per year. (5) To be paid through a variety of funding sources, including the City of Rosemount's Street Core Fund, MSAS funding, property assessments, and new development agreements. ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 17 ' As was previously mentioned in Section 5.3 of this report, it is recommended that the City of Eagan and the City of Rosemount enter into a Joint Powers Agreement for sanitary sewer flows to provide future sanitary sewer service to drainage District A, in the northwest portion of the ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area. Since trunk sanitary sewer is not proposed to service this area, a trunk area assessment was not included in the cost distribution analysis. The proposed Joint Powers Agreement may include financial reimbursement in the form of a trunk 1 assessment to benefiting properties within drainage District A, which would then be paid to the City of Eagan for the extension and maintenance of their trunk sewer system. Connection fees would be charged by the City of Rosemount for connection to sanitary sewer within drainage ' District A, a portion of which would then be given to the City of Eagan as part of the Joint Powers Agreement. ' A similar situation occurs for drainage District D within the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study area, which flows to the existing Brockway Draw trunk sanitary sewer. Trunk area assessments would be collected for development that would occur within drainage District D for the ' Brockway Draw trunk sanitary improvements that have already occurred, and would go directly to reimburse the City's Sanitary Core Fund. Similarly, connection charges would be collected from new development that would occur within drainage District D, and again, these funds ' would go to reimburse the Sanitary Core Fund for sanitary improvements that have already occurred. ' Currently, a policy does not exist whereby a landowner who owns a parcel of developable land, but does not currently have a house occupying that land, could be assessed for trunk sanitary improvements that could potentially service said parcel of land. This situation is most likely to ' occur in areas that are currently zoned Transitional Residential, and on properties that are adjacent to properties zoned Urban Residential. Currently, if such a situation occurred, it would ' be up to the City Council to determine on a case by case basis whether or not a trunk area assessment would be levied against an undeveloped property that exhibits future development potential when trunk sanitary sewer is extended to service such a property. It is recommended ' that a policy for such an occurrence be drafted, to help aid the City Council in making such a decision regarding trunk area assessments. ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 18 ' 7. SCHEDULE AND PHASING The scheduling and phasing of future development in the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study areas is dependent on a number of items: • Urban development patterns into the 2020 and Post -2020 MUSA areas. Present development phasing would allow any land within any of the current MUSA boundaries to be eligible for development. ' • Expanded development of Transition Residential and Rural Residential areas. Portions of areas currently zoned as Transitional Residential and Rural Residential consist of larger parcels that could be subdivided and platted for smaller, Urban Residential uses. While such platting would require a Comprehensive Plan revision, such revisions have been made in the past, and are not out of the question. ' • Degradation of existing individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS). In areas zoned Transitional Residential,'clusters of neighborhoods exist where individual ' parcels are not large enough to provide space for future septic system needs. Alternative sewage treatment systems, such as holding tanks or mound septic systems, are expensive to build and maintain. As available lot space for septic ' systems becomes reduced, sanitary sewer will need to be expanded into existing Transitional Residential neighborhoods. The method to determine when an area is ready or willing to receive sanitary sewer service is a policy issue that must be ' determined by the City Council and affected residents, respectively. . • Extension of permanent City of Eagan trunk sanitary sewer to service development ' along the border with the City of Rosemount via gravity flow. Sanitary sewer flow from the City of Rosemount cannot be accepted through the City of Eagan until such an extension is completed, as is to be outlined in the proposed Joint Powers Agreement between the two cities. The City of Rosemount should steer development to occur in areas where permanent sanitary ' trunk sewer can be extended via gravity flow. These areas would include those within the established 2020 MUSA boundary, working north into the established Post -2020 MUSA boundary. With development continuing at the current rate in the City of Rosemount, land parcels within both the 2020 and Post -2020 MUSA boundaries would be fully developed by approximately 2010. Large parcels within Transitional Residential areas adjacent to Urban Residential areas should be looked at for development potential and sanitary service extension, ' particularly where proposed trunk sanitary sewer lines could be constructed within or adjacent to Transitional Residential areas. Following development of currently zoned Urban Residential areas, the remaining portions of Transitional Residential and Rural Residential areas should then ' be focused on for additional development potential. In addition, the City of Rosemount should monitor the performances of ISTS throughout the area, and create a policy to follow in regards to extending sanitary sewer services into Transitional Residential areas as the need arises. ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Page 19 I Rp\ F � o �' . i CL�I ■ ■ ■ 5�"' vii 4 1M 'r 9r 9r 9r MW 9 i I I I. I� i I I 5� W 1 I i II LLw Q w Z r < Q Uj Q m Q � J to i. � IIj ui > Q ui Q a Q J U Z co J 130TH i U Q r3 �TN ST U m �9A ST. W. ,vL44 4 r; L _ R Aar— r MA ■ -- - _— � JL _ � ■ ..... ...._ " 0. /_ r 1i r T i � �1 I t Legend �� i ��; , ,�� _ r� r \ L.T I I Land Use' • • . • AG - Agriculture' r � �I BP - Business Park •' I F 17 � •: I �`l�s�, PI - Public / Industrial o yil L I PO - Existing Parks /Open Space • RR - Rural Residential r TR - Transitional Residential UR - Urban Residential - _ - -- - / W - Water ■ ■ 2010 MUSA Boundary 2020 MUSA Boundary J Figure A -2 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study: Land Use Map Rosemount, MN Feet 0 600 1.200 A WS B - & Associatea•, Inc. I Table A -1: Individual Sewer Treatment System (ISTS) Status Il f Parcel North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota ' Parcel Am No. Property Tax ID Property Address City /State Zip (Acres) Septic System Status 1 340080001003 625 120TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1.17 Unknown 3 340080001114 _ 12050 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3214 0.49 No System 4 340080001214 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.94 No System 5 340090001001 12003 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 3.73 No System 6 340090001009 12006 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1.91 No System 7 340090001029 ROSEMOUNT, MN 4 No System 8 340090001031 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.05 own _ 9 340090001033 12483 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3740 2.88 No System 10 340100001025 12003 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 7.82 No System 11 340150001011 12232 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 80.41 No System 12 340150001060 12637 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3835 2 13 340150001070 ROSEMOUNT, MN 81.39 No System 14 350001085 401 ROSEMOUNT, MN 80.96 No S stem 15 340150001150 12523 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3837 76.89 Unknown 16 340150001235 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.01 No System 17 340150001250 12605 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3835 2.5 No System 18 340150001435 12523 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3837 2.65 19 340161001001 ROSEMOUNT, MN 69.48 No System 20 340161001009 ROSEMOUNT, MN 9.91 No System 21 340161001013 12006 BACARDI AVE E ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 3.09 22 340161001015 12110 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3711 25.15 n 23 340161001017 12296 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3713 19.83 24 340161001019 ROSEMOUNT, MN 9.9 No System 25 340161001021 12420 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3741 9.9 26 340161001035 ROSEMOUNT, MN 20.48 No System 27 340161001037 12000 S. ROBERT TRL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 3.5 Unknown 28 340161001060 12920 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3937 0.58 29 340161001064 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.69 No System 30 340161001070 12976 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3937 1.32 Unknown 31 340161001075 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3008 80.14 No System 32 340161001225 2140 120TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 40.61 pared (Unknown) 33 340161001233 12246 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3912 5.09 Compliant 34 340161001255 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.06 No System 35 340161001259 12965 BENGAL AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3617 0.57 Unknown 36 340161001285 12800 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3733 18.19 Co mpliant° 37 340161001333 12086 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3911 6.74 Compliant 38 340161001433 12164 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3929 5.15 Compliant 39 340161001455 12781 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3734 6.43 Com Iiant, < 40 340161001485 12780 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3735 18.18 41 340161001655 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.46 No System 42 340161001855 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.52 No System 43 340161001955 2261 130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3919 1.21 44 340161002029 ROSEMOUNT, MN 35.33 No S tem 45 340161002159 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.53 No S tem 46 340161003029 12483 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3740 5.02 47 340161003059 2113130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3906 0.43 to 48 340161003251 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.03 No System 49 161004059 12962 BENGAL AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 550683617 0.83 m 50 340161005059 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.73 No System 51 340161006059 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.4 No System 52 340161007059 2141 130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3906 0.45 "mp 53 340161009059 12895 BENGAL AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3667 0.97 Compliant 54 340161010059 2090 130TH WAY ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3941 _ 0.95 55 340161011059 12930 BENGAL AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3617 0.95 56 340161012059 2193 130TH WAY W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3942 0.98 57 340161013059 2187 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3921 1.19 system 58 340161014159 12995 BENGAL AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 3616 0.64 !1!! 59 340171001003 12202 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1.67 known 60 340171001006 12261 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3654 4.89 known 61 340171001007 12235 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3654 1.36 known 62 340171001015 12205 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3654 8.41 known 63 340171001017 ROSEMOUNT, MN 36.43 No S stem 65 340171001077 12685 BOLIVIA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3600 3.91 66 340171001080 2625130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3607 2.33 67 340171001085 12610 SO ROBT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3631 1.72 68 340171001114 12171 BISCAYNE AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3910 1 25 69 340171001179 12919 BOLIVIA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3641 2.1 70 340171001201 ROSEMOUNT, MN 11.11 No System 71 340171001212 12101 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3255 13.05 72 340171001214 12139 BISCAYNE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3910 0.46 known 73 340171001279 ROSEMOUNT, MN 4.68 No System 75 340171001412 12050 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3214 6.96 76 340171002014 12467 BISCAYNE AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3932 5.38 77 340171002078 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1 No S stem 78 340171002080 12890 BOLIVIA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3644 1.86 79 340171002085 12600 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3631 0.65 wn so 340171003014 12313 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3931 2.54 81 340171003080 2543130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3608 4.28 82 340171003085 12686 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3631 3.82 83 340171004014 12341 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3931 0.74 84 340171005014 12375 BISCAYNE AVE _ ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3931 0.59 Unknown 85 340171005080 12805 BOLIVIA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3643 2.04 86 340171005085 12888 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3626 1 3.86 87 340171006014 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.87 No S tem North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota ' WSB Project No. 1191 -23 I Table A -1: Individual Sewer Treatment System (ISTS) Status 0 n n 0 Parcel I Parcel Area No. Property Tax ID Property Address City/State Zip (Acres) Septic System Status 88 340171006080 12769 BOLIVIA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3646 1.0 'ant 89 340171006085 12800 ROBERT TR S _ ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3626 0.97 it 90 340171007014 12259 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3913 0.38 own 91 340171007080 12766 BOLIVIA AVE W _ ROSEMOUNT, MN. 55068 -3637 1.69 Unknown 0.39 No System 92 340171007085 ROSEMOUNT, MN 93 340171008014 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.63 No System 94 340171008080 12850 BLANCA BOX 91 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3650 1.6 95 340171008085 12750 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3657 1.63 96 340171009014 12289 BISCAYNE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3913 1.48 Compliant 97 340171009080 12930 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3648 1.6 Unknown 98 340171009085 _ 12976 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3624 6.99 Compliant _ 99 340171010014 12231 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3913 0.8 Compliant 100 340171010080 12895 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3649 1.07 Compliant 101 340171010085 12802 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3626 0.39 102 340171011014 12139 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3910 1.91 103 340171011080 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.81 No S tem 104 340171012014 12255 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3913 0.98 105 340171012080 2680 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3622 1.38 106 340171013080 12790 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3660 3.74 107 340171014080 12753 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3659 0.75 108 340171015080 12773 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3659 0.74 U 109 340171016080 2685128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3621 0.92 110 340171017080 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -0296 0.86 Unknown 111 340171018080 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.86 No System _ 112 340171019080 2575130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3608 1.47 Compliant 113 340201001005 2951 132ND ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1 0.76 Unknown 114 340201001006 2771 132ND ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3408 0.94 Compliant 115 340201001008 13088 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3411 1.85 Unknown 116 340201001009 2813132ND ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3406 4.51 Compliant 117 340201001010 2500130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3627 3.88 Compliant 118 340201001012 13500 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 55.78 Compliant 119 340201001015 13425 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 5.39 Campliall 120 340201001018 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.17 No System 122 340201001077 ROSEMOUNT, MN 53.08 No System 123 340201001079 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.55 No S ystem 125 340201001091 ROSEMOUNT, MN 4.38 No System 126 340201001107 ROSEMOUNT, MN 6.06 Unknown 127 340201001175 ROSEMOUNT, MN 6.04 No System 128 340201001201 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.45 No System 129 340201001203 13086 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -5002 9.36 130 340201001207 ROSEMOUNT, MN 5.56 131 340201001211 13429 SOUTH ROBERT TR ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3442 6.75 known 132 340201001275 13480 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 6.38 134 340201001288 ROSEMOUNT, MN 5.1 No stem 135 340201001301 2650 130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3628 7.59 136 340201001303 2925132ND ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3423 5.76 138 340201001375 13510 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -5006 5.75 140 340201001401 2800130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3666 6.86 141 340201001403 13136 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -5020 5.61 142 340201001475 ROSEMOUNT, MN 6.99 No System 151 340211001009 1741 135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3012 13.81 152 340211001025 ROSEMOUNT, MN 46.14 No System 153 340211001033 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1.32 No System 154 340211001035 ROSEMOUNT, MN 22.39 No System 155 340211001037 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.11 No System 157 340211001076 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.8 No System 158 340211001129 13217 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3049 7.85 159 340211001134 2067 135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3425 10.48 160 340211001155 2182 135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3405 10.05 161 340211001201 1665135TH ST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 15 162 340211001234 ROSEMOUNT, MN 5.2 No S ystem 163 340211001329 ROSEMOUNT, MN 5 No S tem 164 340211001331 2318 BONAIRE PATH ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3432 6.87 165 340211001429 13075 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3002 5 166 340211001431 2320 BONAIRE PATH ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3432 5.32 167 340211001450 2038 135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3424 0.19 168 340211001531 2322 BONAIRE PATH ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3432 6.47 169 340211001631 2316 BONAIRE PATH ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3432 7.39 170 340211001831 ROSEMOUNT, MN 17.09 No System 171 340211001931 2295 BONAIRE PATH ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3400 5 172 340211002037 2025135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3425 2.07 173 340211002050 2100 135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3405 12.45 Unknown 174 340211002131 13345 BONAIRE PATH ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3458 7.15 Unknown 175 340211002231 1370 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 26.67 known 178 340220001025 ROSEMOUNT, MN 159.19 179 340220001207 13040 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -5812 10 180 340220001250 ROSEMOUNT, MN 40.41 No S tem 181 340220001260 ROSEMOUNT, MN 22.91 No S tam 183 340220001350 ROSEMOUNT, MN 34.45 No S m 184 340220001360 ROSEMOUNT, MN 52.08 No System 185 340220001407 13080 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -5812 10 - m 186 340220001460 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3008 3.1 No System 187 340270001025 14125 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -2947 76.73 No S stem 0.52 188 340270001030 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota ' WSB Project No. 1191 -23 I Table A -1: Individual Sewer Treatment System (ISTS) Status r Parcel Parcel Are a No. Property Tax ID Property Address City /State Zip (Acres) Septic System Status 189 340270001031 14145 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -2947 0.48 ant 190 340270001032 14195 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068 -2947 2 Compliant 191 340270001033 14105 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -2947 1 Aired (Unknown) 193 340270001140 ROSEMOUNT, MN ROSEMOUNT, MN ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -4325 75.23 5.51 0.01 No System Un known No System 194 340270002040 _ 1435145TH ST W 208 340370004800 220 343200003101 12334 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3638 0.8 Unknown 221 343200004001 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.37 No Svstem 222 343200005001 12358 S ROBERT TR ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3638 0.38 223 343200006001 2695124TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 0.39 n7 224 343255001001 12550 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3655 0.68 U wn 225 343255002001 12552 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3655 1.44 Co . a nt _ 226 343295001001 2305130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3918 3.5 i pired (Unknown) 227 343295002001 2345130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3918 2.5 Compliant 228 344430001001 2693132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 0.35 Comp 229 344430001002 2694132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3419 0.36 Compliant 23 344430002001 2685132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3435 0.34 Compliant 231 344430002002 2684132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3419 0.35 Compliant 232 344430003001 2675 132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3435 0.66 Compliant 233 344430003002 2686132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3419 _ 0.31 Holding Tanks 234 344430004001 2665132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3435 0.62 Compliant 235 344430004002 2604132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3419 0.32 Compliant 236 344430005001 2655132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3435 0.35 Compliant 237 344430006001 2645132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3435 0.32 Hol ding Tanks 238 344430007001 2055128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3904 0.35 Unknown 239 344430008001 2625132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3435 0.37 _ 240 344430009001 2615132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3435 0.71 Compliant 241 344430010001 2605132ND ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3421 0.88 242 344560001001 12870 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3733 5 Unknown 243 344560101000 ROSEMOUNT, MN 142.64 No System 244 344560101001 12890 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3733 20 245 344890001001 12228 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1.02 W 246 344890002001 12238 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 .. 0.66 JW C Mm pliant 247 344890003001 12310 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3638 0.91 Compliant 248 345360001002 2680 125TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3614 0.75 Expired (Unknown) 249 345360001003 2655124TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3613 0.41 Failing 250 345360002002 2660125TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3614 0.64 Compliant 251 345360002101 2720124TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3611 1.04 xpired (Unknown) 252 345360003001 12445 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3665 0.4 Compliant 253 345360003002 2650125TH ST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3614 0.51 Compliant 254 345360003003 12365 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3636 0.71 Unknown 255 345360004001 12465 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3665 0.37 Compliant 256 345360004002 2640 125TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3614 0.5 Compliant 257 345360005001 12485 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3665 0.37 .: Compliant.. 258 345360005002 2644 125TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55W8-36141 0.43 259 345360005103 12355 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3636 1.01 260 345360006001 12485 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3665 0.46 No S m 261 345360006003 12370 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3635 0.38 262 345360007001 2875145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -4997 0.25 No S tam 263 345360007003 12380 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3635 0.41 06 5360007101 12485 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3665 0.25 No $ 265 345360008001 2685126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 0.51 286 345360008003 12390 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3635 0.44 267 345360009003 12430 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3645 0.41 _Compliant 268 345360010003 12450 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3645 0.41 Compliant 269 345360011003 12470 BLANCA AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3645 0.41 Compliant 270 345360013103 12490 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3645 0.64 Compliant 271 345360014103 12520 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3664 0.69 Compliant 272 345360101001 12545 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3663 2.8 Compliant 273 345360102001 12540 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3664 3.22 Compliant 274 345360103001 12730 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3660 3.07 275 345360104001 12735 BLANCA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3659 3.54 276 345450005000 ROSEMOUNT, MN 3.15 No System 277 346460001001 12960 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -0137 5.7 mp 278 346460002001 12885 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3625 4.83 Compliant 281 346460005001 12795 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3658 4.36 Compliant 282 346460006001 12795 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3658 4.59 No System 284 346460008001 12675 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3630 4.86 Compliant 285 346460009001 12605 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3630 5.45 Compliant 289 346460303001 2890 MCANDREWS RD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3283 3.57 Compliant 290 346640001001 12050 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3709 3 Compliant 291 346640002001 12086 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 10.77 Compliant 292 346830001001 12865 BENGAL AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3618 0.34 Compliant 293 346830001002 2187 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3921 0.69 pired (Unkno 294 346830002001 12845 BENGAL AVE W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3618 0.34gm Dian 295 346830002002 2175128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3921 1 0.37 296 346830002003 2192 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3922 0.7 297 346830003001 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.34 298 346830003002 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.43 299 346830003003 2168 128TH ST W ROSEMOU NT, MN 55068 -3922 0.32 300 346830004102 2159128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3921 LNoS 0.59 301 346830005002 2135128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3921 0.41 302 346830005101 12795 BENGAL AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3620 0.69 303 346830005103 1 2152 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3922 0.71 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 I Table A -1: Individual Sewer Treatment System (ISTS) Status I I Parcel Parcel Area No. Property Tax ID Property Address City /State Zip (Acres) tem Status 304 346830006103 2118 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3922 0.36 pliant 305 346830007003 2100 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3922 0.61 pliant tcso-pliant 306 346830007102 2119128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3921 1.23 pliant 307 346830008002 2075128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3904 0.47 pliant 308 346830008003 2086128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3905 0.77 pliant_ 309 346830009002 2055128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3904 0.42 310 346830009003 2076 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3905 0.45 Compliant 311 346830010002 2025128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3904 0.37 Compliant 312 346830010003 2056 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3905 038 Compliant 313 346830011002 12785 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3734 1.1 Compliant 314 346830011003 2026128TH ST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3905 0.38 xpired (Unknown) 315 346830012003 12865 BACARDI AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3732 2.72 Compliant 316 347270001001 1065121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3702 4.48 Compliant 317 347270002001 1155121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3702 5 Compliant 318 347270003001 1185121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3702 5 Compliant 319 34 7270004001 1335121 ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3743 5 Compliant 320 347270005001 1355121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3743 5 Compliant 321 347270006001 1375121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3743 5 xpired (Unknown) 322 347270007001 1395 121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3743 5 Compliant 323 347270008001 1400 121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3742 5 y Compliant 324 347270009001 1350 121ST ST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3742 5 Expired (Unknown) 325 1 347270012001 PO BOX 433 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -0433 3.3 Compliant 326 347270013001 1180 121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3742 _ 5 Expired (Unknown) 327 347270014001 1090 121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3742 5 Un known 328 347270101000 ROSEMOUNT, MN _ _ _ _ 2.88 No System 329 347270101001 12201 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3806 5 Unknown 330 347270102001 12311 AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3808 4.99 E x pi red (Unk 331 347270103001 1075 124TH CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3744 _ 5. 1 Expired (Unknown) 332 347270104001 1145 124TH CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3700 5 Compliant 333 347270105001 1160 124TH CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3700 5.05 Compliant 334 347270106001 1150 124TH CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3700 5.27 Compliant 335 347270107001 1110 124TH CT W ROSEMOUNT, MN 50 568 -3700 5.7 Compliant 336 347270108001 1050124TH ST CT ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 2.5 Compliant 337 347270201001 1330 121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3742 7.99 Compliant 338 34 7270201002 1294 121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3742 3.18 Compliant 339 347270202001 12287 APPALACHIAN TRL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -4465 3.37 Compliant 340 347270202002 1310121ST ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3742 5.61 Compliant 341 347270203001 12319 APPALACHIAN TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MN 55068-0464 4.85 Compliant 342 347270203002 12320 APPALACHIAN TRL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 3.35 Compliant 343 347270204001 12351 APPALACHIAN TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068-4464 4.31 Compliant 3 44 347270204002 12354 APPALACHIAN TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068-4463 3.81 Compliant 345 347270205001 12383 APPALACHIAN TRL ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 3.94 Com liant 346 347270205002 12415 APPALACHIAN TR ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -4462 4.06 349 348400001000 ROSEMOUNT, MN 5.7 No S tem 350 348400001001 12909 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3938 4.69 351 348400001002 2400126TH ST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3944 6.28 352 348400001003 ROSEMOUNT, MN 5.44 No S tem 353 348400002000 ROSEMOUNT, MN 5.04 No S stem 354 348400002001 ROSEMOUNT, MN 4.88 _ No S tem 355 348400002002 12890 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3936 4.75 356 348400002003 12550 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3939 6.72 Un_ 357 348400003001 ROSEMOUNT, MN 4.7 No System 358 348400003002 12820 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3936 5.54 Unknown 359 348400003003 12590 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3939 5.01 Compliant 360 348400004001 12525 BISCAYNE AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3940 4.58 Unknown 361 348400004002 2416 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3944 4.74 xpired (Unknown) 362 348400004003 2329 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3934 6.53 Compliant 363 348400005002 2300 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3943 6.69 Compliant 364 348400005003 2275126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3934 6.22 Compliant 365 348400006002 2200 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3947 6.11 Compliant 366 348400006003 2219 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3934 5.28 Compliant 367 348400007002 2100126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT. MN 55068 -3900 4.57 Compliant 368 348400007003 2145126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3934 4.85 _ Compliant 369 348400008002 2038126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3900 3.13 mpliant 372 340211002051 ROSEMOUNT, MN 6.06 No System 373 346272501001 12055 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 5.58 mpliant 374 346272502001 12125 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 5.63 No System 375 340171002011 12165 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1.44 376 340171001011 12175 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 0.95 377 340171001409 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.93 No System 393 340220001011 ROSEMOUNT, MN 2.01 No System 398 340220001175 ROSEMOUNT, MN 134.48 Unknown 399 340270001013 • ROSEMOUNT, MN 80.38 No System 400 340100001005 ROSEMOUNT, MN 4.16 No System 401 340211001051 2058 135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 -3424 3.75 No System 402 340171004111 2990120TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1.3 Unknown 403 340171004211 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.99 No S stem 404 340171005011 2980120TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 1.69 Unknown 405 340080001012 ROSEMOUNT, MN 0.9 No System North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota ' WSB Project No. 1191 -23 n 400 I I Q Z V ' 360 53 56 OJP 271 356 31 272 273 367 357 ^ ' 369 353 ' 10 361 _ 13 91 108 1 354 95 42 39 Q 36 �, . W 358 _ 938300 V 105110 Q_ `. 301 11103 4 355 7 242 97 81 350 Y8 Z 2314 53,,..4` L,50. ... 244 9 30 .227 226 W 35 43 2P $T. W. 5845 S4 a l l , 173 276 142 1 . ; ;t 134 . E25 123. 175 I t i L - A " b i T Jam.( " i�..j i \\� �- �/� /•- -11E3 E3B 'i 1 CU C[ 77 W T \ T - TT _ tom.. r Imo.. j Legend SEPTIC SYSTEM STATUS Alternative System U . Compliant''% Expired Permit (Unknown) Failing No System j Unknown 184 17 181 163 187 5 126 152 165 41 158 243 162 131 154 151 161 El 170 a 174 �?c . 5 t s5 r fY=rP� % 166 160 173 276 142 1 . ; ;t 134 . E25 123. 175 I t i L - A " b i T Jam.( " i�..j i \\� �- �/� /•- -11E3 E3B 'i 1 CU C[ 77 W T \ T - TT _ tom.. r Imo.. j Legend SEPTIC SYSTEM STATUS Alternative System U . Compliant''% Expired Permit (Unknown) Failing No System j Unknown 184 - 181 399 187 183 180 398 - - { 399 193 I` i 194 Figure A -3 Individual Sewage Treatment Systems (ISIS): Current Conditions Rosemount, MN Feet 0 600 1,200 A WS B & Associates, Inc. �I Lift Station' \ i' B -1.1 1 H -2.1 r'f LL ' hG �� mQ C , ' O m -1.2 D -1 C -22 lV ii B 8B BB 17� yy 8B eE3 �- �-- m o 1. Mm Leg Existing Trunk Sanitary Sanitary Districts ♦ — — 8 inch Sanitary 'PROPOSED AREA TO FLOW TO EAGAN i ! 10 inch sanitary B 12" Trunk Sanitary C D 15" Trunk Sanitary E < 18" Trunk Sanitary F 21" Trunk Sanitary G i H 24" Trunk Sanitary • LoadPoints �— Forcemain i WETLANDS qP to 0 C Figure A -4 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study: Proposed Layout Rosemount, MN Feet 0 600 1,200 A WS B I Table A -2: Sanitary Sewer Flow alculations by Drainage Sub - Districts u 0 0 SANITARY SEWER FLOW ANALYSIS SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT GROSS AREA NET AREA POTENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY LOTS POTENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY LOTS UNBUILDABLE AREA AVERAGE DAILY FLOW PEAK FLOW ACRES ACRES Based on E istina Lots Based on Area ACRES MGD MGD AA 121.77 97.87 228 23.90 0.0684 0.2736 A -2 47.91 46.51 100 1.40 0.0300 0.1200 B -1 129.63 114.03 207 15.60 0.0621 0.2484 B -2 36.40 25.40 63 11.00 0.0189 0.0756 C -1 132.50 93.30 233 39.20 0.0699 0.2796 C -2 62.20 62.20 155 0.00 0.0465 0.1860 C-3 21.80 21.80 54 0.00 0.0162 0.0648 D -1 31.50 29.90 74 1.60 0.0222 0.0888 E -1 227.39 192.89 481 34.50 0.1443 0.5628 E -2 172.00 158.10 395 13.90 0.1185 0.4740 E -3 62.87 57.27 143 5.60 0.0429 6.1716 E-4 85.22 78.22 195 7.00 0.0585 0.2340 E -5 32.50 27.30 68 5.20 0.0204 0.0816 E -6 138.00 120.40 300 17.60 0.0900 0.3600 E -7 48.20 39.30 90 8.90 0.0270 0.1080 F -1 54.67 50.97 93 3.70 0.0279 0.1116 F -2 72.50 67.50 154 5.00 0.0462 0.1848 G -1 37.00 37.00 92 0.00 0.0276 0.1104 G -2 91.35 66.80 167 24.55 0.0501 0.2004 G -3 105.00 97.60 243 7.40 0.0729 0.2916 H -1 76.41 62.38 155 14.03 0.0465 0.1860 H -2 112.49 104.39 260 8.10 0.0780 0.3120 H -3 158.75 153.75 384 5.00 0.1152 0.4608 H -4 128.78 125.23 313 1 3.55 0.0939 0.3756 H -5 176.60 159.70 399 16.90 0.1197 0.4788 Northwest Area 520.00 400.00 1000 120.00 0.3000 1.0800 TOTAL 2363.44 2089.81 872 5174 393.63 ' North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota ' WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Table A -3: Proposed Trunk Sewer Design and Capacity Information B -1.1 C -1.1 6 DIP FM 2000 929.0 944.0 -0.75 0.3810 3.6 1.3716 1.2500 110°/x' C -1.1 C -1.2 Proposed Proposed Proposed 944.0 937.0 Peak 0.4509 Ultimate Capacity From To C -1.2 Pipe Segment Upstream Inv. Downstream Average Average Flow Proposed Capacity Status at Peak Point Point Pipe Size Material Length Elev. Inv. Elev. Sloe Flow Factor Peak Flow Full Flow 3.5262 50% (in) G -2.1 (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (MGD) 0.29 (MGD) (MGD) 0.4068 B -1.1 C -1.1 6 DIP FM 2000 929.0 944.0 -0.75 0.3810 3.6 1.3716 1.2500 110°/x' C -1.1 C -1.2 18 PVC 2700 944.0 937.0 0.26 0.4509 3.5 1.5782 3.4603 46% C -1.2 C -2.1 18 PVC 500 937.0 935.8 0.24 0.4671 3.5 1.6349 3.3246 49% C -2.1 C -2.2 18 PVC 800 935.8 933.6 0.27 0.5136 3.4 1.7462 3.5262 50% F -1.1 G -2.1 10 PVC 1650 946.0 941.2 0.29 0.1017 4.0 0.4068 0.7623 53% G -2.1 G -2.2 15 PVC 1900 937.7 934.3 0.18 0.2247 3.8 0.8539 1.7706 48% E -6.1 E-4.2 10 PVC 900 945.2 940.0 0.58 0.1170 4.0 0.4680 1.0780 43% E -4.2 E-4.1 10 PVC 600 913.0 911.0 0.33 0.1170 4.0 0.4680 0.8131 58% E-4.1 E -1.1 12 PVC 700 900.8 898.0 0.40 0.1959 3.8 0.7444 1.4557 51% E -1.1 E -1.2 12 PVC 800 898.0 896.0 0.25 0.2681 3.7 0.9918 1.1509 86% E -2.1 E -2.2 10 PVC 1850 909.0 903.4 0.30 0.1185 4.0 0.4740 0.7753 61% E -2.2 E -1.3 10 PVC 1150 903.4 900.0 0.30 0.1907 3.8 0.7245 0.8840 82% E -1.3 E -1.2 10 PVC 750 900.0 896.0 0.53 0.2336 3.8 0.8875 1.0305 86% E -1.2 H -1.1 8 DIP FM 1500 896.0 931.0 -2.33 0.5016 3.4 1.7054 2.2559 76% H -1.1 H -2.1 18 RCP 2100 931.0 927.8 0.15 0.5676 3.4 1.9298 2.6283 73% H -2.1 H -3.1 21 RCP 2850 927.8 924.0 0.13 0.7413 3.3 2.4463 3.2371 76% H -3.1 H-4.1 24 RCP 1600 924.0 922.0 0.13 0.8352 3.2 2.6726 3.2371 83% H -4.1 H -5.1 24 RCP 2000 922.0 919.5 1 0.13 1 0.8951 3.2 2.8642 1 3.2371 88% *Parallel Forcemain can be added from Lift Station (B -1.1) to gravity trunk sewer (C -1.1) shoud the capacity need arise with the addition of the Northwest Area North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 FEW i i .............: E i M • � i� Legend Sanitary Districts PROPOSED AREA TO FLOW TO EAGAN B M C D F G H WETLANDS NORTHWEST AREA BOUNDARY Figure A -5 Northwest Sanitary Sewer Area Rosemount, MN �J Feet 0 600 1,200 A WS B to & Ascociufes, bu_ ' APPENDIX B Opinion of Probable Cost I North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 119123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost City of Rosemount, Minnesota Schedule 1A - Lan -O-Ken Trunk Sewer Construction (CR 38 Portion) Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated 1 DEWATERING LUMP SUM 1 $30,000.00 Cost $30,000.00 2 18" RCP PIPE SEWER - CLASS IV LIN FT 1,400 $80.00 $112,000.00 3 8" PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 35 LIN FT 50 $18.00 't ... 0 4 CONSTUCT 48" DIA SANITARY MANHOLE LIN FT 85 $150.00 $12,750.00 5 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 400 $20.00 $8,000.00 6 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 1,400 $1.00 $1,400.00 7 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 5 $400.00 $2,000.00 Subtotal $163,650.00 + 10% Contingencies $16,370.00 Subtotal $180,020.00 + 30% Administrative $54,010.00 Grand Total $234,030.0 0 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount Minnesota ' WSB Project No. 1191 -23 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost City of Rosemount, Minnesota Schedule 1B - Lan -O -Ken Trunk Sewer Construction (Brockway Development Portion) Item No. Description 1 18" RCP PIPE SEWER - CLASS 4000 LB 2 SANITARY OVERDEPTH (DEPTH GREATER THAN 20) 3 CONSTUCT 48" DIA SANITARY MANHOLE 4 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER 5 CASTING ASSEMBLY Unit LIN FT LIN FT LIN FT LIN FT EACH Estimated Unit Quantity Cost 2,600 $90.00 2,100 $8.00 180 $150.00 2,600 $1.00 5 $400.00 Total Estimated Cost $234,000.00 $16,800.00 $27,000.00 $2,600.00 $2,000.00 Subtotal $277,800.00 + 10% Contingencies $27,780.00 Subtotal $305,580.00 + 30% Administrative $91,670.00 Grand Total $397,250.00 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount Minnesota ' WSB Project No. 1191.23 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost City of Rosemount, Minnesota Schedule 2 - South Bacardi Trunk Sewer Construction Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated 1 DEWATERING LUMP SUM 1 $50,000.00 Cost $50,000.00 2 10" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 LIN FT 1,650 $30.00 $49,500.00 3 15" RCP PIPE SEWER - CLASS 4000 LB LIN FT 1,900 $80.00 $152,000.00 4 SANITARY OVERDEPTH (DEPTH GREATER THAN 20') LIN FT 2,700 $8.00 $21,600.00 5 CONSTRUCT 10" OUTSIDE DROP LIN FT 4 $400.00 $1,400.00 6 CONSTUCT 48" DIA SANITARY MANHOLE LIN FT 278 $150.00 $41,700.00 7 CLEAR AND GRUB ACRE 0.5 $2,500.00 $1,250.00 8 TOPSOIL CU YD 750 $12.00 $9,000.00 9 SEEDING ACRE 1.9 $1,000.00 $1,900.00 10 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SQ YD 2,200 $3.00 $6,600.00 11 SILT FENCE LIN FT 7,100 $2.50 $17,750.00 12 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 700 $20.00 $14,000.00 13 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 2,950 $1.00 $2,950.00 14 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 9 $400.00 $3,600.00 Subtotal $373,250.00 + 10% Contingencies $37,330.00 L..' Subtotal $410,580.00 + 30% Administrative $123,170.00 Grand Total $533,750.00 i 1 1 1 1 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount Minnesota WSS Project No. 1191 -23 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study City of Rosemount, Minnesota Opinion of Probable Cost Schedule 3 - North Bacardi Trunk Sewer Construction Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 1 DEWATERING LUMP SUM 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 2 10" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 LIN FT 1,500 $30.00 $45,000.00 3 12" RCP PIPE SEWER - CLASS IV LIN FT 1,500 $70.00 $105,000.00 4 SANITARY OVERDEPTH (DEPTH GREATER THAN 20') LIN FT 1,200 $8.00 $9,600.00 5 CONSTRUCT 10" OUTSIDE DROP LIN FT 38 $400.00 $15,200.00 6 CONSTUCT 48" DIA SANITARY MANHOLE LIN FT 230 $150.00 $34,500.00 7 CLEAR AND GRUB ACRE 6.0 $2,500.00 $15,000.00 8 TOPSOIL CU YD 2,700 $12.00 $32,400.00 9 SEEDING ACRE 6.2 $1,000.00 $6,200.00 10 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SQ YD 5,600 $3.00 $16,800.00 11 SILT FENCE LIN FT 6,000 $2.50 $15,000.00 12 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 600 $20.00 $12,000.00 13 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 3,000 $1.00 $3,000.00 14 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 9 $400.00 $3,600.00 Subtotal + 10% Contingencies Subtotal + 30% Administrative $353,300.00 $35,330.00 $388,630.00 $116,590.00 Grand Total $505,220.00 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota ' WSS Project No. 1191 -23 Central Sanitary Sewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost of Rosemount, Minnesota k North dule 4 - Stonebrid a Trunk Sewer Construction Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 1 DEWATERING LUMP SUM 1 $70,000.00 $70,000.00 2 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SO YD 2,500 $3.25 $8,125.00 3 10" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 LIN FT 3,750 $30.00 $112,500.00 4 SANITARY OVERDEPTH (DEPTH GREATER THAN 20') LIN FT 2,000 $8.00 $16,000.00 5 CONSTUCT 48" DIA SANITARY MANHOLE LIN FT 220 $150.00 $33,000.00 6 CLEAR AND GRUB ACRE 2.5 $2,500.00 $6,250.00 7 TOPSOIL CU YD 1,700 $12.00 $20,400.00 8 SEEDING ACRE 4.6 $1,000.00 $4,600.00 9 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SQ YD 4,000 $3.00 $12,000.00 10 SILT FENCE LIN FT 6,000 $2.50 $15,000.00 11 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 1,200 $20.00 $24,000.00 12 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 1,100 $12.00 $13,200.00 13 TYPE LV3 WEARING COUSE MIXTURE (C) TON 210 $36.00 $7,560.00 14 TYPE LV3 NON- WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (C) TON 490 $34.00 $16,660.00 15 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 3,750 $1.00 $3,750.00 16 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 10 $400.00 $4,000.00 Subtotal $367,050.00 + 10% Contingencies $36,710.00 Subtotal $403,760.00 + 30% Administrative $121,130.00 Grand Total $524,890.00 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost City of Rosemount, Minnesota Schedule 5 - West Akron Trunk Sewer Construction Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated 1 DEWATERING LUMP SUM 1 $80,000.00 Cost $80,000.00 2 18" RCP PIPE SEWER - CLASS 4000 LB LIN FT 2,100 $90.00 $189,000.00 3 21" RCP PIPE SEWER - CLASS 4000 LB LIN FT 2,850 $110.00 $313,500.0 4 24" RCP PIPE SEWER - CLASS 4000 LB LIN FT 2,800 $130.00 $364,000.00 5 24" RCP PIPE SEWER - CLASS 5000 LB LIN FT 800 $150.00 $120,000.00 6 SANITARY OVERDEPTH (DEPTH GREATER THAN 20') LIN FT 4,800 $8.00 $38,400.00 7 30" STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) LIN FT 200 $300.00 $60,000:00 8 CONSTRUCT 24" OUTSIDE DROP LIN FT 6.5 $800.00 $5,200.00 9 CONSTUCT 48" DIA SANITARY MANHOLE LIN FT 71 $150.00 $10,650.00 10 CONSTUCT 54" DIA SANITARY MANHOLE LIN FT 380 $200.00 $76,000.00 11 CLEAR AND GRUB ACRE 3.0 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 12 TOPSOIL CU YD 2,300 $12.00 $27,600.00 13 SEEDING ACRE 11.5 $1,000.00 $11,500.00 14 SILT FENCE LIN FT 16,300 $2.50 $40,750.00 15 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 600 $20.00 $12,000.00 16 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 8,550 $1.00 $8,550.00 17 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 21 $400.00 $8,400.00 Subtotal $1,373,050.00 + 10% Contingencies $137,310.00 Subtotal $1,510,360.00 + 30% Administrative $453,110.00 Grand Total $1,963,470.00 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost City of Rosemount, Minnesota Schedule 6 - Area B Lift Station and Force Main Construction Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated 1 DEWATERING LUMP SUM 1 $30,000.00 Cost $30,000.00 2 LIFT STATION LUMP SUM 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 3 6" DIP FORCE MAIN LIN FT 2,000 $24.00 $48,000.00 4 AIR RELIEF MANHOLES EACH 2 $3,500.00 $7,000.00 5 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 800 $20.00 $16,000.00 6 CLEAR AND GRUB ACRE 0.9 $2,500.00 $2,250.00 7 TOPSOIL CU YD 1,100 $12.00 $13,200.00 8 SEEDING ACRE 1 $1,000.00 $1,400.00 9 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET I SQ YD 5,500 $3.00 $16,500.00 10 SILT FENCE LIN FT 2,000 $2.50 $5,000.00 Subtotal $239,350.00 + 10% Contingencies $23,940.00 Subtotal $263,290.00 + 30% Administrativel $78,990.00 Grand Total $342,280.00 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost City of Rosemount, Minnesota Schedule 7 - Area E Lift Station and Force MainConstruction Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost i DEWATERING LUMP SUM 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LIFT STATION 8" DIP FORCE MAIN AIR RELIEF MANHOLES CLEAN -OUT MANHOLE PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TOPSOIL SEEDING EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SILT FENCE LUMP SUM LIN FT EACH EACH TON CU YD ACRE SQYD LIN FT 1 1,500 1 1 600 840 1 2,000 1,500 $400,000.00 $30.00 $3,500.00 $3,000.00 $20.00 $12.00 $1,000.00 $3.00 $2.50 $400,000.00 $45,000.00 $3,500.00 $3,000.00 $12,000.00 $10,080.00 $1,000.00 $6,000.00 $3,750.00 Subtotal $514,330.00 + 10% Contingencies $51,430.00 Subtotal $565,760.00 + 30% Administrativel $169,730.00 Grand Total $735,490.00 North n Ce tral Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota ' WSB P %ject No. 1191 -23 North Central Sanitary S City of Rosemount, Minne Schedule 8 - Bonaire Path ewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost sots Street Reconstruction Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 1 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SO YD 7,100 $3.25 $23,075.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 COMMON EXCAVATION SELECT GRANULAR BORROW AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TYPE LV3 WEARIN G COURSE MIXTURE (C) TYPE LV3 NON WE COURSE MIXTURE (C) CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 STORM SEWER/DRAINAGE CU YD CU YD TON TON TON LIN FT LUMP SUM 8,100 9,000 5,550 1,500 2,900 4,000 1 $15.00 $7.50 $10.00 $36.00 $34.00 $7.50 $80,000.00 $121,500.00 $67,500.00 $55,500.00 $54,000.00 $98,600.00 $30,000.00 $80,000.00 Subtotal $530,180.00 + 10% Contingencies $53,020.00 Subtotal $583,200.00 + 30% Administrative $174,960.00 Grand Total $758,160.00 North Cents! Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study City of Rosemount, Minnesota Opinion of Probable Cost Schedule 9 - Bacardi Avenue Street Reconstruction Item No. Description Unit Quantity Estimated Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost i COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 13,300 $15.00 $199,500.00 2 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW CU YD 11,700 $7.50 $87,750.00 3 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 7,350 $10.00 $73,500.00 4 TYPE LV3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (C) TON 1,950 $36.00 $70,200.00 5 TYPE LV3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (C) TON 3,900 $34.00 $132,600.00 6 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 5,300 $7.50 $39,750.00 7 STORM SEWERJDRAINAGE LUMP SUM 1 $108,000.00 $108,000.00 J Subtotal + 10% Contingencies Subtotal + 30% Administrative $711,300.00 $71,130.00 $782,430.00 $234,730.00 Grand Total $1,017,160.00 1 1 North Central Sanitary ewer Study Y Rosemount, Minnesota WSS Project No. 1191 -23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Opinion of Probable Cost Ci of Rosemount Minnesota COST SUNMARY Constuction Cost 10% Construction Contingency 30% Administrative Fees Grand Total Schedule 1A - Lan -O -Ken Trunk Sewer Construction CR 38 Portion $163,650.00 $16,370.00 $54,010.00 $234,030.00 Schedule 1B - Lan -O-Ken Trunk Sewer Construction (Brockway Development Portion $277,800.00 $27,780.00 $91,670.00 $397,250.00 Schedule 2 - South Bacardi Trunk Sewer Construction $373,250.00 $37,330.00 $123,170.00 $533,750.00 Schedule 3 - North Bacardi Trunk Sewer Construction $353,300.00 $35,330.00 $116,590.00 $505,220.00 chedule 4 - Stonebrid a Trunk Sewer Construction $367,050.00 $36,710.00 $121,130.00 $524,890.00 Schedule 5 - West Akron Trunk Sewer Construction $1,373,050.00 $137,310.00 $453,110.00 $1,963,470.00 Schedule 6 - Area B Lift Station and Force Main Construction $239,350.00 $23,940.00 $78,990.00 $342,280.00 Schedule 7 - Area E Lift Station and Force MainConstruction $514,330.00 $51,430.00 $169,730.00 $735,490.00 Schedule 8 - Bonaire Path Street Reconstruction Schedule 9 - Bacardi Avenue Street Reconstruction TOTAL COSTS $530,180.00 $711,300.00 $4,903,260.00 $53,020.00 $71,130.00 L $490,350.00 $174,960.00 $234,730.00 $758,160.00 $1,017,160.00 $1,618,090.00 $7,011,700.00 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount Minnesota ' WSB Project No. 1191 -23 � M = W = M M M ' = = M M = r M M W M Proposed Funding and Cost Distribution * District A connection charges would be contributed to the City of Eagan Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as part of the Joint Powers Agreement for sanitary flows between Rosemount and Eagan ** District D trunk fees and connection charges would be contributed to the City of Rosemount Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as reimbursement for existing trunk sanitary sewer that services this area. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 Gross Acres Gross Acres Contributing to NCSS Study Trunk System Proposed Park Acres (10% of Gross) Remaining Developable Acres (Gross) Total Acres of Sanitary Trunk parcels Greater Area Charge than 2.5Ac ($1015 /Ac) (Gross) (Gross) otal Connection Charges (Density of 2.0 SAC Units /Ac) @$1,125 /SAC Unit = $2,250/Ac Sanitary Improvement Cost Profit to City Drainage District A* 169.68 0.00 16.97 152.71 0.00 $ - $ 343,602.00 Drainage District B 166.03 166.03 16.60 149.43 78.66 $ 79,836.86 $ 336,210.75 Drainage District C 216.50 216.50 21.65 194.85 187.62 $ 190,434.30 $ 438,412.50 Drainage District D ** 31.50 0.00 3.15 28.35 28.35 $ 28,775.25 $ 63,787.50 Drainage District E 766.18 766.18 76.62 689.56 496.84 $ 504,294.63 $ 1,551,514.50 Drama a District F 127.17 127.17 12.72 114.45 60.27 $ 61,177.10 $ 257,519.25 $ 472,533.75 Drainage District G 233.35 233.35 23.34 210.02 204.52 $ 207,582.73 Drainage District H 653.03 653.03 65.30 587.73 587.73 $ 596,542.91 $ 1,322,385.75 TOTALS 2363.44 2162.26 236.34 2127.10 1643.98 $ 1,639,868.51 $ 4,378,576.50 $ 5,236,380.00 $ 782,065.01 * District A connection charges would be contributed to the City of Eagan Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as part of the Joint Powers Agreement for sanitary flows between Rosemount and Eagan ** District D trunk fees and connection charges would be contributed to the City of Rosemount Sanitary Sewer Core Fund as reimbursement for existing trunk sanitary sewer that services this area. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191 -23 APPENDIX C Additional Information I North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Rosemount, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1191-23 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I POLICY TITLE: TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATER ASSESSMENTS POLICY NUMBER: P4 PROPOSED BY: ENGINEERING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE APPROVED BY COUNCIL: March 19, 2002 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to ensure that trunk assessments for sanitary sewer and water supply are charged in a fair and equitable manner. Due to the complexity and the size of most systems, fees known as Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Trunk Water, are collected when sewer and water systems are extended to properties within the City. These fees are used to fund the overall trunk facilities of the City that we required to operate and expand the systems as a whole. A policy needs to be set forth addressing the appropriation of said fees in a suitable, equitable manner to the requesting party. STATEMENT A. For all new construction on sites where there was no previous development, a Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Trunk Water Assessment will be collected as a part of the building permit or, subdivision agreement. Trunk assessments apply to the entire parcel acreage (excluding dedicated parks) where construction is proposed. Assessments are calculated on a per acre basis at an amount set forth as _determined by the City Council. Fees are justified by rate studies every five to ten years or as determined necessary by the Utility Commission. B. In proposed construction areas where existing private systems (wells and septic fields) currently exist and when city services are extended into or through an area where land owners are serviced by private systems City staff will document the current developed parcel area, for which Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Trunk Water Assessments will not be collected. At such time in the future that building permits are requested for expansion of existing facilities on said parcels, City staff will calculate the area of the facility expansion. Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Trunk , Water Assessments will be calculated and collected on a per acre basis at an amount set forth as determined by the City Council for the expansion area. J CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2003 - 135 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS SETTING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2004 WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount conducted a User Fee Study in order to establish logical and ' defensible fees for the City of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, the City has found many fees and rates in need of adjustments; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED b the City Council o e , y t f the City of Rosemount, that it adopts the attached Exhibit 1, Schedule of Rates and Fees including: Appendix I: Schedule of Rates and Fees for 2004, including Exhibit A,B,C,D Appendix II: Rosemount Parks and Recreation 2004 Fees and Fee Policy ADOPTED this 16th day of December, 2003 by the City Council of the City f Rosemount. l William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, ' Clerk Motion by: Shoe - Corrigan Second by: DeBettignies ' Voted in favor: Droste, Riley, STrayton, DeBettignies, Shoe - Corrigan ' Voted against: None. Member(s) absent: None. RESOLUTION 2003 -135 2004 Schedule of Rates & Fees ' Appendix I ' Site Plan Review Site: One acre or more $ 1,575.00 Site: Less than one acre $ 1,000.00 Subdivision Fees ' Preliminary Plat $ 500:00 plus Plus Residential $ 10.00 per unit ' Plus Commercial/Industrial- $ 50.00 per acre Final Plat $ 1,450.00 Lot Split $ 1,200.00 ' Administrative Plat/ Simple Plat $ 950.00 Other Subdivision (waiver of subdivision) $ 750.00 Lot Combination $ 375.00 ' TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Application Fee . - parcel in TIF $ 3,125.00 ' - new TIF District $ 6,300.00 Transmission Facilities $ 900.00 ' Variance Petition Application Fee $ 200.00 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment $ 1,370.00 2 RESOLUTION 2003 -135 ' 2004 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I ' PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING FEES 1. Assessments A. Street Assessments for Total Reconstruction Projects on existing streets are as follows: 1. Single Family/ R -1 Zoned Lot: With Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 2,400 With Existing Bituminous Curb $ 2,700 • With Existing Gravel Road Full Cost of Improvement Commercial / .2. Industrial Parcels: ' • Minimum Assessment $ 5,800 3. For Undeveloped Property ' a. S treet • Single Family/ R -1 Zoned Property $ 62.00/FF • Multiple Family / R- 2,3,4/P Zoned Property $ 65.00/FF • All C/IG/IPBP Zoned Property $100.00/FF ' b. Water Main ' e All Housing Types (8 main) $ 21.00/FF • All Other Land Uses (12" main) $ 3 1.00/FF ' c. Sanitary Sewer • All Land Uses Unless High Water User as determined by the City Engineer $ 31.00/FF 4. Special Assessment Search $ 80.00 2. City Equipment and Staff Rates ' A. Equipment - Per hour charge (does not include operator) Pick -Up Truck $ 23.00 1 Jon Dump Truck $ 24.00 Single Axle Dump Truck $ 33.00 ' Tandem Axle Dump Truck $ 41.00 ' RESOLUTION 2003-135 2004 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I Tractor Axle Dump Truck $ 16.00 Tractor Backhoe/Loader $ 36.00 ' 950 Cat Loader $ 66.00 Road Grader $ 72.00 Street Sweeper $ 51.00 ' Air Compressor $ 26.00 Sewer Jetter Truck $133.00 Sewer Vacuum Truck $133.00 Groundmaster Mower $ 23.00 6" Pump $ 26.00 ' Skid Loader $ . 36.00 Tree Spade $ 36.00 B. Public Works Staff - Per hour charge City Engineer/ Project Manager $ 89.00 - '' Civil Engineer $ 72.00 Engineering Technician* $ 48.59 Intern* $ 21.60 Secretary* $ 35.78 Public Works Superintendent* $ 61.63 Maintenance Worker* $ 38.87 * Top hourly pay at overtime rate with 20% for FICA, Medicare expenses 3. Engineering Fees: Administrative Fees: For Chapter 429 or private improvements project charges shall be calculated at 5 percent of public improvement construction costs. ' Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates P lus 5 percent administrative costs, unless assessed to benefiting property under a 429 project which then excludes the 5 percent. 4. Miscellaneous Public Works Fees: ' Asbuilts / Record Drawings $ 50.00 + tax Assessment Searches (see pg.7 also) $ 55.00 + tax Feasibility Reports $ 10.00 (includes tax) 1 Geographic Information Systems Fees (GIS) Single family, town homes or multi - family $ 55.00 per lot/unit All other - Final Plat $ 110.00 per acre Simple Lot/Parcel split or boundary change $ ..240.00 Maps - Half- Section Maps (property lines only) $ 50.00 + tax Topo Maps ( /Z Section Hard Copy) $ 50.00 + tax Plat Maps $ 20.00 + tax 4. 4 1 1 1 1 HN r L RESOLUTION 2003 -135 2004 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I Private Utility Permits $ 1,000.00 Right of Way / Utility Easement Vacation Fee $ 775.00 Sidewalk/Trail Snow Removal $ 200.00 per lot . Street Excavation and Curb Cuts Curb Cuts, Driveway Access Permits, Transit Stop Kiosks $ 300.00 Street Excavation minimum bond deposit with City $ 2,000.00 Street & Utility Specifications $ 25.00 (includes tax) Weed Inspection - $ 550.00 Wetland Notification/Application Form $ 3,000.00 Wetland Inventory Map $ 50.00 + tax 5. Solid Waste Hauling License Solid Waste Hauling License $ 350.00 6. Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water Usage Rates A. Water and Sanitary Sewer User Fees Usage - Based on Quarterly Meter Readings Water Use $ 1:02 /1000 gallons Water Fixed Charge $ 8.90 each account Sanitary Sewer Use $ 1.40/1000 gallons Sanitary Sewer Fixed Charge $ 20.00 each account B. Water Surcharge and Meter Maintenance Per Chart Below (Quarterly) Meter Size Surcharge Meter Maintenance ** Single Family - 5/8" $ 8.80. 0 Multi- Family - 518" $ 6.80 0 1" ( *) $ 13.50 $ 6.25 1 1 /Z" ( *) $ 28.00 $ 11.25. 2 ( *) $ 31.50 $ 18.15 2 1 /2" ( *) $ 39.35 $ 22.20 3" ( *) $ 47.00 $.26.25 4 { *) $ 70.00 $ 45.00 6" { *) $154.00 $100.00 8" ( *) $170.00 $130.00 *Commercial, Industrial or Institutional/ Commercial and Industrial are taxable * *Meter maintenance applied to Base Fixed Water Charge based on meter size. Sewer Only Users $ 40.00 per quarter per SAC unit Bulk Water $ 2.00 per 800 gallons + tax Irrigation Meters: Exempt from Sanitary Sewer Usage charges. Pays Water Usage charge, Fixed Water charge by meter size and Surcharge by meter size. 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESOLUTION 2003 -135 2004 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix. I C. QUARTERLY STORM WATER UTILITY FEES Storm Fee the minim or application of the above rates will be used for the fee. D. Miscellaneous Utility Charges Land Use Land Use Description Unit Fee Category New Customer List $ 10.00 + tax Total Customer List $ 10.00 + tax Single- family residential, R -1,2, RL, Multi -unit Residential $ 9.26 1 residential with individual water meters, R -3,4, Unit Testing 5/8" - 2 A meters $ 115.00 Platted/undeveloped, Minimum charge for all parcels $ 115.00 Testing 4" meters 2 Rural residential, Agricultural, RR, AG Lot $ 9.26 3 Parks, Golf Courses, Cemeteries, PK Acre $ 2.05* 4 Undeveloped/unplatted Acre $ 0.15* 5 Multi -unit residential without individual water meters, Acre $34.41 Apartments, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Government Buildings, Mobil Home Parks 6 Commercial, Industrial and Parking Lots, C- 1,2,3,4, Acre $42.92 IP, IG, PL, WM *Categories 3, 4, 5, & 6 are subject to the minimum charge of $9.26. The largest of either the minim or application of the above rates will be used for the fee. D. Miscellaneous Utility Charges Meter Disconnection Charge $ 75.00 Meter Reconnection Charge $ 75.00 New Customer List $ 10.00 + tax Total Customer List $ 10.00 + tax Utility Billing Search/Resident No Charge Utility Billing Search/Non- Resident No Charge Water Meter Accuracy Check Testing 5/8" - 2 A meters $ 115.00 Testing 3" meters $ 115.00 Testing 4" meters $ 115.00 Testing 6" meters $ 115.00 Water Meter Installation Charges: Water meter charges are the actual cost of meter and appurtenant parts, plus shipping and handling. Charges are subject to change during the year. See the most recent Cost of Water Meter schedule. 6 ' RESOLUTION 2003 -135 2004 Schedule of Rates & Fees ` Appendix I 7. Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Capital Charges A. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Availability Charge (Metro SAC) Per Sac Unit, as determined by the MCES, ( $1,350.00 collected by the City with the building permit B. City Sanitary Sewer Availability Charges CITY SANITARY Trunk Area Assessments Per SAC Unit as determined by SEWER CHARGES collected with final the MCES and collected with the 2. And Water Access Charge collected with the Building Permit as follows: lat/subdivision a eement Building Permit Single Family Residential Multi- Family Residential $1,015.00 $1,340.00 per acre / $1,125..00 Institutional, Commercial l %2 Meter, and Industrial. 2 Meter Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, prior to connection to the sanitary sewer system C. City Water Availability Charges 1. Trunk area assessments collected with final plat/subdivision agreement as follows: All zoning types $4,010.00 per acre Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, prior to connection to.the water system. 2. And Water Access Charge collected with the Building Permit as follows: Single Family Res. $1,340.00 Multi- Family Res. $1,340.00 F 1 Meter $6,080.00 l %2 Meter, $9,120.00 2 Meter $12,155.00 21/2" Meter $15,195.00 3 Meter $18,235.00 4" Meter $21,275.00 6 Meter $24,315.00 8 Meter $27,355.00 7 RESOLUTION 2003 -135 2004 Schedule of Rates & Fees Appendix I D. Storm Water Charges a. For this charge, Newly Developed Properties are defined as any property, including platted or unplatted parcels, which are improved with buildings, grading, or otherwise creating an impervious surface. In addition to the following charges, stornwater ponding fees /credits will be determined at the time of final platting or building permit application. STORM WATER Trunk Area Assessments CHARGES to be collected from Connection Charges (STAC) collected Developers on all newly developed properties with the Building Permit on all Newly Developed properties Single Family $ 510 per.lot Multiple Family $ 190 per housing unit (4 plex =4 units) Public/Institutional $4,575 per acre* $ 1,525 per acre Commercial and $ 1,525 per acre Industrial. $ 1,525 per acre *Acres are defined as gross acres of developable property minus pond acreage (at high water level) and wetlands at delineation line, rounded to the nearest one tenth (1 /10th) of an acre. An art of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will Y P P �' be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution,prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for use of any property. . b. Connection Charges (STAC) Collected with the Building Permit on all newly developed properties that have not paid trunk area assessments listed above (Gross Area): Single Family $ 2,035 per lot ' .Multiple Family $ 5,715 per acre Public/Institutional $ 6,100 per acre Commercial $ 6,100 per acre Industrial $ 6,100 per acre 8. Water Tower Antennas Application fee $ 2,500 Per ear rent payments based on 9" panel Y P Ym P Type or 3 A whip type antennas and appropriate ' outside equipment area will be charged at the current yearly rate, which is adjusted annually. ' Minimum per year lease payment increase. 5%