HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Set or Waive Public Hearing for 3.2% Malt Liquor Licenses05, s 1 - epuebV juasuoO eqj aapun of pepuepe eq pinoq lenoidde aq} pue slennauaa agj COI panleM eq 6ulaeaq ollgnd eqj 1egj bullseb6ns si gels Awwwns -aeah sigj sluewgsligelse aonbll %Z'E Aue bulpunalns AsaanoaIuoo ou si aaagl - slempuaa elgeuollsenb ou aaam aaagj uagM awlJ anes 01 epu96V JuasuoO eqj uo sesueol ionbi Ile" %Z'£ eqj jo lemauai eqj passaippe Ised eqj ui seq llounoO A11O 'llounoO eqj Aq PanleM aq Aew suoljeolidde lemauaa uo sluawailnbei bulaeaq eq} jegj selels '£'8 epoO Aj10 - sesuaoll aonbij 31elN %Z'£ eqj jo lemauaa eqj ssaooid of Ajesseoeu si 6uijeeq ollgnd a j! euiwjalaa 3nSS1 tiOOZ `I. aunt :ajeQ buileaVN IlounoO Aj!o NO113V MO:J kmvwwns 3A11nO3X3 1Nn0W3som =iO A11O NO113V - 6ullaaw 1punoO Aj!o jelnbej eqj le t OOZ `5 L ounr aoi 5 jol sesueoll jonbi-1 }1eV11 %Z'£ eqj jo lemeuaj eqj aol bulaeaH ollgnd a jes of uogow 2:l0 500Z aol sesueol jonbil IIeVy %Z'£ aql to lem9uaa JOI 6ulaeaH ollgnd agl anienn oI uo1IoW :NOIJL3V a3aN3WWOa3M :AS a3AONddV S1N3W3&nDMJ 3400 AllO :S1N3WHOVllV 3Od NU 1O AiIO `>INIlN3r VONl - 1 :AS a3NVd321d SS3Nisne M3N 'O11 uonoI111dW %Z'£ JO 1VM3N3�J :NO11O3S VON3OV �IO3 JNIbd3H 011and 3AlVM �1013S :w311 vaN3OV tiOOZ `I. aunt :ajeQ buileaVN IlounoO Aj!o NO113V MO:J kmvwwns 3A11nO3X3 1Nn0W3som =iO A11O 3 -1 -5 3 -1 -5 4. That all competent evidence of rehabilitation will be considered upon reapplication. B. Hearing Requirements: 1. Notice Of Hearing: Upon receipt of the written report and recommendation by the Police Department, and within twenty (20) days thereafter, the Council' shall instruct the Clerk to cause to be published in the official newspaper ten (10) days in advance, a notice of hearing to be held by the Council, setting forth the day, time and place when the hearing will be held; the name of the applicant; the premises where the business is to be conducted; the nature of the business and such other information as the Council may direct. 2. Conduct Of Hearing: At the hearing, opportunity shall be given for persons to be heard for or against the granting of the license. 3. Hearing On Renewal Applications: No less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days after the date for submitting renewal applications, the Council shall hold a public hearing. Opportunity shall be given to any person to be heard for or against the granting of a renewal license. The hearing requirements on renewal applications may be waived by the Council. 4. Hearing Costs: The cost of all hearings except uncontested, routine renewal hearings shall be borne by the applicant. 5. Exception: The provisions of this Section are not applicable to applications for temporary licenses. C. Granting License: After such investigation and hearing, the Council shall grant or refuse the application in its discretion. D. Issuance; Transfer; Buildings Under Construction: 1. Issuance: Each license shall be issued to the applicant only. 2. Transfer: Each license shall be issued only for the premises described in the application. No license may be transferred to another person or to another place without the approval of the Council and without a new application having been filed. Any transfer of the license and a transfer of stock without Council approval is a' ground for revocation of the license. 598 City of Rosemount