HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. 2005 Budget Discussion'aigeirren� saiuoui isuoilippe 000`0£1$ Xialuunxoiddr oq pine onip `(uoilanpaz ou) fptols plag atom altu xul aui •altzz xul all uo ouil all 2 ulpiou Xiit tluosso Xq legl sagsildwooate lo2pnq Xnuiuiilazd snit •oltu xul aul as onui lou pi nogs lo agI IugI polowip Xlsnotnazd seg itouno0 ' %99S' i S oI %SS• i sauitoap alsz XVI XIio iinTano 0111 sakillaa aing XVI :la2pnq kmuiu i aid otp ui siq2iiij2ni agl jo autos • paonpai oq Cruz fnai all `.zanaenoH •Xnal X.ieuiuillaid agi 2uiUas za )Jn Xnai all MEW= lou AM 113un00 agZ •saoilou uoilexel ui llnu I uo seaddte Ilion bell ouo all si nquioldoS ut panozdde om2lj XAol kmumuloid ags - .iaquiaoaQ - ptui ui AlunoD agi of Xnal ILun agl xj!voo uagl pine `.zaquiaoaQ fgno ut s2uuuoq uoiltxei ui qlru4 lonpuoo `.ioquialdaS - piuz ut Anal kMuitugazd all las 01 si ILnoidde l o2pnq i os olnpagos aqj •ssaoozd- u - Niom v s la2pnq Xnuiutgaid sail Imp o lou o f luep oduzi si II •a.ininj oql ioj uotleziu id otp uotilsod pine `soiluoud IiounoO ios ueld `shoal aoinJas ureltneui of sliogo jiagi swosaicbi saoloom(l IuounmdaQ Xq poilluigns sla2pnq ags 'SOOZ zoj aoeld ui silmil XAol s gons lu leiogilre ou si 3.10li (Z) pine `.sssoap pine s 2uilo2 suois punos oVLu pue Xlljtuis weld of zapzo ut WE sluenn pine spaau IUIoI atil legnn aos of imliodtui si li `ssomid SjX all uo postq (l) :siolouj oM4 uo pasEq uaniS SUM u0iloa.iip als, •3iiom o goigm ui -. os miou a2eluaond paliuig Ta 2uud?jo aoilo id pmpmjs aioui L si legnn of sza3liP uoiloazip snit •santlaofgo ltounoo XitO se glom se `spaau pine som Ieluouim laatu of kmssaoou put olgeummi swA IvuI lo2pnq agi ui SuitjVdana apnloui of z01e4sniiuipV XI!D ogl poloaiip wom sioloan(I luougmdaQ •sluoumoop lo2pnq X110 S00Z all so geJp IsJn all si mainai MOO JOJ patioelly :AIOIZjv 'IIamfloa w5pnq kmumulaid S00Z alI of Paielai uolpomp aniO WOI,LOV QaQmaIAIw0aa2I :Ag QaAOHJJV IaDMEI IJV2IQ 90OZ :S.LNaWH3VIIV :ON VGNHDV xoiDma U ;Dmvma `Av Saar UOIV2LLSMW(II' ALID `aDDfl - dgUaA aI V :Ag a3XV MoisSfIDSIQ = AIOIZaas VQAI3OV laOQng AldvNum'Iawcl 900Z :V(INHDV v00Z `t T,= :21'10WA alll JO aa11.MWOO NOISSfIOSIQ Hod AdVWWfIS aAI.LIIDaXa iLmflowasold do A.LIO 2005 Preliminary Budget Discussion City Council Work Session July 14, 2004 Page 2 of 3 Evenvith the declining tax rate presented, property owners will experience a real dollar tax increase as a result of valuation increases determined by the Dakota County Assessor. It is likely that values will increase between 10 -12 %. Taxes are also increasing for property owners in ISD 196 as a result of the successful bond referendum. Market Value Homestead Credit MVHC is supposed to be restored in 2005. We have programmed the same amount from the last year it was calculated. This is the single greatest unknown in the budget due to pending shortfalls at the State in 2005 and the possibility that the State will cut the credit to solve its budget problems. Finance Director May and I will explain how this uncertainty has been factored into the budget and what that means for 2005 and future years. Total Operating Budget — General Fund The general fund operating budget increases 9.05 % to $8.08 million. The items below explain the proposed increases. Personal services Salaries and benefits account for $5,281,800, or 65.4% of the operating budgets. Personal service costs are increasing as a result of: • 3% salary adjustments approved in 2005 bargaining contracts 18% projected increase in health insurance premiums; the actual renewal number is not likely to be known until after the date when the preliminary levy must be certified in September • New positions in 2004 and requested for 2005 o Community Development — proposed continuation of GIS intern for 2005; we have just recently brought someone on as a temporary part-time employee (approximately 16 hours per week) using other departmental funds o Finance — addition of unbudgeted payroll clerk in July 2004 o Parks & Recreation — addition of part-time activity coordinator for community seniors and request to elevate part -time secretary to full -time status, both for 2005 o Police addition of unbudgeted part-time secretary in May 2004; one new police officer (2/3 of budgeted officer to start in September 2004 and 1/3 officer requested for September 2005) o Public Works - requested positions include 2 new supervisors (it is anticipated that one will be an internal promotion and one will be an external hire), one maintenance worker, and an administrative assistant; staff will provide more explanation at our meeting of how these position costs are allocated and spread over the different general fund maintenance budgets and utility budgets Other new departmental spending The following proposed expenses (broken out by department) are new spending requests: • Administration — New communications and marketing initiatives are budgeted for approximately $55,000; other increases are due to shifting costs previously included in General Government (which has off- setting decreases) • Council Staff has included $20,000 for feasibility studies related to anticipated recommendations of the Facilities Task Force Page 2 of 3 2005 Preliminary Budget Discussion City Council Work Session July 14, 2004 Page 3 of 3 • Police - Requests for new spending are limited and relate mostly to cooperative law enforcement computer programs (LOGIS) and cooperative law enforcement information systems (CHIN) Total Budget The total funding requirements for the preliminary budget increases 13.26% to $11.88 million. The items below explain the proposed increases. Capital Improvements Program (CIP) The most significant expenditure in the 2005 CIP is the Street Rehabilitation Projects. The level of funding for the projects is based on the Pavement Management Program findings presented by the City Engineer earlier this year. In order to maintain street conditions, provide needed maintenance, and not defer needed improvements into the future (creating a compounding need), the funding level has been targeted at $1.5 million annually. For 2005 we have scheduled $1.3 million of that funding to come from the general levy and $200,000 from other revenue sources. The Building CIP Levy includes $24,000 for replacement of the Camfield Park Shelter, a project that was deferred as a result of last year's budgeting limitations. Port Authority Staff is proposing a general fund levy of $100,000 for the Port Authority budget. This budget has not yet been reviewed by the Port Authority. The levy provides for economic development marketing ($20,000), special projects related to Downtown revitalization ($20,100), and continued participation in the Foreign Trade Zone commission ($15,000), as well as covering consultant and legal costs that may not be recouped through development agreements or project escrows. Not Included There are several items that have not been included in the preliminary budget: • Salary adjustments (increases) — Staff annually reviews the City's compensation schedule to evaluate compliance with pay equity requirements (internal comparison) and Stanton analysis (external comparison). We have just received the Stanton report and have not been able to prepare full analysis at this time. Based on initial review of Stanton and pay equity, it appears there are 3 -6 positions that may require some adjustment. • Library land acquisition— It is likely that a portion of the land acquisition for a Dakota County branch library will involve some sort of debt issue. It is not clear at this time what the amount or type of debt will be, or when it would be in effect. This issue should be better known before the September preliminary levy approval. Related to the land acquisition, if the acquired site includes the St. Joseph Church property, there will be likely be maintenance, operating, repair and renovation costs to `consider. • Building Projects - The proposed construction of Fire Station #2, Public Works Facility expansion, and City Hall expansion are included in the 2005 CIP. However, it is an unfunded item. It is likely that a general bond issue for the project(s) would not result in a debt obligation until 2006. Council members are encouraged to submit any questions or comments related to the budget to Finance Director May or the City Administrator in advance of Wednesday's meeting. Anything we can do to be better prepared for questions or to be able to address issues will benefit the entire group and better discussion. Page 3 of 3 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS - USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Adopted Proposed +/_ Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget $91,300 $120,100 $28,800 31.54 % Administration Budget 362,300 484,100 121,800 33.62% Elections Budget 23,200 20,000 (3,200) - 13.79% Finance Budget 258,200 299,200 41,000 15.88% General Government Budget 350,400 324,800 (25,600) -7.31% Community Development Budget 800,200 854,700 54,500 6.81% Police Budget 2,007,000 2,205,300 198,300 9.88 % Fire Budget 265,500 269,100 3,600 1.36% Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 335,800 359,100 23,300 6.94% Fleet Maintenance Budget 396,500 410,400 13,900 3.51% Street Maintenance Budget 1,112,900 1,157,800 44,900 4.03% Parks Maintenance Budget 457,300 546,700 89,400 19.55% Park & Rec Budget - General Operating _ 861,400 936,800 75,400 8.75% Park & Rec Budget - Special Programs 87,400 91,900 4,500 5.15% Total Operating Budgets - General Fund $7,409,400 $8,080,000 9.05 %° Building CIP Requirements 39,000 48,000 9 23.08% Street CIP Requirements 750,000 1,550,000 800,000 106.67% Equipment CIP Requirements 541,100 433,600 (107,500) - 19.87% Insurance Budget Requirements 225,000 255,000 30,000 13.33% Port Authority Operating Levy 0 100,000 100,000 100.00% Bonded Indebtedness 1,174,667 1,044,435 (130,232) - 11.09% Bonded Indebtedness - Fire Station Levy 152,193 153,426 1,233 0.81% Armory Anticipatory Levy (Value 2/26/04) 201,686 220,144 18,458 9.15% ' "$95,000 + ($1,605,825,600 x.00798%) Total Funding Requirements $10,493,046 $11,884,605 $1,391,559 N 13.26% NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS - SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Adopted Proposed +i- Types Budget Budget Difference Percentage Local Government Aid (LGA) $0 $0 $0 0.00% Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 618,400 750,200 131,800 21.31% Intergovernmental 456,889 484,000 27,111 5.93% Charges for Services 1,085,200 1,084,900 (300) - 0.03%% Fines & Forfeits 90,000 90,000 0 0.00% Recreational Fees 224,100 233,700 9,600 4.28% Miscellaneous Revenues 91,842 121,500 29,658 32.29% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0.00% Total Internal Revenues 2,569,931 2,767,800 197,869 7.70% MVHC Cuts Made Later To Include in Levy 350,330 350,330 Levy Sources: Special Levies 1,528,546 1,418,005 (110,541) - 7.23% General Levy 6,744,899 8,049,130 1,304,231 19.34% Total Levy $8,273,445 $9,467,135 $1,193,690~ 14.43% Loss of MVHC from State Funding $350,330 $350,330 $0 Na Total Revenue Sources - $10,493,046 $11,884,605 $1,391,559 13.26% NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2004 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2005 GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND $5,662,530 BUILDING CIP FUND $48,000 STREET CIP FUND $1,550,000 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $433,600 INSURANCE FUND $255,000 PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING LEVY $100,000 _— TOTAL GENERAL LEVY _ ------- $8,049,130 BONDEDINDEBTEDNESS G.O. MUNICIPAL BUILDING REFUNDING BONDS 1998A (ICE ARENA) (Authorized - $251,263) $251,263 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1999B (Authorized - $19,611) $19,611 G.O. BONDS 2000B (Port Authority) (Authorized - $236,896) $236,896 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2001A (Authorized - $119,365) $0 G.O. PUBLIC FACILITY BONDS 2001 C (Port Authority) (Authorized - $169,764) $169,764 G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER REFUNDING BONDS 2001 E (Authorized - $99,878) $99,878 G.O. PORT AUTHORITY BONDS 2002C (Authorized - $267,023) $267,023 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS ~ $1,044,435 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM -1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G.O. FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A (Authorized - $153,426) $153,426 ---------- TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY -- --- ------- - --- -- $153,426 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000 + ($1,605,825,600 x .00798 %)) (As of 2/26/04) $220,144 ------ TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS - - - - -- --------- --- - -- $220,144 -- ------------------------ GRAND TOTAL 2004 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $9,467,135 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) (Proposed) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Funding Requirements 9,096,572 10,021,884 10,493,046 11,884,605 Less: Internal Revenues 1,811,589 1,930,789 2,569,931 2,767,800 Less: Market Value Based Levy - Fire Station (See Below) 154,482 ~- 156,130 152,193 153,426 (4) Equals: Revenues Needed 7,130,501 a ~7,934,965 7,770,922 .� 8,963,379 Add Back in State MVHC Cuts to Reflect Actual Levy n/a n/a 350,330 350,330 City Adjustments (All Subtractions): Local Government Aid (LGA) 394,723 402,142 0 0 (2) Homestead &Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) 0 - ~ 6,735,778 0 0 0 (2) Levy Certified by City to County Auditor Y 7,532,823 ~~8,121,252 _ 9,313,709 County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions):= Fiscal Disparities Distributuion Levy (Metro Area) 708,036 771,998 844,509 844,509 (3) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate 6,027,742 (1) _ 6,760,825 (1) 7,276,743 (1)8,469,200 Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy 12.16% 7.63% 16.39% Market Value Based Referendum Levy - Fire Station 154,482 156,130 152,193 153,426 (4) (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2005 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Department of Revenue (Year 2002 HACA is removed as the HACA was repealed by the legislature & Year 2004 City loses all of its LGA) (3) 2005 Number Provided by Dakota County as of 8 /xx/04 (4) Market Value Based Levy for Fire Station - Based on $153,426 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12/31/04 Last Update from Dakota County 2126104 Shows the Levy of $153,426 / $1,605,825,600 = $.0955 per $1,000 as our Estimate Last Update - 7/7104 islAct's Refere . um es NOT Inclu eferendum proved 6104) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAXES (ISD 0196 FIGURES) Market Value 150,000 200,000 250.000 300.000. Year _ 2003 2004 2005 Est 2003 2004 2005 Est 2003 2004 2005 Est 2003 2004 2005 Est Tax Capacity 1.500 1,500 1,500 2.000 2,000 2,000 2.500 2.500 2.500 -- 3,000 3.000 3,000 Tax Capacity Rates: City Count 57.123% - 32.463% 52.368% 30.300% 51.566% 30.300% 57.123% 52.368% 51.566% 57.123 %`. 52.368% 51.566% 57.123% 52.368% 51.566% School District 27.638% 26.074% 26.074% 32.463% 27.638% 30.300% 26.074% 30.300% 26.074% 32.463% 30.300 %. 30.300% 32.463% 30.300% 30.300% Miscellaneous 5.225 % 5.128% 5.128% 5.225% 5.128% 5.128% 27.638% 26.074% 26.074% 27.638% 26.074% 28.074% _- --1l 5.225% 5.128% 5.128% 5.225% 5.128% 5.128% Totals 122 449% 3 870% 113.068% 122.449% " 113.870% 113068% 122.449% 113.870% 113.068% 122 449% 113.870% 113.068% City Market Referendum ISO #196 Market Ref 0.0001382 0.001612 0.0001138 0.0013978 0.0000955 0.0013967 0.0001982 0.0001138 0.0000955 0.0001382 0.0001138 0.0000955 0.0001382 0.0001138 0.0000955 Dakota County Ref file 0.0000754 0.0000754 0.001 Na 0.0013978 0.0000754 0.0013967 0.0000754 0.001612 0.0013978 0.0013967 0.001612 0.0013978 0.0013967 o/a 0.0000754 0.0000754 Na O.ODD0754 0.0000754 Property Taxes: city Count 746 424 676 391 665 391 1,053 598 959 944 1,359 1,241 1,222 1,666 1,524 1,500 - School District 361 337 336 509 .555 477 554 477 772 718 718 658 947 882 882 Miscellaneous 68 66 66 96 94 94 618 618 806 759 759 124 122122 152 149149 Total Property Taxes City Market Referendum 1,599 21 1,471 17 1,459 2,257 2,085. 2,069 2,914 2,699 2,679 3,571 3,314 3,290 - ISO #196 Market Ref 242 210 14 210 28 322 23 280 19 279 35 28 24 41 3q yg Dakota County t Ref Na 11_ Na 15 15 403 349 349 484 419 419 _ - - -- ,11 --- Na 19 19 We 23 23 - Grand Total All Taxes $1,862 $1,709 $1,694 $2,607 $2.402 $2,382 -- - $3,351 $3,096 $3,071 $4,096 $3,790 - $3,760 Market Value 400,000 600,000 History of Actual Tax Capacity Rates (Using ISO #196 Rates) Year 2003 2004 2005 Est 2003 2004 2005 Est 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Est Tax Capacity 4,000 4.000 4.000 7,500 7.500 7,500 City's Rate - Tax Capacity Rates: =1.55% city Count 57.123% 32.463% 52.368% 30.300% 51.566% 30.300% 57.123% 32.463% 52.368% 30.300% 51.566% 39.335% 36.553% 59.546% 57.123% 52.368% 51.566% (1) (2) School District 27.638% 26.074% 26.074% 27.638% 26.074% 30.300% 26.074% 27.247% 25.320% 33.102% 53.231% 53249% 32.463% 30.300% 30.300% (2) Miscellaneous 5.225% 5.128% 5_128% 5.225 % - 5.128% 5.128% 28.883% 6.455% 6.378% 5.021% 27.638% 26.074% 26.074% (2) 5.225% 5.128% 5.128% (2) Totals 122.449% 113.870% 113.068% 122.449% 113.870% 113.068% 126.268% 121.500% 126.552% 122.449% 113.870% 113.068% City Market Referendum ISO #196 Market Ref 0.0001382 0.001612 0.0001138 0.0013978 0.0000955 0.0013967 0.0001382 0.001612 0.0001138 0.0000955 0.0002142 0.0D01808 0.0001616 0.0001382 0.0001138 0.0000955 (2) Dakota County Ref Na 0.0000754 0.0000754 n1a 0.0013978 0.0000754 0.0013967 0.0000754 0.0011986 0.0010648 0.0017859 0.0016120 0.0013978 0.0013967 (2) Na , Na rya 0.0000935 0.0000754 0.0000754 (2) Property Taxes: City County 2,279 1,295 2,089 2,057 4,362 4,005 3.944 Net Tax Capacity Percentages School District - 1,103 1,209 1,040 1,209 1,040 2,479 2.111 2,317 2,317 For Residential Homesteads: Miscellaneous 208 205 205 399. 11,994 392 1.994 392 Equal to or Less Than $500,000 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% Total P Property Taxes 4,886 4.542 4,510 9,351 8,708 8,648 Over $500.000 1.25% 1.25% 1.25% City Referendum 55 46 38 83 68 57 ISO #196 Market Ref 645 559 559 967 839 838 Dakota County Ref Na .30 30 n/a 45 45 Grand Total All Taxes $5,586_ $5,177 $5,137 $10 401 $9,680 $9 588 Tax Credit for Homestead Properties: (For 1998 Through 2001 Credit Applied to School Districts Only) (Based on % of Tax Capacity) (For 2002 and On Credit Applied to All Organizations Proportionately) Less Than Initial Value of Tax Capacity Na Na We (2) - Over Initial Value (Maximum Allowed) $304 $304 $304 (2) - Initial Value Used to Calculate Credit $76,000 $76,000 $76,000 (2) (1) This Figure Derived Using Figures Provided (a) 2004 Projected Levy by D t _ Less Fiscal Disparities ast ear' as of 7/7/04 8,469,200 / 16,423,897. 0.515663 (b) Net Tax Capacity Figure as of 2t26'04 18.272.922 (c) Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity as of 8/26 00 ure Unav ' (430,402) (d) Contribution o Fiscal Disparities as of 12/31/03 2004 figure naval able) (1,416,623) Last Updated .717104 (2) These Figures Provided by Dakota County - None Available at This Time 16,423,697 (City's Re fe n stmated Ba 04 T et Value islAct's Refere . um es NOT Inclu eferendum proved 6104) ASSESSING SERVICES 651 -438 -4200 OR 1- 800 - 247 -1056 (NON -ME TRO) DAKOTA COUNTY USAGE CLASSIFICATION REPORT REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTIES ASMT -YEAR: 2004 34 ROSEMOUNT PAY - YEAR: 2005 PRELIMINARY AS OF 02/26/2004 TAXABLE LOCAL TAX USG SCH CD CLSS DIS MKT VALUE LMV TAX CPC NUM TOTAL NO MKT VALUE TAX CPC TAX STXTCPC REFERENDA A RESIDENTIAL 196 1,329,186,800 LMV 13,424,502 HSTD 5,079 PROP 6,084 NEW CONST 104,834,500 NEW CONST LMV T 063,600 UE B COMMERCIAL 196 72,713,700 1,369,316 0 147 2,066,600 1,050,421 40,961 0 1 C INDUSTRIAL 196 38,606,100 756,148 0 66 1,340,175 72,713,700 D UTILITY 196 545,400 10,426 0 14 129,500 2,590 756,148 38,606,100 F AGRICULTURAL 196 31,671,300 294,542 25 159 p 0 10,426 545,400 J APARTMENTS 196 K RAILROADS 196 26,640,100 333,009 0 23 0 2,666,300 0 33,329 0 4,969,200 977,800 19,556 0 0 26,640,100 196 A RESIDENTIAL 199 1,500,341,200 7,100 16,207,499 89 5,104 6,494 109,696,900 0 1,127,301 19,556 6 2,126,305 977,800 1,473,515,900 B COMMERCIAL 199 6 9,100 1,382 0 p 2 2 0 0 0 7,100 C INDUSTRIAL 199 75,021,900 1,496,484 p 44 0 0 1,382 69,100 D UTILITY 199 5,761,300 113,244 p 0 0 1,496,484 75,021,900 F AGRICULTURAL 199 862,400 8,244' 1 4 4 0 0 113,244 5,761;300 199 81,721,800 1,619,443 1 61 0 0 0 0 134,800 A RESIDENTIAL 200 161,500 1,615 0 1 0 1,611,110 80,994,200 F AGRICULTURAL 200 815,800 5,832 1 4 0 0 0 161,500 200 977,300 7,447 1 5 0 0 0 0 299,100 P PERSONAL PROP196 1,583,040,300 17,484,700 17,834,389 333,.284 5,106 6,560 109,696,900 0 1,127,301 0 3,737,415 460,600 1,554,970,700 196 17,484,700 333,284 3 3 72 72 p 0 322,790 17,027,800 P PERSONAL PROP199 3,768,900 75,365 0 11 0 0 322,790 17,027,800 199 3,768,900 75,365 0 11 0 0 0 75,365 3,768,900 P PERSONAL PROP200 1,531,700 29,884 0 5 0 75,365 3,768,900 200 1,531,700 29,884 p 5 0 0 0 29,884 1,531,700 22,785,300 438,533 3 88 0 0 29,884 1,531,700 0 428,039 22,328,400 � TOTALS i JtCl1�1 �� 3vZS� 1, 605, 825,600 18, 272, 922 - 7 59, 5,109 6,648 109, 696, 900 1,127, 301 4,165, 454 1, 577, 299,100 39, y)5,y d,S►3,�15i DISCLAIMER 'f /��S �� /6-0 This Privacy Policy applies only to Dakota County website. This website provides links to other websites. businesses. When you I ink to any other website, you are subject to the of These may include links to websites operated by other government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and/or private County, Minnesota, nor any agency, privacy policy that particular officer, or employee of the County warrants the accuracy, reliability website. Visitors linking to another website are encouraged to examine the privacy policy of that website. Neither Dakota or timeliness ofany information published on the website, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, this website, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, or entity that relies on any information obtained from this website does his or her products, or services from so at own risk. ASSESSING SERVICES 651- 438 -4200 OR 1- 800 - 247 -1056 (NON -METRO) DAKOTA COUNTY USAGE CLASSIFICATION REPORT REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTIES ASMT -YEAR: 2003 34 ROSEMOUNT PAY- YEARN 2004 FINAL TAXABLE LOCAL TAX USG SCH CD CLSS DIS MKT VALUE LMV TAX CPC LMV 14M TOTAL NO MKT VALUE TAX CPC STATE TAX TX CPC REFERENDA A RESIDENTIAL 196 1,099,632,700 11,089,729 HSTD 5,062 PROP 6,017 NEW CONST NEW CONST LMV MKT VALUE B COMMERCIAL 196 70,205,700 1,321 0 149 86,170,600 867,808 ' 0 1,099,509,500 C INDUSTRIAL 196 36,608,600 716,25.9 0 66 2,401,900 48,038 1,293,931 70,205,700 D UTILITY 196 545,400 10,426 0 14 0 0 - 716,259 36,608,600 F AGRICULTURAL 196 32,710,400 302,901 37 232 0 0 10,426 545,400 J APARTMENTS 196 23,334,900 291,690 0 20 96,500 965 0 5,486,700 K RAILROADS 196 977,800 19,556 0 3 0 0 0 23,334,900 196 A RESIDENTIAL 199 1,269,015,500 6,000. 13,752,309 76 5,099 0 6,501 0 88,669,000 0 916,811 19,556 2,040,172 977,600 1,236,668,600 B COMMERCIAL 199 57,000 1,140 p 2 2 0 0 0 6,000 C INDUSTRIAL 199 72,375,200 1,443,564 p 4 4 0 0 1,140 - 57,000 D UTILITY 199 5,759,200 113,212 0 9 0 0 1,443,564 72,375,200' F AGRICULTURAL 199 721,500 6,685' 1 4 0 0 113,212 5,759,200' 199 76,918,900 1,564,877 1 61 0 0 0 - 0 117,400 A RESIDENTIAL 200 140,400 1,404 0 1 0 1,557,916 78,314,800 F AGRICULTURAL 200 773,900 5,497 1 4 0 - 0 0 140,400 200 914,300 6,901 1 5 0 p 0 275,500 P PERSONAL PROP196 1,343,848,700 17,196,900 15,324,087 330,094 5,101 6,567 0 88,669,000 0 916,811 0 3,598,088 415,900 1,315,399,300 196 17,196,900 330,094 3 71 0 0 321,854 16,802,200 P PERSONAL PROP199 3,768,900 75,365 p 11 11 0 0 321,854 16,802,200 199 3,768,900 75,365 0 11 0 0 75,365 3,768,900 P PERSONAL'PROP200 1,531,700 29,884' 0 5 0 0 75,365 3,768,900 200 1,531,700 29,884 0' 5 0 0 0 29,884 1,531,700 22,497,500 435,343 3 87 0 0 29,884 1,531,700. 0 427,103 22,102,800 TOTALS - tvQ , 4r 4 - oft � . __--- ,1 1,366,346,200 15,759,430 5,104 6,654 88,669,000 916,811 4,025,191 1,337,502,100 3 V7 14 19 )a, , 75�,5013 1 a34, obi 3W a6 t.. l� lr DISCLAIMER �,4 This Privacy Policy applies only to Dakota County website. This website provides links to other websites. These may include businesses. When you link to any other website, you are subject to the policy that links to websites operated by other government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and/or rivate privacy of particular County, Minnesota, nor any agency, officer, or employee of the County warrants the accuracy, reliability this website, and shall not be held liable for any website. Visitors linking to another website are encouraged to examine the privacy that or timeliness of any information published on thewebsite, nor endorses p website. Neither Dakota losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, acy or entity that relies on any information obtained from this an content, v e of wpoints, website does so at his her products, or services from or own risk. Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 101 31010.00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $2,302,742 $3,541,864 $3,989,670 $4,345,290 $4,818,021 From County 101 31040.00 Fiscal Disparities 612,593 708,036 771,998 844,509 844,509 From County Total Taxes (Tax) 2,915,335 4,249,900 4,761,668 5,189,799 5,662,530 Total Property Tax Levy for Fund 101 (350,330) (350,330) State Cuts in MVHC 4,839,469 5,312,200 Actual Property Taxes to Receive 101 33401.00 Local Government Aid (LGA) 394,496 394,723 0 0 0 From State - Our Share Eliminated Total LGA (Lga) 394,496 394,723 0 � 0 0 101 33402.00 Hstd & Ag Credit Aid (HACA) 577,707 0 0 .0 0 From State - Program Eliminated Total HACA (Haca) 577,707 0 0 o y 0 101 32110.00 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses (L) 21,540 20,090 19,160 20,000 22,000 101 32160.00 Licenses to do Business (L) 2,400 1,050 1,400 1,000 1,500 Garbage Haulers, Ped Licenses, etc. 101 32161.00 Licenses to do Bus - Kennels (L) 75 125 0 0 0 101 32210.00 Building Permit Revenue (L) 632,696 622,022 752,405 500,000 600,000 101 32212.00 Mineral Extraction Permit (L) 1,520 2,625 3,445 2,000 3,000 101 32220.00 Electrical Permit Revenue (L) 17,579 16,585 17,004 14,000 15,000 101 32221.00 Admin Fee - Electrical Permits (L) 0 0 3,369 0 10,000 101 32230.00 Plumbing Permit Revenue (L) 44,946 54,023 50,252 35,000 40,000 101 32240.00 Animal Licenses (L) 2,352 3,110 2,450 2,000 2,500 101 32250.00 Sewer Permit Revenue (L) 18,772 17,786 18,847 14,000 15,000 101 32255.00 County Recording Fee - City's (L) 250 170 250 200 200 101 32260.00 HVAC Permit Revenue (L) 48,241 59,899 46,661 30,000 40,000 101 32290.00 Other Non -Bus Lic & Permits (L) 25 205 345 200 1,000 Alarm Permits &Fireworks Permits Total Licenses & Permits (L) 790,396 797,688 915,589 618,400 +Y 750,200 101 31010.00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes (1) 90,000 90,300 91,000 91,000 91,000 Included in Debt Levy Figure 101 31010.01 MSABC Armory Payments 91,000 101 31020.00 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes (1) 43,974 77,292 64,117 40,000 50,000 From County 101 31030.00 Mobile Home Taxes (1) 10,690 10,966 10,768 10,000 10,000 From County 101 31710.00 Gravel Taxes (1) 9,222 11,085 14,055 10,000 10,000 From County 101 31810.00 Franchise Taxes - Regular Fees (1) 106,857 106,770 107,540 100,000 110,000 From Cable Company 101 31811.00 Franchise Taxes - PEG Fees (I) 12,331 9,979 9,747 10,000 10,000 From Cable Company 101 31920.00 Forfeited Tax Sale Apportionment (1) 0 0 2,183 0 0 From County 1D1 33100.00 Federal Grants & Aids (1) 1,099 0 0 0 0 101 33403.00 Mobile Home HACA (1) 23,060 0 0 0 0 From State - Program Eliminated 101 33416.00 Police Training Reimbursement (1) 90,942, 95,883 102,805 100,000 From State 10133416.01 Post Board Training Reimb 7,000 8,000 101 33416..02 State Aid (Tied to PERA) 88,000 92,000 101 33418.00 MSA for Streets - Maintenance (1) 28,230 29,026 29,445 29,000 29,000 From State 101 33423.00 Ag Preserves Credit (1) 915 879 2,538 0 0 From State 101 33425.00 Other State Grants & Aids 17,037 88,355 16,353 12,889 13,000 From State - PERA Aid 101 33620.00 Other County Grants & Aids (1) 12,059 12,587 17,328 13,000 13,000 Dakota County Recycling Funds 101 33630.00 Police Services Levy -ISD #196 (1) 40,045 44,605 45,767 46,000 48,000 101 33630.00 D.A.R.E. /Liaison Funding _ 48,000 - from ISD #196 ,Total Intergovernmental (1) 486,461 577,726 513,646 _ 456,889 PAGE TOTALS 5,164,395 6,020,037 6,190,903 5,914,758 6,546,400! Page Two July 14, 2004 Account # 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 101 34103.00 Zoning & Subdivision Fees (C) 20,245 14,960 33,560 15,000 Volleyball Revenues (R) 40,000 1,672 101 34104.00 Plan Checking Fees (C) 379,389 353,886 413,876 250,000 1,203 300,000 65% of Building Permit Fees 101 34105.00 Sales of Maps & Publications (C) 1,704 3,909 2,816 3,000 19,000 3,000 Maps & Spec Books 101 34106.00 Deputy Registrar Fees (C) 34,738 47,480 48,438 40,000 101 34727.00 50,000 2,159 101 34107.00 Assessment Searches (C) 10 8 20 100 675 100 0 101 34108.00 Admin Fees - Other Funds (C) 96,670 108,878 199,254 120 217 225,000 300 101 34108.01 Applicable Funds Except Const. 2,988 3,089 2,960 25,000 25,000 ' 101 34732.00 Adult Basketball (R) 101 34108.02 Construction Funds 1,935 1,900 1,900 300,000 200,000 6,277 6,120 101 34109.00 Other Charges for Service (C) 2,901 2,913 8,127 3,000 4,236 3,000 3,000 101 34110.00 Service Chg on Returned Chks (C) 201 260 345 100 3,500 100 101 34790.00 101 34112.00 Utility Permit Application Fee (C) 1,350 1,050 450 500 10138080.00 500 57,025 101 34150.00 User Fees - SKB 0 0 0 350,000 10,133 350,000 SKB Fees from New Cell 101 34160.00 National Guard Maint Fees (C) 72,296 43,964 45,808 44,300 20,321 46,000 21,000 101 34160.00 Shared Space Rental Agreement 3,951 2,500 0 0 16,000 101 38086.00 Classroom Fees (R) 101 34160.00 Building Maintenance Contract 30,037 24,000 28,000 101 38096.00 30,000 1,500 1,410 101 34201.00 Special Police Services (C) 22,558 20,730 23,171 26,000 1,669 26,000 Contractual O/T for Officers 101 34202.00 Fire Services - Burning Permits (C) 3,393 4,137. 5,500 . 3,500 5,000 3,500 101 34203.00 Accident Reports (C) _ 616 536 1,019 500 500 101 34204.00 Day Care Inspection Fees (C) 252 588 490 200 200 101 34206.00 Other Police Services (C) 0 366 121 0 0 101 34207.00 Other Fire Protection Services (C) 60,294 15,286 10,528 12,000 101 34207.01 U of M Fire Contract 5,200 5,500 101 34207.02 Coates Fire Contract 3,400 3,500 101 34207.03 Other Billed Fire Calls 6,400 3,000 101 34301.00 Street, Sidewalk & Curb Repairs (C) 0 1,234 0 0 0 101 34303.00 Mow Weeds (C) 0 60 191 0 0 101 34306.00 Other Highway & Street Rev (C) 0 78,236 37,882 5,000 20,000 Street Light Bills - Developers 10134407.00 City Share of Metro SAC Chgs (C) 4,086 _700,702 4,296 5,303 4,000 5,000 Total Charges for Services (C) 702,775 836,900 1,085,200 1,084,900 101 35101.00 Court Fines (F) 88,523 85,835 89,752 90,000 90,000 From County Total Fines & Forfeits (F) _ 88,523 85,835 89,752 90,000 90,000 10134720.00 Park Reservations (R) 1,695 1,240 3,390 3,000 4,000 101 34721.00 Softball Revenues (R) 48,174" 46,918 55,296 52,000 57,000 101 34722.00 Volleyball Revenues (R) 3,350 1,672 1,480 1,700 1,500 101 34724.00 Tennis Revenues (R) 975 1,203 1,211 1,300 1,300 101 34725.00 Tiny Tot Revenues (R) 15,499 18,099 21,551 19,000 21,000 101 34726.00 Pom Porn Revenues (R) 3,152 3,089 1,447 3,000 0 101 34727.00 Field Trip Revenues (R) 2,159 3,035 2,692 2,800 2,800 101 34728.00 Broomball Revenues (R) 675 0 0 0 0 101 34729.00 Skating Lesson Revenues (R) 75 120 217 400 300 101 34730.00 Fun Runs, Walks & Bike Rides (R) 2,988 3,089 2,960 3,000 3,000 ' 101 34732.00 Adult Basketball (R) 2,370 1,750 1,935 1,900 1,900 101 34733.00 Other Programs Revenues (R) 6,277 6,120 8,719 6,000 6,000 101 34735.00 Summer Camps (R) 2,675 4,236 3,888 3,000 3,400 101 34736.00 T -Ball (R) 3,794 3,847 3,654 3,500 3,500 101 34790.00 Other Recreation Revenues (R) 0 7,536 6,351 0 0 Promise Fellow Grant Program 10138080.00 Banquet Room Fees (R) 57,025 58,311 58,641 57,000 58,000 101 38081.00 Auditorium Fees (R) 10,133 12,490 11,563 12,600 12,000 101 38082.00 Gymnasium Fees (R) 25,038 20,166 20,321 22,000 21,000 101 38084.00 Pistol Range Fees (R) 3,951 2,500 0 0 0 Pistol Range Closed 101 38086.00 Classroom Fees (R) 25,626 26,415 30,037 24,000 28,000 101 38096.00 Liquor Provider Fees (R) 1,500 1,410 1,050 1,500 1,500 101 38097.00 AIV Rental Fees (R) 874 1,669 1,706 1,400 1,500 101 38154.00 Teen Night Revenues (R) 4,917 6,373 5,670 5,000 6,000 Total Recreation Fees (R) 222,921 231,287 243,777 224,100 233,700 PAGE TOTALS 1,012,146 1,019,898 1,170,430 1,399,300 M 1,408,600 Page Three 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 36101.00 Principal - Special Assessments (M) 65 82,103 23,655 0 10,000 From County - 101 Funded Projects 101 36102.00 Penalties & Interest - S/A (M) 0 0 82 0 0 From County 101 36210.00 Interest Earnings - Investments (M) 172,613 109,057 100,891 81,000 100,000 101 36214.00 Net Change in FV- Investments (M) 2,167 18,548 6,432 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 101 36215.00 Interest Earnings (M) 1,643 1,425 1,434 1,442 1,500 From Checking Account 101 36220.00 Rents & Royalties (M) 4,760 4,394 4,394 4,400 5,000 US West Antenna Rent 101 36230.00 Contribution /Donations (M) 77,166 31,349 77,884 0 0 101 36260.00 Other Revenue (M) 7,289 18,958 1,570 5,000 2,000 101 36265.00 Use of Reserve Funds (M) 0 0 0 0 0 101 38090.00 City Concessions (M) 0 0 3,506 0 3,000 Total Misc Revenues (M) 265,704 265,833 219,848 91,842 ~ 121,500 101 39202.00 Contribution from Enterprises (T) 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Arena - Building & Grounds Maint. 101 39203.00 Transfer From (T) 0 111,300 0 0 0 Funds Returned from Project Total Transfers In (T) �~ 3,500 114,800 3,500 3,500 PAGE TOTALS $269,204 $380,633 $223,348 $95,342 -- - ------•- $125,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $6,445,745 $7,420,568 $7,584,681 $7,409,400 $8,080,000 INTERNAL REVENUES $2,558,208 $2,775,946 $2,823,013 $2,569,931 $2,767,800 Grand Total Less: ------------------------ ------ ----- -- ---- ------- -- - - = -- Ad Valorem, LGA, HACA & Fiscal Disparities Page Four 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object ' 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34108.00 General Fund Admin Fees $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 101 34108.01 fund 201 6,000 101 34108.02 Fund 202 2,500 101 34108.03 Fund 203 2,500 101 34108.04 Fund 206 2,500 101 34108.05 Fund 207 2,500 101 34108.06 Fund 605 1,000 101 34108.07 Fund 606 1,000 101 34108.08 Fund 607 1,000 101 34108.09 Fund 650 6,000 Admin Fees Breakdown Totals $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL July 14, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 101 41110 103.00 Salaries &Benefits $25,533 $25,533 $26,820 $26,100 $26,100 All Salary Costs Inclusive of Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 4111001 307.00 Management Fees 20,004 7,465 21,013 24,000 101 4111001 307.01 Newsletter 5,000 5,000 101 4111001 307.02 Chamber of Commerce Directory 1,000 1,000 101 4111001 307.03 Community Survey 18,000 18,000 101 4111001 310.00 Temporary Service Fees 0 0 0 0 20,000 Feasibility Study on Pools 101 4111001 319.00 Other Professional Services 5,579 10,873 6,402 5,000 7,000 Education Reimbursement 101 4111001 329.00 Other Communication Costs 0 56 180 1,000 1,000 Newspaper Ads / Open Houses 101 4111001 331.00 Travel Expense 469 300 846 700 2,200 101 4111001 331.01 NLC Conference 1,500 101 4111001 331.02 Miscellaneous Travel 700 101 4111001 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 13,106 14,098 14,445 19,200 101 41110 01 433.01 LMC Dues 11,500 12,500 101 41110 01 433.02 AMM Dues 4,500 4,700 101 41110 01 433.03 NDCC Dues 500 500 101 41110 01 433.04 NLC Dues 1,250 1,250 101 41110 01 433.05 Miscellaneous Dues 250 250 101 41110 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 119 100 100 101 41110 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars - 2,061 2,366 2,602 7,500 101 41110 01 437.01 Registration & Hotel -LMC Conf - 2,000 2,000 101 4111001 437.02 Registration & Hotel -NLC Conf 2,900 4,000 101 4111001 437.03 Miscellaneous Conferences 1,500 1,500 101 41110 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 36,524 15,900 . 15,005 0 0 101 41110 01 598.00 Council Designated 11,199 2,945 5,695 10,000 10,000 Yearly Contingencies 101 4111001 599.00 Employee Recognition Costs 2,463 3,000 PAGE TOTALS $114,475 $79,537 $95,590 $91,300 $120,100 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $114,475 $79,537 $95,590 $91,300 $120,100 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION July 14, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41320 101,00 Salaries & Benefits $273,533 $304,069 $265,539 $342,000 $353,200 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41320 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 0 2,050 12 2,000 2,000 101 41320 01 207.00 Training & Instructional Supplies 0 229 0 0 101 41320 01 207.01 Safety Committee - 200 0 Moved Below to H/R 101 41320 01 207.02 Right to Know 1,200 0 Moved Below to H/R 101 41320 01 207.03 Employee Training 500 0 Moved Below to H/R 101 41320 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 22 302 550 300 300 Miscellaneous Purchases 101 41320 01 306.00 Personnel Testing & Recruitment 0 6,000 12,795 0 0 101 41320 01 307.00 Management Fees 3,402 6,333 3,624 4,000 0 Moved Below to H/R 101 41320 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 0 193 500 800 Administration Cell Phones 101 41320 01 331.00 Travel Expense 614 291 407 1,200 101 41320 01 331.01 NLC Conference 100 800 101 41320 01 331.02 ICMA Conference 400 400 101 41320 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 0 0 1,398 0 0 101 41320 01 353.00 Ordinance Publication 2,757 0 0 5,000 0 Moved to General Government 101 41320 01 394.00 P.C. Software Purchases 2,061 275 1,600 0 0 101 41320 01 433.00 Dues &Subscriptions - 1,353 1,458 1,490 2,000 101 41320 01 433.01 MCMA Dues 100 200 101 41320 01 433.02 MAMA Dues 100 100 101 41320 01 433.03 MCFOA Dues 100 150 101 41320 01 433.04 IIMC Dues 100 150 101 41320 01 433.05 IPMA Dues 100 0 Moved Below to H/R 101 41320 01 433.06 ICMA Dues 900 1,400 101 41320 01 433.07 SHRM Dues 200 0 101 41320 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 385 128 386 100 1,000 101 41320 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 1,543 2,514 2,555 5,500 101 41320 01 437.01 Registration & Hotel - LMC 500 500 101 41320 01 437.02 Registration & Hotel - MCMA 400 400 101 41320 01 437.03 Personnel Conferences 500 0 Moved Below to H/R 101 41320 01 437.04 Staff (1) Each 200 200 101 41320 01 437.05 Miscellaneous Seminars 500 1,000 101 41320 01 437.06 Registration & Hotel - ICMA 1,200 1,200 101 41320 01 437.07 Advanced Clerks School 200 200 101 41320 01 437.08 Registration & Hotel - NLC 0 2,000 101 41320 01 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 0 737 0 900 900 New Chair 101 41320 31 315.00 Special Programs 0 0 0 0 6,000 Employee Wellness Program 101 41320 31 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 14,300 101 41320 31 319.01 Labor Consultant 4,000 101 41320 31 319.02 Labor Legal Issues 600 101 41320 31 319.03 CHESS Consultant 5,400 101 41320 31 319.04 COBRA Consultant 1,000 101 41320 31 319.05 Flex/VEBA Administrative Fees 2,800 101 41320 31 319.06 SWWC Co- Operative Dues 500 101 41320 31 331.00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 0 400 101 41320 31 341.00 Employment Advertising 0 0 0 0 1,400 2 Unanticipated Vacancies 101 41320 31 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0 800 101 41320 31 433.01 PRIMA Dues 450 101 41320 31 433.02 IPMA Dues 200 101 41320 31 433.03 MPELRA Dues 150 101 41320 31 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 0 0 500 Books & Training Materials 101 41320 31 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 0 0 0 0 1,300 101 41320 31 437.01 MPELRA State Conference 400 101 41320 31 437.02 Stanton Seminars 400 101 41320 31 437.03 Safety, Supervisor, Policy 500 101 41320 41 315.00 Special Programs 0 0 0 0 40,000 See Below for Description 101 41320 41 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 15,000 Branding Consultant & Cable TV 101 41320 41 328.00 Cable Supply Costs 0 0 0 0 900 Cable Supplies, Software 101 41320 41 329.00 Other Communication Costs 0 0 0 0' 35,000 Cable JPA Payment - General City 101 41320 41 331.00 Travel Expenses 0 0 0 0 200 101 41320 41 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 0 0 0 0 100 MAGC 101 41320 41 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 0 0 0 0 400 Editing & Graphics Courses 101 41320 41 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 0 900 PAGE TOTALS $285,670 $324,386 $290,550 $362,300 $484,100 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $285,670 $324,386 $290,550 $362,300 $484,100 101 41320 41 315.00 New Resident Packets, General Marketing, Resident Information Booklet, Collateral Material, Cable TV Program (4x), Downtown & PR Videos (2x) Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 4141001 103.00 Part-Time Salaries $0 $25,169 $0 $14,000 $0 Election Judges - 1 New Precinct 101 4141001 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 0 346 0 500 0 Ballots & Programming 101 4141001 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 434 0 2,000 0 Voting Machine (25 %a) -New Prec. 101 4141001 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 217 0 300 0 Food for Election Judges 101 41410 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 0 904 0 2,000 0 Booths & Signs -New Precinct 101 41410 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 1,000 0 101 41410 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 96 0 200 0 101 41410 01 351.00 Legal Notices Publishing 0 278 0 200 0 Election Publications 101 4141001 409.00 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 0 0 0 2,000 0 Maintenance for Accu Vote 101 4141001 412.00 Building Rental 0 551 0 1,000 0 Possible Rent for Locations 101 41410 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 101 41410 01 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 10,200 3,644 0 0 20,000 Off -Year - For Future Equipment PAGE TOTALS ^ $10,200 $31,640 $0 $23,200 $20,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $10,200 $31,640 $0 $23,200 $20,000 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE July 14, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget - Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41520 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $136,004 $172,214 $193,071 $182,800 $222,900 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41520 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 1,910 3,631 2,211 3,000 3,000 101 4152001 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 F/A Reinventory & Infrastructure 101 41520 01 331.00 Travel Expense 384 468 135 1,500 101 4152001 331.01 Finance Director 800 1,000 National Convention & Misc 101 41520 01 331.02 Staff 200 500 101 41520 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 0 586 0 0 0 101 41520 01 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 36,564 39,025 46,795 50,000 101 41520 01 391.01 Civic Systems Applications Support 4,000 4,000 101 41520 01 391.02 Civic Systems System Support 2,000 2,000 101 4152001 391.03 Incode Software Maintenance 6,000 6,000 101 41520 01 391.04 General Network Support 30,000 30,000 300 Hours of Support Time 101 41520 01 391.05 Motor Vehicle S/W Maint 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 391.06 Fixed Asset Maint Contract 1,000 1,000. 101 41520 01 391.07 Miscellaneous P.C. Repairs 2,000 2,000 101 41520 01 391.08 Anti -Virus Software Renewal 4,000 4,000 101 4152001 392.00 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 1,133 925 1,817 3,000 3,000 City System Supplies 101 41520 01 393.00 P.C. Hardware Purchases 1,203 2,011 138 2,000 2,000 101 41520 01 394.00 P.C. Software Purchases 95 406 0 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 409.00 Other Contracted R & M 100 175 50 300 300 Cash Register Repairs 101 41520 01 433.00 Dues &Subscriptions 381 205 265 800 101 41520 01 433.01 MDRA Annual Fees 200 200 101 41520 01 43102 MnGFOA - Finance Director 50 50 101 41520 01 433.03 MnGFOA - Staff 50 100 101 41520 01 433.04 GFOA - Finance Director 300 350 101 41520 01 433.05 ' Magazine Subscriptions 100 100 101 41520 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 37 _ 0 200 101 41520 01 435.01 Accounting Related Books 100 100 101 41520 01 435.02 Finance Related Books 100 100 101 41520 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 2,017 3,075 1,159 4,000 101 41520 01 437.01 MDRA Conference (For 2) 300 300 101 41520 01 437.02 MnGFOA Annual Conf (F /D) 500 500 101 41520 01 437.03 GFOA National Conf (F /D) 1,400 1,500 101 41520 01 437.04 Management Classes 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 437.05 Miscellaneous Seminars 500 700 101 41520 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 209 435 273 500 500 Contigencies 101 4152001 570.00 Office Equipment & Furnishings 0 0 0 0 0 PAGE TOTALS $180,000 $233,192 $255,914 $258,200 $299,200 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $180,000 $233,192 $255,914 $258,200 $299,200 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT July 14, 2004 2001 Account # Description Actual 2004 2005 Object 2005 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments w,- rtowui cuc.uu vupucaung a yzu,Ittu $11,824 $10,126 $25,000 101 4181001 202.01 Records Retention 10,000 10,000 101 4181001 202.02 Copying Costs 15,000 15,000 101 4181001 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 4,714 8,123 7,480 10,000 101 4181001 203.01 Copy Paper 2,500 2,500 101 41810 01 203.02 General Receipt Books 1,200 1,200 101 4181001 203.03 Purchase Orders 1,200 1,200 101 4181001 203.04 Payroll Checks 1,100 1,100 101 4181001 203.05 A/P Checks 2,200 2,200 101 4181001 203.06 Greenbar Computer(30 Boxes) 1,800 1,800 101 4181001 204.00 Envelopes & Letterheads 760 2,607 2,255 3,500 101 4181001 204.01 Letterhead 1,100 1,100 101 4181001 204.02 Plain Envelopes 600 600 101 41810 01 204.03 A/P & Payroll Envelopes 800 800 101 41810 01 204.04 10 x 13 Envelopes 600 600 101 4181001 204.05 10 x 15 Envelopes 400 400 101 4181001 209.00 Other Office Supplies 15,887 16,448 15,525 16,000 16,000 General Office Supplies 101 4181001 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 73 3 500 500 City Hall Equipment Repairs 101 4181001 242.00 Minor Equipment 674 106 78 600 101 4181001 242.01 State Purchasing Program 350 350 Yearly Fees for Program 101 4181001 242.02 Fax Machine Maint Agreement 250 250 101 4181001 301.00 Auditing & Accounting Services 37,201 42,979 48,510 70,000 101 4181001 301.01 2004 Audit & General Consulting 50,000 60,000 Increased GASB Requirements 101 41810 01 301.02 Dakota County Assessment Fees 5,000 5,000 101 4181001 301.03 Dak Cty Truth In Taxation Costs 3,000 3,000 101 4181001 301.04 Printing of Budget Books 2,000 2,000 101 41810 01 301.05 2,000 0 Moved to Administration 101 4181001 304.00 Legal Fees 45,864 44,541 42,552 75,000 75,000 General City Legal Fees 101 4181001 319.00 Other Professional Services 42,298 8,358 9,105 18,800 101 41810 01 319.01 City Code Update 1,500 2,300 Moved from Administration 101 4181001 319.02 City Code Web Fees 1,000 1,500 Moved from Administration 101 4181001 319.03 State Building Report (Springsteds) 500 5,000 Fees Paid to Springsted 101 4181001 319.04 Continuing Disclosure Fees 5,000 5,000 Fees Paid to Springsted (Bonds) 101 4181001 319.05 Annual User Fee Study Update 5,000 5,000 Fees Paid to Springsted 101 41810 01 320.00 Credit Card Activity Fees 477 791 862 1,000 1,000 101 4181001 321.00 Telephone Costs 54,926 62,145 59,672 65,000 Monthly Billings 101 41810 01 321.01 General Phone Costs 60,000 60,000 101 4181001 321.02 E -Mail Server Costs 4,000 4,000 101 4181001 321.03 Web Server Costs 1,000 1,000 101 41810 01 322.00 Postage Costs 10,686 13,895 18,678 16,000 16,000 101 4181001 328.00 Cable Supply Costs 0 2,318 0 400 0 Moved to Administration 101 4181001 329.00 Other Communication Costs 21,298 30,538 30,538 0 Moved to Administration 101 41810 01 329.01 Cable JPA Payment - General City 39,000 0 101 41810 01 329.02 0 0 101 41810 01 329:03 0 0 101 4181001 339.00 Other Transportation Expenses 135 743 113 800 800 General Costs 101 4181001 351.00 Legal Notices Publishing 3,238 2,095 3,739 5,600 101 41810 01 351.01 Costs for Public Notices 3,400 3,400 All Departments 101 4181001 351.02 Truth in Taxation Notices 1,000 1,000 Billing from Dakota County 101 4181001 351.03 Budget & Audit Publications 1,200 1,200 State Mandated Publications 101 4181001 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 0 0 5,250 0 0 101 41810 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 0 105 90 0 0 101 4181001 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 188 0 0 0 0 101 41810 01 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 10,973 16,392 18,549 17,000 17,000 Copy Machine Leases - All Bldgs - (Fax Machine & Postage Meter) PAGE TOTALS $269,479 $264,183 $273,123 $350,400 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $269,479 $264,183 $273,123 $350,400 $324,800 Page One 2605 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT July 14. 2004 , 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41910 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $459,553 $522,045 $610,751 $770,000 $798,600 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41910 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 438 3,090 75 3,000 3,000 101 41910 99 103.00 Part-Time Salaries& Benefits 25,340 46,019 43,757 5,000 20,000 101 41910 99 103.01 Planning Commission Members 5,000_ 101 4191099 103.02 GIS Intern 15,000 101 4191001 201.00 Office Accessories 223 463 0 400 400 Calendars, Planners, etc. 101 4191001 202.00 Duplicating & Copying 0 1,213 69 200 8,000 Codification of Zoning Ordinance 101 4191001 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 1,060 1,727 1,308 1,200 2,000 Forms, Stickers, Tags, etc. 101 4191001 205.00 Drafting Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 Zipatone, Spray Mount 101 41910 01 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 121 45 0 200 200 Calculators 101 4191001 209.00 Other Office Supplies 238 304 244 500 600 Dictation Devices & Tapes 101 4191001 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 1,246 405 0 900 1,500 Building Inspection Supplies 101 4191001 241.00 Small Tools 490 46 0 400 400 Inspectors' Tools 101 4191001 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 76 83 0 0 0 101 4191001 312.00 Contract Inspection Fees 0 4,463 358 0 0 Fees for Contractedfremp Sery 101 4191001 319,00 Other Professional Services 3,346 45 98 2,000 2,000 Planning Consultant 101 4191001 329.00 Other Communication Costs 1,288 1,454 1,000 1,500 2,000 Cellular Phone & Pagers 101 4191001 331.00 Travel Expense 191 431 463 500 500 101 41910 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 906 3,551 3,085 1,000 1,000 101 41910 01 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 2,016 309 2,016 4,000 4,000 S/W Maint; Permitworks Support 101 41910 01 392.00 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 65 208 389 500 500 101 41910 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,311 1,045 2,063 2,500 101 41910 01 433.01 APA/AICP 600 900 1014191001433.02 ICC 400 500 101 41910 01 433.03 AMBO 200 200 101 41910 01 433.04 10,000 Lakes 150 200 101 41910 01 433.05 IAPMO - National & State 50 0 101 4191001 433.06 Trade Magazines 150 150 101 41910 01 433.07 Planner's Journal 100 100 101 41910 01 433.08 Sensible Land Use Coalition 150 150 101 4191001 433.09 MBPTA 100 300 101 41910 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 89 431 947 400 700 Manuals, References, IBC Books 101 41910 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 3,270 4,574 3,339 6,300 101 4191001 437.01 State Bldg Official School 500 600 101 41910 01 437.02 Spring & Fall Code Updates 300 300 101 41910 01 437.03 ICBO Seminars (2 Times/Year) 1,400 1,400 4 Persons Q $175 101 41910 01 437.04 Computer Training 400 400 101 41910 01 437.05 Clerical Seminars 500 500 101 41910 01 437.06 Planning Seminars 500 500 101 4191001 437.07 ISTS Training 500 500 101 41910 01 437.08 State Planning Conference (2) 800 1,000 101 41910 01 437.09 Planning Commissioner Training 300 300 101 4191001 437.10 Gen'I Seminars 400 400 Code Enforcement Seminars 101 41910 01 437.11 Other Training 400 400 101 41910 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 531 16 10 400 400 Contingencies 101 41910 01 570.00 Office Equipment & Furnishings 0 0 0 0 0 PAGE TOTALS _ $501,797 $591,968 $669,971 $800,200 $854,700 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $501,797 $591,968 $669,971 $800,200 $854,700 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE July 14, 2004 A t# D 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed ccoun escnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42110 101.00 Salaries & Benefits 1,190,076 1,318,314 1,489,144 $1,647,600 Records Management & CAD $1,815,700 All Salary Costs Inclusive of�� Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 42110 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 78,563 52,631 60,931 65,000 MCD Connection Charges 65,000 4,000 101 42110 102.01 Regular Overtime Hours MCD Maintenance & Cellular 10,000 20,000 101 42110 01 396.05 40,000 0 8,000 101 42110 102.02 Contracted Orr LOGIS Security and Back Up Site 0 8,000 25,000 101 42110 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 26,722 28,338 25,505 28,000 30,400 P/T CS Total 50 Hrs/W k 101 42110 01 202.00 Duplicating& Copying 694 462 706 800 800 Film and Developing 101 42110 01 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 926 716 225 1,000 1,000 Evidence Logs, Animal Lic, etc. 101 42110 01 204.00 Envelopes & Letterheads 230 172 227 200 200 101 42110 01 207.00 Training &Instructional Supplies 1,568 2,021 1,928 2,500 101 42110 01 207.01 Practice Ammunition 2,000 1,800 101 42110 01 207.02 Service Ammunition 500 500 101 42110 01 207.03 Other Supplies 500 200 101 42110 01 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 6,273 5,436 6,055 0 0 Donated & Forfeited Funds 101 42110 01 208.01 DARE Donations 0 101 42110 01 208.02 Equipment Donations /Forfeitures 0 101 42110 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 1,796 1,155 941 2,000 1,000 Video, Audio Tapes & Misc. 101 42110 01 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 9 0 481 400 101 42110 01 211.01 Blanket Cleaning 100 100 101 42110 01 211.02 Squad Interior Cleaning 300 300 101 42110 01 217.00 Clothing Allowance 2,518 2,948 2,160 • 3,000 3,000 101 42110 01 217.01 CSO'5 1,000 101 42110 01 217.02 Reserves 1,500 101 42110 01 217.03 Other Supplies 500 101 42110 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 1,171 1,182 1,062 1,000 2,000 Evidence Bags, 1st Aid, Drug Kits 101 42110 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 1,156 2,144 3,055 2,500 2,500 Squad Emergency Equip Repairs 101 42110 01 241.00 Small Tools 1,313 1,513 1,227 1,500 2,000 Crime Scene Kit Supplies 101 42110 01 241.01 Evidence Processing Equipment 750 101 42110 01 241.02 Camera and Video Supplies 500 101 42110 01 241.03 Other Supplies 750 101 42110 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 5,761 230 1,249 1,500 2,000 101 42110 01 242.01 Less Lethal Tactical Equipment 1,500 101 42110 01 242.02 MAAG Equipment 500 101 42110 01 304.00 Legal Fees 54,996 58_,177 54,996 56,000 56,000 Prosecution 101 42110 01 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 840 494 1,058 2,000 101 42110 01 305.01 Employee Drug Testing (Amended) 500 1,500 101 42110 01 305.02 Seized Narcotic Testing 500 500 101 42110 01 306.00 Personnel Testing & Recruitment 4,732 0 730 4,500 1,500 Medical & Psychological 101 42110 01 316.00 Animal Care Services 12,074 13,815 13,727 14,500 1 -01 42110 01 316.01 Impound & Care Fees 14,000 14,000 101 42110 01 316.02 Deer Inventory 500 500 101 42110 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 54,950 57,297 69,588 75,500 101 42110 01 319.01 Dispatch Services 66,000 70,000 101 42110 01 319.02 Radio Repeater Phone Lines 5,000 5,500 Add Repeater - East Side WIT 101 42110 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 8,940 6,200 6,483 5,800 101 42110 01 321.01 Cell Phones 4,000 4,500 101 42110 01 321.02 Pagers 600 800 101 42110 01 321.03 LOGIS Communications Line 5Q0 500 101 42110 01 323.00 Radio Units 1,389 1,671 2,861 3,000 3,000 Radio & Radar Repairs 101 42110 01 323.01 Radios 2,000 101 42110 01 323.02 Radars 1,000 101 42110 01 331.00 Travel Expense 2,030 1,295 1,184 3,700 101 42110 01 331.01 MN Chiefs Spring Conference 500 500 101 42110 01 331.02 IACP Conference 1,500 1,500 101 4211001 331.03 Outstate Investigations & Conferences 700 500 101 42110 01 331.04 MAAG Conference 0 200 101 42110 01 331.05 CAN -AM Narcotic Conference 0 400 101 42110 01 331.06 Juvenile Officers Conference 300 400 101 42110 01 331.07 Meeting Reimbursements 0 200 101 42110 01 333.00 Freight & Express Expenses 58 34 68 200 200 Repairs 101 42110 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 416 1,799 0 500 500 Officer/ CSO Hiring . 101 42110 01 394.00 P.C. Software Purchases 101 42110 01 394 01 A t t AM S 0 660 613 1,200 10,900 101 42110 01 394.02 u oma a awn ystem Pictometry 500 2,100 101 42110 01 394.03 CJIIN System 8,300 101 42110 01 396.00 Computer Maintenance 39,046 47,477 51,794 84,000 101 42110 01 396.01 Records Management & CAD 55,000 40,000 101 42110 01 396.02 CJDN Connection Charges 3,000 3,000 101 42110 01 396.03 MCD Connection Charges 4,000 4,000 101 42110 01 396.04 MCD Maintenance & Cellular 10,000 20,000 101 42110 01 396.05 LOGIS Annual Fees 0 8,000 1,01 42110 01 396.06 LOGIS Security and Back Up Site 0 8,000 PAGE TOTALS 1,498,247 1,606,182 1,797,998 1,989,500 2,186,100 Page Two 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42110 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,548 2,108 2,613 3,200 101 4211001 433.01 Mutual Aid Assistance Group -MAAG 1,200 2,000 101 42110 01 433.02 IACP Chiefs 150 100 101 4211001 433.03 MN Chiefs of Police 150 150 101 42110 01 433.04 Dakota Cty Chiefs of Police 50 50 101 42110 01 433.05 Wakota CAER 20 20 101 42110 01 433.06 Metro Emergency Managers 25 25 101 4211001 433.07 MN Sex Crimes Investigators 30 25 101 4211001 433.08 Tri- County Investigators 50 60 101 42110 01 433.09 MN Crime Prevention Association' 0 25 101 42110 01 433.10 P.O.S.T. Licenses 800 630 101 42110 01 433.11 FBI Nat'l Academy Association 0 60 101 4211001 433.12; Miscellaneous 525 55 101 42110 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 223 297 68 300 300 Statutes, Crime Prevention 101 42110 01 436.00 Towing Charges 318 64 69 200 200 101 4211001 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 9,435 10,346 10,208 13,000 101 42110 01 437.01 Firearms -Range Rental 1,500 1,500 101 42110 01 437.02 Chiefs Spring Conference 500 500 101 4211001 437.03 Investigations 200 1,500 101 4211001 437.04 IACP Conference 400 250 101 42110 01 437.05 'Supervision' 400 1,000 101 4211001 437.06 Use of Force 0 600 101 42110 01 437.07 Emergency Driving 0 1,400 101 42110 01 437.08 First Aid 0 2,000 101 4211001 437.09 Narcotic Enforcement 0 1,000 101 42110 01 437.10 Tactical 0 1,000 101 42110 01 437,11 Support Services 0 750 101 42110 01 437.12 Patrol 9,000 1,500 101 4211001 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 204 313 264 500 500 Contingencies 101 4211001 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 286 1,178 5,590 2,000 2,000 Tasers & Accesories PAGE TOTALS $12,015 $14,306 $18,813 $18,000 $19,200 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $1,510,261 $1,620,488 $1,816,810 $2,007,500 $2,205,300 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs inclusive of _ 101 42210 103.00 Salaries & Benefits $130,003 $68,877 $73,285 $67,200 $74,000 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 42210 103.01 Salaries 18,600 Reduced - Balance to Pension 101 42210 103.02 Training Pay /Stipends 3,000 Reduced - Balance to Pension 101 42210 103.03 Call Pay /Stipends 19,750 Reduced - Balance to Pension 101 42210 103.04 Class Pay /Stipends 150 Reduced - Balance to Pension 101 42210 103.05 P/T Fire Marshal 32,500 101 4221001 202.00 Duplicating & Copying 113 284 0 100 101 42210 01 202.01 Copy Toner 50 50 101 42210 01 202.02 Computer Printers 50 50 101 42210 01 204.00 Envelopes & Letterhead 61 69 0 100 101 42210 01 204.01 Envelopes 25 25 101 4221001 204.02 Letterhead 25 25 101 42210 01 204.03 Forms 50 50 101 4221001 207.00 Training & Instructional Supplies 0 0 929 0 0 101 4221001 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 2,675 4,334 1,203 3,400 Supplies for Fire Marshal 101 42210 01 208.01 Supplies, Computer Support 1,500 1,500 101 42210 01 208.02 Film Developing 100 100 101 42210 01 208.03 Memberships 300 300 101 4221001 208.04 Code Books 500 500 101 42210 01 208.05 Training 1,000 1,000 101 42210 01 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 174 126 251 300 101 4221001 211.01 Soaps 100 100 101 42210 01 211.02 Chamois, Towels, etc. 100 100 101 42210 01 211.03 Sponges, etc. 25 25 101 42210 01 211.04 SCBA Cleaner 75 75 101 4221001 218.00 Fire Department Clothing 222 210 1,535 300 300 5 Uniforms @ $60 Each 101 42210 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 2,256 922 1,695 3,000 Medical Supplies 101 42210 01 219.01 Gloves 300 600 101 4221001 219.02 Bandages 80 100 101 42210 01 219.03 Equipment 100 500 101 42210 01 219.04 Tyvek Suits 70 100 101 42210 01 219.05 Consummable Medical 800 1,500 101 42210 01 219.06 Oxygen 150 200 101 4221001 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 13,032 5,834 262 1,800 101 42210 01 229.01 Aerial- Pumpers - Tanker 1,200 1,200 101 42210 01 229.02 Pickup Trucks 200 200 101 42210 01 229.03 Rescue & Other 200 200 101 42210 01 229.04 Vehicle Modifications . 200 200 101 4221001 230.00 Equipment Repair Materials 1,465 1,984 2,030 1,800 101 42210 01 230.01 Light Bars 100 100 101 42210 01 230.02 Smoke Machines 150 250 101 42210 01 230.03 Lanterns & Miscellaneous 150 250 101 42210 01 230.04 Small Tool Repairs 500 600 101 42210 01 230.05 Opticom 300 300 101 42210 01 230.06 Station 300 300. 101 42210 01 241.00 Small Tools 491 410 683 700 101 42210 01 241.01 Axes, Bars & Other 150 150 101 4221001 241.02 Grass Fire 250 250 101 42210 01 241.03 Hand Tools 300 300 101 4221001 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 1,755 2,628 2,829 3,500 3,500 Annual Medical Tests 101 42210 01 306.00 Personnel Testing & Recruitment 1,260 5,044 1,031 2,100 101 42210 01 306.01 New Physicals (4) 1,000 1,000 101 42210 01 306.02 Hepatitis Shots (4) 500 500 101 42210 01 306.03 Background Checks (4) 100 100 101 42210 01 306.04 Drug Testing (4) 500 500 101 4221001 308.00 Instructors' Fees 5,141 6,125 6,965 10,000 101 4221001 308.01 Fire Fighter 1 (4) 1,200 1,200 101 4221001 308.02 Fire Fighter 1 Certificates (4) 140 150 101 4221001 308.03 Fire Fighter Re- Certificates (16) 160 250 101 42210 01 308.04 First Responder (4) , 1,000 1,000 101 4221001 308.05 First Responder Refresher (1/2) 1,400 1,400 101 42210 01 308.06 Outside Schools ($/2) 5,900 4,900 101 4221001 308.07 Haz-Mat Training (4) 1,000 1,000 101 42210 01 308.08 Apparatus Re- Certificates (6) 0 100 PAGE TOTALS 158,647 96,848 w 92,696 93,300 M �' 101,100 Page Two 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS $41,108 $167,640 $163,138 $172,200 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTALS $199,755 .$264,488 $255,835 July 14, 2004 $269,100 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 4221001 310.00 Testing Services 1,545 90 1,534 1,700 101 42210 01 310.01 Aerial (Next 2007) 0 1,200 101 4221001 310.02 Ladders (Next 2007) 0 500 101 4221001 310.03 Pumpers (3) (Next 2006) 1,000 0 101 4221001 310.04 SCBA Hydro Testing (Next 2007) 0 0 101 42210 01 313.00 Temporary Service Fees 872 1,095 259 1,500 101 4221001 313.01 SCBA Contract 400 400 101 4221001 313.02 SCBA Maintenance 200 200 101 42210 01 313.03 Copier & Fax Contract 400 400 101 4221001 313.04 Security Contract 400 500 101 42210 01 313.05 Technical Team Joint Powers 5,000 0 101 42210 01 314.00 Annual Fire Relief Contribution 0 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 Moved From Salaries Above 101 4221001 319.00 Other Professional Services 2,232 2,214 2,713 2,500 Fire Prevention Education 101 4221001 319.01 School Literature 350 350 101 42210 01 319.02 Door Prizes 250 250 101 42210 01 319,03 Fire Prevention Week Promos 1,300 1,300 101 42210 01 319.04 Food at Open House 150 150 101 42210 01 319.05 Adult Extension Classes 250 250 101 4221001 319.06 Trading Cards 200 200 101 4221001 321.00 Telephone Costs 230 888 700 700 101 42210 01 321.01 Chief 150 250 101.42210 01 321.02 Assistant Chief 150 150 101 4221001 321.03 Rescue 150 150 101 42210 01 321.04 Numeric Pagers 150 150 101 42210 01 322.00 Postage Costs 0 5 0 100 100 UPS Costs 101 4221001 329.00 Other Communication Costs 1,100 510 521 1,000 101 42210 01 329.01 Base Repairs 200 200 101 42210 01 329.02 Pager Repairs 200 200 10142210 01 329.03 Hand Held Repairs 300 300 101 42210 01 329.04 Mobile Repairs 300 300 101 42210 01 331.00 Travel Expense 4,613 1,609 3,677 7,400 101 42210 01 331.01 Minnesota Chief's Conference 1,100 1,500 101 42210 01 331.02 Fire Department Association 900 900 101 4221001 331.03 Outside Schools, 5,800 5,000 1014221001 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 545 475 1,214 1,200 101 4221001 433.01 Capital City 35 35 101 42210 01 433.02 VFBA Insurance 160 260 101 42210 01 433.03 State Fire 170 200 101 42210 01 433.04 State Chiefs 250 250 101 42210 01 433.05 DCFC 30 40 101 42210 01 433.06 WAKOTA Mutual Aid 20 30 101 42210 01 433.07 ' Purchasing Consortium 35 50 101 42210 01 433.08 , NFPA 100 185 10142210 01.433.09 MN Ass'n Fire Marshals - 100 150 Fire Marshal Dues 101 42210 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 405 405 519 700 101 42210 01 437.01 State Fire Conference 400 400 101 42210 01 437.02 State Chiefs Conference 300 300 101 42210 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 981 860 1,293 1,200 101 42210 01 439.01 Food & Coffee 190 190 101 4221001 439.02 Extinguisher 400 400 101 4221001 439.03 Plaques 20 20 101 42210 01 439.04 Paint 50 50 101 4221001 439.05 Station Needs 540 540 101 42210 01 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 10,136 22,721 15,708 15,000 101 4221001 580.01 Bunker Gear (9) 9,000 9,000 101 42210 01 580.02 Pagers (6) 3,000 3,000 101 4221001 580.03 Hose Replacement 2,000 2,000 101 42210 01 580.04 Replace Damaged Items 1,000 1,000 101 42210 01 581.00 Other Equipment Purchases 18,450 1,767 0 0 0 PAGE TOTALS $41,108 $167,640 $163,138 $172,200 $168,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $199,755 .$264,488 $255,835 $265,500 $269,100 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed , Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41940 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $42,195 $44,990 $46,600 $48,400 $59,400 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41940 79 101.00 Maintenance 59,400 101 41940 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 4,055 3,592 2,214 4,000 4,000 101 4194001 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 12,299 10,551 9,604 17,000 17,000 Cleaning Supplies, Towels, etc. 101 4194001 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 4,499 4,139 4,899 4,000 4,500 101 41940 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 0 257 652 500 500 Trees & Shrubs 101 4194001 241.00 Small Tools 458 0 366 200 200 Hand Tools, Bits, Blades, etc. 101 4194001 242.00 Minor Equipment 2,125 332 1,060 2,000 2,000 Carpet Cleaner Replacement 101 4194001 302.00 Architects' Fees 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Estimates 101 4194001 318.00 Contract Engineer 4,958 2,438 1,500 1,000 2;000 Contracted Engineer for City (5 %) 101 4194001 319.00 Other Professional Services 15,977 23,769 31,467 25,000 101 4194001 319.01 Elevator Maintenance 1,000 1,000 101 4194001 319.02 Heating /Cooling Maint Contract 5,000 5,000 101 41940 01 319.03 Annual Boiler Inspections 1,500 1,500 101 4194001 319.04 Pest Control 500 1,500 101 4194001 319.05 Fire Extinguishers 1,000 1,000 101 41940 01 319.06 Fire Suppression System Check 1,000 1,000 101 4194001 319.07 Janitorial Service -New Fire Station 3,500 3,500 101 4194001 319.08 Janitorial Service-P.W. Building 7,800 10,500 101 41940 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 374 0 0 0 0 101 41940 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 33,199 48,680 44,107 40,000 45,000 101 4194001 383.00 Gas Utilities 38,710 35,900 44,612 40,000 45,000 101 4194001 384.00 Refuse Disposal 21,203 25,618 24,025 35,000 101 41940 01 384.01 General Buildings & Parks 20,000 20,000 Added Parks 101 4194001 384.02 Recycling/Cleanup 15,000 15,000 2 Cleanup Days per Year 101 41940 01 389.00 Other Utility Services 3,219 3,689 3,800 3,000 3,800 Floor Mats - Monthly Charges 101 41940 01 401.00 Contracted Building Repairs 14,375 15,951 11,685 21,000 101 41940 01 401.01 Electrical Repairs 1,500 1,500 101 41940 01 401.02 Siren Replacement Program 10,000 10,000 101 4194001 401.03 Miscellaneous Repairs 13,500 9,500 101 41940 01 415.00 Other Equipment Rental 146 105 1,234 1,000 1,000 Scaffolding, Cleaners 101 41940 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Contingencies 101 41940 01 601.00 Bond Principal 29,053 31,474 33,895 36,400 38,800 MSABC Payment (2/1) 101 41940 01 611.00 Bond Interest 60,545 58,744 53,142 54,600 52,300 MSABC Payments (2/1 & 8/1) 101 41940 01 621.00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 390 0 585 400 600 PAGE TOTALS $287,780 $310,229 $315,449 $335,800 $359,100 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $287,780 $310,229 $315,449 $335,800 $359,100 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FLEET MAINTENANCE July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments , All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 43100 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $120,844 $128,776 $132,369 $128,300 $141,700 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 43100 77 101.00 Administrative 9,700 101 43100 79 101.00 Maintenance 132,000 10143100 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 5,596 2,159 5,799 7,500 7,500 101 43100 01 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 711 912 548 1,000 1,000 Shop & Vehicles 101 43100 01 212.00 Motor Fuels 59,689 58,541 65,730 75,000 77,000 101 43100 01 213.00 Lubricants & Additives 2,596 5,062 2,566 5,500 5,500 101 43100 01 215.00 Shop Materials 17,412 16,649 15,714 20,500 20,500 101 43100 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 84,588 81,783 86,235 87,000 88,000 101 43100 01 222.00 Tires 9,126 12,279 12,474 20,000 16,000 101 4310001 241.00 Small Tools 4,024 3,784 4,262 4,000 4,000 101 43100 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 3,857 1,460 6,163 6,000 6,000 101 4310001 318.00 Contract Engineer 5,915 4,913 3,000 1,500 3,000 Contracted Engineer for City(10 %o) 101 43100 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 0 0 101 43100 01 323.00 Radio Units 737 0 1,999 2,000 2,000 Repair /Replace Units 101 43100 01 331.00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 0 0 101 43100 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 718 0 0 0 0 101 43100 01 384.00 Refuse Disposal 1,518 323 190 500 500 Shop Hazardous Waste 101 43100 01 394.00 P.S. Software Purchases 252 1,063 0 500 500 General Software Support 101 43100 01 404.00 Contracted Mach & Equip Repairs 17,304 27,396 32,136 35,000 35,000 101 43100 01 416.00 Machinery Rental 0 539 252 1,000 1,000 101 4310001 417.00 Uniforms Rental 118 118 118 0 0 101 43100 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 0 100 0 0 0 101 43100 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 0 200 200 101 4310001 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 165 0 75 1,000 1,000 PAGE TOTALS $335,171 $345,857 ^ $369,629 $396,500 _ $410,400 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $335,171 $345,857 $369,629 $396,500 $410,400 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE July 14, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 43121 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $332,520 $343,584 $392,557 $384,500 $491,000 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 43121 77 101.00 Administrative 29,100 101 43121 78 101.00 Technical /Clerical 85,800 101 43121 79 101.00 Maintenance 376,100 101 43121 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 13,931 9,337 12,298 16,000 16,000 Maintenance 101 43121 99 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 14,139 11,971 12,469 15,000 15,000 101 43121 01 201.00 Office Accessories 61 192 0 700 700 101 43121 01 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 298 19 1,658 4,200 101 43121 01 203.01 R/W Permit & Inspection Forms 500 500 101 43121 01 203.02 Work Orders 200 200 101 43121 01 203.03 City Specification Books 3,500 3,500 101 43121 01 205.00 Drafting Supplies 1,790 1,313 1,014 2,100 101 43121 01 205.01 Paper for Plan Reproductions 900 900 101 43121 01 205.02 Off -Site Reproductions 450 450 101 43121 01 205.03 Film & Developing 200 200 101 43121 01 205.04 Miscellaneous Tools 450 550 Inspection Equipment 101 43121 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 61 18 82 200 500 Door Tags 101 43121 01 216.00 Chemical & Chemical Products 13,861 12,914 32,183 25,000 35,000 De -Icing Chemicals (Salt) 101 43121 01 224.00 Street Maintenance Materials 514 1,078 674 1,500 101 43121 01 224.01 Paint 500 500 101 43121 01 224.02 Mail Boxes 500 500 101 43121 01 224.03 Light Bulbs/Lenses 500 500 101 43121 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 547 962 1,147 6,300 101 43121 01 225.01 Sod 3,000 3,000 101 43121 01 225.02 Seed 300 300 101 4312101 225.03 Black Dirk 2,000 2,000 101 43121 01 225.04 Trees 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 226.00 Sign Repair Materials 6,362 2,701 8,350 5,000 7,500 101 4312101 231.00 Bituminous Patching Materials 17,826 30,273 25,684 27,000 27,000 101 43121 01 232.00 Crushed Rock 19,046 23,397 24,761 25,000 25,000 101 4312101 233.00 Dust Control Materials 24,095 24,141 24,686 25,000 25,000 101 43121 01 234.00 De -Icing Sand 8,543 10,266 10,136 12,000 12,000 101 43121 01 235.00 Shouldering Gravel 1,681 1,461 2,488 3,000 3,000 101 43121 01 241.00 Small Tools 895 738 1,342 1,000 1,000 Shovels, Brooms, etc. 101 43121 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 4,342 2,149 2,823 6,500 3,000 Safety Equipment 101 43121 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 15,138 7,312 20,537 8,500 8,500 General Non - Project Related 101 43121 01 304.00 Legal Fees 13 3,742 2,528 2,000 2,000 Appeals of Closed Projects 101 43121 01 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 204 415 207 600 600 Employment Physicals 101 4312101 310.00 Testing Services 0 0 0 1,200 1,200 101 43121 01 318.00 Contract Engineer 0 9,750 6,000 3,000 6,000 Contracted Engineer for City(20 %) 101 43121 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 402 806 568 1,500 1,500 Random Drug Testing 101 4312101 321.00 Telephone Costs 3,209 2,865 2,266 3,000 3,000 Cellular Phones & Pagers 101 43121 01 324.00 Messenger Services 0 5 0 100 100 101 4312101 331.00 Travel Expense 8 20 5 1,000 1,000 APWA & Miscellaneous 101 43121 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 1,673 1,878 501 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 95,210 93,510 105,575 110,000 101 43121 01 381.01 Street Lights 100,000 100,000 101 4312101 381.02 Signal Lights & Sirens 10,000 10,000 101 43121 01 384,00 Refuse Disposal 351 301 201 2,600 101 43121 01 384.01 Hazardous Waste Disposal 1,000 1,000 101 4312101 384.02 Roadside Garbage 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 384.03 Tree Disposal 600 600 101 43121 01 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 3,522 1,169 2,500 10,700 101 43121 01 391.01 Gopher State One -Call 2,200 2,200 101 43121 01 391.02 State Aid 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 391.03 Pavement Management Syst Supp 5,000 7,500 101 43121 01 392.00 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 14 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 394.00 P.S. Software Purchases 1,841 0 0 600 5,000 General Software Support PAGE TOTALS 582,096 598,288 695,241 703,200 829,000 Page Two 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43121 01 402.00 Street Seal Coating 36,646 61,153 136,226 135,000 0 Moved to Street CIP - Part of 101 43121 01 402.00 General Seal Coating 0 Pavement Management Program 101 43121 01 403.00 Contracted Repair & Maintenance 0 1,983 5,472 29,500 101 4312101 403.01 Street Lights 6,000 28,500 Repair 9 Street Lights (Annually) 101 43121 01 403.02 Signal Lights 500 500 101 43121 01 403.03 Light Replacements 500 500 101 43121 01 405.00 Street Striping 13,214 22,229 14,084 30,000 30,000 101 43121 01 406.00 Street Sweeping 2,462 6,102 5,491 10,000 10,000 101 43121 01 407.00 Bituminous Overlays 45,000 26,204 0 0 0 101 43121 01 408.00 Street Crack Sealing 10,000 16,808 33,332 35,000 35,000 101 43121 01 409.00 Tree Trimming 6,342 8,476 4,703 10,000 10,000 101 43121 01 410.00 Concrete Sidewalk/Curb Repairs 4,316 6,006 133,374 133,000 101 43121 01 410.01 General Repairs 8,000 8,000 101 43121 01 410.02 Pedestrian Improvements 125,000 125,000 101 43121 01 411.00 Snow Removal- Community Center 8,398 5,496 7,215 12,000 12,000 101 43121 01 415.00 Equipment Rental 4,047 4,100 0 30,000 45,000 Paver Rental 101 43121 01 416.00 Snow Plow Loader Rental 18,202 8,890 9,260 0 0 101 43121 01 418.00 Snow Plow Rental 1,251 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 420.00 Truck Rentals /Sidewalk Blower 2,423 6,922 1,820 0 0 101 43121 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 830 796 961 900 101 43121 01 433.01 American Public Works Ass'n ' 225 225 (APWA) 101 43121 01 433.02 Request for Mutual Aid Assn 10 10 (RMAA) 101 43121 01 433.03 City Engineers' Association 150 150 101 43121 01433.04 Professional Secretaries 90 90 101 43121 01 433.05 MN Society for Professional Engineers 300 300 (MSPE) 101 43121 01 433.06 American Society of Civil Engineers 125 125 (ASCE) 101 43121 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 163 221 131 800 101 4312101 435.01 MUTCD 200 200 101 43121 01 435.02 MN Dot Updates 600 600 101 43121 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 664 3,071 1,303 4,000 101 43121 01 437.01 APWA 1,050 1,050 101 43121 01 437.02 Computer Training 500 500 101 43121 01 437.03 Clerical 150 150 101 43121 01 437.04 Gravel Road Maintenance 150 150 101 43121 01 437.05 City Management Training 500 500 101 43121 01 437.06 CEAM 500 500 101 43121 01 437.07 MN Pavement Management 400 400 101 43121 01 437.08 MN Dot 300 300 101 43121 01 437.09 Miscellaneous Training 450 450 Safety Training 101 43121 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 200 25 5 2,000 2,000 7/00 Rain Storm -FEMA Reimb 101 43121 01 570.00 Office Equipment & Furnishings 0 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 601.00 Principal on Lease Payments 0 0 0 0 13,500 2003 L/P for Snowblower for Trails 101 43121 01 611.00 Interest on Lease Payments 0 0 0 0 3,100 2003 L/P for Snowblower for Trails PAGE TOTALS $154,158 $178,482 $353,377 $409,700 $328,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $736,254 $776,769 $1,048,618 $1,112,900 - $1,157,800 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS &GROUNDS MAINTENANCE July 14, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of Yµ 101 45202 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $230,663 $273,232 $259,401 $302,600 $387,000 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 45202 77 101.00 Administrative 9,700 101 45202 79 101.00 Maintenance 377,300 101 45202 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 8,575 1,820 2,655 14,000 14,000 101 45202 99 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 14,932 14,901 12,434 15,000 15,000 101 4520201 205.00 Drafting Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 101 45202 01 216.00 Chemical & Chemical Products 20,529 13,734 13,141 29,000 101 4520201 216.01 Herbicides(General Park Use) 15,000 12,000 101 4520201 216.02 Fertilizer 10,000 17,000 101 4520201 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 8,067 5,556 9,105 12,000 101 45202 01 219.01 Seed, Sod, etc. 3,000 3,000 101 45202 01 219.02 Red Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc. 6,000 6,000 101 4520201 219.03 Repair Supplies 3,000 3,000 Bloomfield & Birch Parks Online 101 4520201 221.00 Equipment Parts 5,318 11,074 10,528 12,000 101 45202 01 221.01 Playground Equipment Repair 2,500 2,500 101 4520201 221.02 Irrigation Repair(Non- Contract) 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 221.03 Miscellaneous(Player Benches) 2,500 2,500 101 4520201 221.04 Park Sign Replacements 5,500 5,500 New Park Signs 101 45202 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 2,308 3,240 5,245 10,000 101 4520201 223.01 Paint, Stain, etc. 1,500 1,500 101 4520201 223.02 Shingles, Boards, etc. 2,000 2;000 101 45202 01 223.03 Miscellaneous 1,500 1,500 Caulk, Hardware, etc. 101 4520201 223.04 Shelter /Shed Repairs 5,000 5,000 101 45202 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 3,505 3,020 1,370 5,000 101 4520201 225.01 Trees, Shrubs, Sod, etc. 2,500 2,500 101 4520201 225.02 Timbers, Fence, etc. 2,500 2,500 101 45202 01 226.00 Sign Repair Materials 0 0 0 500 500 101 4520201 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 3,478 3,545 1,540 4,000 4,000 Paint, Chalk, Bases, Field Dry, etc 101 45202 01 241.00 Small Tools 4,198 1,347 2,786 2,500 2,500 Hand Tools, Blades, Bits, etc. 101 4520201 242.00 Minor Equipment 1,401 1,217 2,585 2,500 2,500 Safety Equipment 101 45202 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 0 19 0 0 0 101 45202 01 305.00 Medical and Dental Fees 0 0 207 0 0 101 4520201 318.00 Contract Engineer 2,958 2,438 1,375 1,000 2,000 Contracted Engineer for City (5 %) 101 45202 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 417 1,075 1,532 500 500 Cellular Phone Bills 101 45202 01 323.00 Radio Units 0 0 0 500 500 Walkie - Talkies 101 45202 01 331_00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 100 100 Seminars & Workshops 101 45202 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 389 0 0 0 0 101 45202 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 9,765 10,975 12,811 15,000 101 45202 01 381.01 Skating Rinks 6,000 6,000 101 45202 01 381:02 Softball Fields 6,000 6,000 101 45202 01 381.03 Irrigation 3,000 3,000 101 4520201 383.00 Gas Utilities 2,023 1,550 2,200 3,000 3,000 101 45202 01 403.00 Contracted Repair & Maintenance 3,342 7,036 2,570 8,000 101 4520201 403.01 Irrigation Repairs 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 403.02 Electrical Repairs 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 403.03 Miscellaneous Repairs 5,000 5,000 Bloomfield & Birch Parks Online 101 45202 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 4,124 2,950 0 8,000 8,000 Chemical Lawn Services 101 45202 01 416.00 Machinery Rental 11,390 11,890 11,878 15,000 101 4520201 416.01 Mower Leases 14,000 14,000 101 45202 01 416.02 Miscellaneous Rentals 1,000 1,000 101 45202 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 25 10 45 200 101 45202 01 433.01. ' Memberships - MRPA 100 100 101 45202 01 433.02 Miscellaneous Dues 100 100 101 45202 01 435.00 Books "& Pamphlets 0 0 0 100 100 101 45202 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 474 417 662 500 101 45202 01 437.01 Seminars & Workshops 300 300 101 45202 01 437.02 School & Tuition 200 200 101 45202 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 + $337,879 0 0 200 200 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS $371,043 $354,072 $457,300 $546,700 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $337,879 $371,043 $354,072 $457,300 $546,700 Page One ' 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION July 14, 2004 Account # Description 101 45100 101.00 Salaries & Benefits 101 45100 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 101 45100 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 101 4510008 103.00 P/T Secretary 101 45100 10 103.00 P/T Receptionist 101 4510012 103.00 Building Attendants 101 4510015 103.00 P/T Senior Activity Coordinator 101 4510083 10100 Playground Recreation Leaders 101 45100 94 103.00 Warming House Attendants 101 45100 99 103.00 Park & Rec Committee 101 4510001 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 101 45100 01 205.00 Drafting Supplies 101 4510001 207.00 Training .& Instructional Supplies 101 4510001 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 45100 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 101 45100 01 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 101 4510001 216.00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 101 4510001 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 101 45100 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 101 45100 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 101 45100 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 101 4510001 303.00 Engineering Fees 101 45100 01 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 101 4510001 312.00 Contract Inspection Fees 101 45100 01 315.00 Special Programs 101 45100 01 315.01 Sunday Night Specials 101 45100 01 315.02 Leprechaun Days 101 45100 01 315.03 Halloween 101 45100 01 315.04 Ground Pounders(Running) 101 45100 01 315.05 Nature Programs (Arbor Day, etc.) 101 45100 01 315.06 Puppet Programs 101 4510001 315.07 Special Events 101 4510001 315.08 Adopt -A -Park Program 101 45100 01 315.09 Miscellaneous Programs 101 45100 01 315.10 ADA Programs 101 45100 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 101 45100 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 101 4510001 331.00 Travel Expense , 101 4510001 341.00 Employment Advertising 101 45100 01 349.00 Other Advertising 101 45100 01 349.01 Brochures 101 4510001 349.02 Yellow Pages 101 45100 01 349.03 Special Marketing , 101 4510001 381.00 Electric Utilities 101 45100 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 101 45100 01 384.00 Refuse Disposal 101 45100 01 401.00 Contracted Building Repairs 101 45100'01 404.00 Contracted Mach & Equip Repairs 101 45100 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 101 45100 01 412.00 Building Rental 101 45100 01 415.00 Other Equipment Rental 101 45100 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 101 45100 01 433.01 MRPA Dues 101 45100 01 433.02 Miscellaneous 101 45100 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 101 45100 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 101 45100 01 437.01 MRPA State Conference 101 45100 01 437.02 MIAMA State Conference 101 45100 01 437.03 Workshops, Schools, & Tuition 101 4510001 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 4510001 580.00 Other Equipment,Purchases PAGE TOTALS General Operating DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments $658,896 $685,102 $814,625 $861,400 $936,800 $658,896 All Salary Costs Inclusive of _N $357,994 $366,523 $392,557 $521,500 $594,200 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 5,801 10,920 11,770 4,700 4,700 101,190 130,749 118,400 31,908 35,200 0 Moved Above to Full -Time 22,625 28,400 29,200 81,185 33,000 33,000 0 0 24,200 New Position /Program 19,070 16,500 16,500 8,272 13,000 13,000 1,912 2,500 2,500 0 0 268 0 0 932 1,196 215 1,000 1,000 Film, Developing & Laminating 113 65 0 200 200 Books, Tapes, etc. 314 479 576 500 500 Meeting Supplies 1,029 1,050 1,622 1,200 1,600 Envelopes, Forms, Rulers, etc. 4,239 4,350 5,846 5,500 5,500 1,203 586 924 1,500 1,500 4,221 3,348 5,208 4,500 6,000 Rec Programs, 1 st Aid Sup, etc. 4,153 4,823 5,560 9,500 9,500 New Chairs 3,159 7,422 4,624 5,500 5,500 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 153 0 0 159 405 374 800 800 Employment Physicals 6,250 7,913 5,969 6,500 6,500 Custodial Services- Banquet Rm 5,327 8,316 6,935 10,700 2,500 2,500 Performances 500 600 Trophies & Awards 500 500 Supplies 400 400 Ribbons & Mailings 2,000 2,000 Trees 500 500 Tapes, Fuses, Puppets, etc. 1,000 1,000 Publicity & Supplies 1,400 1,400 Flyers, Trees, Signs 500 1,000 Start Up Costs 400 800 ADA Program Supplies 1,939 474 347 1,500 2,500 ADA Services /Eng.LA Sery Test 2,480 1,950 1,736 3,100 3,100 Pagers & Cellular Phones 114 61 16 500 500 2,824 2,165 2,092 2,800 2,800 General Employment Ads 17,163 19,249 20,473 23,800 16,500 18,000 City Newsletter 3,400 3,400 Rec Ads 2,400 2;400 New Program Flyers 19,275 17,145 19,948 26,000 26,000 26,744 20,379 23,465 28,600 28,600 4,352 3,494 3,783 4,000 4,000 8,305 7,194 13,655 8,000 10,000 6,301 7,585 8,702 6,000 8,000 25,320 18,424 18,948 17,000 20,000 Air Handler Maintenance Contract 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 Monthly Rent Payments to Guard 11,511 12,567 14,135 18,000 18,000 Portable Toilets & Other Rentals 1,362 1,134 2,684 1,500 1,100 1,100 Minn Recreation & Parks Ass'n 400 400 Paper, Magazines, JC Dues, etc. 0 0 50 100 100 1,911 2,536 497 4,500 1,500 2,000 300 300 2,200 2,200 16,413 5,798 59,667 0 0 Donation Account 0 0 0 0 0 $658,896 $685,102 $814,625 $861,400 $936,800 $658,896 $685,102 $814,625 $861,400 $936,800 Page Two r 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION July 14, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments $91,900 101 4510071 Promise Program $0 $11,680 $2,584 $0 $0 101 4510081 Softball $40,299 $38,728 $44,322 $40,000 $40,000 101 4510082 Volleyball 2,393 841 575 900 900 10145100 84 Tennis 758 552 956 800 800 101 4510085 Tiny Tots 20,255 20,432 16,419 19,000 19,000 101 45100 86 Pom Poms 2,597 2,653 988 3,000 3,000 101 45100 87 Field Trips 2,042 2,692 2,878 2,800 2,800 101 45100 88 Broomball 600 0 0 0 0 101 4510089 Skating Lessons 91 0 0 400 400 101 4510090 Fun Runs 2,965 2,967 2,902 1,800 2,800 101 4510091 Summer Camps 3,622 1,124 3,884 3,000 4,000 101 4510092 Adult Basketball 701 159 74 1,900 1,900 '101 4510093 Other Programs 4,992 6,247 6,487 5,500 6,500 101 4510095 T -Ball 5,931 3,866 5,546 3,500 5,000 101 45100 96 Teen Night 4,771 5,746 4,861 4,800 4,800 101 4510098 Soccer 0 0 0 0 0 92,015 97,687 92,475 87,400 91,900 101 4510071 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 0 11,680 2,584 0 0 101 4510081 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 21,562 23,956 24,270 24,300 24,300 101 45100 81 219.00 Operating Supplies 8,787 6,914 8,098 11,000 11,000 101 4510081 311.00 Officiating Fees 6,622 5,038 8,579 0 0 101 4510081 319.00 Other Professional Services 3,328 2,820 3,374 4,700 4,700 101 45100 82 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 609 0 0 0 0 101 45100 82 219.00 Operating Supplies 756 841 575 900 900 101 45100 82 311.00 Officiating Fees 932 0 0 0 0 101 45100 82 319.00 Other Professional Services 96 0 0 0 0 101 45100 84 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 720 507 904 650 650 101 45100 84 219.00 Operating Supplies 38 45 51 150 150 101 45100 85 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 19,500 19,516 15,131 18,000 18,000 101 45100 85 219.00 Operating Supplies 754 916 1,288 1,000 1,000 101 45100 86 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 1,427 1,265 623 2,200 2,200 101 45100 86 219.00 Operating Supplies 1,170 1,388 365 800 800 101 45100 87 219.00 Operating Supplies 2,042 2,692 2,878 2,800 2,800 101 45100 88 219.00 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 88 311.00 Officiating Fees 600 0 0 0 0 101 45100 89 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 91 0 0 400 400 101 45100 89 219.00 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 90 219.00 Operating Supplies 2,965 2,967 2,902 1,800 2,800 101 45100 91 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 1,646 0 1,969 1,000 2,000 101 45100 91 219.00 Operating Supplies 1,975 1,124 1,915 2,000 2,000 101 45100 92 219.00 Operating Supplies 701 159 74 1,900 1,900 101 45100 93 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 0 0 2,109 2,000 2,000 101 45100 93 219.00 Operating Supplies 4,992 6,247 4,377 3,500 4,500 101 45100 95 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 4,161 2,778 4,341 2,500 4,000 101 45100 95 219.00 Operating Supplies 1,770 1,088 1,205 1,000 1,000 101 45100 96 219.00 Operating Supplies 4,771 5,746 4,861 4,800 4,800 101 45100 98 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 98 219.00 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 SPECIAL PROGRAM TOTALS 92,015 97,687 92,475 87,400 91,900 GRAND TOTAL - PARK & REC $750,910 $782,789 $907,100 $948,800 $1,028,700 Total Levy - Year 2005 2,031,600 " "` Proposed Lease - Purchase for large equipment needs (coincides with 2 lease- purchases being paid off in 2005 and 2006). (1) Ice -edger & painting funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Funding for the New Fire Station #2 ($1,500,000), City Hall Expansion ($700,000) & PW Building Expansion ($1,000,000) will come from a general bond issue. (3) Funding for Athletic Complex land purchase unknown at this time. (4) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from regular SKB User Fees ($100,000) and excess SKB Trust Funds ($100,000). (5) Rehab areas include (1) 146th - Chippendale to Cameo; (2) Chianti - 145th to Lower 1471h; (3) Canada - 145th to 147th; (4) Lower 147th - Chili to Canada; (5) Chili - 147th to Lower 147th; (6) 147th - Chippendale to Chili; (7) Dodd Court - Dodd Boulevard to West End; (8) Danbury Way - McAndrews to McAndrews (Whole Loop). "Also includes $135,000(Moved from Street Maintenance Budget - Fund 101) for Sealcoating Program." (6) Funding for Evermoor Lift Station & Outlet will come from a Storm Water Revenue bond issue. ■ MSA Funds Priority Building Street E ui nt Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Total Year Level Item - Description Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Assess Fund State Core Core Core utility utility Utility Donations Other Cost 2005 2 Battery Powered Ice-Edger Arena 5,000 5,000 2005 . 2 Paint Ceiling and Duct Work Arena 15,000 15,000 2005 2 1995 Lease - Purchase 10 -Years Council 50,800 50,800 2005 2 1996 Lease - Purchase 10- Years Council _ 64,900 64,900 2005 2 2001 Lease- Purchase 10- Years) Council 115,400 115,400 20051 1 Fire Station #2; City Hall & PW Bldg Expansion Council _ 3,200,000 3,200,000 2005 2 PC Printer Replacements From 1999 & 2000) Finance 20,000 20,000 2005 2 PC Workstation Upgrades From 2001 Finance 70,000 70,000 2005 2 AED Unit Defibulator Fire 5,000 5,000 2005 2 Refurbish Unit #3590 14 Years Old Fire 25,000 25,000 2005 1 Tanker Addition Fire " "` 190,000 190,000 2005 2 Rescue Pumper Truck (Replace old Rescue Fire ..` 360.0001 350.,000 2005 2 Replace Camfieid Park Shelter Park & Rec 24,000 24,000 2005 1 New Neighborhood Park Built (N -1 ) Park & Rec 1 350,000 350,000 20051 2 Land Purchase for Athletic Complex Park & Rec 1 2,500,000 2,500,000 2005 2 Ticket Writer Software& Printers Police 10,000 10,000 2005 3 Video /Audio Recording for Confllnterview Room Police 5,000 5,000 2005 3 Police Computer Inventory Needs _ _ Police 5,000 5,000 2005 3 Video Cameras for 3 Squads Police 15,000 15,000 2005 1 Emergency Equipment for Squads & installation q Police _ 7,500 7,500 2005 1 2 Squads (Sell Back 1- #2110 - 1 New Unmarked ) Police 40,000 40,000 2005 2 PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch Yr 7 of 20) Pub Works 24,000 _ 10,000 10,000 44,000 20051 2 County Road 38 TH 3 to Railroad Tracks Pub Works 250,000 250,000 2005 2 Street Rehabilitation Pro See Below Pub Works 1,300,000 200,000 1,500,000 2005 1 Connemara Trail Overpass Construction Pub Works 2,000,000 2,000,000 2005 1 Dual Broom Swee er (Replace #443 Pub Works `.` 120,000 120,000 2005 2 Dump Truck (Replace #430 Pub Works " "` 120,000 120,000 2005 2 Dump Truck (Addition) Pub Works "`.` 120,000 - 120,000 2005 2 Loader (Replace #419 Pub Works ` " "` 200,000 .200,000 2005 1 Paint Connemara Tower & Structural Repairs Pub Works 500,000 500,000 2005 2 Jetter Truck Replace #435) Pub Works 1 70,000 70,000 140,000 20051 1 Evermoor Lift Station & Outlet Storm CIP 14 Pub Works 550,000 550,000 Totals 48,000 1,550,000 433,fi00 350,000 2,000,000 550,000 510,000 80,000 70 000 7,020,000 12,611,600 Page One a 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE - REVENUES July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 206 31010.00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $190,000 $200,000 $210,000 $225,000 $255,000 206 33100.00 Federal Grants & Aids 0 0 0 0 0 206 36210.00 Interest Earnings - Investments 22,831 16,599 8,735 10,000 10,000 206 36214.00 Net Change in FV- Investments 0 1,134 0 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 206 36215.00 Interest Earnings 504 233 240 200 200 206 36260.00 Other Revenue 23,392 - ----- - --- 24,451 30,749 20,800 20,800 Insurance Refunds /Dividends FUND TOTALS - --_ 236,727 242,417 249,724 256,000 --- 286,000 INSURANCE - EXPENDITURES 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 206 49006 01 221.00 Equipment Parts $1,149 $901 $1,096 $2,000 $2,000 Liability & Auto Deductible Pymts 206 49006 01 304.00 Legal Fees 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 Unreimbursable Legal Fees 206 49006 01 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 10,478 1,803 3,489 15,000 15,000 Work Comp Deductible Pymts 206 49006 01 317.00 General Fund Administrative Fees 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Yearly Fee Per Policy F -3 206 49006 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 15,900 24,100 23,010 25,000 25,000 Risk Management Consultant 206 49006 01 365.00 Worker's Compensation Insurance 37,339 60,199 77,887 65,000 80,000 Annual Premium 20649006 01 369.00 Other insurance 113,442 126,137 141,688 135,000 150,000 Annual Premium - General Liability 20.6 49006 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 6,630 1,529 11,445 9,000 9,000 Liability & Auto Deductible Pymts 206 49006 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 30,663 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS - 187,438 247,831 261,114 256,000�W 286,000 NOTE: Levy of $255,000 covers costs for consultant fees and all insurance premiums. All other expenditures covered through interest earnings and insurance refunds /dividends. Page One 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS All Salary Costs Inclusive of 201 46300 101 Salaries & Benefits $0 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS $0 $0 $0 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 201 46300 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 0 0 PORT AUTHORITY - REVENUES 0 0 201 46300 99 103.00 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits 3,884 5,037 July 14, 2004 5,000 5,000 Port Authority Members 201 46300 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 700 256 0 5,000 5,000 201 4630001 304.00 Legal Fees 2004 2005 Object 2005 25,000 25,000 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 201 31010.00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $100,000 Operating Levy 201 31050.00 Tax Increments 0 0 0 01 0 Admin Fees Portion Only 201 33130.00 Federal Grants -CDBG 0 122,000 13,403 0 0 201 46300 01 315.04 Downtown Design Standards 201 33425.00 Other State Grants & Aids 0 22,800 0 50,000 0 LCDA Downtown Grant 201 34109.00 Other Charges for Services 0 4,684 0 0 201 4630001 317.00 General Fund Administrative Fees 0 6,000 201 36105.00 Principal on Notes 73,834 96,083 433,041 40,400 46,273 41,000 Blake L/T Lease 201 36210.00 Interest Earnings - Investments 8,451 6,248 5,002 5,300 4,800 Interest Earned on CD's 201 36211.00 Interest Earnings - Loch 6,124 5,312 1,966 0 0 0 Paid Off in 2003 201 36212.00 Interest Earnings - Blake 29,479 16,873 8,066 7,000 4,000 7,000 Blake L/T Lease Interest 201 36215.00 Interest Earnings 278 305 286 300 200 Checking Interest & Misc 20136230.00 Contributions/Donations 0 0 0 0 11,000 0 201 4630001 351.00 Legal Notices Publishing 201 36260.00 Other Revenue 235 607 16,000 0 0 0 201 36265.00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 75,700 201 46300 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 0 443 201 39101.00 Sales of General Fixed Assets 0 0 0 0 3,332 0 2,139 4,000 FUND TOTALS $118,401 $274,913 $477,764 $178,700 89 115 500 - EXPENDITURES Business Park Sign 201 4630001 383.00 Gas Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 201 46300 01 389.00 Other Utility Services 290 265 2004 2005 Object 2005 1,000 Stormwater Fees 201 46300 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Prof Organizations /Journals Account # Descriotion Actual Actual Actual Sudoet Amount Rudnpt r­m. f� 201 46300 01 710.00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS All Salary Costs Inclusive of 201 46300 101 Salaries & Benefits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 201 46300 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 201 46300 99 103.00 Part -Time Salaries & Benefits 3,884 5,037 3,189 5,000 5,000 Port Authority Members 201 46300 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 700 256 0 5,000 5,000 201 4630001 304.00 Legal Fees 23,035 22,152 6,580 25,000 25,000 201 46300 01 313.00 Temporary Service Fees 0 0 361 0 0 201 46300 01 315.00 Special Programs - Downtown 46,273 22,855 0 201 4630001 315.01 Downtown Planning Consultant 1,190 50,000 0 201 46300 01 315.02 Downtown Communications Plan 0 5,000 0 201 46300 01 315.03 Downtown Ombudsman 0 7,000 0 201 46300 01 315.04 Downtown Design Standards 9,556 10,000 0 201 46300 01 315.05 Downtown Market Study Update 0 15,000 0 201 4630001 317.00 General Fund Administrative Fees 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Yearly Fee Per Policy F -3 201 46300 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 46,273 22,855 69,362 39,000 201 46300 01 319.01 Project Management Consultant 3,013 24,000 25,000 201 46300 01 319.02 Marketing 0 12,000 10,000 201 46300 01 319.03 County TIF Charges 412 4,000 4,000 201 46300 01 322.00 Postage Costs 0 0 0 0 3,000 201 46300 01 349.00 Other Advertising 680 89 0 1,000 11,000 Additional Marketing 201 4630001 351.00 Legal Notices Publishing 0 92 0 200 200 201 46300 01 359.00 Other Printing & Binding Costs 0 0 0 0 10,000 201 46300 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 313 443 514 500 500 Commissioners 201 4630001 369.00 Other Insurance 3,332 2,701 2,139 4,000 4,000 Property Insurance ` 201 46300 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 85 89 115 500 200 Business Park Sign 201 4630001 383.00 Gas Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 201 46300 01 389.00 Other Utility Services 290 265 283 1,000 1,000 Stormwater Fees 201 46300 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,000 1,371 490 1,500 16,500 Prof Organizations /Journals 201 4630001 433.01 Professional Organizations /Journals 1,500 201 46300 01 433.02 Foreign Trade Zone Commission 15,000 201 46300 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 139 386 528 1,500 6,000 Development/TIF /Miscellaneous 201 46300 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 414 32 1,229 500 500 Contingencies 201 4630001 521.00 Building & Structure Purchases 33,915 140,674 0 0 0 201 4630001 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 30,551 1 0 9,950 0 20,100 Special Downtown Projects 201 46300 01 710.00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $196,884 $225,296 $114,911 $178,700 $153,000 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT(0080) - REVENUES July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 243 31050.00 Tax Increments $142,978 $124,297 $218,682 $220,000 $220,000 Business Park District Only 243 39101.00 Sale of General Fixed Assets 0 109,146 0 0 0 Sale of Business Park Land FUND TOTALS M$142,978 $233,443 $218,682 $220,000 _ $220,000 EXPENDITURES 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 243 49043 01 510.00 Land Purchases $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 243 49043 01 710.00 Transfers 142,978 233,443 218,682 220,000 220,000 243 49043 01 710.00 8/1/04 & 2/1/05 P/A Bond Pymts 220,000 FUND TOTALS $142,978 $233,443 $218,682 $220,000 _ $220,000 Note: All TIF proceeds going towards payment on the 1993E, 1994A and 20008 bond issues. Balance of bond payments coming from Port Authority tax levies. 1993E & 1994A bond issues called & paid off in 2003. Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ENDRES PROCESSING DISTRICT(0089) - REVENUES July 14, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 244 31050.00 Tax Increments $53,042 $31,385 $31,039 $32,000 $32,000 Endres Processing District Only 244 36215.00 Interest Earnings 595 29 0 244 36260.00 Other Revenue 5,317 0 0 FUND TOTALS _ + $58,953 $31,414 $31,039 $32,000. $32,000 EXPENDITURES 2004 2004 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed W Account #Y Description Actual -' Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 244 49044 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $0 $149,406 $31,039 $32,000 $32,000 244 49044 01 530.00 Endres Processing -Pay as You Go 32,000 FUND TOTALS $0 $149,406 $31,039$32,000 $32,000 Page One August 9, 2004 _ «Account # 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY -REVENUES- Description 2001 Actual w 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object 2005 Detail Proposed Amount Comments 601 33425.00 Other State Grants & Aids $0 $0 $1,570 $0 w Budget� $0 601 34108.00 Administrative Fees -Other Funds $35,835 $41,939 $87,127 $10,000 $10,000 5% of 5% Fees -Const Projects 601 34109.00 Other Gen'I Govt Chgs for Services 0 0 0 0 p 601 36101.00 Principal - Special Assessments 13,554 16,516 42,083 15,000 25,000 601 36102.00 Penalties & Interest - S/A 416 389 4,780 0 0 601 36210.00 Interest Earnings - Investments 92,136 51,192 45,288 50,000 50,000 601 36214.00 Net Change in FV- Investments (1,760) 20,142 (2,148) 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 601 36215.00 Interest Earnings 630 343 394 1,000 1,000 601 36220.00 Rents & Royalties 27,455 83,455 58,266 60,000 60,000 Antenna Leases 601 36260.00 Other Revenues 0 673 0 0 0 601 37110.00 Residential Water Revenues 533,176 535,667 697,730 520,000 600,000 601 37120.00 Apartment Water Revenues 37,418 33,647 36,815 40,000 40,000 601 37125.00 Institutional Water Revenues 32,550 25,472 31,120 25,000 30,000 601 37130.00 Commercial Water Revenues 75,797 40,199 50,542 50,000 50,000 601 37140.00 Industrial Water Revenues 9,705 43,187 41,836 40,000 40,000 601 37160.00 Penalties - Water Revenues 5,276 5,450 6,826 5,000 5,000 601 37165.00 Meter Maint Water Revenues 5,709 0 0 0 0 601 37170.00 Other Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 601 37180.00 Water Meter Sales Revenue 126,559 113,471 136,115 125,000 0 130,000 601 39103.00 Gain or Loss from f/A Disposal (1,623) 0 3,160 0 0 601 39203.00 Transfer From 24,598 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 1,017,431 1,011,740 1,241,505 941,000 1,041,000 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - August 9, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 601 49400 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $162,802 $175,921 $222,229 $329,600 $403,200 All Salary Costs Inclusive of Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 601 49400 77 101.00 Administrative 94,500 601 49400 78 101.00 Technical /Clerical 162,600 601 49400 79 101.00 Maintenance 146,100 601 49400 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 11,058 9,786 10,444 10,000 10,000 601 49400 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 6,234 8,697 14,228 16,000 16,000 601 49400 99 103.01 Utility Commission Wages (50%) 1,000 50% - 601; 50% - 602 601 49400 99 103.02 Maintenance Labor 15,000 100%-601 601 4940001 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 1,557 2,214 2,076 5,500 2,500 Inserts & Water Bill Statements 601 4940001 209.00 Other Office Supplies 0 0 25 500 200 Disks, Ribbons, etc. 601 49400 01 216.00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 38,482 37,433 42,372 40,000 45,000 Chlorine, Flouride, Polyphos 601 49400 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 47 0 0 700 200 Maintenance Supplies 601 4940001 220.00 Water Meter Purchases 121,027 182,000 171,902 150,000 Meters, MIU's & CU Horns 601 49400 01 220.01 For Replacements 20,000 20,000 Change -Outs for Radio Reads 601 4940001 220.02 For New Homes 120,000 130,000 601 4940001 221.00 Equipment Parts 436 0 0 0 0 601 49400 01 224.00 Street Maintenance Materials 2,558 388 133 2,000. 2,000 Patching for Breaks 601 4940001 225.00 Landscaping Materials 120 0 0 600 500 Topsoil, Seed & Sod 601 49400 01 227.00 Utility System Maintenance Supplies 2,063 1,704 6,437 2,500 2,500 Raise 6 Hydrants Per Year 601 4940001 228.00 Meter Repair Materials 0 0 0 300 300 Miscellaneous Meter Parts 601 49400 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 5,655 5,198 4,671 7,500 601 49400 01 229.01 Supplies for Hydrants 4,000 4,000 601 4940001 229.02 Valve & Curb Boxes 1,300 1,300 GV Extensions 601 49400 01 229.03 Valve Replacements (2) 2,200 2,200 Sufficient for 2 Replacements 601 49400 01 241.00 Small Tools 266 1,421 1,879 500 500 Wrenches, Shovels, etc. 601 49400 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 1,800 818 4,750 3,000 601 49400 01 242.01 Locator, GV Wrench 1,500 1,500 601 49400 01 242.02 GV Extension Wrench 1,500 1,500 601 49400 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 28,707 20,554 36,003 20,000 601 49400 01 303.01 WTP & SR Site Evaluations 5,000 7,000 601 49400 01 303.02 GIS - Update of Asbuilts 5,000 7,000 601 49400 01 303.03 Miscellaneous Fees 2,000 6,000 601 49400 01 304.00 Legal Fees 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 310.00 Testing Services 22,920 24,986 25,336 25,000 601 49400 01 310.01 Bacteria & Water Quality 2,000 2,000 Radon, Tri -Chl. 601 49400 01 310.02 V.O.C., Pesticides, etc. 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 310.03 CU -PB Testing 22,000 22,000 $5.21 /Connection per Qtr (M) 601 49400 01 312.00 Contract Inspection Fees 1,777 3,947 4,349 2,000 5,000 Gopher State One -Call (M) 601 49400 01 315.00 Special Programs 0 0 0 11,500 Wellhead Protection Plan 601 49400 01 315.01 Public Information 5,500 5,500 601 49400 01 315.02 Plan Amendments 5,000 5,000 601 49400 01 315.03 Seminars 1,000 1,000 601 4940001 318.00 Contract Engineer 0 9,750 6,000 3,000 6,000 Contracted Engineer for City(20 %) 601 4940001 319.00 Other Professional Services 8,096 5,013 11,692 9,600 601 49400 01 319.01 Thaw Pipes, Check Leaks, etc. 1,500 1,500 601 49400 01 319.02 Supervisory Controls 3,000 3,000 601 49400 01 319.03 Hazardous Chemical Permits 500 500 MN Department of Public Safety 601 49400 01 319.04 Meter Reading Charges 4,000 4,000 RMR Services 601 49400 01 319.05 Hazardous Chemical Inventory 600 600 601 49400 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 465 449 438 1,300 1,000 Lines for Telemetry 601 49400 01 322.00 Postage Costs 3,725 3,266 3,415 4,000 4,000 Billings with Inserts 601 49400 01 323.00 Radio Units 462 717 645 2,000 2,000 Replace /Repair Radios & Phones 601 49400 01 331.00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 AWWA National Seminar 601 49400 01 333.00 Freight & Express Expenses 0 0 0 100 100 Mail -in Repairs 601 49400 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 0 0 0 700 700 P/T'ers & Personnel Changes 601 49400 01 349.00 Other Advertising 0 0 0 500 500 601 49400 01 352.00 General Notices & Public Info 0 0 410 500 500 Newsletters 601 49400 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 2,215 3,333 4,107 3,000 4,500 Water's Share of Premiums 601 49400 01 369.00 Other Insurance 11,172 12,499 13,306 14,000 14,000 Water's Share of Premiums 601 49400 01 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 250 253 507 300 500 Auto Read Software Support 601 49400 01 392.00 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 6014940001 393.00 P.C. Hardware Purchases 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 394.00 P.C. Software Purchases 534 0 2,130 0 2,500 601 49400 01 395.00 P.C. Repairs 0 0 0 500 500 PAGE TOTALS 434,427 510,348 589,481 651,900 r 754,500 Page Two 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES August 9, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 601 4940001 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 0 2,863 0 3,500 3,000 601 4940001 415.00 Other Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 Moved to (416) 601 49400 01 416.00 Machinery Rental 0 533 0 4,000 4,000 601 4940001 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 523 847 686 600 800 AWWA for 2 Members 601 49400 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 362 0 0 300 300 Reference Materials 601 49400 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 948 213 1,320 1,500 601 4940001 437.01 MN Health Department School 1,000 1,000 (M) 601 49400 01 437.02 AWWA Conference 500 500 601 49400 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 2,885 2,806 6,330 4,000 6,000 DNR Annual Water Use (M) 601 49400 01 521.00 Building & Structure Purchases 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 Pymt on P.W, Building (6 of 20) 601 49400 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 16,806 90,000 601 49400 01 530.01 Annual Inspection of Wells 30,000 30,000 Each Well Done Every 7 Years 601 49400 01 530.02 Miscellaneous Improvements 30,000 30,000 601 49400 01 530.03 Meter Change Out Program 320,000 30,000 50% of Total Estimated Cost 601 49400 01 530.04 Paint Connemara Water Tower 0 500,000 601 4940001 560.00 Furniture & Fixture Purchases 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 570.00 Office Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Chair, Table 601 49400 01 586.00 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 601 49400 01 611.00 Interest on Lease Payments 5,845 5,637 5,419 0 0 P.W. Building Expansion(See 521) 601 4940001 710.00 Transfers 333,023 0 0 0 0 Transfers for Other Improvements 601- 49400 -01 TOTALS y 778,013 523,246 620,042 1,057,800 872,100 601 49403 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 1,179 767 602 1,000 1,000 601 49403 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 1,666 1,724 500 500 601 4940301 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Independent Inspections 601 49403 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 0 300 601 49403 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 7,043 5,671 9,983 7,500 7,500 Pumping & Lighting 601 4940301 383.00 Gas Utilities 761 542 696 2,000 2,000 Heat & Engine Backup 601 49403 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 1,356 0 0 25,000 25,000 Increase Pumping Capacity 601 49403 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 100 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - WELL #3 10,550 8,957 13,215 37,100 37,400 601 49406 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 0 1,000 601 4940601 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 601 49406 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 1,000 601 4940601 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 0 300 601 49406 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 0 500 Pumping & Lighting 601 49406 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 Heat Only TOTAL - EAST SIDE W/M VAULT _ 0 0� 0 0 ` 2,800 601 49407 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 150 0 1,996 500 500 601 49407 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 1,724 300 300 601 4940701 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 500 500 Independent Inspections 601 49407 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 601 49407 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 13,253 10,288 11,755 14,000 14,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 4940701 383.00 Gas Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 601 49407 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 0 753 600 600 RTU's, Pump Motor, etc. 601 49407 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 100 0 100 100 Contingencies 601 49407 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 600 0 TOTAL - WELL #7 _13,614 10,599 16,439 16,900 16,300 601 4940801 221.00 Equipment Parts 2,645 4,853 832 1,000 1,000 601 49408 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 289 0 0 100 100 601 49408'01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 100 0 0 0 601 49408 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 601 49408 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 13,464 12,768 17,375 15,000 18,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49408 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 590 407 447 800 600 Heat Only TOTAL - WELL #8 17,200 18,338 18,964 17,200 w __ 20,000 Page Three 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - August 9, 2004 » Account #. Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object 2005 Detail Proposed w Amount� Budget Comments 601 49409 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 310 108 1,411 500 500 601 4940901 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 601 49409 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 601 49409 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 601 49409 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 22,547 22,940 24,048 30,000 30,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49409 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 860 624 849 800 1,000 Heat Only 60149409 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 ~A 23,882 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - WELL #9 23,928 26,519 31,800 601 49410 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 601 49410 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 17,587 843 4,424 0 0 601 49410 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 164 100 100 601 49410 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 976 956 936 1,000 1,000 601 49410 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 6,379 8,313 8,716 7,000 9,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49410 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 531 _ 100 0 5,000 2,900 TOTAL - WELL #10 25,473 10,211 14,240 14,100 14,000 601 49411 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 400 1,245 1,000 0 601 49411 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 1,000 0 Pumping &Lighting TOTAL - W ELL #11 0 400 1,245 M 2,000 0 601 49412 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 601 49412 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 601 49412 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 1,000 601 49412 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 300 300 601 49412 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 Pumping & Lighting - 601 49412 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 0 0 0 800 1,000 Heat Only 601 49412 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - W ELL #12 0 0 0 31,800 33,000 601 49415 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 Touch -up Paint 601 49415 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 3,455 0 0 500 500 Tower Inspection 601 49415 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 601 49415 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 0 0 500 500 601 49415 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 200 200 Contingencies TOTAL -WATER TOWER #1 ~ 3,455 0 0 1,700 1,700 601 49416 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 Touch -up Paint 601 49416 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 3,482 0 0 500 500 Tower Inspection 601 49416 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 601 49416 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 1,129 761 612 1,000 1,000 601 49416 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 0 0 500 500 601 49416 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 200 200 Contingencies 601 49416 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 500 500 TOTAL - WATER TOWER #2 4,822 972 823 3,500 3,500 601 49417 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 0 0 601 49417 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 0 0 601 49417 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 '60149417 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies TOTAL - WATER TOWER #4 (Bacardi Water Tower) 601 49418 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 601 49418 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 500 500 Tower Inspection 601 49418 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 536 1,873 1,873 300 2,000 601 49418 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 317 1,821 1,757 1,000 2,000 601 49418 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 0 0 500 500 601 49418 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 200 200 Contingencies 601 49418 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 500 300 TOTAL -WATER TOWER #3 853 3,694 3,629 3,500 6,000 (East Side Water Tower) GRAND TOTAL -ALL DEPTS. 877,908 600,300 715,115 1,217,400 1,036,000 Page One August 9, 2004 Account # 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY -REVENUES- Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 2005 Object Adopted Detail Budget Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 602 33425.00 Other State Grants & Aids 0 0 930 0 0 602 34108.00 Administrative Fees -Other Funds 35,835 41,939 87,127 10,000 10,000 5% of 5% Fees -Const Projects 602 36101.00 Principal - Special Assessments 21,475 27,162 64,803 20,000 30,000 602 36102.00 Penalties & Interest- S/A 667 645 7,029 0 0 602 36210.00 Interest Earnings - Investments 83,823 67,241 69,345 55,000 55,000 602 36214.00 Net Change in FV- Investments 1,309 14,427 (18,017) 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 602 36215.00 Interest Earnings 761 443 490 1,000 1,000 602 36260.00 Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 602 37210.00 Residential Sewer Revenues 824,112 811,027 972,190 820,000 950,000 602 37220.00 Apartment Sewer Revenues 54,307 46,182 45,720 60,000 50,000 602 37225.00 Institutional Sewer Revenues 30,923 30,780 31,058 30,000 35,000 602 37230.00 Commercial Sewer Revenues 47,988 45,342 48,689 50,000 50,000 602 37240.00 Industrial Sewer Revenues 12,144 6,566 4,980 8,000 6,000 602 37260.00 Penalties - Sewer Revenues 7,894. 7,883 9,345 7,000 8,000 602 39103.00 Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal (1,228) 0 352 0 0 602 39203.00 Transfer From 14,900 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 1,134,912 1,324,041 1,061,000 1,195,000 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - August 9, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 602 49450 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $162,871 $175,855 $222,228 $329,600 $403,200 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 602 49450 77 101.00 Administrative 94,500 602 49450 78 101.00 Technical/Clerical 162,600 602 49450 79 101.00 Maintenance 146,100 60249450 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 11,058 9,786 10,444 10,000 10,000 602 49450 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 8,115 19,478 14,496 15,000 15,000 602 49450 99 103.01 Utility Commission Wages (50 %) 1,000 50% - 602; 50% - 601 602 49450 99 103.02 Maintenance Labor 14,000 100%-602 602 49450 01 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 1,442 1,284 1,385 5,500 1,500 Inserts & Water Bill Statements 602 49450 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 Disks, Ribbons, etc. 602 49450 01 216.00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 492 0 0 500 500 Root Killer, Degreaser 602 49450 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 53 0 500 200 602 49450 0.1 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 0 0 602 49450 01 224.00 Street Maintenance Materials 0 24 331 2,500 2,500 Patching 602 49450 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 0 87 1,356. 400 -400 Topsoil, Seed & Sod 602 49450 01 227.00 Utility System Maintenance Supplies 359 650 1,828 1,000 1,500 Manhole Castings 602 49450 01 241.00 Small Tools 67 127 547 500 500 Wrenches, Shovels, etc. 602 49450 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 953 841 4,187 3,006 3,000 602 49450 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 16,244 3,217 8,907 5,000 7,000 GIS - Update of Asbuilts 602 49450 01 304.00 Legal Fees 0 0 167 500 500 602 49450 01 312.00 Contract Inspection Fees 1,777 3,947 4,349 2,000 5,000 Gopher State One -Call (M) 602 49450 01 318.00 Contract Engineer 0 9,750 6,000 3,000 6,000 Contracted Engineer for City(20 %) 602 49450 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 4,834 4,179 10,775 12,000 602 49450 01 319.01 Televising 3,000 3,000 602 49450 01 319.02 Root Control 2,000 2,000 602 49450 01 319.03 Supervisory Controls(Maint Cont) 3,000 3,000 SCADA System 602 49450 01 319.04 Meter Reading Charges 4,000 4,000 RMR Services 602 49450 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 465 449 438 600 600 Lines for Telemetry 602 49450 01 322.00 Postage Costs 2,338 2,541 2,813 3,000 3,000 Billings with Inserts 6Q2 49450 01 323.00 Radio Units 602 717 645 1,000 1,000 Replace /Repair Radios & Phones 602 49450 01 331.00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 National Conference 602 49450 01 333.00 Freight & Express Expenses 0 0 0 100 100 Mail -in Repairs 602 49450 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 0 0 0 300 300 P/T'ers & Personnel Changes 602 49450 01 349.00 Other Advertising 0 0 0 500 500 60249450 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 2,203 3,316 4,086 3,000 4,500 Sewer's Share of Premiums 602 49450 01 369.00 Other Insurance 8,680 9,270 9,176 12,000 12,000 Sewer's Share of Premiums 602 49450 01 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 250 253 507 300 300 Auto Read Software Support 602 49450 01 392.00 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49450 01 393.00 P.C. Hardware Purchases 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 602 49450 01 394.00 P.C. Software Purchases 534 0 2,130 0 2,500 602 49450 01 395.00 P.C. Repairs 0 0 0 500 500 6024945001 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 602 49450 01 415.00 Other Equipment Rental 0 0 0 200 200 602 49450 01 416.00 Machinery Rental 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 602 49450 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 69 23 0 500 500 602 49450 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 5 0 0 300 300 Reference Materials 602 49450 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 1,930 0 1,313 2,000 2,000 MPCA School & Miscellaneous 602 49450 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 91 131 131 100 100 Contingencies 602 49450 01 521.00 Building & Structure Purchases 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 Pymt on P.W. Building (6 of 20) 602 49450 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 83 0 15,667 70,000 602 49450 01 530.01 Miscellaneous Improvements 20,000 20,000 602 49450 01 530.02 Misc. Improvements /Repairs 20,000 20,000 602 49450 01 530.03 Meter Change Out Program 240,000 30,000 50% of Total Estimated Cost 602 49450 01 540.00 Heavy Machinery Purchases 0 0 0 0 70,000 Replace Jetter Truck (1/2 of Cost) 602 49450 01 560.00 Furniture & Fixture Purchases 0 0 0 500 500 602 49450 01 570.00 Office Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 500 500 602 49450 01 602.00 Sewer Service Charges 427,042 460,466 510,640 480,000 520,000 MWCC Charges 602 49450 01 611.00 Interest on Lease Payments 5,845 5,637 5,419 0 0 P.W. Building Expansion(See 521) 602 49450 01 710.00 Transfers 250,000 0 0 0 0 Transfers for Other Improvements 602- 49450 -01 TOTALS 908,349 712,080 839,964 1,192,800 1,174,600f Page Two 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY •EXPENDITURES - August 9, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object 2005 Detail Proposed Amount Budget Comments 602 49451 01 "219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49451 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 15 0 500 500 602 49451 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49451 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 0 300 602 49451 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 573 551 538 800 800 602 49451 01 403.00 Contracted R -& M - Other Impr 0 4,206 0 200 200 602 49451 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - LIFT STATION #1 784 4,983 749 1,900 2,200 602 4945201 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49452 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 1,049 284 0 500 500 602 49452 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49452 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 602 49452 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 927 677 26 1,400 1,000 602 49452 01 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 0 0 0 200 200 602 49452 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - LIFT STATION #2 2,188 1,171 237 2,800 2,400 602 49453 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49453 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 3,493 0 0 500 500 602 49453 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49453 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 602 49453 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 1,600 1,967 1,804 2,000 2,000 602 49453 01 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 0 0 0 Z00 200 602 49453 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - LIFT STATION #3 5,304 2,178 2,014 3,400 3,400 602 49454 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49454 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 813 5,518 1,950 500 500 602 49454 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 17 0 0 500 500 602 49454 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 283 211 300 300 602 49454 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 1,364 3,351 2,835 2,000 3,200 Hawkins Pond 602 49454 01 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 0 0 0 200 200 602 49454 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - LIFT STATION #4 2,405 9,152 4,996�3,700 �, 4,900 602 49455 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49455 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 23,415 1,884 0 500 500 602 49455 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49455 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 602 49455 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 2,454 2,350 3,134 3,000 3,500 Country Hills 602 49455 01 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 0 0 0 200 200 602 49455 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - LIFT STATION #5 26,080 4,445 3,345 4,400 4,900 602 49456 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49456 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 602 49456 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49456 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 0 300 602 49456 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 95 900 800 602 49456 01 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 0 0 0 200 200 602 49456 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL - LIFT STATION #6 _ 0� 0 95 ~� 2,000 _ 2,200 GRAND TOTAL - ALL DEPTS. 945,109 734,009 851,400 1,211,000 ,1,194,600 Page One August 9, 2004 Account # 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY - REVENUES- Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 2005 Object Adopted Detail Budget Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 603 34108,00 Administrative Fees -Other Funds $35,835 $41,939 $87,127 $10,000 $10,000 5% of 5% Fees-Const Projects 603 36101.00 Principal - Special Assessments 31,632 39,257 48,032 20,000 30,000 603 36102.00 Penalties &Interest -S /A 505 562 1,997 0 0 603 36210.00 Interest Earnings - Investments 75,325 56,273 47,475 50,000 50,000 603 36214.00 Net Change in FV- Investments 6,231 12,090 (8,187) 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 603 36215.00 Interest Earnings. 525 257 514 1,000 1,000 603 36260.00 Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 603 37300.00 Storm Water Utility Revenues 482,472 496,682 522,250 520,000 550,000 603 37360.00 Penalties - Storm Water Utility 2,280 1,197 2,183 3,000 3,000 603 39203.00 Transfer From 69,144 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 703,949 648,257 701,391 604,000 644,000 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - August 9, 2004 2004 2005 Object 2005 2001 2002 2003 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 603 49500 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $131,339 $142,684 $161,193 $137,000 $177,000 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 603 49500 77 101.00 Administrative 0 603 49500 78 101.00 Technical /Clerical 99,900 603 49500 79 101.00 Maintenance 77,100 603 49500 , 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 9,714 8,830 9,821 10,000 10,000 603 49500 01 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 562 801 1,385 500 1,500 603 49500 01 204.00 Envelopes & Letterhead 0 0 0 0 0 603 49500 01 205.00 Drafting Supplies 0 0 0 800 200 Paper, Pens & Reproduction 603 49500 01 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 0 0 1,000 200 Stakes, Ribbons, Level, etc. 603 49500 01 215.00 Shop Materials 0 0 0 200 200 603 49500 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 468 460 184 1,500 500 603 49500 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 293 0 0 500 500 Filters, Hoses, Lights, etc. 603 49500 01 224.00 Street Maintenance Materials 0 1,121 0 2,000 2,000 Blacktop & Gravel Washouts 603 49500 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 828 7,607 2,200 4,000 603 49500 01 225.01 Rip -Rap, Matting, Rock, etc. 3,000 3,000 603 49500 01 225.02 Black Dirt, Seat, Sod, etc. 1,000 1,000 603 49500 01 225.03 800 0 603 49500 01 226.00 Sign Repair Materials 0 0 0 600 500 Advance Warning Sign Rental 603 49500 01 230.00 Equipment Repair Material 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Due to Breakdowns 603 49500 01 241.00 Small Tools 0 414 0 1,000 1,000 Shovels, Rakes, Picks, etc. 603 49500 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 0 0 541 0 0 603 49500 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 52,645 42,018 60,944 20,000 603 49500 01 303.01 Problem Area Investigations 10,000 10,000 603 49500 01 303.02 NPDES Phase II 5,000 10,000 603 49500 01 304.00 Legal Fees 0 1,316 546 2,000 2,000 603 49500 01 310.00 Testing Services 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Water Quality Tests (M) 603 49500 01 312.00 Contract Inspection Fees 0 0 0 500 500 3rd Part Inspection Program (M) 603 49500 01 315.00 Special Programs (County Program) 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 Wetland Health & Evaluation Proj 603 49500 01 318.00 Contract Engineer 0 9,750 6,000 3,000 6,000 Contracted Engineer for City(20 %) 603 49500 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 2,774 6,715 0 0 0 . 603 49500 01 322.00 Postage Costs 2,338 2,541 2,813 3,000 3,000 Billings & Info Mailings 603 49500 01 323.00 Radio Units 246 500 231 1,200 1,200 Replacements & Repairs 603 49500 01 331.00 Travel Expense 47 0 0 200 200 60349500 01 352.00 General Notices & Public Info 0 0 291 1,000 1,000 Public Info Brochure 603 49500 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 1,659 2,508 2,888 3,000 3,500 Storm Water's Share of Premiums 603 49500 01 369.00 Other Insurance 4,230 5,256 5,436 5,000 6,000 Storm Water's Share of Premiums 603 49500 01 384.00 Refuse Disposal 0 0 0 600 600 ` Roadside Debris 603 4950001 389.00 Other Utility Services 0 0 0 1,000 500 Hazardous Materials Disposal 603 49500 01 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 250 253 0 300 300 Auto Read Software Support 603 49500 01 393.00 P.C. Hardware Purchases 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 603 49500 01 394.00 P.C. Software Purchases 0 0 2,130 0 2,500 603 49500 01 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 0 9,069 0 25,000 603 49500 01 - 403.01 Ditching " 10,000 10,000 603 49500 01 403,02 Miscellaneous Repairs 15,000 15,060 603 49500 01 404.00 Contracted Mach & Equip Repairs 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Repairs Sent Out 603 49500 01 416.00 Machinery Rental 0 258 0 10,000 10,000 Backhoe, Lowboy, Pumps, etc. 603 49500 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 35 3,065 101 20,000 20,000 Watershed Organization 603 49500 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 187 0 0 2,000 1,000 Utility Information 603 49500 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 805 1,775 6,160 2,000 6034950001 437.01 Storm Water Management 1,000 1,000 603 49500 01 437.02 Hydrocad Training 500 500 603 49500 01 437.03 Wetlands Training 500 500 603 49500 01 439,00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 8,650 181 131 0 0 603 49500 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 43,141 135,675 72,807 240,000 0 603 49500 01 540.00 Heavy Machinery , Purchases 0 0 0 0 70,000 Replace Jetter Truck (1/2 of Cost) 603 49500 01 560.00 Furniture & Fixture Purchases 0 0 0 500 500 603 49500 01 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 603 49500 01 586.00 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 500 500 603 49500 01 710.00 Transfers 185,000 170,000 270,000 309,000 603 49500 01 710.01 1/2 of 2005 P & I Payments(1996B) 51,000 50,060 603 4950001 71402 1/2 of 2005 P & I Payments(1999C) 41,000 42,000 603 49500 01 710.03 1/2 of 2005 P & I Payments(2001 B) 54,000 53,000 603 49500 01 710.04 1/2 of 2005 P & I Payments(2001D) 77,000 75,000 603 49500 01 710.05 1/2 of 2005 P & I Payments(2002B) 17,000 19,000 Storm Share of Water /Storm Issue 603 4950001 710.06 1/2 of 2005 P & I Payments(2002C) 26,000 26,000 Storm Share of Hwy 3 Project 603 49500 01 710.07 1/2 of 2005 P & I Payments(2003A) 43,000 44,000 Storm Share of Connemara Proj. 603- 49500 -01 TOTALS 445,210 552,795 605,802 815,700 ~� 693,900 Page Two 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - August 9, 2004 Account # Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 2005 Object Adopted Detail Budget Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 603 49511 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 234 0 500 500 603 49511 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 603 49511 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 160 174 183 500 500 (Shannon Hills 6th) TOTAL - LIFT STATION #1 371 619 394 _ _ M 1,300 603 49512 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 932 0 500 500 603 49512 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 603 49512 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 500 500 (Schwarz Pond) TOTAL.- LIFT STATION #2 211 _ 1,142 211 1,300- _ Y _ 1,300 603 49513 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 325 0 581 500 500 603 49513 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 239 422 422 300 300 603 49513 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 3,110 5,310 2,834 7,000 5,000 (Birger Pond) TOTAL - LIFT STATION #3 3,674 5,731 3,836 7,800 5,800 603 49514 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 603 49514 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 202 211 300 300 603 49514 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 3,131. 3,098 500 3,500 (Marcotte Pond) TOTAL - LIFT STATION #4 0 3,333 _ 3,309 1,300 �µ 4,300 603 49515 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 603 49515 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 300 300 603 49515 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 500 500 (Hawkins Pond) TOTAL - LIFT STATION #5 0 0 0 1,300 1,300 GRAND TOTAL - ALL DEPTS. 449,466 563,620 613,552 828,700 707,900 Page One July 14, 2004 Account # 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA - REVENUES Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual " 2004 2005 Object Adopted Detail Budget Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 650 31010.00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 650 36210.00 Interest Earnings - Investments 1,898 458 365 200 200 650 36215.00 Interest Earnings 311 270 120 200 200 650 36260.00 Other Revenue - Learn to Skate 22,055 14,007 21,410 16,000 20,000 Learn to Skate Program (LTS) 650 36265.00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 49,300 92,400 650 38060.00 Prime Time Ice Fees 229,574 249,150 250,143 232,500 240,000 650 38061.00 Non -Prime Time Ice Fees 0 0 0 0 0 650 38063.00 Open Skating Ice Fees 6,145 7,629 7,998 6,300 7,000 650 38065.00 Other Events - Arena 0 0 0 500 500 Dry Floor Events 650 38066.00 Advertising Revenue - Arena 14,450 13,000 6,970 14,000 14,000 650 38067.00 Skate Sharpening Revenue - Arena 4,965 4,617 4,362 3,500 4,000 650 38090.00 Concessions 3,410 3,590 3,300 3,500 3,500 650 38091.00 Vending Machine Revenues 9,659 9,908 12,839 11,000 12,000 650 38095.00 Pro Shop Revenues 1,320 1,237 1,440 1,100 1,100 Tape, Laces, Mouthguards, etc. 65039103.00 Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal 9,699 0 0 0 0 Sale of Old Ice Resurfacer 650 39201.00 Transfer From General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 303,486 ^ 303,866 . 308,947 338,100 � 394,900 Page One 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA - EXPENDITURES July 14, 2004 ` Account # _ Description 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 2004 Adopted Budget 2005 Object Detail Amount 2005 Proposed Budget Comments 650 45130 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $76,914 $93,268 $106,672 $136,000 $145,800 All Salary Costs inclusive of Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 650 45130 77 101.00 Administrative 31,100 650 45130 78 101.00 Technical /Clerical 25,800 650 45130 79 101.00 Maintenance 650 45130 79 102.00 Full -Time Overtime 2,164 4,352 3,865 88,900 Add 1/2 Bldg Maint Worker 650 45130 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 33,073 36,917 36,120 2,000 27,500 4,000 27,500 650 45130 89 103.00 Learn -To -Skate Program 12,500 650 45130 99 103.00 Building & Skate Guard Attendants 15,000 650 45130 01 207.00 Training & instructional Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 650 45130 01 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 0 0 1,000 650 45130 01 208.01 Skate Magnets 200 200 650 45130 01 208.02 Other Supplies 800 800 650 45130 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 0 350 254 500 500 Learn to Skate Program Supplies 650 45130 01 211.00 Cleaning Supplies, 3,086 3,356 3,837 3,000 3,500 650 45130 01 212.00 Motor Fuels 1,127 0 0 2,400 2,400 Batteries for Resurfacer 650 45130 01 216.00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 1,251 ' 2,530 3,589 3,200 3,200 Assorted Floor Products 650 45130 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 319 116 303 1,000 1,000 Events Supplies 650 45130 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 1,195 1,833 2,087 4,000 4,000 650 45130 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 2,514 4,934 1,778 4,000 4,000 650 45130 01 241.00 Small Tools 0 0 0 0 0 650 45130 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 650 45130 01 265.00 Other Items for Resale 568 569 818 800 800 Pro Shop Supplies 650 45130 01 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 0 0 0 500 500 650 45130 01 317.00 General Fund Admin Fees 650 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Yearly Fee Per Admin Fee Policy 45130 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 650 45130 01 331.00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 100 100 650 45130 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 0 0 0 500 500 650 45130 01 349.00 Other Advertising 0 0 0 800 800 650 45130 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 1,352 2,249 2,304 2,000 2,000 650 45130 01 369.00 Other Insurance 5,771 6,084 6,329 13,000 13,000 650 45130 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 96,915 81,845 84,161 64,500 85,000 650 45130 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 26,744 20,379 23,465 33,000 33,000 650 45130 01 384.00 Refuse Disposal 3,729 3,162 2,940 3,500 3,500 650 45130 01 401.00 Contracted Building Repairs 5,045 4,838 5,702 5,000 5,000 650 45130 01 404.00 Contracted Mach & Equip Repairs 10,630 7,703 6,951 6,000 10,000 650 45130 01 415.00 Other Equipment Rental 0 0 0 300 300 650 45130 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 444 453 453 900 900 MIAMA Dues 650 45130 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 90 0 0 400 400 MIAMA Seminars 650 45130 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 500 500 Contingencies 650 45130 01 521.00 Building & Structure Purchases 31,322 0 7,208 0 15,000 Paint Ceiling and Duct Work 650 45130 01 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 0 5,000 Battery Powered Ice -Edger 650 45130 01 710.00 Transfers 3,500 14,458 14,458 14,500 650 45130 01 710.01 Yearly Maintenance 3,500 3,500 650 45130 01 710.02 Principal on Lease Payments 7,400 7,800 Lease Pymts for Ice Resurfacer 65045130 01 710.03 Interest on Lease Payments 3,600 3,200 Lease Pymts for Ice Resurfacer FUND TOTALS 314,754 296,396 320,292 338,100 _ 394,900