HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Side Yard Setback Requirements. 1% CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COUNCIL WORK SESSION DATE: February 11, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Side Yard Setback Requirements AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Dir. AGEN y ATTACHMENTS: January 8 memo, crime maps, neighborhood APPROVED BY: information RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff Direction AUTHORITY ACTION: At the January Work Session, the Council requested additional information as it related to discussion about changes to side yard setback requirements. There was a request to find out crime information for the Carrolton (Carrolton 2 " 3 and 4 th Addition) neighborhood as it related to similar neighborhoods and also a review of individual lots to assess whether there were garage expansion opportunities without the need of variance. This information was also obtained for other similar neighborhoods. CRIME The Police Chief provided information on several neighborhoods that were platted and therefore presumably built within the same general timeframe as the Carrolton neighborhood (1989). In 2003, from January through November, the Carrolton neighborhood experienced 5 thefts from vehicles and two burglaries. It was noted that the two burglaries occurred on the same night and two of the thefts from vehicles occurred on the same night, although a different night than the burglaries. For comparison, the Shannon Hills neighborhood had 6 thefts from vehicles. Westridge 2 'd and 3 rd Additions had two thefts from vehicles; the Wensmann neighborhood had 4 thefts from vehicles. In talking with Chief Kalstabakken, he indicated that crime does not appear to be an issue in any of the above neighborhoods. GARAGE EXPANSION CAPABILITY One of the questions was whether properties within the Carrolton neighborhood had the ability to add a 3 rd stall without the need of variance and continuing to maintain the 10' side yard setback requirement. In addition, there was a question as to whether other similar neighborhoods also have properties that are restricted from reinvestment into their homes because of the existing setback requirements. Therefore, staff took a random sample of homes in the Carrolton, Shannon Hills and Westridge neighborhoods to see if they could add a third stall garage and meet the 10' side yard setback requirement. To staff's knowledge all of the lots meet ordinance current ordinance requirements for lot size and lot width. ti In the Carrolton neighborhood 10 properties were chosen for review. Of the ten the following was found: • One lot had a 3 rd stall garage already in place and maintains a 12' side yard setback • Two lots have 20' side yard setbacks that would allow them to add another 10' garage stall and continue to meet the required 10' setback. • One lot has a 19' setback and one lot 18' setback. Unfortunately both of these lots were centered on the property and have large non - garage side yard setbacks (19' and 20'). With proper placement on the property both of these lots would have been able to add a 3 rd stall. In the current condition, some additional storage space could be added to the garage without the need of a variance. • The remaining four lots have garage side yard setbacks of 17', 13', and two at 12'. Three of the four, from a pure setback perspective, could construct a tandem stall and meet the 10' side yard setback requirement. All could have accommodated a third stall if the house had been shifted more to one side of the lot, to allow the extra space for future expansion. In the Shannon Hills neighborhood 10 properties were chosen for review. Of the ten the following was found" • Three lots were constructed with a 3 -stall garage. • One lot was constructed with an oversized 2 -stall garage. • Two lots have 20' side yard setbacks that would allow them to add another 10' garage stall and continue to meet the required 10' setback. • Four lots have garage side yard setbacks of 13.5', 13', and two at 10'. Two of the four, from a pure setback perspective, could construct a tandem stall and meet the 10' side yard setback requirement. In the Westridge neighborhood 10 properties were chosen for review. Of the ten the following was found: Two of the lots have oversized side yard setbacks (23' & 24') that would allow them to add another 10' garage stall and continue to meet the required 10' setback. Two of the lots have 20' side yard setbacks that would allow them to add another 10' garage stall and continue to meet the required 10' setback. The remaining 6 lots all have under 20' side yard setbacks so a full stall would not be permitted. Some may be able to add some additional storage space unto the garage. The garage side setbacks are 17', 15' 12.5', and 10' (3). DISCUSSION At the meeting, there were three options discussed by the Council relating to this issue: "One option the council may wish to consider is using a modified R -lA zoning district to address pre - existing development conditions. The R- I A district already permits 5' setbacks for single story structures, regardless of use. We would need to clarify the district as it relates to 1'/2 story structures, as that is not currently addressed in the ordinance. After amendment, additional sections of the community could be rezoned R -lA to permit the relaxed standards. While this suggestion may aid some neighborhoods in obtaining 3 -car garages, staff would not expect that or the ordinance would be applied universally. Again, as new construction occurs and home massing continues to increase, staff believes that greater setbacks should be built into the platting process. Another option to the council would be regulations similar to Lakeville. Lakeville side yard setbacks are 10' but for lots platted after 2/16/99, additional setback requirements apply. The side yard setbacks are 30' and 50' for rear yards. While we are not advocating such extreme setbacks, regulations could be drafted that permit a 5' side yard setback for the garage side on lots dated before a specific date. After that date all side yard setbacks would be 10'. Of course a third option for the Council is to maintain the existing regulations without change. These ordinance regulations have been in effect for some time and property owners and future buyers have the ability find out future "add -on" opportunities under the current conditions. In most cases the desire for greater side yard setbacks is aesthetic, in that there is a desire to provide more open space and building separation. This effect can soften the effects of development; provide a different type of rhythm in the development pattern than experienced in other areas. " Staff is requesting direction from the Council as to whether changes to the zoning ordinance should be pursued or the ordinance should remain as is. MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator FROM: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director RE: Side Yard Setback Requirements DATE: January 8, 2004 On December 22, 2003 the City Council voted to uphold a variance appeal which requested a 5' side yard setback to permit construction of a 3 rd garage stall on an existing single family lot. The property was located along Upper 149 Street West and is zoned R -1, Low Density Residential. The current standards for the R -1 District are: side yard setback 10' front yard setback 30' rear yard setback 30' lot size 10,000 sq. ft. or 12, 000 sq. ft on a corner lot lot width 80' or 95' on a corner lot The city also has an R -lA zoning district. The zoning ordinance standards are the same with the exception of the side and rear yard setback requirements. The side yard setback for the R -lA district is 10' for two -story buildings and 5' for single story buildings, regardless of whether it is a garage side or house side. The rear yard setback also is reduced from 30' to 25'. This zoning district was applied to older areas of the community, specifically areas developed prior to 1980. The reduced standards were drafted in part to recognize non - conforming situations and helped to bring some aspects of the site development into compliance. The R -lA ordinance was drafted in the early 1990's. Staff has surveyed other communities to see what their setback standards are, particularly for side yards. We received 28 surveys from various communities; please see the attached spreadsheet. Of the 28, nine communities indicated that they had a side yard setback below 10'. At least six of these communities are older more developed communities and would have a development pattern set earlier in their development history. Sixteen of the 28, including some of the 8 with a reduced side yard setback variance, indicated that they have some relaxation for the garage side of the residence. Therefore, in total, 22 communities had either smaller side yard setbacks than Rosemount's current standard or had a reduction for the garage side yard setback. Most of the reductions were to a 5' setback although there were some variations depending upon the community. The communities of Eden Prairie, Golden Valley, Hastings, Lakeville and Minnetonka do not allow any reduction for garage side yard setbacks. Their side yard setbacks are typically 10' although some require a 10' minimum with a 25' or 30' total. Staff has some reservation for reducing side yard setbacks in the R -1 zoning district. This is the district where new construction is occurring and most typically, have 3 -car garages constructed. It doesn't seem prudent to give new construction the "bonus" especially since many of the new homes are large, as compared to existing residences, and the added separation is desirable. One option the council may wish to consider is using a modified R -lA zoning district to address pre- existing development conditions. The R -lA district already permits 5' setbacks for single story structures, regardless of use. We would need to clarify the district as it relates to 1 %z story structures as that is not currently addressed in the ordinance. After amendment, additional sections of the community could be rezoned R -lA to permit the relaxed standards. While this suggestion may aid some neighborhoods in obtaining 3 -car garages, staff would not expect that the ordinance would be applied universally. Again, as new construction occurs and home massing continues to increase, staff believes that greater setbacks should be built into the platting process. Another option to the council would be regulations similar to Lakeville. Lakeville side yard setbacks are 10' but for lots platted after 2/16/99, additional setback requirements apply. The side yard setbacks are 30' and 50' for rear yards. While we are not advocating such extreme setbacks, regulations could be drafted that permit a 5' side yard setback for the garage side on lots dated before a specific date. After that date all side yard setbacks would be 10'. Of course a third option for the Council is to maintain the existing regulations without change. These ordinance regulations have been in effect for some time and property owners and future buyers have the ability find out future "add -on" opportunities under the current conditions. In most cases the desire for greater side yard setbacks is aesthetic, in that there is a desire to provide more open space and building separation. This effect can soften the effects of development; provide a different type of rhythm in the development pattern than experienced in other areas. A relaxed setback standard may also raise issues of accessibility to easements and also some enforcement issues. Side yard easements are 5'. With a structure set at the 5' setback line, the overhang from the structure can be up to 2 % ` into the setback, and easement area. Work that may need to occur within the easement, generally private utilities or localized drainage would be more difficult. Another aspect the Council should be aware of relates to code enforcement and exterior storage. My previous experience indicates that people tend to stack or store items next to their garage, out of their sight but not always their neighbors. This may result in items being stored within the easement, or even over the property line as 5' does not accommodate many of the items people typically store outside. Staff is requesting direction from the Council. Start UM - Minos Out... ® Mticrosoft Wad *'* Prirtrak CAD RSCPIPE � Dictation Modde Do.,. � Rosemount Police ... « 3:13 PM The map above shows all reported thefts from vehicles and burglaries that were reported in the time period of January through November 2003. The Carrollton H area had five (5) thefts from vehicles and two (2) burglaries during this time period. The two burglaries occurred on the same night and two of the thefts from vehicles occurred on the same night — but a different night than the burglaries. In one burglary, liquor was stolen from a refrigerator in the garage. The other was an attempt to enter the garage; no access was made and nothing was stolen or damage. �11J���UJJJJ Fie Edt New Favarrtes Took Help er Back X Search - "Favontes te Meda Address hops: lls98200, co, dakota. rrn,uslweWesecurelrrmsjv;ewer,htm " �Uq::' �_ r �o, - - - -- Layers r schools DarroF, = Incidents r r Assaults C ROCUS' R 2.0 . p ,ass a ii Al 1 I s , I 0 r G Burglaries Robberies r t Thefts 1 0V -k - 1 7 • t i, r Theft From Vehicle Building W } r Road =I WTH F Water I r u rw ° .. _ :` I J 46TH ST BIRCH Sr f ncrdents r Parks 2002 Aerial Photography for Jan -Nov 2003 g; 146TH OV La 4 , Refresh Map l UAMAaK C T UATHSTI _ 9' LOW C jC)20 Amemsunt Nice Depart" ni Map: 544205,37 , 201156.07 -- Image; 242, 4 ScaleFactor: 12,063517028612818 F F [ff I Internet Start UM - Minos Out... ® Mticrosoft Wad *'* Prirtrak CAD RSCPIPE � Dictation Modde Do.,. � Rosemount Police ... « 3:13 PM The map above shows all reported thefts from vehicles and burglaries that were reported in the time period of January through November 2003. The Carrollton H area had five (5) thefts from vehicles and two (2) burglaries during this time period. The two burglaries occurred on the same night and two of the thefts from vehicles occurred on the same night — but a different night than the burglaries. In one burglary, liquor was stolen from a refrigerator in the garage. The other was an attempt to enter the garage; no access was made and nothing was stolen or damage. Shannon Hills Neighborhood — 2003 Burglaries and Thefts from Vehicles (North of 145' St. and East of Shannon Pkwy) 1 0' r Fie Edt View Favarltes Tack Help i r _ Start - In6ox -Mao ®FW: Gaage s... a Pmtrak CAD X RSCPIPE Q Dictation hod.., C Docxwll:2 - ... @) CarrA.II C... Rosemotatt .. « 326 PM Back % J o' Seardt ` %Favates 0,NMeda ? r Address I : j https:flsc$8200. co, dakata. mn. us�mbsitesecureirrmsJviewer.htm ® Go Liics » R o sem ount r t. rtment Incir rt m I Legend - * Selected Features C� 9 Burglaries + Theft From Vehicle y o r 7 14 --IRD ST W I r 0 4 t N — Copyrip hl{CJAWP�e ,t Poke Oepd —i 1, - J Map: 544810.62 , 10%74,25 — image: 327, 7 -- ScaleFactor: 3.783811475409836 F F 15 t Inte rst _ Start - In6ox -Mao ®FW: Gaage s... a Pmtrak CAD X RSCPIPE Q Dictation hod.., C Docxwll:2 - ... @) CarrA.II C... Rosemotatt .. « 326 PM Westridge 2ad and 3rd Additions — 2003 Burglaries and Thefts from Vehicles (West of Shannon Parkway @ 158'' St. ) fCl:{ 67g11irt11�l�IrlllWrlarL •�lurr:+u�nuulau -�y�1a O.n�i1= a *l+ai� +.�� r - - Fie Edit View Favartes Took Help " + Back • Search SFavates�MeGa`, ®* L a Address :] https; l Js?8200, co, daknta, mn, uslwebsitesecurelrrms lviewer.htm • Go Link, » R o sem ount Po lice De partment r lr' r - - �` lcivgiALp Legend Selected Features `A 0 Burglaries ThefFromVehicle DARLING PATH p ® V L? ni *L k �urxrrw w - t � 1 7 'I l VF nR CopyripMiLJ -mount Poliv O<padment �. � ]ntemet r. ?5tatt Irbox - M trot,. ®FW: Garages... -1- Priitrak CAD RSCPIPE Dictation Mod... @) Dooxm t2 - .,. M] Carrok.II C.. ,> j Rosemount - « 3:30 PM Wensmann 2nd — West of Shannon Pkwy @ 153` St. w r � r Ale Eck Start JE wx - Mao... ®FW; Garages.,, w Pmtra4 CAD ° Z RSOVE Dictatbn Mod,,, ®2 Mxrosok ,,, • F Ro,.nt .. 3:35 PM thew Favartes Tack Help Back • • ixi 1 F ` 5eardl Ad&ez Favontes Go Liras " Rosemount Po lice Department r rr Legend Selected Features Burglaries — (� 7 Theft From Vehicle Iv �3 i �4 i I +� I — rRDH - -- f t 154TH CT w TkL — fD � G 6l 2plGmenw D�fee Oc n�{ Syr tj Map, 543244,68 ,193733.04 — Nap 182,1 56eFactw, 2.712034694480353 F 7 t$ hernet Start JE wx - Mao... ®FW; Garages.,, w Pmtra4 CAD ° Z RSOVE Dictatbn Mod,,, ®2 Mxrosok ,,, • F Ro,.nt .. 3:35 PM r r CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR ��N�Q. ���r�.o -r +MER(RT CIATI /T TkAT TK4 SURV(Y,Pj.Aft.OR KPOI4T •■AS PafftI4L0 PROPOSED •T N( aA VKDCR 6 " DIRECT MIKIIVI3I0N ANDTHAT 1 AY A OVI.Y KURTH SURVEYING INC. 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Q 1 111 101i ,.J Q V -N- f" _ 40' n 3 1 _ Nb' *qfi 5 e9' "E 1 P. a� I I 3 w9A F 9sa;� x N/A Motet -K 08 - 11� L►uD3E2G�, 0 N Gar � iwal _.ie.o 10 yam I 1 30 *y' N 81 s� y P �' N ati X a- .-LEGEND- O Denotes Iron Momment a Denotes Wood Nub Set x958-I Denotes Existing Spot Elevation D„ 9 58.1) Denotes Proposed Spot E leva t ion _-. ----- Denotes Drainage Direction - PAGTRTY DESCRfPTICN- LOT q ,BLocK 3 CARROLLTON 2 NO AgvirioN according to the recorded plat thereof, 5 *57"w 9 cu I s o g� 40 1 N 3 i 6 v 1 30 1 122.00 9s '3 d s v Q 1 111 101i ,.J Q V -N- f" _ 40' n 3 1 _ Nb' *qfi 5 e9' "E 1 P. a� I I 3 w9A F 9sa;� x N/A Motet -K 08 - 11� L►uD3E2G�, 0 N Gar � iwal _.ie.o 10 yam I 1 30 *y' N 81 s� y P �' N ati X a- .-LEGEND- O Denotes Iron Momment a Denotes Wood Nub Set x958-I Denotes Existing Spot Elevation D„ 9 58.1) Denotes Proposed Spot E leva t ion _-. ----- Denotes Drainage Direction - PAGTRTY DESCRfPTICN- LOT q ,BLocK 3 CARROLLTON 2 NO AgvirioN according to the recorded plat thereof, 5 *57"w �(��j��� `.\ / ter �'r•;` + = �• 4q 122.00 x a �� � M • 1) - 10 8 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= PROPOSED Top of Block ELEVAT ION= o PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION Verify all floor heights with Final House Plans. GERTIFICATICN- I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or Lrder my direct superv and that I am a duly Registered Lard Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. W/a L.OT 9 I o g� 40 1 N 3 i 6 1 �a 10 1 122.00 9s '3 d �(��j��� `.\ / ter �'r•;` + = �• 4q 122.00 x a �� � M • 1) - 10 8 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= PROPOSED Top of Block ELEVAT ION= o PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION Verify all floor heights with Final House Plans. GERTIFICATICN- I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or Lrder my direct superv and that I am a duly Registered Lard Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. W/a Q,(n Xl- 16M e4o SOW /IV 10 a4e4S a44 )o s AW1 a44 JapUn 1oAaA -nS We7 palal sl6ad AI np a me I P WP uo)srnjadns 4- ai!pA uapun jo aw �(q pajoda -d se,« 4_joda_j uo urid. '.(an-jns s:44 IN$ APPaO Xgara4 I - �ar.c�rdrld 'weld aswH l+au.ij q4!m s446!a4 "ll Ile AP JP^ 0V a • %S b — NO l 1 VA373 8007-4 1 N3M3SVA. 03SOd08d 8 ,4S6 — NOIIVA313 )PoIS )o dol-03SOdAdd s •4 s b = NO I l VA373 • 8007-4 39VHVO 03SOdO8d '{oa-tP41 irld popioaau aq4 o4 6wµV Nollraod aN a Nollioduvo Z )x176 • L j !07 - Norld SX30 •uH3"d- unr'�aeur0 afieuleup ra�a�- �. ----'� uoj 4 eAa13 jodS powdoid sa4ouab ( S %9 6W uorjana13 jodS Cu1491Ix3 saJouaO o'-zs6 x 4 aS qnH pooA sa joua0 v juawwff uojl sa4ou -V o UIr .3J- 8 010 :.I :@M*G -N- v 0 b a s n o¢ s► m N �n D � D I� MW sus uo " O • � us�l ts oK,wioror over w ,a w 1110 3d a 3SU"3HAO 9 I'm to /A ip 133, t Oft" - fi g B.. . . ) w S il#XV {rf's1111an Lil-88 , :18PoW 00- aa1 M ptQ,sa �.e e a sax f -�. a,s, Ol 0Z , (ff �' o' o� .••. c'•wt troE W u l ti) 3snoN \� L4 O�pssodo\ �'i 1 \\\ OD 00'aZl s► m N �n D � D I� MW sus uo " O • � us�l ts oK,wioror over w ,a w 1110 3d a 3SU"3HAO 9 I'm to /A ip 133, t Oft" - fi g B.. . . ) w S il#XV {rf's1111an Lil-88 , :18PoW Shannon Hills Neighborhood Setback Study Properties 0 0.1 Miles F Adbot- L;r.H t IrK.;Al t, Ur bUKVCY Legal De Z 6`��K 2� ,u�yo yips 3,� " `�`�" �'.•�•.^ ^'... _ DAfCOTi4 c_ OWZ3!..1�l�YLSI.�� — DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION (947,5 ) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION .... ----- INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE 7.83 FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION 9 41 , 414 - BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION 11 90 = TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION SCALE t V + 30• 1 :? FRONT 8V f LDl P4G 4:, 7'8gCK L I A16 ----.� �,<<r,�►�� 387` C^^� 143 RD STREET :—: 6, 70 18' 53 L+ 38.03 R■ . 86 � 3 So j W667 0 0 P _ ti 7Y /,f�3 4G # & f4.2? J zo.00 " IZ -00 10 22.ov t 4 w N 64K46E o r p o poSED _ + l .J LO T i fit 4 4W 10 Y" UT /L /TY o � b (9¢0,7) DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION ( } DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION �._. ---- INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE S FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION < -9S. 4 , 6, = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION 94 4,-5 0 =TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION SCALE. 1'-,30' M C � U t I .5 0,r7 - AROW T B1 i $ETBAC� L //VE - T - (94 , Al 89° 4 5- ' 21 ~ kv 937 -S � N � X942 /35 d0 X37. ^J 1 i rQ IM I o a4 1 30,33 N ` � f4:c) a Z4,ao /3 00 V 1 (737. Al 89° /5' " w ppA�.U,4GE �,vv 1?1,11,V74 1,v FME,Z&VC K UT /UTY Fi9S�n1�� OYE,QPL�t�/ ELE�/A7'1GM/ = 941,9 horoby cart;fy that this is a true -and correct representation of a tract and as shown and described hereon. As prepared by me this 297 day Minn- RP_U No . 164085 NOLL)OW ONZ 1 21111 NONNVH45; ` AJO 7R ` 7- 107 q, V a t to sa OWO o pAvn fs',o v<,l,D umot s$uu lua nuo sapuaa o b • u /�,o�a /� 9'plS ��p� uoi Pa.rrd � � d/.Y s��oua� •-- Z 'L 4►b uo/1QAa»h.7a18..�o doh l ��► CaOI D/t�/y ../o uoIfo13 pa odnud sa fo�craq o•oo ��-! v3 sod r�yd uorl on a1, j 0u1 1 • sIX3 sa /ouap o oos -%Wft -�C of n z w m a£ 1/ 1 2 ,51.49 /V �4 +9 U Z �o 01 tya� s r Q 4 'vZ b Ut f bi D z o US g c o %04 s e� �1 !1 C'. z o'Eb . Aa X f � • C'��� C o h HIM • , 1 85.62 iw j 4 S 3 a r a } s qy a� ..- -- �-- - to . \ `\ `o cP ��•� �=� 4 5+'4 � � 952 1 - • • .3 lb4jy 9�q 2 q 60 - 7- , o .F G w J LO SO. FOOTAGE _ 15, 388.E OPOSED ELEVATIONS of Foundations rage Floor cement Fbot xox. Sewer Sero posed Elevations sting Elevations kW* Dkoctions . 953.1 -1952.7 -945.0 :o Elev.. % in votes offset Stake • 4 SCALE# 1 lnch • 30 Feet BENCHMARK, TkH E1cu= 953.28 MIN. S9MC BEQUfRi Front - 3o House Rear - 3d Garage IitEPEBYCERTIFY 71% T THIS 95A TERM ANDCOMECTnFPnF 'iENtATlnW Wyclo.Construction PELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYORS. INC- Reglat*red k Inder Laws of The State of Mintwevota 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 012/423-1769 SLOPE FINISHED GRADE AWAY FROM STRUCTURE ON ALL SIDES. TyP. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE i THIS PLAN IS TO REMAIN ON THE JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES. Proposed garage floor. elev I n� Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet 0 = Iron pine monument • = Set spike at building offset Existing spot elevation 5 9 1 I- .r 4 4q 14 4 "V -� � lti I i 140/1 /6 0.0 — - T-K s�..'o fj 7 -r D ription: V Lot 8, Block 1, SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showing the location of a proposed house as staked thereon. ............. I hereby certify that this survey. plan. or report was prepared by me of under my direct supervision and DE H. that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under S'-' H W A NZ' the laws of the State of Minnesota. 11 .0 Dated 03-13-92 8625 Delmar H. Schwanz .... ......... Minnesota Registration No. 9625 IGVVI ON' - Ulu 'S I ll.e1Y11S'U IU38tju to * z oo& $$ /',7 OP I - d1DjS ' 6t J Au Aep sly aim Aq J>aAanlns sV pual plus uo xo woq 'Auv 11 'sluowyaao,a,a a1Rls1A Ilu Piv 'uujsa4l 's&jlpp+ul 11� J u 9301 8 JU l,uu'Ixrel P4 Isle p Lill It' s.geLynutuy 1041 Jo A..uns a yo Iwllulu611ald2l i3a„oa uu Lrts1 0 sJ S141 1041 Alliiaa Agwuil I b1oS .�NN1�Y .{1N/10� D'lO�b'Q S771H N0N1\1VH--r) r z / .Jo 7Q ` 0 pxs�a��,fo 6 1uawa 5-,0 3 01 paPnS paea nSsD am uM SP�,jpv gnfl layXo sa o ua G a jUacunuow sa jouaQ o 9 ual,�b�a 7 gals a �DLIDq sMO.�.Jv rlo� *01�11PJG u�n.�a sa�oua� 9�'L uo i�nna17 /.30ffl o d1_ _ .�uacuasn3 � /!fin s a� ou ---- 9v uo! Bona Boa f saMo� uocloaal pa dard Saloua(7 NDI bA 3 3S l 1� tio� nna1� u��rrxa ON . /1Q» bir. 8� b8 S b7't bl o�y� •gsG 4 , z Of w .--- 1 s � e 'dA1_ S3019 11V Na 38 AIWKS W01H A�Md 3( ,WO Q3HSINu UOIS J , •s�, � � f,'�' zooz r z rvnr � Z4 H MON •mot I N�y�3C�3 - Nf)W Zr7 •Joj A Ar 016(189 (Zl9) Bu.taau Bua - DZISS NW' e10Pu2W tA33NC71 d aAllp esudlasua ZZbZ 7} * PIONEER ~, * engineering.. Certificate of Survey for: M ADFRA HOM ES 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heights. MN 55120 (612) 681 -1914 "Aw NORTH Al W 75.00 5 I L.O. I M O L_ o m 1� !i•3 3B I,} 933 D' t1 \ I { ° .I .o - - -- ° '!w r� - y� pub{ - R4 AMJ.- s'PR!B 55 ` t' _ 3 4.80 40.30 \ 46 S 89 "E STKEET W. . Poo.o Denotes exiW in Effie vat iorr Dert ro Med Flevat Denotes Dr�aP na ( Uti tiY Ease `—+-- Denotes Drain r7ow ,4rrows O denotes mo n umenf &aril? jS shown are aswm �rl VATI N es r , — So- ►6 Top o 8 /ock Elevpf ion s Gary e Slab ueva ft on . s d Deno Te s O E sc/ flub Sued to Easements of Recor L 0 T 2 BL00 T 5NA MCA/ HA z OC . DAKOTA COUNTY /14I NNESOTA I hereby certify that this Is a true'and Correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the nhove d critrad Lind, and of the location of all buildings, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said larxi_ As surveyerf by me t day of ) A.D. 19 J1P . \ V / k ale J±nE 40 f o .Lef 90022.10 RC)RF_n T Fl. SIKICI4 t..5. nFr..0. 14891 Certificate of Survey for: Gorman Construction Inc. House Address: 144th Street West, Rosemount, MN AV 9 3'�, 0 Tr 8 $ � r li i T 7 0 co ► \[ L3 Z q Ilk "I A f V O .P �s 44G,,-rs 40,�� o O• e \ \ X225 19y7 Zz JO �s 1 \ N II ` • a / X X 900.0 Denotes Existing Elevation PR HOUSE ELEVATION Denotes Proposed Elevation Lowest Floor Elevation: 941.95 Denotes Drainage & Utility Easement - -"- -- Denotes Drainage Flow Direction Top of Block Elevation: 9 50.0 6 —o-- Denotes Monument Garage Slab Elevation: 949.73 —s Denotes Offset Hub Bearings shown are assumed LOT 7 BLOCK 1 SHANNON HILLS Ratz1aff Constructi.on i 149/30 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND MVIV01%. WC. "&%w *4 #,wow Le" of TM out* of am"w9w 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 5506 6121423-1789 SURVMYOR'S CERTIFICATE S cala: 1 inch - 30 feet ProPosed garage floor elev. 1 11 /-1 () :- iron pipe monument Sot spike at buildirig offset 9 Pxtrting -pot alevativ-n PrvFKise-d elevation 0. PC -7,D 0 j I Doi 60 --PIT Ly 700 19 4• 11011' fi I' ' a 14 I'IfAlr rJ 7 It t7 '75)" ti 8 n ki e N % Description: Lot 6, Block 2 9, SHANNON HILLS 2ND AbDITION, acvordinq to the recorded plat thereof, Nlk(lti'l County, Minnesota. Also showing the of Aproponed hovNo, as staked thereon. ` I hereby certify that this sumoy, plan. or report wat;�k Ptopeted by me or under my direct supervision and C"LLMAR H. that I arm 0 duty R99191frod Land Surveyor undo( XI MAINZ i � the laws of the State of MInnesora. _ { .�� 1r �,� ., ,. � f Delmar H. Schwanz 03-17-92 Minna Note 1490161rotion No. $625 `DESCRIBED AS : Lot G, Block 3, SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION, City of Rose- mount, Dakota County, Minnesota and reserving easements of record. te N89' 15'21 N 9o. oo r- 9af h -------- -- - - -- " o r — m I� �1 4 I sto 00 ( o 1 30. oo qS.3 Qsr_ . izo�g .a M ° 20.00 24.00 22.00 10 ! 00 Preppostd Crxtt[Spus Mrs" M , 1 Z Iq *j I-Lsrst 22.33 N .�-- 9. &7 !0. 0. U-09 .� 95x _ 42.00 � Is q� ses• 15' 2VE so. oa ' 9 5t,o . q�o.j A CORMORANT WAY A LOT SO. FOOTAGE PROPOSED ELEVATIONS Top of Foundations " 452.0 Garage Floor .9st. c, Easement Floor .94 a.0 Approx. Sewer Service Elev... I/4 Proposed Elevations « CD Existing Elevations Drainage Directions . �,... t. Denotes offset Stake O SCALE I Inch : 30 Feel = 12, 060-+ BENCHMARK , TM 14 Elto= 447.83 MIN. SETBACK IIEQUIREMENT Front . 3o House Side . to Rear - 3o Garage Side •ro s JOB NO.: Westridge Neighborhood Setback Study Properties F a z 0 6 C] O / 4339 4323 I 4307 I 4291 4275 ` 42 I 4241 4231 I U 42 1 I u I 4191 4181 41 4173 4169 3 _._ 156TH ST W _. _.. _...... 340 tAb24� 4308 42 E:J 42 424 423 qr 156 ❑ 4164 56 2 144 1 OS _ 615 O 15 O� 15531 En OS 442 O 152 _ a X118 liz^ -25 -_ - 3215 =` �7 4201 95 4221 4189 _'_.. -_.nl ._ CF 137TH STW .. _.__.. _.__.. � �-A j 435 4330 a aa�n 42 42 6 - 4226 421 I 4202f 190 ❑ 4184 ` O 4415 �--4� 44 _4391, E? En I 428 4365 V I ��_J I IIJJ � I IJ r' 1 613 1562 ^tan r I5i3q �L5552 7 1 5670 U I IJ � -' I Lr� I -�� � �-�� 1 o 074 15660 O 1566 O 4180 15619 4210 15620 1563 `7Y637 1564 IS 9 11161 15 75 �76 4204 4198 4192 4186 666 UPPER 156TH ST W -- 15 30 15 - 15 5 9PQ Q3.� G � .. VL O 1 665 LJ 5627 �/��) 78 � � G� 05 � �' J �����1444��333N99 C4 540 184 5 5635 5 ED I55 55 OP O y 0 563 7 O O 34 O � ysr 1 595 > 1 91 ^ _ 33 /� IS 98 44 \, / 25 15 2 (1121 1501 15596 M ❑ � 5604 � 15 8 1 156 � � 1573 lIILLLJJJJJJ ��'.` 2 728 0 0.1 Miles MMMMINI Certif or: Broback Homes - Book Page DELMAR H. SCHWANZ aM R..�.ws U a LAweof ,,..w..r'e�..�,. H ROWAT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 56M 0121415.1700 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE # V 870a EAST Y 0 Z a Drainage &Utility Easements r a ,t GAR• n r r 1.24.0 0- _ �IS.ov' 0 � j0 87 1 EAST 15 7 TN STREET i Scale: 1 Inch - 30 Feet 0 Denotes iron monument Q Denotes set wood hub Denotes existing elevation] 96 Denotes proposed elevations from development plan. 96/,5 Garage Floor Elevation I- 0 Also showing proposed house thereon. o 0 0 WEST Descript•on: Lot 4 , Block 3 , WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION , according to the . plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. I hereby *wb that this survey. Man. a ►pat was prepared by me of under my direct sup wvNion and Mat I am a duy Rpbbrrrd Land Surveyw under the laws of tM Stab of Mkrnssota. Dated *' DELMAR H. S C H VV ANZ-_ s - D~ SOMMIX ONO ft am L, Certificate for.: Woodvi.ew Construction Book Page DELMAR H. SCHW'ANZ wro su"vt=YOns. mc. ny+K«w • ;Jna.. �... d 7►r awu a teM.wsers 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 56064 GIV423 -17M SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE i 1 � n 0 C> tri f` Description: Lot. a, Block 1,Westridge Third Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. 0 Denotes iron monument O Denotes set wood hub `i „'j Denotes existing elevations Denotes proposed elevations from development. plan. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. 1 hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated 03 -12 -92 - Jv�lir'irli�ii 81;25 - -. '• ........ N Scale: 1 inch = 30 fe t.f i I ,A Q V , a 0! m o J D Delmar H. 80manz Minnesota Rpiabation No. WS i � Urainage& Utility Z4. 5.7 Easements i r 1 10 - , 44.31 4. 33 30.0 Description: Lot. a, Block 1,Westridge Third Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. 0 Denotes iron monument O Denotes set wood hub `i „'j Denotes existing elevations Denotes proposed elevations from development. plan. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. 1 hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated 03 -12 -92 - Jv�lir'irli�ii 81;25 - -. '• ........ N Scale: 1 inch = 30 fe t.f i I ,A Q V , a 0! m o J D Delmar H. 80manz Minnesota Rpiabation No. WS i ' N DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAN SURVEYORS. INC. Rphtwsd Under L� W The Suu of Miruuwu 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55086 612/423-1769 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE C 00 Scale: 1 inch = 30 fee SEA = Proposed elevation one C., from Grading Plan T)F fl - �n s V / 0 Si 0''E RNI SKM GRADE it s y' • AWAY F+JM S?RiMRE m A"L SIDES. TV. � ,o eT� \/y q. X48 Ad� 30� 9.9 � 'IdB• 1 Description: Lot 15, Block 2, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showing the locatiorij;,f a proposed house thereon. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was - prepared by me or under my direct supervision and �- / that 1 am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. a,,v, 08 -16 -91 Delmar H. Sc hwanz Dated Minnesota Registration No. SM Woodview Construction DELMAR H. SCHWANZ "No stmvEvons. mc. A vlaiwid uncw Lash of 7r» stm at MWA~. 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5500 612/423 -1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE /SGy.t. D0r�i -- 0 0 M P� .. Scale: 1 95B = Pr( Prc c �9sr Lot 8, Block 2, WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. 1 hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was \\ '` prepared by me or under my direct supervision end �` N �,.� ' • : w , , � that I am a duty Req{atered Land Surveyor under;' ''•..,.= < i the laws of the State of Minnesota. DELIUrAR H. SCFt',1'ANZ _ Delmer H. Schwanz .Gated — 8 &2s — a Minnesota Registration No. 8825 w �i�rrnui,:ma,u�u 'certiricate For: Broback Homes, Inc. 34804Upper 149th Street - Rosemount, MN 55068 WW • DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAW sunve�or;a. MC. pig's Ur4w La" or n» sa» of Wm».a. 14760 SOL1tH ROBERT TRAIL, ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 66066 619/423-IM SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Q `7•t, tom'/ � _ �TDn T" 7� 00 II � P,QoPo. N N OlI S E � f � 38 Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet -ki% n -d' O O = Proposed elevation from 1�N O Grading and Developmento Plan. N" 0 ll CK 3 I s �0,�9/ �✓96E UTiI / E AS�I, A189 ' w Description: f Lot 11, Block 3, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according to the'recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. ``` \`1 C,111U 1111 t 11111 1f! Also showing the location � � /,house thereon. I hereby certify that this survey, plan.-or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duty Raostered Land Surveyor under i DELMAR H. the laws of the State of Minnesota. _ = SCHwANZ —8625— oetma, H. Schwarz Dated 09 - - . ` � 'O.� MlnneNUtt Rooft" n No son � V O 1M Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet -ki% n -d' O O = Proposed elevation from 1�N O Grading and Developmento Plan. N" 0 ll CK 3 I s �0,�9/ �✓96E UTiI / E AS�I, A189 ' w Description: f Lot 11, Block 3, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according to the'recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. ``` \`1 C,111U 1111 t 11111 1f! Also showing the location � � /,house thereon. I hereby certify that this survey, plan.-or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duty Raostered Land Surveyor under i DELMAR H. the laws of the State of Minnesota. _ = SCHwANZ —8625— oetma, H. Schwarz Dated 09 - - . ` � 'O.� MlnneNUtt Rooft" n No son � V 'ertifi.cate For: I _Broback :comes Inc. AM I 3480 Upper 149th Street N `Rosemount, MN 55058 J DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYORS. INC. Regidwed Undo Lawn of The Stat. of MlnnelI 14750SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA SSM 812/423 -1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE �3 Scale: finch = 30 feet -\ 6 -N sr � RF •F r 147- All 3y cC� • �` / Q �\ 20 o a •'• � �R 9� gy p• .`` _ /�� �� t >s 1y • `.. O _ Iron pipe monument. 154 ` ` / O = Set wood hub Existing spot elevation 6 = elevation -from AIivn ` -j A/ 9 , Development Plan • L�r,��TY F,� "�i 4 95! ysc'/i��, %r L I I t Description: Lot 2, Block 3, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according.to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. i w . Also showing the location fafN 1 prt5 j ed house thereon. ���.��• �....... i 1 hereby certify that this survey. plan. or report was *T :' DELMAR H. .* prepared by me or under my direct supervision and fi that 1 am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under _ SCHWANZ the laws of the State of Minnesota. x >: — 8625 . O Dated 10-22-91 %� Delmar H. Schwan /'���' .S V �,`�r Minnesota Registration No. 8825 'J'rrrurrin +n�+`� Certificate For: Broback Homes Book DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND S~VOrte. INC. IMeMwM VWr LMM or The ft" of �MwwM. 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA GNU SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE . = yam:____._ Iry }_`) -� -� i Drainage &Utility �- Easements cc Page 012/423 - 1789 Scale: I Inch = 30 Feet. O Denotes iron monument - 0 Denotes set wood huh 'A,') nnnotes existi nri elevations ')�[�enotes proposed elevations from development plan. I�yc�lpSf.!► l� +1 0" rr' 4 —` . � o 0 75.Ofl -- E A S 0 [J K L I N G Description: Lot 7, Block 1, WESTRIDGE SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. ' I hereby esrtity that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under try direct supervision end that I am a duty Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated 4 - If r 9 ONrnar N. schwons Mkwoesoh Rsglabrotlon No. flflRti .ificate For: . John Broback eairfax Construction DELMAR H. SCHWANZ uuw S URVEYOR& INC. MOW91 undw Lon of The Shit o f i�nn..oa 14730 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA SSW SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE (4q• r - I� 4 •� l id I ' r - C 8�c.^ S<B f" 9 Q� i i . U•� �s 61V423-11M Scale:'l inch = 30 feet C ) = Proposed elevation from grading and development plar �.�TY CQPY �rc�csecl + 20.5 vy IS n j /7. Z7 v 3 �N r r a 7V. 00 �\ 1 r S� c I hereby certify that this surrey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervislon and that I am a duly ReWstersd Land Surveyor under the laws of the Starts of Minnesota. Dated 08 -27 -90 SLOPE FINISHED GRADE AWAY FROM STRUCTURE ON ALL SIDES. TYP. Description: Lot S, Block 2, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION,.according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. . DELMAR H. X SCHWA:NZ n j T 8525 DNnwr ff. Schwan Min aoh F atlon No. eR25 r Q 20.0 a: , i i . U•� �s 61V423-11M Scale:'l inch = 30 feet C ) = Proposed elevation from grading and development plar �.�TY CQPY �rc�csecl + 20.5 vy IS n j /7. Z7 v 3 �N r r a 7V. 00 �\ 1 r S� c I hereby certify that this surrey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervislon and that I am a duly ReWstersd Land Surveyor under the laws of the Starts of Minnesota. Dated 08 -27 -90 SLOPE FINISHED GRADE AWAY FROM STRUCTURE ON ALL SIDES. TYP. Description: Lot S, Block 2, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION,.according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. . DELMAR H. X SCHWA:NZ n j T 8525 DNnwr ff. Schwan Min aoh F atlon No. eR25 Certificate For: Broback Homes DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND WJRVEYOR& MQ LA don L�of The Sweof 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55088 812/423.1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE /0 ys9 � OQ Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet SL AY FROM AW ON ALL SIDES. TYP. O = Proposed elevation from Grading /Development Plan I hereby certify that this suivey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision end that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Description: Lot 12, Block 2, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof. Also showing the location of a house thereon. Dated 04 -15 -91 Delmar H, Schwartz Minnesota Re910tration No. 0625 Certificate for: Broback Homes Inc. DELMAR H. SGHWANZ Book , page LAM BURVIVOM WS NglMrad u Law of tM ohm of lannnefa 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55M j 612/423 -170 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE i 0 M' � // 3 �� 30 ` / /577,, L..... -r' W EST -7-5 /n MI_ M I /o ,!! 5 5 zo t} m z S s1 n M I �YG 7:tG 9G zo 1 hereby cerlity that this survey. plan. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that 1 am a duly Registered land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated /d - 6 Z - �lr Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet O Denotes iron monument 0 Denotes set wood hub XzS Denotes existing elevations 9Gz.5 Denotes proposed elevations from development plan J Denotes direction of drainage lot 28, Block 2, WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County,-Minnesota. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. Delmar H. Schwan: wimnseas Rogwe oe No am O Drainage & Z L lity ements /p 1 hereby cerlity that this survey. plan. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that 1 am a duly Registered land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated /d - 6 Z - �lr Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet O Denotes iron monument 0 Denotes set wood hub XzS Denotes existing elevations 9Gz.5 Denotes proposed elevations from development plan J Denotes direction of drainage lot 28, Block 2, WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County,-Minnesota. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. Delmar H. Schwan: wimnseas Rogwe oe No am