HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Athletic ComplexCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION: March 10, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Athletic Complex - Update AGENDA SECTION: Update PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO.: 3 A, ATTACHMENTS: Review Timeline APPROVED BY: At the February 23, 2004 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the Commission made a recommendation to the City Council regarding starting an active search for land to house an athletic complex. Listed below is the draft motion made at the meeting. MOTION by Johnson to recommend that the City Council begin the formal process of acquiring land for the Rosemount athletic complex as designated in the Parks Master Plan. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The Parks and Recreation Commission and staff have conducted a review of the issue and have confirmed the information received while updating the Parks, Trails and Opens Space Master Plan in 2002. Attached is the timeline used to review the need for the proposed facilities. Staff would recommend we start a formal search for property that will house an athletic complex RECOMMENDED ACTIONINOTES: F MEMORANDUM DATE: March 2, 2004 TO Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Updated Timeline for Athletic Complex Discussions Listed below is an updated outline for athletic facilities review. Stakeholder Meeting 1 September 15, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Have discussion with facility users. Parks Commission Discussion October 27, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Discuss a benchmark or measuring tool for a level of facilities per population. Stakeholder Meeting 2 October 30, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Have discussion with facility users. Stakeholder Meeting 3 November 3, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Have discussion with facility users. Parks Commission Work Session November 19, 2003 (COMPLETE) • Formulate a draft recommendation and provide to user groups for comment. Parks Commission Meeting November and December of 2003 (COMPLETE) • Discussion. Parks Commission Meeting January 24, 2004 (COMPLETE) • Discussion. Parks Commission Meeting February 23, 2004 (COMPLETE) • Discussion and a recommendation to City Council. City Council Work Session March 10, 2004 • Discuss Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation with the City Council. Stakeholder Meeting 4 April 12, 2004 (or sooner) • Discuss the City's position with user groups. HdY\a0 , t .3 A Proposed Facility List Park/Facility Baseball large softball med. Base /soft small football Soccer large Soccer small Hockey outdoor tennis 2003 City Total 1 12 6 3 6 5 3 Future N1 - - 1 - 1 - - Future N2 - 2 - - - 1 1 2 Future N3 - - 1 - - 1 - - Future N4 - - 1 - - - - - Future N5 - 2 - - - 2 2 2 Future N6 - - 1 - - 1 - - Future N7 - - 1 - - 1 - 2 Future N8 - - - - - 1 - Future Complex 4 8 - 2 8 0 - 8 2020 City Total 5 24 11 5 14 13 6 14 ISD 196 3 12 6 3 4 2 - 8 2020 Community Total 8 26 17 8 18 15 6 22 The proposed facilities for future parks are estimates. Additional facilities may be added based on future development. The information listed above assumes that some facilities will be used on a seasonal basis for different sports. Table 3.3 - Rosemount Recreation Facility Guidelines The following are typical criteria for recreation facilities based on National Recreation and Park Association standards. The NRPA standards have been adjusted to reflect local needs and use patterns. These are intended to act planning. The number and design of individual facilities will vary based on local ne a minimum. guidelines for facility overlapping soccer and softball fields do not allow simultaneous use). eds and park design and use of facility (i.e. Facility Space Recommended Size Recommended Requirement and Dimensions Minimum Service Orientation Number of Radius Location Notes SF = square ius feet Units per Basketball 3,000 — 6,000 Full court: Po ulation SF 50'x 84' -94' with 5, Long axis north- Full court; �/a to 1 /z south Safe walking or bike unobstructed space 1 per 5,000 mile access. Outdoor courts on all sides in neighborhood Half court: communi Half court: 40' x 40' 1 per 2,500 ty parks and Ice 22,000 SF Incl. Rink 85'x 200` school sites. Hockey support area (minimum Long axis north- Outdoor - 10 -15 Plus shelter and additional 5,000 SF south 1/5,000 Lighted facility. Best as minute part of multipurpose Free arkin su Port area travel time neighborhood or Minimum Varies None maximum communi ark. Skatin 20 SF 1 per service '/ _s /a mile Typically associated with area outdoor hockey rink. 28 Facility Space Requirement Recommended Size and Dimensions Recommended Minimum Service Location Notes SF = square Orientation Number of Radius feet Units Per Population Volleyball Minimum of 2,000 SF 30'x 60' Minimum 6' clearance on all Long axis north- 1 court per 1 /2 mile Typically sand sides south 5,000 surface. Same as Baseball 1. Official Minimum 3.0- 3.85 acre Base lines - 90' Pitching distance 60 1 /2' Locate home 1 per 15,000 1 mile basketball Informal fields, pony Foul lines min. 320' plate so pitcher plus lighted - throwing across league field size will Center field 400'+ sun & batter not vary. Full size lighted fields facing it part of community 2. Little League Minimum 1.2 acre Base lines - 60' Line 1 per 15,000 1 h -1 mile complex. Pitching distance 46' from home plate 1/10,000 or Foul lines 200' through pitcher's 1/2,500 Little league as part Center field 200' -250' mound runs SSW when of neighborhood and to developed community parks. NNE for dual use as softball Feld Hockey/ Minimum 1.5 acre 180'- 210'x 300' with a field Long axis north to 1 per 20,000 15 minute Usually part of Lacrosse minimum of 6' clearance on all sides south travel time athletic complex in community park or adjacent to high school W Facility Space Recommende Size Requirements and Dimensions Recommended Minimum SF c square Orientation . Number of Service { feet Radius Units Per Population Football Minimum 1.5 , 160' x 360 with a acre Long axis north to 1 per 20,00o minimum of 6' clearance south 15 minute on all sides travel time Soccer 1.7 to 2.1 acre Fields vary group fro b based on age Long axis north to Youth — south. 1-2 miles 20 0to195'- 225' x 330'- 1/3,500 or 360' with a 10' min. based on clearance on all sides Participation Full size Softball 1 1.5 to 2.0 acre Base lines 60'-65 Same as baseball 1/5,000 or �/a Pitching distance — 35' -50' • 1 /2 mile Fast pitch field radius 1/2,500 if from plate 200 -225' also used for Slow ' pltch - 275' (men) Youth Archery 265' women baseball rY Minimum 1.5 300' length x min. 10' Range acre between targets. Clear north + or 1 per 30 minute S and buffers to side 45 degrees travel time and rear. Min. of 90' x Locatio n Notes Usually part of athletic complex in community park or adjacent to high school. Number of units depends on Popularity. Youth soccer on smaller fields adjacent to schools or in n parks May also be used for youth baseball Part of a regional /metro park complex or special use Facility Space Requirements Recommended Size and Dimensions Recommended Minimum Service Location Notes SF = square Orientation Number of Radius feet Units Per Population Golf- Par 3 50 - 60 acre Ave. length — 600 - 2,700 yds. Majority of holes on north - south NA 15 -30 minute Mix of public and (18 hole) travel time private facilities. axis 9 hole standard Min. 50 acre Ave. length - 2,250 yds. 1/25,000 18 hole standard Min. 110 acre Ave. length - 6,500 yds. 1/40,000 Golf Driving 13.5 acre for minimum of 25 900'x 690' wide, add 12' width for Long axis south- 1 per 15 -30 minute Part of golf course Range tees each additional tee west- northeast with driving toward 50,000 travel time complex. northeast Source: Adapted from National Recreation and Parks Association 31 PARK FACILITY STANDARDS 0 L L----------------------------------- - - - - - EXCEUDan Schultz/Park Facility Standards 05 -03 Number of Units Activity/Facility Per Population Basketball Full court: 1 /city plus 1 per 5,000 or Half Court 1/city plus 1 per 2,000 Ice Hockey Outdoor - 1/city plus 1/3,000 Free Skating 1/city plus 1 per 3/4 to 1 mile radii Tennis 1 court per 2,000 V olleyball 1 court per 5,000 Baseball 1 /city plus 1 per 6,000 plus lighted -1 per 15,000 1- Official 2 - Little League Field Hockey 1 r 20 Football 1 er 20,000 Soccer 1/city plus 1/3,500 people Softball 1/city plus 1 per 2,000 Multiple Rec. Court (basketball, volleyball, 1 /city plus 1 per 2,000 (may include tennis) basketball, tennis, and multi-use) Archery Range 1 per 50,000 Par 3 (18 hole) NA 9 hole standard 1/25,000 18 hole standard 1/50,000 EXCEUDan Schultz/Park Facility Standards 05 -03