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Administrative Policies Review-�yoogpunH aa,foldtug aill jo ivuizoj juzauoO aul put saioijod panozddu- ltounoo jo isil posodozd oqj uo polsonboi si xongpaad •saioijod panotddv- .ioivjisiuitupV oul puv satotlod pQAoiddu- jiounoO aril momlaq luoluoo Soijod ui oouoiojjlp otp olujisnIp of pailouiit osju st satotlod omi jo oldums V •Iiounoo Xq pouiuziaiap aq pjnom imp sotoijod 3o isil 7juip t puv ayoogpunH aadopdutg aql ioj sluoluoo jo algal posodoid aul jo oldutus u pogovpv anvij I •IiounoO all aiojaq lg2noiq aq of anuiiuoo pinom XltO aill. of Suoiluoljdun oSiel anvil Xvui goiijnn saiotjod anilvzlsiutuipv of safuurjo to satotlod aniiuzlsrtuUZpV - (axnlvu oisuq a .ioLu u jo osogl iiutpnloui) saioijod Iauuos.iad jo sodr I IIu SanO .iddu jiounoD ,Clip `otuil still i v' (opoo ssoip a t) zoluristillurpV XIID aul Xq paioaztp aq pinoo ilonjnn amlvu ut Ivuotltuado io anliuzisratutpv azoui asoIl pie `.(Sjanaj lgouoq •a•i) aumuolop of liounoD XI!D oql jo suoilounj On goigm osoill -- saioijod jo so&4 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Employment Drug Free Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Compensation Job Classification and Pay Plan Overtime Pay Compensatory Time Longevity Pay Retirement Pay Severance Pay Benefits Insurance Benefits Tuition Reimbursement Uniforms Leave Time Vacation Leave Holiday Leave Sick Leave City of Rosemount Employee Handbook Table of Contents 1.00 Welcome and Introduction 2.00 The Rosemount Organization General City Information Organizational Goals Organizational Chart 3.00 Employment Equal Employment Opportunity ........................ ..........................3.01 Personnel Ordinances ...... ............................... ...........................3.05 Types of Employees ... ............................... ..................3.10 Employment of Relatives .. ............................... ..........................3.15 Job Posting and Recruitment ........................... ...........................3.20 Employee Selection and Background Checks . ...........................3.25 Pre- Employment Physical . ............................... ...........................3.30 New Employee Orientation .............................. ...........................3.35 Probationary Period .......... ............................... ...........................3.40 Performance Reviews ....... ............................... ...........................3.45 Grievances......................... ............................... ..........................3.50 Discipline........................... ............................... ..........................3.55 Employee Records and Data Privacy .............. ...........................3.60 Employee Bulletin Boards . ............................... ...........................3.65 PoliticalActivity ................. ............................... ...........................3.70 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ............. ...........................3.75 Drug Free Workplace ......... ............................... ..........................3.80 Drug and Alcohol Testing . ............................... ...........................3.85 4.00 Responsibilities of Employees Working Hours and Attendance ......... ............... ........•..................4.01 Lunch and Rest Breaks ..... ............................... ..........................4.05 Outside Employment ........ ............................... ...........................4.10 TobaccoUsage ................. ............................... ...........................4.15 VehicleUse ........................ ............................... ..........................4.20 CityDriving Policy ............. ............................... ...........................4.25 Personal Use of City Property .......................... ...........................4.30 Computer System Users Policy ................. . ....:.....................4.35 Keysand Security ............. ............................... ...........................4.40 Harassment...................... ............................... ...........................4.45 Workplace Violence .......... ............................... ...........................4.50 Appearance and Dress ..... ............................... ...........................4.55 CustomerService ............. ............................... ...........................4.60 Codeof Ethics .................. ............................... ...........................4.65 5.00 Training and Development Licensing.......................... ............................... ...........................5.01 Airline Travel Credits ........ ............................... ...........................5.05 6.00 Compensation Job Classification and Pay Plan ........................ ..........................6.01 Payroll Policies and Procedures ...................... ...........................6.05 Payroll Deductions ............ ............................... ...........................6.10 OvertimePay .................... ............................... ...........................6.15 Compensatory Time ......... ............................... ...........................6.20 LongevityPay .............................................. ............................... 6.25 RetirementPay ................. ............................... ...........................6.30 SeverancePay ................ ............................... ...........................6.35 Compensation for Employees Serving as an Election Judge ....6.40 7.00 Benefits Insurance Benefits ............ ............................... ...........................7.01 Public Employee's Retirement Association (PERA) ....................7.05 Tuition Reimbursement ..... ............................... ...........................7.10 Uniforms......................... ............................. ...........................7.15 8.00 Leave Time Vacation Leave ................... ............................... ..........................8.01 HolidayLeave ................ ... ............................... ...........................8.05 SickLeave ........................ ............................... ...........................8.10 Jury or Witness Duty ......... ............................... ...........................8.15 School Conference Leave ............................... ...........................8.20 Severe Weather Conditions ............................. ...........................8.25 ElectionDay ................................................................................ 8.30 Bone Marrow Donation Leave ......................... ...........................8.35 9.00 Safety Safety........... .... ........... ......... ............................... ........9.01 Workers' Compensation (Injury on Duty) ........ ...........................9.05 Property Damage Reporting ....................................................... Inquiries from Insurance Adjusters and Representatives ............ 9.15 Damage /Loss of Personal Property ................. ...........................9.20 Emergency Action Plan Procedures ............... ...........................9.25 10.00 Leaving City Employment Resignation .......... ............................... ..........................10.01 Retirement ........................ ............................... .........................10.05 Layoff.............................. ............................... ..........................10.10 Discharge......................... ............................... ..........................10.15 Termination Procedures .. ............................... ..........................10.20 Reference Checks ........... ............................... ..........................10.25 Policy: JOB CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN Section: 6.01 Approved by: City Chu Page: 1 of 2 Legal Authority: uncil Approval of Classification and Pay 9 Y Plan Policy Job Classification The City maintains a job classification system and pay plan for all positions covered by this handbook. The City Council reviews the job classification system and pay plan at least once each year and may modify any or all of the salary ranges in the pay plan at any time. Any amendments to the job classification system and /or pay plan will be based on changes in the responsibilities or duties of the classes, living costs, the City's financial status, general economic conditions, federal or state law, or other pertinent factors warranting such action. All positions are grouped in classes based on job title, duties, skills and abilities, required knowledge, minimum training, experience and other pertinent factors. Positions are reviewed by the City Administrator to make sure they are properly classified. When an employee's job duties change substantially, the employee may request a classification review through their supervisor. The employee's supervisor must recommend the review. An employee may be asked to complete a job description questionnaire as part of the review process. Pay Plan The annual compensation for each position is established each year by City Council action.. The pay plan includes a starting salary and the maximum salary for each job classification. The salary range established for each job class represents the total direct compensation for a full -time employee in that class. Compensation for regular part-time employees is pro -rated based on the full -time pay rate for the job class. The Pay Plan for non -union employees consists of six steps. New employees typically begin at Step 1. Employees with satisfactory work performance according to their most recent performance review will normally progress through the pay range as follows: Step 1 Start Step 2 1 year Step 3 2 years Step 4 3 years Step 5 4 years Step 6 5 years Absence from work for an extended period of time may extend the implementation of a Step increase. Employees Hired Employees may be hired at a higher step if warranted by their at a higher Step qualifications, market conditions, or other position- related criteria in the judgment of the City Administrator and direct supervisor. Exceptions The City Council may approve an exception to these guidelines if such exception is within the overall intent and purpose of this policy and is in the public interest. Policy: OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Section: 4.10 Approved by: City Administrator Page: 1 of 2 Policy Concerns Conflict of Interest Employee Responsibility The City of Rosemount expects regular employees to consider City work their primary employment. Any other job must be compatible, without conflict of interest or schedule. The City does not support employees outside work which interferes with the efficient and effective performance of their City job duties and responsibilities. The primary concern is that there be no conflict of interest between the outside work and the City position. A secondary concern is that scheduling of outside work could result in an employee reporting to their City job without proper rest. Twelve or eighteen hour days eventually result in physical exhaustion, and may cause a performance problem. It is expected that every employee will exercise good judgment to avoid becoming involved in a conflict of interest. Examples of conflict of interest situations include: ♦ Those in which an employee's official capacity with the City, or with the outside organization, may enable him or her to influence the placing of City business. ♦ Those in which an employee accepts a paid or unpaid position elsewhere, where such activity interferes with their duties and job performance at the City. ♦ Those in which an employee may gain access to information not generally available to the public which may allow him or her to directly or indirectly gain anything of value. An employee cannot engage in any regular outside employment without prior notice to and approval by the direct supervisor and City Administrator. An employee can notify the supervisor and City Administrator by filling out an "Outside Employment Reporting and Approval Form ". Additional See Section 4.65, Personnel Handbook, for further information Information on the City's Code of Ethics.