HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. 2004-2005 Work Program (presentations by Department Heads)DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING ISSUE: WELL #14 SITE DEVELOPMENT With the continued growth and development of the City, the continued addition of municipal water supply wells to the Municipal Water Supply System will be necessary to meet water consumption demands. To better enable the City to meet these demands, it is recommended that as well sites are developed, future sites continue to be identified and the necessary funding made available for the acquisition of appropriate sites for future municipal water supply wells. DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING ISSUE: PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM City Staff has identified the need to develop a Pavement Management Program for the maintenance of the City street system. Current practices utilized for the maintenance of the City street system are based on a limited amount of information that can result in the City street maintenance program being reactive to the condition of the City street system versus being proactive to the maintenance of the City street system. The development and implementation of a Pavement Management Program will provide the City Council and Staff with the necessary information to evaluate the condition of the City street system and to plan for cost effective strategies for the maintenance of the City street system. DEPARTMENT: ISSUE: GOAL: RESULTS: POLICIES: ENGINEERING COMMERCIAL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT PLAN Review areas identified for the installation of decorative street lighting. 1. Adopt Street Lighting Improvement Plan. 2. Use the plan to support the installation of street lighting to enhance the community and develop consistency within the business areas of the City 3. Develop policies for the funding of street lighting improvements. 4. Establish schedule for completion of the improvements. 5. Street light utility. None at this time. BENCHMARKS: None at this time. 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 9 DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING ISSUE: NORTH CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER BACKGROUND: It has been determined that for the north central area of Rosemount, generally east of Trunk Highway 3 and north of 132" Street, that there is a need to extend City sanitary sewer service to those properties currently utilizing individual sewer septic systems. Over the past several years, the rate of failed and deficient septic systems has increased. Due to size constraints associated with many parcels, the replacement of existing individual septic systems is difficult and in some instances has resulted in environmental concerns. The proposed extension of City sanitary sewer service to these properties creates several issues that will need to be addressed. A summary of the identified issues is as follows: • Limited ability to recover costs through the use of special assessments. • Financial implications for property owners associated with special assessments. • Determination to extend City water service as part of a sanitary sewer extension. • Funding mechanisms for cost of proposed improvements. The above is a brief summary of the significant issues associated with the project that will be addressed through the updating of the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. Another component will be the need for the development of City policies to address the issues. GOAL: Develop a plan for the extension of sanitary sewer service to the north central area of the City and strategies for funding of the project. RESULTS: 1. Update 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study with estimated costs. 2. Identify methods for funding project. 3. Prepare and complete resident survey of existing septic systems. 4. Develop strategy and timeline for the implementation of the North Central Sanitary Sewer Project. POLICIES: 1. Trunk area charges not be assessed to existing developed properties. BENCHMARKS: 1. Complete North Central Sanitary Sewer Update in 2003. 2. Complete resident survey in 2003. 3. Host public open house. 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 10 DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION ISSUE: OPEN SPACE PLANNING AND PRESERVATION GOAL: Preserve and/or Protect Natural Areas for Public Benefit as per Parks Master Plan RESULTS: Reasonable financing plan Purchase that are publicly supported BENCHMARKS: Discuss Land Options Contact Land Owners Prioritize Priority Parcels Survey residents The 2001 City survey indicated that preserving open space was the top priority for residents when it came to parkland. The Parks Master Plan identifies a handful of areas in Rosemount that should be considered for natural areas with public access. Much like Carroll's Woods. DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION ISSUE: AQUATIC FACILITY GOAL:. Review the feasibility of having a City aquatic facility RESULTS: Provide an understanding of cost to the city and its residents BENCHMARKS: Conduct a feasibility study to review the success of an aquatic facility Identify the size of land needed to house this facility The 2001 City survey indicated that an aquatic facility was the second priority for residents when it came to parkland and facility needs. The Parks Master Plan identifies that further independent study would be needed to review such special use facilities. 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 11 DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION ISSUE: FUNDING PARK IMPROVEMENTS GOAL: Continue to try and meet the parks and recreation needs of our community. RESULTS: Have a healthy and prosperous park system. BENCHMARKS: Understand that Parks dedication is not going to fund our entire park system Identify other funding sources available to cities. For many years park dedication funds have been used for developing our park system. To develop mini parks, neighborhood parks and neighborhood playfields the parks dedication funds should be sufficient. To develop the larger community parks and athletic complexes parks dedication funds do not provide enough to fully build the park system. The City of Northfield requires developers to pay parks dedication and provide a separate per acre development fee. DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION ISSUE: 2 ND SHEET OF ICE GOAL: Proactive approach to identify when a 2 nd sheet of ice will be needed RESULTS: Identify a point when the when a 2 nd sheet of ice will be needed BENCHMARKS: Explore future use of a 2 nd sheet of ice Review financing options The RAHA Board has asked the City to start the consideration of a second sheet of ice. DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION ISSUE: DCTC SOCCER COMPLEX GOAL: Increase Soccer Facilities for public use RESULTS: Meeting the needs of the soccer community of Rosemount BENCHMARKS: Identify In -Kind Services available to the project Identify long term use of the site and future needs of soccer fields DCTC is starting a women's soccer program and need facilities to play use. DCTC has asked the City if they would be interested in participating in a three -field complex. The fields would most likely be available to Rosemount residents. The details over fees and priorities and not been discussed. The City should consider an athletic complex to match the increase request for field use. 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 12 DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION ISSUE: QUALITY OF LIFE ITEMS GOAL: Increase livability of Rosemount RESULTS: Rosemount residents are happy to live here Rosemount is a desirable community to move to BENCHMARKS: None at this point Does Rosemount have places in our community that people are very happy with? Is Rosemount a great place to live because of our libraries, parks, trails, community oriented police, business community, nice streets and beautiful landscaping. DEPARTMENT: POLICE ISSUE: COMMUNITY POLICING GOALS: Continue the implementation of a community oriented policing - philosophy to address community problems and enhance the feeling of safety in the community. RESULTS: 1. Enhance citizens' feeling of safety in the community. 2. Maintain or reduce the current crime rate within the community, particularly in the areas of property crimes, i.e. theft, vandalism and burglary. 3. Police officers have a broader perspective in dealing with community issues and use available resources to address the issues. 4. Residents engaged in programs offered by police department. POLICY: None BENCHMARKS: 1. Neighborhood Watch participation increases by ten (10) new areas annually. 2. National Night Out participation in the community increases annually. 3. Department programs publicized through web site, newsletter, press releases and personal contacts. 4. Second Citizen Police Academy held with full class in fall of 2003. 5. Sponsor community forums or meetings for targeted citizens or businesses at least three times annually. Include various staff in the meetings. 6. Rental properties participate in Crime -Free Multi- Housing program activities sponsored by the department. 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 13 DEPARTMENT: POLICE ISSUE: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS — COUNTY -WIDE DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS PARTICIPATION GOALS: Determine level of desired participation in county Domestic Preparedness Committee and Special Operations Team. Rosemount public safety personnel have the necessary training and resources to respond to large- scale technical, biological, or natural disasters. RESULTS: 1. Rosemount has access to specialized resources in the event of large -scale disasters. 2. Participation on cooperative efforts is cost - effective and fiscally responsible. POLICY: Joint Powers Agreement or other document executed to delineate costs and responsibilities. BENCHMARKS: 1. Continue member participation on Domestic Preparedness Committee and Exercise Design Team for County -wide efforts. 2. Determine budgetary requirements of training, equipment maintenance and other costs for participation during annual budgeting process. 3. Participate in county exercise on September 27, 2003. DEPARTMENT: POLICE ISSUE: CONTRACTED POLICE SERVICES GOALS: Evaluate feasibility of assuming contracted police services at Dakota County Technical College. If contract is feasible and desirable, negotiate in time to hire needed officers to begin working by the contract start date. RESULTS: 1. Evaluation completed in timely manner to allow for negotiation with DCTC and include in budgeting process if contract desired. 2. Contracted services provided at no cost to tax payers for services performed at contract site. 3. Contracted services do not detract from services to rest of community. 4. If transition to a Rosemount contract occurs, the transition is done in cooperation with the Dakota County Sheriffs Office. 5. Contracted services are provided as means to enhance the delivery of police services within the community. BENCHMARKS: 1. Meet with DCTC staff regarding contract by June 30, 2003. 2. If applicable, meet with DCSO staff regarding contract within two weeks after DCTC meeting. 3. Negotiate terms of any agreement with DCTC by November 1, 2003. 4. Develop plan for staffing as negotiations continue. 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 14 r 41 E W C r I .-PH, iJ Ordinance /Issue Dept./Div. Council review schedule Commission review? Hunting Police May `03 - Liquor Administration June `03 - Massage therapists Police In process /June `03 - Minimum lot coverage Planning June `03 Planning Comm. RV Storage Planning June `03 Planning Comm. Waste container enclosure Planning June `03 Planning Comm. Satellite dishes Planning June `03 Planning Comm. Sign ordinance Planning July `03 Planning Comm. Animal ordinances Police July `03 - Wetland and tree Planning July `03 Parks Comm. Fireworks Admin/Fire August `03 - Property maintenance Planning August `03 - Neighborhood nuisances Police August `03 - General noise ordinance Police August `03 - Comp Guide /Land Use/ Planning September `03 Planning Comm. Mixed -use Industrial Parks Comm. Snowmobile Police September `03 - Parade, Demonstration Police October `03 - permits Large gatherings permits Police October `03 - Golf carts on city streets Police November `03 -