HomeMy WebLinkAbout1. City Council 2004-2005 Goalst ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL GOALS FOR 2004 GOAL: FISCALLY HEALTHY CITY DESCRIPTION: The City of Rosemount will work to maintain a fiscally healthy city. " Elements to preserve a fiscally healthy city (which have been targeted by the City Council) include: ■ Broadening the tax base ■ Moderating the tax rate ■ Maintaining high quality service levels ■ ,Researching alternative revenue streams ■ Maintaining Al bond rating Process: ■ City Council and staff will utilize the Key Financial Strategies framework to implement budget and service priorities IMPORTANCE: Fiscal health guarantees that the City can provide services desired by residents. Financial discipline keeps the City responsive to the community's priorities and provides for strategic long -term planning. US ANALYSIS: This goal primarily tits within Strategic Area Focus (SAF) #2 — Financial Position, with crossover into SAF #5 (Competitiveness) and #6 (Credit). GOAL: DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION DESCRIPTION: The historic heart of Rosemount risks continued disinvestment and being overlooked by the development market in favor of other, "newer" areas of the City. The City is committed to revitalizing the downtown area to create a mix of retail, entertainment, business, and housing options. This in turn will maintain Downtown's vibrancy and vitality as the community continues to grow. Process: ■ Developing an action plan for 2004 and beyond ■ Implementing the Downtown development framework ■ Through work with the Port Authority, continually educating and involving citizens and businesses J 2004 City Council Goals f Page 2 of 7 IMPORTANCE: - Revitalization of the Downtown area is intended to provide more housing and retail options to residents in the short term, while stabilizing the tax base and enhancing the image of the City in the long term. KFS ANALYSIS: Downtown Revitalization has been identified as a top goal of the community and therefore resides in SAF #1— Community Goals/lnitiatives. There is KFS impact to SAF #2 (Local Tax Base) and #5 (Competitiveness). GOAL: ATHLETIC COMPLEX DESCRIPTION: The City of Rosemount will continue to identify potential sites and explore various options to purchase land for an athletic complex. Process: ■ Discussing land options ■ Working with current land owners ■ Exploring options for purchase (i.e. referendum, donation, community trust fund, etc.) IMPORTANCE:, Adequate athletic facilities need to be added to meet the needs of our current and future residents. To that extent, this initiative is important in continuing current service levels. Additionally, investment in the City's park system increases the overall quality of life in the community. KFS ANALYSIS: An athletic complex has been identified as a top goal of the community and therefore resides in SAF #1 - Community Goals /Initiatives. There is KFS impact to SAF #5 (Competitiveness) as the Parks & Recreation Department seeks to meet the demands for outdoor recreation facilities. Beyond meeting residents' needs, an athletic complex will draw toumaments and leagues to the community, which both promotes the success of the department and brings people into the community where it is expected they will also use discretionary spending dollars at restaurants and retail locations. a . ` 2004 City Council Goals f Page 3 of 7 GOAL: LIBRARY DESCRIPTION: The City is committed to providing a library site in a location that's convenient for patrons and strengthens the sense of community. Process: ■ Completing land acquisition by the end of 2004 ■ Approving a Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County IMPORTANCE: A Dakota County branch library would serve as a multimedia information resource and a gathering place for Rosemount residents. Nearby businesses could draw on the activity generated by the library to maintain and expand successful enterprises. KFS ANALYSIS: Acquisition of land for a library has been identified as a top goal of the community and therefore resides in SAF #1- Community Goals /Initiatives. There is also KFS impact to SAF #5 (Competitiveness) in that most users of the library are expected to be current residents that take their business to the Galaxie branch library in Apple Valley. GOAL: AIR CARGO FACILITY DESCRIPTION: To remain competitive with other regions and to achieve better homeland security, Minnesota needs a large campus for facilities to handle international air cargo shipments. The City is committed to locating the facility in Rosemount. The City will continue to work through the State Legislature and with the_ Greater Metropolitan Area Foreign Trade Zone Commission to locate the air cargo facility within Rosemount. Should successful legislation ensue, we shall continue to: ■ Develop a communications strategy ■ Evaluate the service and financial impacts ■ Submit a proposal to secure the location ■ Work with other governmental agencies to ,pursue federal homeland activity and transportation funding IMPORTANCE: A unified air cargo facility would contribute to the economic development needs of Rosemount as well as the state. Construction and hiring would spur business development in the southeastern part of the city. 2004 City Council Goals Page 4 of 7 KFS ANALYSIS: The potential of an air cargo facility would have significant long term benefit in SAF #2 — Local Tax Base. Full build -out of an air cargo facility is anticipated to approach $150 million of commercial investment. GOAL: COMMUNITY EVENTS DEFINITION: Attendance at community events continues to be high within Rosemount. At this time, City Council would like a successful transition to community ownership of these events. Process: ■ Recruiting community volunteers to organize and administer community events ■ Assisting volunteers with development of a volunteer organizational structure to run events IMPORTANCE: Putting community events under the supervision of volunteer groups keeps the focus on community needs. Clarifying the role of city government frees up staff for other duties that only the City can provide. KFS ANALYSIS: Although there is no anticipated financial impact related to this goal, the success and growth of Community Events fits in SAF #1 (Community Goals/Initiatives) and SAF #5 (Competitiveness). Continued growth of Community Events will bring people into the City. GOAL: INCREASE DIVERSITY IN RESTAURANT OPTIONS DESCRIPTION: The City will encourage development of more sit -down, family style restaurants for a community that has been underserved. Staff will work to locate one or more restaurants in Rosemount to provide an even greater variety of dining and leisure options than currently exist. Process: ■ Identifying potential sites for restaurants ■ ` Developing an economic development marketing strategy to promote Rosemount ' 2004 City Council Goals Page 5 of 7 ■ Working with the development community and brokers to encourage investment in Rosemount's hospitality industry IMPORTANCE: Rosemount's population requires - and because of its rapid growth, can support - a variety of dining establishments. Amenities, like restaurants, keep additional dollars within the community, and offers opportunities for nearby businesses to gain customers. KFS ANALYSIS: Recruitment of restaurants to Rosemount addresses SAF #2 (Local Tax Base) and KFS #5 (Competitiveness). Commercial investment will add to the tax base, while the presence of restaurants will provide options for residents to spend discretionary dollars that might otherwise leave the community. GOAL: CITY ORDINANCES REVIEW DESCRIPTION: y The ordinances Rosemount utilizes to govern activities within the City help to maintain an attractive and welcoming community. City Council and staff will continue to identify and prioritize ordinances that require updating and revising. Process: ■ Identifying ordinances for review • Prioritizing and scheduling ordinance review • Educating and seeking public input for changes • Executing appropriate revisions IMPORTANCE: Ordinance review allows the City to be sure it is remaining competitive with neighboring communities. By making sure that the law reflects Rosemount's priorities, it lessens the risk of uneven or unfair enforcement. KFS ANALYSIS: Continued review of City ordinances is important to SAF #5— Competitiveness. Prospective residents and businesses investing in Rosemount will look to our ordinances as a means of assuring a quality environment. 2004 City Council Goals Page 6 of 7 GOAL: COMMUNICATIONS DESCRIPTION: The City of Rosemount will actively engage the community and increase resident and business awareness through a communications plan. Communications will work in conjunction with the marketing plan to carry consistentInessages of vision in relation to our community goals. Process: • Identifying messages that will build strong connections to existing and potential business and residents • Creating a new resident packet of information • Preserving, protecting and enhancing the image of Rosemount as a good place to live, work, learn and raise a family IMPORTANCE: improving the community by making choices with limited resources requires constant feedback between the City and its citizens. Good customer service depends on well- informed consumers of City services. KFS ANALYSIS: Improved communications has been identified as a priority of the City Council, making it an important element of SAF #1— Community Goals /Initiatives. It also serves a function in SAF #5 (Competitiveness) as a means to attract residents and businesses to stay or locate in Rosemount. GOAL: MARKETING DESCRIPTION: The City of Rosemount will develop new messages and visual communications to attract a broader audience and reconnect with existing residents and businesses. Through the development of a marketing plan, future activities will aid in the enhancement of Rosemount's image and promotion of this community. Process: • Developing an informed set of messages and position • Creating an all - encompassing marketing plan • Developing a comprehensive visual identity system • Applying an identity system to all communications materials IMPORTANCE: In addition to community /economic development broadening the tax base, it will offer new places for residents to live, work, and play. 2004 City Council Goals Page 7 of 7 Rosemount competes with all other cities to attract development. A sophisticated marketing approach is required to attract developments that will complement the community. KFS ANALYSIS: Improved communications has been identified as a priority of the City Council, making it an important element of SAF #1— Community Goals/Initiatives. It also serves a function in SAF #2 (Local Tax Base) and SAF #5 (Competitiveness). Development of an effective economic development marketing plan will help spur commercial- industrial investment in the community, broadening the overall tax base. Marketing the community places us in a competitive advantage, or at least levels the field, as residents and businesses look to Rosemount as a place to live, work, do business, learn, and raise a family. The Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) Chad Richardson, being duly swom, on oath says that he is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statutes 311A.02, 331A.07 other a plicable laws, as amende (B) The printed which is attached, was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week for successive w ks; it was first published on Thursday, the day of 2004 and was thereafter printed and published on every Thursday, to shd including Thursday, the day of , 2004; and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: abcdetghijllmoopgtstuvwzyz By: 1 Subs 'bed d wom to before me on this day o , 2004. IC Notary Public AFFIDAVIT ' DA iN M SMITH tiC A� f �' E C h91NN�SCTA r M C 53tor. Expres Jan. 31,2005 Y ;hr is - First Insertion: 7/13 q File # _ inches, @$ L J L Additional Insertions: inches, CS Affidavit fee $ Total $ 1341 PUBLIC NOTICE Rosemount City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting To Whom It May Concern: - NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, the (Sty Council and Manning Commission of the City of Rpsem000t will bold a Special Meeting to consider Council Goals and Planning Commission policy. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at City Hall, 2975 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, beginning at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Dated this 3rd day of July, 2004. /&Ueda Jentink, City Clerk Rosemouat, Minnesota Aunliary aide and services are available. Please con- coct the City Clerk at 651- 322 -2003 or 651. 322.6219 rrDD mmnber) to make a request. Erarnpks of aasil- iuryy aids or services may uwhak: sign language inter. Pr ,, as uuve lutening ktt, accessible meeting loco. tion, eta 7/3104