HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Conditional Use Permit Amendment for Fiber Optics to the Home (FTTH)CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: January 7, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Conditional Use Permit Amendment AGENDA SECTION: ( Evermoor) Fiber optics To The Home (FTTH) Old Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGEND ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, Site Plan, Cross - section, APPROVED BY: building elevation, PC Minutes (11- 26 -02), CUP Resolution, Ordinance excerpts. Applicant: John Schultz of FIFTH Location: Northeast corner of Shannon and Evermoor Parkways Property Owner(s): Contractor Property Developers Company Area in Acres: .25 acres Current Zoning: R -1, Low Density Residential — Conditional Use for the essential services (fiber optics) building. Planning Comm. Action: Recommendation of Approval (3 -0) Previous Council Action: Tabled (4 -0) SUMMARY On November 26, 2002, the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending approval of a conditional use permit to construct two satellite dish antennas on the fiber optic building site in Evermoor. The original CUP for the building was approved with the Council added condition "that no exterior antennas or satellite dishes are permitted without an amendment to these Conditional Use Permit Conditions" (resolution 2000 -141). The attached drawings illustrate three antennas: 1. Two ten -foot dishes located in front of and along side of the fiber optics building facing Evermoor Parkway. Staffs concern_ is that the large size of the antennas will not be completely screened until the vegetation reaches maturity, many years into the future. 2. A 14 foot dish behind the building — near Shannon Parkway. In response to previous concerns, the antenna has been moved so that it conforms with applicable setbacks. PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING No one spoke at the public hearing other than the applicant. The Applicant, Mr. Schultz indicated that the Antennas would be moved to a more suitable location in the future. Commission's recommendation of approval is conditioned on: 1) The CUP be reviewed in 18 months, as the applicant indicated that the antennas would be relocated to a non- residential location, thus facilitating the removal of the antenna feature of the CUP. 2) The location of the antennas be adjusted to eliminate any setback encroachment. The City Attorney has cautioned that a CUP should be treated as though the antennas are a permanent feature. If the Council is only willing to permit the antennas on a temporary basis, then Staff should be directed to prepare an Interim Use Permit with a defined time span for the antennas, such as one year or 18 months. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Conditional Use Permit Amendment for FTTH dish antennas. - or— Motion to direct Staff to prepare an Interim Use Permit allowing the antennas for a period of 18 months in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2003- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENTFOR FTTH COMMUNICATIONS, LLC WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment for FTTH Communications to construct two satellite dish antennas on the fiber optic building site in Evermoor located at 3771 Evermoor Parkway; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing on November 26, 2002, as required by the subdivision ordinance for the purpose of receiving testimony regarding the requested Conditional Use Permit Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit Amendment for FTTH Communications; and, WHEREAS, on January 7, 2003, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the recommendation forwarded by the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Conditional Use Permit Amendment for FTTH Communications to construct two satellite dish antennas on the fiber optic building site in Evermoor located at 3771 Evermoor Parkway, subject to the following conditions: The CUP be reviewed in 18 months, as the applicant indicated that the antennas would be relocated to a non - residential location, thus facilitating the removal of the antenna feature of the CUP. 2. The location of the antennas be adjusted to eliminate any setback encroachment consistent with all applicable zoning standards including Section 7.2.B.0 and 7.2.C.F. 3. The dish antennas shall be visually screened from adjacent residential uses with significant landscaping. ADOPTED this 7 th day of January, 2003, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against:_ Member absent: Seconded by: a 2002 ftIA OE P,9leaei W SC,V—. Inc. - _- - / r r r \ • / / \ /. r/'/ / / / y / \ \\ SCREENING O � , AOpppIIITIC PLANRNGS / /', �„ •"' ~� ,� Y / ryM1 EAR N) + r , r , ! / X \�i E 5061.1 j , ' — — — — i l / 951091 , \� I \ \ / 502 j / I T EMPORARY GRAVEL �• .. ... ... \ fv 1 1 6% �CI \,' \ _ J �I X� URNA — — — 51.1 ' ROUND 51.1 i I I 30' � O 1.O 1 50.9 1 I J� 4 SO.S 5p 1 MONUMENJ'$I 0 DDISH 77 ry, I 1 J 1 30.1 I FOR SC 0' SIBAYARO \ 49.6 12'I W10E BIT. DRIVEWAY /3y�' Y MnpOT 2350 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE �/ \ \ 949 E 03 } •\,. /\ 6' CL 5 AGGREGATE BASE (100% CRUSHED) i ��Y))/w, / \ \ R C OURT; INSTALL 1 LINE W I / ``> �� \ O ..•." CRUSHE COURT; INSTALL IS CURB CUT \``\ I O / �'- \\ "\�, \ O� \ rr' - _. — \ \ 9 J/ r / ZZ „ -�` \\ \ / � !s •� // / /� \ � "�j '!''/ � ,_'._'_ _ VII Y / X 95 4• G O / LEGEND Grading Plan in P DENOTES SILT FENCE DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS Site Plan �9 —. DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS DENOTES F%1STING SPOT ELEVAi10N NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION o' zo' 40' fio' 9 4543 DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION LAmrr a9Vw-N DATik iV2S/0z L �— Evermoor 11/06/02 - v4'vOP:n.I :"..w_•r. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. •^•'•+�— ' ^°•®°^� �� -�• -_• �EPR 5th Addition Temporar Satellite 1599AnagramDive ,KR �N a Contractors Pro Developers ley Com EeeR waNe MN SS3u > I I vI I sn veea 011 F rM COIIMnUnicatlonS Mh Site Plan " . P11RPr.95L9)2.5150 F- 952932.5922 3yO6�Or •N 17716 er MW 9 Nmtl CYrrle. s n po De, MDmoOM 5562a RRXemaunl. MinneeotA Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes November 26, 2002 Page 2 Chairperson Anderson asked if the applicant would be willing to remov the obsolete sign s e on the old Champion building and they stated they would. Vice Chairpe on Anderson opened the public hearing. There e no comments. MOTION by Anders to close the public hearing. S and by Messner. Ayes: Anderson, Messner, Napper. Nays: Motion carried. MOTION by Messner to grant 04 s variance requested by Jon & Linda Frayne with the stipulation that the sign be no greate ' size than the picture provided to this Commission and that it be limited to a height no ater th 23 feet and that the roof -top obsolete sign be removed. Second by Ande n. Ayes: Mes r, Napper, Anderson. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Mr. Pearson told t applicant that this could be appea within 10 working days. The appeal would be subpiffed to the Planning Commission and acte on by the City Council. A public hearing werdd have to be set up if an appeal were received. If n peals are received within the 10 s the applicant can apply for their sign permit. Public Hearing: FTTH Communications Conditional Use Permit Amendment City Planner Pearson presented this application for the corner lot along Shannon Parkway and Evermoor Parkway. There is a building located on this parcel that contains fiber optic equipment and the requested Conditional Use Permit Amendment will allow three satellite dishes be constructed near this building. There is one 14 -foot diameter antenna and two 10 -foot diameter antennas. The proposed site for the 14 -foot dish is beyond the allowed setback for antennas but if the applicant is willing to locate it within the setbacks Staff is of the opinion the Commission could make a conditional recommendation to the City Council. The drawing handed out would require a variance as the dish encroaches into a streetside front yard setback which is 40 feet. The applicant, John Schultz of FTTH, was present to answer questions. He stated that he has been talking with Mr. Pearson trying to find the right solution for the project. Their intent would be to put in the three dishes as temporary structures until they can find a more permanent location more suitable for satellite dishes. He said there was no problem moving the dishes so they are within the setback requirements. This proposal would get them through the winter until they can find a better location for the dishes. They have talked to the two abutting homeowners to come up with solutions to shade the dishes from view, etc. There was discussion about the temporary dishes being at this location and the possible locations they could be moved to within the city. The permanent location distance is not prohibitive since they are using fiber optics to transport the signal. The reason for the temporary dishes are to satisfy promises. to customers and to get the services up and running. Mr. Pearson informed the Commission that if they feel comfortable that Mr. Schultz will move the antennas so they won't require a variance and they are comfortable with the 14 -foot dish and the two 10 -foot dishes they could forward a recommendation to the City Council with a condition the 14 -foot dish be located within the setbacks as required. There was discussion about putting a time limit on these temporary dishes. Vice Chairperson Anderson opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes November 26, 2002 Page 3 - MOTION by Anderson to close the public hearing. Second by Napper. Ayes: Napper, Anderson, Messner. Nays: 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Anderson to recommend to the City Council approval of a Conditional Use Permit to FTTH with the condition that this is temporary in that the satellite dishes will be relocated in the future that the 14 -foot dish be moved within the required setbacks, and also that this will be reviewed in 18 months and it will be up to Staff to bring it to the Planning Commission and City Council at that time. Second by Napper. Ayes: Anderson, Messner, Napper. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Mr. Pearson stated this will be on the next available City Council agenda. Probably on the December 17 2002 agenda. ld Business: Downtown Redevelopment Plan 0' unity Development Director Parsons gave a brief overview of e previous discussions regar g the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. The City Council s indicated it would like to move fo and on this plan for action in December. Based on c espondence from the City Attorney th Commission has the ability to recommend uses specific uses in downtown that might conflict ith preferred uses in the Comprehensive P The Traditional Do, town Overlay District and C2 ommunity Commercial District make up the current downtown. They are co- terminal and not cover the medium residential site or the sites that have zoning o er than the C2 Comme ial zoning. Staff recommends removing the hotel alternative from the an; there are other ays to address the discrepancy of the hotel and zoning. One of the altemati s for Block J ' cludes a 70 -room hotel which is not a permitted use. Hotels are permitted in th Traditio rooms. If the Commission likes t e id this location they could extend the di number of rooms or decrease the s' e should also acknowledge that a 1' rary in Rosemount. There are othe sites that 1 Downtown Overlay District but are limited to 24 of keeping the flexibility of having the hotel concept at tional Downtown Overlay District and increase the the hotel concept at that location. The downtown plan m be built on another site downtown or on another site th library board might find more suitable. There was discussion abo9d the location of the Nrary in the downtown plan and the potential size. These are all decis' ns decided by the Coun Library Board. The downtown redevelopment plan is lanning on a 20,000 sq. ft. h ary being either one or two stories. The library would serve estem Apple Valley and Rosem t. The Commission recommends the downtown redeve pment plan acknowledge that the lib ry may be put on another site in the downtown or el where in the city. It may or may not be p rt of the plan but the plan should move forward ithout waiting to hear where the library will located. Dscussio ensued regarding the hotel concept. Vice Chairperson derson asked if it would require comp plan amendment to extend the downtown overlay dis 'ct to C2 community comm cial area. Mr. Parsons said it would be a zoning map amendme but not a change to the com ehensive plan. It could be an amendment brought to the City Counc . ' There are two co cepts for the hotel in the plan.. The concept could be changed. To increas the allowed mber of rooms would be a text amendment that a developer could request. Aposal would of be required at this time for the number of rooms the hotel could have. VicCh ' erson CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2000- 141 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONTRACTOR PROPERTY DEVELOPERS COMPANY WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application for a Conditional Use Permit for Contractor Property Developers Company to allow an essential services building at the northeast comer of Shannon Parkway and Evermoor Parkway in Rosemount, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing on December 12, 2000, as required by the subdivision ordinance for the purpose of receiving testimony regarding the requested Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Contractor Property Developers Company; and, WHEREAS, on December 19, 2000, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the recommendation forwarded by the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Conditional Use Permit for Contractor Property Developers Company to allow an essential services building at the northeast comer of Shannon Parkway and Evermoor Parkway, subject to providing a minimum of 2' of cultured stone around the base of the building along the southern elevation and wrapping around the comers, and subject to the condition that no exterior antennas or satellite dishes are permitted without an amendment to these Conditional Use Permit conditions. ADOPTED this 19" day of December, 2000, City Council of the City of Rosemount. athy ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City' erk Motion by: C i s e w s k i Seconded by: Caspar Voted in favor: K I absen, C! sewsk i , Busho, Caspar, Edwards . Voted against: None. Member absent: None. a. Ornamentation such as church spires, belfries, bell towers, cupolas, domes, monuments and flagpoles. b. Mechanical appurtenances such as solar collectors, chimneys, smoke stacks, elevator and stairwell penthouses, antennas, transmission towers and other necessary structures. (Ord. B, 9- 19 -89) c. In all districts, setbacks for all freestanding tower antennas shall be equal to the height of the antenna and its supporting structure. (Ord. B -33, 10- 19 -93) C. Supplementary Yard Regulations: 1. Permitted Yard Encroachments: No yard or required open space shall be so reduced in area or dimension so as to make any such area or dimension less than required by this Ordinance. If already less than the minimum required, a yard shall not be further reduced. The following encroachments into required yards shall be permitted: a. Special structural elements attached to the principal building such as chimneys, solar collectors, flues, belt courses, sills, pilasters, lintels, ornamental features, cornices, eaves and gutters provided they do not extend more than two and one -half feet (2 1 /2') into a yard. b. Yard lights in "R" Districts not closer than five feet (5') to the front lot line and lights in all districts for illuminating parking areas, loading areas or yards for safety and security purposes provided the direct source of light is not visible from the public right of way or adjacent residential property. (Ord. B, 9- 19 -89) C. Decorative landscaping, trees, shrubs and other aesthetic or sculptural elements including arbors and trellises within the front, side, street side and rear yards except within sight triangles adjacent to intersections on corner lots. d. Accessory Appendages: (1) Terraces, steps and stoops to the front (main) entrance of a structure may encroach into the required front, street side or sldc yards by not more than filtceil feet However, in no case shall they be closer than five feet (5') to a lot line or encroach into a utility easement, whichever is more restrictive. City of Rosemount Page 128 sight distances for vehicles approaching intersections. Fences not exceeding eight (8) feet in height are permitted in all Commercial Districts except along property lines adjacent to Residential Districts. All fences located in recorded easements are the sole risk of the property owner; and the cost.of any removal, relocation, or placement of said structures caused by any activity permitted in said easements is the sole responsibility of the property owner. Link fences shall be constructed in a manner that no barbed ends shall be at the top. Barbed wire and electric boundary fences not exceeding six (6) feet in height shall only be permitted in the AG, AG -P, and RR Districts when related to agricultural or permitted uses relative to animal husbandry. (Ord. B -21, 6- 16 -92) f. Picnic shelters, gazebos, pool houses stairs, fire escapes and recreation equipment may be placed only in side or rear yard areas and shall conform to the requirements of subsection 7.2.A.6. Accessory Buildings. g. Satellite Dishes in "R" Districts shall not be closer than ten feet (10') from a side or rear lot line and shall not be placed in front or street front yards. (Ord. B -33, 10- 19 -93) h. Security fences not exceeding eight feet (8') in height are permitted in the IG and WM Districts. Barbed wire, not exceeding three (3) strands, may be permitted on top of the fence, providing the arms do not project over the public right of way or any adjacent public or private property. The minimum height of the bottom strand of barbed wire shall not be less than six feet (6') from finished grade. In all cases where a barbed wire security fence is requested, an application shall be made to the Building Official. A Certificate of Insurance indemnifying the City shall be submitted with the application subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and in an amount as set forth in Minnesota Statutes Section 566.04. (Ord. B -21, 6- 16 -92) 2. Required Side and Rear Yard Enlargement: a. Corner Lots: Where a side yard abuts a street which is adjacent to the front yard of one or more residential lots on the same bloc t t t , r._ ulvcn, such SidC yards Silatt t rmeet file _ llullt yaitl seL'Uat;K feq lrelnelll of the district. The same yard dimension determined for such a side yard shall apply to structures in the rear yard. . . City of Rosemount Page 130 Z0'd %SG S0 =9t 2002- 90 -Ndf ADDM TD 1-TV-4 7Cc . r Fe-Om Fr7W 01/06/2003 Adam Hartung 13175 Crookhaven Ct Rosemount, MST 55068 (651) 204 -3002 Rick Pearson Rosemount City Council Rosemount, MN 55068 City Council Members, This letter is to inform you of my support of FTTH's effort in providing satellite and other services to the residents of Evermoore. We are aware that there will be three very large satellites placed around the utility house on the corner of Evermoore Parkway and Shannon Parkway. John from FTTH has informed us that is is the intent of FTTH to have a permanent solution to the satellite needs in the summer of 2003. At that time, the satellites near the utility house will be removed. There will be no trees or brush cut in order to place these satellites and even a few more trees will be planted to disguise them from the neighboring residents. Being as though these satellites will provided long awaited service to the residents of Evermoore, and that this is a temporary solution that will not effect the appearance of the area surrounding the utility house beginning the fall of 2003, we support the installation of the satellites. Sincerely, Adam Hartung inn i nn f•� '1lT,I1 f-E-t- VVJ OC' OT ATnv enn7 /On /TA Features • Precision Compression Molded Centerfed Reflector • ;LowTransportation Cost with Eight Panel Reflector • Individual Panels Interchange- able and Field Replaceable • Fully Galvanized Steel Mounts> • Az/EI or Declination Corrected Polar Mounts • 'Optional Galvanized King Post Available ATCi Corporate Office 450 N McKemy • Chandler, AZ 85226 t 480.W8501 • f 480.898.7667 www.atei.com Summary ADDED To ZtOk-i - 7. c . The Prodelin 3.7 Meter is a precise, quality state-of-the-art C or Ku -Band Receive -Only Antenna. It features a variety of mounts and a glass fiber reinforced galvanized reflector which is powder coated for superior protection against the elements. The 3.7 Meter Receive -Only reflector consists of 8 draw die formed contoured petals with matched radial beams. This straightforward construction approach requires no field alignment, significantly reducing installation time and cost. The Prodelin 3.7 Meter Prime Focus is one of the highest performance antennas in the industry due to its sophisticated, precision SMC compression molding process technology. ATCi provides the best value antenna solutions to market with competitive pricing, highest quality products and unmatched engineering support. Applications • Broadcasting • Cable TV & Radio • Corporate Business • Government &Military • Educational Institutions Aft MJMIFILM Profit from Out Experknce ELECTRICAL Antenna Size Operating Frequency Midband Gain ( +/- .5 dB) 3 dB Beamwidth Antenna Noise Temperature 20 Elevation 30 Elevation Feed Interface First Sidelobe (Typical) Cross -Pol Isolation (Linear) VSWR Insertion Loss Series 1374 -1375 C-Bend Ku Band 3.7 M (12 ft.) 3.7 M (12 ft.) 3.625 - 4.2 10.95 -12.75 3.625 - 4.210.95 -12.75 40.9 dBi 50.7 dBi 1.45° 0.5° 25K 23K CPR 229F WR 75 -20 dB >30 dB (on axis) 1.3:1 Max. 0.2 dB Max. 23K 22K CPR 229F WR 75 20 dB >30 dB (on axis) 1.3:1 Max. 0.2 dB Max. MECHANICAL Reflector Material Antenna Optics Mast Pipe Size Elevation Adjustment Range Azimuth Adjustment Range Eight Segment Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester SMC Prime Focus, Axisymmetric 6' SCH 80 Pipe (6.62° OD) 16.83 cm. 10 to 70° Continuous Fine Adjustment (90 Optional) 360° Continuous/Polar Mount Covers Any 90° Segment of Arc Declination Corrected Polar Range (1305/1345/1375) f/D Ratio /Feed Support Shipping Specifications 90 Arc Coverage With 36' Actuator .36 / Quad Feed Support 520 lbs. (234 kg.) .37 / Quad Feed Support 575 lbs. (259 kg.) ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE Wind Loading Operational Survival Temperature Operational Survival Rain Operational Survival Ice Operational Survival 45 mph (72 km/h) 125 mph (201 km/h) -40° to 140° F (40 to 60° C) -50 to 160° F (46 to 71° C) 1/2' /hr. 2"/ hr. 1/2' radial Atmospheric Conditions Solar Radiation Salt, Pollutants and Contanimants as Encountered in Coastal and Industrial Areas. 360 BTU /h/ft Spec�fiCat�o is ubjed To, Change WithouC Notice 40-844 l for Cu#rettL E guru: