HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.y. Conditional Use Permit to Allow Concrete Production / DannerCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION r City Council Meeting Date: October 7, AGENDA ITEM: Conditional Use Permit to Allow Concrete AGENDA SECTION: Production in Association with Mineral Consent Extraction. PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.LC.P., Assistant Planner AGENDA 4 J . tM#6 T ATTACHMENTS:, Draft Resolution, Site Location Map, Site Plan, APPROVED BY: Staff Report, Existing Mineral Extraction Permit, Applicant's Narrative, PC Minutes (9- 9 -03) Z�1� Applicant: Marlon Danner, Danner Mining Location: 1.25 miles east of STH 52/56 and - 1/4 mile south of CSAH 42 Area: 75 Acres Comp Plan Design: IM, Industrial /Mixed Use Zoning: AG, Agriculture Planning Comm. Action: Recommendation of Approval (4 -0) - SUMMARY The applicant, Danner Mining, requests site plan and conditional use permit approvals to allow the placement of a concrete plant and awash plant in association with mineral extraction. In this case, concrete production is allowed only if the subject property also has an approved mineral extraction permit under Section 12.4, Mineral Extraction. In addition to the mineral extraction performance standards, the City may regulate concrete production under the general standards for conditional use permits as outlined in Section 12.7 and the new standards added to Section 6.1. A detailed review of these standards and staff findings for each can be found in the attached staff report dated September 4, 2003 After Reviewing this application against the performance standards outlined above, staff finds this site in compliance and recommends approval of the site plan and conditional use permit to allow the placement of a concrete plant and a wash plant on the property located 1.25 miles east of STH 52/56 and '/4 mile south of CSAH 42, subject to the conditions outlined below. - PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING No comments were received concerning the Conditional Use or the site plan. The Commissioners were satisfied that the site plan addressed the issues of screening and setbacks. Subsequently, the site plan was approved and the CUP recommended for Council approval. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2003- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DANNER, INC. WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application for a Conditional Use Permit for Danner, Inc. to allow the placement of a concrete and wash plant in association with their mineral extraction permit on their existing mining site 1 1 /4 miles east of STH 52/56 and I /4 miles south of CSAH 42; and - WHEREAS, the P1amling Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing on September 9, 2003, as required by the subdivision ordinance for the purpose of receiving testimony regarding the requested Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Danner, Inc.; and, WHEREAS, on October 7, 2003, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the recommendation forwarded by the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Conditional Use Permit for Danner, Inc. to allow the placement of a concrete and wash plant in association with their mineral extraction permit on their existing mining site 1 1 /4 miles east of STH 52/56 and i / 4 miles south of CSAH 42; and subject to the following conditions: 1. Maintain conformance with the approved site plan. 2. Maintain conformance with the existing mineral extraction permit. ADOPTED this 7 day of October, 2003, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against:_ Member absent: Seconded by: SITE MAP PROPERTY ID NUMBER: 34- 02900 - 010 -60 CONTRACT PURCHASER: DANNER FAMILY LMTD PTNSHP 843 HARDMAN AVE S SOUTH ST PAUL MN 55075 -2460 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4594 145TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 PAYABLE 2003 TAXES NET TAX: SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: 0.00 TOTAL TAX 8 SA:� PAYABLE 2004 ASMNT USAGE:AG RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL- PREFERRED I I I i i TYPE S.FAM.RES I i i I Il I I I FOUNDATION SO FT 752 I FINISHED SO FT 860 BEDROOMS 3 I BATHS 1 I L I l i l l I NOTE: Dimensions rounded to nearest foot Copyright 2003, Dakota County - 2003 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2004) 2003 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2004): LAND: LOT SIZE TYPE S.FAM.RES BUILDING: = YEAR BUILT 1880 TOTAL: rA 3,266,993 TOTAL SO FT ARCH /STYLE 1 -1/4 STRY 75.00 TOTAL ACRES FOUNDATION SO FT 752 SCHOOL DISTRICT: 196 52,478 ROAD R/W SO FT FINISHED SO FT 860 BEDROOMS 3 LOCATION: SW1 /4 SW1 /4 SECTION 29- 115 -18 BATHS 1 FRAME WOOD PAYABLE 2004 HOMESTEAD STATUS: NON HOMESTEAD GARAGE SO FT 0 OTHER GARAGE WATERSHED DISTRICT: VERMILLION RIVER MISC BLDG MISC BLDG LAST QUALIFIED SALE: ZONING: ROSEMOUNT Zone AG: Agricultural DATE: AMOUNT: This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, and state offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. Dakota County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepancies are found, please contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department. I PLAT NAME: SECTION 29 TWN 115 RANGE 18 N TAX DESCRIPTION: W 85 A OF SW 1/4 EX W 21 1/3 R OF N 75 R EX PARCEL 15 IN CTY R/W MAP 21 29 115 18 Map Date: August 29, 2003 Parcels Updated: 8/21/2003 Aerial Photography: 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Pearson, City Planner City of Rosemount Planning Commission FROM: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P., Assistant City Planner DATE: September 4, 2003 RE: Danner Mining Conditional Use Permit & Site Plan Review for Concrete Production in Association with Mineral Extraction. BACKGROUND The applicant, Danner Mining, requests site plan and conditional use permit approvals to allow the placement of a concrete plant and a wash plant in association with a mineral extraction permit. In this case, concrete production is allowed only if the subject property also has an approved mineral extraction permit under Section 12.4, Mineral Extraction. In addition to the mineral extraction performance standards, the City may regulate concrete production under the general standards for conditional use permits as outlined in Section 12.7 and the new standards added to Section 6.1. ISSUE ANALSIS Laud Use & Zoning. The proposed concrete production use is consistent with both the land use and zoning designations for the subject property. The 2020 Land Use Plan guides the subject property for IlVI, Industrial /Mixed Use. The subject property is also zoned AG, Agriculture. Conditional Use Permit. Section 6.1.C.8, (the AG, Agricultural District) of the Zoning Ordinance designates cement or concrete production as a conditional use, provided the subject property has an approved mineral extraction permit in compliance with Section 12.4 (Mineral Extraction). The purpose for a conditional use permit is to mitigate any adverse effects that may result from this type of use. The performance standards for mineral extraction and conditional uses are attached for your review. Staff reviewed this application against these standards and found this site to be in compliance. The specific performance standards for concrete production, along with staff's findings for each, are outlined below. 1 1. Council Review. The Council, at the time of issuance of a CUP for c concrete production, may wave or modify any of the provisions of Sections ement or 12.4 or 12.7 or impose additional requirements if it finds that the plans o Other factors make appropriate more suitable measures for standard r consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare Finding: The Council may add any performance provision to mitigate effects of this use. The pla nning Commissio may find ne cessary they find necessary any additional standards they find necessary to the City Council. end 2. Inspection. The City may inspect all sites with or requesting a CUP cement or concrete production. The operator or for concrete production site f owner of any ceme ound in violation of the requirements of this or i O nt rdinance or its CUP shall remedy such violations within the time s ec' by written notice from the City. Failure to remedy any violations w l ified specified time frame may result in revocation of the CUP, n the Finding: The Council may direct staff to inspect this site erio its compliance with all performance standards and conditions o ically to insure 3. Location. The plant shall be located in such f a pp ro val. an adjacent residential use or a public right -of -way that it is not visible from accomplished through landscaping, fencin to o y This may be The minimum setback fr om an g' p gra phy, berming or setback. Plant or applicable setback under h s ode, whichever is greater. height of the Finding: Acc to the applicant, the concrete plant will be located feet, or twice the height of the concrete plant, from the eastern Property line e while the wash plant will be located 405 feet from the western pro ert li Both plants will be located behind the exing berm which will scr from County Road 42 and surrounding residential p Y ne. g uses. een them 4. Height. The maximum height of any concrete plant shall all be 75 feet. Finding: According to the applicant, height of the concrete plant ' be feet while the height of the wash plant will be 16 feet. These confo ��, the 75 height maximum height standard. ith 5. Outdoor Storage. There shall be no outdoor storage of vehicles. Al Y equipment and material associated with the cement or concrete plant must b screened from view from an adjacent residential use or public right -or -wa in conformance with Section 4.9 of the Zoning Ordinance (Outdoor e Storage). Finding: According to the applicant, there will be no outdoor storage g on site. 2 Mineral Extraction. The Planning Comm'ssio e 25, 20031meeting. The City renew the mineral extraction permit d the Y lcril 17, 2003. A copy of the permit is attached for Council a pproved their renewal on Ap approximately 115,000 tons of granular material were your review. That review found illustrated 2002. The site is currently in the 2000 phase extracted from the site during ost importantly, the police report no complaints associated on the applicant's site plan. M with the subject property. This permit expirers December 31, 2003. Access & Parking. The site plan illustrates a 15 -foot paved tonal arki g areaos the entrance off of County Road u Staff fmdsthese c ondirions consstent with the required or designate for this se performance standards outlined in Section 8 of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping & Tree Preservation. According to Section ards fo developments n the AG, P erformance standards there are no specific landscaping p a pplicant's plan illustrates no additional landscaping for the Agricultural District. The app p site. As a result, the site conforms with the landscape standards for properties in the A , Agricultural District. E n closure. No trash enclosure is required at this time. However, becomes an issue on site, ster and enclosure Trash E� a pplicant will be re uired to la a p on site in conformanCe wi the app q pla Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signage. The performance standards for signs in AG, Agricultural District are outlined i n Section 10.2, Subdivision E. These standards allow l for mineral e cgon farms or sand ete agricultural products for sale. No signs are a llowed y have a sign and has not requested one as pro duction. The applicant does not current part of this application. E xterior Lighting. General glare standards for the e be and the li E h limits of the site from from all exterior lighting sources shall not be visible y which it originates: There is no exterior lighting on site and the applicant is not requesting lighting has part of this application. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION a llow the Staff recomm ends approval the site plan and a conditional use the sub'e�t property This placement of a concrete p n the findings contain ed in this report and the plans dated recommendation is based roval is subject the conditions outlined August 28, 2003. This recommendation for app below. 1. Maintain conformance with the approved site plan. 2. Maintain conformance with the existing mineral extraction permit. 3 Mineral Extraction Permit 2003 Conditions For Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal DANNER, INC. A. Danner Inc., _hereinafter referred to as the "Property Owner" and hereinafter sign a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its successors or assigns to the conditions of said permit. B. This permit is granted for the area designated as on Exhibit A which is attached hereto as one ofthe exhibits. C. The term of the permit shall extend from February 25, 2003 until December 31, 2003 unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. A mining permit fee of $330.00 shall be paid to the City of Rosemount. D. All required permits from the State of Minnesota, County of Dakota and City of Rosemount (hereinafter "City ") or any of their agencies be obtained and submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the permit. That failure by the Property Owner to comply with the terms and conditions of any of the permits required under this paragraph shall be grounds for the City to terminate said mining permit. E. The final grading for the permit area shall be completed in accordance with the attached grading plan labeled Exhibit B, or as approved by the City Engineer, and any other conditions as may be imposed by the City from time to time. F. All gravel trucks and other mining related traffic shall enter and exit the mining area from County State Aid Highway 42. It shall be the Property Owner's responsibility to obtain any access permits or easements necessary for ingress and egress. The location of the accesses and /or easements for ingress and egress shall be subject to approval by the City, as well as the County Highway Department if any changes occur relative to the mining process. G. A plan for dust control shall be submitted to and subject to approval by the City. The Property Owner shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from extraction or hauling operations related to the Mineral Extraction Permit. After the Property Owner has received 24 -hour verbal notice, the City will complete or contract to complete the clean up at the Property Owner's expense. In the event of a traffic hazard as determined by the Public Works Director or Rosemount Police Department, the City may proceed immediately to complete or contract cleanup at Property Owner's expense without prior notification. H. That the surface water drainage of the mining area shall not be altered so as to interfere, contaminate, or otherwise effect the natural drainage of adjacent property. That no topsoil shall be removed from the site and that the Property Owner shall take necessary measures to prevent erosion of the stockpiled topsoil. The location of the stockpiled topsoil shall be indicated on Exhibit A the Phasing Plan. Any costs incurred now or in the future in changing the location of existing public or private utilities including but not limited to pipelines, transmission structures and sewer infrastructure located within the permit area shall be the sole obligation and expense of the Property Owner. K. That all costs of processing the permit, including but not limited to planning fees, engineering fees and legal fees, shall be paid by the Property Owner prior to the issuance of the permit. That the Property Owner reimburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Engineer or any other City employee for the purpose of insuring that conditions of the permit are being satisfied. That the Property Owner agrees to reimburse the City for any other costs incurred as a result of the granting or enforcing of the permit. L. That the daily hours of operation for the mining area shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; subject, however, to being changed by the City Council. M. That the Property Owner deposit with the Planning Department a surety bond or cash escrow in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars per acre ($5,000.00 /acre) or active phase in favor of the City for the cost of restoration, regrading and /or revegetating land disturbed by mining activities in the event of default from this agreement by the Property Owner. The required surety bonds must be: (1) With good and sufficient surety by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota with the right of the surety company to cancel the same upon thirty (30) days written notice to the permit holder and the City. (2) Satisfactory to the City Attorney in form and substance. (3) Conditioned that the Property Owner will faithfully comply with all the terms, conditions and requirements of the permit; all rules, regulations and requirements pursuant to the permit and as required by the City and all reasonable requirements of the City Engineer, or any other City officials. (4) Conditioned that the Property Owner will secure the City and its officers harmless against any and all claims, or for which the City, the Council or any City officer may be made liable by reason of any accident or injury to persons or property through the fault of the Property Owner. (5) The surety bond or cash escrow shall remain in effect from January 1, 2002 until July 30, 2003. Upon thirty (30) days notice to the permit holder and surety company, the City may reduce or increase the amount of the bond or cash escrow during the term of this permit in order to insure that the City is adequately protected. N. That the Property Owner furnishes a certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance issued by insurers duly licensed within the State of Minnesota in an amount of at least Five Hundred Thousand and no /100 ($500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence, bodily injury liability in an amount of at least One Million and no /100 ($1,000,000.00) Dollars and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no /100 ($250,000.00) Dollars arising out of any one occurrence. The policy of insurance shall name the City as an additional insured and shall remain in effect from April 4, 2002 until July 30, 2003. O. The storage of equipment (unrelated to the sand and gravel mining and processing), manure, construction debris, or hazardous materials of any kind shall not be permitted on site. The placement of construction debris, manure, asphalt in any form or hazardous materials within the pit as fill shall be strictly prohibited. P. That the Property Owner shall hold the City harmless from all claims or causes of action that may result from the granting of the permit. That the Property Owner shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages or expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims. Q. That the Property Owner comply with such other requirements of the City Council as it shall from time to time deem proper and necessary for the protection of the citizens and general welfare of the community. R. Complete mining and reclamation is required in all phases before any additional mining is authorized. Modifications or expansion of the mining areas must be approved in writing to the City. Property 2 Owner shall submit to the City semiannually a written report indicating the amount of material extracted from the site for the prior six -month period. S. That the Property Owner shall incorporate best management practices for controlling erosion and storm water runoff as specified by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. T. The Property Owner must have a copy of the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District mining application completed and on file with the City of Rosemount Planning Department prior to the approval of the Mineral Extraction Permit. U. Reclamation requires the replacement of the entire stockpile of topsoil to the mined area, reseeding and mulching necessary to re- establish vegetative cover for permanent slope stabilization and erosion control, provided also that the minimum depth of topsoil shall not be less than two inches after reclamation. No restored slopes may exceed a gradient of 25% or four to 1 (4:1). V. The Property Owner must show how materials stockpiled for recycling will be processed and inform the City of all stockpiled materials. W. All recycling must be completed with the completion of the current phase. No recycling processes shall be allowed to continue into subsequent phases. X. The Property Owner may not assign this permit without written approval of the City. The Property Owner will be responsible for all requirements of this permit and all City ordinances on the licensed premises for the permit period unless the Property Owner gives sixty (60) days prior written notice to the City of termination and surrenders permit to the City. The Property Owner shall identify all Operators prior to their commencement of mineral extraction - related activities in the pit area. The City shall have the authority to cause all mineral extraction activities to cease at any time there is an apparent breach of the terms of this Permit. Y. The Property Owner shall install and maintain a "stock" gate (or equivalent) at the entrance to the property where the mining operation is located. The gate must be secured at 7:00 p.m. and at any time the pit is not in use. That Danner, Inc., Property Owner, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said mining permit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Property Owner has hereunto set his hand this day of - 2003. DANNER, INC. BY: Property Owner STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2003, by , on behalf of Danner, Inc., Property Owner. Notary Public 3 DANNER, INC. 843 Hardman Avenue South • South St. Paul, MN 55075 AUGUST 20, 2003 Phone: (6S t) 450 -0830 • Fax: (651) 4SO -9076 PLANNING COMMISSIONER CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TRAFFIC ON COUNTY ROAD 42 ACCORDING TO ASSISTANT ENGINEER, DAVE CZECK, IS 8300 - 1 FLIPS PER DAY, THE PROJECTION FOR 2025 IS 24,000 TRIPS PER DAY. AS OF RIGHT KNOW COUNTY ROAD 42 CAN HANDLE UP TO 14,000 TRIPS PER DAY WITHOUT ANY IMPROVEMENTS. NO TURN LANES ARE NEEDED AT THIS TIME BUT WHEN THE COUNT REACHES 15,000 TRIPS PER DAY OR WHEN THE NEW INTERCHANGE ON COUNTY ROAD 42 AND HIGHWAY 55 IS CONSTRUCTED, AND THE TRAFFIC GETS DETOURED TO COUNTY ROAD 42, THEN IT WILL HAVE TO BE UPDATED TO 4 LANES AND NEW TURN LANES SHOULD BE INSTALLED. WE ANTICIPATE ADDING ABOUT 200 -250 TRUCK TRIPS PER DAY IN 2003 -2004. THE NOISE FOR THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE ALL - ELECTRIC, EXCEPT THE LOADER USED TO FEED THE CONCRETE PLANT. THE CONCRETE AND WASH PLANT IS ABOUT 60 FEET TALL AND WOULD BE LOCATED BEHIND A DIRT BERM. THIS PLANT WOULD NOT BE VISIBLE FROM COUNTY ROAD 42. ALSO THE DIRT BERM WOULD SUPRESS ANY NOISE FROM THE TRUCKS, LOADER OR ANY MIXING OF THE CONCRETE. ANY DUST WOULD BE CONTROLLED BY WATER OR BLACKTOP. THE ROAD COMING INTO THE PIT HAS BEEN BLACKTOPPED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE ISSUES PLEASE CALL. ME AT (65 1) 450 -0830. SINCERELY, DANNER INC. MARLON DANNER VICE PRESIDENT MD /KJR MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALIST PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9; 2003 PAGE 2 1 • Execution of a PUD Agreement to secure the expectations of the De amenities and improvements including architectural and landscaping eloper installed ncessions made by the City, p nI exhibits and any 2. In oipoi anon of recommendations relative to drainage, easements and utilities by the City Engineer. 3• Con nuance with all applicable building and fire cod ading, street design mane verinQ f es with phasis on circulation and or emergency vehicles and fire hydrants as ducted by th Executi n of a subd e Fire Marshal. 4• ivision development agreement and c llforman requirem lts for final plat. with the S• Plan rev' si ns as noted above in "Housing i/nts 6. Landscape an revision e1�Ilancina g 1 ' items 1 -4. sufficient spa n landscated in item 4 above, and to ensure P for the required landscaping nnance with co ncept a 7• Recording of h meowners' association docua form acce to Attoney to secu e p erpetual maint /tanda rd s. es onsibi scaping• p Ppi "oval. acceptable to the City space including c nmon drivewa p litres for all common open 8• The City does not arantee that tof dwellings will not b PUD in confonnanc with applica e reduced to bring the Second by Anderson. Ayes: Weisensel, nde Mr. Pearson stated this will go t� Cl Public Hearing: Uitdenbo erd This Preliminary plat was cogt* ued o o� n AugtB t 26,2003 Meet* * to subdivide 1.66 plat acres into ur sin -family meeti presented the Conimissioi ith three a enlat veodesAt the prev- ng. ous meet preliminary plat is detailed drawing preferred s for th cons tin time for th p is �� the developer mss• The develoer was anticipating having deadline. Therefore, e developer is re u sting meeting but was unable to meet the 2003 Planning Col fission meeting. q this hearing be continued to the September 2 Chairperson W Isensel opened the public Bea Sama , 14709 Cimarron Avenue, presented\ adjacen roperty owners expressing their conceir. M M TION by Weisensel to continue the public he; essner. Ayes: Messner, Anderson, Napper, Wei to the Commission fionrseveral ofthe this concept plan. until September 23, 2003. Second by �. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Public Hearing: Danner, Inc. Conditional Use Permit Marlon Danrie is seeking approval of a conditional use permit that will all concrete and wash plant on their property.. Since there is a mineral extraction ern property the concrete and wash plant would have w the placement of a is in compliance with standards and Staff recommends approval. p in on this e the conditional use permit approval. The site rson, INapper_ Nays: 0. Motion carried• ouncil probably on October 7, 2003. Chairperson Weisensel opened the public hearing. There were no coininei Its PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 3 el to close the public hearing. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, MOTION by Weisens Napper, Weisensel, Messner. Nays: 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Anderson to approve the site plan to allow the placement of a concrete and wash CSAH 42. plant on the property located 1.25 mileseast of S e e s / e16M e ss ier. Nays: 0 f p Moto carried. ld Second by Napper. Ayes: Anderson, Napp er, W y MOTION b Weisensel to recommend that the City Council approve the a conditional xtr po rnit to wa a llow the placement of a concrete a miles of S1 association TH 5 ' / ile south of C SAH 42 permit on the property located 1.25 subject to: 1. Maintain conformance with the approved site plan. 2. Maintain conformance with the existing Messner, Anderson. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Second by Napper. Ayes: Napper, Mr. Pearson stated the conditional use permit will be on the City Council consent agenda probably on October 7, 2003. Old siness: None. New Business. None. - Q e is working on scheduling a to for Director's Report: Administrator Ja xie erbru�g the downtown redevelopmen rocess would like extend 003 at 8 an 30 a.m. November 1, Commission. It is tentatively s led for October Commission 2003 Planning Commissi meeting i n Veteran's Holiday. on will make deci on by ni d to either reschedule the eeting or cancel it. e Comm October. urther business to come before this Comm' ion, upon Motion by Weisensel, emID no f upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned at 6: P.M. V Respectfully Submitted, Chantel Nelson Recording Secretary