HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Authorize Preparation of North Centreal Sanitary Sewer Update, City Project #375r +t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 7, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Preparation of North Central Sanitary Sewer Update, City Project 4375 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer l AGEN fy 6 J ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Task and Fees APPROVED BY: Jov At the September 10, 2003 Committee of the Whole meeting, the 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Study was reviewed. As discussed at the meeting, Staff is recommending that an update of this study be completed. This update will include a review and update of the proposed improvements and estimated costs. _ Also as part of the proposed update, funding alternatives will be developed along with a phasing plan for the completion of improvements. Attached for your review and consideration is a summary of the proposed tasks and fees provided by Dave Hutton with WSB & Associates, Inc. Staff is recommending Council authorization to prepare the North Central Sanitary Sewer Update. N. Central Sanitary Sewer Study Update City of Rosemount WSB Project No. 1191 -23 WSB & Associates, Inc. will review and update the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study that was prepared in March, 1997. The following tasks are identified to complete this effort. Task 1 Project Management This task includes all coordination, meetings with staff, returning phone calls, supervision of the project team to make sure the tasks are completed on schedule and within budget, preparing monthly invoices and other administrative tasks. A meeting with MCES staff will be conducted to determine any of their concerns, verify the capacity of their systems and provide input into the assumptions build into this study. Task 2 Data Collection This task consists of reviewing all property files at City Hall to determine the condition of the existing septic systems. All relevant mapping and other property information will be collected. We will work with the City's planning dept. to verify all land use and comp plan designations. The entire area will be driven to verify the existing land uses and overall drainage patterns. Task 2 Review Sewer flows /drainage areas We will review the assumptions and calculations that went into developing the 1997 sewer flows and trunk system. We will also review the drainage areas using topography maps to make sure the correct boundaries are used for each subwatershed. WSB will work with the City planning staff to make sure the correct land use designation is used for each parcel when calculating sewer flows. Task 3 Review alternatives The 1997 study included several alternatives including the use of lift stations and also draining a portion of the City to the Eagan sewer system. We will look at those options - to see if they are still relevant and make recommendations on the preferred option based on not only initial cost estimates, but also long term, maintenance and life cycle costs. We will also look for any new, reasonable alternatives that should be considered and make recommendations regarding the ultimate options selected. As part of this task, we would do a capacity analysis of the MCES interceptor system. Task 4 Update Maps Based on the analysis in Tasks 2 and 3, we will update the maps in the report accordingly. Also, any sanitary sewer trunk systems that have been installed since 1997 that affect this area will be added to the maps. The most current land use map will be incorporated into the final report. Task 5 Cost Estimates We will update the 1997 report cost estimates for 2003 bid prices and update any quantities necessary as a result of the sewer study updates. Task 6 Water system updates The City does have a Comprehensive Water plan (1997, Bonestroo) But as part of extending trunk sanitary sewers into the north central area, water main should be considered as well. We will look at the water plan and incorporate the necessary improvements into the overall phasing plan for the sewer improvements. Our budget does not include updating the Comprehensive Water Plan or any new modeling, but we will make recommendations on the water facilities that should be installed with the sewer phasing. Task 7 Develop Staging Plan Based on the City's comprehensive plan, overall growth strategy, condition of existing on -site septic system, development requests and funding, we will prepare a staging plan for the extension of trunk sewer and water facilities into the North Central portion of Rosemount. Task 8 Funding plan Once the cost estimates have been finalized, we will prepare a funding plan that would include both trunk and lateral charges. Potential funding sources would include special assessments, trunk charges, development fees, and City Core Sewer and Water funds. Task 9 Prepare Draft Report We would provide the City Council and staff with a draft revised report for review and comment. Task 10 Final report Once we have made all revisions based on staff and Council comments, we will provide the City with 20 copies of the final report. Task 11 Public Participation Involving the public will be very important for this study. There will be many existing property owners that have an interest in the City's sewer study — both for City services and against City services. There will be opposing views within individual neighborhoods. In addition, developers and large landowners may have a different interest altogether. We would propose the following public participation process. a. Conduct an initial kickoff meeting for the entire area to explain what the City's study will consist of b, Hold up to four (4) individual neighborhood meetings to discuss the specifics of their situation. C. Conduct final open house /public informational meeting to present the preliminary results prior to finalizing the report. d. Attend Council meetings and worksessions as necessary. It is anticipated that 2 worksessions and 2 Council meetings will be necessary. Future tasks Upon completion of the sewer study, the City may want to initiate the Phase 1 improvements. At that time, we would present the specific tasks and estimated fee to prepare a feasibility report and final plans for the City. Timetable We are proposing to have the sewer study completed by March 31, 2004. Ak Work Plan and Estimate of Cost WSB N. CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER STUDY &Associates, . WSB Project No. 1191 -231 Inc CITY of ROSEMOUNT Oct.]. 2003 Feasiblity Report Task Description 113.00 Project Manager Senior Project Engineer Graduate Engineer Engr. Technician Office Technician Total Hours $7,910.00 1 $10,584.00 1 $10,332.00 1 $3,200.00 $936.00 $32,962.00 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 12 12 2 DATA COLLECTION 8 8 24 40 3 REVIEW SEWER FLOWS /DRAINAGE AREAS 4 4 24 32 4 REVIEW ALTERNATIVES 6 12 8 26 5 UPDATE MAPS FOR NEW SYSTEMS 4 12 16 6 UPDATE COST ESTIMATES 2 2 20 24 7 REVIEW WATER SYSTEMS PLAN /COSTS 2 4 8 4 18 8 DEVELOP STAGING PLAN 4 20 40 8 72 9 DEVELOP FUNDING PLAN /STRATEGIES 6 8 8 22 10 PREPARE DRAFT REPORT 6 20 8 10 8 52 11 PREPARE FINAL REPORT 2 4 4 6 4 20 12 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A. Initial public kickoff meeting 4 4 4 2 14 B. Neighborhood meetings (4) 16 16 4 2 38 C. Final open house /public info meeting 6 6 4 2 18 D. Council meetings /worksessions (4) 12 8 4 24 Total Hours 1 70 1 108 1 164 1 40 1 18 1 428 Hourly Costs 113.00 98.00 63.00 80.00 52.00 Labor Costs $7,910.00 1 $10,584.00 1 $10,332.00 1 $3,200.00 $936.00 $32,962.00