HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.d Great River Energy & Proposed Generation ProjectProposed Generation Project Rick Lancaster GRE proposing 300 -600 primarily gas - fired power plant in Rosemount Plant will serve GRE's Members (including Dakota Electric) growing energy needs Plant will generate significant tax revenue, jobs, and improve reliability �r Need personal property tax exemption GREAT RN/ER ENERGY' GREAT RN/ER ENERGY' GRE needs resource between base -load and peaking High on -peak growth, mostly residential Current base -load resources are not fully utilized in the off -peak and shoulder months Flexibility of combined cycle operations will help meet GRE system needs Efficient/clean resource GREAT RIVER ENERGY° �r,. ­fit GREAT RIVER ENERGY' Size determined by GRE's needs plus contracted sales to others Focusing on 300 -600 MW size range Larger project benefits from economies of scale Project could be phased Discussion with partners on -going I GREAT RIVER ENERGY' GREAT RIVER ENERGY' id Tax exemption May `03 Member approvals Summer `03 Filing of Certificate of Need July `03 All Permits Obtained Fall `04 Construction Start Fall `04 Commercial Operation Spring `07 Fx�� Gas pipeline — GRE or pipeline co. will construct 1.5 mile interconnect line (underground) GREAT RIVER ENERGY° .. r ,,.A- GREAT RNER ENERGY° — GRE will build on -site roads — GRE will reimburse road jurisdictions if roads damaged (not anticipated) Water (potable) /Sewer City services not expected GRE needs personal property tax exemption or plant will not be built in MN Without exemption, plant will not be competitive MN Legislature has approved 17 personal property tax exemptions "GRE actively pursuing exemption and would like Rosemount's support With 100% personal property tax exemption, project expected to pay $1.5 million in property taxes in year one GREAT RIVER ENERGY' ..v,. _F.Rrrte,...+.x1'. GREAT RIVER EN ERGY' ­L. GRE is asking for tax exemption valued between $1.1 -2 million annually Roughly 75 acres for plant (40 acres) and ,-buffer (35 acres) GRE paying $20,000 per developed acre or $4,400 per acre for entire site CF Industries — $229,160 -pay `02, 369 acres — $621 per acre Continental Nitrogen — $121,745 -pay `02, 105- acres — $1,159 per acre Endres Properties — $91,055 -pay `02, 50 acres — $1, 821 per acre Fill pay GREAT RNER ENERGY' P IIYR will not Aric Lost r CAUI I IPLIUI I UY LI IC CI IU UI IVldl U 1 ` UO Process for securing resolution from Rosemount supporting exemption? Coordination with Dakota County? Timing? i � GREAT RIVER ENERGY' -? Generation and transmission not - for - profit cooperative provide wholesale electricity and transmission -to 28 member owners Headquartered in Elk River GREAT RIVER ENERGY' GREAT RIVER ENERGY• ­4� MY �C�+ = d E 4500 U1110 3500 2500 2000 00 0 OO R 0& 000 OO A OOIb 0 O ^O O O O O O O ^O O GREAT RIVER ENERGY' ..s.,,�.� ­ct� Combustion turbine Conventional steam cycle GREAT RIVER ENERGY° .. s -r _T, High efficiencies - approaching 50% Natural gas -fired with low emissions if f 1AY 19 2 000 15 :25 FR EXHIBIT A Parcel 1: TO 21#152 That part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, all in Township 115 North, Range 18 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Dakota County, Minnesota, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the West Quarter corner of said Section 20; thence Easterly along the East and West Quarter Section line thereof, a distance 347.4 feet to a post, said post being the point of beginning of the parcel of land herein described; thence deflecting 135 degrees 41 minutes to the right running Southwesterly along a straight line parallel with and distant 170 feet Southeasterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of the tangent portion of the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company (formerly the Chicago Great Western Railway Company) belt line track to the West line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19; thence Northerly along said West line of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19 to the center line of said belt line track; thence Northeasterly along said belt line track centerline to a point in the Southwesterly right -of -way line of Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 55; thence Southeasterly along said right -of -way line to an iron monument, said monument being 170 feet Southeasterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of said belt line track; thence Southwesterly parallel with said belt line track center line a distance of 1,009.2 feet to the point of beginning, according to the United States Govemment Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota, Parcel 2: Tract A: That of the East >half of the Southeast Quarter (E `/a of SE 1/4) of Section .Nineteen (19), �° r - ox_,.,�.,�.00„ �> „ >��t, . A�Q iaht Pn �1$l West of the Fifth Princi al 1o�V nJlllp Vnc. liun ens a a. �....aa x. ........ R...nae E_ _ � ) p Meridian, which lies Southeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the West Quarter comer of said Section Twenty (20), Township and Range aforesaid, thence Easterly along the East and West Quarter section line thereof a distance of 347.4 feet to a post, which post is the point of beginning; thence deflecting 135 degrees 41 minutes to the right running Southwesterly on a straight line parallel to and 170 feet distance from, measured at right angels, the centerline of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company (formerly Chicago Great Western Railway Company) belt line track, to the West line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 114 of SE 1/4) of said Section Nineteen (19) and there terminating, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota. ALSO: Tract B: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115), Range Eighteen (18) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian; thence West along the South line of said Quarter section to a point 1168939 '•PY 19 2000 15:26 FR TO 2#162 P. 05/ 26. , 4 0- which is 347,4 feet East of the Southwest comer of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4) of Section Twenty (20); thence Northeasterly in a straight line to a point on the Southerly line of State Trunk Highway No. 55, which point is 203.25 feet Southeasterly of a point where the center line ofthe United States Government Road intersects the Southerly line ofHighway 55; thence Southeasterly along the Southerly line of said State Highway No. 55, to the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4) of said Section Twenty (20); thence South along the said East line to the place of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota. ALSO: Tract C: The West One -Half of the Southwest Quarter (W' /2 of SW 1/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115), Range Eighteen (18), according to the Government Survey thereof, excepting therefrom the part lying Northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the West Quarter corner of said Section Twenty (20); thence Easterly along the East and West Quarter section line thereof, 347.4 feet to a post, which post is the point of beginning; thence deflecting 135 degrees 41 minutes to the right running Southwesterly on a straight line, parallel to and 170 feet distant from, measured at right angles, the centerline of the tangent portion of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company (formerly Chicago Great Western Railway Company) belt line track, to the West line of said Section Twenty (20) and there terminating, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota. Parcel 3: All of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter ly�rto :Bout -be_rly of No. 55, Section 20, Township 115, Range 18. Also that -part of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 115 North, Range 18 West of the 5' Principal Meridian which lies Northerly of County Road 38, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota. Parcel 4: All that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 115 North, Range 18 West, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North and South Quarter section line of said Section 20, 330 feet South of the intersection of said Quarter line with the Southerly right -of -way line of S.T.H. No, 55, thence North along said Quarter line to the center of said highway, thence Southeasterly along said centerline 660 feet, thence South and parallel with said Quarter line to a point 330 feet South of the Southerly right -of -way line of said highway, thence Northwesterly 652.81 feet to the point of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota. 1168939 2 r1f;Y 19 2000 15 :26 FR TO 2##162 P. 061106 Parcel 5: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 115 North, Range 18 West, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the West line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter with the Southerly right of way line of the St. Paul Southern Electric Railway as it was located on January 1, 1931; thence run South along said West line for 293.13 feet; thence run Easterly at an angle of 76 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds to said West line (measured from North to East) for 305 feet to an intersection with the Southerly line of said railway; thence run Westerly along the Southerly line of said railway for 372 feet to the point of beginning; which lies Southerly of a line run parallel with and distant 50 feet Southwesterly of Line 1 described below: Line 1: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Section 20, distant 1117 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof; thence nun Southeasterly at an angle of 53 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds from said West section line (measured from South to East) for 3000 feet and there terminating, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. 1168939 3 200'39dd X025 E2b 'i9 i 97:01 96. SZ Nflf - 1 Z Z U CL W 3 U = O m W > i cn O o w W > 7 X O � { z O LLJ 5. W W N Z O m G d U W Y a Z Z O� U O W _ Ul o Z N O ` W W U Z Z Z m d 0. uj O Z LU Z Y O � O U r — Z (� Q Z W a! _ O m W O W W o z LL Z 0 z U m W CL x D Z c5 \ p Y Z Z 0. CD r - Z ¢ co LL = O d \ LU U � e I �I U I O 1 t � l W I 2 • d ' Lwr'oow3s d0 l,l I D ES 96, Sz Knf . 2 cr l id e - tji�;� 0 F a �� "{ I � �t�lii O g� ED i�rsE t �= j ,,..;" � 1 III.:.,, � ,�.,: , ♦1 ' ,, ,�,({ � ; �� -: / . � . � �J( �� �1, � I, 1`� P . \ , , � \ 1,1 �'� L., , nw1�,��' ,I� I II �`— �_�(� , �j � � � /.I��„ (/ 1 111 ,, �{ _ _ I, `� ,, -� ; ��'; `, • ; � _ ;1, - � _ ` l -/� � ', tI I\ � ; \� / 1' I (ICI ( �, �_'` -•, .�, 'i I, '•�� / l .� � l /�; ;, ;;:., , �',` _ J , . Q � �' ; ; , :.--. r )�1; ,�1��_ % _ �1�� _ Dui' � :,,'� \�� • �.� - %��\ tic I p/ L Alk ' )'")'�j u,�.. , ter, i i � I( . ! – )r ' ! / �/ :il '`�'� � '`ICI; II'.�I'I�\ I % rti ',, -.. _. A r TD DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENT USPCI, INC. (herein referred to as "USPCI") a Delaware corporation with its principal office at Houston, Texas and its local office at Rosemount, Minnesota, makes the following representations and commitments to the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT a Minnesota municipal corporation located in Dakota County, Minnesota (herein referred to as "City"). WITNESSETH: 1. Project - Facility USPCI proposes to locate in the City a non - hazardous industrial waste containment facility ( "the Facility or "the Project. ") as generally.described in both the Environmental Assessment Report dated November 28, 1988, prepared by Environmental Engineering and Management, Ltd., a copy of which Environmental Assessment Report (herein referred to as "EAR ") has been provided to.the City as well as the Preliminary Permit Application dated Apr; 1 l oco T -7v 1 - r - -�- r - AA.6\_A vlias also pr epared by Environmental Engineering and'Management, Ltd. The Facility will be located on approximately 240 acres of land ( "the Property") as . is more specifically described on the attached Exhibit "A ", which is incorporated herein by reference. The proposed Facility is a At of the art" project and will allow containing of non- hazardous industrial waste in a manner vastly superior to the way these wastes are presently being disposed of in Dakota County. 2. Environmental Impact Statement USPCI has affirmatively requested an Environmental Impact Statement ( "EIS ") of the Project which study is presently underway. r10/11 /89 3. Approvals It is understood that various governmental approvals are required for the Project including approvals at the federal, state, and regional as well as local level. 4. Economic Benefits The Facility, in addition to providing a "state of the art" facility for the handling of non- hazardous industrial waste, will also provide economic incentives from USPCI as delineated in this Commitment to the City as required,in conjunction with permits and approvals required under the City Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, USPCI hereby represents and commits to the City as follows: S. City Approval The commitments herein contained are subject to USPCI obtaining all governmental approvals required for the Project, including but not limited to all permits, authorizations and approvals from the City required to allow construction, operation and.maintenance of the Facility. The rommi + are , ,A j f-4 ^"-A ....__ 4-U- - _ a.vi a.aac�i. vvaaui....a.vaaca . a 11k,011 1..11= Ssi3ance, existence and continuance of all permits, approvals and authorizations required to allow construction, operation and maintenance of said Facility. 6. USPCI to Proceed USPCI agrees to construct, operate and maintain the Facility on all or a portion of the Property, as outlined in the EAR, subject to obtaining all necessary approvals and subject to such modification, if any, as may be required, and agreed to by USPCI resulting from the EIS or reasonable mandates from other approving authorities. } - 2 - i 7. Tax Increment Financing USPCI understands the capabilities of the City or its HRA to establish and operate TAX INCREMENT DISTRICTS in their program to expand industrial and commercial development in the City. In an effort to assist in this effort USPCI will not object to the City or its HRA in establishment of such a district to include the Property. 8. Park Dedication Fees USPCI recognizes the City of Rosemount's Park and Recreation development program and the methods the City uses to fund this program by collection of "Park Dedication Fees ". USPCI also recognizes. the equivalent payment which would be required to be paid if their Project would be required to go through a platting process. Because the City could require this platting and a specific park dedication fee would be required, although the City is not requiring that the Property be platted, USPCI will voluntarily make anon- refundable payment of $85,000 in lieu of the park dedication fee. This is the amount-of ten (10) acres equivalent dedication or t en fin% times the current per acre value for this purpose. (1989 value of $8,500 per acre = $85,000). The payment may be made in five (5) equal annual installments of $17,000 each. The first installment shall be due on the date the City issues a permit for the Project and subsequent installments shall be due annually thereafter on the same day each year for the next four (4) years. If USPCI decides to pay the fee in installments, it agrees to furnish the City an irrevocable letter of credit to guarantee , r payment of the unpaid portion of the fee. The bank issuing the letter of credit and the form of the letter of credit shall be approved by the City. 9. Option to Purchase At such time as the storage cells are completed and closed, and the Facility will no longer be accepting waste, the City will have an option for a period of 12 months immediately subsequent to closing of the last cell, to purchase that portion of the Property not required for closure and maintenance of the Facility. Said option right will terminate, if not exercised prior thereto, 12 months after closure of the last cell. The purchase price will be an amount equal to 85 percent of the value of the Property being purchased, as said value is determined by appraisal. USPCI shall select one appraiser familiar with real estate values in Dakota County and the City shall select one appraiser familiar with real estate values in Dakota County. The two appraisers shall select a third aTT1Ta 1 L^cY .7 L. L. .�. J..l..��� C .. iracL an a. I..11I CC appraisers shall proceed to determine the fair market value of the Property. If the two appraiser. selected by the City and USPCI are unable to agree on the third appraiser, they shall apply to the Chief Judge of the District Court in Dakota County, Minnesota and the Chief Judge shall select the third appraiser. Any valuation agreed upon by a majority of the appraisers shall be accepted as final by both USPCI and the City. Payment shall be in cash, at closing, unless otherwise agreed by the parties with the Property being sold in an "as is" condition, free of all encumbrances and with real estate taxes due in the year of closing pro -rated to date of - 4 - closing. USPCI shall provide to the City an Abstract of Title or Registered Property Certificate, evidencing marketable title, or title insurance from a title insurance company acceptable to the City. USPCI shall have the right to determine which acreage is not required for closure and maintenance and is therefore subject to the terms of this option, which determination shall be made at the time of closure of the last cell. Upon closure of the last cell, USPCI shall notify the City in writing of this event, receipt of which notice shall commence the 12 month option period. Notice of exercise of the option, during the option term, shall be in writing delivered to USPCI. Closing shall be within 90 days of notice of exercise of the option. The City may, during the term of the option, exercise same and purchase the Property, but shall not be under any obligation to do so. If prior to closure of the final cell, a portion of the Property has been conveyed to the Metropolitan Waste Control Facility for its use and purposes, as is presently contemplated with reference to approximately ten (10) acres of the subject Property, said Property shall be excluded from the Property to which the option rights shall apply. If requested by the City, USPCI will execute and deliver to the City a real estate option in standard recordable form, setting forth the terms of this option. 10. City Service Charge a. Basis for Charge USPCI recognizes certain aspects of the prior - approval review, placement and operation of a Facility of the nature proposed in a residential /rural type city has required and will further require the City to expend funds - 5 - f for the pre - approval review and the ongoing monitoring of the operation of the Facility, the administration of the permit for the Facility and interaction with'USPCI and state, county and federal agencies. The City may incur other costs associated with the Facility and its impact on the City. b. Base Service Charge To offset those costs, USPCI will, for each ton of waste deposited into the Facility, pay the City a City Service Charge. The City Service Charge which shall initially be imposed,.commencing with the first day the Facility accepts waste, shall be computed at the rate of $2.75 per ton, for each ton accepted and disposed of in the Facility. Tonnage computation for the City Service Charge shall be the same as for the Waste Generation Charge. This City Service Charge shall be subject to adjustment, from time to time, and offset, as hereinafter provided. Payments shall be made monthly to the City at 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068, or such. ot her locat .W des.Ly,ia�cu In wrlting by the Cit y Y y. Payments for each month shall be due by the 15th day of the following month. C. Generator Charge Adjustment At the present time it is anticipated that the initial per ton fee charged by USPCI to . waste generators ("Waste Generator Charge^') will be $75.00 per ton, and the City Service Charge payable to the City, is predicated on that anticipated Waste Generator Charge. If the Waste Generator Charge is increased or decreased by USPCI (other than as a result of an increase in amounts due governmental entities after the Facility commences operation, such as special taxes, permit fees, etc., which governmentally required increases shall not impact the per ton charge due the City pursuant to this paragraph) then the City Service Charge shall be adjusted pro- rata. Accordingly and by way of example, if there is a ten (10) percent increase in the Waste Generator Charge (other than governmentally mandated) then the City Service Charge shall likewise be increased by ten (10) percent. Adjustment based on this subparagraph (c) shall be applied to the previously existing City Service Charge, before the following adjustments or offsets. d. Adjustment for Future Required, Legislatively Imposed, or Negotiated Payments If there are future required, negotiated or legislatively mandated payments due to the City by USPCI (other than as provided herein) the intent of which is to respond to impacts resulting from the Facility, such payments shall be an offset against and a reduction of the amounts due the City pursuant to this paragraph. Accordingly and by way of example if the Minnesota Legislature or other governmental entity with authority to do so mandates that USpC� shall pay the City a tax, or other imposition, the amount of said tax or imposition shall reduce the City Service Charge, dollar for dollar, due pursuant to this paragraph. e. Consultant Offset To assist the City in evaluating the Application of USPCI for necessary rezoning and permit issuance, the City has, and will hereafter retain outside consultants (e.g. legal, environmental, etc.) to assist it. USPCI -has agreed to reimburse the City for these outside consultant expenses, pursuant to a letter agreement dated in August 1989. Pursuant to said letter agreement, USPCI has - 7 - deposited funds with the City and may hereafter deposit additional funds with the City, to reimburse the City for outside consultant expenses. At the time of City issuance of the last permit required by USPCI to construct the Facility, the amount of the outside consultant expense incurred by the City will be determined and will be paid by USPCI to the City unless these funds advanced by USPCI to the City exceed said amount, in which case said excess shall be returned to USPCI. The total amount expended or incurred by the City up to the time of issuance of the last permit (the "'Consultant Offset^' amount) will be offset against the City Service Charge due the City by USPCI pursuant to the preceding provisions of this paragraph. Said Consultant Offset amount will reduce the per ton City Service Charge at the rate of 25 cents per ton, until the total Consultant Offset amount has been eliminated. Accordingly and by way of example if the total consultant charge amount is $50,000, f-1"+ .._ �e..��,— du 1... TTnT/�T 4 6 A.L_ ....e a..........- %A Aix Uor% -i 60 Etta CI -y for the first 200, tons deposited in the Facility, determined in accordance with the foregoing subparagraphs, shall be reduced by 25 cents per ton. f. The City agrees that the funds provided pursuant to this paragraph will not be used in any manner directly competitive to the business operations of USPCI at the Facility. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to limit the City of Rosemount's participation in recycling efforts. 11. City of Rosemount - USPCI Community Trust Fund a. Establishment USPCI in conjunction with the City - 8 - will establish a Community Trust Fund which shall be known as the City of Rosemount - USPCI Community Trust Fund. The trust fund will be administered by a board of trustees made up of five (5) persons, three (3) of whom will be designated by the City and two (2) by USPCI. The trust will be funded by USPCI with a payment of $4.00 per ton (subject to adjustment as hereinafter provided) for each ton of waste accepted and disposed of in the Facility during the years that the Facility is accepting waste. Tonnage computation for the City Service Charge shall be the same as for the Waste Generator Charge. Payments to the trust shall be made monthly at such place designated in writing by the trustees. Payments for each month shall be due by the 15th day of the following month. b. Use The principal of the trust may only be used at the determination of the trustees as set out in the trust .agreement. Detailed activity of the trust fund shall be as set forth can the trust d�C�.erlt a �.^r, � v f �.,},; .-1, ; +.+.�..ti,...a `_� I Y1 + ^•• +vaa &o a t. - - - ac ied her .o as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference. C. Adjustment Based on Waste Generator Charge At the present time it is anticipated that the initial per ton fee charged to waste generators ( "Waste Generator Charge ") will be $75.00 per ton, and the Community Trust Fund Charge payable to the Trust, is predicated on that anticipated Waste Generator Charge. If the Waste Generator Charge is increased or decreased by USPCI (other than as a result of an increase in amounts due governmental entities after the Facility commences operation, such as permit fees, etc., which governmentally required increases shall not impact the per ton charge due the City pursuant to this paragraph) then the Community Trust Fund Charge shall be adjusted pro -rata. Accordingly and by way of example if there is a ten (10) percent increase in the Waste Generator Charge (other than governmentally mandated) then the Community Trust Fund Charge shall likewise be increased by ten (10) percent. Adjustment based on this subparagraph (c) shall be applied to the previously existing Community Trust Fund Charge, before the following adjustments or offsets. d. The City agrees that the funds provided pursuant to this paragraph will not be used in any manner directly competitive to the business operations of USPCI at the Facility. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to limit the City of Rosemount's participation in recycling efforts. 12. Miscellaneous a. The City will be given access to operating records of USPCI for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the amounts reported to have been accepted at the Facility. b. USPCI agrees that any permit issued by the City for the Project may incorporate the provisions of this Commitment. C. USPCI agrees not to sell, assign, or transfer its interest in the Facility or Property without the prior consent of the City. It is further understood that the City may not assign rights or obligations of the City hereunder without, prior written consent of USPCI. - 10 - 13. Summary USPCI feels it is in the best interest of the City as well as the region and the state that a Facility be constructed consistent with "state of the art" technical knowledge to accommodate non - hazardous industrial waste. The proposed Facility is a "state of the art" project and will allow containment of said non - hazardous waste in a manner vastly superior to the manner in which said wastes are presently being disposed of in Dakota County. Portions of the Property have been designated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as "intrinsically suitable" for such a Facility. Thus, USPCI agrees to use their best efforts to accomplish all necessary steps to allow the construction and operation of the Facility for the good of all persons concerned. This Development Commitment is executed by USPCI, INC. this day of OrJ 1989. USPCI, IN)C. 1 � � By: - 11 - Subject to the abov with USPCI in the permit reasonable assistance to approvals,. Accepted and agreed 1989. e provisions, the City will cooperate application process and provide USPCI in seeking all necessary to this day of GCtlti CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: A911an Hoke, Ma r By: -, a& tephAh Jilk, ministrator/ Clerk - 12 - USPCI, INC. ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY TRUST This Trust Agreement made this day of , 1989, by and between USPCI, INC., a corporation org mania ze ucTer the laws of the State of Delaware (hereinafter referred to as "Donor "), and , __ ► and ( ere'T co lectM y referred to a`s "Trustees7: 1. Purpose of Trust. This trust is created and shall be operated exclusively o� r the benefit of the citizens of Rosemount and the City of Rosemount, including, but not limited to the following purposes: (a) To provide for the construction and maintenance of facilities for public recreation; (b) To further community, industrial, governmental and physical planning in the City of Rosemount; (c) To improve living and working conditions within the City of Rosemount for the general welfare of the citizens of Rosemount. (d) To further public educational opportunities, whether by establishing programs or facilities devoted to educational purposes, or the furnishing of educational scholarships; and (e) To provide for the charitable needs of the citizens of Rosemount and the City of Rosemount, within the meaning - of Sectio 501(c)'(3) of the Internal Revenue Cade of ! on e and smnnrlmnnFr suppl thereto This trust is formed for and shall be operated exclusively for such purposes and in such a manner as shall make this trust tax exempt and the donations to it deductible from taxable income to the extent allowed by the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and such other applicable legislation and regulations as they now exist or as they may be amended. No part of the trust fund shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and no part of the activities of this trust shall consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation, or of participating in, or intervening in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provisions, this trust shall not conduct or carry on any activities not permitted to be conducted or carried on by any organization which is tax exempt or by an organization to which donations are deductible from taxable income to the extent allowed by the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and other applicable legislation and regulations as they now exist or may hereafter be amended. 2. Name of Trust. The name of this trust shall be the USPCI, Inc. R osemount Cunlmunity Trust, and so far as practicable the Trustees .shall conduct the activities of the trust in that name. 3. Trust Fund The Trustees shall accept only donations made in cash from the Donor pursuant to the terms and provisions of that certain Permit dated issued by the City of Rosemount to Donor. Ali one �s so received, together with the income derived therefrom, herein referred to as the trust fund, shall be held, managed, administered and paid out by the Trustees pursuant to the terms of this Trust Agreement. 4. Use of Trust Fund. The Trustees shall apply the trust fund, at such times, in such manner, and in such amounts as they may determine, to the uses and purposes set forth in Paragraph 1, or they may make contributions to other charitable orqanizations to be used within the City of Rosemount. For this purpos the term "charitable organizations" shall mean a corporation, trust or community chest, fund or foundation, created or organized in the United States or under the law of the United States or any state, organized and .operated exclusively for charitable and 'educational purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation, and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Subject to th-e foregoing, during the first five (5) years after the establishment of the trust, the Trustees may annually distribute the sum of Seventy --five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) or the income of the trust, whichever is greater. Thereafter, the Trustees may _ annual _Iy_di_s_tribut.e_ an amount__n -o -t- to exceed the income of the trust. In.. e.vent shall the Trustees be required to distrib sums in excess of the trust principal. Furthermore, in the event of a catastrophic occurence as the result of an act of god adversely affecting the welfare of the City of Rosemount or its citizens, the Trustees may, in their discretion, distribute the sum of one Million Dollars ($1,000,000) or one - -third (1/3) of the trust fund, whichever is less:, for the uses and purposes set forth in Paragraph 1 hereof. Any other provisions of this Trust Agreement notwithstanding, the Trustees shall distribute the trust income for each taxable year at such time and in such manner as not to become subject to the tax on undistributed income imposed by Section 4942 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws. 5. Action of Trustees. The Trustees shall meet at least three (3) times during each calendar year at such times and places as they may from to time designate. Thirty (30) days written notice of all meetings of the Trustees shall be given to each Trustee, except where the meeting is an adjourned meeting and the date, time and place of the meeting are decided at the time of adjournment. Written notice shall contain the time and place of the meeting and shall be signed by at least two (2) Trustees. Three (3) Trustees must be present at a duly noticed meeting to constitute a quorum for the transaction of trust business. All -2- v�.IIUL. Neu &CCt.Y ai►g nuL' ue Q eeinr & n hrl inn7%,,4- - 1 --.___ r actions of the Trustees shall be taken by reso.Lution at a duly noticed meeting or by a written record without a meeting with the unanimous consent of all Trustees. The Trustees shall appoint from among themselves a secretary, who shall keep a record of all actions of the Trustees. All actions of the Trustees, including, but not limited to distribution of income, shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees then in office except for the following actions: (a) Distributions of principal- from the trust fund shall require the affirmative vote of two- thirds (2/3) of the Trustees then in office, except for distributions of principal made within the first five (5) years after establishment of the trust; and (b) Distributions Rosemount for improvements, expense, or e shall require Trustees then to or for the benefit of the City of maintenance or repairs, street utility improvements, employee salary xpenses for similar public works activities the vote of two- thirds (2/3) of the in office. Any instrument required to be executed by this trust shall be valid if executed in the name of this trust by three (3) of the Trustees. A copy of any resolution or action taken by the Trustees, certified by any three (3) of the Trustees, may be relied upon by any person dealing with this trust. No person shall be required to see to the application of any money, securities or other property paid or delivered to the Trustees, or to inquire into any action, decision or authority of the Trustees. b. Trustees' Powers. In the administration of this trust _r -and of. the -trust un , t e Trustees shall have all powers and authority necessary or available to carry out -the purposes of this trust and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall have the following powers and authority, all subject, however, to the condition that no power or authority shall be exercised by the Trustees in any manner or for any purpose which may not be exercised by an organization which is tax exempt or by an organization to which donations are deductible from taxable income to the extent allowed by the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and other applicable legislation and regulations as they now exist or may hereafter be amended: (a) To receive the income, profits, rents and proceeds of the trust fund; (b) To purchase, subscribe for, retain, invest and reinvest in securities or other property wherever situated, and whether or not productive or of a wasting nature, and without any requirement for diversification as to kind or amount. The words "securities or other property" as used in this agreement shall be deemed to include real or personal property., corporate shares, common or preferred, or any other interest in any corporation, association, investment trust or investment company, bonds, notes, debentures or other evidences of indebtedness or ownership, secured or unsecured, even -3- (j) To .employ suitable accountants, agents, counsel and custodians and to pay their reasonable expenses and compensation; (k) To register any securities held by them in their own name, or, to the extent permitted by law, in the name of a nominee with or without the addition of words indicating that such securities are held in a fiduciary capacity and to hold any securities unregistered or in bearer form; (1) To make, execute and deliver all instruments necessary or proper for the accomplishment of the purpose of this -trust or of any of the foregoing powers, including deeds, bills of sale, transfers,.leases, mortgages, security agreements, assignments, conveyances, contracts, purchase agreements, waivers, releases and settlements; (m) To exercise any and all powers granted to Trustees under Minnesota Statutes 5501.66, as it exists at the date of execution of this Trust Agreement; and (n) Any other provisions of this agreement notwithstanding, the Trustees shall not engage in any act of self - dealing as defined in Section 4941(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws; nor retain any excess business holdings as defined in Section 4943(c) of the internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws; nor make any investments in such manner as to incur tax liability under "' Section 4944 of the Inte rnal Revenue Cod_ e_ of 1986, _ __ _ .- _ r ..A 'i — .'+rr..s�sio�a of ins► — �---- ---n�' fCf�A�MI. VL eVr resiJOl��d 1&y In.— ay..0 va w..I v.1 .. .. �.. ... tax laws; nor make any taxable expenditures as defined in Section 4945(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws. 7. Trustees Desi nation and Succession. The trust shall be managed and administered by Me (5) Trustees. Class I Trustees shall be nominated and appointed by the Mayor of the City of Rosemount, with the approval of the City Council of Rosemount at the first City Council meeting in January of each year. Class I Trustees shall consist cz three (3) Trustees who are residents of the City of Rosemount, selected for their knowledge of the needs of the citizens of Rosemount and the City of Rosemount. No more than one Class I Trustee may be either a member of the Rosemount City Council or an employee of the City of Rosemount. Class I Trustees shall serve for three (3) year terms and may not serve for more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. Upon the initial appointment and designation of Class I Trustees, the Mayor shall designate and stagger the terms of the initial Trustees such that in January of each year a Trustee must be designated and =5- appointed by the Mayor of the City of Rosemount, with the approval of the City Council of Rosemount. Class II Trustees, consisting of two (2) Trustees, shall be designated and appointed by the Donor. Class II Trustees shall serve at the pleasure of the Donor. - Any Trustee may resign his office at any time without leave of Court by written notice to all Trustees then in office. The resignation shall be effective as of the time set forth in said notice of resignation. Vacancies existing in the office of Class I Trustees, for whatever cause, shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor of the City of Rosemount, subject to approval by the City Council of Rosemount. Vacancies existing in the office of Class II Trustees, for whatever cause, shall be filled by the Donor. The Trustees may act notwithstanding the existence of any vacancies so long as there shall continue to be at least three (3) Trustees in office. The appointment of Trustees and successor 'trustees shall be made by an instrument in writing. In the case of Class I Trustees, the writing shall contain a certified copy of the resolution of the City Council of Rosemount appointing the Trustee or successor Trustee. In the case of Class II Trustees, the writing shall be signed by an executive officer.of the Donor and appoint the Trustee or successor Trustee. Trustees shall assume office immediately upon their appointment, unless the notice of appointment provides otherwise. Every successor Trustee shall have the same powers and duties as those conferred upon the Trustees named-in this Trust Agreement. 8. Bond and Compensation. No Trustee shall be required to furnish any bond or surety. Each Trustee shall serve without compensation for services, but all expenses of this trust o_r_of any,Trus'tee shall be paid by the Trustees from the trust -fund. 9. Accountin b Trustees. The Trustees shall render accounts o ?their transactions to the Donor and the City of Rosemount at least annually, and the Donor and the City of Rosemount shall approve such accounts by an instrument in writing delivered to the Trustees. In the absence of the filing in writing with the Trustees by the Donor or the City of Rosemount of exceptions or objections to any such account within sixty (60) days, the Donor and the City of Rosemount shall be deemed to have approved such'account; and in such case or upon the written approval of the Donor and the City of Rosemount of any such account, the Trustees shall be released with respect to all matters and things set forth in such account as though such account had been settled by the decree of a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event either the Donor or the City of Rosemount do not approve such account, both the Donor and the City of Rosemount shall have such rights as are granted by law to the beneficiaries and trustees of the trust to require an accounting. No persons other than the Donor and the City of Rosemount may require an accounting or bring any action against the Trustees with respect to this trust. The Trustees may at any time initiate legal action or proceedings for the settlement of their accounts and, except as otherwise required by law, the only necessary parties defendant to such action or proceeding shall be the Donor and the City of Rosemount. 1 Li ability of T rustees. No Trustee shall be answerable for loss in investments ingdee T in good faith. No Trustee shall be liable for the acts or omissions of any other Trustee, or of any accountant, agent,'counsel or custodian selected with reasonable care. Each Trustee shall be fully protected in acting upon any instrument, certificate or paper, believed by him to be genuine and to be signed or presented by the proper person or pesons, and no Trustee shall be under any duty to make any investigation or inquiry as to any statement contained in any such writing but may accept the same as conclusive evidence of the truth and accuracy of the statements. 11. Amendment. This Trust Agreement may be amended or modified from time to time by the unanimous consent of the Trustees, together with the approval of the City of Rosemount and the Donor, whenever necessary or advisable for the more convenient or efficient administration of this trust or to enable the Trustees to carry out the purpose of this trust more effectively, but no such amendment or modification shall alter the intention of the Donor that this trust be operated exclusively for the purposes set forth in Section 1 hereof, and in a manner which shall make this trust tax exempt and the donations to it deductible from taxable income to the extent allowed by the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and other applicable legislation and regulations as they now exist or as they may be amended. (very amendment or modification of this agreement shall be made in writing, and shall be signed by the City of Rosemount, by two (2) _officers of the Donor pursuant_ to—authority-of Ats Board _of Directors,_and-by all Trustees, and shall be delivered to each of the Trustees then in office. 12. Irrevocabilit and Termination. This trust shall be irrevocable, but may be terminated at any time by unanimous action of the Trustees, with the approval of the City of Rosemount and the Donor. Upon any such termination, the Trustees shall promptly distribute the entire trust .fund to qualified recipients under the terms of this trust. 13. Situs. This agreement is executed and delivered in the State of Minnesota, the situs of the trust shall be in the State of Minnesota, and all terms and provisions of this trust shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 14. Acceptanc of Trust. The Trustees accept this trust, and hold, manage and administer the trust fund in accordance with the terms of this agreement. -7- IN WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed in Rosemount, Minnesota, by the Donor and each of the named Trustees. Attest: USPCI, INC. By:__ Its: Secretary By: Its: President USPCI, INC. ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY TRUST FUND Trustee Trustee � Trustee Trustee Trustee STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) _. On this , day of , 1989, before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County, personally appeared and _ _ 1 tie - Pres dent and Secretary, respectively, o USPCI, INC., tome known to be the persons named in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public ME STATE OF MINNESOTA) )Gs. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of _ , 1989, before me, a Notary Public, wit in and for said County, personally appeared , Trustee for the USPCI, INC. ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY TRUST FUND,` to me known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of the trust fund. Nota y Pub c STATE OF MINNESOTA) )as. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 1989, before me, a Notary Public, wit�iin and for say County, personally appeared , Trustee for the USPCI, INC. ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY TRUST FUND, to me known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of the trust fund'. On this �� day of Y , 1989, before me, a Notary Public, wit in and for sai County, personally appeared , Trustee for the USPCI, INC. ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY TRUST UND, to me known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of the trust fund. No£ary Pu Ci -9- . 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this �� day of ' _, 1989, before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County, personally appeared COMMUNITY TRUST FUND, me Trustee the U INC. nam ed in n d who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he d executed the same on behalf of the trust fund. No ary Pubic STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 1989, before me, a Notary Public,, W"1 — tin and for said County, personally appeared , Trustee for the USPCI, INC. ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY TRUST FUND, to me known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of the trust fund. I Notar Publiic 10068 -10- Lic #1013762 • 14450 S. Robert Trail, Suite 206 Rosemount, MN 55068 Ofc:651/423 -3535 fax: 651/423-7033 PAUL.EGGEN.B6CT @STATEFARM.COM March 6, 2003 Rosemount City Council City of Rosemount 2875 — 145' St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: SKB Environmental Interim use permit modification Dear City Council: I understand that SKB Environmental Inc. is requesting a modification to their Interim Use Permit, which would expand the capacity of industrial, and ash waste and allow the addition of a cell to accept construction and demolition waste. Asa businessperson in Rosemount, I have -aware of this facility since it opened in 1992 and it is - my understanding that it has been operating in an environmentally sound manner. I believe SKB Environmental has been a benefit to this community and has contributed to many community activities through the SKB Rosemount Community Trust and to the city directly. I encourage the approval of this modification, which will improve the appearance of this site and Provide even more financial benefits to the Rosemount Community. Best Wishes, Pauf Eggen Great River Energy's service area stretches across Minnesota, including many of the Twin Cities' outer -ring suburbs, an area that consistently has been one of the ^ °* ^ ^'° ' ^ °ders in job growth and energy e. This growth is expected to continue, and so will the need for additional 2. generation capacity. Current load projections show that an intermediate, or combined cycle, power plant in Minnesota would best serve the future electric needs of Great River Energy's member cooperatives. As a result, Great River Energy plans to build a 300 -600 megawatt combined cycle power plant fueled primarily by natural gas in Dakota County, just south of the Twin Cities. The plant will supply electricity to Great River Energy's customers, including nearby Dakota Electric Association and its members. ABOUT THE PLANT The generating facility would be an intermediate, combined cycle plant, designed to run up to 65 percent of the time. It will be fueled primarily by natural gas, an environmentally friendly fuel with few emissions. The Dakota County area has a well - developed electric transmission system and natural gas pipelines, minimizing infrastructure investment. The construction schedule calls for power plant permitting and engineering activities to take place in 2003 -2004 with construction beginning in late 2004 and the plant beginning operation in early 2007. PROPOSED TIMELINE Complete purchase of June 2003 generating equipment Great River Energy May 2003 board approval of project Great River Energy June /July 2003 member dual % vote File Certificate of Need July /August 2003 application with Minn. Public Utilities Commission File site permit with Minn. September 2003 Environmental Quality Board Obtain all preconstruction Fall 2004 permits Obtain all permits Late 2004 Begin construction Fall 2004 Begin commissioning /testing March 2007 Begin commercial operation June 2007 ABOUT GREAT RIVER ENERGY Great River Energy is a not - for - profit wholesale electric cooperative, serving 28 distribution cooperatives in Minnesota and covering 60 percent of the state, geographically. It is the second largest power supplier in Minnesota. The Great River Energy system saw an annual energy growth of 6 percent in 2002, nearly three times the national average. It supplies power to distribution cooperatives in the outer ring of the Twin Cities, including Dakota Electric Association. 17845 East Highway 10 P.O. Box 800 Elk River, MN 55330 -0800 Phone: 763 - 241 -2200 www.GreatRiverEnergy.com GREAT RIVER ENERGY A T d,�,ux� F gv' C.xa�erulve 1(.t> , - r J P JJ E �Darj a J0Jfj J p J 1 �J J J r Rick Lancaster GREAT RIVER ENERGY® GRE proposing 300 -600 primarily gas- fired power plant in Rosemount Plant will serve GRE's Members (including Dakota Electric) growing energy needs Plant will generate significant tax revenue, jobs, and improve reliability Need personal property tax exemption GREAT RIVER ENERGY® AT -"-Emy C' -Iktr I - j veneration and transmission not - for - profit cooperative provides wholesale electricity and transmission to 28 member owners Headquartered in Elk River 2nd largest electric utility in MN Fastest growing utility in Midwest Resources include: 1450 MW coal- fired, 1000 MW primarily gas - fired, 42 MW RDF, 6 MW wind (with 27 MW more in `03) GREAT RIVER ENERGY® A T.L.1 -- E,.W C, -.,,- l(r+ GREAT RIVER _,. ENERGY SERVICE TERRITORY GREAT RIVER ENERGY® A T,—[,,.— Elegy ktn 4500 3500 3000 2500 2000 a `L `L `1 `L GREAT RI VER ENERGY® r,-�-„K bra r J Combustion turbine Conventional steam cycle High efficiencies - approaching 50% Natural gas -fired with low emissions GREAT RIVER ENERGY® AT— k—E.!W Q­­. *t / _j y r r-j - 2 �Y�jy __/ _j GRE needs resource between base -load and peaking High on -peak growth, mostly residential Current base -load resources are not fully utilized in the off -peak and shoulder months Flexibility of combined cycle operations will help meet GRE system needs Efficient /clean resource GREAT RIVER ENERGY® A T...irn:.:- F-W Q 'r 1 t> J J letermined by GRE I s needs plus acted sales to others Focusing on 300 -600 MW size range Larger project benefits from economies of scale Project could be phased Discussion with partners on -going GREAT RIVER ENERGY q T,-I, E.W Q.y .0 ISIO Cr7 Co. 42 /south of Ehlers Path/ rich Valley Golf Course Site option obtained for 340 acres High voltage transmission (345 kV and 115 kV) nearby High pressure main line natural gas nearby p � Water source nearby GREAT RIVER ENERGY® .4T Ivu,rc E��,,�G.ryxra��.�+Fx } firV Tax exemption Member approvals Filing of Certificate of Need All Permits Obtained Construction Start Commercial Operation GREAT RIVER ENERGY® A T ,f- Eu� Q�yc-- May'03 Summer'03 July'03 Fall '04 Fall `04 Spring '07 I r- � J I J Ij - _ri L) I - -QJ-(J J� �d to secure site permit from the MIN ZIIvuuIIInental Quality Board (MEQB) MEQB process preempts /supercedes local zoning, building and land use requirements (MN Stat. 116C.61) GRE will work to satisfy spirit of local requirements Rosemount will have significant voice in MEQB process - Advisory Task Force GREAT RIVER ENERGY' A TuI.I ­ El rnpa ­ nission -- - - — 345 kV tap (on -site) and either 345 kV connection to Inver Grove Sub. (approx 2 miles) or 115 kV interconnect to Rosemount Sub. (1 block) and double- circuit to 115 kV line west of 52 (approx. 1 mile) GREAT RIVER ENERGY' A Twdvm�c Emg.^ Cuµru.. �. +.a 0 pipeline - GRE or pipeline co. will construct 1.5 mile interconnect line (underground) Roads GRE will build on -site roads GRE will reimburse road jurisdictions if roads damaged (not anticipated) Water (potable) /Sewer -City services not expected GREAT RIVER ENERGY® A T,.J mEm 'Qrryu,u is GREAT RIVER ENERGY® Is personal property tax or plant will not be built in IVIN Without exemption, plant will not be competitive IVIN Legislature has approved 17 personal property tax exemptions 1 GRE actively pursuing exemption and would like Rosemount's support �JJ��JJ jW �y i J I -rj t) )% personal property tax exemption, F xpected to pay $1.5 million in property taxes in year one P GRE is asking for tax exemption valued between $1 -2 million annually Roughly 75 acres for plant (40 acres) and buffer (35 acres) GRE paying $20,000 per developed acre or $4,400 per acre for entire site GREAT RIVER ENERGY® AT —h u� -O J 0 Industries $229,160-pay'02, 369 acres — $621 per acre 11k Continental Nitrogen $121,745 -pay `02, 105 acres $1,159 per acre r Endres Properties — $91,055 -pay `02, 50 acres — $1,821 per acre GREAT RIVER ENERGY® A Tar—F E— 11 1 ix exemption, GRE will pay �s more per acre than surrounding businesses Without the exemption, the plant will not be built and associated jobs, electric reliability and tax revenue will be lost Seeking Rosemount's support for exemption by the end of March, `03 G RI ENERGY® ,i Twd —Enos arms ern J )cess for securing resolution from OW Rosemount supporting exemption? Coordination with Dakota County? Timing? GREAT RIVER ENERGY® 1 T - ' Proposed Generation Project Rick Lancaster GREAT RR/ER ENERGY* GREAT RNER ENERGY° -? GRE proposing 300 -600 primarily gas - fired power plant in Rosemount Plant will serve GRE's Members (including Dakota Electric) growing energy needs Plant will generate significant tax revenue, jobs, and improve reliability Need personal property tax exemption GREAT RIVER ENERGY' GREAT RIVER ENERGY' GREAT RIVER ENERGY' Tax exemption Member approvals Filing of Certificate of Need All Permits Obtained Construction Start Commercial Operation May `03 Summer `03 July `03 Fall `04 Fall `04 Spring `07 Y � �N ��• �/VK� w�'"'��i GRE required to secure site permit from the MN Environmental Quality Board (MEQB) MEQB process preempts /supercedes local zoning, building and land use requirements (MN Stat. 116C.61) GRE will work to satisfy spirit of local requirements Rosemount will have significant voice in MEQB process- Advisory Task Force GREAT RIVER ENERGY' -5 Transmission — 345 kV tap (on- site) and either • 345 kV connection to Inver Grove Sub. (approx 2 miles) or • 115 kV interconnect to Rosemount Sub. (1 block) and double- circuit to 115 kV line west of 52 (approx. 1 mile) GREAT RIVER ENERGY' floe 0 GREAT RNER ENERGY* With 100% personal property tax exemption, project expected to pay $1.5 million in property taxes in year one GRE is asking for tax exemption valued between $1.1 -2 million annually GREAT RIVER ENERGY' GREAT RIVER ENERGY' _-St. Roughly 75 acres for plant (40 acres) and buffer (35 acres) GRE paying $20,000 per developed acre or $4,400 per acre for entire site CF Industries — $229,160 -pay `02, 369 acres - $621 per acre Continental Nitrogen — $121,745 -pay `02, 105 acres — $1,159 per acre Endres Properties — $91,055 -pay `02, 50 acres — $1,821 per acre Fl 7 7 ��ri Even with tax exemption, GRE will pay several times more per acre than surrounding businesses Without the exemption, the plant will not be built and associated jobs, electric reliability and tax revenue will be lost Seeking Rosemount's support for exemption by the end of March, `03 Process for securing resolution from Rosemount supporting exemption? Coordination with Dakota County? Timing? M GREAT RIVER ENERGY* Generation and transmission not - for - profit cooperative provide wholesale electricity and transmission to 28 member owners Headquartered in Elk River GREAT RIVER ENERGY° ..t. -�LA GREATRIVER ENERGY° iRY tl I �� -- 4000 35 00 000 25 00 2000 GREAT RIVER ENERGY' _--4. 'l I � O Combustion turbine Conventional steam cycle FAWCJ W January 6, 2003 City of Rosemount 2875 West 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility Major Modification Permit No. SW -383 ' To interested persons: SKB Environmental Inc. (S -KB) is proposing a major modification for the SKB ' Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility (Facility) permit number SW -383. This Facility, which is located in Rosemount, Minnesota, currently accepts non - hazardous Industrial Waste and Municipal Solid Waste Combustor Ash (Ash). As part of this modification ' request, SKB is proposing to add a Construction and Demolition (C &D) cell along with a C &D recycling/transfer station to the Facility, which will allow for processing of the waste prior to disposal (Drawing No. 9). In addition, SKB is proposing to fill the ' "saddle" areas between the currently permitted cells. The three saddle areas, C &D waste, Ash, and Industrial Waste will be filled to enhance the end use and aesthetics of the Facility. Currently, the Facility would be completed and closed with four large ' "pyramids" (Drawing No. 3), which would greatly reduce the end use capabilities of the Facility. L I C The C &D recycling/transfer station will be constructed in the northeast corner of the property and used for additional processing and waste acceptance screening prior to final disposal of C &D waste. The general design of this building will consist of a fully enclosed structure with a concrete floor, a tipping and loading area, and overhead access doors as shown in the attached Drawing No. 10. An example of a similar recycling/transfer station design is shown in Drawings 11 and 12 from our Blaine facility. The specific design features (i.e. number and location of doors, push walls, building elevations, building color, building materials, etc.) will likely be modified to accommodate city ordinances and agreed upon traffic patterns. Historically, all traffic has entered and exited through the main gate (Gate #1) onto State Highway 55. During the 2002 construction season SKB opened an exit gate (Gate #2) onto County Road 38 in the southwest corner of the Facility. Traffic is routed through this exit to ease congestion on Highway 55 during peak hours or as needed. Gate #1 has 251 Starkey St. • P.O. Box 7216 • St. Paul, MN 55107 Am Printed on Recycled Paper. 651 - 224 -6329 • FAX 651- 223 -5053 W y P 2 of 3 11 an existing right turn lane to handle the traffic entering the Facility. SKB has had conversations with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and Dakota County to evaluate the proposed traffic patterns for the Facility and adjacent roadways. ' There is a general consensus that this proposed traffic pattern mentioned above is the most favorable means of easing the congestion on State Highway 55. ' According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), in 2000 there were only 10,000 trips per day (TPD) on Highway 55, which is only half of the 20,000 TPD ' design capacity. With the addition of Gate #2 as an exit there would be an average of 185 additional TPD (10,185 total TPD) on Highway 55, which is less than a 2% increase in volume. In 2000 County Road 38 had only 600 TPD with a design capacity of 15,000 TPD. With the additional traffic routed onto County Road 38 the total of 915 TPD will only utilize 6% of the design capacity. Since Gate #2 has been in service, SKB has found that the routing of traffic onto County Road 38 has eased traffic congestion on Highway 55 and has not adversely impacted the traffic conditions on County Road 38. The C &D cell, Cell 5, will be located in the southeast corner of the Facility (Drawing No. ' 4) and will contain approximately 5,471,100 yd of debris (including saddle area). The cell will be progressively filled in five phases, 5A -5E, with an anticipated closure date of April 2020 (Drawings No. 4, 5, and Table 1). The bottom liner system of the cell will ' consist of a two -foot layer of clay (or equivalent synthetic or geosynthetic liner) overlain by a three -foot layer of protective /drainage sand. Upon closure, the cell will be capped with a 40 -mil LLDPE synthetic liner overlain by two feet of cover soils. The C &D ' saddle area will be located between Cell 5 and Cell 3, and Cell 5 and Cell 2, forming a linear shaped saddle (Drawings No. 4, 6, 8). The interface area of the C &D saddle, which overlies the Industrial Waste Cell 3, will have an 80 -mil HDPE liner (Drawings ' No. 6 & 8). The Ash Saddle area encompasses the areas between Cell 4 and Cell 1 and between Cell ' 4 and Cell 3 forming an "L" shaped saddle (Drawings No. 4, 6, 8). The total volume of this saddle is approximately 788,000 yd with an anticipated closure date of July 2022. The Ash Saddle would have a bottom liner consisting of a 2 -foot clay liner overlain by an ' 80 -mil HDPE liner (Drawings No. 6 & 8). This bottom liner system would be in addition to the Industrial Waste liner system consisting of two foot of clay, a 60 -mil HDPE liner, an 80 -mil HDPE liner, and two feet of drainage /protective sand, which is below the Ash ' Saddle. Upon closure, the Ash cell and saddle area would be capped with a 40 -mil LLDPE synthetic liner overlain by two feet of cover soils (Drawings No. 6 & 8). ' The Industrial Saddle will be located between Cell 2 and Cell 1, Cell 2 and Cell 3, and Cell i and Cell 3, forming a "T" shaped saddle (Drawings No. 4 & 7). The total volume ' of the Industrial Saddle is approximately 962,000 yd with an anticipated closure date of August 2026. The Industrial Saddle would have the same bottom liner system as described above for the currently permitted Industrial Waste cells (Drawing No. 7). After reaching closure, the Industrial saddle would be capped with a 40 -mil LLDPE liner and ' the two feet of cover soils, which would tie into the liner over the other areas of the Facility (Drawing No. 7). 11 3 of 3 C 0 I 0 0 After the cells and saddle areas have reached their final waste elevations, the entire area will be covered with a 4 -foot final cover system (Drawing No. 2). This final cover system will consist of a one -foot protective layer overlain by a 40 -mil LLDPE synthetic liner which is overlain by 2.5 feet of compactable soil and 6- inches of top soil. Additional soils will placed up to 10 feet thick in some areas to provide rolling swales and undulations that better simulate a naturally occurring hill and limit the erosion effects associated with the steeper geometric slopes of a traditional landfill (Drawing No. 1). The depth of this soil will also allow larger trees and native vegetation to be planted over the fill areas creating a more natural shaped hill. This hill would replicate the bluffs along the Mississippi River helping to restore the natural bluff corridor and maximize the future end -use options for the site. As part of this corridor, SKB constructed a wildlife viewing area adjacent to the Gate #2 exit on County Road 38. This area provides a place where the general public can park and observe the wildlife in the wetlands on the southwest corner of the property. We believe that this modification will continue to allow SKB to be a significant part of the State of Minnesota's integrated solid waste system. In addition, the modification will allow for the creation of the most aesthetically pleasing end use of the Facility. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed modification please do not hesitate to call John Domke or myself at 651- 224 -6329. Sincerely, William P. Keegan, P.E. Environmental Engineer John Domke Vice President 0 i i C' C C r L 1 C TABLE 1 ESTIMATED CLOSURE DATES ,. .... :::: : Cell 1 - Industrial Waste Cell 1 338,442 Dec. '92 Sept. '01 Sept. '01 Total: 338,442 Cell 2 - Industrial Waste Cell 2A 245,884 Feb. '99 Dec. '01 Apr. '03 Cell 26 231,487 Aug. '00 Dec. '01 Apr. '03 Cell 2C 567,505 Dec. '01 Nov. '03 Apr. '05 Cell 2D 377,323 Nov. '03 Mar. '05 Mar. '06 Total: 1,422,199 Cell 3 - Industrial Waste Cell 3A 825,000 Mar. '05 Jan. '08 Apr. '09 Cell 3B 926,800 Jan. '08 Mar. '11 Mar. '12 Cell 3C 825,000 Mar. 11 Jan. '14 Apr. 15 Cell 3D 825,000 Jan. '14 Nov. '16 Apr. '18 Cell 3E 867,000 Nov. 16 Oct. '19 Oct. '20 Cell 3F 867,000 Oct. '19 Sep. '22 Sep. '23 Cell 3G 867,100 Sep. '22 Aug. '25 Aug. '26 Total: 6,002,900 Cell 4 - Combustor Ash Cell 4A 148,200 Sep. '99 Feb. '06 Apr. '07 Cell 413 343,100 Sep. '01 Feb. '06 Apr. '07 Cell 4C 180,300 Feb. '06 Jun. '08 Jun. '09 Cell 4D 372,300 Jun. '08 Apr. '13 Apr. '14 Cell 4E 635,400 Apr. '13 Jul. '21 Jul. '22 Total: 1,679,300 Cell 5 - C &D Waste Cell 5A 1,224,000 Jun. '02 Dec. '05 Apr. '07 Cell 513 1,509,600 Dec. '05 Apr. '10 Apr. 11 Cell 5C 912,500 Apr. '10 Nov. 12 Apr. '14 Cell 5D 912,500 Nov. 12 Jun. 15 Jun. '16 Cell 5E 912,500 Jun. '15 Jan. '19 Apr. '20 Total: 5,471,100 Tot`[A st : : ::.::::::::::::::::::.._ . ::: ::::: ;:: 1.679 300 >;::::::::: ;: >::: >::... '. <........::::::::::::::::::::: T: I :::::::: s aster ::::::::.: a a ind.. trial :1. 77 , o. al .C.[� ......................... 5, 471,10........................ .... F .. . acil , ....... ..........1.4,91.3,94 t......_............ ..... ...... ........... : .. ... : :: . . .................... " Dates were estimated based on 77,000 cy /yr of Ash; 300,000 cy /yr of Industrial Waste; and 350,000 cy /yr of C & D. ' Note: All incoming waste volume estimates are subject to market conditions. Note: All closure dates that were estimated to occur during winter months were scheduled for the following Spring construction season. Updated 10/17/01 LEGEND TOP OF COVEP - '! T _ IF- - EXISTING SITE CONTOURS CROSS- SECTION LOCATION ' I tl LEGEND + + TOP OF CELL CONTOURS '� EXISTING SITE CONTOURS IN N xv 101, a lhol r `mm _ 1 ) \\� -\ SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSITRIAL WASTE FACILITY DRAWING N0. 3 1997 PERMITTED FINAL CONTOURS NOT TO SCALE Date; JAN. 2003 Byl WPK LEGEND APPROXIMATE PHASE LIMITS /\ TOP OF CELL CONTOURS -\ EXISTING SITE CONTOURS CROSS- SECTION LOCATIONS Elevation O +OOo W CO OD 00 CO 00 00 Co 00 10 10 10 c0 10 1,C) ID N (A 41 cP a -Ij m (�C) o — N w .A cP 0rn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1+00 2 +00 / 3 +00 4 +00 5 +00 \ \ 6 +00 / 7 +00 8 +00 9 +00 � 10 +00 1 1 +00 12 +00 13 +00 14 +00 r . 15 +00 16 +00 17 +00 18 +00 19 +00 r Fri � 20 +00 r O O 21+00- r r m a n D 22 +00 O Z D cn fTl 23+00-- z r 24 +00 u� 25 +00 26 +00 CD m m m m m m m m m co c0 co co co co co iv w cP m �0 0 �- w � cn aJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Elevation d > z SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY REVISIONS / REMARKS CADD PROD CODE: ;AVU pLEd N DRAWN BD DATE: MAY, 20 BY DATE BY DATE SURVEYED BY: DATE: UPDATED 1 03 o ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA Q Q. SURVEY DATA: RECORD DRAWINGS OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION CELL 5 PHASING PLAN CONFORMING TO CONTRACTORS AND /OR OWNERS RECORDS. o o oz BY DATE SECTt c c LINER LEGEND 3 -FT OF SAND 2 -FT OF CLAY 2 -FT OF SAND 80 -MIL HDPE LINE' DRAINAGE LAYER 60 -MIL HDPE LINER 2 -FT OF CLAY 2 -FT OF SAND 80 -MIL HDPE LINER DRAINAGE LAYER 60 -MIL HDPE LINER 3 -FT OF CLAY 80 -MIL HDPE LINER WITH PROTECTIVE SAND 2 -FT CLAY LINER 40 -MIL LLDPE LINER 960 960 950 ADDITIONAL SOIL FILL 950 940 PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL WASTE AREA 940 930 PRO POSED ASH SADDLE ARE, PQO�OSED 930 \�` C & D SADDLE AREA 920 9�0 910 - , .. 910 900 \\ r 900 p o ° \, ORIGINAL CELL 3 PROPOSED C & D CELL 890 890 INDUSTRIAL WASTE AREA 880 ORIGINAL CELL 4 880 w 870 ASH AREA y -�� 870 w 860 \ \ " • 860 850 - 850 840 9 -27 -2000 AERIAL FLIGHT 840 OF EXISTING CONDfTI0N5 ° R30 -- \ 830 820 \ 820 810o 01810 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 o O 0 c o 0 0 o O o o O 0 o O o o O o O o O o 0 0 o o O o O O O O o O o O 0 O 0 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + O r rA m O N V CO I� 00 t� O N r� d tS) (O N N N N N N (V p o g \ N tt u w a � ° i a ❑ z � a u o i A W Z a c = J o a oz ° v, u A zo Z 0 a z 0 S w a F m I U U I a U w w 3 O <C Qz � z_ Z a O E-� zZ U �o W Z W U? o° a U) w U) o � a m U x DRAWING NOT TO SCALE DRAWING NO 6 Co N CO 00 W 4 ao C ()1 Elevation CO 00 00 OD m J DD CD 0 O Qo co Co co � N (A W (Ji co Lo Q) J 0 +00 O O O O O O O O _;1 O O 0 0 0 O O 1+00 z 2 +00 ° c: o z cl 57 3 +00 D D r7 �r 4 +00 mr D m 5 +00 D O� o m 6 +00 D %z ;U% m/ c D� 7 +00 LD 01 T1 N 8 +00 X V O Z O 9 +00 " D n O A O D 0r O r 0 � N 2 / Z 11+00- ° c z � 12 +00 Co n r D D > cn 13 +00 / D cn m > I J m r D 14 +00 > w m D 15 +00 16 +00 D ° p 0 D 17 +00 r N O r 18 +00 r 19 +00 20 +00 21+00 22 +00 23 +00 CO 0 00 00 00 w 0 m co co co co m co co co r iv 0 w 0 0 cn 0 m-2 0 co o 0 0 0 0 0 8 N w .a 01 0 0 0 0 0 m� 0 0 Elevation F Z D K F = O = m = O O p r p v Z m ° r r Z Z m � m A REVISIONS / REMARKS CADD PRO] CODE: cw_daPl.n.d.e Y z SKB ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACILITY n Br DATE BY DATE DRAWN BY. DATE. MAY, 2000 DATE: UPDATED os z ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA �� Q• Q SURVEY DATA: Z y RECORD DRAWINGS OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION o z CROSS- SECTION MAP E -E CONFORMING TO CONTRACTORS AND /OR OWNERS RECORDS. o o o BY DATE � m m o, 00 N W O O 0 +00 O o 1 +00 2 +00 3 +00 4 +00 5 +00 6 +00 1 \ 7 +00 8 +00 9 +00 Elevation R � p N (� c M CD �p p 0 o O ° O o o O Elevation r REVISIONS / REMARKS cADD PRO, CODE: a- bww,.a., D N BY: DATE: MAY. 2000 DATE 0. BY DATE SURVEYED BY: DATE: UPDATED ]/03 SUBVEY DATA: 0 RECORD DRAWINGS OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION CONFORMING TO CONTRACTORS AND /OR OWNERS RECORDS. N �-y n m 0 m Z < n p p 2 = m= m o O p;V Z r A m m Z REVISIONS / REMARKS cADD PRO, CODE: a- bww,.a., D N BY: DATE: MAY. 2000 DATE 0. BY DATE SURVEYED BY: DATE: UPDATED ]/03 SUBVEY DATA: 0 RECORD DRAWINGS OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION CONFORMING TO CONTRACTORS AND /OR OWNERS RECORDS. MEN � in= = a z 0 N 47 C A O M lA a r� z 0 CID na bq 11 1 1 a �� �'414-z a tAl \ 0 1 s a 0 0 0 CA tjl A ,� C � F yy O � G� oar �b b 0 u, en a° A m c� Ell \A z n O N pppy Q� ,� 5566 O 9 ' r o a Q & 8 M Y ;a D z L7 z 0 9 n, PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR THE MAJOR MODIFICATION AT THE SKB— ROSEMOUNT INDUSTRIAL WASTE FACUM ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA REVISIONS / REMARKS CAM �m cr>o®e1so1B Dom a ate: oc'roece ZOD! SURVEYED Br DATW UPDATED 1 /08 er HASURVEYED BY DATE SURVEY Q . Q PROPOSED TRAF'F'IC FLAW RECORD DRAWINGS OF C[INPL.ETED CONSTRUCTI RE ING TO CfINTRACTt7iS AND /O2 OWNERS BY DATE C Q v B i � a a e Q Z M Z P I POWU DRAWMGS FOR THE MMOR YO ffiF UNON AT THE 3m- ROSEI[O Y M"LaTe•A'E FACiL11Y � ONB / BSIGRKS cm Fm Em a ary"Auft Beam or BDeQ nam ac rom gm SLIME M Br IDM titer Va BY DATE BY DATE BUMV DADA: ORD REC DRAYINGS 13F C[MPTED LE CBNSTRUCTT "" To Ca�rRACTORS ANDAR OW*3M 8Y DATE I A TYPICAL RECYC!UNG /TRANSnM STATION Doculaw" '"� e ° ° ° IB is :gi �� f � i ig I g f e Q Z M Z P I POWU DRAWMGS FOR THE MMOR YO ffiF UNON AT THE 3m- ROSEI[O Y M"LaTe•A'E FACiL11Y � ONB / BSIGRKS cm Fm Em a ary"Auft Beam or BDeQ nam ac rom gm SLIME M Br IDM titer Va BY DATE BY DATE BUMV DADA: ORD REC DRAYINGS 13F C[MPTED LE CBNSTRUCTT "" To Ca�rRACTORS ANDAR OW*3M 8Y DATE A TYPICAL RECYC!UNG /TRANSnM STATION Doculaw" '"� e ° ° ° t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ Rosemoun W-CENTEx Westwood - HOMES SUBMITTAL FOR: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MARCH 4, 2203 MINEA PROPERTY R O S E M O U N T M INN E S O T A � arwe�:r�� �acv r arn`►r, �4 Q ' r d � a ° d PMR Al OF WE r<* O ¢ I i� 4. I� ► S' � � .. � `!'!'' I O Gu���G gyp' �,. f �, ♦ O �h� -� f �. �� ♦ /i' ,. r � 3 ±; � oZ X11 j� •�, • E .� �0. � � \ `art ^� �� �► ; =I r El y 1 ` 1 II if / R, ■ ■ SITE CONSTRAINTS A NOT TO SCALE 1VIINEA -VROPERTY ROSEMOUN MINNESOTA ��r jai — — . w www= mmmwWwwwwwwo Mason ■ am ■ a I n O m Z =I m Ul X 4� 4 0 FL • - M/NIZAD) ,a \lb u N, ss �s 5 � v F , NSWOOP I* I%*- ! 0 7 a� loop. 10-1 i n C) 2� r) rT1 0 O'Fj _ r IV I oy N 1 �� � az� �r Wf < ,a 31� u." Jv 000. 000 --,\ i PARKS OPEN SPA - - _ - CE & TRAILS ' _ m _ ��� ,� � 11 , � PARKS /OPEN SPACE DATA TOTAL OPEN SPACE/PARK: Public Park: Private Open Space: PONDING: 33.6 + /- Ac. 12.1 +/- Ac. `. 21.5 + /- Ac. 11.9+/- Ac. LEGEND Trails Sidewalks W-CENTEX HOMES Pmfessorel5ervrces, mc. E 1VIINEA -VROPERTY R O S E M O U N T M I N N E S O T A A JN> The Classics Collection The Classics Collection provides strong architectural elevations and floor plans that deliver street appeal through distinctive variations in elevation massing. Focus on the customer contributed to home designs that provide exceptional value. Varying porch types also serve to accentuate the streetscape. Traditional architectural details heighten individuality and character. The exterior character of these designs is influenced by local traditional styles. This character is achieved by covered entrances or front porches with architectural columns, grilles in upper sashes of front facing windows, varying siding exposures, gable treatments, shutters, etc. Floor Plans Sizes: 1726 -2687 SF Key Customers Demographics Dominant age Group: 35 -44 Household Size: 3 -4 Group: Upscale Suburban Families z Is . *� � � � - e I ��n•ur, ar � i 4 �c irr ..., :-� ,. A - 'F` s. � sa�+rss�.>� _ { I II�� r .. ti v 0 ]l_ :`•- r Typical Street Elevation a 'aml'�F2com I Ih � Kli hen Fomlly�RCpn r � !GI hen � K e t Fom'ly 9 ROCm b. � m vng Room � '• am Foyw iva Fo er - inJ 6c ama e narage Llvpyg - Foyor .s - Main door Pi Moir Floor Flan Moir Floor Flar Moir Floor Flon Baylor Bradford Southhampton Trenton KEY EXTERIOR ELEMENTS ELEVATION STYLE: Eclectic ROOF STRUCTURE: Front to Back Roof: 6:12 Pitch with F -0" overhang & 6" rake Side to Side Roof: 8:12 pitch with 1 -0" overhang & 6" rake ENTRY/PORCH: Stepped back & traditional front load garages Covered entry with porch; front door with sidelights and /or transom Porch Columns: 24" masonry veneer base; Architectural columns EXTERIOR MATERIALS: Siding: 4" Clapboard vinyl Accent Siding: 5" cedar grain shakes, vinyl; 3" Clapboard, vinyl Masonry Veneer: Optional main level wainscot at garage piers; Brick or cultured stone WINDOWS: Type: Single hung vinyl Window Grilles: Colonial grille pattern upper sashes of front facing windows EXTERIOR TRIM: Corner Boards: 5" vinyl Band Boards: 5" vinyl Window Trim: 3 1/2" vinyl Fascia: 4" aluminum clad Specialty Trim: Decorative louvered vents in gables - vinyl CENTEX HOMES L ■ ■ L L f f ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ L ■ ■ The Vineyard Collection The Vineyard Collection reflects the next generation of traditioanl one -level style townhomes. Now featuring a new two -story design, with main level master bedroom, which emphasizes height and proportionality across the length of the building. The homes mass towards the center, rising from the perimeter achieving a balanced elevation. Entry locations optimize the indoor /outdoor relationship. Exterior feature elements include: architectural columns, appropriate use of brick accents, varying siding exposures, gable treatments, window crossheads and shutters. The interior character of these designs centers on the great room with its volume space and views through the home. Plan elements include main level owner suites, 2 -3 bedroom, 2 - 2 '/2 baths, great room open to kitchen and dining areas, kitchens with eat -in island counters, convenient laundry areas near the "activity zone ", and four season porch opportunities. Floor Plans Sizes: 1570 -17.54 S F Key Customers Demographics Dominant age Group: 55+ Household Size: 2 Group: Upscale Suburban Fringe Couples, Established Empty Nesters Jill F , VINEYARD TOWNHOMES CENTEX HOMES 1 69 AL KEY EXTERIOR ELEMENTS ELEVATION STYLE: Eclectic ROOF STRUCTURE: Front to Back Roof: 4:12 pitch with F -0" overhang & 6" rake Side to Side Roof. 10:12 pitch with F -0" overhang & 6" rake ENTRY/PORCH: Covered entry with porch Porch Columns: 12" architectural column EXTERIOR MATERIALS: Siding: 4" Clapboard vinyl Accent Siding; 3" Clapboard vinyl Masonry Veneer: Main level wainscot at front and side elevations: full height garage piers; Brick WINDOWS: Type: Single hung vinyl Window Grilles: Colonial grille patterns all windows EXTERIOR TRIM: Corner Boards: 6" vinyl, front, side & rear elevation Band Boards: 5" vinyl Window Trim: 3 1/2 " lineal, vinyl, front, side & rear elevation; Crown molding per front elevation Fascia: 4" aluminum clad Frieze: 5" vinyl Shutters: Louvered Shutters, front & rear elevation, vinyl Specialty Trim: Decorative louvered vents in gables, vinyl ■ �i i R ff f a The Carriage Collection This product line is designed to emphasize a neighborhood setting through architectural enhancements on all sides of the home structure. Configured as "back to back" town homes the Carriage Homes present "front elevation" looks on all four sides of the building. The exterior character of these designs is achieved by using front porches /covered entries with architectural columns, and distinctive exterior detailing (appropriate use of brick accents, gable treatments, window grilles, window crossheads, shutters, etc). The interior character of these designs is informal, open and value - driven, focusing on the lifestyle needs of our selected customers. Plan elements include 2 -3 bedrooms, 1 '/z baths, living room open to kitchen and dining areas, kitchens with snack bars, loft areas, convenient laundry areas, and optional architectural fireplace /media niches. Floor Plans Sizes: 1572 -1707 SF Key Customers Demographics Dominant age Group: 25 -34 Household Size: 1 -2 Group: Young Midscale Suburban Singles & Couples FIRST FLOOR PLAN KEY EXTERIOR ELEMENTS ELEVATION STYLE: Eclectic ROOF STRUCTURE: Front to Back Roof. 5:12 pitch with F -0" overhang & 6" rake Side to Side Roof. 8:12 pitch with 1 -0" overhang & 6" rake ENTRY/PORCH: Covered entry porch Porch Columns: 8" Architectural column EXTERIOR MATERIALS: Siding: Wolverine Restoration Collection premium, Double 4" Clapboard & shakes, low -gloss wood grain finish, vinyl. The Restoration Collection is approved by many preservation commissions. Masonry Veneer: Main level wainscot at front and side elevations WINDOWS: Type: Slider vinyl Window Grilles: Colonial grille pattern all windows EXTERIOR TRIM: Corner Boards: Wide 3 ' /2 " outside corner post, vinyl Window Trim: Wide 3 ' /2 " vinyl window and door surrounds reflect architectural tradition; Crown molding per front & side elevations, found on many historic homes Fascia: Wide 4" aluminum clad Shutters: Paneled Shutters, vinyl Specialty Trim: Decorative louvered vents in gables, vinyl per elevation CENTEX HOMES 0 Carriage Homes ■ The exterior character of these designs is achieved by using front porches /covered entries with architectural columns, and distinctive exterior detailing (appropriate use of masonry accents, gable treatments, window grilles, shutters, etc). The interior character of these designs is informal, open and value - driven, focusing on the lifestyle needs of our selected customers. Plan elements include 2 -3 bedrooms, 1 '/2 baths, ■ living room open to kitchen and dining areas, kitchens with snack bars, loft areas, convenient laundry areas, and optional architectural fireplace /media niches. N ! ■ A ILI N R ■ Floor Plans Sizes: 1400- 1600SF Key Customers Demographics Dominant age Group: 25 -34 Household Size: 1 -2 Group: Young Midscale Suburban Singles & Couples KEY EXTERIOR ELEMENTS ELEVATION STYLE: Eclectic ROOF STRUCTURE: Front to Back Roof: 5:12 pitch with P -0" overhang & 6" rake Side to Side Roof: 8:12 pitch with 1 -0" overhang & 6" rake ENTRY/PORCH: Covered entry porch Porch Columns: 8" Architectural column EXTERIOR MATERIALS: Siding: Wolverine Restoration Collection premium, Double 4" Clapboard, low -gloss wood grain finish, vinyl. The Restoration Collection is approved by many preservation commissions Accent Siding: 5" cedar grain shakes in accent color Masonry Veneer: Main level wainscot at front and side elevations, full height garage piers; brick or cultured stone WINDOWS: Type: Vinyl sliding windows Window Grilles: Colonial grille pattern all windows EXTERIOR TRIM: Corner Boards: Wide 3 ' / 2 " outside corner post, vinyl Window Trim: Wide 2 ' / 2 " vinyl window and door surrounds reflect architectural tradition; Fascia: Wide 4" aluminum clad Shutters: Louvered Shutters, vinyl Specialty Trim: Decorative louvered vents in gables, vinyl per elevation CENTEX HOMES CARRIAGE HOMES A ELEVATION CARRIAGE HOMES B ELEVATION