HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of February 13, 2003 Committee of the WholeITEM # 6 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Committee of the Whole, regular work session meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Riley, and Shoe - Corrigan present. Also in attendance were Interim City Administrator/ Police Chief Kalstabakken, Community Development Director Parsons, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, and City Engineer Brotzler. The agenda was adjusted to include City Council position interviews and move the SKB presentation to follow the interviews. City Council Position Interviews City Council continued interviews from their Saturday, February 8th interviews. Four applicants were called back for a second interview: Dave Anderson, Maureen Geraghty - Bouchard, Casey Wollschlager, and Kevin Strayton. Interviews were conducted from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and then the scheduled Committee of the Whole proceeded. SKB Expansion Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken presented four issues for discussion by Council and reviewed a traffic report and environmental report. SKB Environmental Inc. has requested a much larger capacity storage than allowed by the City's zoning ordinance. Rich Valley Landfill expanded into Rosemount in 1994 on the northern border and the limited volume of 200,000 cubic yards was initially set for that area. The additional volume requested would be accomplished by filling in areas between current cells in a "saddle" form increasing the height. SKB maintained that the landfill would roughly double in size in both land area and capacity. SKB has held an excellent record for operations and is even considered a desired "model" by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). The Planning Commission has recommended approval of a zoning amendment to increase the volume. The MPCA and Dakota County Environmental Division have stringent requirements that must be met. City of Rosemount approval is necessary prior to MPCA and Dakota County approval. The key environmental issue with the landfill is the control and treatment of the water that leaches through the landfill materials (leachate). A liner has been installed to capture the leachate even though this is not a requirement by MPCA. The captured leachate is then pumped out and trucked to the Rosemount Treatment Plant or to Pigs Eye Treatment Plant. After the landfill is filled, it would be capped with a clay liner and an 80 -mil poly liner. After two to five years, nearly all moisture will be gone and any settling of material would be complete. Ash is very dense and becomes almost like concrete when compacted. Council asked about how hazardous the waste is being placed into the landfill. SKB explained that there are never any hazardous wastes acccepted. Each truckload is tested ten to twelve times load and then a "finger print" of the material is recorded. A test is done immediately on that material and if something is unacceptable it is shipped back to its origin immediately. The types of material that will be accepted are industrial waste, ash, and construction/demolition debris. Construction / demolition debris is not currently accepted at the site but will comprise most of the requested expansion of cells. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2003 Council discussed an end use for the landfill. The consensus was that the best land use is not known now because there are so many variables. Because this is an industrially zoned area, a park or golf course seems unlikely. There may be a market for a truck terminal or commercial use in the future for the land. If a commercial use could be found, then investing a large amount into grass and landscaping could be avoided. Council requested that a condition in the Interim Use Permit (IUP) include language to evaluate the end use over the life of the landfill. Council also discussed landscaping only the visible area, keeping it passive and natural perhaps with walking trails. The IUP would require renewal every five years and review of the end use could occur at those times. SKB noted that each cell would be sealed as it is filled; so determining the end use could affect how it is sealed. Also SKB noted that the City could purchase the completed landfill at 80% of the land value. SKB will be spending funds to close each cell as it occurs in accordance with the approved end use plan. Any alteration to the end use plan requires a change in the permits issued by MPCA and Dakota County. Foth & Van Dyke Consultants presented a letter with Findings of Fact regarding the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility Major Modification. They addressed the truck traffic design by using County Road 38 for an alternate exit. Highway 55 is the main entrance. Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) rated the capacity of Highway 55 at 20,000 trips per day (TPD) and CR 38 at 15,000 trips per day. SKB projects 315 TPD on HWY 55 and 915 TPD on CR 38. The portion of Highway 55 used as a service road will eventually be turned over to the city for maintenance. Discussion was held regarding what type of fees might be expected from SKB per ton or cubic yard. Fees generated will be included in an amendment to the existing Development Commitment agreement and will be negotiated to be similar to fees paid at landfills in other Dakota County cities. Also a lump sum of money could be requested up front in order to develop a city project or somehow improve city amenities. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan noted that the public should be involved and informed of the zoning amendment. The MPCA will have a thirty - day period for comment before approval also. SKB's request will be addressed at the March 6th Council meeting. Sidewalk and Trail Improvement Plan Parks and Recreation Director Schultz and City Engineer Brotzler reviewed the Sidewalk and Trail Improvement Plan. A map was shown that identifies locations where connections between existing trails are needed. A priority list will be worked on considering safety first and then the most heavily used sidewalks and trails. The budget this year includes $125,000 to begin improvements and maintenance. The most effective use of funds could be accomplished by using the public works crew to resurface needed areas. Schultz noted that grant money might be available for some projects. Brotzler also noted some cities have done bond issues in order to fund projects. Several trails were identified for maintenance. New development is always requested to install connecting sidewalks or trails as stated in the Parks Master Plan. Leprechaun Days Service Agreement Parks and Recreation Director Schultz submitted a revised Leprechaun Days Service Agreement. Mayor Droste requested a review of liability and legal issues with the city's involvement of all community events. Droste wanted to consider a structure or board that would better serve the residents. Droste suggested stepping back this year to observe the perception that events are 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2003 "city" events and consider how much funding should be city sponsored. Events mentioned were Halloween Party, City Garage Sale, Leprechaun Days, Share the Spirit, and Shamrock Award. Council Member DeBettignies noted that donations to these events require a LG5 forin on which the city signs off. DeBettignies noted that the Minnesota Foundation could be a resource for information. The Leprechaun Days Service Agreement will be brought to the March 6 Council meeting for consideration. Skate Park Parks and Recreation Director Schultz reviewed the Task Force recommendation for a Tier I Skate Park to be located in Central Park with $25,000 worth of equipment. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the location to be at Schwarz Pond Park north of the Community Center. Council consensus was to keep the activity in Central Park so kids can walk to it. All Tier I park equipment must be 3 feet tall or lower, it does not require supervision, padding, or a fence enclosure. Funds for the park have been received from SKB and Rosemount First State Bank. The Jaycees, Quizno's, and Dole Explosives may pledge money for the skate park. A determination to expand or change the skate park can be made after this year's use and review. The skate park would be placed on the paved hockey rink. Council directed Schultz to prepare a Request for Proposal for equipment and proceed with the project this year. Commission By -Laws and Selection Process Interim City Administrator Kalstabakken presented the amended by -laws for commissions to change terms from one year for the Planning and Parks and Recreation Commissions to three - year terms and remove the Council Liaison requirement. The Commission Selection Policy was also drafted to reflect the term length change. The Port Authority by -laws were amended by the City Attorney at Article V. Governing Body to correct the inappropriate change to three -year terms and add language to have council member terms coincide with their elected term. The statement of "not less than two commissioners shall also be members of the council" was debated; later it was found to be in the originating resolution. The Port Authority Chairperson will be elected by the commission members. These amendments will be brought to the March 6th Council meeting for consideration. Council Member Appointment Mayor Droste called for selection of the council member position following the second interviews of Dave Anderson, Maureen Geraghty- Bouchard, Casey Wollschlager, and Kevin Strayton. All four applicants had enthusiastic comments and good communication skills. The choice was difficult and Council did not want to discourage those not chosen from continuing his or her service to the community. After some discussion Council decided to appoint Kevin Strayton to the remaining term of Council Member Klassen's at the March 6, 2003 City Council meeting. That term will expire December 31, 2004. Additional Topics Council Member Riley requested that the City's Emergency Plan be reviewed at the next Committee of the Whole. Council was advised that a letter supporting Dakota County's request for federal transportation funds for Highway 52 corridor projects at Co. 46 and 47 will be sent. The letter will be signed by the mayor and interim city administrator . The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2003 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2003 -06. El