HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. Joint Powers Agreement Amendment for the 2003 Waste Abatement Community Funding PlanI T CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 6, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Joint Powers Agreement Amendment for the 2003 Waste Abatement Community Funding Plan AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Mark Erichson, Consulting Engineer, WSB 0 AGENI ATTACHMENTS: Contract Amendment APPROVED BY: The Dakota County Environmental Management Department has established funds to be allocated to the communities of Dakota County for the purpose of funding a Recycling and Solid Waste Management Program. The County makes these funds available to the cities to help defray the cost of administering a solid waste and recycling program. Based on the estimated population and number of households, the City is prepared to receive $ 12,995 for this year's program. Attached is a Copy of the Joint Powers Agreement Amendment between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount, and the 2003 Application Form, which includes a breakdown of the program budget and funding requirements. Funds are distributed upon final approval of the Joint Powers Agreement from City Council. Staff submits for Council consideration the motion to approve the Contract Amendment between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount and authorize the necessary signatures. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN DAKOTA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 ELEVENTH AMENDMENT TO 1992 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN DAKOTA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR THE 2003 WASTE ABATEMENT COMMUNITY FUNDING PLAN This Agreement is between Dakota County (hereinafter "County ") and the City of Rosemount (hereinafter "Municipality "). WHEREAS, effective January 1, 1992, the County and the Municipality entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement ") in order to provide for cooperation between the County and the Municipality to implement and operate a local comprehensive landfill abatement program; and WHEREAS, the Agreement has been in effect since January 1, 1992, as amended yearly, to provide for continuing waste abatement funding from the County to the Municipality through 2002; and WHEREAS, on August 15, 2000, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners approved the Dakota County Waste Abatement Community Funding Plan 2001 -2004 (2001 -2004 Funding Plan), which is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, on September 24, 2002, by Resolution No. 02 -459, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners approved solid waste abatement funding for the year 2003, contingent upon available funds; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend the Agreement to provide funding for the year 2003 and to enable both parties to continue to enjoy the mutual benefits it provides; and WHEREAS, Paragraph 18 of the Agreement provides that any amendments, alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers shall be valid only when reduced to writing duly signed by the parties. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree that the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 1. Paragraph 1 of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for cooperation between the County and the Municipality for the implementation and operation of a local comprehensive landfill abatement program by the Municipality in accordance with the 2001 -2004 Funding Plan, the Dakota County 2003 Waste Abatement Community Funding Guidelines and Application Form (2003 Guidelines) and the Municipality's completed and approved 2003 Community Landfill Abatement Application (2003 Application), which is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit 1. 2. Paragraph 2 of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 2. Term This Agreement shall be in effect from January 1, 2003, and shall continue in effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions herein. This Agreement may be amended 'pund Jau!e;uoo Jo; uol;eollddy s,A;!ledlo!unVy ay; ui pa;sanbaJ sJaule;uoo ay; apnloul ;ou saop osle ydeJ6eJed s!y; u! y}Jo; ;as ;unowe bu!pun; ayl nnolaq q ydeJ6eJed y ;!M aouepJ000e u! Jo; AIdde Aew f4!led!o!unW ay; 4o!ynn 'spun; ;ueJo ;uawua!nu3 algeule;s �(ue apnlou! ;ou saop ydeJ6eJed s14; u! ylJo; ;as ;unowe 6ulpun; 91 -11 •fqunoo ay; o; pawn;aJ aq IIegs a;ep ;e4; Aq papuadxa ;ou s! ;ey; 6u �(uy '£OOZ 'Le Jagweoaa Aq papuadxa aq ;snw 6u!pun; yonS - spun; algel!ene uodn ;uabu '(00'966'Zl $) sJell 001,/ pue an4- �S;au1N paJpunH au!N 'puesnoyl anlannl paaoxa o; ;ou ;unowe le ;o; ay; u! aq Ileys �}gedlolunVy ay; Jo; 6ulpun; £OOZ JeaA ayl - ;unowy ulPund - e ';jo ail Ienuuy pue alnpayoS;uaw ed ;unouJy u!pund •b snno11o; se peal o; papuawe aq 11eys;uawaaJ6y ay; ;o b ydeJ6eJed iv 'sau £OOZ sAunoo ay; y ;!nn ;ua ;slsuoo aJe suo!;eo41Pow pasodoJd ay; se 15U01 os pue pJeoe )�unoo ay; Aq panoJdde ;unowe ay; paaoxa ;ou saop ;uaweei6y s Japun algeAed ;unowe ay; se 6uol se '�ged!o!unw ay; �(q pa;sanbaJ se (L ;!q!yx3) uo s,Al!Ied ay; o; suogeo4!pow anoJdde o; /4uoy;ne ay; aney 11eys aau6!s Jo Jo;oaJ14 ;uawdolanaa Ieo1sAqd Iqunoo e;o>{ea ayl • L ;!q!yx3 u! 4ljo; ;as se A11e!;ue;sgns sa11!Al;oe ay; ;uawaldw! Ile4s tijlledlolunw aq l - sal ;!n! ;oy ;uawa ;eqy ;o uol ;e ;uawal wl •o - saomos 6ulpun; se (y30) aoue;s Ie;uawuonnu3 ;o a3go e;osauu!W ay; pue sJauolssluJwoo ;o pJeog A4unoo e;o�lea ay; 11paJo Ileys sleua;ew uogeonpe opgnd 14!unw'woo py •;uaw palnnou�oy aomoS buipun •q sau!IaP!n ay; w 1 -11- 10 1 1 -11- 10 1 ;as eua ;uo ay; pue sa!;!I!glsuodsaJ s ;1 6ul ;aaw J £OOZ u! ssaoons s;! �(q pa;enlena aq 11 m eouewJojjad sA!Iedlo!unw ayl •Iioda� lenuuy;uauJa;egy Ilypuej �4!unwuJoo £OOZ s,A ;!Ied!o!unw ay; ;o Ie:p!wgns ay; ;o sAep 06 u!y ;!m Ienoidde s,�,Iunoo ay; Jo; Alpedlo!unW ay; Aq pa;;lwgns aq bu!loAoaJ aseaJoul o; ueld a ;ey; ;uawaJ!nbaJ ay; u1 ;InsaJ p!nn Ieo6 a6e ;uaoJad s14; ana!yoe o; aJnl!ed •;unowe uogeJaua6 lei;uaPlsaJ s;! aJnseaw o; alge s! �4!Ied!o!unw ay; ssalun 'pa;elnoleo s1 96e;uawad s!43 4 uodn uol ;eJaua6 Ieguap!saJ ay; au!w.ia;ap II!M /}unoo au ;uawad 44 ;o Ieo6 6u11oA £OOZ s,fqunoo e;o�jea slioddns ;ey; weaJ ;s a;sem lel;uaplsaJ J!ay; ;o 6ulloAoaJ ;o lanai a ule ; ;e o; anul;uoo;snw weJ6oJd s,�4!led a41 'sauyapino CON 9 41 u! 4 ;as We ;ey; (uo!;eo a;seM p!loS pue suogeJado 6u!loAoad ';uawanoJdwl Jo; sag!11g1suodsay 'd!ysJapea ;uawwanoo) seaJe lno; o ;w pap!n!p We pue A ;lunwwoo ay; ;o az!s ay; uodn puadap fqedlo!unW ay; ;o sal ;!I!gsuodsai Jay ;o •/}yed!o!unlN ay; ;o s;uaPlsaJ ay; o; iIoeq s;soo ay; ssasse pue aolnJas yons apinoJd Ipm Alunoo ay; 'aolnJas ;o slanal anoge ay; u o; sI!e; �!Ied1o!unVy ay; ;I sse16 ;o sJoloo aaJy; pue '�Ioau a pm sJau!e;uoo o!;se 14 ;u '(a6eJ@Aaq pue poor) sueo 'sauize6ew 'Jaded aoo Ielap!s 'pJeogpJeo pa;e6nJJoo Jadedsmau :salgeloloaJ 6u1M0110; ay; ;o uol;oalloo saJ!nbaJ weJ6oJd ;uawa;ege a;sem pyos ayl - Jaule;uoo 6ullo�(oaJ a buisn sployasnoy AI!we; -!;Inw pue Allwe; al6uls Jo; uol;oailoo selgeloAoaJ �(l>la@m -1q ;seal ;e sapnlou ;ey; weJ6oJd ;uawa;ege a;seM p!Ios a bulule;u!ew Jo; pue (papuawe se) ueld ;uawa6eueW a;seM p!I /qunoo e;oi ea/leuol6a�I ay; u1 pauli ;no aomies ;o Ianal ay; 6ulu!e;ulew Jo; algsuodsaJ s1 �11ed!olunw ayl ;lledlo!u ay; Aq pa};!wgns uo!;eo!lddy £OOZ ay; pue sau!Iapino 6u!pund £OOZ a44 'ueld 6u!pund b00Z �( ;unoo e;o�lea ay; u! ylio; ;as sau!lap!n6 weJ6oJd ;uanno ay; 4 ;!M sa!ldwoo Allegue;sgns ;ey; weJ6oJd ;ua wa;ege lj! P!Jel anlsuayaJdLuoo Ieool a a;eJado pue ;uawaldwl Ileys AGJed!o!unVy ayl •leJauao e weJ6oJd :sMO110; se peal o; papuawe aq Heys ;uawaaJ6y ay; ;o £ ydeJ6eJed •suogeo 6u!pun; panoJdde ,sJe@A ;uenbesgns ;o uo!;eJodJooul pue ;uawyoe; ;e ay; �(q 'gL ydeJ6eJed y ;!m eouepJ000e u! which is part of Exhibit 1. Any containers purchased by the County for the Municipality, pursuant to the Municipality's application for the same, will be provided by the sole discretion of the County and will only be provided if sufficient funding is available. The County will inform the Municipality in writing of the number of containers to be provided to them pursuant to their application. Sustainable Environment Grant The Municipality also may apply to the County for a Sustainable Environment Grant. If approved by the County, the Municipality will be eligible to receive such a grant for the year 2003 in an amount not to exceed Ten Thousand and No /100 Dollars ($10,000.00). Application must be made by September 1, 2003. In the event a Sustainable Environment Grant is applied for by the Municipality and is approved by the County, the Municipality will receive payment after providing the County with a written report, at the conclusion of the Sustainable Environment Grant project, including the results attained, how the project supported sustainability and documentation of expenditures. The Sustainable Environment Grant, if awarded, must be expended on or before December 31, 2003, unless the County gives prior approval for an extension. The written report must be submitted to the County on or before January 31, 2004. There is a limit to Sustainable Environment Grant funds available through the County for the year 2003, in a total amount of Forty Thousand and No /100 Dollars ($40,000.00). c. Payment upon Receipt of Annual Report for Grant Year 2002 Upon receipt (by February 15, 2003) and approval by the County of the Municipality's Annual Report for, the grant year 2002, the County will pay the Municipality the funding amount set forth at paragraph 4.a. above, in one (1) installment on February 28, 2003, or within 30 days of this fully- executed 11th Amendment to the 1992 Joint Powers Agreement, whichever occurs later., d. Annual Report for the Grant Year 2002 By February 15, 2004, the Municipality shall submit its Annual Report for the year 2003, in the form prescribed by the County. The County will evaluate the Municipality's performance pursuant to the criteria set forth in Exhibit 1. 5. Paragraph 6.A. of the Agreement shall be amended by adding the following as its last sentence: "Such certified resolution or minutes is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit 2." 6. Except as amended by the First through Tenth Amendments and the Amendments herein, the 1992 Joint Powers Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed. COUNTY OF DAKOTA Approved by Dakota County Board Resolution No. 02 -459 By Brandt Richardson County Administrator Date of Signature_ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By Signature (print name) (print title) Date of Signature _ Attest Date of Signature (title) Approved as to form: ssistant oun Att ney /Date Dakota County Attorney's Office Dakota County Judicial Center 1560 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 -2392 Telephone: (651) 438 -4438 Scott/EM/K02449 -10 M • 1:11111 U l l 1 Dakota County 2003 Waste Abatement Community Fundin 9 Guidelines and Application. Form Funding Period: January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2003 Dakota County, Physical Development Division Environmental Management Department - August 2002 For additional information contact Environmental Specialist - Mike Trdan at 952 -891 -7021 Email- mike.trdan@co.dakota.mn.us f'! DAKOTA COUNTY 2003 WASTE ABATEMENT COMMUNITY FUNDING GUIDELINES AND APPLICATIONS FORM BACKGROUND The Dakota County Board of Commissioners has provided landfill abatement funding assistance to communities in Dakota County since 1989. Dakota County Board Resolution No. 88 -651 states that the County's portion of funding recycling implementation and operating costs incurred by cities and townships will be through performance -based funding. These Guidelines are consistent with the Dakota County Waste Abatement Community Funding Plan 2001 -2004 approved by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners on August 15, 2000 (Resolution # 00- 455) and on September 24, 2002 (Resolution # 02 -459). Landfill abatement assistance to communities. is contingent upon available funds. Contents Section Title I. Base Fund A. Application and Revision Procedure B. Funding Allocation C. Eligible Expenses D. . Reimbursement 11. Container Fund A. Application Procedure B. Funding Allocation and Eligible Expenses C. Disbursement III. Sustainable Environment Grants (Optional) A. Application, Funding Allocation and Eligible Expenses B. Reimbursement IV. Community Responsibilities A. Responsibilities and Evaluation Criteria B. Adjustments C. Annual Report Attachment Title Pages 3 5 5 C.1 Attachment A: Application For Base Fund Attachment B: Application For Container Fund (Optional) Attachment C: Application For Sustainable Environmental Grants (Optional) Attachment D: Annual Report Form 9 14 15 17 2 ,l( L SECTION I. BASE FUND A. Application and Revision Procedure for Base Fund 1. Application for Base Fund Applications for the Base Fund must be submitted by November 15, 2002. Applications will consist of a completed Attachment A (Application Form), and an Official Resolution or copy of the - Proceedings (the official action from the governing body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). 2. Revisions to Base Fund If a community has substantial changes to the original request for funding, a community shall submit its revisions in writing prior to implementation for approval by the County. 3. Electronic Versions On -line or disk versions of these Guidelines are available from the County upon request. B. Funding Allocation The 2003 maximum reimbursement amounts by community are listed below. Housing counts for 2001 are based on 2001 Household and Population estimates released by the Metropolitan Council released July 2002. 1. Formula and Amounts for Communities over 5,000 population Communities over 5,000 population are eligible to receive a $5,000 base per community plus $1.60 per household, based on 2001 Household and Population estimates. City Apple Valley Burnsville Eagan Farmington Hastings Inver Grove Heights Lakeville Mendota Heights Rosemount Rural Solid Waste Commission South St. Paul West St. Paul 2001 Housing Estimate 2003 Base Fund 16,877 $32,003 23,798. 43,077 24,086 43,358 4,538 12,261 6,771 15,834 11,439 23,302 14,252 27,803 4,200 11,720 4,997 12,995 5,497 13,795 8,127 18,003 . 8,775 19,040 2. Formula and Amounts for Communities under 5,000 population Communities under 5,000 population are eligible to receive a $500 base per community plus $1.60 per household, based on 2001 Household and Population estimates. City Lilydale Mendota Sunfish Lake Dakota County Total 2001 Housing Estimate 346 80 183 133,966 2003 Base Fund $1,054 628 793 $275,846 3 (1 b 'EOOZ '8Z tienigad �fq s;uaw�(ed 9� ew 1pm �(;unoo e;o >led 'slepa;ew algelo�(oaj ;o ales ay; buipnloui 'sanuanaJ iay ;o Aue pue ';oefoad ay; jol pan1909J s ;ueJ6 iaq ;o 6ugonpap ja}}e s;soo;oafoid aje s ;soo algi6ile ;aN •pa ;noexe Aland aq ;snw ;uawaai6y sJannod ;uior y ;uaw��e ;sui euo ui pa;nqu ;sip aq ll!m ;eq; s;soo algi6ila ;au do %00 L GA1909J 11!M jean( snoinajd ay; woad (Q ;uawgoe; ;y) :poda�j lenuuy pue (y ;uewgoepy) wiod uoi ;eoilddy panadde ue q ;inn sai ;iunwwo:D •AIuo sai ;ini ;oe;uawa;ege a ;seen uo spund pueds Aew Al!ledioiunw ayl ;uewas.ingwioN •Q •saoinos 6wpunj se (y30) 13oue ;sissyIe ;uawuoaInu310 ao!go a ;osauuJW ay; pue sJauoissIwwoO jo paeoa A;unoo a ;o .Yep ay ; ;►pajo i;egs s;eya ;ew uo ;eonpa o►;gnd A;runwwoo sweiboid ;uawa;ege pUpuel do ssauanisuodsai pue 'Aouaio!.4a 'ssauani;oa..a ay; do suoi ;enlen3 uoi;eonpa uoi;onpaj a;sennpie,k - siauie;uoo 6uiloAoaj seed /A;iunwwoo /loogog - spaau pa;ejaj pue siauie;uoo 6uiIoAoaj leiojawwoo pue Al!we; -glnw panoidde A;unoo spaau pa ;eJaj pue siauie;uoo 6uiIoAoaj lei;uepisa�j - suiq pue uogeonpe 6ui;sodwoo pje� Noe8 - (seal eouewjoped 'sAeldsip)) s;uan3 leioadg - uoi;ewjodui uoi;onpai /6uilokaj o; pa;onap spe Jo ja:49isnnau ledioiunw a do ;soo ay; do abe;ueoied ayl - sAep do ueelo Apnwwoo jod uoi;eonpa 6uiloAoa lei;uepisa�j uoi;eonpe uoi;onpa.i/6uiloA39-i/lesodsip MHH - uoi;eonpa uogonpai /6uiloAoaj lei ;uapisa�j - uogeonpe uoi;onpaj /6uiloAo9j lepiewwoo - :o; pa;iwil;ou aie;nq 'apnloui sai ;ini;oy •;uew:pedaa;uawa6eueW Ie;uawuainu3 ay; ;oe;uoo aseeld 'uoi;senb a aneq nog( 11 •algi6ija ;ou We IIUpuel ay; woad peuueq Al;ua.uno swa;i jod sasuadxa leuoi;ejado pue je;ideo do ;soo -swei6oid uoi;onpaj /6uiloAo9j a;owad o; tiesseoeu (•o ;a 's;au6ew 'sliouad) swa;i leuoi ;owojd 'spjeoqlliq 'soapin 's;uawast}Panpe 'sia ;sod 'saloi:pe jal4alsnnau 'sa inyoaq 'sjeAg jod uoi;nqu ;s pue uopnpoid 'u6rsap do s;soo ay; a.ie sasuadxa le;ideo /leuoi;eonpa /leuogowad algi6113 sesuadx3 1e ;!deol;euol;eonPgluol ;owoad alq B6y_g 'Z •sai;ini ;oe ;uawa;ege a;senn pros o; pa;ejaj di sasuadxa elgi6ila aje (6ui6poI Jo IaneJ; a ;e ;s to - ;no 6uipnloui •, ;ou) '6uiuiej; pue 'sanp 'sdigsjagwaw 'suoi;dijosgns 'ajennl}os ja;ndwoo sai ;ini ;oe ;uawa;ege a;senn pros o; pe ;elaj p ge ;s A;unoo woad Jenoidde joud q ;inn sasuadxa ani;e�;siuiwpe a�gi6i�a aie dray Amodwa ; /saoimas;ue;�nsuoo jod a6e' pue 's ;Uaueq " 'saiMIes ayl •s910iyan Jeuosjad do asn elgeuoseai jod 96ealp apnioui pue swei6oid algi6ga do 6ui;owojd pue '6ui ;uawaldwi '6uiuueld ay; uo 'awi; -lind jo awi ; -}ied 'Al;owip 6uNonn el!gm Aluo lauuosiad do slgeueq pue keles ay; aie sasuadxa ani;eJ;siuiwpy sasuadxa ani ;ea ;stuIwp y elq► ill '6 pun3 ase8 jo; sasuadx3 algi6i13 -0 SECTION II. CONTAINER FUND (OPTIONAL) A. Application Procedure for Container Fund Attachment B (Container Fund Application) must be submitted by November 15, 2002. Communities should indicate the number of containers required and the City Administrator or Manager must sign the application form. B. Funding Allocation and Eligible Expenses The maximum amount available in the Container Fund is $28,000 in 2003. Communities apply once a year and will be required to arrange for container storage and distribution. The County will place a priority on new growth areas. Two types of containers are allowed as an eligible expense from this fund: containers for curbside recycling containers, and containers for multi- family recycling. Communities will .provide multi - family containers only to units upon agreement between building owners or managers and the City. Communities will distribute multi - family containers in coordination with informational meetings for residents. If you have a question about an eligible expense, please contact the Environmental Management Department. C. Disbursement of Containers The County will purchase containers after determining the total number required in 2003 and will distribute containers to community identified storage locations after January 1, 2003. SECTION III. SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL GRANTS (OPTIONAL) A. Application Procedure, Funding Allocation and Eligible Expenses Communities must submit applications by September 1, 2003 and the City Administrator or Manager must sign the application form. Funds must be used for projects that expand, enhance or improve existing programs and result in increased amounts of materials collected or additional. types of materials collected. Sustainable Environmental Grants are available on first come, first serve basis after approval of the Environmental Management Director. The total annual amount available to all communities is $40,000 and no single community may receive more than $10,000. Individual type residential recycling containers are not an eligible expense. If you have a question about an eligible expense, please contact the Environmental Management Department. A partial list of eligible expenses includes: • Additional solid waste abatement educational opportunities • Salary, benefits, and mileage of personnel working directly, part -time or full -time are eligible expenses • The salaries, benefits, and mileage for consultant services /temporary help are eligible administrative expenses with prior approval from County staff if related to the sustainable environmental grant activities • Commercial recycling capital costs, education and special events • Multi - Family education 5 Communities may receive payment of up to seventy (70 %) percent of the amount requested after approval by the Environmental Management Director. The remainder of the payment to a community will be provided after the community supplies a written report at the conclusion of the Sustainable Environmental Grant project and documentation of expenditures. Communities must expend the funds by December 31, 2003 unless prior approval is received from the Environmental Management Department, and submit a final report by January 31, 2004. Net eligible costs are project costs after deducting other grants received for the project, and any other revenues, including the sale of recyclabe materials, or cost savings. SECTION IV. COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES Community performance will be evaluated based on each community's 2003 Annual Report and a community's achievement of the criteria below. The County may adjust payments to a community in the following year based on the evaluation of its performance for the current year. Dakota County reserves the right to request documentation for information submitted. A. Responsibilities for Communities and Evaluation Criteria Communities are responsible for maintaining the level of service outlined in the Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan (as amended) and maintain a Targeted Community Program that includes at least bi- weekly recyclables collection for single family and multi- family households using a recycling container. The Targeted Community Program requires collection of the following recyclables; newspaper, corrugated cardboard, residential office paper, magazines, cans (food & beverage), plastic containers with a neck, and three colors of glass. If a community does not maintain the above level of service, the County will accept the responsibility for community recycling programs and will assess the residents of the community for costs incurred (including the County administrative, monitoring, and public education costs). Other community responsibilities are divided into three areas (Recycling Operations, Solid Waste Education, and Government Leadership) and depend upon the size of the community. 1. Communities over 5,000 population - Evaluation of a community's performance also is determined by the following criteria: L Government Leadership Responsibilities (28 Points Total) Community must complete all (7 Points Each) 1. CIS �y;� -�u }� Recycling Drop Off equipment/subsidy for recyclable n erials neither collected Manage waste from its facilities as outlined in the Regional /Dakota County at Solid Waste Master Plan. the curb nor banned Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under its control Material Exchanges (State law). Industrial Waste Abatement Matching funds for other related grants such as the OEA grant program Projects which provide examples of government leadership ::�_ � µ`re- : a:r .• Projects which demonstrate innovation in solid waste education aikt d Source - separated organic composting -`. - Organized collection Other projects with prior approval of County staff ;:B,. Reimbursement Communities may receive payment of up to seventy (70 %) percent of the amount requested after approval by the Environmental Management Director. The remainder of the payment to a community will be provided after the community supplies a written report at the conclusion of the Sustainable Environmental Grant project and documentation of expenditures. Communities must expend the funds by December 31, 2003 unless prior approval is received from the Environmental Management Department, and submit a final report by January 31, 2004. Net eligible costs are project costs after deducting other grants received for the project, and any other revenues, including the sale of recyclabe materials, or cost savings. SECTION IV. COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES Community performance will be evaluated based on each community's 2003 Annual Report and a community's achievement of the criteria below. The County may adjust payments to a community in the following year based on the evaluation of its performance for the current year. Dakota County reserves the right to request documentation for information submitted. A. Responsibilities for Communities and Evaluation Criteria Communities are responsible for maintaining the level of service outlined in the Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan (as amended) and maintain a Targeted Community Program that includes at least bi- weekly recyclables collection for single family and multi- family households using a recycling container. The Targeted Community Program requires collection of the following recyclables; newspaper, corrugated cardboard, residential office paper, magazines, cans (food & beverage), plastic containers with a neck, and three colors of glass. If a community does not maintain the above level of service, the County will accept the responsibility for community recycling programs and will assess the residents of the community for costs incurred (including the County administrative, monitoring, and public education costs). Other community responsibilities are divided into three areas (Recycling Operations, Solid Waste Education, and Government Leadership) and depend upon the size of the community. 1. Communities over 5,000 population - Evaluation of a community's performance also is determined by the following criteria: L Government Leadership Responsibilities (28 Points Total) Community must complete all (7 Points Each) 1. Complete annual checklist of environmental leadership activities (new). 2 Manage waste from its facilities as outlined in the Regional /Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan. 3 Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under its control (State law). 6 n Responsibilities for Improvement (choose one annually) — (7 Points) 1 Increase the amount of products purchased that are made with post- consumer recycled materials. 2. Incorporate sustainable building practices into the deconstruction, construction or remodeling of public facilities. • Decrease the toxic /hazardous character and amount of chemicals used. 4. Decrease the amount of waste and recyclables generated on a per employee basis. Category B - Community must complete five activities (5 Points Each) Initiate and expand a vermiculture program. 3. Increase eco- printing techniques in community publications and documents on an ongoing basis. Make presentation. Increase the reduction, reuse or recycling opportunities of MSW generated from community facility operations. ii. Recycling Operations Responsibilities (27 Points Total) Community must complete all — (9 Points Each) 1 Attain a level of residential waste stream recycling that supports a 50% recycling 2. goal for the County. 2 Assure recycling service in all multi - family buildings that includes all recyclables 4. collected through the curbside collection program. Category B - Community must complete five activities (5 Points Each) Continue the curbside recycling of the following materials: newspaper, magazines, 3. mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and Make presentation. plastic containers with a neck. iii. Solid Waste Education Checklist (45 Points Total) Category A - Community must complete all (5 Points Each) 1 Produce and distribute one written communication piece to each household, including all new residents and multi - family buildings. 2. Actively participate and contribute to monthly Local Solid Waste Staff meetings. 3. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of community activities (2002 and 2004 only). 4. 1 Support and promote Dakota County's integrated solid waste management program. Category B - Community must complete five activities (5 Points Each) • Make presentation to city employees regarding a government leadership activity. • Make presentation. • Make presentation. • Make presentation. • Make presentation. Sponsor a community clean up event. Sponsor a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people —counts. as two. Sponsor a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two). Sponsor a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two). Sponsor a community event for OEA's Source Reduction Campaign (if attended by over 100 people -- counts as two). Sponsor a community event for other County- approved campaign (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two). Produce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi - family buildings. Produce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi - family buildings. Distribute annual targeted public education topic /County /developed materials. 7 . - under 5,000 population - The evaluation of communities with under 5,000 ilydale, Mendota, Sunfish Lake, and the RSWC) is determined by the ia: :_Small Community Checklist - community must complete all (15 Points for each for '`,item, except 10 points for item six) Promote implementation of policies that comply with the State law that requires all residences to have waste collection service. 2 Attain a level of residential waste stream recycling that supports a 50 % recycling goal for the County. 3 Assure recycling service in all multi - family buildings that includes all recyclables collected through the curbside collection program. Continue the curbside recycling of the following materials: newspaper, magazines, 4. mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers with a neck. 5 Produce and distribute a minimum of written communication piece to each household (including units in multi - family buildings). 6. Bi- monthly contact with County staff. 7. 1 Support and promote Dakota County's integrated solid waste management program. C. Adjustments Adjustments to community payments will be based upon the following Performance -Based Funding Schedule: 50 Points = 50% of net eligible costs reimbursed 51 -75 points = 75% of net eligible costs reimbursed 76 -90 points = 90% of net eligible costs reimbursed 91 -100 points = 100% of net eligible costs reimbursed D. Annual Report All communities must submit an Annual Report (Attachment D) to the County by February 15, 2004. Communities will be asked to return funds to Dakota County if expenditures or activities were not consistent with these Guidelines. 9 Attachments A & B to Exhibit 1 ATTACHMENT A 2003 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT APPLICATION FOR BASE FUND Program City/Township: Population (2001 Est.): January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003 Citv of Rosemount 15,986 Number of Households (2001 Est.) : 4997 Date Submitted: 10/23/2002 Address: 2875 145 Street West Amount of Funds Applied for: $12,995 Chad. Don nelly(@ci.ros E -mail Address emount.mn.us Contact: Chad Phone Number: 651 - 322 -2005 Fax Number: 651 - 423 -5203 Donnelly Attach a copy of the Official Resolution /Proceedings (an official action from the governing body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). SECTION I. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM FOR 2003 (Communities over 5,000 population) Provide a summary of proposed activities for 2003 in each of the following areas: A. Government Leadership Responsibilities Checklist — These activities apply to city in- house operations and facilities. Describe governmental leadership activities proposed for 2003 for each checked item on next page. Check Items Community must complete all (7 Points Each) J 1. Complete annual checklist of environmental leadership activities (new). 2 Manage waste from its facilities as outlined in the Regional /Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan. 3 Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under its control (State law ). Responsibilities for Improvement (choose one annually - 7 Points) Increase the amount of products purchased that are made with post- consumer recycled materials. Incorporate sustainable building practices into the deconstruction, construction or remodeling of public facilities. • Decrease the toxic /hazardous character and amount of chemicals used. YO Decrease the amount of waste and recyclables on a generated per employee basis. Initiate and expand a vermiculture program. Increase eco- printing techniques in community publications and documents on an ongoing basis. Increase the reduction, reuse or recycling opportunities of MSW generated from community facility operations. Describe governmental leadership activities proposed for 2003 The City of Rosemount will continue to promote and implement new strategies for recycling and solid waste management throughout the community. City staff is persistent on heightening the awareness for the need to recycle and reduce the waste stream. City staff continues to promote the use of desk side recycle bins for all generated recyclable material. In cooperation with Dakota County staff, inspections and site reviews are conducted regularly on community landfills and waste processing sites. B. Recycling Operations F C ec items Community must complete all Attain a level of residential waste stream recycling that supports a 50 o recycling goal for the County. 2 Assure recycling service in all multi-family buildings that includes all recyc ables collected through the curbside collection program. ontinue the curbside recycling of the following materials: newspaper, 3. magazines, mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers with a neck. L Curbside recycling operations Describe your community's curbside recycling operations. Communities are responsible for maintaining a Targeted Community Program that includes at least bi- weekly recyclable collection for single family and multi - family households using a recycling container. The Targeted Community Program requires collection of the following recyclables: newspaper, corrugated cardboard, residential office paper, magazines, cans (food & beverage), plastic container with a._ neck, and three colors of glass. The curb -side recycling program is an open policy in the City of Rosemount. Rosemount residents are encouraged and educated on the recycle /reuse /reduce benefits of the program. A survey conducted by the City of Rosemount.has demonstrated a 90% residential recycling effort. City services provide for the placement of recycling and solid waste containers in public parks and recreation areas. Once again, educating residents of the on -going programs and efforts will be a top priority of the Rosemount Solid Waste Program ii. Drop — offs — List the operators, addresses, days /hours of operation, and materials collected at drop -off centers located in the community. The City does not have a drop -off operation VA C. Solid Waste Education - Indicate on the checklist below your community's public educational /promotional activities proposed for 2003. For each item indicated in the following checklist, please describe the activity. Check Items J Category A - Community must complete all V 1. Produce and distribute one written communication piece to each household, me uding all new residents and multi- family buildings. V 2. Actively participate and contribute to monthly Local Solid Waste Staff meetings. VO 3. ontinue to evaluate the effectiveness of community activities (2004 only). 4. upport and promote Dakota County's integrated solid waste management program. Category (Community must compete five activities) – oints ac Make p to city employees regarding a government leadership activity. • Make presentation. • Mae presentation. • Make presentation. • Make presentation. VO 0 Sponsor a community clean up event. V 0 Sponsor a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two. • ponsor a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two). • Sponsor a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people – counts as two). • ponsor a community event for A's Source Reduction Campaign (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two). • ponsor a community event for other County-approved campaign (if attended by over 10 people – count as two. Produce a written communication distri uted at east once per year to every house o d, including mult - fami buildings. The piece was: • Produce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every house old, including multi - family buildings. The piece was: istn ute annual targeted public e ucation topic/County/developed materials. Describe public educational /promotional activities proposed for 2003 Informational brochures, pamphlets and other source information have been very effective for public communication regarding recycling and solid waste management. A city wide mailing is conducted annually on solid waste issues and related topics. The city hosts a clean up event each year where residents are allowed to dispose of household items that are not normally accepted by garbage haulers. Rosemount has also hosted an Earth Day event where residents learn about environmental issues. The Dakota County Green Guide is an excellent resource has been made available to all Rosemount residents. 3 D. Work Plan Provide a work plan for 2003 on an additional page (if needed) that lists the specific development objectives to be met and the indicated dates for completion. • June 1, 2003 Clean Up Day and Earth Day complete Mailing distribution Implement parks and public facility collections • December 1, 2003 Annual recycling and solid waste reports submitted and reviewed Licensing of local Haulers Maintain community recycling (Possible) Fall Clean Up The City of Rosemount intends on maintaining a 90% or better recycling effort from the community. The City will continue to promote the purchasing of materials made with recycled products and reduce paper waste. City staff will provide community presentations to schools and groups when asked to or as the opportunity arises. SECTION III. BUDGET — BASE FUND County Share Community Share* TOTAL Administrative Costs: 5000 Direct Salaries Direct Mileage 200 Direct 00 Membership/Training & Subscriptions 000 $10,000 0 4 0 300 Consultant Services and /or Temporary Help Software Other (List & Describe) Promotional Education: Printing Costs Distribution Costs 3500 17 --- I 1 1500 7 35 1500 Advertisements 1495 1 N 1495 Videos /Billboards Promotional Items 500 500 1000 Special Events (Displays, 000 2000 4000 Performance fees, Etc.) Other (List & Describe) TOTAL $12,995 $9200 $22,195 Amount of Base Fund $12,995 Requested from County' ** * Communities may list program contribution in this column (community contributions are not required). ** Unexpended 2003 Base Fund amounts may not be carried over to 2004. * ** Base Fund Request may not exceed that amount shown on page 2. V 5 ATTACHMENT B 2003 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT APPLICATION FOR CONTAINER FUND (OPTIONAL) Program Period: January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003 City/Township: City of Rosemount Population (2001 Est.): 15,986 Number of Households (2001 Est.): 4997 Date Submitted: 10/23/2002 Chad 651 Contact: Donnelly Phone Number: 322 -2005 Address: 2875 145 Street West Approval of City Administrator or Manager I. Number of containers required in 2003 Single Family 300 Multi- family 300 651 _ Fax Number: 423 -5203 Chad.Donnelly E -Mail Address: (@ci.rosemount. mn. us i Delivery Location — List address for container delivery City staff will pick up the collection bins from the eco -site Distribution Method — Indicate the distribution method for the containers Note: Multi- family apartment containers `are provided only upon agreement between building owners or managers and the City. Communities will distribute multi - family apartment containers in coordination with informational meetings for residents. Distribution is handled at City Hall at the request of individual residents. Muti -unit dwellings are handled through the City's solid waste manager at the request of the licensed hauler or complex owner. I Exhibit 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2002— 134 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT'S 2003 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, according to the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City Council of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 2003 Landfill Abatement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has established and desires to maintain a landfill abatement program which promotes recycling, waste reduction and reuse opportunities in the community and encourages landfill abatement; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 2003 Landfill Abatement Funding Application authorizing the necessary signatures thereon and its distribution to Dakota County. ADOPTED this 5ch day of November, 2002. Cathy Bush o ayor ATTEST: j-, Thomas D. Burt, De&t5rCAy Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 5` day of November, 2002, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Thomas D. Burt, put C Clerk Motion by: Edwards Second by: Cisewski Voted in favor: Klassen, Cisewski, Busho, Riley, Edwards Voted against: None