HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.c. Hiring of Community Development Director:KOLLOV 'II3AIfIO3 W IDT&C INHWd0 IaAaG AJ IN1IWWOD HHJ, 2103 aZVCE[C NVD GaG_Ka WW0DUU 30 DNRIIH aH,L EIAOWddV OZ NOILOW :NOI1,DV Q3([NaIAMOJHH uoTTtlpuauzuTOOaT o tads gutPnsoi molIol Ipm uoT uLIOIuT Slow II Z I . IsanV `fmpsans pomou jojuT sisiltug as qj oTd1 wino `pannmlojuT XIl�t iui a zann sa��pipu73o anlamZ •pantaoaz QJQM suoTjvoTiddv aAg- XjuaMq Xpirmixozddr `uoTjisod zojoaztQ luouzdolanaQ AjtunuzTuoD otp .Tod •ss000zd juouij!ruoaa oigl 2uunp paATaoaz slumoilddr jo Iood oql Tuozj uoq!sod .iojoazTQ luauzdolanaQ Xl!utltuTuoD oqi joj luou- mouldal E oi iq of pounoo o f uoiltpuouitu000i L ST uoiiujop!suoo IlounoD AITD I03 �Ag aaAO21ddV ANON :SIN:IIVHDVIIV • 2IO.LV2I,LSINIwQV AID - ON vauaOV `900f12I82IaA aIIVf :AH Qa2I 'Vd3Xd ssouisng MON 2IOZDa2IIQ :NOIZ3:IS VQAI:IOV INEIMUMAHQ AIINf1WWOO JO DNMH :IVHLI V(lNaOV £OOZ `6I ksanV :31VQ JNI. HRW IIIONaOD ADD NOIZ3V 11O9 AUVb1IVIS :IAILIIDHXU .IAIflowaSO2i do AID Ballot Downtown Redevelopment Committee Vote for 3 1. Jeffrey W. Smith Laurie Humphrey 2. Rishi Mohabir Tad P. Johnson 3. Jayme Macchitelli Edward Nelson 4. Andrea Wilson Rita Dupre 5. Leslie Defries Thomas Caravello 6. Maureen Geraghty Bouchard 7. Richard J. Daniels 8. Jeffrey W. Smith 9. _ Rishi Mohabir 10. Jayme Macchitelli 11. Andrea Wilson 12. Leslie Defries 13. Cindi Potaracke August 19, 2003 City of Rosemount City Council CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 17, 2003 AGENDA: ESTABLISH CITIZEN ADVISORY CONI IITTEE AGENDA SECTION: FOR DOWNT REDEVELOPMENT NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGEND 8 ' ATTACHMENTS: PUBLIC NOTICE APPROVED BY: One of the goals set by the City Council is to continue with the Downtown Redevelopment in Rosemount. This goal included creating a citizens advisory committee to revisit the Downtown Rosemount Redevelopment Plan that was prepared by URS in 2002. The previous City Council did not approve the Plan. This committee would review the draft plan, evaluate current market and financial conditions, solicit community input, and make a recommendation to the Port Authority on a final redevelopment framework.' The make up of the committee would be eleven members as follows: 2 City Council Members - designated by the City Council 2 Port Authority Commissioners - designated by the Port Authority' 1 Planning Commissioner - designated by the Planning Commission 3 Business Representatives - designated by the Rosemount Chambers Steering Committee 3 Residents at large - public notice /advertisement with an application process Staff recommends beginning this process by establishing the committee by motion and advising staff to proceed with public notice for the application process. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to establish the Downtown Redevelopment Citizen Committee and begin recruitment as designated including public notice for application. COUNCIL ACTION: