HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendaCITY o f RC}SEMOUNT � AGENDA�!1`1 5 ► REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING k e5t7G APRIL 17, 2003 (� . ) 730 P.M. 1. Call to /Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda Council, Staff 3. Public Comment * *opportunity to bring issues to City Council attention 4. Responn to Public Comment * * * * update on prior public comment WAMEN HEADS U a Proclamation for Poppy Day b. Proclamation of Support National Guar and Reserve C. Arbor Day and d Month Proclamation 6. GNS� AGPNI3A a. Minutes of April 3, 2003 Regular City Council Meeting b. Bills Listing C. Expenditure from Donation Account Administration d. Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal - Danner Inc. Lot Split – Rosemount Business Park Receive BidslAward Contract -- East Side Watermain, Phase 2 Improvements, City Project 345 - 7Abled g. Sergeant Promotion h. Hiring of Assistant Planner i. Pavement Management System J. 7. PUBLIC , Appeal of Board of Appeals & Adjustments: Kulhanek Denial of Variance 12355 Blanca Avenue - 0-b V m \%e c • Staff Comments Applicant Comments • Open Public Hearing for Public Comment �. Close Public Hearing • City,Council Discussion and Action 8 RULE Chippendale AvenuelCSAAH 42 Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 344 c to Staff Comments ...�- - • Applicant Comments Open Public Hearing for Public Comment • Close Public Hearing • City Council Discussion and Action See t' Ay t z ad o leo ic's tl 'l god 3 -l7 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSI TESS a Comprehensive Plan Amendment - McMenomy- Hertogs Property Residential PUD Concept Plan Uitdenbogerd,14676 Dodd Boulevard C. Fireworks Ordinance -- First Reading d. Farmsteads Exterior Materials Zoning Text Amendment 010 -► al 11. LEGISLATIVE t DTTERG(3VERNMENTAL 12, ANNC?UNCElViMS 13. �!IENT Welcome to the Rosemount City Council Public Nearing. . Pur"Pos " 0 £ Public Hearing The purpose of public hearing is to obtain convents related to how the issue affects the City and- the residents. , As designated by the City Council; the Rosemount Planning Commission conducts Public hearings-on all land use applications. And, makes recommendations to the City .Council and then Council makes the final:',decisions. g Notifications have been .posted at the site and previously been published and /or mailed to ali pmpertyowners-within 350 feet, or one- quarter of a mile if the property is zoned Agriculture of is proposed project. Public l- searing Procss Try order to provide the greatest opportunity for informed comments, the process at public hettrirml is generally as follows: 1. Thy developer and/or Applicant introduces himself /herself and the proposed pro ject including major improvements and unique - features of the project. . City Staff will profride a detailed review of the proposal and haw it relates to the Comprehensive Plan and existing ordinances. Staff <does not promote or advocate for the project. 5ti2ff identifies issues and proposed solutions as well as recommends stipulations related to existing City Ordinances and-the Comprehensive Plan. 3. City Councilmembers will discuss and ask questions to clarify issues regarding the proposed. pr o jact and /ar,straff report. 4. Panblic He oring. Comments. We went you to feel comfortable in providing- informed` commeints to the Council and , , your comments are appreciated, Please state your name and address at the podium and sign in at the "sign -in" list in the rear of the room. After your comments are;receiveO or heard, the City Council will ask the Developer and /or City Staff to address the questions raised and respond to your comments. 5. O iscussi nn /Responses. 6. City Councilmembers will discuss a motion for action on the issue if desired. . 4. O, t Thank you for your interest in the Rosemount' City ;Council . and . - City activities,