HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - McMenomy-Hertogs Property4� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: April 17, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment — AGENDA SECTION: McMenomy — Hertogs property New Business PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner AGENDA NO. 1 t.. ATTACHMENTS: Location map with land uses, Concept drawing, APPROVED BY: Correspondence, PC Minutes (3- 25 -03). - 5 Applicant & Property Owner(s): Basic Builders Location: Vacant site on the Southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and the projected Connemara Trail Area in Acres: 16 approximately Project Status: Conditionally approved concept for approximately 40 twin -home units Current Comp. Plan Designation: Public & Institutional Requested Comp Plan Designation: Urban Residential Current Zoning: Public / Institutional P/I Anticipated rezoning for concept: R -2, Moderate Density Residential Planning Commission Action: Recommendation of approval (5 -0) SUMMARY This request for an amendment to the 2020 Rosemount Comprehensive Plan is a follow -up to February 6, 2003, City Council conditional approval of the residential concept for the property. A public hearing and Council authorization to prepare and submit the amendment to the Met Council are required. The amendment will change the land use designation of the 16 acre property to Urban Residential and facilitate rezoning to R -2, Moderate Density Residential. However, the rezoning will be a separate application and public hearing that will presumably occur with the anticipated final development plan for the project. The purpose of the Comp Plan Amendment is to notify the Met Council of the change in land use that may potentially affect regional systems including transportation and waste -water treatment, since obviously, the development will generate traffic and effluent. The Met Council will make an assessment of the Waste Water Treatment and Regional Transportation Systems capability of accommodating the change in land use. Theoretically, if the amendment were to impact the regional systems to the point of inadequacy, or if the amendment were inconsistent with the Regional blueprint (policy), then the Met Council would have the authority to not permit the City to implement the amendment. PLANNING COMMSSION PUBLIC HEARING No one attended the public hearing to provide comment. The Planning Commission had no issues, and adopted the recommended action. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize the preparation of an amendment to the 2020 Rosemount Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation for the subject property to Urban Residential from Public & Institutional. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: 4, PROPERTY ID NUMBER: 34- 02010- 061 -60 FEE OWNER: SAM HERTOGS & ED B MCMENOMY 14450 ROBERT TR S ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -4952 PAYABLE 2002 TAXES NET TAX: SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. 0.0 y TOTAL TAX & SA: 6" PAYABLE 2003 ASMNT USAGE:AG -GREEN ACRES • ° I 'i &CLr C` WNNEH SITE MAP 2002 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2003) LAND: ago LOT SIZE BUILDING: TOTAL: am& 696,282 TOTAL SO FT 15.98 TOTAL ACRES SCHOOL DISTRICT: 196 43,749 ROAD R/W SO FT LOCATION: SE114 SE1 14 SECTION 20- 115 -19 PAYABLE 2003 HOMESTEAD STATUS: NON HOMESTEAD WATERSHED DISTRICT: VERMILLION RIVER LAST QUALIFIED SALE:. DATE: AMOUNT: ►ZoS�c'C cs.� t4ca Se e P,4 n44- Q Ul nfl !' NOTE: Dimensions rounded to nearest foot Copyright 2003, Dakota County - € r ' OCAT ION of {' (ZE5ir,> CON GEP'r' This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, and state offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. Dakota County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepancies are found, please contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department. UAf" 145. TIMI ST• �l ® FTFM a e e eke E Ej E F 8 I� PLAT NAME: SECTION 20 TWN 115 RANGE 19 TAX DESCRIPTION: PT OF S 1/2 OF SE 114 LYING E OF RR R/W APPR 17 ACS 2011519 FcCA , A o 7, � -, 2002 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2003): NO DATA AVAILABLE c Map Date: January 6, 2003 Parcels Updated: 12/2612002 Aerial Photography: 1990 4e pm 6 VICINITY MAP 4- SIMI" m In. RM 19 ROSE CONSILTM DKINEM 1111SURMM ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. N SOUL MINNESOTA 5� W (V�2�32 � < CITY OF ROSEMOUNT °0 \ 3.6 ACRES Q/ INCLUDING RIGHT OF WAY 0 14 205 SF 13 2a*52 SF X ' / �!/C���' /' /IX4U //; /iIIIIIn111 .� I ...... 1880.08 900'02' *2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . - _� BISCAYN�E j 0. 73 0 AVENUE IB SF 2 W IOD20 SF 2 16295 SF 1630 SF 19598 SF 3 15178 M SF 33 p 4 1. 71152 Sl STREET JL 5m90 SF 13.05 A.— ---- J4 ,.5�. SF 8 R 7 30 30 178n SF 15193 sr 12 11 10 9 ii 23-694 SWr 33655 sr 32205 Sr SF 19501 3F 12500 SF NORTH a _�A. -I 13.77 Ac. R/W AREA - 0.73 Acre. 4, BISCAYNE AVENUE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - 3.6 A— TWN HOME AREA = 13.05 Ac— TMN HOME LOTS - 21 TWIN HOME DENSITY - 1.61 Ws/Acres cro BASIC BUILDERS 5 32705 SF a 27451 SF 4 ♦1235 SF 'Z of Mar.12. 2003 2 :53PM BB1 & ERA MCMENOMY No.6989 P. 2 Basic Builder's, Inc. 14450 South Robert Trail - Rosemount, MN 55068 - (651) 4233714 - Fax (651) 423 -7202 MEMO DATE: March 12, 2003 TO: Rick Pearson, Planner,,City of Rosemount FROM: Ed McMenomy, Jr.y l M RE: Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Biscayne Property At our February 25, 2003 meeting you indicated you would like some figures for sewer flow and daily traffic for the Metropolitian Council application that I submitted on March 5, 2003. Probe engineering estimates the following: 1. 40 units x 240 gallons per day = 9600 gallons per day (GPD) for sanitary sewer flow. 2. 40 units x 2 vehicles x 2.5 trips per day 200 trips per day for estimated average daily traffic (ATD)• If you need any more information to process our guide plan application please contact myself or Probe Engineering. Thank You fa 3.1.3 Residential City of Rosemount The plan establishes four categories of residential land use termed High Density Residential (HR), Urban Residential (UR), Transition Residential (TR), and Rural Residential (RR). Each is intended to offer a distinctly different lifestyle to satisfy the needs and desires of a diverse population. Each is intended to be planned to create neighborhood cohesiveness and identity, to promote neighborhood conservation and long term residency, and to protect the natural environment and incorporate it as an element of human habitation. The following table provides a general summary for the four housing land use categories. Housinq Land Use Categories Category Housing Types Net Density Distribution HR - Apartments Condominiums 10.0 /acre avg. 5 percent Single family UR Townhomes 2.75 /acre avg. 72 percent Manufactured TR Single family Townhomes 2.0 /acre avg. 20 percent RR I Single family 0.2 1acre avg. 3 percent Distribution percentages are for the years 1995 -2020 only; they reflect percent of all housing types combined within each category. Does not include BP category which allows attached or multiple family housing through Planned Unit Development at a maximum of 10.0 /acre. Figure 3.1 -A Fhj h Density Residential development is permitted only within t e MUSA. It is the y's intent to discourage large multi - family concentrati s and to encourage projec that are unique, properly located, fill market nic s, entail a higher level of amenit and /or satisfy a need for affordable housi Policy It is the City's poli to: 1. discourage the us of existing I Density Residential as; 2. approve High Density R id compatible with adjoinin s; 3. allow High Density Re ' dentia dential streets for access to High al housing in dispersed locations that are ousing only when it represents a logical transition from hig to lower int sity land uses or provides sufficient on -site open space to ectively buffer dissftnilar uses or is adjacent to a permanent open space at buffers dissimilar uses is adjacent to the central business district or presents a logical extension of existing multi - family zoning; 4. enco ge the development of High Density Re� idential housing in the central bu ' ess district; and 5. romote High Density Residential housing that fills specific market niches. 30 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update Urban Residential (UR) Urban Residential land uses are located entirely within the MUSA and are serviced by public sewer and water utilities. Housing types accommodated here include single - family detached, single - family attached, and manufactured housing with the predominant use being single - family detached. The City will consider other potentially compatible uses such as churches, schools, and neighborhood parks through a conditional use permit process. Policy A <7 It is the City's policy to: 1. cooperate with Federal, State, and County agencies to make affordable housing available and to redevelop and rehabilitate older homes in the City; 2. encourage clustering, where appropriate, and/or extraordinary setbacks at neighborhood edges to mir..-imize the impact of major streets and conflicting land uses; 3. facilitate neighborhood planning for improvements which create or reinforce neighborhood unity, safety, and identity and to increase home ownership potential on a cost - sharing basis with neighborhoods. Improvements may .include landscaping, parks, and local street modifications to reduce traffic impacts; 4. require the use of planned unit development for all developments proposing to vary from city standards in exchange for other benefits; 5. encourage the use of planned unit developments to protect and enhance natural features, open space, and to provide appropriate neighborhood transitions; 6. maintain a balance of housing types and densities in conformance with community objectives; and 7. incorporate pedestrian - friendly neighborhoods with sidewalks and trails as important design elements. The sition Residential District is within the MU A,,a d is intended to have urban stre and all public utilities. However, s e areas designated as Transition Resi ntial are not identified as A unless sanitary sewer is needed and cost a XCity.- districts been created to guide development in a critical transition ral residential and urban residential neighborhoods of thesignated as Transition Residential necessitate extraor dental consideration. These areas are characterized by unt such as woodlands, water, and topographic relief hich warrant sensitive `treatment. When developed, this area is intended to4lave an urban /rural character with amixture of housing types, but wit=ar fiveiy low overall density in order to protect its unique stands of upland has and its variable topography. 1 `°a®,_ 31 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 25, 2003 Page 4 Chairperson Weisensel adjourned the Board of Appeals and Adjustment and reconvened the Planning Commission. Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment This request for an amendment to the 2020 Rosemount Comprehensive Plan is follow -up to the February 2003 City Council conditional approval of the residential concept for this 16 -acre property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and the future Connemara Trail. This public hearing and Council authorization to prepare and submit the amendment to the Met Council are required. The amendment will change the land use designation to Urban Residential and facilitate rezoning to R -2, Moderate Density Residential. The rezoning will be a separate application and public hearing. The land is currently zoned Public & Institutional. The purpose of the amendment is to alert the Met Council of the change in land use that could potentially affect regional systems. If the amendment was going to be a negative impact on those regional systems, the Met Council has the authority to not permit the City to implement the amendment. Chairperson Weisensel opened the public hearing. There were no comments. MOTION by Weisensel to close the public hearing. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Napper, Weisensel, Messner, Schiltz, Anderson. Nays: 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Anderson to recommend that the City Council authorize the preparation of an amendment to the 2020 Rosemount Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation for the subject property to Urban Residential from Public & Institutional. Second by Napper. Ayes: Weisensel, Messner, Schiltz, Anderson, Napper. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Mr. Pearson stated this will be on the City Council agenda on April 17, 2003. Business: None. New B mess: Great River Energy Power Plant Mr. Pears introduced Rick Lancaster of Great River Energy who will be in g a presentation for the Com sioners. Mr. Lancaster said there was a public meetings dined at City Hall on Thursday, March 2003 at 6:30 pm. Great River Energy is proppissin g a 250 -600 megawatt co coed -cycle power plant in Rosemount that will serve their members' wing energy ne hey serve about 60 percent of Minnesota's geographic area. They a co ed . o ative and one of their members is Dakota Electric. The plant will generate signific tax revenue for the City and County and will provide jobs and improve electric re ' ility. are seeking a personal property tax exemption from the legislature d they need suppo om the City and County in early April. They are a non - profit coo ative with headquarters in El ver. They are the second largest supplier in Minneso nd serve fast - growing and rural areas. lant will use natural gas as its primary fue rth fuel oil as a backup fuel. Both are clean burning. he advantages to the site are t it is close to electric transmission and natural gas pipelines. It i lso close to several sour of water. Tax revenue would between $1.3 million and $1.6 million for first year and en it will depreciate 5 percent each year until it is down to 75 percent of that level. That is with