HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Authorize Agreement for Chippendale/CSAH 42 Improvements, City Project Improvements with Dakota CountyCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 2, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Agreement for Chippendale /CSAH 42 Improvements, City Project #344, with Dakota County AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer AGEN #6 J ATTACHMENTS: Agreements APPROVED BY: Dakota County will be participating in the funding of the Chippendale /CSAH 42 Improvements. Dakota County's, cost sharing of the signal, system is 50% and 45% for the road improvements on CSAH 42. Staff recommends entering into the Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for the funding of Chippendale /CSAH 42 Improvements, City Project #344. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH DAKOTA COUNTY FOR THE CHIPPENDALE /CASH 42 IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #344 AND AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES. COUNCIL ACTION: d JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT DAKOTA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 03 -04 BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF DAKOTA, AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR DAKOTA COUNTY PROJECT NO. 42 -87 ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO. 344 TO Revise the traffic control signal system with streetlights and emergency vehicle pre - emption on County State Aid Highway 42 at Chippendale Avenue in accordance with the plans and specifications for the above referenced project in Rosemount, Dakota County. July 30, 2003 County Project 42 -87 Traffic Signal Agreement No. 03 -04 THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into by and between the County of Dakota, referred to in this agreement as the "County ", and the City of Rosemount, referred to in this agreement as the "City ", and witnesses the following: WHEREAS, under Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, subdivision 1, two governmental units may enter into an Agreement to cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties, and one of the participating governmental units may exercise one of its powers on behalf of the other governmental units; and WHEREAS, it is considered mutually desirable to revise the permanent traffic control signal system with street lights and emergency vehicle pre - emption on County State Aid Highway 42 at Chippendale Avenue in accordance with the plans and specifications for County Project 42 -87 in Rosemount, Dakota County, and WHEREAS, the County and City will jointly participate in the cost, maintenance, and operation of said traffic control signal system with streetlights and emergency vehicle pre - emption as set forth in this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Engineering. The County shall prepare the necessary signal plan sheets and specifications, and shall perform the engineering and inspection required to complete the items of work specified in this agreement. The City's consultant will incorporate the signal plans and specifications into the documents being prepared for County Project 42 -87. The work described in this paragraph shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be referred to as such in this agreement. I% July 30,, 2003 County Project 42 -87 Traffic Signal Agreement No. 03 -04 2. Construction Costs. The contract cost of the work and, if portions of the work are not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work shall constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and shall be referred to as such in this agreement. 3. Construction. The City, by contract, shall revise the permanent traffic control signal system with street lights and emergency vehicle pre - emption on County State Aid Highway 42 at Chippendale Avenue. The construction, engineering, and inspection costs will be shared as follows: Estimated Traffic Signal Construction Cost = $214,000 County's Share = 50 % City's Share = 50 % 4. Payment. The City will act as the paying agent for payments to the contractor. Payments to the contractor will be made as the project work progresses and when certified for payment by the City Engineer. The City, in turn, will bill the County for the County's share of the construction as specified in paragraph 3. Upon presentation of an itemized claim by one agency to the other, the receiving agency will reimburse the invoicing agency for its share of the costs incurred under this agreement within 30 days from the presentation of the claim. If any portion of an itemized claim is questioned by the receiving agency, the remainder of the claim shall be promptly paid and accompanied by a written explanation of the amounts in question. Payment of any amounts in dispute will be made following good faith negotiation and documentation of actual costs incurred in carrying out the work. 5. Engineering Costs. Upon completion of the work and computation of the County's engineering costs, the County shall invoice the City for the City's share of the 3 July 30, 2003 County Project 42 -87 Traffic Signal Agreement No. 03 -04 engineering and inspection costs incurred by the County. The City shall make payment to the County for the invoice amount within thirty days. 6. ' County Furnished Materials. Upon completion of the work and computation of the cost of County furnished materials, the County shall invoice the City for the City's share of the cost of materials furnished by the County. The City shall make payment to the County for the invoice amount within thirty days. 7. Signal Energy. Upon completion of the traffic control signal revision, the County and the City shall be responsible for providing the necessary electrical power for the operation of the traffic control signal (except streetlights). The County will receive the bill for the electrical power of the traffic control signal and invoice the City for their portion as follows: County's Share = 50% City's Share = 50% 8. Signal Maintenance. Upon completion of said traffic control signal revision, the County, upon being advised or made aware of the need for repairs to the signal, shall maintain and keep in repair the signal system, except street lights, at the cost and expense of the County. 9. Street Lights. Upon completion of the traffic control signal revision, the City shall provide necessary electrical power for the operation of the streetlights and will maintain the street lights, at the cost and expense of the City. 10. Mast Arm Signs. Upon completion of the traffic control signal revision, the County shall maintain and keep in repair the mast arm mounted street name signs at the cost and expense of the County 0 July 30, 2003 County Project 42 -87 Traffic Signal Agreement No. 03 -04 11. Emergency Vehicle Pre - emotion (EVP) System. The EVP system provided for in this agreement shall be installed, operated, maintained, or removed in accordance with the following conditions and requirements: a) Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 169.01, subdivision 5 and Section 169.03. The City shall provide the County with a list of all vehicles equipped with emitter units. b) Malfunction of the EVP System shall be reported to the County immediately. C) In the event the EVP System or components are, in the opinion of the County, being misused or the conditions set forth in paragraph a) above are violated, and such misuse or violation continues after receipt by the City of written notice from the County, the County will remove the EVP System. 12. Timing. Timing of the traffic control signal system shall be determined by the County Engineer through the County Traff ic Engineer. No changes to the system timing will be made to the system except with the written approval of the County 13. Operation. The geometric configuration of the intersection for both the main roadway and side streets including lane alignments and traffic assignments for all approaches, traffic signing, signal phasing and traffic operations will be determined by the County Engineer through the County Traffic Engineer. The City agrees to make no changes to the intersection operation through pavement marking, signing, or other construction measures beyond routine maintenance except with the written approval of the County. The City acknowledges that the County has the right to correct any changes made by the City to the signal and /or any intersection approach (including city street approaches) that are made without the prior review 5 July 30, 2003 County Project 42 -87 Traffic Signal Agreement No. 03 -04 and approval of the County. Costs for correcting the unapproved changes will be paid for by the City. 14. Rules and Regulations The County and City shall abide by Minnesota Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration rules and State statutes as applicable to carrying out the work contemplated in this agreement. 15. Indemnification During the signal construction activity, each party agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other harmless against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense arising from actions under this Agreement for which the indemnifying party has sole responsibility and control. Each party will maintain, and require any contractors or subcontractors hired to do any portion of the work under this Agreement to also maintain, Commercial General Liability insurance in amounts consistent with the limitations on liabilities set forth in Minnesota Statutes 466.04 during the term of this Agreement. Such insurance policy(ies) shall name Dakota County and the City as Additional Insured. All parties to this Agreement recognize that liability for claims arising under this Agreement are subject to the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal Tort Claims Law; Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466, and nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver by either party of the limitations on liabilities set forth therein. 16. Waiver Any and all persons engaged in the work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the County and any and all claims that may or might arise out of said employment context on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said L ooP "LS-d6 do to-£o e •tu9wa9J6y s!yj u! 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CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Public Works Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney BY Mayor (SEAL) By City Clerk Date DAKOTA COUNTY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By Physical Development Director _ Date County En i er APPROVED AS TO FORM: COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION No. 03 -346 Date: July 1, 2003 County Attorney 0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA - July 1, 2003 Resolution No. 03 -346 Motion by Commissioner Bataglia Second by Commissioner Turner Authorization to Execute Agreement with the City of Rosemount for County Project 42 -87 WHEREAS, County Project (CP) 42 -87 includes the construction of an eastbound right turn lane on County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 42 at Chippendale Avenue and revisions to the traffic control signal system on CSAH 42 at Chippendale Avenue in the City of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is the lead agency for CP 42 -87 and anticipates construction to begin in July 2003; and WHEREAS, the approved 2003 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes funds for CP 42 -87; and WHEREAS, Dakota County and the City of Rosemount need to enter into an agreement to define project cost shares and on -going maintenance responsibilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Physical Development Director to execute an agreement with the City of Rosemount for CP 42 -87 to assure County standards for engineering, construction, and right -of -way, and to determine project responsibilities, subject to approval by the County Attorney's Office as to form; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the 2003 Transportation CIP is hereby amended as follows: Expense CP 42 -87 $(50,000) Total Expense (50,000) Revenue State Aid 50,000 City of Rosemount, (100,000) Total Revenue (50,000) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Dakota I, Mary S. Scheide, Clerk to the Board of the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the YES NO Board of County Commissioners, Dakota County, Minnesota, at their Harris X Harris session h eld o n t he 1 5t d ay o f July 2003, now on file in the County Administration Department, and have found the same to be a true and Gaylord X Gaylord correct copy thereof. - Bataglia X Bataglia Witness m y h and a nd o fficial s eal o f D akota C ounty t his 3' d ay o f Schouweiler X Schouweiler July 2003. l Turner X Turner ~-' j `{ (" - Krause X Krause Branning X Branning Clerk to the Board V, DAKOTA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING, RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION, AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF DAKOTA AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR COUNTY PROJECT NO. 42 -96 FOR THE Improvements to the intersection of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 42 and Chippendale Avenue to construct right turn lanes and shoulders and the construction of an east bound right turn lane on CSAH 42 at Canada Avenue, all in Rosemount, Dakota County. County Project No. 42 -96 August 8, 2003 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Dakota, referred to in this agreement as "the County "; and the City of Rosemount, referred to in this agreement as "the City ", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, under Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, subd. 1, two or more governmental units may enter into an Agreement to cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties, and one of the participating governmental units may exercise one of its powers on behalf of the other governmental units; and WHEREAS, County Project 42 -96 includes the necessary revisions to the CSAH 42 and Chippendale Avenue intersection to construct right turn lanes and shoulders and the construction of an east bound right turn lane on CSAH 42 at Canada Avenue; and WHEREAS, the County and the City desire to identify project responsibilities and cost participation in said engineering, right -of -way acquisition, and construction. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Engineering Engineering costs shall be split based on the County and City share of the final construction costs. 2. Roadway Construction Items The construction costs of the following items for the work on CSAH 42 shall be shared in the amount of 55% by the County and 45% by the City: a.) Clearing and grubbing; b.) Removal and salvage; c.) Grading, Base, and Surfacing; d.) Curb and gutter; 2 County Project No. 42 -96 August 8, 2003 e.) Medians; f.) Turf establishment; g.) Pavement markings and signing; h.) Mobilization and traffic control; i.) Sidewalks and bikeways; j.) Mitigation required by state and federal permits; k.) Storm sewer and other drainage facilities eligible for County State Aid funding based on contributing flows; I.) Replacing and restoring fences, landscaping, and driveways; m.) Reconstructing or adjusting sanitary sewer, storm sewer and detention ponds, watermains and appurtenances due to roadway construction; n.) Relocating or adjusting privately owned utilities when not performed at the expense of the utility; o.) Landscape plantings less than five feet tall; and p.) The County's share of water pollution control best management practices, based on contributing flows, meeting National Urban Runoff Protection (NURP) standards. 3. Chippendale Avenue Construction The City shall be responsible for the construction costs of Chippendale Avenue. 4. City Utilities Except as stated in Sections 1 & 2 of this agreement, the City shall pay all other costs for new storm sewer, storm water ponding and other drainage facilities, sanitary sewer and watermains and appurtenances constructed as part of this project and 3 County Project No. 42 -96 August 8, 2003 shall be responsible for their maintenance. The City shall be responsible for the cost and maintenance of roadway lighting. 5. Plans and Specifications. The City will prepare complete grading, paving, storm sewer, and other municipal utility plans and specifications consistent with State -Aid design standards, the Dakota County Transportation Plan, and the City's utility standards and specifications. The City will award the contract for construction to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with state law. 6. Right -of -Way The City will acquire all right of way for permanent and temporary highway construction, traffic signal, sidewalk and trail construction, and drainage facilities for this project in a manner consistent with applicable State laws and rules. The cost of acquiring highway right of way for CSAH 42 shall be shared in the amount of 55% by the County and 45% by the City. Upon completion of the project, the ownership of the permanent highway easements for CSAH 42 shall be transferred to the County by recordable documents. 7. Payment. The City will act as the paying agent for the costs of engineering, right - of -way acquisition, and for payments to the contractor. Payments to the contractor will be made as the project work progresses and when certified for payment by the City Engineer. The City, in turn, will bill the County for the County's share of the construction as specified in paragraph 2. Upon presentation of an itemized claim by one agency to the other, the receiving agency will reimburse the invoicing agency for its share of the costs incurred under this agreement within 30 days from the presentation of the claim. If any portion of an itemized claim is questioned by the receiving agency, the remainder of the claim shall be promptly paid and accompanied by a written explanation of the amounts in question. 12 County Project No. 42 -96 August 8, 2003 Payment of any amounts in dispute will be made following good faith negotiation and documentation of actual costs incurred in carrying out the work. 8. Storm Sewer Maintenance Upon acceptance of the project, the City will be responsible for storm sewer maintenance. 9. Pavement Maintenance Upon acceptance of the project by the City and County, the City shall be responsible for all pavement maintenance on Chippendale Avenue and the County shall be responsible for all pavement maintenance within County right of way unless necessitated by a failure of a municipal utility system or installation of new facilities as described in the following Section 10. 10. Subsequent Excavation After completion of the project regarding installation, and after expiration of the warranty period regarding repair, if excavation within the highway right of way is necessary to repair or install water, sewer, or other utilities, the City shall restore the excavated area and road surface. If the City should employ its own contractor for the above described water, sewer or other utility repair `or installation, the City shall hold the County harmless from any and all liability incurred due to the repair or installation of said water, sewer or other municipal utility. Should the City fail to have the highway properly restored, the County Engineer may have the work done and the City shall pay for the work within 30 days following receipt of a written claim by the County. 11, Indemnification During the construction activity, each party agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other harmless against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense arising from actions under this Agreement for which the indemnifying party has 5 County Project No. 42 -96 August 8, 2003 sole responsibility and control. Each party will maintain, and require any contractors or subcontractors hired to do any portion of the work under this Agreement to also maintain, Commercial General Liability insurance in amounts consistent with the limitations on liabilities set forth in Minnesota Statutes 466.04 during the term of this Agreement. Such insurance policy(ies) shall name Dakota County and the City as Additional Insured. All parties to this Agreement recognize that liability for claims arising under this Agreement are subject to the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal Tort Claims Law; Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466, and nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver by either party of the limitations on liabilities set forth therein. 12. Waiver Any and all persons engaged in the work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the County and any and all claims that may or might arise out of said employment context on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligation or responsibility of the County. The opposite situation shall also apply: the City shall not be responsible under the Worker's Compensation Act for any employees of the County. 13. Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements Any change orders or supplemental agreements that affect the County's project cost participation- and changes to the plans that affect current County Road standards must be approved by the County prior to execution of work. 0 County Project No. 42 -96 August 8, 2003 14. Audit. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 16C.05, Subd. 5, any books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the City and the County relevant to the Agreement are subject to examination by the County or the City and either the Legislative Auditor or the State Auditor as appropriate. The City and County agree to maintain these records for a period of six years from the date of performance of all services covered under this Agreement. 15. Integration. The entire and integrated agreement of the parties contained in this Agreement shall supersede all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements between the City and the County regarding the project; whether written or oral. n lcagrnor- , oc 7 County Project No. 42 -96 August 8, 2003 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officials. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Public Works Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Mayor City Attorney (SEAL) By City Clerk Date DAKOTA COUNTY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By Physical Development Director Date County Engineer APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Attorney COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION No. 03 -xxx Date: 8/26/03 E:3