HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Minea Property Enviornmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1, 2003 The attached documents contain information regarding the Minea Property Residential Development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). The EAW is being submitted to the City Council for authorization to distribute the EAW for a 30 -day public comment period. The purpose of this EAW is to identify potential environmental impacts associated with the development and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. An EIS is a more extensive environmental review process. This item is before the City Council for review and authorization to distribute the EAW for the 30 -day public review and comment period. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTION OF THE MINEA PROPERTY ENVIRONMENTAL AREA WORKSHEET (EAW) FOR THE 30 -DAY COMMENT PERIOD. COUNCIL ACTION: AGENDA ITEM: Minea Property Environmental Assessment AGENDA SECTION: Worksheet (EAW) Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer AGENDA N E M ATTACHMENTS: Cover Memo; Draft Environmental Assessment APPROVED BY: Worksheet for Minea Property I Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Rosemount From: Andi Moffatt, WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: June 24, 2003 Re: Minea Development Environmental Assessment Worksheet WSB Project No. 1005 -77 Attached, please find a draft copy of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the Minea Property Residential Development for your consideration at the July 1, 2003 City Council meeting. The purpose of the EAW is to identify potential environmental impacts associated with the project and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement is needed. Based on Minnesota Rules 4410.4300, the EAW for this project is mandatory due to the size of the proposed residential development. The EAW process is required to be completed prior to the City issuing any approvals for this project. The attached EAW evaluates the "worst case scenario" for the Minea residential development and identifies potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures for these impacts. The worst case scenario is evaluated as part of the EAW since impacts can generally be reduced by reducing density, but if density increases beyond what was evaluated in the EAW, a new EAW must be completed. The City Council is asked to authorize public distribution of the EAW as required by Minnesota Rules 4410. Upon authorization, the EAW will be distributed for a 30 -day public comment period. At the end of the comment period, responses to comments will be developed and a recommendation as to the need for an Environmental Impact Statement will be made to the City Council for consideration. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (763)287 -7196. Cc: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Rick Pearson, City Planner Andrew J. Brotzler, City Engineer Bret Weiss, WSB Steve Ach, Centex Memorandum Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Rick Pearson, City of Rosemount Andy Brotzler, City of Rosemount Bret Weiss, WSB Steve Ach, Centex Minneapolis • St. Cloud • Equal Opportunity Employer To: From: Date: f: Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Rosemount Andi Moffatt, WSB & Associates, Inc June 24, 2003 Minea Development Environmental Assessment Worksheet WSB Project No. 1005 -77 Attached, please find a draft copy of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the Minea Property Residential Development for your consideration at the July 1, 2003 City Council meeting. The purpose of the EAW is to identify potential environmental impacts associated with the project and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement is needed. Based on Minnesota Rules 4410.4300, the EAW for this project is mandatory due to the size of the proposed residential development. The EAW process is required to be completed prior to the City issuing any approvals for this project. The attached EAW evaluates the "worst case scenario for the Minea residential development and identifies potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures for these impacts. The worst case scenario is evaluated as part of the EAW since impacts can generally be reduced by reducing density, but if density increases beyond what was evaluated in the EAW, a new EAW must be completed. The City Council is asked to authorize public distribution of the EAW as required by Minnesota Rules 4410. Upon authorization, the EAW will be distributed for a 30 -day public comment period. At the end of the comment period, responses to comments will be developed and a recommendation as to the need for an Environmental Impact Statement will be made to the City Council for consideration. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (763)287 -7196 6 WSB I- & Associates, Inc. Memorandum To: Ilonorahle Mayor and City Council, City of Rosemount From: Andi Moffatt, WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: June 24, 2003 Re: Minea Development Environmental Assessment Worksheet WSB Project No. 1005 -77 Attached, please find a draft copy of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the Minea Property Residential Development for your consideration at the July 1, 2003 City Council meeting. The purpose of the EAW is to identify potential environmental impacts associated with the project and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement is needed. Based on Minnesota Rules 4410.4300, the EAW for this project is mandatory due to the size of the proposed residential development. The EAW process is required to be completed prior to the City issuing any approvals for this project. The attached EAW evaluates the "worst case scenario' for the Minea residential development and identifies potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures for these impacts. The worst case scenario is evaluated as part of the EAW since impacts can generally be reduced by reducing density, but if density increases beyond what was evaluated in the EAW, a new EAW must be completed. The City Council is asked to authorize public distribution of the EAW as required by Minnesota Rules 4410. Upon authorization, the EAW will be distributed for a 30 -day public comment period. At the end of the comment period, responses to comments will be developed and a recommendation as to the need for an Environmental Impact Statement will be made to the City Council for consideration. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (763)287 -7196. C. Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Rick Pearson, City of Rosemount Andy Brotzler, City of Rosemount Bret Weiss, WSB Steve Ach, Centex Minneapolis St. Cloud • Equal Opportunity Employer ENVIRONMENTAL WORKSHEET Note to preparers: This form is available at www.mnplan.state.mn.us. EAW Guidelines will be available in Spring 1999 at the web site. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet provides information about a project that may have the potential for significant environmental effects. The EAW is prepared by the Responsible Governmental Unit or its agents to determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement should be prepared. The project proposer must supply any reasonably_ accessible data for — but should not complete the final worksheet. If a complete answer doel 1 th p ted, attach additional sheets as necessary. The complete question as well as the a n t J;Jdif the EAW is prepared electronically. Note to reviewers: Comments must be submitted:t e during the 30 -day comment period following notice of the EAW in the EQB Monitor. Comment's should address the accuracy and completeness of information, potential impacts that warrant further investigation and the need for an EIS. Tables, Figures, and Appendices attached to the EAW. • County map showing the general location of the project; • United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute, 1:24,000 scale map indicating project boundaries (photocopy acceptable); • Site plan showing all significant project and natural features. These items are attached in Appendix A and B. : � +` a.`i'4 - �'_,`z- a _ Pravide;a pr6 t sp tar €a wo�cis r esa t€ p i i hec .. u° TDD'(for hearing and speech impaired only): (651) 282 -5332 Printed on recycled paper containing 30% fibers from paper recycled by consumers The City of Rosemount has prepared an EAW for the Minea Property Residential Development. This development includes construction of 160 single- family homes and 232 town home units on 156 -acres located south of County Road 38, north of the Union Pacific Railroad, and 1.5 miles east of Trunk Highway 3. Centex Homes is proposing a mixed use residential development consisting of 160 single family residences and 232 town homes on 156 acres. All housing types will be owner occupied. Four outlots ; are proposed on the project site. These outlots will contain storm water ponds, wetlands, and designated park and open space. The site currently contains 129 acres of cropland, 7 acres of wetland, 11 acres of wooded area, 8 acres of grassland, and 1 acre of lawn. After construction, the site will include 85 acres of lawn/landscaping, 31 acres of impervious surfaces, 8 acres of new ponding area, 7 acres of wetland, and 5 acres of wooded area. It should be noted that the cover type amounts are only estimates and are subject to change as part of the plan review process. The Minea Property site is located approximately 0.75 miles north of County Road 42, and is bounded on the north by County Road 38 and on the south by Union Pacific Railroad. The site is anticipated to be graded in three phases to install sewer and water, construct streets, and building pads. Prior to the commencement of each site grading operation, erosion control and other Best Management Practices will be implemented. The grading plan will incorporate on -site ponding for storm water treatment and rate control. These erosion control measures will remain in place until all construction on -site is completed and the site is stabilized. The construction methods are anticipated to be the conventional earthwork methods for site grading that include earthmoving scrapers, bulldozers, backhoes, and vibratory compactors. The public utilities will also be constructed with conventional practices utilizing backhoes, bulldozers, and compactors for excavation and backfill in the utility trenches. The street construction will consist of paving and curb machines together with motor graders. The streets will consist of a gravel base, with asphalt base and wear placed upon it and confined by surmountable concrete curb and gutter. ' These construction activities will occur with each construction phase. Project construction is anticipated to begin September 2003 and be completed in the fall of 2008. The ultimate development schedule will depend on market conditions. The purpose of the project is to provide residential housing within the City of Rosemount. A government unit is not carrying out this project Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 2 Worksheet t t , vec 1 Srt Outlots are included in the development and will contain park, storm water ponds, and wetlands. The environmental assessment of these outlots is included in this document. 'yes, l?efly cesenb tie pas, teopment ad and past eiCOnta Not Applicable Unit of Government Type of Application Status Federal Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Permit To be obtained, if needed State MPCA NPDES storm water permit To be obtained MPCA Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit To be obtained Minnesota DNR Work in Public Waters To be obtained, if needed Minnesota DNR Water Appropriation To be obtained, if needed Minnesota Department of Health Water Main Extension Permit . To be obtained City /Local Dakota County Access Permit To be obtained City of Rosemount/Dakota County Platting To be completed City of Rosemount Building Permits To be obtained City of Rosemount Site Plan Review To be completed City of Rosemount WCA Permit To be obtained, if needed Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 3 Worksheet The Concept Development plan for the project site details the lot sizes and locations related to the ponds, wetlands, and open space. A copy of the plan is included in Appendix B. City of Rosemount City of Rosemount Grading Permit Rezoning Approval- To be obtained To be obtained Recent past land use in the project area is primarily agricultural. Current agricultural use is row - crops. Residential single family homes are located adjacent to the project site to the south and west. The site contains a farmhouse, barn, shed, vacant building, and three silos. Approximately six abandoned vehicles are located east of the farmhouse in an old pasture. These structures will be removed as part of the development. No known environmental hazards are present on this site in association with these structures. However, if environmental hazards are encountered during grading, they will be dealt with according to state regulations. The City of Rosemount 2020 Zoning Map has designated the project site and the surrounding area as R -I Low Density Residential. Within the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update the urban residential category is intended to be serviced by public sewer and water. The site will be required to be re -zoned to accommodate the proposed density associated with the town homes. These densities and re- zoning will be reviewed by the City as part of the plan approval process. A portion of the proposed town home units will be located adjacent to the active railroad that borders the site to the south. This presents the potential for incompatible land uses based on the noise and visual impacts associated with the railroad. Appropriate mitigative measures, such as adequate landscaping to screen the housing units from the railroad, will be required by the City. This will be reviewed as part of the plan approval process. A Northern Natural Gas Company pipeline is located on the project site and extends from the northwest corner of the property to the south line. The 50 foot easement by the Northern Natural Gas Company is documented as #592893. The pipeline (MM85801) is pin flagged and contains permanent markers that are visible from the farmhouse driveway. The Constraints Analysis plan illustrates the approximate location of the pipeline within the project site. A copy of the plan is included in Appendix B. Note that these areas are estimates and may change during the plan review process. Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 4 Worksheet The wildlife on this site is a result of the plant community present. The three prominent plant communities on the project site include wetland, wooded/forested areas, and brush/grassland. Wetland The site contains a DNR Public Wetland (12W). The City of Rosemount's Wetland Management Plan designates this wetland as a Preserve Wetland. This requires a 75 -foot buffer and pretreatment of storm water. Buffer averaging will not be permitted as part of this project. The palustrine emergent seasonally flooded (PEMC) and palustrine emergent/unconsolidated bottom semipermanently flooded wetland (PEMF /PUBF) supports a diversity of plant species. Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), sedges (Carex spp.), and cattails (Typha spp.) were visible during an April 2003 site visit. Kjolhaug Environmental delineated this wetland in May 2001. The wetland delineation was reviewed and approved by the City of Rosemount on June 12, 2001. A copy of the Wetland Delineation Report for the Minea site is available upon request. No wetland impact is anticipated by the housing development portion of this project. It is anticipated that the City will require a conservation easement over the wetland. However, the plans in Appendix B show the City's concept plan for a wood chip path and dock to be located in and around the wetland. The dock and path, if completed, would be constructed in conformance with DNR and Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) rules with mitigation provided if necessary. Wooded/Forest The wooded areas are found in the surrounding wind break and erosion protection belts that exist along the east, south, and west property boundaries. Also, wooded areas exist around the south side of the wetland and north side of the farmhouse. The dominant species within the tree strata is Boxelder (Ater negundo). The boxelder species provide an important ecological function to the area by reducing the impact of soil erosion. However, the tree strata does not function as a significant ecological corridor for other living species. Few numbers of other tree strata species include Silver maple (Ater saccharinum) and White spruce (Picea glauca). Brush/Grassland Brush/grassland areas are located west of the wetland. The dominant vegetation includes brome- grass (Bromus inermis), Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), Quack -grass (Elytrigia repens), common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), and Staghom -sumac (Rhus typhina). The remainder of the site is row crop. Wildlife Wildlife typical of agricultural and wooded areas including white - tailed deer, geese, pheasants, ducks, fox, rabbits, birds, turtles, frogs, gophers, chipmunks, mice, skunks, muskrats, raccoons, and squirrels, are believed to be in the vicinity of the project site. Birds observed during a site visit April 2003 include American crow, blackbirds, American Robins, Northern Cardinals, sparrows, Tree Swallows, Blue Jays, finches, and a predatory hawk. The open water attracts ducks, geese, egrets, grebes, and herons. The preservation of buffers surrounding the wetland will aid in the protection of the wetland during and after construction. Reptiles and amphibians likely to be found on the site include garter snakes, ring necked snakes snapping and painted turtles, as well as frogs and toads. Again, the preservation of the buffer around the wetland should aid in protecting this wildlife but only wildlife that can adapt to residential areas will remain. Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 5 Worksheet Based on the DNR Natural Heritage Database and site visit, there are no known endangered or rare species on or near the site. The letter from the DNR is included in Appendix C. No wetland impact is anticipated by the housing development portion of this project. However, the plans in Appendix B show the City's concept plan for a wood chip path and dock to be located in and around the wetland. The dock and path, if completed, would be constructed in conformance with DNR and Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) rules with mitigation provided if necessary. The City of Rosemount's municipal water system currently consists of two independent water systems, which operate at different elevations. One serves the urbanized, west side of the City and the other serves the more industrial, eastern portion of the City. The western system consists of four wells and two storage facilities.. The eastern system consists of two wells and a recently constructed water tower. The two systems will be connected this year in an effort to provide limited backup to the eastern system. The western pressure zone will operate at a higher elevation than the eastern pressure zone. A pressure reducing station will allow flow in both directions under certain conditions. The City of Rosemount 2020 Land Use Plan Map for the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update has designated the project site as urban residential. The plan has determined the project site to be in the Western pressure zone. At saturation the Western pressure zone will require a firm well capacity of 13.5 MGD. Wells will be added to the system as required to meet the 13.5 M( anticipated need. Existing wells include the following: Well Number Unique Well No. Well Capacity GPM 3 211999 500 7 112212 1100 8 509060 1000 9 554248 1600 *RR 1 (10 ) 457167 500 *RR 2 (11) 474335 500 *Designates wells that are located in the Eastern pressure zone. Minea Properties Rosemount, Minnesota 6 Environmental Assessment Worksheet Planning fora new well is underway. The new well will pump directly into the Western pressure zone. We anticipate a new well capacity of approximately 1200 GPM. Planning for the overall system, including source, treatment, storage, and distribution is discussed in the Water Supply and Distribution Plan for the City of Rosemount (September 1997). Although water treatment is not required at this time, it is anticipated that treatment may be needed or desired at a future time. The DNR appropriation permit number is 766069. The predicted future water demands for the Minea Property Residential Development were based on estimating that each residential unit will use 274 gallons /day /unit. This creates an estimated demand of 107,408 GPD for the development. From this information, the City's wells will be able to accommodate the development. Based on the County Well Index, no wells are located on -site. However, it is anticipated that there is a well on the site associated with the farm buildings. If this well is on -site, it will be capped in conformance with state regulations. �r?fi:cfar i+b�4n`i:3ne� sxea m'•risairirsa »:tlisrfc r.ne. »ter@ aVr#i�ixrrrar+f i�ciEit. crE+trktatt�r The project site involves a shore land zoning district. Shore land development standards for this project site will require a building setback from the ordinary high water level (OHW) to be 150 feet. Currently, an OHW for DNR Wetland 12W has not been determined. The project site does not fall within the FEMA 100 -year flood plain. No state or federally designated wild or scenic river land use district exists on the property according to the Minnesota DNR's Wild, Scenic, and Recreational Rivers map. Not Applicable * The acreage to be graded and the amount of material to be moved is a preliminary estimate and subject to change. The Soil Survey of Dakota County, Minnesota (Index Map Sheets 22,29) shows the area soils that have steep slopes and/or are highly erodible as: • Waukegan Silt Loam (411B), 1 -6 Percent Slopes, Potentially Highly Erodible Land • Kanaranzi Loam (415B), 0 -2 Percent Slopes • Kanaranzi Loam (415C), 2 -6 Percent Slopes • Wadena Loam (39B2), 1 -6 Percent Slopes, Eroded • Antigo Silt Loam (49B), 1 -9 Percent Slopes, Potentially Highly Erodible Land • Chetek Sandy Loam (155B), 3 -8 Percent Slopes, Potentially Highly Erodible Land Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 7 Worksheet r • Chetek Sandy Loam (155E), 15 -25 Percent Slopes, Highly Erodible Land • Otterholt Silt Loam (279B), 1 -6 Percent Slopes • Otterhot Silt Loam (279C), 6 -15 Percent Slopes, Highly Erodible Land • Tallula Silt Loam (320B), 2 -6 Percent Slopes • Timula -Bold Silt Loam (963C2), 6 -12 Percent Slopes, Eroded, Highly Erodible Land The site is generally rolling with some hillier areas. The area of particular concern during construction is the steep slopes around the existing wetland. The developer will be required to provide additional stabilization measures when working on or near this area. These measures could include, but are not limited to, staggering silt fence, hydraulic soil stabilizers, erosion control mats, and seeding and mulching. Additional plantings along the slope to preserve and maintain the area will be required and will be evaluated as part of the plan review process by the City. Additionally, the City requires a 75 -foot buffer around the wetland and the Shore land Ordinance requires a 150 -foot setback. This will assist in protecting the wetland during and after construction. The Constraints Analysis plan illustrates the high point, low point, and slopes within the project site. A copy of the plan is included in Appendix B. The City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan provides policies for development. This Plan also identifies regional storm water basins /infiltration areas. The area of the project site bordering the railroad is designated as a regional storm water basins /infiltration area in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City's storm water model has determined that the high water level (HWL) for the storm water basins /infiltration basin will be 927.10 feet. Therefore, regional ponding in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan will be required. The storm water management plan for the site is also required to limit the maximum peak storm water discharge rate to 0.05 cfs /acre for a 100 -year, 24 hour storm event. The development will also be required to provide 1/12 of an acre- foot/acre /day of infiltration for the entire site's acreage. Based on the storm water management requirements of the City, storm water impacts will be mitigated on -site. The City's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan requires pretreatment of storm water in accordance with Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) guidelines prior to discharge from the site. Pretreatment prior to discharge to infiltration basins is also required. These standards are required to be met by the project design. General ponding areas are shown on the figure in Appendix B. The DNR Public Wetland 12W in the northwest corner of the property has been categorized by the City of Rosemount as a Preserve wetland. This requires a 75 -foot buffer, minimal development impacts, and maximum protection under state and federal law. Buffer averaging will not be permitted as part of this development. According to the City's Wetland Management Plan, storm water management for this wetland is to include sediment and nutrient pretreatment and strong consideration for diversion from the wetland. Pretreatment of storm water runoff to Preserve wetlands is to follow Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) recommendations. Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 8 Worksheet The City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan outlines storm water discharge directions and locations. The majority of the storm water from the site will be directed into an on -site storm pond/infiltration basin near the railroad in the southwest corner. Some overland overflow will be directed to the DNR Public Wetland 12W. Discharge from this storm pond/infiltration basin will be through a culvert under the railroad to an existing pond located within the Bloomfield Residential Development site. The remaining runoff from the site will be directed to the north of the development and will be collected into existing DNR Wetland 12W. Discharge from the DNR Wetland will occur through a culvert under County Road 38. The runoff will be discharged to DNR Wetlands 321 W and 320W through future outlets connecting the wetlands. Currently, the City of Rosemount has no ultimate surface water outlet. The City's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan outlines policies for on -site retention and treatment. This Plan also identifies the construction of a future storm water trunk system that will direct treated storm water to the Mississippi River. The City's long -term plan is to provide this surface water outlet to the Mississippi River. The incorporation of the City's policies for storm water infiltration, rate control, and treatment will minimize the impact of storm water on the water quality of receiving waters within the development and downstream, both now and in the future. Normal domestic sewage will be generated by the site and treated at the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant. It is estimated that this site will generate 107,408 gallons per day (GPD). The estimate assumes that each unit in the development will generate 274 GPD. Minea Properties Rosemount, Minnesota Environmental Assessment 9 Worksheet Wastewater will not be treated on -site. This area is in the 2010 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and will be served with treatment by the MCES Wastewater Treatment Plant. It is anticipated that sanitary sewer flow generated by the development can be accommodated by the City of Rosemount sanitary sewer system. Based on the information from the Dakota County Soil Survey, there are no known sink holes, shallow limestone formations, or karst conditions within the site. Groundwater in the area generally flows to the northeast. Information about groundwater and bedrock depths came from the Geological Atlas of Dakota County, MN. The Soil Survey of Dakota County, Minnesota (Index Map Sheets 22,29) shows the following soils in the project area: • Kennebec Silt Loam (250) This soil is nearly level, moderately well drained and subject to occasional flooding or ponding. The surface soil granularity is very dark brown silt loam. Kennebec has moderate permeability with a high available water capacity and runoff is slow to ponded. • Waukegan Silt Loam (411A) This soil is level and well drained. The surface soil granularity is very dark brown, silt loam. Permeability of the soil is moderate in the mantle and rapid in the underlying material. The available water capacity is moderate and the runoff is very slow. • Waukegan Silt Loam (411B) Gently sloping and well drained soil. Primary surface soil granularity is very dark brown silt loam. Soil permeability is moderate in the silty mantle and rapid in the underlying material. The available water capacity is moderate and runoff is medium. • Kanaranzi Loam (41513) Gently sloping and well drained to somewhat excessively drained. The surface soil granularity is very dark grayish brown loam. The soil has a moderate permeability in the mantle and rapid permeability in the underlying material. The available water capacity is low and runoff is medium. • Kanaranzi Loam (415C) Sloping well drained or somewhat excessively drained soil. The surface soil granularity is a very dark grayish brown loam. The permeability of the soil is moderate in the mantle and rapid in the underlying material. The available water capacity is low and runoff is high. • Wadena Loam (39132) Gently sloping, well drained soil. Surface soil granularity is primarily very dark brown loam. Soil permeability is moderate in the mantle and rapid in the sandy underlying material. The available water capacity is moderate and runoff is medium. • Antigo Silt Loam (49B) Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 10 Worksheet Undulating to rolling, well drained soil. Surface soil granularity is very dark grayish brown silt loam. The soil permeability of the soil is moderate in the upper mantle and rapid in the underlying material. The available water capacity is moderate and runoff is medium. • Kennebec Variant Silt Loam (1816) Nearly level to moderately well drained soil. Surface soil granularity is a very dark gray silt loam. Kennebec has a moderate permeability and available water capacity that is very high. Runoff is slow to ponded. • Chetek Sandy Loam (155B) Undulating to rolling, somewhat excessively drained soil. The typical surface soil granularity is very dark brown sandy loam. The soil permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and rapid in the underlying layer. The available water capacity is low, and runoff is slow. • Chetek Sandy Loam (155E) Hilly to steep, somewhat excessively drained soil. Typically the surface soil granularity is a very dark brown sandy loam. The permeability of the soil is moderately rapid in the loamy surface and rapid in the underlying sand layers. The available water capacity is low, and runoff is rapid. • Algansee Sandy Loam (1821) Nearly level, somewhat poorly drained soil. The surface soil granularity is a very dark grayish brown sandy loam. The soil permeability is very rapid and the available water capacity is low and runoff is slow. • Otterholt Silt Loam (279B) Undulating, well drained soil. The surface soil granularity is a very dark grayish brown silt loam. The soil permeability is moderate and the available water capacity is high with a medium runoff. • Otterhot Silt Loam (279C) This rolling to hilly, well drained soil is on side slopes. The surface soil granularity is a very dark grayish brown silt loam. Permeability of the soil is moderate and the available water capacity is high with a rapid runoff. • Tallula Silt Loam (320B) Gently sloping, well drained soil. The surface soil granularity is a very dark grayish brown silt loam. The permeability is moderate with an available water capacity that is very high and medium runoff. • Timula -Bold Silt Loam (963C2) Sloping well, drained complex soil. Surface soil granularity is dark brown silt loam. Soil permeability is moderate and the available water capacity is very high with rapid runoff. Based on information from the Dakota County Geological Atlas, the sensitivity of the Prairie du Chien- Jordan aquifer to pollution is considered high in this area. However, the proposed residential development is not anticipated to create the potential for groundwater contamination as hazardous waste will not be present on -site. Additionally, storm water will be pretreated prior to discharge and infiltration areas. Minea Properties Rosemount, Minnesota Environmental Assessment 11 Worksheet Traffic Generation Land Use Size Daily Traffic P.M. Peak Hour Single Family 160 Units 1,531 162 Town Homes 232 Units 1,360 125 Total Development 392 2,891 287 The estimated trip generation is based on information identified in the Sixth Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. Figure D -1 located in Appendix D, illustrates the traffic distribution for the proposed development, as well as the existing and projected Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on the impacted roadways. The traffic distribution illustrates the existing and 2008 condition (full- build). The existing and projected ADT volumes are based on traffic counts conducted in June 2003 and traffic volume information obtained from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The primary impacted roadways adjacent to the site are Connemara Trail, County Road 38 (Bonaire Path/135` Street) and Trunk Highway (TH) 3. Primary access to the proposed site will be provided via Connemara Trail with secondary access to County Road 38. Both Connemara Trail and County Road 38 are local collector roadways. TH 3 is classified as A minor arterial. In the P.M. Peak Hour, an additional 287 vehicles (187 in and 100 out) are anticipated from this development. In addition, several other developments have been approved or are being considered adjacent to Connemara Trail between the proposed development and TH 3. Table D -1 in Appendix D illustrates the anticipated ADT, A.M. Peak Hour and P.M. Peak Hour traffic generation from the adjacent development, as well as the proposed Minea Development., A Capacity and Level of Service (LOS) Analysis was conducted at critical intersections. The critical intersections that were analyzed include TH 3 at Connemara Trail, TH 3 at County Road 38, Connemara Trail at Street A, Connemara Trail at Bacardi Avenue and Street A at County Road 38. These intersections were analyzed for the existing (2003) conditions and 2008 conditions with and without the Household municipal solid waste will be generated by this project. Municipal solid waste will be hauled away by local garbage haulers and residents will be encouraged to recycle. During construction, vehicles containing gasoline will be present on site. However, the potential for contamination is low and no toxic or hazardous materials will be present after construction. Not applicable Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 12 Worksheet proposed site traffic. The results of the analysis are included in Table D -2 in Appendix D. The results of the analysis indicate that all site accesses to Connemara Trail and CR 38 would be operating at satisfactory levels of service now and in the future. The regional impacts to TH 3 were also analyzed. The results indicate that the existing (2003) intersections are operating at satisfactory levels of service. The 2008 conditions are anticipated to operate at a LOS F at the TH 3 and Connemara Trail intersection and LOS E at the County Road 38 intersection assuming no traffic control improvements (i.e. installation of a traffic signal). If a traffic signal were installed at Connemara Trail and CR 38 the overall intersection would improve to a LOS C and LOS B respectively. Based on preliminary review of the traffic volumes, it appears with the additional traffic generated by the proposed Minea development and the adjacent developments, a traffic signal would be justified prior to 2008 at Connemara Trail. The CR 38 intersection would need to be looked at in more detail to determine when or if a, traffic signal would be justified. A second access street between Connemara Trail and CR 38 was indicated on the proposed site plan. This street would only provide access to the proposed park and to access the cities water tower site. It is anticipated that less then 300 vehicle per day would use this street. A short cul -de -sac from Connemara Trail would be adequate to provide this access. In addition, a connection street should be provided from Street A to the east in order to provide future access. Based on this data and analysis, the proposed site traffic combined with the future background traffic would have a potential impact to the regional highway system in the future. Coordination will be required between the City and Mn/DOT as traffic continues to grow at Connemara Trail and CR 38 for the potential future signalization. No stationary sources of air emissions will be constructed as part of the project. Noise Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 13 Worksheet The proposed project will include development of approximately 392 new residential units. A carbon monoxide analysis is not required for this project. However, it is not anticipated that the state or federal guidelines would be exceeded. t Noise from construction activity is anticipated to temporarily increase. However, upon completion of construction of the site, only normal noise levels associated with a residential condition are anticipated. Dust During construction, particulate emission will temporarily increase due to generation of fugitive dust. The following dust control measures will be undertaken as necessary: 1. Minimize the period and extent of area being exposed or regraded at any one time. 2. Spraying construction areas and haul roads with water, especially during periods of high wind or high levels of construction activity. 3. Minimize the use of vehicles on unpaved surfaces. 4. Covering or spraying material piles and truck loads. Odors The construction and/or operation of this project is not anticipated to involve any processes or materials that would generate any odors. There are no known historical, archaeological, or architectural resources within this site according to the letter received from the Minnesota Historical Society. This letter is included in Appendix C. Based on information from the Dakota County Soil Survey the following are Prime Farmland Soils: • Kennebec Silt Loam (250) • Waukegan Silt Loam (411A,B) • Wadena Loam (39B2) • Antigo Silt Loam (49B) • Otterholt Silt Loam (279B) • Tallula Silt Loam (320B) This area will be converted from agricultural to residential. Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 14 Worksheet This project is subject to the following City of Rosemount plans: • Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan The storm water management for the site will be required to meet the policies of the City's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. This will be addressed during the City's plan review process. • Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan Development around the wetland is required to meet the policies in the City's Wetland Management Plan as well as DNR requirements. This will be addressed during the City's plan review process. • 2020 Comprehensive Plan Rezoning of the area is required for this proposed project to address the town home uses within the site. This will be addressed as part of the plan review process. A review of the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan, Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan, and the 2020 Comprehensive Plan was completed. The Minea Property Residential Development plan will be required to meet the standards and policies in these plans. The City has concerns over the number of available parking spaces, driveways located over gas easements, and usable space being provided in the rear yards of the single family and town home units. These issues will be addressed during the plan review process. The 1997 Water Supply and Distribution Plan for the City of Rosemount provides information on future locations of trunk water main, treatment facilities, and storage reservoirs. The 1997 plan contains a 1.5 MG elevated reservoir near the northwest corner of the property. Based on the City of Rosemount's 2020 Comprehensive Plan, this 1997 water storage need has been determined to be 1.0 MG in lieu of the 1.5 MG originally planned. Water lines will be extended from the proposed 1.0 MG water storage facility and connected to the City's water distribution system that is currently in place. The North Central Sanitary Sewer Study conducted for the City of Rosemount in 1997 and referenced in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan contains proposed sewer expansions. This study details a proposed 15" trunk to be installed along the west side of the project site and continue expanding north and south. The trunk is proposed to connect to the existing Brockway trunk sanitary sewer. Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 15 Worksheet Construction operations will be required to meet the City's ordinances related to duration of construction activities. The Bloomfield Residential Development is located south of the Minea property. The land surrounding the Minea site is zoned as R1 - Low Density Residential. The regional land use conversion from open space and agriculture to developed residential space is anticipated to have a cumulative impact on the area. Attempts to mitigate this impact will include providing open space in the developments, providing adequate storm water management facilities, and addressing traffic impacts. The City's current ordinances, standards, and policies are anticipated to be adequate to address these issues. No other environmental impacts are anticipated by this project. 1. The land use will be converted from agricultural to residential: The development plans include a park and open space to mitigate this impact. 2. Sanitary sewer flows and water consumption will increase: The MCES Wastewater Treatment Facility has adequate capacity to handle the sewage volumes from this site. The increase in water will be mitigated by the expansion of the City's water supply, storage, and distribution systems. 3. Stormwater runoff volume will increase and runoff pollutant loads will increase: Within the development site approximately 8 acres of ponding/infiltration basins will be created to accommodate the increased stormwater runoff volume. The impacts related to storm water quality and quantity will be mitigated by the use of the on -site storm water treatment ponds to reduce pollutant loads. 4. Traffic volume on TH 3, Connemara Trail and CR 38 will increase. The existing and proposed street sections on Connemara Trail and CR 38 will be adequate to accommodate the proposed traffic increases. The intersections of TH 3 at Connemara Trail and TH 3 at CR 38 should continue to be monitored to determine when traffic signals will be justified. Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 16 Worksheet The recognized environmental impacts associated with the Minea Property Residential Development project are as follows: RGU CERTIFICATION. I hereby certify that: • The information contained in this document is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. • The EAW describes the complete project; there are no other projects, stages or components other than those described in this document, which are related to the project as connected actions or phased actions, as defined at Minn. R. 4410.0200, subps. 9b and 60, respectively. • Copies of this EAW are being sent to the entire EQB distribution list. Name and Title of Signer: Date: The format of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet was prepared by the staff of the Environmental Quality Board at Minnesota Planning. For additional information, worksheets or for EAW Guidelines, contact: Environmental Quality Board, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155, 651- 296 -8253, or at their Web site http://vr Minea Properties Environmental Assessment Rosemount, Minnesota 17 Worksheet T115N 19W 17 16 20 - Q' U' z w m ST. W. Ega Lake Project Site 1 CONNEMARA TR. a 0 y y railed Cour 4 BELMO 142n BELFAST W A S2 L� PATH - 3 I ECH lr n� U W t ST. W. q BE�� oI 451;h St. > i L. FC A z k �i d Ul H 17 .. y�S' ' A BIT u A U CTR p U E+ S H H O 15 U 4A T. U U R rq kA OD g Figure 1. General Location 0 650 1,300 N Feet 2,600 Minea Properties Residential Development 000'Z 000`L 009 0 juawdolanaa leguepisab sai:pedoad eauIw }aa� deW peno s9sn. 6 - Z aan6i: N � v e 4 _ , �` i ce_ t� '� •:`� ��' � I / ' � '��: •� ' =�'v: �, �a ♦ •_ / /. e� �+ ti` • ` �`V-Wll • �, , g \ ��' � •. ,• lei ,� � to � , � � -� �-�' � �, � . � • I/ mg Its MINA NO � e� = ��� ��.�, •) mod - � z t i 1 r ORM Will AAA RE �':�� 4 � �I �IIU NAP �b GeES "� r - - - �y, = -�''-�"�\ _ �ar�ai.►`�ijCfl,Yr ,�__ �.,;i. �'�',..:Titis —.rte --- r-- -- --- 'u. � ^��,� • •' • • .1 I _ - ia� we s•aao coeznoise e.n�roexnco�zooa�e.pvsoiaooz.•e c n � i� a x >1 a "s p s Rai . . . ......... . . . ... . ... Y r \t _ \� " /._ � i w \ �\ l 1 .• �''�•. \� �'"r"'` .rte Ir -oro / r� / r I .- ` � r \\ ��.'�` w �\ i / � �' � , ~ wYl .,� ` � y r� � .,,`` r .. / d h�`J r a�'� "� , ' .._.,....._ _..... _ . � � � + � � / - '���t\ �`:` 1 , \ vooai // , - /O r • -T':�� �a an.M , J`.. 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A 81 j NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 3.4Z.91 o. twee 06/04/03 Z:: i l S i f Centex Westwood Proessonaemces, Inc. Fvqwed fee lklkv,�_ Minea PreHminwT FUt/ Eden Prairie, .. 553. Centex Homes r I%o- I-, 95?/911.582] C.% W. ham. — 2._ Waist. 24M Iftble-A. IX OM Site Plan 06 /64/RA are w 23 &11.eebookk hu... - Let tNdth • S.4book 116 M 120 a - Let oeom 13- ft 120 & - Let - I N' 14000 .1 - F- l 1rd Selo- Jo R. jo it sl Yard 56thook to ft to R. Neer Aeof S.Wook M & so ft WW R-2 Me16 M-1, thft. too k'W-r_ej' Z_*v stoeooeoe ( egv Let Vffidth 0 Setbeok Its It W It z V -Irm fat it 150 ft. ✓ Coetkg t4p*71Why, eottood edge - Lot A- 27.J?2.* .1 ZZJW I fib -d eeftt�g Wiftles obft�ed f— F-C Y-d sw� < te- Jo ft M ft W. ba ree dkn-eiw. Iftt" - Sk. YW Stbo� ft M & rk of curb. R- AN .tree& 10 h.. n arte gtt- M Per City V-d-d% to R-3 Mufff F�gy Wits 1.12 Add 10 ft. od�­( to CouNclor stb-k to� obtt�g •o^ �!_t eoort' Reod/.30 IL od, —t to ArtwW ft". 9 --m (tWWN --.-) - 60 291 s 'X Af - co'N" 120 - street 51 Cooce H­ N e9Mgrhapd (4-8Z 000l-it) 1 O « 1 ✓ / \`� • \ r ' ` ♦` / / ) ao, �`'i �" >`' '\1 \� 'r..uo sF.'T \ �, - I-V M__ 6J7 spetee PCWQ A A 264 8 -0 42 street 67 =l L V 7 fit Location Map IJ 'e— C is k. /* is ... ... . A i -1:1 1 it X -7 A Not I. S.W. A 1 tc _3 si 2 -4 0- o' 1w 2w Soo' if I r 31 112 �g at iL 2 L . A 81 j NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 3.4Z.91 o. twee 06/04/03 Z:: i l S i f Centex Westwood Proessonaemces, Inc. Fvqwed fee lklkv,�_ Minea PreHminwT FUt/ Eden Prairie, .. 553. Centex Homes r I%o- I-, 95?/911.582] C.% W. ham. — 2._ Waist. 24M Iftble-A. IX OM Site Plan 06 /64/RA are w 23 &11.eebookk hu... 1 1 tl2002 Weai�oatl Ppleafwnel $a.xC CM dl /� ;99'^9/ ��� GO T. NE CALL.•. /� r �.. I t I \\ t i• t'q `` \ r ,, ' '� ,,; ; , , 1. \' 1 ,• \? TTI _._,- / .,,ll ; l ,gyp • , •: / , ;' € ; 1" tom"'r. � i i t rr �s Vl r ` $\-.. ..��. '.• , J / . f "` . ,"� •I i ...ter f % r'' -/ _ {{ st ( I {' ; , `q\ r. � S /i � f �• i / / i 1 1 / Westwood Pmfessimlal Somice% Inc r'- \ \ - g l Ifl ', ,i• � -, i r i/� \'•` '�'•..J ` orm.t \ ;� ,�•- r , �``� ice,' Cs.a.e R-4 On.W b•/4�s OLS A. V kze .06 �• _. _,.... � ._.- :_....._�•'� Q.\ ` li \ l \ , � .. fir• /i' ` ' Centex Homes 12100 Whit—OW Dd. 0770 Mlemofs 551tt M Lo PROPER Rosemount, Minnesota ✓�- i ' ���\ '' Base Plan ILL WNW \ \ / j1 �� t /' / \'�• r ; , \ - ! ,`(,�j - - -' -- - , o.. 10 /37/02 .. .� � //% � ..�:.. _ � / % "� . � 1 1,0 a•.' • \ - oo•� soo' sere t o0 1 - o -s 2aesws•s.roi.9w J APPENDIX C Department of Natural Resources and State Historical Preservation Office Letters Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program, Box 25 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 -40 Phone: (651) 296 -7863 Fax: (651) 296 -1811 E -mail: sarah.hoffmann @dnr.state.mn.us May 19, 2003 Andrea Moffatt WSB & Associates, Inc. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 Re: Request for Natural Heritage information for vicinity of proposed Minea Residential Development T115N R19W Section 21 & 28, Dakota County NHNRP Contact #: ERDB 20030979 Dear Ms. Moffatt, The Minnesota Natural Heritage database has been reviewed to determine if any rare plant or animal species or other significant natural features are known to occur within an approximate one - mile radius of the area indicated on the map enclosed with your information request. Based on this review, there are no known occurrences of rare species or natural communities in the area searched. The Natural Heritage database is maintained by the Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program, a unit within the Division of Ecological Services, Department of Natural Resources. It is continually updated as new information becomes available, and is the most complete source of data on Minnesota's rare or otherwise significant species, natural communities, and other natural features. Its purpose is to foster better understanding and protection of these features. Because our information is not based on a comprehensive inventory, there may be rare or otherwise significant natural - features in the state that are not represented in the database. A county -by- county survey of rare natural features is now underway, and has been completed for Dakota County. Our information about natural communities is, therefore, quite thorough for that county. However, because survey work for rare plants and animals is less exhaustive, and because there has not been an on -site survey of all areas of the county, ecologically significant features for which we. have no records may exist on the project area. Please be aware that review by the Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program focuses only on rare natural features. It does not constitute review or approval by the Department of Natural Resources as a whole. If you require further information on the environmental review process for other wildlife- related issues, you may contact your Regional Environmental Assessment Ecologist, Wayne Barstad, at (651)772 -7940. An invoice for the work completed is enclosed. You are being billed for map and database search and staff scientist review. Please forward this invoice to your Accounts Payable Department. Thank you for consulting us on this matter, and for your interest in preserving Minnesota's rare natural resources. Sincerely, Sarah D. Hoffmann. Endangered Species Environmental Review Coordinator encl: Invoice DNR Information: 651- 296 -6157 • 1- 888 -646 -6367 • TTY: 651- 296 -5484 • 1 -800- 657 - 3929 An Equal Opportunity Employer Printed on Recycled Who Values Diversity Minimum of 10 %Post -Con Post-Consumer MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE May 23, 2003 MAY 2 7 2003 Ms. Andi Moffatt WSB & ASSOCIATES WSB & Associates 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55422 RE: WSB Project No. 1005 -77 Construction of a residential development T115 R19 S28 NW, Rosemount, Dakota County SHPO Number: 2003 -2247 Dear Ms. Moffatt: Thank you for consulting with our office during the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the above referenced project. Based on our review of the project information, we conclude that there are no properties listed on the National or State Registers of Historic Places, and no known or suspected archaeological properties in the area that will be affected by this project. Please note that this comment letter does not address the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and 36CFR800, Procedures of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for the protection of historic properties. If this project is considered for federal assistance, or requires a federal permit or license, if should be submitted to our office with reference to the assisting federal agency. Please contact us at (651) 296 -5462 if you have any questions regarding our comments on this project. Sincerely, I �-- �'►�'�.. ---- --sue Dennis A. Gimmestad Government Programs and Compliance Officer 345 Kellogg Boulevard West/ Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 - 1906 /Telephone 651- 296 -6126 yu uy" CCT. W. u� 0 h a v WAY 131st ST. W CO � ib W Q lil a > Z 128th ST. Q O U '°D a I . m Ln 130�r 1 3 190 -52nd 132nd ST. CT. o' 300 38 eoti 4 01 I MF 0 O O oC� O o � O M 15% 1 3 0 W 12.000 A 12 T1 15N R19W 17 16 Lj 20 21 a Q C7 z m ST. W. Kegan Lake T ar + �j o O /05 35th ST. <9 - - -- O PROJECT SITE 520 15.000 - Q O O R a�1r ° BEL1104 >' BI CT BELMp P zl zz SELF AST _ 28127 T 115 �2 t BELF P5� N ONOO MvI ELD P4 rH BEECH m a , "4 7; ST. W. �� �. r @ERRY i BED TR 145th S a 42 w } BISCP� a N 17. XX - TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION BITT XX - EXISTING ADT CIR. s 15. � OFF XX - PROJECTED 2025 ADT r ` / N �I Figure D -1 Traffic Distribution And ADT Minea Properties Residential Development Trailer Court 142nd ST. W. 30% w m a a z > a v W. w > a w > > w a � - _ - - - 46th a ST. a W � m WE�R 147th U ST. � m 47tH J ST. o T. a � o w z < > Q 49th Q U Z v a ST. ° m OWER .. d > iOt ST. < 150th ST. W. N N 12 T1 15N R19W 17 16 Lj 20 21 a Q C7 z m ST. W. Kegan Lake T ar + �j o O /05 35th ST. <9 - - -- O PROJECT SITE 520 15.000 - Q O O R a�1r ° BEL1104 >' BI CT BELMp P zl zz SELF AST _ 28127 T 115 �2 t BELF P5� N ONOO MvI ELD P4 rH BEECH m a , "4 7; ST. W. �� �. r @ERRY i BED TR 145th S a 42 w } BISCP� a N 17. XX - TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION BITT XX - EXISTING ADT CIR. s 15. � OFF XX - PROJECTED 2025 ADT r ` / N �I Figure D -1 Traffic Distribution And ADT Minea Properties Residential Development Table D -1 Traffic Generation Minea Development EAW City of Rosemount Land Use Size Unit Average Daily Traffic Rate Trips. AM Peak Hour Rate I Total Trips In Out PM Peak Hour Rate Total Trips In Out Minea Site Single Family Townhomes Total Minea Trips 160 232 Unit Unit 9.57 5.86 1,531 1,360 2,891 0.75 0.44 120 102 222 30 17 47 90 85 175 1.01 0.54 162 125 287 103 84 187 58 41 100 Adjacent Development Biscayne Point - Single Family St. Joe Church St. Joe School 104 19 230 Unit 1000 SF Students 9.57 9.11 1.02 995 173 235 0.75 0.72 0.29 78 14 67 20 7 39 59 6 27 1.01 0.66 0.26 105 13 60 67 7 28 38 6 32 Total Adjacent Trips 1,403 158 66 92 177 102 76 Total Study Area Trips 4,294 380 114 267 464 2891 175 Table D -2 Traffic Analysis MINER Development EAW City if Rosemount Intersection Existing 2003 2008 without Site 2008 with Site AM PM AM PM AM PM TH 3 at CR 38 Unsignalized Signalized A C B D C E B B B B TH 3 at Connemara Tr Unsignalized Signalized A B B E C F C C C C Connemara Tr at Street A Unsignalized NA NA. A A B C Connemara Tr at Bacardi Ave Unsignalized NA NA A A A A Street A at CR 38 Unsignalized q NA NA A A A A MINEA EAW Traffic Analysis Existing 2003 AM Peak 6/18/2003 M C� 41� 4-� 29� MINEA EAW Traffic Analysis Existing 2003 PM Peak Volumes 6/18/2003 10 1- ° 2 CR 38 QtoC CO n X10 _ - — 4 COnnemma Y� _ -- ti�� MINEA EAW Traffic Analysis 2008 Without Site Background PM Peak Volumes 6/18/2003 X14 CR38 M I- - - "�" X3 COnnemma � 19 � a �TI —> _ -- 40-y ,O v W MINEA EAW Traffic Analysis Volumes 2008 Without Site Background AM Peak RM Q Mnn0 M 1- - LO LO LO ID Cq �g C011tlC;Cl"1111c ' i E— 47_,;F R �13 )T( --- -_ 35-y o ~ CO MINEA EAW Traffic Analysis Volumes 2008 With Site Background AM Peak 6/18/2003 M 2 F— X163 - — to n m �K x Connemma E-- (� - -- 16---> rIT 33� CO RAIKICA CAIAI T.._tt: - w__�___!_ - 2008 With Site Background PM Peak 6/18/2003 N N X21 „ CR38 co 34 "' M 2 H NNE 106 psi Connemma <— 19� IT f � _ 36 40� co .- r� W