HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Authorize Resident SurveyCITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA MEMO APRIL 16, 2003 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 20, 2003 AGENDA: AUTHORIZE RESIDENT SURVEY AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NO: 6.19 ATTACHMENTS: Contract APPROVED BY Attached for your review is the contract between Decision Resources Ltd. and the City of Rosemount for the 2003 Resident Survey. The City has budgeted $12,000 for a community -wide attitudes survey. The City Council reviewed the draft final at its Committee of the Whole meeting on May 15. Several additional questions have been cut in order to meet the pre- approved budget figure. Staff concurs with the recommended cuts. RECOMMENDED ACTION: for 2003 resident survey. Authorize contract not to exceed $12,000 with Decision Resources Ltd. COUNCIL ACTION: From:DEC1SI0N RESOURCES LTD. 612 920 1069 05/19/2003 12:40 #352 P.002/005 AGREEMENT PREAMBLE CW hereas, Decision Resources, Limited, (hereinafter referred to as DRL) offers its services to organizations in the public and private sectors for the purpose of conducting market research by telephone survey to ascertain such information as may be requested by its clients, and CW here ' as, City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as CLIENT) wishes to employ DRL for the above stated purpose, DRL and CLIENT agree to the following terms, conditions, and fees governing such employment. SERVICES (A.) DRL shall conduct a telephone survey the sample size of which shall be 400. The number of questions shall be determined at a later point. (B.) DRL will submit the questionnaire for the survey to CLIENT for his approval prior to the commencement of interviews. The specific details of the survey as to timing, questionnaire content, and population sample to be surveyed (except as otherwise specified in paragraph A) shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties as circumstances may require. In the event the parties fail to agree, CLIENT shall have the final authority to determine the subject matter content of the survey, while DRL shall have final authority to determine the specific wording of questions on the questionnaire and the specific individuals within the given population to be sampled. DRL shall not be obligated to ask questions of persons interviewed in addition to those questions included on the approved questionnaire or to provide data or interpretations with respect to topics or issues not covered by the questionnaire. DRL will proceed with a survey only after it receives notice of CLIENT's approval of the questionnaire. (C.) The survey shall be commenced as soon as is practicable following: (l) Approval of the questionnaire by CLIENT, and Page 1 of 4 From:DFCISION RFSOURCFS LTD. 612 920 1069 05;19/2003 12:40 #352 P.003/005 k (2) Payment of all fees due to date as required. (D.) Upon payment of all fees due to date, DRL shall furnish to CLIENT a written report of the survey results including interpretations which may be reasonably drawn therefrom. At that tune, CLIENT, in consultation with DRL, will schedule meetings for the presentation and discussion of these results. Both the President of DRL and the Project Director of this study shall be available for meetings and supplementary analysis not to exceed twenty additional fours of time. Further time commitments of DRL personnel deemed needed by CLIENT shall be billed upon a mutually agreed -to hourly basis prior to their execution. FEES CLIENT shall remit to DRL fees in the amounts, at the times, and in the manner specified hereunder: The TOTAL AMOUNT of all fees due under this agreement shall be $9,800.00 FOR A 60 QUESTION SURVEY. EACH ADDITIONAL QUESTION WILL BE $135.00. THE TOTAL FEES FOR THE SURVEY WILL NOT EXCEED $12,000.00. TIME FEES DUE (A-) One half of the total fee under this agreement shall be due at the time CLIENT affixes his signature hereto. DRL shall not be obligated to commence interviews for the survey until the fee called for in this paragraph (A-) has been paid in full. (13.) The balance of the TOTAL AMOUNT remaining unpaid shall be due prior to delivery by DRL to CLIENT of the written report required under Section II (D.). (C.) All fees due under this agreement shall be payable by ordinary check, except that DRL reserves the right to require payment by certified check, after having given CLIENT three days notice of such requirement. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS AND DISCLOSURE Page 2 of 4 From:DFCISION RFSOURCFS LTD. 612 920 1069 05/1912003 12:40 #352 P.004 /005 The written report required under Section ]I (D) shall become the sole property of CLIENT after payment to DRL of the TOTAL AMOUNT required in Section III. The survey questionnaires and replies and all related data, materials, and information shall remain the property of DRL_ DRL agrees not to divulge or use for any purpose, including but not limited to advertising and public relations, the information obtained in the survey without the written consent of CLIENT; provided, however, if the data or results of the survey are directly or indirectly made public by CLIENT or anyone else, DRL may make public the following information: the population from which the sample was taken, the method of obtaining the interviews, .including the size and design of the sample, and the basis of the data if the sample is less than the total sample, the dates and tunes when the interviews were conducted, the exact wording of questions asked and the client's name. CLIENT agrees that if it or anyone else acting on its behalf wishes to release in whole or in part to the public by press release, speech, or otherwise, the data or results of the survey or contents of the written report, that CLIENT or such other person will first notify. DRL in writing, and that there will be also stated in the release, speech, or otherwise, that the survey was done by DECISION RESOURCES, LIMITED, OF MINNEAPOLIS, 1VIINNLSOTA. CLIENT agrees, at all times both during the term of this Agreement and thereafter, to keep in confidence all knowledge or information as to the processes, methods and techniques of DRL and not to disclose or mare known such knowledge or information to any other person, firm, corporation or organization, including but not limited to competitors of DRL, except when specifically authorized to do so in writing by DRL. CLIENT further understands and agrees that the names and addresses of interviewers used by DRL and the names and/or addresses of persons sampled are confidential and will not be made available to CLIENT. EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES DRL agrees to utilize its best efforts to insure the accuracy of any survey by it pursuant to this Agreement_ However, it is specifically understood and agreed that nothing in this Agreement, or any survey or written report furnished under Section II (D.), shall be considered as either a prediction or guarantee of the results of any election or the outcome of any event, and any representations or warranties, express or implied, to that effect are hereby excluded_ In addition, DRL shall not be responsible or liable for any failure by it to conduct any survey or render any written report if such failure results from labor disturbances, fires, floods, wars, riots, civil disturbances, and other events beyond the control of DRL. MODIFICATIONS Page 3 of 4 From:DFCISION RFSOURCFS LTD. 612 920 1069 05/19/2003 12:41 #352 P.005 /005 Modifications of this Agreement shall not be enforceable unless in writing and signed by the party to be charged.. Neither parties' waiver of any rights due him/her under this Agreement shall have the effect of waiving other or subsequent rights due hereunder. MISCELLANEOUS (A.) This Agreement merges and supersedes all other agreements, verbal and written, between the parties and represents all agreements between them and binds their administrators, heirs, successors, and assignees. (B.) Any provision of this Agreement which may be held unenforceable shall be severable and the balance of the Agreement enforced. (C.) CLIENT agrees that it shall comply with all laws respecting disclosure of this Agreement. (D.) DRL reserves the right to use the findings from this survey in anonymous form: as to the specific population and client for purposes of aggregate and comparative analyses to be made available to other clients of DRL or publications. { ✓n witness whsreot the parties affix their signature on this day of 200 DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. Client By: Page 4 of 4 Position 001 10 WIN -40.