HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Receive Quotes/Authorize Contract - Test Well #14. City Project #382•paTlonun s1 salnului uoTssTuzuToD ,CjIl fl atp3o Xdoo :gezp V 11 Isar IFJP 0 1 ouI `tiams�� -uosza gag 0 jouiluoo all pTLmt put' salonb oql aAIOOO.I ITounoD XjiD otp Imp puou TUOOaz 01 uOTlot 3lool uoissiuiiuoD 441I1lfl oily '£OOZ `8 jaquzaoaQ uo uolssiuTUioD XI1I1Ifl gqj of paluosazd wom salonb aqj •panTaoai solonb oill jo Xmununs put uollepuauTuiooai jO IQUOl n ST pQg3L In OSIV �1glTlxa pgg3tl In Qql uO umOgs ST t I# IIOA, JO uoTlRool pouueld aTIZ •paloiulsuoo oq of Ilom oql jo aisop dumd oql ioj snjoummd a p ouiuualap oI X.Mssaoou si llom lsal t' Jo SUTllljp aus 'CID tOOZ ogjjo jmd sn pajon4suoo aq of posodoid bI# iloAl To3 tiara jsaj n JO 2uIIIUP Oql zoI panTaoax 010m salonb `£OOZ `IZ jaqulanoN uO £OOZ 1 9I joquiaoaQ :alvG ON119aw lioNflOD lido AIOIJL3V 2IOd AHIVWWfIS dAIZfl3aX2[ ,LNflowaso2I d0 A,LIa " SalnuIW TIOISSTUIWOD 4 41111fl £ - 80 - Z I :AS QdAO'dddV ,IjtjQ„ `I!glgxa `uoIInPUOU- uz000 -d jO .zalla'I :S,LNgWHDVssV IQQUIBu 1 ` `JO z o.I AA d a �.� � a I � g r zP� •Ag a� 3 JuasuOD Z8£# loafaid X110 `t :NOIZDdS V(lKagV IloAk jsas - jouiluoD ozuo nd /sojonj) antaoaZj :WUJLI V(INHOV £OOZ 1 9I joquiaoaQ :alvG ON119aw lioNflOD lido AIOIJL3V 2IOd AHIVWWfIS dAIZfl3aX2[ ,LNflowaso2I d0 A,LIa " k QUOTE COMPLETION TIME Bergerson - Caswell, Inc. $32,618.00 45 days &Associates, Inc. Memorandum 45 days To: City of Rosemount Utility Commission From: Costa Dimitracopoulos, P.E. .° Date: November 24, 2003 Re: Quotes for Construction of Test Well No. 14 z Two Quotes for Construction of Test Well No. 14 were received at the City of Rosemount on or before November 21, 2003. Although requests for uotes were issued to three firms, s, the third firm, E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc., indicated that they were unable to take on more work at this time. Their honesty was appreciated and noted. A tabulation of the two quotes is attached to this memorandum. The quotes from each firm, and the completion ,& date they indicated in their quote, are summarized below. Please note that the completion dates are based on a notice of award on or before December 19, 2003, and a notice to proceed on or before January 5, 2004. FIRM QUOTE COMPLETION TIME Bergerson - Caswell, Inc. $32,618.00 45 days Keys Well Drilling Co. $33,449.00 45 days In review of the quotes, we have not identified irregularities, nor have we identified ambiguities. Both Contractors have indicated the same completion schedule. Bergerson - A " Caswell, Inc. is $831.00 less than Keys Well Drilling Co. .; WSB & Associates, Inc. recommends awarding the construction of City of Rosemount �V , Test Well No. 14 to Bergerson - Caswell, Inc. in the amount of $32,618.00 4150.'UYsoti � Memon�i FJa ' wa Ki Suite,'Jb hinne po{ g f�lmnesota A . 763.541 4$oi u " 763 70 o F71 Minneapolis • St. Cloud • Equal Opportunity Empf6WpWIM 0 1 1 111403- memo- RUC.doc .,., CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION TEST WELL NO. 14 TABULATION OF QUOTES November 24, 2003 Berg erson- Caswell, Inc. Keys Well Drilling Company ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION L UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 MOBILIZATION -- $4,500.00 $3,500.00 2 DRILL 13 -INCH OPEN HOLE $30.00/ft. $6,000.00 $30.00 /ft. $6,000.00 3 PLACE 8 -INCH CASING $16.00/ft. $3,200.00 $15.00/ft. $3,000.00 4 DRILL 8 -INCH OPEN HOLE $17.001ft. $3,400.00 $25.00/ft. $5,000.00 5 PLACE 4 -INCH CASING $9.00 /ft. $3,618.00 $12.00/ft. $4,824.00 6 7 DRILL 4 -INCH OPEN HOLE $10.00/ft. $375.00/cu. yd. $1,450.00 $15.00 /ft. $2,175.00 PLACE GROUT $5,250.00 $325.00/cu. yd. $4,550.00 8 TEST WELL DEVELOPMENT $200.00 /hr. $800.00 $175.00/hr. $700.00 9 TEST WELL PUMP PLACEMENT - $1,500.00 — $1,200.00 10 TEST WELL SAMPLING $125.00/hr. $500.00 $100.00 /hr. $400.00 11 SAMPLE ANALYSIS — $1,150.00 — $1,000.0 12 GAMMA LOG -- $1,250.00 — $1 ,100.00 TOTAL BASE QUOTE $32,618.00 $33,449.00 NUMBER OF DAYS TO COMPLETE WORK 45 45 :A4deJ60104d leuay £OOU£L/l l :Paiepdn SI8OJed £OOZ - M jaq—QG :a1e0 deyy luawyedad uogewjo;ul pue'l pue 6anmg Aluno0 MOW(] loeluoo aseeld 'punol aie sapuedajosip 11 •pau!eiuoo u!aja4 sapeinooeu! Aue iol alq!suodsal lou s! Alunoo a o)le(3 Aluo sesodmd aduaialai jol pasn aq of s! pue'umo4s eaje a41 Bu!loage'saomos ia4lo pue saoglo alels pue 'Alunoo 'Alp snouen u! paleool elep pue uogewjolw 'spjooaj 1 po!lel!dwoo a s! Bu!meap si41 'auo se pasn aq of papualu! lou s! pue AaNns a jou dew papiom AlleBal a ja41!au s! Bu!meap s!41 - Ajuno0 elo)iea ' €OOZ 146odo0 N '10011sajeau of popuna suo!suaw!0 :31ON t "DRAFT" UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on December 8, 2003 at 5:36 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2003 regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT None. OLD BUSINESS 5a. RECEIVE QUOTES -TEST WELL #14 City Engineer Brotzler summarized the quotes received by the two companies, stating that the low quote was received from the same contractor that drilled Well #12. Based on the City's past experience with this company, Staff is recommending that the Commission recommend Bergerson- Caswell, Inc. to the City Council. A contractor doing work in the area has been contracted to do the grading at the tower site. The site will be tiered for the tower, future treatment plant and future fire station. Commissioner Berg asked if there was any thought to having two wells at this site. If it would happen it would probably have to be within the park area because of the spacing requirements between wells MOTION by Berg to recommend that the City Council receive quotes and award a contract to Bergerson- Caswell, Inc. to drill Test Well #14. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. NEW BUSINESS None. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 2003 PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Update - Staff has been working to update the 1997 Study that was done. This Study consists of area served and estimated costs. Some of the scope of the update will be public involvement, updating cost, funding strategies, and phasing schedule. Three major points are: 1) Public Input; 2) Need; 3) Demand for development. Keep in mind this is a Study only, not a project. Tomorrow night there is going to be an open house from 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. for 350 property owners. Some of these properties are undeveloped. The draft study should be complete sometime in April, 2004, with the final ready for presentation in May /June of 2004. Different questions that will have to be answered are: l) How to assess? 2) Deferring assessments; 3) Dates owners would have to hook -up ?? Can't anticipate how State laws will change over the years and the PCA doesn't necessarily retroactively comply. Each area will have to be looked at from an environmental and health standpoint. The Commission talked briefly about failed systems and the benefits of pumping a tank, but if it has an inadequate drain field the saturation level could be bad. • Well #12 —The City received the DNR permit. The plans will be going out forbid in January. The well will be done first and then, if everything goes alright the wellhouse will be designed. A brief discussion was held on the enclosure of the chemical room within the well houses. Fire separation and separate outside door has to.be in place. • Council adopted the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan and approved the Utility operating budget for 2004. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JANUARY 12 2004 MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 2