HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of July 9, 2003 Committee of the WholerrEm # ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS 4 6 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JULY 9, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Committee of the Whole Work Session was held on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Riley, Shoe - Corrigan, DeBettignies and Strayton present. Also in attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, City Planner Pearson, City Engineer Brotzler, Parks & Recreation Director Schultz, and Police Chief Kalstabakken. Community Survey Results City Administrator Verbrugge introduced the item. The City Council had authorized a resident survey to be conducted. Decision Resources Ltd. (DRL) was chosen to perform the survey. DRL had conducted a similar survey for the City of Rosemount in 2001. Verbrugge invited DRL president, Dr. William Morris, and his associate, Peter Leatherman, to present the survey findings to the City Council. Dr. Morris stated that the findings of the survey were very positive. He reviewed the findings of key issues, compared the results to the survey conducted in 2001, and also compared Rosemount's results to other communities surveyed. Dr. Morris summarized the findings by saying that the results indicated a tremendous vote of confidence by the residents. City Administrator Verbrugge stated that the survey would be very helpful as budget season was approaching and as the City Council and staff begin work on some larger goals and issues. He stated that a press release would be prepared to share the survey results with the media and the community, and that the presentation from Dr. Morris would be posted on the City's website. Centex/Minea Perliminary Plat Staff presented the preliminary plat and discussed the Planning Commission's actions of the previous evening. Council indicated that their expectations included additional open space /preservation near the DNR pond in the vicinity of the farmstead, landscaping on the outer edges and along Connemara Trail & County Road 38, and more open space and evenly distributed parking for the townhouse area. 2004 Preliminary Budget City Administrator Verbrugge introduced discussion of the 2004 preliminary budget. Council members had earlier received the preliminary budget prepared by staff. Verbrugge gave an overview of the preliminary budget indicating that the total budget is increasing about five point four (5.4) percent; that increases in the general fund operating budgets were projected at less than one percent; and, the proposed levy was the maximum allowed within the State- imposed levy limits and included the sixty percent recovery of lost State aids. Based on the memo prepared by Finance Director May, Verbrugge said that preliminary figures from Dakota County show that total tax capacity in 2004 will increase by approximately sixteen percent because of new development. The proposed increase in the total spread levy from the City is approximately eight percent. Verbrugge said that residents would see a property tax reduction if there is little or no change to the assessed value of their home. However, the limited market value assessment has been increased by the State and will be eliminated in future years. Verbrugge said that means value increases could offset property tax reductions. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JULY 9, 2003 Verbrugge introduced each of the department directors to summarize proposed budgets and answer questions. Council members asked department directors a number of questions regarding personal services, growth in staffing levels, clarification of specific line items, and the Capital Improvement Plan. Verbrugge concluded that the Staff had presented an extremely conservative budget that focuses on maintaining current ' service levels, prioritizing certain necessary improvements, and accommodating continued community growth and development. He stated that only one new position, a police officer, was being proposed. Verbrugge suggested that the policy discussion by the City Council could focus on three primary areas. First, whether it is the Council's intent to maintain City services at the existing level. Second, whether it is appropriate to levy the maximum amount allowed by the 2003 Legislature. If not, then staff would need direction as to which services and positions were to be cut. Verbrugge explained that levy limits have been a long- standing practice and that future uncertainties, such as whether the Market Value Homestead Credit would be restored in 2005, could severely constrain communities that do not levy the maximum. He further mentioned that a number of communities that did not levy the maximum amount last year are experiencing significant adverse impacts in 2003 and 2004 as a result. Finally, Verbrugge stated that a number of the priority goals of the City Council were not adequately addressed within the budget as a result of limited discretionary funds. He mentioned that downtown redevelopment, open space acquisition, and purchase of a future library site were all items that did not have an identified funding source other than use of reserve funds. Verbrugge also mentioned that the preliminary budget did not include increased funding for communications activities, which represents another priority goal for the Council. He stated that the City currently has a Human Resources /Communications Coordinator performing most communications responsibilities such as the newsletter and updating the website. He stated that less than twenty percent of the individual's workload was focused on communications, which was not giving communication activities the attention it deserves. He indicated his desire to create a Communications Coordinator position in 2004. Council members agreed that seemed like the best approach but requested additional information regarding the position and costs. There was additional discussion regarding allocation of various salaries to different funds, the reserve fund balances, and personal services increases. City Administrator Verbrugge stated that he and Finance Director May would prepare additional information for the next Council discussion of the budget regarding revenues and funding sources that was requested by Council member Strayton, personnel counts and salary details across departments, and information demonstrating the effects of increased tax capacity and market values on individual property tax payers. The meeting was adjourned at 10 :10 p.m. 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JULY 9, 2003 Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Linda Jentink The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2003 -25.