HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Zoning Text Amendment: Section 16.6 E - Minimum Building Size in the General Industrial District_ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: August 7, 2003 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Zoning Text Amendment: Section 16.6.E - New Business Minimum Building Size in the GI, General Industrial District PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, Assistant Planner AGEND�1�1� ATTACHMENTS:, Section 6.16 as Amended APPROVED BY: SUMMARY •n industrial development within the City of Rosemount c d bC c haracterize t resourcesa n Staff has found that recent trends i low building to lot size ratios. This has the potential to , affe by a ax base development and outdoor storage . the areas of infrastructure extension, storm water management, To address this issue, staff reco commen adding a minimum building size performances d m mum building General Industri al District. Staff's internal review St industr al sites Staff weighed th s standard against those of several other size standard of 10 percent of the subject property Dakota County and throughout the metropolitan area. This analysis found only one other cities both in Apple Valley, with a minimum building size standard f while the m lots e s 80,000 community, App 0 square fe community, the minimum building size standard is 20,00 square feet. These standards equate to a minimum building size of 25 percent of the subject property Although, this percentage will decrease as lot sizes increase. The Planning Commission reviewed l a this item on July 8, 2003 and held a public hearing• e After some a zoning tex d iscussion, the commission unanimously approved a motion recommending the City Council to Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance, Section 6.16.E, creating a minimum mu building cane d of 10 percent of the subject property. This motiona onable and cohnsisten with the GI, General Industrial p is re standard of 10 percent of the subject property District and the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve amending Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance, Section , building size standard of 10 ercent of the subject roperty. 16.6.E creating a minimum CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Y City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- A CE B N ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY ZONING CODE R U ATIONS REGARDING AMENDMENTS TO THE SUPPLEMENTARY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 6.16 IG General Industrial District of Ordinance B — City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: 6.16: E. L ot and Build�n¢ Requirements 1. Minimum Lot Area: .................... 5 acres Lot Width: .......... .............N /A 2. Minimum ................. ..................... ... Lot Covera e: "" " "' 3. Maximum ..... ............................... 10 acres District Size :......... ............................... 4. Minimum 5. Minimum Front Yard Setback: 75 feet a. Princi al structure: Structure: .................... ...... .............................75 feet b. Accesso .............. 6. Minimum Side Yard Setback: 50 feet a. Princi al Structure : ........................... ................... ........... 50 feet Rear Yard Setbac: 7. Minimum k .......50 feet a. Princi al Structure: ....................... 50 feet Structure: b. Accessory ..................... ............. 8 Parking Setback_ 40 feet Front Yard Setback: ........................... .... .................... a. Minimum .....25 feeet b. Minimum Side Yard Setback:....... .... ............................... um Rear Yard Setback :.... ............................... ...................50 feet c. Mimm 9 Building Size: 75 feet a. Maximum Buildin He ht Princi al or Acce 10 of Sub' ect Pro ert b. Minimum Buildin Size: .:.............. s Ordinance B SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective immediatel u and publication according to law. Y pon its passage ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this V h day f Y August, 2003. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ATTEST: William H, Droste, Mayor Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day f Y 2003.. 6.16: IG GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT: A. Purpose and Intent: The General Industrial District is intended to be exclusively for heavier industries which require large sites and outdoor storage. Uses Permitted by Right: 1. Asphalt, cement and concrete production. 2. Manufacturing, warehousing, wholesaling, distribution, processing, packaging, assembly, compounding and accessory uses. 3. Motor freight terminals. 4. Refinery and storage of crude oil, refined oil, alcohol and other liquids and including fertilizer storage. 5. Related and support office and commercial uses provided they are located within the same structure as the principal use. 6. Mineral extraction. Subject to requirements of Section 14.8. 7. Recycling operations. Subject to requirements of 14.9. 8. Adult uses as defined and regulated in Rosemount City Zoning Ordinance B, Section 9.4 and Rosemount City Code Chapter 3 -8. (Ord. B -60, 5 -7 -96) 9. Self - service Storage Facility subject to the following standards: a. The perimeter of the storage facility shall be entirely enclosed by a combination of buildings and decorative fencing. Chain link, barbed wire or wood privacy fencing shall not be permitted as a decorative material, except as may otherwise be approved by the Planning Commission. For the purposes of calculating foundation planting requirements, the decorative fencing shall be included in the building perimeter calculation requirement. b. All storage space openings shall be oriented internally to the facility and shall not directly face a public street or adjoining property. anning clusters and berming shall, where possible, be C. Green space, pi strategically designed and located around openings between storage facility structures. d. An accessory Caretaker residence may be permitted with a storage facility, provided it is only used for resident security and management purposes and the exterior building materials shall match that of the principal and accessory storage facility structures. e• Outdoor storage of equipment and materials may be approved for the storage facility outside of the individual storage spaces providing the following conditions are satisfied and met: 1 The outdoor storage area shall be completely contained within the Perimeter of the storage facility building and fence enclosed area. 2. The height of the outdoor storage equipment and materials shall not exceed that of the adjacent building and/or fenced area. 3. Where the outdoor storage is adjacent to a fenced enclosure, the fence shall consist of the same materials as the principal structure(s) on the site and shall be 100% opaque from the ground to the top of the enclosure. 4• The outdoor storage area shall not exceed 20% of the total impervious building and paved surface improvement areas upon the property. (Ord. B -72, 11 -5 -96) 10. Commercial Use Antennas and Commercial Use Antenna Towers; provided, however, Commercial Use Antenna Towers are permitted only in that part of the City east of a line that begins one half mile west of Rich Valley Boulevard. (Ord. B -74, 11 -5 -96) 11. Auto body and major repair, provided that any outdoor storage is completely screened. C. Uses Permitted by PUD: Industrial developments involving multiple parcels, structures or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. Refer to Section 12 for PUD requirements. (Ord. B, 9- 19 -89) D. Uses Permitted by Interim Use Permit: 1. Spent bauxite disposal facility as an accessory use only. (Ord. B -13, 9 -17 -91 2. Commercial outdoor recreation. (Ord. B -32, 9- 21 -93) E. Lot and Building Requirements 1. Minimum Lot A- - ...... ....... ....5 acre 2. Minimum Lot Width :..........:. .N /A r r M 3. Maximum Lot Coverage: ................................................................... 50% (75% if storm water runoff is managed on site in accordance with City standards) 4. Minimum District Size: ............................... ............. .............................10 acres 5. Minimum Front Yard Setback: a. Principal Structure .................................................... .............................75 feet b. Accessory Structures: ............................................................................ 75 feet 6. Minimum Side Yard Setbacks: a. Principal Structures: ............................................................................. 50 feet b. Accessory Structures :.............................................. .............................50 feet 7. Minimum Rear Yard Setbacks: a. Principal Structures :................................................ .............................50 feet b. Accessory Structures: ............................................................................ 50 feet 8. Parking Setbacks: a. Minimum front Yard setback: ................................................................ 40 feet b. Minimum side Yard setback: ................................................................. 2 5 feet c. Minimum rear yard setback: ................................................................ 50 feet . 9. Building Size: a. Maximum Building Height (Principal or Accessory) ......... 75 Feet b. Minimum Building Size.. .10% of Subject Propert y