HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendaCITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ! (., � Monday O / 0 NOVEMBER 3, 2003 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff 3. Public Comment * *opportunity to bring issues to City Council attentior 4. Response to Public Comment ** ** update on prior public commem 5. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of October 21, 2003 Regular City Council Meeting b. Bills Listing C. Receive Donations for Parks and Recreation - r d. 2004 Dakota County Landfill Abatement �e• Cooperative Agreement with MNDOT for Snow Removal on Trunk Highway 3 f. Dakota County Mutual Aid Fire Services Agreement -III g . Authorize Preparation of Plans & Specifications - Uitdenbogerd Addition, City Project 373 Authorize Eminent Domain - Keegan Lake Outlet, City Project 343A _ o ii. Receive Bids / Award Contract for Keegan Lake Outlot, City Project 343A j . Gambling Premises Permit Renewal for VFW k. Accept Resignation of Building Official /Appoint Interim Building Official a 1. Amendment of City Code 3 -213: Saunas and Massage Parlors M. Amendment of City Code 3 -8: Adult Use Establishment )C v 1 .5 3 n. Set Public Hearing for Boeker Variance Appeal o. Approve 2004 Insurance Benefit Plan r. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Assessment Hearing - Connemara Trail, Phase II Improvements, City Project 343 Staff Comments ■ Applicant Comments ■ Open Public Hearing for Public Comment ■ Close Public Hearing ■ City Council Discussion and Action 8. PUBLIC HEARING - Assessment Hearing - 160' Street. Sanitary Sewer Extension, City Project 365 ■ Staff Comments ■ Applicant Comments ■ Open Public Hearing for Public Comment ■ Close Public Hearing ■ City Council Discussion and Action 9. OLD BUSINESS a. 10. NEW BUSINESS a. East Side Trail Project b. 11. LEGISLATIVE / INTERGOVERNMENTAL 12. ANNOUNCEMENTS 13. EXECUTIVE CLOSED SESSION - Administrator Performance Review 14. ADJOURNMENT Welcome to the Rosemount City Council ' Public Hearing Purpose of Public Hearing The purpose of the public hearing is to obtain comments related to how the issue affects the City and the residents. As designated by the City Council, the Rosemount Planning Commission conducts Public hearings on all land use applications. And, makes recommendations to the City Council and then Council makes the final decisions. Notifications have been posted at the site and previously been published and /or mailed to all property owners within 350 feet, or one - quarter of a mile if the property is zoned Agriculture, of a proposed project. Public Hearing Process In order to provide the greatest opportunity for informed comments, the process at public hearings is generally as follows: 1. The Developer and /or Applicant introduces himself /herself and the proposed project including major improvements and unique features of the project. 2. City Staff will provide a detailed review of the proposal and how it relates to the Comprehensive Plan and existing ordinances. Staff does not promote or advocate for the project. Staff identifies issues and proposed solutions as well as recommends stipulations related to existing City Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. 3. City Councilmembers will discuss and ask questions to clarify issues regarding the proposed project and /or staff report. 4. Public Hearing Comments.. We want you to feel comfortable in providing informed comments to the City Council and your comments are appreciated. Please state your name and address at the podium and sign in at the "sign in" list in the rear of the room. After your comments are received or heard, the City Council will ask the Developer and /or City Staff to address the questions raised and respond to your comments. 5. Discussion /Responses. 6. City Councilmembers will discuss a motion for action on the issue if desired. Thank you for your interest in the Rosemount City Council and City activities.