HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. 2004 Dakota County Landfill AbatementCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 6, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: 2004 Dakota County Landfill Abatement AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, City Engineer / Solid Waste Coordinator AGEN f TEM Iff 6 D C had Donnelly, ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, 2004 Abatement Application APPROVED BY: The Dakota County Environmental Management Division has established funds to be allocated to the communities of Dakota County for the purpose of funding a recycling and solid waste management program. The county makes these funds available to the cities to help defray the cost of administering a solid waste and recycling program. Based on the estimated population and number of households the City is prepared to receive $13,462 for this year's program. Attached is the 2004 application form, which includes a breakdown of the program budget and funding requirements. The City of Rosemount has participated in this program for the last several years. We hope to continue in this on -going effort for the general well being of our community. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO DAKTOA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT'S 2004 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2003 — A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT'S 2004 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, according to the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City Council of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 2004 Landfill Abatement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has established and desires to maintain a landfill abatement program which promotes recycling, waste reduction and reuse opportunities in the community and encourages landfill abatement; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 2004 Landfill Abatement Funding Application authorizing the necessary signatures thereon and its distribution to Dakota County. ADOPTED this P day of November, 2003. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the3rd day of November, 2003, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Second by: Voted against: ATTACHMENT A 2004 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT APPLICATION FOR BASE FUND Program: January 1, 2004 throujzh December 31, 2004 City /Township: City of Rosemount Population (2002 Est.): 17,293 Number of Households (2002 Est.) : 5289 Date Submitted: October 27, 2003 Amount of Funds Applied for: $13,462 Chad. donnelly(d,ci.rose Address: 2875 145 Street West E -mail mount.mn.us Rosemount, MN 55068 Address Contact: Chad Phone Number: 651- 322 -2005 Donnelly Attach a copy of the Official Resolution /Proceedings (an official action from the governing body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). SECTION I. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM FOR 2004 (Communities over 5,000 population) Provide a summary of proposed activities for 2004 in each of the following areas: A. Government Leadership Responsibilities Checklist — These activities apply to city in -house operations and facilities. Describe governmental leadership activities proposed for 2004 for each checked item on next page. Check Items Community must complete all (7 Points Each) J I. Complete annual checklist of environmental leadership activities (new). 2 ' Manage waste from its facilities as outlined in the Regional /Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan. 3 ' Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under its control (State �I law). Responsibilities for Improvement (choose one annually - 7 Points) 1 Increase the amount of products purchased that are made with post- consumer recycled materials. 2 Incorporate sustainable building practices into the deconstruction, construction or remodeling of public facilities. 3. Decrease the toxic /hazardous character and amount of chemicals used. 4. Decrease the amount of waste and recyclables generated on a per emp loyee basis. 5. Initiate and expand a vermiculture program. 6 Increase eco- printing techniques in community publications and documents on an ongoing basis. 7 Increase the reduction, reuse or recycling opportunities of MSW generated from community facility operations. Fax Number: 651- 423 -5203 Describe governmental leadership activities proposed for 2004 The City of Rosemount promotes the Recycle, Reduce and Reuse effort in all City facilities including City Hall, the Rosemount Community Center and City Parks. The City will continue to implement solidwaste management and recycling programs within these locations and look for new and improved strategies to enhance the program. The City of Rosemount will continue to promote recycling and solidwaste management throughout the community by use of the current curb -side recycle bin program or new programs that promote and raise the awareness to recycle. In cooperation with Dakota County staff, inspections are performed regularly on City landfills and waste generation sites. B. Recycling Operations Check Items Community must complete all 1 Attain a level of residential waste stream recycling that supports a 50% recycling goal for the County. 2 Assure recycling service in all multi - family buildings that includes all recyclables collected through the curbside collection program. Continue the curbside recycling of the following materials: newspaper, 3. magazines, mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers with a neck. i. Curbside recycline operations — Describe your community's curbside recycling operations. Communities are responsible for maintaining a Targeted Community Program that includes at least bi- weekly recyclable collection for single family and multi - family households using a recycling container. The Targeted Community Program requires collection of the following recyclables: newspaper, corrugated cardboard, residential office paper, magazines, cans (food & beverage), plastic container with a neck, and three colors of glass. The curb -side recycling program is a voluntary program offered to all residents within the community. Residents are responsible for contracting the services necessary for weekly collection of recyclable material by a solidwaste hauling contractor licensed to haul in the City of Rosemount. Curb -side bins are available at City Hall. A recycling survey conducted in 2002 showed a 90% recycling participation for the City of Rosemount. Heightening the awareness for the need and opportunity to recycle will continue to be a top priority for the Rosemount Solid Waste and Recycling Program. The service provider for the City of Rosemount provides for the placement of recycling containers in public parks and recreation areas. ii. Drop — offs — List the operators, addresses, days/hours of operation, and materials collected at drop -off centers located in the community. The City of Rosemount does not have a drop off operation. C. Solid Waste Education - Indicate on the checklist below your community's public educational /promotional activities proposed for 2004. For each item indicated in the following checklist, please describe the activity. Check Items Category A - Community must complete all J 1. Produce and distribute one written communication piece to each household, including all new residents and multi - family buildings. 2. Actively participate and contribute to monthly Local Solid Waste Staff meetings. 3. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of community activities (2004 only). 4. Su port and promote Dakota County's integrated solid waste management program. Category B (Community must complete five activities — 5 Points Each Make presentation to city employees regarding a government leadership activity. Make presentation. Make presentation. Make presentation. Make presentation. Sponsor a community clean up event. Sponsor a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two. Sponsor a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two). Sponsor a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two). Sponsor a community event for OEA's Source Reduction Campaign (if attended by over 100 people -- counts as two). Sponsor a community event for other County- approved campaign (if attended by over 100 p eople — count as two. Produce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi-family buildings. The piece was: Produce a written communication distributed at least once per year to every household, including multi - family buildings. The piece was: Distribute annual targeted public education topic /County /developed materials. Describe public educational /promotional activities proposed for 2004 Informational brochures, pamphlets and other source information have been very effective for public communication regarding recycling and solid waste management. Staff will work with an outside consultant to create a generic recycling and solidwaste management brochure for annual distribution. This information will also be made available at City Hall or by request of City residents. The City hosts an annual Clean Up day in the spring where residents are encouraged to dispose of items that are not normally accepted by the licensed hauler. In 2003, the City hosted its first Fall Clean Up day, with the same intentions, to dispose of unwanted items. Dakota County's Green Guide is an excellent resource for recycling and disposal of unwanted items. Copies of the Green Guide are made available at City Hall and through the USPS on behalf of Dakota County's Green Guide distribution program. D. Work Plan Provide a work plan for 2004 on an additional page (if needed) that lists the specific development objectives to be met and the indicated dates for completion. • March 2004 — Completion of informational brochure • March2004 — Renew Contract for City solidwaste collection and recycling service • April 2004 — Brochure Distribution • April 2004 — City Sponsors Earth Day event • May 2004 — Spring Clean Up Day Event • May 2004 — Initiate recycling in public parks and recreation areas • October 2004 — Fall Clean Up Day Event • December 2004 — Annual Recycling and solidwaste report submitted to Dakota County • December 2004 — Renew Solidwaste Hauling licenses Continue curb -side recycling program and participation in the County's Local Solid Waste Staff events. SECTION III. BUDGET — BASE FUND county Snare community Snare I U I AL Administrative Costs: $6212 $5000 $11,212 Direct Salaries Distribution Costs Direct Mileage $250 $250 $500 Direct Promotional Items Membership/Training Special Events (Displays, $3000 & Subscriptions Performance fees, Etc.) Consultant Services $2000 $2000 and /or Temporary Help Software Other (List & Describe) $500 [ $2000 Promotional Education: $500 Printing Costs Distribution Costs $500 Advertisements $500 Videos /Billboards Promotional Items $500 Special Events (Displays, $3000 $5000 Performance fees, Etc.) Other (List & Describe) $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $8000 $1000 TOTAL $ 13,462 $ 12,250 $ 25,712 Amount of Base Fund $ 13,462 Requested from County' * Communities may list program contribution in this column (community contributions are not required). ** Unexpended 2004 Base Fund amounts may not be carried over to 2005. * ** Base Fund Request may not exceed that amount shown on page 2. ATTACHMENT B 2004 COMMUNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT APPLICATION FOR CONTAINER FUND (OPTIONAL) Program Period: January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 City /Township: City of Rosemount Population (2002 Est.): 17,293 Number of Households (2002 Est.): Date Submitted: October 27, 2003 Chad Contact: Donnelly Phone Number: Address: 2875 145` Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2005 5289 651 Fax Number: 423 -5203 E -Mail Address: chad.donnelly@ ci.rosemount.m n.us Approval of City Administrator or Manager I. Number of containers required in 2004 Single Family 250 Multi - family 250 II. Delivery Location — List address for container delivery Rosemount City Hall 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 III. Distribution Method — Indicate the distribution method for the containers Note: Multi- family apartment containers are provided only upon agreement between building owners or managers and the City. Communities will distribute multi - family apartment containers in coordination with informational meetings for residents. Residents can pick up the curb -side bin at City Hall. Licensed haulers may also pick up bins for Rosemount residents, commercial users or multi - family residents.