HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. 10-Year Captial Improvement Plan(CIP) Working Program:NOIIDV 1IONnoo 'ELOZ 17 0OZ saea�( age aol unowaso�{ jo �( !O age ao� uaea6oad 6u!�ao g6no�y} M d10 aeGA -0 L ag1 anoidde o} uo!loW, ;NOIIDV 03aN3WWO03N - sated a}eaedes pm pal!elap swat! aull lenp!n!pu! aqj jo lie q }!nn peonpoid aq ll!nn juawnoop leu!I aqj panoidde aoup 'Aj!n!joe 10 sJeGA 0 L aqj 10 sa!aewwns eqj aae pagoeue sa6ed aql •snnoa6 Apnwwoo ano se anlona pue sj aan}nl.ui eoueaeadde ui abuego ll!nn juawnoop sl `sseooid seiba le!oueuid Aay{ aqj jo :ped sy 'paenr iol sao6 ssaooid Sdyl eqj se a6uego Alsnonu!luoo ll!nn legl weiboid 6u!�jonnpoo6 o aq 016u!u9na slgl nog( aaolaq juawnoop aqj ana!laq I - 6u uueld aie am nnoq pue sn }e Tool salouaft ap!slno se 41!0 aqj jpuaq osle ll!M 11 }uawnoop auo ur pue ssaooad auo ur 6uiuueld le}!deo ano jo Ile le Tool an!suagaadwoo aaow uana ue a�ej of sn nn olle ll!nn SjN Inq u!ewaa ll!nn nnou 6ulop aae ann }egnn jo }deouoo aqj •aoeld a�ej II!nn sa6uego pue palenlena aq ll!M 6u!uueld lej!deo le Tool ann nnoq sseooid (S-Iyi) sal6a}eajS le loueu!d Aayl eqj u!6aq am sy •a:in}nj eqj ui uodn pl!nq of (sea aq ll!nn }eqj juawnoop 6u!NJOm o!}s!leaa tian e oJu! panlona seg si1700Z pUe adegs aa4aq ue� e} seg ueld aqI aeaA gae3 •paleldwoo uaeq seq leg} dl:D aeeA -oL _glg6le eql sl slq I •we.iboad 6u{�. OM dlO Je9A-0L GqI Jo:eap leu!j ay} jO lenoidde aq} s! 6uluan,a slgl uo!leiep!suoo jnoAaod �J18 a3A0?�ddd sa6ed tiewwnS dl� aeaA i :S1N3WHn COOZ `8L aaquaanoN :31VG SN1133IN �IONnoo kilo NOII3V MO=l kNvwwns 3 in33X3 1NnoW3SON 30 AII3 t/llbr 3 9 # tGN30`d AeW aoioaalc aou -.ar :AS a3NVd3Ud }uasu00 Wea6oad 6uNaoM - :NO1103S VON39V (dlO)ueld luau.wanoidwl lel!deo leek -OL :W311 V(3N3E)V COOZ `8L aaquaanoN :31VG SN1133IN �IONnoo kilo NOII3V MO=l kNvwwns 3 in33X3 1NnoW3SON 30 AII3 10 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BACKGROUND Historically, the City of Rosemount has usually had some form of 5 -year CIP in place to utilize for its capital improvements. There have been times where just a single year's capital improvements have been addressed and funded. As the City continues to grow, we believe that the careful development and continuous utilization of a realistic Capital Improvement Plan is essential to the proper management of the City. As we looked at developing a new 5- year CIP, it became apparent that the dilemma that the City of Rosemount faces is one of continued growth combined with restoration/reconstruction of the older portions of our city. This being the case, it was almost impossible to develop a plan for a 5 -year period that was very realistic. As work continued on the plan, we decided to explore the possibility of looking out farther and developing a longer plan that would more realistically allow us to plan for the City's future. What has evolved is the following 10 -year Capital Improvements Plan. We believe that great strides have been made to more accurately plan for the future of the City of Rosemount. This document is only a working guide that is utilized by the City Council and its staff to prepare for the future. The first year of.the plan will be included as part of the formal budget that is prepared yearly as part of our Truth-in-Taxation process with the following years developed as a working tool for future years' discussions. GENERAL /ADMINISTRATIVE DESCRIPTION The CIP provides for specific funding of items, the nature of which is not considered "current" in their use or life expectancy. These items are generally of a higher estimated cost than $5,000 and will have a life expectancy of 3 years or greater. The source of funding for these expenditures is typically the general tax levy. In some instances, other funding is utilized. For example, beginning in 1996, revenues received from user fees are being designated in various CIP funds for capital improvement/equipment purchases. If these revenues are realized, the equipment or project will be completed and if the revenue is not realized the equipment will not be purchased. Individual departments are designated for each item proposed for purchase in this plan. TYPES OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS Another area of change for the CIP is the implementation of three separate funds to isolate and better track the types of capital improvements being planned for. The following briefly describes each of the three: Building CIP Fund - This fund is used to account for the on -going capital improvements and possible additions to government buildings. Street CIP Fund - This fund is used to account for the on -going street construction and reconstruction projects within the City and all other major maintenance items related to both paved and unpaved streets including, but not limited to, street lights, signal lights, sidewalks and gravel road resurfacing. Equipment CIP Fund - This fund is used to account for the on -going replacement of and additions to City equipment. Total Levy - Year 2004 1,330,100 (1) Downtown Redevelopment funding unknown at this time. (2) Library land purchase funding proposed to be used from General Fund reserves at the time of the purchase. (3) Other funding for SCBA units comes from 2003 CIP budgeted amount encumbered forward. (4) McMenomy property purchase funding unknown at this time. (5) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (6) Rehab areas include (1) Danbury - Upper 145th to 1471h; (2) Danmask -Upper 145th to 147th; (3) Dahomey - Upper 145th to 147th; (4) Dallara - 145th to Dodd; (5) Upper 145th - Danbury to Dahomey; (6) 147th - Danbury to Dahomey (7) Funding for Well #14 will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. MSA Year Priority Level Item - Description Department Building CIP Levy Street CIP Levy Equi mnt CIP Levy Assess Park Imp Fund Funds From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water Utility Sewer Utility Storm Utility Donations Other Total Cost 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 20041 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 Downtown Redevelopment Count Libra Land Purchase) 1995 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) 1996 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) 2001 Lease-Purchase (10-Years) SCBA Units Replaced (1991 Units) Replace C/C Carpeting Park Signs New Park Built - Brockway Development New Park Built - Mines Development McMenomy Property Purchase Emergency Equipment for Squads & Installation Field Reporting Software Mobile Radios for 3 Squads 8 Hand -Held Radios (Replacements) 3 AED Units Defibulators Police Records, CAD & Mobile S/W Pmt 3 of 3 3 Squads Self Back 2 - #2040 & 2080 - 1 New PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch Yr 6 of 20) Street Rehabilitation Projects See Below) Connemara Trail Overpass Design Paint Striper for Ball Fields (Replace #113) Pickup (Replace #342) Paver (Replace #128 Paint Inside of Connemara Water Tower Well #14 Construction Comm Dev Council Council Council Council Fire Park & Rec Park & Rec Park & Rec Park & Rec Park & Rec Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works 15,000 24,000 750,000 50,800 64,900 115,400 47,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 49,000 70,000 12,000 33,000 60,000 1 209,600 5,000 300,000 300,000 1 100,000 20,000 1,200,000 10,000 - 10,000 500,000 500,000 85,000 500,000 130,000 500,000 500,000 50,800 64,900 115,400 132,000 15,000 10,000 300,000 300,000 500,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 49,000 70,000 44,000 1,089,6 00 100,600 12,000 33,000 60,000 20,000 1,200,000 Totals 39,000 750,000 541,100 209,600 605,000 100,000 1,220,000 10,000 10,000 1,715,000 5,199,700 Total Levy - Year 2004 1,330,100 (1) Downtown Redevelopment funding unknown at this time. (2) Library land purchase funding proposed to be used from General Fund reserves at the time of the purchase. (3) Other funding for SCBA units comes from 2003 CIP budgeted amount encumbered forward. (4) McMenomy property purchase funding unknown at this time. (5) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (6) Rehab areas include (1) Danbury - Upper 145th to 1471h; (2) Danmask -Upper 145th to 147th; (3) Dahomey - Upper 145th to 147th; (4) Dallara - 145th to Dodd; (5) Upper 145th - Danbury to Dahomey; (6) 147th - Danbury to Dahomey (7) Funding for Well #14 will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. Total Levy -Year 2005 -2,480,300 " "•' Proposed Lease - Purchase for large equipment needs (coincides with 2 lease- purchases being paid off in 2005 and 2006). (1) Downtown Redevelopment funding unknown at this time. (2) Ice -edger & painting funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (3) Funding for the New Fire Station #2 will come if a referendum is passed on the issue and bonds are issued. (4) Funding for Athletic Complex land purchase unknown at this time. (5) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees: (6) Rehab areas include (1) 146th - Chippendale to Cameo; (2) Chianti - 145th to Lower 147th; (3) Canada - 145th to 147th; (4) Lower 147th - Chili to Canada; (5) Chili 147th to Lower 147th; (6) 147th - Chippendale to Chili; (7) Dodd Court - Dodd Boulevard,to West End; (8) Danbury Way - McAndrews to McAndrews (Whole Loop) (7) Funding for Evermoor Lift Station & Outlet will come from a Storm Water Revenue bond issue. MSA Funds Priority Building Street Equipmnt Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Total Year Level Item - Description Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Assess Fund State Core Core Core Unlit Utility Utility Donations Other Cost 2005 2 Battery Powered Ice -Edger Arena 5,000 5,000 2005 2 Paint Ceilin and Duct Work Arena 15,000 15,000 2005 1 Downtown Redevelopment Comm Dev 500,000 500,000 2005 2 1995 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) Council 50,800 50,800 2005 2 1996 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) Council 64,900 64,900 2005 2 2001 Lease - Purchase (10- Years) Council 115,400 115,400 2005 2 PC Printer Replacements From 1999 & 2000) Finance 20,000 20,000 2005 2 PC Workstation Upgrades (From 2001) Finance 70,000 70,000 2005 1 New Fire Station #2 Fire 1,000,000 1,000,000 2005 2 AED Unit (Defibulator Fire 5,000 5,000 2005 2 Refurbish Unit #3590 14 Years Old Fire 25,000 25,000 20051 1 Tanker (Addition ) Fire "'•" 190,000 190,000 2005 2 Rescue Pumper Truck Replace old Rescue) Fire " 350,000 350,000 2005 2 Replace Camfield Park Shelter Park & Rec 21,000 21,000 2005 1 New Neighborhood Park Built (N -1 ) Park & Rec 350,000 350,000 2005 2 Land Purchase for Athletic Complex Park & Rec 2,500,000 2,500,000 2005 2 Ticket Writer Software & Printers Police 9,000 9,000 2005 3 Investigative Technology E uipment Police 10,000 10,000 2005 3 Video Cameras fora Sq uads Police 15,000 15,000 2005 1 Emergency Equipment forSquads & Installation Police 25,000 1 25,000 2005 1 3 Squads (Sell Back 2- #9850 & 2110 - 1 New) Police 65,000 65,000 2005 2 PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch Yr 7 of 20) Pub Works 24,000 - 10,000 10,000 44,000 2005 2 Street Rehabilitation Projects See Below Pub Works 1,960,200 319,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 2,529,200 2005 1 Connemara Trail Overpass Construction Pub Works 2,000,000 2,000,000 2005 1 Versaltile Tractor (Addition for Sidewalk Plowing) Pub Works ....... 70,000 70,000 2005 1 Dual Broom Sweeper (Replace #443 Pub Works " *' *•" 120,000 120,000 20051 2 Dump Truck (Replace #430) Pub Works '•'•'" 120,000 120,000 2005 2 Dump Truck (Addition) Pub Works .' "" 120,000 120,000 2005 2 Loader (Replace #419 ) Pub Works ....... 200,000 200,000 2005 1 Paint Connemara Tower & Structural Repairs Pub Works 500,000 500,000 2005 2 Jetter Truck (Replace #435) Pub Works 140,000 140,000 2005 1 Evermoor Lift Station & Outlet (Storm CIP 14) Pub Works :550,0]00 550,000 Totals 1 45,000 11,960,200 . 475,100 319,000 350,000 2,000,000 500,000 140,000 550,000 60,000 600001 50,000 1 5,290,000 11,799,300 Total Levy - Year 2006 2,021,600 (1) Batteries & compressors funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Funding for building of Athletic Complex unknown at this time. (3) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (4) Rehab areas include (1) Canada - 147th to Lower 150th; (2) Camfield - Lower 150th to North End; (3) Upper 147th - Chili to Canada; (4) 148th- Chili to Canada; (5) 149th - Canada to Charleston; (6) Charleston - 148th to Lower 150th; (7) Upper 149th - Chippendale to Charleston; (8) Upper 149th Ct. - Upper 149th to North End; (9) Chevelle Ct. - Upper 149th to North End; (10) Chili - 148th to Lower 147th; (11) Danville - December Trail to 153rd; (12) Lower 150th - Camfield Circle to Charleston (5) Other funding for County Road 73 project from County share of project and City of Inver Grove Heights share of project. (6) Funding for Shannon Pond Outlet will come from a Storm Water Revenue bond issue. MSA Funds Priority Building Street E ui mnt Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Total Year Level Item - Description Department CIP Levy CIP Levy CIP Levy Assess Fund State Core Core ' Core utility Utility Utilit Donations Other Cost 2006 2 City Records Management Software & Equip Admin 25,000 2006 1 New Batteries for Zamboni Arena 25,000 2006 2 Compressor Replacements for Chiller 2 Arena 6,000 6,000 2006 2 1996 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) Council 64,900 30,000 30,000 2006 2 2001 Lease- Purchase 10- Years) Council 115,4001 64,900 2006 2 2004 Lease-Purchase (10-Years) Council 140,000 - 115,400 2006 2 CIP Reserves - Future Street Projects Council 100,000 140,000 2006 2 PC File Server Replacements Both - From 2003 Finance 50,000 - 100,000 2006 2 Refurbish SGBA Com ressor Fire 5,000 50,000 2006 2 Radio Replacements fReplace Obsolete Fire 85,000 5,000 2006 2 C/C Banquet Room Floor Work Park & Rec 10,000 85,000 2006 1 Replace C/C Floor Scrubber Park &Rec 10,000 10,000 10,000 2006 4 Pave Erickson Park Parking Lot Park &Rec 80,0001 2006 1 New Neighborhood Park Built (N -2) Park &Rec 300,0001 80,000 300,000 2006 1 Build Community Playfield Park & Rec 600,000 6 002000 2006 3 Build Athletic Complex Park & Rec 4,000,000 4, 2006 1 2 Laser Replacements Police 5,000 5,000 5,000 2006 1 5.Radar Replacements Police 8,0 00 2006 3 Video Cameras for 4 Squads Police 1 ,000 12,000 2006 1 Emergency Equipment for Squads & Installation Police 16,000 2006 2 Image Software for Mug Shots & Fingerprints Police 50,000 16,000 2006 1 3 Squads Sell Back 3 - #320, 330 & 370) Police 80,000 50,000 2006 2 PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch (Yr 8 of 20). Pub Works 24,000 - 10,000 - 10,000 - 80,000 44,000 2006 2 Street Rehabilitation Projects See Below Pub Works 1 448,300 376,400 50,000 50,000 50;000 100,000 1,074,700 2006 2 Street Recon -CR 73 - CSAH 42 to North City Limit Pub Works 450,000 900,000 1,250,000 2,600,000 2006 2 Shop Hoist Replace #1 Pub Works 9,000 9,000 2006 2 70KW Standby Generator Re lace #54 )(City Hall) Pub Works 30,000 2006 2 Pickup (Replace #306) Pub Works 33,000 30,000 2006 _ 2 Pickup (Replace #307 Pub Works 33,000 33,000 2006 2 Pickup (Addition) Pub Works 33,000 33,000 33,000 2006 2 Tractor (Replace #406) Pub Works 50,000 50,000 2006 2 Mower (Replace #73 Pub Works 80,000 2006 1 Mower Addition Pub Works 80,000 80,000 80,000 2006 1 Well #15 Land Acquisition Pub Works 250,000 250,000 2006 1 Shannon Pond Outet Storm CIP 5 Pub Works 850,000 850,000 Totals 34,000 198,300 989,300 376,400 980,000 900,000 250,000 850,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 5,350,000 10,898,000 Total Levy - Year 2006 2,021,600 (1) Batteries & compressors funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Funding for building of Athletic Complex unknown at this time. (3) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (4) Rehab areas include (1) Canada - 147th to Lower 150th; (2) Camfield - Lower 150th to North End; (3) Upper 147th - Chili to Canada; (4) 148th- Chili to Canada; (5) 149th - Canada to Charleston; (6) Charleston - 148th to Lower 150th; (7) Upper 149th - Chippendale to Charleston; (8) Upper 149th Ct. - Upper 149th to North End; (9) Chevelle Ct. - Upper 149th to North End; (10) Chili - 148th to Lower 147th; (11) Danville - December Trail to 153rd; (12) Lower 150th - Camfield Circle to Charleston (5) Other funding for County Road 73 project from County share of project and City of Inver Grove Heights share of project. (6) Funding for Shannon Pond Outlet will come from a Storm Water Revenue bond issue. Total Levy - Year 2007 2,079,500 (1) Cooling tower funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves: (2) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB "User Fees. (3) Rehab areas include (1) Chorley - Upper 149th to Upper 1481h; (2) Chrome- Dodd to 146th; (3) Chrysler - 149th to Upper 148th; (4) Cimarron - 148th to Upper 1491h; (5) Upper 149th - Cimarron to Chorley; (6) Upper 149th - Chorley to Chippendale; (7) Upper 148th- Cimarron to Chorley; (8) 146th - Chippendale to Cimarron; (9) 147th - Chippendale to Cimarron; (10) 148th - Chippendale to Cimarron; (11) 149th - Chrysler to Chorley (4) Other funding for County Road 42 / US Highway project from Federal share of project. State share of project and County share of project. (5) Funding for Well #15 will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. MSA Funds Year Priority Level Item - Description Department Building CIP Levy Street CIP Levy E uipmnt CIP Levy Assess Park Imp Fund From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water Utility Sewer utility Storm Utility Donations Other Total Cost 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 20071 2007T 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2 " 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Replace Cooling Tower - 2001 Lease - Purchase 10 -Years 2004 Lease-Purchase (10-Years) CIP Reserves - Future Street Projects PC Printer Replacements (From 2003 ) PC Workstation Upgrades (From 2003) 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement ('91 Vehicle ) Replace Banquet Room Wail Paper Comm Ctr New Neighborhood Park Built 3 New Radar Units E ui ment for New Squad Command Post Vehicle (Joint Purchase) Radio Communications Upgrades 4 Squads (Sell Back 3 - #9610,440 & 480 - 1 New) PW Bldg Add'n Lease /Purch (Yr 9 of 20) Street Rehabilitation Projects See Below CR 42 / US Hn 52 (Design & ROW Costs) Inspection Vehicle (Replace #308 ) Inspection Vehicle (Replace #309 Pickup Replace #345 1 -Ton Pickup (Replace #344) Snowblower for Loader (Replace #220) Dump Truck (Replace #427) Well #15 Construction Arena Council Council Council Finance Finance Fire Park & Rec Park & Rec Police Police Police Police Police Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works 15,000 24,000 1 400,000 234,100 500,000 115,400 140,000 20,000 70,000 35,000 5,000 1 18,000 25,000 50,000 110,000. 30,000 30,000 33,000 45,000 60,000 120,000 332,800 - 400,000 400,000 - 1,250,000 10,000 50,000 - 10,000 50,000 50,000 - 30 1 1 100,000 3,100,000 30,000 115,400 140,000 400,000 20,000 70,000 35,000 15,000 400,000 5,000 18,000 25,000 50,000 110,000 44,000 816,900 .4,000,000 30,000 30,000 33,000 45,000 60,000 120,000 1,250,000 Totals 39,000 1,134,100 906,400 332,800 400.000"1 400,000 1,250,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 3,230,000 7,862,300 Total Levy - Year 2007 2,079,500 (1) Cooling tower funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves: (2) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB "User Fees. (3) Rehab areas include (1) Chorley - Upper 149th to Upper 1481h; (2) Chrome- Dodd to 146th; (3) Chrysler - 149th to Upper 148th; (4) Cimarron - 148th to Upper 1491h; (5) Upper 149th - Cimarron to Chorley; (6) Upper 149th - Chorley to Chippendale; (7) Upper 148th- Cimarron to Chorley; (8) 146th - Chippendale to Cimarron; (9) 147th - Chippendale to Cimarron; (10) 148th - Chippendale to Cimarron; (11) 149th - Chrysler to Chorley (4) Other funding for County Road 42 / US Highway project from Federal share of project. State share of project and County share of project. (5) Funding for Well #15 will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. Total Levy - Year 2008 2,522,300 (1) Compressor, Refrigerator& Concession Equipment, and Skate Tile funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (3) Rehab areas include (1) Biscayne Way - 145th to Biscayne Ave.; (2) Cambrian - Lower 147th to TH 3;.(3) Camero Lane - Cambrian to South End; (4) Chinchilla - McAndrews to 127th Ct.; (5) Cicerone Path- Cornell Tr. to 158th; (6) Claret - Cornell Tr. to 156th; (7) Cornell Ct. N. - Cornell Tr. to North End; (8) Cornell CL S. - Cornell Tr. to South End; Cornell Tr. at 156th; (9) Cornell Tr. - Shannon Pkwy. to 156th; (10) Crestone CL - Cornell Tr. to West End; (11) Daffodil Path - Shannon Pkwy to Dalton Lane; (12) Cavenport Ct. - Davenport Path to North End; (13) Davy CL - Connemara to North End; (14) Delta Place - Connemara to North End; (15) 127th Ct. - Chinchilla to East End; (16) 156th - Claret to Chippendale; (17) 157th CL - Danville to West End; (18) 158th - Danville to Dakota Lane (4) Other funding for County Road 421 US Highway project from Federal share of project, State share of project and County share of project. MSA Year Priorit Level Item - Description Department Building CIP Levy Street CIP Levy Equipmnt CIP Levy Assess Park Imp Fund Funds From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water Utility Sewer utility Storm Utility Donations Other Total Cost 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 20081 20081 20081 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Com ressor Refrigerator & Concession Equipment Replace Skate Tile 2001 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) 2004 Lease-Purchase (10- Years) CIP Reserves - Future Street Projects Hose Replacement. Replace Cooler & Freezer in Kitchen Comm Ctr New Neighborhood Park Built 14 AED Units Defibulators - Replacements MDT Upgrades 3 S l ads (Sell Back 3 - #5110, 9860 & 541 ) PW Bldg Add'n LeasatPurch Yr 10 of 20 Street Rehabilitation Projects (See Below) CR 42 / US Hwy 52 (ROW Costs & Construction ) Trailer (Replace #514 Fleet Vehicle (Replace 1998 Windstar Van) Bobcat Replace #? ? ?? ) Backhoe Replace #407 Mower Replace #68 Dump Truck (Replace #431 ) Arena Arena Arena Council Council Council Fire Park & Rec Park & Rec Police Police Police Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works 24,000 200,000. 1,244,900 275,000 115,400 140,000 6,000 15,000 12,000 50,000 85,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 80,000 80,000 120,000 725,300 400,000 4001000 10,000 50,000 10.0001 50,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 45,000 - 1 100,000 14,325,000 � 10,000 10;000 45,000 115,400 140,000 200,000 6,000 15,000 400,000 12,000 50,000 85,000 44,000 2,220,200 15,000,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 80,000 80,000 120,000 Totals 24,000 1,719,900 778,400 1 725,300 400,000 400,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 14,490,000 18,707,600 Total Levy - Year 2008 2,522,300 (1) Compressor, Refrigerator& Concession Equipment, and Skate Tile funding comes from Arena Fund operations /reserves. (2) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (3) Rehab areas include (1) Biscayne Way - 145th to Biscayne Ave.; (2) Cambrian - Lower 147th to TH 3;.(3) Camero Lane - Cambrian to South End; (4) Chinchilla - McAndrews to 127th Ct.; (5) Cicerone Path- Cornell Tr. to 158th; (6) Claret - Cornell Tr. to 156th; (7) Cornell Ct. N. - Cornell Tr. to North End; (8) Cornell CL S. - Cornell Tr. to South End; Cornell Tr. at 156th; (9) Cornell Tr. - Shannon Pkwy. to 156th; (10) Crestone CL - Cornell Tr. to West End; (11) Daffodil Path - Shannon Pkwy to Dalton Lane; (12) Cavenport Ct. - Davenport Path to North End; (13) Davy CL - Connemara to North End; (14) Delta Place - Connemara to North End; (15) 127th Ct. - Chinchilla to East End; (16) 156th - Claret to Chippendale; (17) 157th CL - Danville to West End; (18) 158th - Danville to Dakota Lane (4) Other funding for County Road 421 US Highway project from Federal share of project, State share of project and County share of project. Total Levy - Year 2009 2,573,700 , (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) Dallara - Dodd to Upper 150th; (2) Damask Ave. Dodd to Upper 150th; (3) Damask Ct. - Dodd to North End; (4) Upper 150th - Dallara to West End; (5) Shannon Pkwy Connemara to CR 38 MSA Year Priority Level Item - Description D'e artment Building CIP Levy Street CIP Levy E ui mnt CIP Levy Assess Park Im Fund Funds From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water Utility Sewer utility Storm Utility Donations Other Total Cost 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 20081 20091 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2001 Lease - Purchase 10 -Years 2004 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) CIP Reserves - Future Street Projects PC Printer Replacements From 2005) PC File Server Replacements (Both - From 2006) PC Workstation Upgrades From 2005) 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement '00 Vehicle) Replace Ice -Maker in Kitchen Comm Ctr) Resurface Tennis Courts Upgrade Offices, Holding Cells & Interview Rms 4 AED Units Defibulators - New Units 3 Squads (Sell Back 3 - #620, 630 & 670 ) PW Bldg Add'n Lease/Purch (Yr 11 of 20) Street Rehabilitation Projects (See Below ) Pickup Replace Building Department's) Brush Chipper Addition Tree Spade (Replace #406 Water Truck Addition Dump Truck (Replace #432 ) Well #16 Land Acquisition Twin Puddles Outlet Storm CIP 11 Council Council Council Finance Finance Finance Fire Park & Rec Park & Rec Police Police Police Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works 70,000 24,000 900,000 722,300 1 115,400 140,000 20,000 50,000 70,000 30,000 9,000 16,000 12,000 90,0001 25,000 30,000 30,000 100,000 120,000 163,000 250,000 120,000 10,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 115,400 140,000 900,000 20,000 50,000 70,000 30,000 9,000 16,000 70,000 12,000 90,000 44,000 1,135,300 25,000 30,000 30;000 100,000 120,000 250,000 120,000 Totals 1 94,000 11,622,300 857,400 163,000 250,000 120,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 100,000 3,376,700 Total Levy - Year 2009 2,573,700 , (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) Dallara - Dodd to Upper 150th; (2) Damask Ave. Dodd to Upper 150th; (3) Damask Ct. - Dodd to North End; (4) Upper 150th - Dallara to West End; (5) Shannon Pkwy Connemara to CR 38 Total Levy - Year 2010 2,474,300 (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) 130th St. - TH 3 to 130th Way; (2) 128th - Bacardi to Bengal; (3) 130th Way - Bengal to 130th; (4) Shannon Pkwy. - 160th to CSAH 42 (3) Funding for Well #16 and the Water Storage Facility will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. MSA Year Priority Level Item - Description Department Building CIP Lev Street CIP Levy Equipmnt CIP Levy Assess Park Imp Fund Funds From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water utility Sewer Utility Storm Utilit Donations Other Total Cost 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2001 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) 2004 Lease - Purchase 10 -Years 1 /2.Ton 4x4 Pickup (Replace 1999 Vehicle) Replace Banquet Room Partitions & Hardware Remodel /Refurnish Soft Interview Room 3 Mobile Radios 3 Squads Sell Back 3 - #740, 751 & 780) PW Bldg Add'n Lease /Purch Yr 12 of 20 Street Rehabilitation Projects (See Below Pickup Replace #331 Pickup (Replace #332 Pickup (Replace #333) Pickup (Replace #334) Picku Replace #343) Dump Truck (Replace #433) Dump Truck Replace #434 Loader (Replace 1995 Well #16 Construction Water Storage Facility Council Council Fire Park & Rec Police Police Police Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works 30,000 30,000 24,000 1,392,400 115,400 140,000 30,000 7,500 90,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,0001 33,000 120,000 130,000 200,000 - 57,400 1,250,000. 2,700,000 10,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 - 115,400 140,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 7,500. 90,000 44,000 1,599,800 33,000 - 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 120,000 130,000 200,000 1,250,000 2,700,000 Totals 84,000 1,392,400 997,900 57,400 3,950,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 8,651,700 Total Levy - Year 2011 2,468,100 (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) 152nd - Diamond Path to Danville; (2) Darling Path- 156th to Danbury; (3) Darjeeling Ct. - 152nd to North End; (4) Cantata - 144th to 143rd; (5) 143rd - Chili to Cantata; (6) Delta Ct. - Delta Ave. to West End; (7) Cobbler - Shannon Pkwy to Crocus Way; (8) Copper Cf. Connemara to South End; (9) 138th Cl. - Diamond Path to East End; (10) Danville Ct. - 138th Ct. to North End; (I I) Darnell Ct. - 138th Ct. to South End; (12) Dellwood Cl. - Dellwood Way to North End; (13) Dalton Lane - Daffodil Path to Shannon Pkwy.; (14) Upper 143rd - Chili to Cantata; (15) 137th Ct. - 137th St. to South End; (16) Dewberry Ct. - 152nd to South End; (17) Connemara Tr. Diamond Path to Shannon Pkwy. MSA Year Priority Level Item - Description De artment Building CIP Levy Street CIP Levy E ui mnt CIP Levy Assess Park Imp Fund Funds From State Water Core Sewer Core Storm Core Water Utility Sewer Utility Storm Utility Donations Other Total Cost 2011 2 2001 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) Council 115,400 115,400 2011 2 2004 Lease - Purchase 10- Years) Council 140,000 140,000 2011 2 CIP Reserves - Future Street Projects Council 1,000,000 1,000,000 2011 2 PC Printer Replacements (From 2007) Finance 20,000 20,000 2011 2 - PC Workstation Upgrades (From 2007 ) Finance 70,000 70,000 2011 1 1 Recording Equipment Replacements Police 10,000 10,000 2011 1 4 Mobile Radios Police 10,000 10,000 2011 1 4 Squads (Sell Back 4 - #190, 450, 841 R 8110 ) Police 120,000 120,000 2011 2 PW Bldg Add'n LeaselPurch Yr 13 of 20) Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2011 1 City Shop Addition Pub Works 250,000 250,000 2011 2 Street Rehabilitation Projects See Below Pub Works 477,700 424,600 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 1,152,300 2011 2 Pickup (Replace #311 ) Pub Works. 33,000 1 33,000 2011 2 Pickup (Replace #312) Pub Works 33,000 33,000 2011 2 1 -Ton Pickup (Replace #310 ) Pub Works 45,000 45,000 2011 1 Dump Truck (Addition) Pub Works 120,000 120,000 2011 2 Vac Truck Replacement 1995 Vehicle) Pub Works 300,000 300,000 Totals 1 274,000 11,477,700 716,400 424,600 300,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 100,000 3,462,700 Total Levy - Year 2011 2,468,100 (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) 152nd - Diamond Path to Danville; (2) Darling Path- 156th to Danbury; (3) Darjeeling Ct. - 152nd to North End; (4) Cantata - 144th to 143rd; (5) 143rd - Chili to Cantata; (6) Delta Ct. - Delta Ave. to West End; (7) Cobbler - Shannon Pkwy to Crocus Way; (8) Copper Cf. Connemara to South End; (9) 138th Cl. - Diamond Path to East End; (10) Danville Ct. - 138th Ct. to North End; (I I) Darnell Ct. - 138th Ct. to South End; (12) Dellwood Cl. - Dellwood Way to North End; (13) Dalton Lane - Daffodil Path to Shannon Pkwy.; (14) Upper 143rd - Chili to Cantata; (15) 137th Ct. - 137th St. to South End; (16) Dewberry Ct. - 152nd to South End; (17) Connemara Tr. Diamond Path to Shannon Pkwy. Total Levy - Year 2012 2,708,800 (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) Crescent Cir. 144th to South End; (2) 144th - Shannon Pkwy. to Cobbler; (3) Cobbler - Crocus Way to 144th; (4) Cormarant Way at Cobbler; (5) 143rd - Shannon Pkwy. to Cobbler; (6) Crofton Ct. - 143rd to North End; (7) Cranberry Way - Shannon Pkwy. to 143rd; (8) Shannon Pkwy. - CSAH 42 to 145th a �® .�. . ��.' . -� ®� - •' - -• -' ' • - a ' - .. :. . 1 / • : - 1 r r : r Ro M r 1 f o r New S q ua d �- � �� ®� ®� 1 11 1 ®® 111 111 _ 1 11 1 ®-- - ®_- �--- ® ®- ® ® - ® ® ® - - - ® - ® ® ®® ®� -® 111 111 1 111 111 1 111 1 1 • 1 1''} 1 111 ®� : r � ` I r c . c • . 1 �7}� 11 1 S ® - ®_ ® -- 1 1 11 1 1 11 - ®® ' ' 111 ��,'�`.�� _- • r •__ ���®- 1• : 11 ® 1 e 1 ® -- ® ® _ - ®- ®� ® 1 1 11 - 1 111 -_ 1- 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 ®� —����® ®ems ® ® — ®ate■ ® ®® � r - � 111 / • : 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ® - - -® . 1 111 . 1 111 1 111 ® _ _/ 1 11 1 1 1 / Total Levy - Year 2012 2,708,800 (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) Crescent Cir. 144th to South End; (2) 144th - Shannon Pkwy. to Cobbler; (3) Cobbler - Crocus Way to 144th; (4) Cormarant Way at Cobbler; (5) 143rd - Shannon Pkwy. to Cobbler; (6) Crofton Ct. - 143rd to North End; (7) Cranberry Way - Shannon Pkwy. to 143rd; (8) Shannon Pkwy. - CSAH 42 to 145th a Total Levy - Year 2013 2,592,800 (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) 149th,- Shannon Pkwy. to Crestview; (2) Upper 149th- Crestview to Colorado; (3) Delft - 145th to Upper 145th; (4) Currant Cir. - Shannon Pkwy. to East End; (5) Danbury Ct. - Danbury Path to North End; (6) Chokecherry - 155th to 154th; (7) Delmar CL - Upper 148th to North End; (6) Upper 148th - Diamond Path to Delft; (9) Dallas - Connemara to Dartmouth Path; (10) Shannon Pkwy. - 145th to Connemara; (11) Dodd Blvd. - 132nd to CR 38 (3) Funding for Well #17 will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. ®• -- - r e, a Rill 5- - - ® ®_- a „e mom Me _® �� ® ®��_� ®ass ®���������� ■�� .. - e,e Total Levy - Year 2013 2,592,800 (1) Other funding for Street Rehabilitation Projects comes from SKB User Fees. (2) Rehab areas include (1) 149th,- Shannon Pkwy. to Crestview; (2) Upper 149th- Crestview to Colorado; (3) Delft - 145th to Upper 145th; (4) Currant Cir. - Shannon Pkwy. to East End; (5) Danbury Ct. - Danbury Path to North End; (6) Chokecherry - 155th to 154th; (7) Delmar CL - Upper 148th to North End; (6) Upper 148th - Diamond Path to Delft; (9) Dallas - Connemara to Dartmouth Path; (10) Shannon Pkwy. - 145th to Connemara; (11) Dodd Blvd. - 132nd to CR 38 (3) Funding for Well #17 will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. Total Levy - Year ? ? ?? 1,941,200 (1) Future costs associated with the sanitary sewer will include extensive street reconstruction on the following streets: 124th St, 125th St, Blanca Ave W, 128th St, Bolivia Ave, 130th St W, Biscayne Ave, Bengal Ave, 129th St W. CR 38, 132nd Court and Bonnaire Path. Costs and funding are not available at this time. (2) Other funding for County Road 33 project from County share of project and City of Apple Valley share of project. (3) Other funding for Boulder Avenue extension will come from a Port Authority bond issue. (4) Rehab areas include (1) 124th Ct. - Akron to West End; (2) Doyle Path — Courthouse Blvd. to South End; (3) Delta - Connemara to Dearborn Path; (4) Dearborn Path - West End to Shannon Pkwy.; (5) Dane - Dearborn Path to North End; (6) Dartmouth Path - Delta to Dane; (7) Daytona Way - Dartmouth Path to Dallas; (8) Dander CL - Shannon Pkwy to West End; (9) Danville - 160th to Upper 156th n M TV MG, MOM NMI �a :, ,... . � ®�� ® ®■� ®® mom am, ®ate ,„ ,,, so �- sue■ ®�- �e ®���������■�® ■�® ®s�■� ® ® -� -�® ®■moo ®® Ms Total Levy - Year ? ? ?? 1,941,200 (1) Future costs associated with the sanitary sewer will include extensive street reconstruction on the following streets: 124th St, 125th St, Blanca Ave W, 128th St, Bolivia Ave, 130th St W, Biscayne Ave, Bengal Ave, 129th St W. CR 38, 132nd Court and Bonnaire Path. Costs and funding are not available at this time. (2) Other funding for County Road 33 project from County share of project and City of Apple Valley share of project. (3) Other funding for Boulder Avenue extension will come from a Port Authority bond issue. (4) Rehab areas include (1) 124th Ct. - Akron to West End; (2) Doyle Path — Courthouse Blvd. to South End; (3) Delta - Connemara to Dearborn Path; (4) Dearborn Path - West End to Shannon Pkwy.; (5) Dane - Dearborn Path to North End; (6) Dartmouth Path - Delta to Dane; (7) Daytona Way - Dartmouth Path to Dallas; (8) Dander CL - Shannon Pkwy to West End; (9) Danville - 160th to Upper 156th