HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. Approve Resolution of Support for LCDA Grant ApplicationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 17, 2003 AGENDA: APPROVE RESOLUTON OF SUPPORT FOR LCDA OPPORTUNITY GRANT AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADME AGEND IF M FM 6 ATTACHMENTS: RESOLUTION, GRANT APPLICATION APPROVED BY: V The Port Authority has reviewed the grant application and recommended the City Council approve a resolution of support. City Council reviewed the details of the Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) Grant for the City of Rosemount. The attached resolution demonstrates the City Council's unanimous agreement to request funds of $50,000 within this program and assigns the City Administrator as the authority to execute any agreements necessary. Staff recommends approval of this resolution of support for the LCDA Opportunity Grant RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR AN OPPORTUNITY GRANT THROUGH THE LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2003 -- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION OR AN OPPORTUNITY GRANT THROUGH THE LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentives Program for 2003 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to make application for funds under the Livable Communities Demonstration Account; and WHEREAS, the City has identified a proposed project within the City that meets the Demonstration Account's purpose /s and criteria; and WHEREAS, the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHEREAS, the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the contract agreements; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota agrees to act as legal sponsor for the project contained in the opportunity grant application submitted on June 2, 2003; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized to apply to the Metropolitan Council for this funding on behalf of the City of Rosemount and to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. ADOPTED this 17th day of June 2003, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk RESOLUTION 2003 ........... CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 17th day of June, 2003, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against:_ Member absent: Second by: 2 Office Use LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT OPPORTUNITY GRANT APPLICATION FORM 2003 Instructions: Submit form and attachments by 4:30 p.m, on June 2, 2003 Use font size 11. Use of bulleted lists is encouraged. Do not attach a coversheet or use any graphic images on top of the application form. Limit application to 5 pages plus attachments, for a total of 8 pages. Proiect Information: Project Name: Rosemount Downtown Redevelopment Applicant (Governmental Unit): City of Rosemount Project Location (city): Rosemount Address (street boundaries or Major intersection): Downtown Rosemount is generally described as the area east and west of Highway 3 S. Robert Trail and between 143 Street and CSAH 42 Primary Project Contact: Name: Title: Jamie Verbrugge City Administrator Address: 2875 145 West, Rosemount MN 55068 Phone: 651- 322 -2006 Fax: 651 - 423 -4424 E- mail: 'amie.verbru ci.rosemount.mn.us Authorized official(s) - (names and titles for contract execution) William H. Droste, Mayor Linda Jentink, City Clerk Project Summary In the space provided, summarize the issues you will address and your objectives and plans for the subject site. Downtown Rosemount redevelopment aims to revitalize the historic heart of Rosemount as the community continues to make a transition from a rural town center to a suburb in the southern Twin Cities metropolitan area. Where many communities are working to create a downtown, Rosemount has the distinct advantage of having an existing downtown. Recent successful development of large retail projects along County Road 42 has contributed to commercial disinvestment and disinterest in Downtown Rosemount, and challenges the traditional role of the downtown district. Redevelopment of Downtown Rosemount seeks to establish a new market position and refocus the growing community on its downtown as a place for civic gatherings, shopping, and living. A redevelopment plan was drafted with the assistance of a planning consultant in 2002 however it was never adopted by the past Council. The analysis and recommendations in that plan are, for the most part, still valid. The new City Council and Port Authority will be revisiting the plan, involving the community, and revising the framework to reflect current market conditions and community concerns. The overall goals for the redevelopment can be summarized as follows: • Make Downtown Rosemount an economically viable place to do business and a vital place to shop and live. • Create new opportunities for private investment. • Improve the physical environment of downtown, including consistent site plans and quality structures, to promote economic success and express civic identity and pride. • Raise the property tax value of downtown properties. The LCDA Opportunity Grant will help the City of Rosemount use a community based planning approach to revise and finalize a draft redevelopment vision that had community involvement but not investment. 1. Project Funding Request and Timeline (Limit one page, landscape layout) Fill in the following table, listing specific project tasks in priority order, requested amount of funds, timeline and responsible persons, including consultants — indicate who will be doing the work or person(s) you propose to do the work. Note: Awards must be matched by a 1:1 local contribution, which can include in -kind and other contributions. ?;,. F F.4R � , 1�F � ii^ A+c � }} wF •:. '�4•�.. ,,;_: `p �h' '. W Y':'. stn a EIz ble T „ �.... 1 Citizens Advisory Committee Citizen review process of • Consultant (not yet f acilitator redevelopment framework and selected) August 2003 November `03 $12,500 City funds c ommunity investment in final . City Administrator v ision for Downtown 2 Design Standards Development of design • Consultant s tandards for Downtown area . Comm. Dev. Director December 2003 April 2004' $10,000 City funds 3 Redevelopment Project rovide expertise in successfully • Mark Ruff, Ehlers & M anagement Consultant implementing redevelopment Associates Ongoing $7,500 City funds strategies, developer solicitation, n egotiating development agreements, and documentation 4 Commercial/Residential Market Demonstrate market feasibility • Consultant Study Update of redevelopment plan (previously used September 2003 October `03 $2,500 City funds Maxfield Research) • Comm. Dev. Director 5 Communications Plan Develop effective strategy for • Communications c ommunicating need and proses Consultant August 2003 December `03 $2,500 City funds t o residents and businesses 6 Property qualification Inspections report qualifying • Consultant (RFP inspections properties for a TIF responses due June 4) June 18, 2003 September `03 $15,000 City funds [R edevelopment District • City Administrator TOTAL: $50,000 2. Project Status (start new page) A. Please check (X) the following if it will be needed, is underway or is completed, and briefly provide additional information as noted. If not applicable, place a `NA' in the box. Will be Needed Underway Completed X Master plans Comprehensive plan amendment. The Rosemount 2020 Comprehensive Plan Market studies X • contains a framework of policies in support of redeveloping the downtown commercial area. The policies support new and mixed uses as well as medium and high density housing to reinvigorate the traditional downtown area. Zoning changes and variances. Zoning amendments have been adopted to create tools for redevelopment. Much of the Downtown Commercial District is • included in an overlay district that permits mixed and multiple family residential uses with a conditional use permit process. B. Please check (X) the following if it will be developed or is already underway. If not applicable, place a `NA' in the box. If underway, state anticipated date of completion in the box. Will be Developed Underwa X Master plans X Market studies X Design standards 3. Planned Outcomes of Project A. Describe plans or potential to address issues regarding infrastructure, land use, housing choices and natural resources for the project location. Be concise, keeping responses to 10 lines for each question. 3a. Describe the existing land use. Downtown Rosemount is a small commercial district located along South Robert Describe plans for or the Trail (Hwy 3). Nearly all the commercial uses front on Hwy 3 or 145"' Street W. project's potential to use or Over 60 businesses are located in Downtown Rosemount. The historic nature of enhance existing Downtown is likely to continue to be represented by the feed mill and elevator on infrastructure, buildings, the south end of Downtown, adjacent to the railroad tracks. The existing road facilities or development system is laid out in a manner conducive to commercial development, with Hwy 3 centers. just completing an attractive redesign that enhances pedestrian friendly access. Nearby Central Park should be accentuated and more prominent access provided. 3b. Describe plans for or the The recent upgrade of Hwy 3 added safer and more attractive pedestrian walkways project's potential for more fronting the commercial properties. Downtown Rosemount currently enjoys a connected or walkable places relative ease of movement for non - vehicular traffic. Both redevelopment and the (e.g. street connections, City's Sidewalk and Trail Improvement Plan will encourage, connectivity within pedestrian walkways, the Downtown area and between adjacent neighborhoods. enhancing development centers, connecting to adjacent development). 3c. Describe plans for or the A concept framework plan in the 2002 document identified a healthy potential mix project's potential to balance of new commercial uses such as professional office space, retail, hotel/motel, residential, commercial, medical services and hospitality; new medium - density residential to complement workplace, and public /green existing and new high- density residential; enhancement of historical `old town" spaces within and adjacent to elements; and possible inclusion of a public library to the downtown district. The the site. intent of such a balance is to create a "lifestyle center" where residents; employees, and shoppers can live, work, and recreate. 3d. Describe plans for or the The City of Rosemount is served by the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority project's potential to link (MVTA). MVTA does not have a transit station in Rosemount, although there is a proposed development and transit stop near the downtown district. The City is interested in expanding its provide pedestrian transit connectivity from the downtown district to the Apple Valley, Burnsville and connections to existing or Eagan transit stations. In terms of pedestrian and other non - motorized modes, the planned future transit. City is attempting to enhance the connectivity of neighborhoods to parks and amenities through implementation of the Sidewalk and Trail Improvement Plan. 3e. Describe plans for or the The City of Rosemount has partnered in the past with the Dakota County project's potential to expand Community Development Agency (CDA) to provide housing opportunities. The housing choices in the site City and CDA are actively discussing future development possibilities for life - area or adjacent to it. cycle and affordable units. The Downtown framework provides opportunities for both medium and high density residential development. In addition to the Downtown Rosemount redevelopment area, City and CDA staff are evaluating opportunities on vacant parcels adjacent to the north and south ends of the district. 3f. Describe plans for or the Much of the downtown area has existing impervious surfaces. Although project's potential to consider commercial and residential development in the district is likely to be of an urban the natural environment (e.g. type, the City will actively pursue development proposals that include green space restoration of natural and water features that control and manage stormwater runoff. The presence of resources, reduction in Central Park in such close proximity to Downtown Rosemount provides significant impervious surfaces, natural environs for passive and active recreation. The City is currently finalizing management of stormwater). its Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan that utilizes ponding capacity in Central Park for downtown stormwater. 4. Community Participation, Support and Partnerships (start new page) A. Describe the local political The Rosemount Port Authority retained URS in 2001 -2002 to prepare a Downtown and/or community Rosemount Redevelopment Plan, however the plan was never adopted by the commitment in supporting previous City Council. The 5- member 2003 -2004 City Council includes 4 newly this project (e.g. city council elected members. The City Council has just adopted Downtown Redevelopment initiatives or actions, as one of its priority goals for 2003 -2004, directing staff to create a citizens community initiatives or advisory committee. The citizens committee (to be appointed in July) will revisit participation). Describe any the draft plan, evaluate current market conditions, again solicit community input public participation processes and involve the business community, and make a recommendation to the Port (of residents, businesspersons Authority and City Council. The City's CIP includes $500,000 in both 2004 and and others) in developing the 2005 for redevelopment. The Council is committed to demonstrating progress. P roposal. mechanism and qualifying TIF district, and seek opportunities to acquire property B. Describe the plans for or the The City will aggressively solicit private development interest in Downtown project's potential for public- Rosemount. In addition to partnering with private developers for new commercial private partnerships to and housing opportunities, the City is currently evaluating several sites within or implement this project. adjacent to the downtown district for a mixed -use development to possibly include consistent with city goals). a Dakota County public library, Dakota County CDA housing development, and retail. The intent is to create public gathering places and residential communities exci ted r the futur that will drive private new commercial investment and reinvestment by existing business owners. 5. Other Evaluation Criteria A. Replicability — Describe plans The goals for downtown redevelopment are not necessarily replicable in other or potential for the project's areas of the community because of the unique historical character of downtown key components or processes and the functionality of the area as a business and gathering space. However, the to be implemented elsewhere example of creating mixed use development that provides complementary life in your community. activities such as housing, retail, and leisure activity has the potential for a number of locations adjacent to the downtown district. These adjacent areas benefit from high traffic on Highway 3 and County Road 42, as well as traffic to and from existing commercial areas, public schools, and the community center. B. Timeliness — Describe any The City is aggressively proceeding with the necessary steps to finalize a issues related to timeliness of redevelopment framework, solicit developer interest, establish a stable funding the opportunity to accomplish mechanism and qualifying TIF district, and seek opportunities to acquire property this project (e.g. moving or where willing sellers exist. There are several businesses that recognize the future closing of businesses in the vision of Downtown Rosemount may not be compatible with their type of site area, timely opportunity business, and have expressed interest in working with the City for acquisition and to direct development relocation. Additionally, there are several single - family residential properties that consistent with city goals). are not likely to remain in the future plan and may be ready for acquisition. The community is eager for redevelopment to occur and the City Council is exci ted r the futur City of Rosemount Downtown Regional Infrastructure and 2020 Planned Land Use n Sewer Interceptor Lift Stations Gravity Sewer Force Main Sewer Principal Arterial A Minor Augmentor A Minor Reliever A Minor Expander A Minor Connector ` B Minor Major Collector Minor Collector P Park and Ride Lots �---� Railroads x — Bus Routes Airports in the Regional System Agricultural Rural Residential Single Family Residential - Multi - Family Residential ® Commercial Industrial - Mixed Use - Single Units - Multiple Uses - Several Units ® Institutional - Park and Recreation Open Space: Restricted Use Open Water 5/29/03 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,0Q_0 Inappropriate House Needs Stronger Entry Statement, C Attractive .: Park _ . Landmark Church and School 3 w ry� - Cl 777 f, New Streetscape Enhancements f <, City Hall o ' 04" Two Drive Lanes with Turn Lane Parking In Rear,; ' Center Y Ga Station Comer Commercial Mail Comer FM Degrades Anchors -• :?`. c Sight Distance Problem.. -. Attractive Edge . - t4snsereetwsa n `r h ( American Legion Attractive Neighborhood ea�v; r K . e,, : , .. ,. Railroad <Barcler Old Sidewalk m., _k A �> 4c ��ft m - - - Acceptable °Site Plan, Functional Obsolescence �•' * ' Outdated Architecture Poorlmage, " Signage _. ' • Poor Site Plan and uanstnetwest n Isolated Single- Family Housing, t Physical and Economic Obsolescence Ln r1471hsto1west Farm Service Buildings Frontage Road P � !� . , �:_ � and Agriculture- Related Businesses Open Storage Yard • ' Physical and Economic Creates Unattractive s Obsolescence Frontage e n Rural Section, = Undefined and Unsafe Ditch and No Sidewalk FIMI Access to Parking � f i Lack of Entry i Existing Conditions Analysis Narrow Land Parcel �I Supportive Housing 42 Supportive Commercial Buildings Link to County Road Fy ryr ' Attractive Commerc ial " Development Site URS E r _ THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. CITY RESOLUTION SUPPORTING LCDA OPPORTUNITY GRANT APPLICATION TO BE SUBMITTED ON OR ABOUT JUNE 18, 2003