HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of April 10, 2003 Committee of the Whole4 ITEM# 6 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 10, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Committee of the Whole Work Session was held on Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste and Council Members Riley, DeBettignies, Shoe - Corrigan, and Strayton were present. Also in attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Community Development Director Parsons, Human Resource /Communication Coordinator Graff, Finance Director May and Parks & Recreation Director Schultz. AMM Legislative Update Gene Ranieri and Roger Peterson, representing the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, discussed recent legislative activities and AMM legislative positions. Ranieri and Peterson indicated that all of the caucuses are proposing to limit impacts to cities as a result of proposed aid cuts. Levy limits, bonded indebtedness, and reverse referenda are all issues of concern to cities. Ranieri stated that a bill to allow cities to use alternate forms of publication for public notices was still alive in the House, although it had not cleared Senate committee. Tax increment financing bills are expected soon, Ranieri said. Transportation is a major issue this session. Ranieri also said it appears the wage freeze for all public employees is dead, although it may still occur for state employees. Ranieri and Peterson said they would keep all metro cities informed of the many changes and developments in the final weeks of the session. 2003 Resident Survey City Administrator Verbrugge explained the purpose for conducting a resident survey. He indicated that the survey was a good way to measure the Council's goals against the perceptions and attitudes of the residents. He and Human Resources /Communications Coordinator Graff explained the statistical sample and how the random survey would be conducted by telephone. Council member DeBettignies suggested there were other methods of surveying the community. Council members discussed other survey methods and how to gather information from the community. The City Council directed staff to prepare a resident survey through Decision Resources Ltd. Staff will bring a draft survey document back to the Council for final review before having the Council authorize the survey. Park Dedication — Commercial /Industrial Staff updated the Council on the recommendation made by the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding increasing land requirements for Commercial and Industrial Park Dedication. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended increasing the commercial and industrial park dedication amounts from 5% to 10% of the subdivision. The dedication amounts are reviewed annually. Based on the growth of our community, increased need for recreational facilities and what can be considered to be a reasonable dedication amount, the Parks and Recreation Commission felt that the City was not collecting enough parks dedication from commercial and industrial subdivisions to fully develop the City's park system. Schultz referred to a survey that identifies what other cities are collecting for parks dedication for commercial and 1 11. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 10, 2003 industrial subdivisions. The Council questioned possible impacts to new businesses and staff indicated that it is part of doing business and that they do create an increased need for recreational facilities. Schultz also mentioned that once the land subdivides, the City needs to act as per our subdivision ordinance to collect the land or fee. The subdivision use might change, but it is difficult to go back and try to get the dedication fee or land. Schultz also updated the Council on the Commission's recommendation to include language in the subdivision ordinance to require parks dedication for subdivisions not currently covered by our subdivision ordinance. Public and institutional uses are two such subdivision types that would most likely not provide parks dedication with our current ordinance. Schultz commented that he had contacted City Attorney Charlie LeFevere and asked his opinion regarding parks dedication for developments that are not considered residential, commercial, or industrial. Mr. LeFevere agreed with staff's understanding of our ability to collect dedication on these types of developments. Schultz informed the Council that these developments in most cases will cause a need for parks and recreation facilities and are eligible to provide parks dedication. As mentioned earlier by Schultz, once a property is subdivided it most likely will not be eligible for parks dedication in the future. Schultz also reminded the Council that they have the ability to look at each subdivision on an individual basis and adjust the amount of dedication based on the specific characteristics of the proposed subdivision. The Council felt both of these items were justified and supported staff moving forward on amending the subdivision ordinance. User Fee Analysis Study Council and staff continued discussion on the fee study that occurred at the March 13th meeting. Council directed staff to finalize all parts of the study and bring an amended fee resolution to them in June for a July 1 st implementation for the proposed changes. Pavement Management System Ron Bray with WSB presented to Council a proposal to prepare a pavement management system utilizing ICON software developed by Goodpointe. The development of a pavement management system utilizing this software will allow Council and Staff to make informed decisions with regards to the allocation of funds to maintain and reconstruct streets within the City. Proclamation of Support — National Guard Mayor Droste said that he had received a request for the City Council to consider a proclamation supporting the local National Guard unit and local service men and women participating in the Iraqi war. The City Council agreed this was a good idea and directed Staff to prepare a proclamation for the April 17 City Council meeting. UPDATES Emergency Management Plan Staff will be preparing a policy document for future review. 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 10, 2003 Highway 3 Project Schedule Staff provided Council with a verbal update of the TH 3 project schedule. The Contractor plans to begin miscellaneous work the week of April 14` with the major work, including a detour to begin May 5 The completion date for the project is June 15"'. 2003 Goals City Administrator Verbrugge stated that the City Council was having a special meeting on Saturday, April 12 to further discuss the City Council's goals for 2003 -2004. He indicated that Staff was preparing information to present regarding staff - initiated projects for Council review. He said the first portion of the meeting would be dedicated to finalizing the Council's goals and the remainder of the meeting discussing Staff projects and issues. Executive Session The executive session was called to strategize for the negotiations with the City's AFSCME union. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Linda Jentink The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2003 -14. 3