HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Citu Council Goals 2003 - 2004r` r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:. I MAY 6, 2003 AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL GOALS 2003 -2004 AGENDA SECTION: DEPT HEAD REPORTS /BUS. PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGEN b ATTACHMENTS: GOALS DOCUMENT APPROVED BY: The City Council held special meetings with City department heads on Friday and Saturday, March 14 and 15, and again on Saturday, April 12. The purpose of these special meetings was to establish goals and work plans for 2003 -2004. Using the Carver Governance Model emphasizing the role of City Council as a policy and legislative body, the City Council focused primarily on large issues facing the community immediately and in the future. Issues were agreed upon, goals identified, and expectations for results, benchmarks, and timelines established. The issues identified by the City Council have been included in the attached goals document. In addition to these important policy topics, the department heads identified a number of key projects and critical issues that will require significant policy direction and staff time to achieve in the next several years. The purpose of including the Staff initiated issues in the Council goals discussion was to recognize that the City's financial resources and human resources are a finite set of tools. In order to achieve the Council - directed goals and Staff - initiated goals, and still perform the day -to -day operations of the City at the high level of service being provided today, it is important to acknowledge competing resources, identify priorities, and set clear expectations for when issues will be addressed and accomplished. Included for Council review are the Council- directed goals. The recommended motion is to adopt these goals. By adopting these goals, the City Council is agreeing that these issues represent the priorities of the Council. The City Council will measure the performance of the City Administrator and department heads through the pursuit of these goals in a manner that is timely and consistent with Council direction. Once the Council goals are agreed upon, the Staff - initiated goals and projects will be added to the City Council document and a more presentable comprehensive Goals and Work Program will be created for public review and dissemination. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT THE ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL GOALS 2003 -2004. COUNCIL ACTION: M THE ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL 2003 —2004 GOALS Today's Goals For Tomorrow's Community May 2003 City of Rosemount 2875 — 145 Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -4997 (651) 423 -4411 ISSUE: FISCALLY HEALTHY CITY GOAL: Rosemount is Fiscally Healthy in 2005 RESULTS: 1.- Increase tax base 2. Tax rate comparable/ reasonable 3. Service levels of 2003 are maintained 4. Fund balance maintained at 50% 5. A 1 bond Rating Maintained 6. Continued high capital rate 7. Citizen Survey reflects a positive attitude toward taxation POLICY: TIME FRAME: Fund Balance Policy Long -term ISSUE: DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT GOAL: 1. Generate input and involvement 2. Create citizen commission on a specific downtown plan and demonstrate progress RESULTS: 1. Plan that was not accepted is revisited and revised 2. 2003 — 2005 actions plan adopted 3. Using communication plan, citizens are educate 4. Financial blueprint describes how to pay for it 5. Business community is engaged POLICY: TIF /funding objectives Redevelopment Plan TIME FRAME: Progressive 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 1 ISSUE: ATHLETIC COMPLEX GOAL: Proactive Approach to Land Identification and Acquisition per Parks Master Plan RESULTS: Identified land parcel Have a fiscally responsible purchase plan BENCHMARKS: Work with land owners Discuss land options Explore options for purchase: referendum, donation, community trust fund, etc. TIME FRAME: Intermediate -term ISSUE: LIBRARY GOAL: 1. Prepare site options by March 31, 2003 for Committee Review 2. Complete Land Acquisition by December 31, 2003 3. Determine if mixed -use development is an option RESULTS: All sites meet County Library Board requirements City is comfortable with final site the County chooses The purchase has a reasonable plan for financing TIME FRAME: Short-term ISSUE: POWER PLANT PROPOSAL / REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION LEGISLATION GOAL: Council Creates a Resolution and Policies that Support that Resolution RESULTS: Citizens Educated and Informed Rely on our Plan Host Agreement TIME FRAME: Short-term 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 2 ISSUE: COMMUNITY EVENTS l GOAL: Clear understanding of the City's role and responsibilities relating to community events RESULTS: 1. Identify community events 2. Review other cities' models 3. Explore separate funding / foundation 4. Articles of organization and bylaws 5. Fiscal accounting of events is clear 6. Maximize citizen involvement TIME FRAME: Short-term ISSUE: LACK OF DIVERSITY IN RESTAURANT OPTIONS GOAL: Attract full - service family restaurant RESULTS: 1. Identify council approved sites through comp plan and staff research 2. Marketing attraction plan a. Partner with development community for site preparation TIME FRAME: Short-term ISSUE: CITY ORDINANCES CITY REVIEW GOAL: Identify / prioritize ordinances that require updating or revisiting RESULTS: 1. Identify ordinances for review 2. Prioritize and schedule 3. Educate and seek input 4. Identify -firm cost / budget for code rewrite TIME FRAME: Progressive 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 3 ISSUE: NEED TO EDUCATE NEW CITY COUNCIL AND REVIEW CURRENT LAND USE ZONING GOAL: Review /reassess comp guide RESULTS: Identify key issues and address them (may mean amendment or just provide council direction to staff). Educate property owners TIMEFRAME: Long -term / Progressive (Fall /Winter '03) ISSUE:, COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CENTER (SENIOR AND /OR YOUTH) GOAL: Identify need. RESULTS: 1. Partner with community groups. 2. Research similar cities and see what they do. 3. Communicate with citizens at both the beginning and the end of the process. TIMEFRAME: Long -term ISSUE: COMMUNICATIONS GOAL: Actively engage the community and increase resident and business awareness through a communication plan. RESULTS: 1. Build strong connection to business. 2. Identify spokesperson. 3. Communication packet for new residents. TIMEFRAME: Short-term / Progressive ISSUE: MARKETING GOAL: Enhance the image and promote Rosemount. RESULTS: All encompassing marketing plan. TIMEFRAME: Progressive 2003 -2004 Work Plan 5/01/03 Page 4